Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser; import; import; import; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.literal.F32Literal; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.literal.F64Literal; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.literal.I32Literal; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.literal.I64Literal; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.literal.Literal; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.op.BinaryOp; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.op.HostOp; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.op.UnaryOp; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.type.Index; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.type.Name; import com.wrmsr.wava.core.type.Type; import com.wrmsr.wava.util.Cell; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YBinary; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YBlock; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YBreak; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YCallDirect; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YCallImport; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YCallIndirect; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YConst; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YExpression; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YGetLocal; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YHost; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YIf; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YLoad; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YLoop; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YNop; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YReturn; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YSelect; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YSetLocal; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YStore; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YSwitch; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YUnary; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.expression.YUnreachable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.element.Element; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.element.ListElement; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.element.StringElement; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.types.NamedFunctionType; import com.wrmsr.wava.yen.types.Sig; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Stack; import; import static; import static; import static com.wrmsr.wava.util.collect.MoreCollectors.toImmutableList; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.BLOCK; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.BR_IF; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.CALL; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.CALL_IMPORT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.CALL_INDIRECT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.ELSE; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.EXPORT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.FUNC; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.IMPORT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.INFINITY_; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.LOCAL; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.MEMORY; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.NAN_; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.NEG_INFINITY; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.NEG_NAN; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.PARAM; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.RESULT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.SEGMENT; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.START; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.TABLE; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.THEN; import static com.wrmsr.wava.yen.parser.Strings.TYPE; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; public class ModuleFactory { private final ListElement root; private final ModuleBuilder builder; private final List<Name> functionNames; private int functionCounter; private int importCounter; private final Map<Name, Type> functionTypes; // we need to know function return types before we parse their contents public ModuleFactory(Element root) { checkArgument(root instanceof ListElement); this.root = requireNonNull((ListElement) root); builder = new ModuleBuilder(); functionNames = new ArrayList<>(); functionTypes = new HashMap<>(); } public YModule create() { functionCounter = 0; for (Element e : Iterables.skip(root, 1)) { ListElement le = (ListElement) e; preParseFunctionType(le); preParseImports(le); } functionCounter = 0; for (Element e : Iterables.skip(root, 1)) { ListElement le = (ListElement) e; parseModuleElement(le); } return; } private void preParseFunctionType(ListElement s) { String id = s.get(0).string(); if (id.equals(TYPE)) { parseFunctionType(s); return; } if (!id.equals(FUNC)) { return; } int i = 1; Name name; if (s.get(i) instanceof StringElement) { name = Name.of(s.get(i).string()); i++; } else { // unnamed, use an index name = Name.of(functionCounter); } functionNames.add(name); functionCounter++; for (; i < s.size(); i++) { ListElement curr = (ListElement) s.get(i); String id_ = curr.get(0).string(); if (id_.equals(RESULT)) { functionTypes.put(name, Type.of(curr.get(1).string())); return; } else if (id_.equals(TYPE)) { Name typeName = Name.of(curr.get(1).string()); if (!builder.checkFunctionType(typeName).isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } NamedFunctionType type = builder.getFunctionType(typeName); functionTypes.put(name, type.getResult()); return; } } functionTypes.put(name, Type.NONE); } private void preParseImports(ListElement curr) { String id = curr.get(0).string(); if (id.equals(IMPORT)) { parseImport(curr); } } private void parseImport(ListElement s) { Name name; Name module; Name base; // name = module.base int i = 1; if (s.size() > 3 && s.get(3) instanceof StringElement) { name = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); } else { name = Name.of(importCounter); } importCounter++; module = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); if (!(s.get(i) instanceof StringElement)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } base = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); /* FunctionType type; if (s.size() > i) { Element& params = *s[i]; IString id = params[0]->str(); if (id == PARAM) { for (size_t i = 1; i < params.size(); i++) { type.params.push_back(stringToWasmType(params[i]->str())); } } else if (id == RESULT) { type.result = stringToWasmType(params[1]->str()); } else if (id == TYPE) { IString name = params[1]->str(); if (!wasm.checkFunctionType(name)) onError(); type = *wasm.getFunctionType(name); } else { onError(); } if (s.size() > i+1) { Element& result = *s[i+1]; assert(result[0]->str() == RESULT); type.result = stringToWasmType(result[1]->str()); } } */ // FIXME ew NamedFunctionType type = new NamedFunctionType(Optional.empty(), Type.NONE, ImmutableList.of()); if (s.size() > i) { ListElement params = (ListElement) s.get(i); String id = params.get(0).string(); if (id.equals(PARAM)) { ImmutableList.Builder<Type> b = ImmutableList.builder(); b.addAll(type.getParams()); for (int j = 1; j < params.size(); j++) { b.add(Type.of(params.get(j).string())); } type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), type.getResult(),; } else if (id.equals(RESULT)) { type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), Type.of(params.get(1).string()), type.getParams()); } else if (id.equals(TYPE)) { Name name_ = Name.of(params.get(1).string()); if (!builder.checkFunctionType(name_).isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } type = builder.getFunctionType(name_); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (s.size() > i + 1) { ListElement result = (ListElement) s.get(i + 1); checkState(result.get(0).string().equals(RESULT)); type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), Type.of(result.get(1).string()), type.getParams()); } } type = builder.ensureFunctionType(Sig.of(type)); YImport im = new YImport(Optional.of(name), module, base, type); builder.addImport(im); } private void parseFunctionType(ListElement s) { int i = 1; Optional<Name> name = Optional.empty(); Element first = s.get(i); if (first instanceof StringElement) { name = Optional.of(Name.of(first.string())); i++; } Type result = Type.NONE; List<Type> params = new ArrayList<>(); for (Element e : Iterables.skip(s.get(i).list(), 1)) { ListElement curr = (ListElement) e; String str = curr.get(0).string(); if (str.equals(PARAM)) { for (int j = 1; j < curr.size(); j++) { params.add(Type.of(curr.get(j).string())); } } else if (str.equals(RESULT)) { result = Type.of(curr.get(1).string()); } } NamedFunctionType ft = new NamedFunctionType(name, result, params); builder.addFunctionType(ft); } private void parseModuleElement(ListElement curr) { String id = curr.get(0).string(); switch (id) { case START: parseStart(curr); return; case FUNC: parseFunction(curr); return; case MEMORY: parseMemory(curr); return; case EXPORT: parseExport(curr); return; case IMPORT: return; // already done case TABLE: parseTable(curr); return; case TYPE: return; // already done default: throw new IllegalStateException(id); } } // function parsing state @Nullable private YFunction currFunction; // FIXME prob FunctionBuilder private Map<Name, Type> currLocalTypes = new HashMap<>(); private int localIndex; // params and vars private int otherIndex; private Stack<Name> labelStack = new Stack<>(); private Name getPrefixedName(String prefix) { return Name.of(prefix + Integer.toString(otherIndex++)); } private Name getFunctionName(StringElement s) { if (s.isDollared()) { return Name.of(s.getString()); } else { // index int offset = Integer.parseInt(s.getString()); if (offset >= functionNames.size()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return functionNames.get(offset); } } private void parseStart(ListElement s) { builder.addStart(getFunctionName((StringElement) s.get(1))); } private void parseFunction(ListElement s) { int i = 