Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CloudJee, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode; import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException; import org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy; import org.hibernate.type.AssociationType; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException; import com.wavemaker.common.util.ObjectAccess; import com.wavemaker.common.util.ObjectGraphTraversal; import com.wavemaker.common.util.ObjectUtils; import com.wavemaker.common.util.StringUtils; import com.wavemaker.common.util.SystemUtils; import com.wavemaker.common.util.Tuple; import; import; import; import; import com.wavemaker.runtime.service.ElementType; /** * @author Simon Toens */ public class DataServiceUtils { private static final String WRAPPER_TYPE_SUFFX = "RtnType"; private static final Properties EMPTY_PROPERTIES = new Properties(); private static final String DEFAULT_ALIAS_PREFIX = "c"; private static final ObjectAccess objectAccess = ObjectAccess.getInstance(); public static RuntimeException unwrap(Throwable th) { th = SystemUtils.getRootException(th); if (InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException.class.isAssignableFrom(th.getClass())) { InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException e = (InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException) th; if (e.getRootCause() != null) { th = e.getRootCause(); } } if (SQLGrammarException.class.isAssignableFrom(th.getClass())) { SQLGrammarException s = (SQLGrammarException) th; if (s.getSQLException() != null) { th = s.getSQLException(); } else if (s.getCause() != null) { th = s.getCause(); } } if (th instanceof RuntimeException) { return (RuntimeException) th; } else { return new DataServiceRuntimeException(th); } } public static String getJavaTypeName(Type type, SessionFactory factory) { if (type.isCollectionType()) { AssociationType ass = (AssociationType) type; SessionFactoryImplementor fai = (SessionFactoryImplementor) factory; return ass.getAssociatedEntityName(fai); } else { return type.getReturnedClass().getName(); } } public static boolean requiresResultWrapper(String queryString) { return queryString.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith(DataServiceConstants.SELECT_KEYWORD); } public static String queryToOperationName(String queryName) { return StringUtils.lowerCaseFirstLetter(queryName); } public static String operationToQueryName(String operationName, Collection<String> queryNames) { if (queryNames.contains(operationName)) { return operationName; } return StringUtils.upperCaseFirstLetter(operationName); } public static boolean isProxy(Class<?> clazz) { return HibernateProxy.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } public static Class<?> getEntityClass(Class<?> clazz) { // also see // HibernateProxyHelper.getClassWithoutInitializingProxy(object) if (isProxy(clazz)) { return clazz.getSuperclass(); } return clazz; } public static ObjectGraphTraversal getRelatedTraversal(ObjectGraphTraversal.ObjectVisitor visitor, final ObjectAccess objectAccess, final DataServiceMetaData metaData, final boolean skipToMany) { ObjectGraphTraversal.PropertyFactory pf = new ObjectGraphTraversal.PropertyFactory() { @Override public Collection<String> getProperties(Object o, ObjectGraphTraversal.Context ctx) { Class<?> entityClass = getEntityClass(o.getClass()); if (!metaData.isEntity(entityClass)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Collection<String> relPropNames = metaData.getRelPropertyNames(entityClass); if (!skipToMany) { return relPropNames; } else { Collection<String> rtn = new HashSet<String>(); for (String propertyName : relPropNames) { if (!isRelatedMany(objectAccess.getPropertyType(entityClass, propertyName))) { rtn.add(propertyName); } } return rtn; } } }; return new ObjectGraphTraversal(pf, visitor, objectAccess); } public static List<String> getColumnNames(int numOutputTypes, List<String> outputNames) { Collection<String> usedNames = new HashSet<String>(numOutputTypes); List<String> rtn = new ArrayList<String>(numOutputTypes); for (int i = 0; i < numOutputTypes; i++) { String name = DEFAULT_ALIAS_PREFIX + i; if (outputNames.size() > i) { name = outputNames.get(i); if (StringUtils.isNumber(name)) { name = DEFAULT_ALIAS_PREFIX + name; } } name = StringUtils.getUniqueName(name, usedNames); usedNames.add(name); rtn.add(name); } return rtn; } public static boolean isOutputType(String fqName) { // kind of lame check: does package end with ".output?" return StringUtils.getPackage(fqName) .endsWith(StringUtils.fq("", DataServiceConstants.OUTPUT_PACKAGE_NAME)); } public static String getOutputPackage(String dataPackage) { return StringUtils.fq(dataPackage, DataServiceConstants.OUTPUT_PACKAGE_NAME); } public static String getOutputType(String dataPackage, String operationName) { return getOldOutputType(dataPackage, operationName) + WRAPPER_TYPE_SUFFX; } public static String getOldOutputType(String dataPackage, String operationName) { return StringUtils.fq(getOutputPackage(dataPackage), StringUtils.upperCaseFirstLetter(operationName)); } public static Configuration initConfiguration(String hbConfFile) { return initConfiguration(hbConfFile, EMPTY_PROPERTIES); } public static Configuration initConfiguration(String hbConfFile, Properties p) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration().configure(hbConfFile); setup(cfg, p); return cfg; } public static Configuration initConfiguration(File hbConfFile) { return initConfiguration(hbConfFile, EMPTY_PROPERTIES); } public static Configuration initConfiguration(File hbConfFile, Properties p) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration().configure(hbConfFile); setup(cfg, p); return cfg; } public static Properties toHibernateConnectionProperties(Properties p) { Properties rtn = new Properties(); rtn.putAll(p); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, Object>> iter = p.