Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Workplace Systems PLC ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.workplacesystems.queuj.process; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Access; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Occurrence; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Output; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Process; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.ProcessListener; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Queue; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.QueueOwner; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Resilience; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.Visibility; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.process.ProcessEntity.Status; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.process.jpa.ProcessImpl; import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.Callback; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.utils.QueujException; import com.workplacesystems.queuj.utils.User; import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.collections.FilterableArrayList; import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.collections.FilterableCollection; import com.workplacesystems.utilsj.collections.IterativeCallback; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author dave */ public class ProcessWrapper<K extends Serializable & Comparable> implements Comparable<ProcessWrapper<K>> { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ProcessWrapper.class); private String queueOwner; private ProcessEntity<K> process; private boolean isPersistent; private volatile boolean deleted = false; private volatile boolean rescheduleRequired; private ProcessWrapper(String queueOwner, ProcessEntity<K> process, boolean isPersistent) { this.queueOwner = queueOwner; this.process = process; this.isPersistent = isPersistent; } public static <K extends Serializable & Comparable> ProcessWrapper<K> getNewInstance(String queueOwner, ProcessEntity<K> process, boolean isPersistent) { ProcessWrapper<K> wrapper = new ProcessWrapper<K>(queueOwner, process, isPersistent); return wrapper; } public static <K extends Serializable & Comparable> ProcessWrapper<K> getNewInstance(String queueOwner, boolean isPersistent, Map<String, Object> server_options) { ProcessWrapper<K> processWrapper; if (isPersistent) { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = (ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K>) QueujFactory .getPersistence(queueOwner, server_options); processHome.clearInstance(); ProcessEntity<K> process = processHome.getInstance(); processWrapper = getNewInstance(queueOwner, process, true); } else { ProcessEntity<K> process = (ProcessEntity<K>) QueujFactory.getNewProcessEntity(queueOwner, false, server_options); process.setProcessId(process.getNextProcessId()); processWrapper = getNewInstance(queueOwner, process, false); } return processWrapper; } private ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> getProcessPersistence() { if (!isPersistent) return null; ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = (ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K>) QueujFactory .getPersistence(queueOwner, getServerOptions()); processHome.clearInstance(); processHome.setId(process.getProcessId()); this.process = processHome.getInstance(); return processHome; } public ProcessServer getContainingServer() { return QueujFactory.getProcessServer(queueOwner, getServerOptions()); } public boolean isAddedToServer() { return getContainingServer().contains(this); } /** Should this process be added to the indexes */ boolean addToIndex() { return isAddedToServer() || getContainingServer().areIndexesLoading(); } public boolean isPersistent() { return isPersistent; } public ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> setDetails(String process_name, Queue queue, String process_description, User user, Occurrence occurrence, Visibility visibility, Access access, Resilience resilience, Output output, FilterableArrayList<? extends SequencedProcess> pre_processes, FilterableArrayList<? extends SequencedProcess> post_processes, boolean keep_completed, FilterableArrayList<? extends ProcessListener> process_listeners, Locale locale, Map<String, Object> implementation_options) { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); process.setProcessWrapper(this); ProcessParameters parameters = new ProcessParameters(); parameters.setValue(ProcessParameters.POST_PROCESSES, post_processes); parameters.setValue(ProcessParameters.PRE_PROCESSES, pre_processes); parameters.setValue(ProcessParameters.PROCESS_LISTENERS, process_listeners); process.setParameters(parameters); process.setImplementationOptions(implementation_options); process.setProcessName(process_name); if (queueOwner != null) process.setQueueOwnerId(queueOwner); process.setUUID(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); process.setQueue(queue); process.setDescription(process_description); if (user != null) process.setUserId(user.getUserId()); updateOccurrence(occurrence, false); rescheduleRequired = false; process.setVisibility(visibility); process.setAccess(access); process.setResilience(resilience); process.setOutput(output); process.setAssociatedReport(output.producesOutput()); process.setKeepCompleted(keep_completed); process.setLocale(locale); process.setCreationTimestamp(new Timestamp((new Date()).getTime())); return processHome; } private final static String REPORT_TYPE = "report_type"; public void setReportType(String report_type) { setParameter(REPORT_TYPE, report_type); } public String getReportType() { return (String) getParameter(REPORT_TYPE); } private final static String SOURCE_NAME = "page_name"; // page_name for legacy public void setSourceName(String source_name) { setParameter(SOURCE_NAME, source_name); } public String getSourceName() { return (String) getParameter(SOURCE_NAME); } public Serializable setParameter(String parameterName, Serializable parameterValue) { ProcessParameters parameters = getParameters(); Serializable ret = parameters.setValue(parameterName, parameterValue); process.setParameters(parameters); return ret; } public Map<String, Object> getServerOptions() { return process.getServerOptions(); } //-------------------------------------------- Get job details -------------------------------------------- public Queue getQueue() { return process.getQueue(); } public String getUserId() { return process.getUserId(); } public Locale getLocale() { return process.getLocale(); } public ProcessEntity getProcessEntity() { return process; } public GregorianCalendar getNextRunTime() { Date initialStartDate = process.getScheduledTimestamp() == null ? process.getCreationTimestamp() : process.getScheduledTimestamp(); GregorianCalendar initialStart = new GregorianCalendar(); initialStart.setTime(initialStartDate); return process.getResilience().getNextRunTime(process.getOccurrence(), isFailed(), process.getAttempt(), initialStart, process.getRunCount()); } public boolean isNotRun() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.NOT_RUN); } public boolean isRunning() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.RUNNING); } public boolean isWaitingToRun() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.LOCKED); } public boolean isComplete() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.RUN_OK); } public boolean isRunError() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.RUN_ERROR); } public boolean isRestarted() { return process.getStatus().equals(Status.RESTARTED); } public boolean isFailed() { return process.getResultCode() > 0 || isRunError() || (((isRunning() || isWaitingToRun()) && processRunner == null)); } public boolean isVisible(User user, QueueOwner active_partition) { return process.getVisibility().isVisible(new Process<K>(this), user, active_partition); } public boolean isDueImminently(GregorianCalendar dueTime) { if (isComplete() || isDeleted()) return false; GregorianCalendar nextRun = getNextRunTime(); if (nextRun == null) // No run is due return false; if (nextRun.after(dueTime)) return false; return true; } public boolean rescheduleRequired(boolean otherStatus) { synchronized (mutex) { return ((isSleeping() && rescheduleRequired) || (isNotRun() && processRunner != null && processRunner.isSleeping() && (isDeleted() || otherStatus))); } } public boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } Date getCreationTimestamp() { return process.getCreationTimestamp(); } public String getProcessName() { return process.getProcessName(); } public String getDescription() { return process.getDescription(); } public String getStartedTimestamp() { return (new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss EEE, d MMM yyyy")).format(process.getStartedTimestamp()); } public String getStatusDescription() { return process.getStatus().getDescription(); } public String getStatusImg() { if (isFailed()) return "job_failed"; if (isRunning()) return "job_running"; return null; } public String getQueueOwner() { return queueOwner; } public K getProcessKey() { return process.getProcessId(); } public Integer getProcessVersion() { return process.getVersion(); } public int getAttempt() { return process.getAttempt(); } boolean keepCompleted() { return process.isKeepCompleted(); } int getResultCode() { return process.getResultCode(); } public ProcessParameters getParameters() { return process.getParameters(); } public Serializable getParameter(String parameterName) { return getParameters().getValue(parameterName); } @Override public int compareTo(ProcessWrapper<K> otherProcess) { if (getCreationTimestamp().before(otherProcess.getCreationTimestamp())) return -1; if (getCreationTimestamp().after(otherProcess.getCreationTimestamp())) return 1; int cmp = getProcessName().compareTo(otherProcess.getProcessName()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; K id1 = getProcessKey(); K id2 = otherProcess.getProcessKey(); cmp = id1.getClass().toString().compareTo(id2.getClass().toString()); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return id1.compareTo(id2); } boolean canRun(GregorianCalendar currentTime) { String debug_id = ""; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // Lets