Java tutorial
// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc. // Licensed under the terms of the Apache license. Please see file distributed with this work for terms. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; /** * An implementation of {@link Availability} which describes a union of source availabilities, filtered by required * metrics and then intersected on time available for required columns. * <p> * For example, with three source availabilities with the following metric availability: * <pre> * {@code * Source Availability 1: * +---------------+ * | metric1 | * +---------------+ * | [2017/2018] | * +---------------+ * * Source Availability 2: * +------------------+ * | metric2 | * +------------------+ * | [2016/2017-03] | * +------------------+ * * Source Availability 3: * +-----------+ * | metric3 | * +-----------+ * | None | * +-----------+ * } * </pre> * * Then the available intervals for the following sets of metrics required by a constraint are: * <pre> * +----------------------+------------------+ * | Requested metrics | Available | * +----------------------+------------------+ * | [metric1] | [2017/2018] | * +----------------------+------------------+ * | [metric2] | [2016/2017-03] | * +----------------------+------------------+ * | [metric1, metric2] | [2017/2018] | * +----------------------+------------------+ * | [metric1, metric3] | [] | * +-------------------+---------------------+ * </pre> */ public class MetricUnionAvailability extends BaseCompositeAvailability implements Availability { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetricUnionAvailability.class); private final Set<String> metricNames; private final Map<Availability, Set<String>> availabilitiesToMetricNames; /** * Constructor. * * @param physicalTables A set of <tt>PhysicalTable</tt>s whose dimension schemas are (typically) the same and * Metric columns are unique(i.e. no overlap) on every table * @param columns The set of all configured columns, including dimension columns, that metric union availability * will respond with */ public MetricUnionAvailability(@NotNull Set<PhysicalTable> physicalTables, @NotNull Set<Column> columns) { super(; metricNames = Utils.getSubsetByType(columns, MetricColumn.class).stream().map(MetricColumn::getName) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Construct a map of availability to its assigned metric // by intersecting its underlying datasource metrics with table configured metrics availabilitiesToMetricNames = .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), availability -> Sets .intersection(availability.getAllAvailableIntervals().keySet(), metricNames))); // validate metric uniqueness such that // each table's underlying datasource schema don't have repeated metric column if (!isMetricUnique(availabilitiesToMetricNames)) { String message = String.format( "Metric columns must be unique across the metric union data sources, but duplicate was found " + "across the following data sources: %s", getDataSourceNames().stream().map(TableName::asName).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))); LOG.error(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } @Override public SimplifiedIntervalList getAvailableIntervals(PhysicalDataSourceConstraint constraint) { Set<String> dataSourceMetricNames = availabilitiesToMetricNames.values().stream().flatMap(Set::stream) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); // If the table is configured with a column that is not supported by the underlying data sources if (!constraint.getMetricNames().stream().allMatch(dataSourceMetricNames::contains)) { return new SimplifiedIntervalList(); } return constructSubConstraint(constraint).entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> entry.getKey().getAvailableIntervals(entry.getValue())) .reduce(SimplifiedIntervalList::intersect).orElse(new SimplifiedIntervalList()); } /** * Validates whether the metric columns are unique across each of the underlying datasource. * * @param availabilityToMetricNames A map from <tt>Availability</tt> to set of <tt>MetricColumn</tt> * contained in that <tt>Availability</tt> * * @return true if metric is unique across data sources, false otherwise */ private static boolean isMetricUnique(Map<Availability, Set<String>> availabilityToMetricNames) { Set<String> uniqueMetrics = new HashSet<>(); return availabilityToMetricNames.values().stream().flatMap(Set::stream).allMatch(uniqueMetrics::add); } /** * Given a <tt>DataSourceConstraint</tt> - DSC1, construct a map from each availability, A, in this MetricUnion to * its <tt>DataSourceConstraint</tt>, DSC2. * <p> * DSC2 is constructed as the intersection of metric columns between DSC1 and * A's available metric columns. There are cases in which the intersection is empty; this method filters out * map entries that maps to <tt>DataSourceConstraint</tt> with empty set of metric names. * * @param constraint The data constraint whose contained metric columns will be intersected with availabilities' * metric columns * * @return A map from <tt>Availability</tt> to <tt>DataSourceConstraint</tt> with non-empty metric names */ private Map<Availability, PhysicalDataSourceConstraint> constructSubConstraint( PhysicalDataSourceConstraint constraint) { return availabilitiesToMetricNames.entrySet().stream() .map(entry -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(entry.getKey(), constraint.withMetricIntersection(entry.getValue()))) .filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().getMetricNames().isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "MetricUnionAvailability with data source names: [%s] and Configured metric columns: [%s]", getDataSourceNames().stream().map(TableName::asName).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")),", "))); } }