Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Workday, Inc. * * This software is available under the MIT license. * Please see the LICENSE.txt file in this project. */ package com.workday.autoparse.json.demo; import android.util.JsonReader; import com.workday.autoparse.json.parser.JsonObjectParser; import org.json.JSONObject; import; public final class UnannotatedObjectParser implements JsonObjectParser<UnannotatedObject> { public static final UnannotatedObjectParser INSTANCE = new UnannotatedObjectParser(); @Override public UnannotatedObject parseJsonObject(JSONObject jsonObject, JsonReader reader, String discriminationName, String discriminationValue) throws IOException { UnannotatedObject result = new UnannotatedObject(); if (jsonObject != null) { parsefromJsonObject(result, jsonObject); } if (reader != null) { parseFromReader(result, reader); } return result; } private void parsefromJsonObject(UnannotatedObject out, JSONObject jsonObject) throws IOException { try { if (jsonObject.has("string")) { out.string = jsonObject.getString("string"); } } catch (org.json.JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException("This should be impossible.", e); } } private void parseFromReader(UnannotatedObject out, JsonReader reader) throws IOException { while (reader.hasNext()) { String name = reader.nextName(); switch (name) { case "string": { out.string = reader.nextString(); break; } default: { reader.skipValue(); } } } } }