get the process details as a readable String debug_id = "Process '" + getProcessKey() + ", " + getProcessName() + "'"; // Log the start of canRun log.debug("Checking whether " + debug_id + " can run."); } // Now ask the Queue if we're ok to run if (!getQueue().canRun(new Process<K>(this))) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Queue for " + debug_id + " reports that it cannot run."); return false; } return true; } public boolean canDelete(User user, QueueOwner activeQueueOwner) { if (isRunning()) return false; return process.getAccess().canDelete(new Process<K>(this), user, activeQueueOwner); } public boolean canRestart(User user, QueueOwner activeQueueOwner) { if (!isFailed()) return false; return process.getAccess().canRestart(new Process<K>(this), user, activeQueueOwner); } //-------------------------------------------- Update job details/status -------------------------------------------- public void updateOccurrence(final Occurrence occurrence) { updateOccurrence(occurrence, true); } private void updateOccurrence(final Occurrence occurrence, final boolean doStart) { doTransaction(new Callback<ProcessWrapper<K>>() { @Override protected void doAction() { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = null; if (doStart) processHome = getProcessPersistence(); process.setOccurrence(occurrence); process.setRunCount(0); process.setAttempt(0); process.setScheduledTimestamp((new GregorianCalendar()).getTime()); process.setStatus(Status.NOT_RUN); process.setResultCode(0); if (doStart && isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }, new Callback<Void>() { @Override protected void doAction() { rescheduleRequired = true; } }, doStart); } public void updateRunError() { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateRunError called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.RUN_ERROR); process.setAttempt(process.getAttempt() + 1); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } boolean updateRestart() { if (isFailed()) { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateRestart called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.RESTARTED); process.setAttempt(0); process.setResultCode(0); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); return true; } return isRestarted(); } void updateRunning(final GregorianCalendar runTime) { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateRunning called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.RUNNING); process.setResultCode(0); process.setStartedTimestamp(new Date()); process.setScheduledTimestamp(runTime.getTime()); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } public void updateRunning() { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateRunning called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.RUNNING); process.setResultCode(0); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } void updateNotRun() { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateNotRun called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.NOT_RUN); process.setResultCode(0); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } void updateLocked() { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateLocked called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.LOCKED); process.setResultCode(0); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } void updateComplete() { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.updateComplete called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); process.setStatus(Status.RUN_OK); process.setRunCount(process.getRunCount() + 1); process.setAttempt(0); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } public boolean delete(User user, QueueOwner activeQueueOwner) { if (deleted) return false; if (!canDelete(user, activeQueueOwner)) return false; return delete(); } public boolean delete() { if (deleted) return false; doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); log.debug("ProcessWrapper.delete called for " + process.getProcessId() + "(" + process.getVersion() + ")"); if (isPersistent) processHome.remove(); getContainingServer().delete(ProcessWrapper.this); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }, new Callback<Void>() { @Override protected void doAction() { deleted = true; } }); return true; } public boolean restart(User user, QueueOwner activeQueueOwner) { if (deleted) return false; if (!canRestart(user, activeQueueOwner)) return false; return restart(); } public boolean restart() { if (deleted) return false; if (updateRestart()) return restart0(); return false; } public void notifySelf() { ((ProcessImplServer) getContainingServer()).notifyProcess(this); } public void callListeners() { getParameters().iterateProcessListeners(new IterativeCallback<ProcessListener, Void>() { @Override protected void nextObject(ProcessListener l) { l.processUpdated(new Process<K>(ProcessWrapper.this)); } }); } private ProcessOutputable report_file = null; private String report_name = null; public boolean createReport() { return process.isAssociatedReport(); } void setupOutputFile() { if (!createReport()) return; report_file = process.getOutput().getOutputable(getQueueOwner(), getUserId(), getProcessName(), getReportType(), getSourceName()); report_name = report_file.getOutputName(); } public ProcessOutputable getProcessOutputable() { return report_file; } public boolean isSleeping() { synchronized (mutex) { return isNotRun() && processRunner != null && processRunner.isSleeping() && !isDeleted(); } } public void notifyRunner() { synchronized (mutex) { if (isSleeping()) { processRunner.doNotify(); } } } public void notifyRunnerForDelete() { synchronized (mutex) { if (isNotRun() && processRunner != null && processRunner.isSleeping()) { processRunner.doNotify(); } } } public void interruptRunner() { rescheduleRequired = false; synchronized (mutex) { if ((isNotRun() && processRunner != null && processRunner.isSleeping())) { processRunner.doInterrupt(); } } } boolean unPark(FilterableArrayList local_next_runners) { ProcessRunner _processRunner = processRunner; if (_processRunner == null) { getContainingServer().getProcessScheduler().unScheduleProcess(this); updateRunError(); start(); } else { if (!(_processRunner instanceof ProcessRunnerImpl)) { new QueujException("Process runner is not instance of ProcessRunnerImpl. key=" + getProcessKey()); return false; } return ((ProcessRunnerImpl) _processRunner).unPark(local_next_runners); } return false; } private void doTransaction(Callback<Void> callback) { doTransaction(callback, null); } private void doTransaction(Callback<Void> callback, Callback<Void> commitCallback) { doTransaction(callback, commitCallback, false); } private void doTransaction(Callback<?> callback, Callback<Void> commitCallback, boolean doStart) { try { QueujTransaction transaction = QueujFactory.getTransaction(); transaction.doTransaction(this, callback, commitCallback, doStart); } catch (ForceRollbackException fre) { } // Catch ForceRollbackException and swallow } //-------------------------------------------- Running the job -------------------------------------------- static class ProcessRunStatus { private Integer result_code = new Integer(0); // a result code of 0 means normal success // a result code of 1 means a serious error, rollback handled here and error routine called // a positive result > 1 may to for a 'controlled' error, transaction is rolled back, // but error routine NOT called (eg for validation error on imports) private boolean exception_thrown = false; private boolean run_error = false; private ForceRescheduleException force_reschedule_exception = null; private boolean force_complete = false; } void runProcess(ProcessRunner runner, boolean previousRunFailed) { final ProcessRunStatus run_status = new ProcessRunStatus(); boolean first_section = true; final BatchProcessServer bps = getQueue().getBatchProcessServer(); bps.resetSection(this, previousRunFailed); /** * optional pre process operations */ getParameters().iteratePreProcesses(getSequencedProcessesIterativeCallback(run_status)); /* Loop round all sections until a run_error occurs or no more sections exist. * A run_error consists of a non-zero return code or a thrown exception. * On a run_error a rollback occurs otherwise the transaction is committed. * If the previous run was a failure (is_failed) then the first section to run * is the one that was running when the failure occurred, otherwise the first * sction to run is the first section. */ while (bps.hasMoreSections(this, first_section) && !run_status.run_error && run_status.force_reschedule_exception == null && !run_status.force_complete) { try { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); try { run_status.result_code = bps.runProcess(ProcessWrapper.this, false); if (!run_status.result_code.equals(BatchProcessServer.SUCCESS)) throw new ForceRollbackException(); } catch (ForceRescheduleException fre) { handleRescheduleException(run_status, fre); } catch (ForceProcessComplete fpc) { run_status.force_complete = true; } catch (RuntimeException re) { checkForceReschedule(run_status, re); } if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } catch (Exception e) { run_status.exception_thrown = true; bps.handleCustomRollback(this); new QueujException(e); } finally { first_section = false; // does not set run error if result code > 1 run_status.run_error = run_status.exception_thrown || run_status.result_code.equals(BatchProcessServer.FAILURE); } } /** * If a failure has occurred then run the failure section if one exists. * To run the failure section run_error must already be true so no need * to set it again if the failure section also fails! */ if (run_status.run_error && bps.hasFailureSection(this)) { try { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); try { Integer failure_result_code = bps.runProcess(ProcessWrapper.this, true); if (failure_result_code.intValue() != 0) throw new ForceRollbackException(); } catch (ForceRescheduleException fre) { handleRescheduleException(run_status, fre); } catch (ForceProcessComplete fpc) { throw new QueujException("Cannot force complete from a failure section."); } catch (RuntimeException re) { checkForceReschedule(run_status, re); } if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } catch (Exception e) { new QueujException(e); } } if (run_status.force_reschedule_exception != null) throw run_status.force_reschedule_exception; /** * optional post process operations (e.g. reloading BudgetingLogs after a budgeting run) * Post processes run whether the section run has failed or not. A flag is passed in with * the state of the section run, but it must be noted that the Process will still report * a status of running. */ getParameters().iteratePostProcesses(getSequencedProcessesIterativeCallback(run_status)); /** * Finally update the Process with the cummulative status thats been collected as the various parts * have run and/or failed. */ try { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { getContainingServer().removeProcessFromIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); process.setResultCode(run_status.result_code.intValue()); if (run_status.run_error) { // Increase attempt first to prevent exception in higherPriorityJobExists process.setAttempt(process.getAttempt() + 1); process.setStatus(Status.RUN_ERROR); } getContainingServer().addProcessToIndex(ProcessWrapper.this); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } catch (Exception e) { new QueujException(e); } } private void handleRescheduleException(final ProcessRunStatus run_status, ForceRescheduleException fre) { run_status.force_reschedule_exception = fre; if (!fre.commitCurrentSection()) throw new ForceRollbackException(); } private IterativeCallback<SequencedProcess, Void> getSequencedProcessesIterativeCallback( final ProcessRunStatus run_status) { return new IterativeCallback<SequencedProcess, Void>() { @Override protected void nextObject(final SequencedProcess post_process) { try { if (post_process.needsTransaction()) { doTransaction(new Callback() { @Override protected void doAction() { ProcessPersistence<ProcessEntity<K>, K> processHome = getProcessPersistence(); post_process.action(new Process<K>(ProcessWrapper.this), process.getUserId(), run_status.run_error); if (isPersistent) processHome.update(); _return(ProcessWrapper.this); } }); } else post_process.action(new Process<K>(ProcessWrapper.this), process.getUserId(), run_status.run_error); } catch (Exception e) { run_status.exception_thrown = true; new QueujException(e); } finally { run_status.run_error = run_status.exception_thrown || run_status.result_code.intValue() != 0; } } }; } private void checkForceReschedule(ProcessRunStatus run_status, RuntimeException re) { Throwable t = re; while (t != null && !(t instanceof ForceRescheduleProvider) && !(t instanceof ForceRescheduleException)) t = t.getCause(); if (t != null && t instanceof ForceRescheduleProvider) handleRescheduleException(run_status, ((ForceRescheduleProvider) t).getRescheduleException()); else if (t != null && t instanceof ForceRescheduleException) handleRescheduleException(run_status, (ForceRescheduleException) t); else throw re; } //-------------------------------------------- Starting the job -------------------------------------------- final Object mutex = new Object(); ProcessRunner processRunner = null; int runnerHashCode() { return processRunner != null ? processRunner.hashCode() : -1; } public void attach() { synchronized (mutex) { if (processRunner == null) return; while (processRunner != null) { try { mutex.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } } public boolean attach(long timeout) { final long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; synchronized (mutex) { if (processRunner == null) return true; long wait_timeout = end - System.currentTimeMillis(); while (processRunner != null && wait_timeout > 0) { try { mutex.wait(wait_timeout); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } wait_timeout = end - System.currentTimeMillis(); } return processRunner == null; } } public void start() { // Calculate next run time for the process GregorianCalendar nextRun = getNextRunTime(); if (nextRun == null) // No run is due return; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String desc = getDescription(); if (desc == null) desc = getProcessName(); if (desc == null) desc = "Process: " + getProcessKey(); desc = desc.trim(); log.debug("Next run date for " + desc + " is " + nextRun.getTime().toString()); } // Implementations can schedule the job themselves calling start(runTime, isFailed) // closer to the scheduled run time. This may allow the ProcessServer to be unloaded // from memory and re-loaded closer to the time. The default implementation // just returns false and does the scheduling in the ProcessScheduler. if (!getContainingServer().scheduleOverride(this, nextRun)) start(nextRun, isFailed()); } public void startNow() { start(new GregorianCalendar(), isFailed()); } private boolean restart0() { return start(new GregorianCalendar(), true); } public boolean start(GregorianCalendar runTime, boolean isFailed) { synchronized (mutex) { if (processRunner != null) return false; processRunner = QueujFactory.getProcessRunner(this, runTime, isFailed); processRunner.doStart(); return true; } } public void stop() { synchronized (mutex) { if (processRunner == null) return; processRunner.stop(); } } }