1; Name name; if (s.get(i) instanceof StringElement) { name = Name.of(s.get(i).string()); i++; } else { // unnamed, use an index name = Name.of(functionCounter); } functionCounter++; YExpression body = null; localIndex = 0; otherIndex = 0; final List<NameType> typeParams = new ArrayList<>(); // we may have both params and a type. store the type info here final List<NameType> params = new ArrayList<>(); final List<NameType> vars = new ArrayList<>(); final Cell<Type> result = Cell.of(Type.NONE); Optional<Name> type = Optional.empty(); YBlock autoYBlock = null; // we may need to add a block for the very top level Runnable makeFunction = () -> { currFunction = new Builder(builder).makeFunction(name, params, result.get(), vars); // result.set(Type.NONE); // FIXME ?? params.clear(); vars.clear(); }; for (; i < s.size(); i++) { ListElement curr = (ListElement) s.get(i); String id = curr.get(0).string(); if (id.equals(PARAM) || id.equals(LOCAL)) { int j = 1; while (j < curr.size()) { Name name_; Type type_ = Type.NONE; if (!((StringElement) curr.get(j)).isDollared()) { // dollared input symbols cannot be types type_ = Type.of(curr.get(j).string(), true); } if (type_ != Type.NONE) { // a type, so an unnamed parameter name_ = Name.of(localIndex); } else { name_ = Name.of(curr.get(j).string()); type_ = Type.of(curr.get(j + 1).string()); j++; } j++; if (id.equals(PARAM)) { params.add(new NameType(name_, type_)); } else { vars.add(new NameType(name_, type_)); } localIndex++; currLocalTypes.put(name_, type_); } } else if (id.equals(RESULT)) { result.set(Type.of(curr.get(1).string())); } else if (id.equals(TYPE)) { Name name_ = Name.of(curr.get(1).string()); type = Optional.of(name_); if (!builder.checkFunctionType(name_).isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } NamedFunctionType type_ = builder.getFunctionType(name_); result.set(type_.getResult()); for (int j = 0; j < type_.getParams().size(); j++) { Name name__ = Name.of(j); Type currType = type_.getParams().get(j); typeParams.add(new NameType(name__, currType)); currLocalTypes.put(name__, currType); } } else { // body if (typeParams.size() > 0 && params.size() == 0) { params.clear(); params.addAll(typeParams); } if (currFunction == null) {; } YExpression ex = parseExpression(curr); if (body == null) { body = ex; } else { if (autoYBlock == null) { autoYBlock = new YBlock(Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of(body)); } autoYBlock = new YBlock(autoYBlock.getLabel(), ImmutableList.<YExpression>builder().addAll(autoYBlock.getList()).add(ex).build()); // FIXME lol body = autoYBlock; } } } if (currFunction == null) {; body = new YNop(); } checkState(currFunction.getResult().equals(result.get())); currFunction = new YFunction(currFunction.getName(), currFunction.getResult(), currFunction.getParams(), currFunction.getVars(), type, Optional.of(body), currFunction.getLocalNames(), currFunction.getLocalIndices()); builder.addFunction(currFunction); currLocalTypes.clear(); labelStack.clear(); currFunction = null; } public static final class IllegalExpressionException extends RuntimeException { private final String op; public IllegalExpressionException(String op) { this.op = op; } public IllegalExpressionException(char[] op) { this.op = new String(op); } public String getOp() { return op; } } private static final String INSTR_PADDING ="\0", 15); private YExpression parseExpression(Element s) { String id = s.get(0).string(); String str = id; int dot = str.indexOf('.'); if (dot >= 0) { // type.operation (e.g. i32.add)k Type type = Type.of(str, false, true); // Local copy to index into op without bounds checking. char[] op = (str.substring(dot + 1) + INSTR_PADDING).toCharArray(); switch (op[0]) { case 'a': { if (op[1] == 'b') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Abs, type); } if (op[1] == 'd') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Add, type); } if (op[1] == 'n') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.And, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'c': { if (op[1] == 'e') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Ceil, type); } if (op[1] == 'l') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Clz, type); } if (op[1] == 'o') { if (op[2] == 'p') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.CopySign, type); } if (op[2] == 'n') { if (op[3] == 'v') { if (op[8] == 's') { return makeUnary(s, op[11] == '3' ? UnaryOp.ConvertSInt32 : UnaryOp.ConvertSInt64, type); } if (op[8] == 'u') { return makeUnary(s, op[11] == '3' ? UnaryOp.ConvertUInt32 : UnaryOp.ConvertUInt64, type); } } if (op[3] == 's') { return makeConst(s, type); } } } if (op[1] == 't') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Ctz, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'd': { if (op[1] == 'i') { if (op[3] == '_') { return makeBinary(s, op[4] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.DivU : BinaryOp.DivS, type); } if (op[3] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Div, type); } } if (op[1] == 'e') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.DemoteFloat64, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'e': { if (op[1] == 'q') { if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Eq, type); } if (op[2] == 'z') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.EqZ, Type.I32); } } if (op[1] == 'x') { return makeUnary(s, op[7] == 'u' ? UnaryOp.ExtendUInt32 : UnaryOp.ExtendSInt32, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'f': { if (op[1] == 'l') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Floor, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'g': { if (op[1] == 't') { if (op[2] == '_') { return makeBinary(s, op[3] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.GtU : BinaryOp.GtS, type); } if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Gt, type); } } if (op[1] == 'e') { if (op[2] == '_') { return makeBinary(s, op[3] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.GeU : BinaryOp.GeS, type); } if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Ge, type); } } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'l': { if (op[1] == 't') { if (op[2] == '_') { return makeBinary(s, op[3] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.LtU : BinaryOp.LtS, type); } if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Lt, type); } } if (op[1] == 'e') { if (op[2] == '_') { return makeBinary(s, op[3] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.LeU : BinaryOp.LeS, type); } if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Le, type); } } if (op[1] == 'o') { return makeLoad(s, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'm': { if (op[1] == 'i') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Min, type); } if (op[1] == 'a') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Max, type); } if (op[1] == 'u') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Mul, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'n': { if (op[1] == 'e') { if (op[2] == 0) { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Ne, type); } if (op[2] == 'a') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Nearest, type); } if (op[2] == 'g') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Neg, type); } } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'o': { if (op[1] == 'r') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Or, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'p': { if (op[1] == 'r') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.PromoteFloat32, type); } if (op[1] == 'o') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Popcnt, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'r': { if (op[1] == 'e') { if (op[2] == 'm') { return makeBinary(s, op[4] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.RemU : BinaryOp.RemS, type); } if (op[2] == 'i') { return makeUnary(s, type.isFloat() ? UnaryOp.ReinterpretInt : UnaryOp.ReinterpretFloat, type); } } if (op[1] == 'o' && op[2] == 't') { return makeBinary(s, op[3] == 'l' ? BinaryOp.RotL : BinaryOp.RotR, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 's': { if (op[1] == 'h') { if (op[2] == 'l') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Shl, type); } return makeBinary(s, op[4] == 'u' ? BinaryOp.ShrU : BinaryOp.ShrS, type); } if (op[1] == 'u') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Sub, type); } if (op[1] == 'q') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Sqrt, type); } if (op[1] == 't') { return makeStore(s, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 't': { if (op[1] == 'r') { if (op[6] == 's') { return makeUnary(s, op[9] == '3' ? UnaryOp.TruncSFloat32 : UnaryOp.TruncSFloat64, type); } if (op[6] == 'u') { return makeUnary(s, op[9] == '3' ? UnaryOp.TruncUFloat32 : UnaryOp.TruncUFloat64, type); } if (op[2] == 'u') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.Trunc, type); } } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'w': { if (op[1] == 'r') { return makeUnary(s, UnaryOp.WrapInt64, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } case 'x': { if (op[1] == 'o') { return makeBinary(s, BinaryOp.Xor, type); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } default: throw new IllegalExpressionException(op); } } else { // other expression char[] str_ = (str + "\0").toCharArray(); switch (str_[0]) { case 'b': { if (str_[1] == 'l') { return makeBlock(s); } if (str_[1] == 'r') { if (str_[2] == '_' && str_[3] == 't') { return makeBreakTable(s); } return makeBreak(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'c': { if (str_[1] == 'a') { if (id.equals(CALL)) { return makeCall(s); } if (id.equals(CALL_IMPORT)) { return makeCallImport(s); } if (id.equals(CALL_INDIRECT)) { return makeCallIndirect(s); } } else if (str_[1] == 'u') { return makeHost(s, HostOp.CurrentMemory); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'e': { if (str_[1] == 'l') { return makeThenOrElse(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'g': { if (str_[1] == 'e') { return makeGetLocal(s); } if (str_[1] == 'r') { return makeHost(s, HostOp.GrowMemory); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'h': { if (str_[1] == 'a') { return makeHost(s, HostOp.HasFeature); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'i': { if (str_[1] == 'f') { return makeIf(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'l': { if (str_[1] == 'o') { return makeLoop(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'n': { if (str_[1] == 'o') { return new YNop(); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'p': { if (str_[1] == 'a') { return makeHost(s, HostOp.PageSize); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 's': { if (str_[1] == 'e' && str_[2] == 't') { return makeSetLocal(s); } if (str_[1] == 'e' && str_[2] == 'l') { return makeSelect(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'r': { if (str_[1] == 'e') { return makeReturn(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 't': { if (str_[1] == 'h') { return makeThenOrElse(s); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } case 'u': { if (str_[1] == 'n') { return new YUnreachable(); } throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } default: throw new IllegalExpressionException(str); } } } private YExpression makeBinary(Element s, BinaryOp op, Type type) { return new YBinary(op, parseExpression(s.get(1)), parseExpression(s.get(2))); } private YExpression makeUnary(Element s, UnaryOp op, Type type) { return new YUnary(op, parseExpression(s.get(1)), type); } private YExpression makeSelect(Element s) { return new YSelect(parseExpression(s.get(1)), parseExpression(s.get(2)), parseExpression(s.get(3))); } private List<YExpression> parseCallOperands(Element s, int i) { return IntStream.range(i, s.size()).boxed().map(i_ -> parseExpression(s.get(i_))) .collect(toImmutableList()); } private YExpression makeHost(Element s, HostOp op) { if (op == HostOp.HasFeature) { return new YHost(op, Optional.of(Name.of(s.get(1).string())), ImmutableList.of()); } else { return new YHost(op, Optional.empty(), parseCallOperands(s, 1)); } } private Index getLocalIndex(Element s) { if (s.dollared()) { return currFunction.getLocalIndex(Name.of(s.string())); } // this is a numeric index return Index.of(Integer.parseInt(s.string())); } private YExpression makeGetLocal(Element s) { Index index = getLocalIndex(s.get(1)); Type type = currFunction.getLocalType(index); return new YGetLocal(index, type); } private YExpression makeSetLocal(Element s) { Index index = getLocalIndex(s.get(1)); YExpression value = parseExpression(s.get(2)); Type type = currFunction.getLocalType(index); return new YSetLocal(index, value, type); } private static final class MakeBlockItem { private Element element; private YBlock YBlock; public MakeBlockItem(Element element, YBlock YBlock) { this.element = element; this.YBlock = YBlock; } } private YExpression makeBlock(Element s) { // special-case Block, because Block nesting (in their first element) can be incredibly deep YBlock curr = new YBlock(Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of()); Element sp = s; Stack<MakeBlockItem> stack = new Stack<>(); while (true) { stack.push(new MakeBlockItem(sp, curr)); Element s_ = sp; int i = 1; Name name; if (i < s_.size() && s_.get(i).isString()) { name = Name.of(s_.get(i).string()); i++; } else { name = getPrefixedName("block"); } stack.peek().YBlock = stack.peek().YBlock.relabel(name); labelStack.push(name); if (i >= s_.size()) { break; // labeled empty block } Element first = s_.get(i); if (first.get(0).string().equals(BLOCK)) { // recurse curr = new YBlock(Optional.empty(), ImmutableList.of()); sp = first; continue; } break; } // we now have a stack of Blocks, with their labels, but no contents yet for (int t = stack.size() - 1; t >= 0; t--) { MakeBlockItem item = stack.get(t); Element sp_ = item.element; // Block curr = stack.get(t).block; Element s_ = sp_; // really yall int i = 1; if (i < s_.size()) { if (s_.get(i).isString()) { i++; } if (t < stack.size() - 1) { // first child is one of our recursions item.YBlock = new YBlock(item.YBlock.getLabel(), ImmutableList.<YExpression>builder() .addAll(item.YBlock.getList()).add(stack.get(t + 1).YBlock).build()); i++; } for (; i < s_.size(); i++) { item.YBlock = new YBlock(item.YBlock.getLabel(), ImmutableList.<YExpression>builder() .addAll(item.YBlock.getList()).add(parseExpression(s_.get(i))).build()); } } checkState(labelStack.peek().equals(item.YBlock.getLabel().get())); labelStack.pop(); } return stack.get(0).YBlock; } // Similar to block, but the label is handled by the enclosing if (since there might not be a then or else, ick) private YExpression makeThenOrElse(Element s) { int i = 1; if (s.get(1).isString()) { i++; } List<YExpression> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (; i < s.size(); i++) { list.add(parseExpression(s.get(i))); } return new YBlock(Optional.empty(), list); } private YExpression makeConst(Element s, Type type) { YExpression ret = parseConst(s.get(1).string(), type); if (ret == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return ret; } private YExpression makeLoad(Element s, Type type) { String str = s.get(0).string(); int extra = str.indexOf('.') + 5; // after "type.load" int bytes = type.getSize(); if (extra == str.length()) { // pass } else if (extra > str.length()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else if (str.charAt(extra) == '8') { bytes = 1; extra++; } else if (str.charAt(extra) == '1') { checkState(str.charAt(extra + 1) == '6'); bytes = 2; extra += 2; } else if (str.charAt(extra) == '3') { checkState(str.charAt(extra + 1) == '2'); bytes = 4; extra += 2; } // signed_ = extra[0] && extra[1] == 's'; boolean signed_ = extra < str.length() && str.charAt(extra + 1) == 's'; int i = 1; int offset = 0; int align = bytes; while (!s.get(i).isList()) { String x = s.get(i).string(); int str_ = 0; int eq = x.indexOf('='); checkState(eq >= 0); eq++; if (x.charAt(str_) == 'a') { align = Integer.parseInt(x.substring(eq)); } else if (x.charAt(str_) == 'o') { long offsetL = Long.parseLong(x.substring(eq)); // if (offset > std::numeric_limits < uint32_t >::max()) // onError(); offset = (int) offsetL; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } i++; } YExpression ptr = parseExpression(s.get(i)); return new YLoad(type, bytes, signed_, offset, align, ptr); } private YExpression makeStore(Element s, Type type) { String str = s.get(0).string(); int extra = str.indexOf('.') + 6; // after "" int bytes = type.getSize(); if (extra < str.length() && str.substring(extra).charAt(0) == '8') { bytes = 1; extra++; } else if (extra < str.length() && str.substring(extra).charAt(0) == '1') { assert (str.substring(extra).charAt(1) == '6'); bytes = 2; extra += 2; // FIXME wtf } else if (extra < str.length() && str.substring(extra).charAt(0) == '3') { assert (str.substring(extra).charAt(1) == '2'); bytes = 4; extra += 2; } int i = 1; int offset = 0; int align = bytes; while (!s.get(i).isList()) { String x = s.get(i).string(); int eq = x.indexOf('='); assert (eq >= 0); eq++; if (x.charAt(0) == 'a') { align = Integer.parseInt(x.substring(eq)); } else if (x.charAt(0) == 'o') { offset = (int) Long.parseLong(x.substring(eq)); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } i++; } YExpression ptr = parseExpression(s.get(i)); YExpression value = parseExpression(s.get(i + 1)); return new YStore(type, bytes, offset, align, ptr, value); } public static YExpression parseConst(String str, Type type) { Literal value; if (type.isFloat()) { if (str.equals(INFINITY_)) { switch (type) { case F32: value = Literal.of(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); break; case F64: value = Literal.of(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); break; default: return null; } //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } if (str.equals(NEG_INFINITY)) { switch (type) { case F32: value = Literal.of(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); break; case F64: value = Literal.of(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); break; default: return null; } //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } if (str.equals(NAN_)) { switch (type) { case F32: value = Literal.of(Float.NaN); break; case F64: value = Literal.of(Double.NaN); break; default: return null; } //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } boolean negative = str.charAt(0) == '-'; int positive = negative ? 1 : 0; if (!negative) { if (str.charAt(positive) == '+') { positive++; } } if (str.charAt(positive) == 'n' && str.charAt(positive + 1) == 'a' && str.charAt(positive + 2) == 'n') { int modifier = str.charAt(positive + 3) == ':' ? positive + 4 : -1; checkState( modifier != 0 ? str.charAt(positive + 4) == '0' && str.charAt(positive + 5) == 'x' : true); switch (type) { case F32: { int pattern; if (modifier != 0) { pattern = Integer.parseInt(str.substring(modifier + 2), 16); pattern |= 0x7f800000; } else { pattern = 0x7fc00000; } if (negative) { pattern |= 0x80000000; } if (!Float.isNaN(Float.intBitsToFloat(pattern))) { pattern |= 1; } value = new F32Literal(pattern); break; } case F64: { long pattern; if (modifier > 0) { pattern = Long.parseLong(str.substring(modifier + 2), 16); pattern |= 0x7ff0000000000000L; } else { pattern = 0x7ff8000000000000L; } if (negative) { pattern |= 0x8000000000000000L; } if (!Double.isNaN(Double.longBitsToDouble(pattern))) { pattern |= 1L; } value = new F64Literal(pattern); break; } default: return null; } //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } if (str.equals(NEG_NAN)) { switch (type) { case F32: value = new F32Literal(-Float.NaN); // std::nan (""))); // FIXME fuk break; case F64: value = new F64Literal(-Double.NaN); // std::nan (""))); break; default: return null; } //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } } switch (type) { case I32: { if ((str.length() > 3 && str.charAt(0) == '0' && str.charAt(1) == 'x') || (str.length() > 4 && str.charAt(0) == '-' && str.charAt(1) == '0' && str.charAt(2) == 'x')) { boolean negative = str.charAt(0) == '-'; if (negative) { str = str.substring(1); } int temp = Integer.parseInt(str, 16); value = new I32Literal(negative ? -temp : temp); } else { int temp = Integer.parseInt(str); value = new I32Literal(temp); } break; } case I64: { if ((str.length() > 1 && str.charAt(0) == '0' && str.charAt(1) == 'x') || (str.charAt(0) == '-' && str.charAt(1) == '0' && str.charAt(2) == 'x')) { boolean negative = str.charAt(0) == '-'; if (negative) { str = str.substring(1); } long temp; temp = Long.parseLong(str, 16); value = new I64Literal(negative ? -temp : temp); } else { long temp = Long.parseLong(str); value = new I64Literal(temp); } break; } case F32: { value = new F32Literal(parseFloat(str)); break; } case F64: { value = new F64Literal(parseDouble(str)); break; } default: return null; } assert (value.getType() == type); //std::cerr << "make constant " << str << " ==> " << ret->value << '\n'; return new YConst(value); } private YExpression makeIf(Element s) { YExpression condition = parseExpression(s.get(1)); // ifTrue and ifFalse may get implicit blocks YExpression ifTrue = makeIfHandler("if-true", s.get(2)); Optional<YExpression> ifFalse = Optional.empty(); if (s.size() == 4) { ifFalse = Optional.of(makeIfHandler("if-else", s.get(3))); } return new YIf(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse); } private YExpression makeIfHandler(String title, Element s) { Name name = getPrefixedName(title); boolean explicitThenElse = false; if (s.get(0).string().equals(THEN) || s.get(0).string().equals(ELSE)) { explicitThenElse = true; if (s.get(1).dollared()) { name = Name.of(s.get(1).string()); } } labelStack.push(name); YExpression ret = parseExpression(s); // ? labelStack.pop(); if (explicitThenElse) { ret = ((YBlock) ret).relabel(name); } else { // add a block if we must if (BreakSeeker.has(ret, name)) { ret = new YBlock(Optional.of(name), ImmutableList.of(ret)); } } return ret; } private YExpression makeMaybeBlock(Element s, int i) { return makeMaybeBlock(s, i, -1); } private YExpression makeMaybeBlock(Element s, int i, int stopAt) { if (s.size() == i + 1) { return parseExpression(s.get(i)); } List<YExpression> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (; i < s.size() && (stopAt < 0 || i < stopAt); i++) { list.add(parseExpression(s.get(i))); } // Note that we do not name these implicit/synthetic blocks. They // are the effects of syntactic sugar, and nothing can branch to // them anyhow. return new YBlock(Optional.empty(), list); } private YExpression makeLoop(Element s) { int i = 1; Name out; Name in; YExpression body; if (s.get(i).isString() && s.get(i + 1).isString()) { // out can only be named if both are out = Name.of(s.get(i).string()); i++; } else { out = getPrefixedName("loop-out"); } if (s.get(i).isString()) { in = Name.of(s.get(i).string()); i++; } else { in = getPrefixedName("loop-in"); } labelStack.push(out); labelStack.push(in); body = makeMaybeBlock(s, i); labelStack.pop(); labelStack.pop(); return new YLoop(out, in, body); } private YExpression makeCall(Element s) { Name target = Name.of(s.get(1).string()); Type type = functionTypes.get(target); List<YExpression> operands = parseCallOperands(s, 2); return new YCallDirect(target, type, operands); } private YExpression makeCallImport(Element s) { Name target = Name.of(s.get(1).string()); YImport import_ = builder.getImport(target); Type type = import_.getType().getResult(); List<YExpression> operands = parseCallOperands(s, 2); return new YCallImport(target, type, operands); } private YExpression makeCallIndirect(Element s) { String type = s.get(1).string(); NamedFunctionType fullType = builder.getFunctionType(Name.of(type)); checkState(fullType != null); YExpression target = parseExpression(s.get(2)); List<YExpression> operands = parseCallOperands(s, 3); return new YCallIndirect(fullType, target, operands); } private Name getLabel(Element s) { if (s.dollared()) { return Name.of(s.string()); } else { int offset = Integer.parseInt(s.string()); if (offset >= labelStack.size()) { return getPrefixedName("invalid"); } // offset, break to nth outside label return labelStack.get(labelStack.size() - 1 - offset); } } private YExpression makeBreak(Element s) { int i = 1; Name name = getLabel(s.get(i)); i++; if (i == s.size()) { return new YBreak(name, Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()); } Optional<YExpression> value = Optional.empty(); Optional<YExpression> condition = Optional.empty(); if (s.get(0).string().equals(BR_IF)) { if (i + 1 < s.size()) { value = Optional.of(parseExpression(s.get(i))); i++; } condition = Optional.of(parseExpression(s.get(i))); } else { value = Optional.of(parseExpression(s.get(i))); } return new YBreak(name, value, condition); } private YExpression makeBreakTable(Element s) { int i = 1; List<Name> targets = new ArrayList<>(); while (!s.get(i).isList()) { targets.add(getLabel(s.get(i++))); } Name default_ = targets.get(targets.size() - 1); targets.remove(targets.size() - 1); YExpression condition = parseExpression(s.get(i++)); Optional<YExpression> value = Optional.empty(); if (i < s.size()) { value = Optional.of(condition); condition = parseExpression(s.get(i++)); } return new YSwitch(targets, default_, condition, value); } private YExpression makeReturn(Element s) { Optional<YExpression> value = Optional.empty(); if (s.size() >= 2) { value = Optional.of(parseExpression(s.get(1))); } return new YReturn(value); } boolean hasMemory = false; private void parseMemory(Element s) { hasMemory = true; int max = -1; int initial = Integer.parseInt(s.get(1).string()); if (s.size() == 2) { return; } int i = 2; if (s.get(i).isString()) { max = Integer.parseInt(s.get(i).string()); i++; } YMemory origMemory = builder.getMemory(); builder.setMemory(new YMemory(initial, max, origMemory.getSegments(), origMemory.getExportName())); while (i < s.size()) { Element curr = s.get(i); checkState(curr.get(0).string().equals(SEGMENT)); byte[] input = curr.get(2).string().getBytes(); int pos = 0; byte[] data = new byte[input.length]; // over-allocated, since escaping collapses, but whatever // lol not really cuz unicode int write = 0; while (true) { if (pos > input.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (pos == input.length) { break; } if (input[pos + 0] == 0) { // break; throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (input[pos + 0] == '\\') { if (input[pos + 1] == '"') { data[write++] = '"'; pos += 2; continue; } else if (input[pos + 1] == '\'') { data[write++] = '\''; pos += 2; continue; } else if (input[pos + 1] == '\\') { data[write++] = '\\'; pos += 2; continue; } else if (input[pos + 1] == 'n') { data[write++] = '\n'; pos += 2; continue; } else if (input[pos + 1] == 't') { data[write++] = '\t'; pos += 2; continue; } else { data[write++] = UnsignedBytes .parseUnsignedByte(new String(new byte[] { input[pos + 1], input[pos + 2] }), 16); pos += 3; continue; } } data[write++] = input[pos + 0]; pos++; } byte[] compacted = new byte[write]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, compacted, 0, write); YMemory.Segment segment = new YMemory.Segment(Integer.parseInt(curr.get(1).string()), compacted, write); builder.setMemory(builder.getMemory().withSegment(segment)); i++; } } private void parseExport(Element s) { if (!s.get(2).dollared() && !Character.isDigit(s.get(2).string().charAt(0))) { checkState(s.get(2).string().equals(MEMORY)); if (!hasMemory) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } builder.setMemory(builder.getMemory().withExportName(Name.of(s.get(1).string()))); return; } Name name = Name.of(s.get(1).string()); Name value = Name.of(s.get(2).string()); builder.addExport(new YExport(Optional.of(name), value)); } private void parseImport(Element s) { Name name; Name module; Name base; NamedFunctionType type = new NamedFunctionType(Optional.empty(), Type.NONE, ImmutableList.of()); int i = 1; if (s.size() > 3 && s.get(3).isString()) { name = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); } else { name = Name.of(importCounter); } importCounter++; module = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); if (!s.get(i).isString()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } base = Name.of(s.get(i++).string()); if (s.size() > i) { Element params = s.get(i); String id = params.get(0).string(); if (id.equals(PARAM)) { List<Type> paramTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i_ = 1; i_ < params.size(); i_++) { paramTypes.add(Type.of(params.get(i_).string())); } type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), type.getResult(), paramTypes); } else if (id == RESULT) { type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), Type.of(params.get(1).string()), type.getParams()); } else if (id == TYPE) { Name name_ = Name.of(params.get(1).string()); if (!builder.checkFunctionType(name_).isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } type = builder.getFunctionType(name_); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (s.size() > i + 1) { Element result_ = s.get(i + 1); checkState(result_.get(0).string().equals(RESULT)); type = new NamedFunctionType(type.getName(), Type.of(result_.get(1).string()), type.getParams()); } } type = builder.ensureFunctionType(Sig.of(type)); builder.addImport(new YImport(Optional.of(name), module, base, type)); } private void parseTable(Element s) { for (int i = 1; i < s.size(); i++) { // FIXME lol builder.setTable(builder.getTable().with(getFunctionName((StringElement) s.get(i)))); } } private void parseType(Element s) { int i = 1; Optional<Name> name = Optional.empty(); if (s.get(i).isString()) { name = Optional.of(Name.of(s.get(i).string())); i++; } Element func = s.get(i); checkState(func.isList()); List<Type> params = new ArrayList<>(); Type result = Type.NONE; for (int i_ = 1; i_ < func.size(); i_++) { Element curr = func.get(i_); if (curr.get(0).string().equals(PARAM)) { for (int j = 1; j < curr.size(); j++) { params.add(Type.of(curr.get(j).string())); } } else if (curr.get(0).string().equals(RESULT)) { result = Type.of(curr.get(1).string()); } } builder.addFunctionType(new NamedFunctionType(name, result, params)); } private static float parseFloat(String str) { switch (str.toLowerCase()) { case "infinity": return Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case "-infinity": return Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; default: return Float.parseFloat(str); } } private static double parseDouble(String str) { switch (str.toLowerCase()) { case "infinity": return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; case "-infinity": return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; default: return Double.parseDouble(str); } } }