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry =; String name = (String) entry.getKey(); String newName = null; if (name.endsWith(DataServiceConstants.DB_USERNAME)) { newName = DataServiceConstants.HIBERNATE_USER_PROPERTY; } else if (name.endsWith(DataServiceConstants.DB_PASS)) { newName = DataServiceConstants.HIBERNATE_PASS_PROPERTY; } else if (name.endsWith(DataServiceConstants.DB_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME)) { newName = DataServiceConstants.HIBERNATE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY; } else if (name.endsWith(DataServiceConstants.DB_URL)) { newName = DataServiceConstants.HIBERNATE_CONNECTION_URL_PROPERTY; } else if (name.endsWith(DataServiceConstants.DB_DIALECT)) { newName = DataServiceConstants.HIBERNATE_DIALECT_PROPERTY; } if (newName != null && rtn.getProperty(newName) == null) { rtn.setProperty(newName, (String) entry.getValue()); } } return rtn; } public static List<ElementType> getTypes(Collection<String> entities, Collection<String> otherTypes, ElementTypeFactory factory) { List<ElementType> rtn = new ArrayList<ElementType>(entities.size()); for (String s : entities) { rtn.add(factory.getElementType(s)); } // this should be handled generically by the // design service manager Collection<ElementType> els = new HashSet<ElementType>(rtn); for (ElementType el : els) { for (ElementType p : el.getProperties()) { if (p.isTopLevel() && !containsElementType(rtn, p)) { rtn.add(p); } } } for (String s : otherTypes) { rtn.add(factory.getElementType(s)); } return rtn; } public static boolean isDML(String query) { String q = query.trim().toLowerCase(); return q.startsWith("update") || q.startsWith("insert") || q.startsWith("delete"); } public static boolean isDynamicInstantiationQuery(String query) { return getDynamicInstantiationClassName(query) != null; } public static String getDynamicInstantiationClassName(String query) { String[] tokens = query.trim().split("\\s"); if (tokens.length < 3) { return null; } if (!tokens[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase(DataServiceConstants.SELECT_KEYWORD)) { return null; } if (!tokens[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("new")) { return null; } String s = tokens[2].trim(); int i = s.indexOf("("); if (i == -1) { return null; } return s.substring(0, i); } public static Object loadById(Object o, Session session, DataServiceMetaData metaData) { return loadById(o, session, metaData, null); } public static Object loadById(Object originalInstance, Session session, DataServiceMetaData metaData, Log logger) { if (originalInstance == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("instance to reload cannot be null"); } Class<?> clazz = getEntityClass(originalInstance.getClass()); String s = metaData.getIdPropertyName(clazz); Serializable id = (Serializable) objectAccess.getProperty(originalInstance, s); Object rtn = session.get(clazz, id); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("reloadById: " + ObjectUtils.getId(originalInstance) + " " + s + ":" + id); } return rtn; } public static boolean isRelatedMany(Class<?> c) { return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(c); } public static Object mergeForUpdate(Object o, DataServiceManagerAccess mgrAccess, Collection<String> populatedProperties) { return mergeForUpdate(o, mgrAccess.getDataServiceManager().getSession(), mgrAccess.getDataServiceManager().getMetaData(), populatedProperties); } public static Object mergeForUpdate(Object source, Session session, DataServiceMetaData metaData, Collection<String> populatedProperties) { // load instance from db, and copy in values from client // ensure id has been set String idPropName = metaData.getIdPropertyName(source.getClass()); if (!populatedProperties.contains(idPropName)) { throw new DataServiceRuntimeException("id property \"" + idPropName + "\" must be set"); } Object rtn = loadById(source, session, metaData); if (rtn == null) { throw new DataServiceRuntimeException("Failed to load instance to update"); } // add optimistic concurrency check here Collection<String> relatedPropertyNames = metaData.getRelPropertyNames(source.getClass()); Collection<String> handledPropertyPrefixes = new HashSet<String>(); for (String propertyName : populatedProperties) { int i = propertyName.indexOf(DataServiceConstants.PROP_SEP); if (i != -1) { propertyName = propertyName.substring(0, i); } if (handledPropertyPrefixes.contains(propertyName)) { continue; } Object clientValue = objectAccess.getProperty(source, propertyName); if (relatedPropertyNames.contains(propertyName)) { if (isRelatedMany(objectAccess.getPropertyType(source.getClass(), propertyName))) { continue; } handledPropertyPrefixes.add(propertyName); if (clientValue != null) { String prefix = propertyName + DataServiceConstants.PROP_SEP; List<String> populatedPropertiesForRelated = StringUtils .getItemsStartingWith(populatedProperties, prefix, true); clientValue = mergeForUpdate(clientValue, session, metaData, populatedPropertiesForRelated); } } objectAccess.setProperty(rtn, propertyName, clientValue); } return rtn; } public static Object mergeForInsert(Object source, Session session, DataServiceMetaData metaData) { return mergeForInsert(source, session, metaData, true, new HashSet<Object>()); } private static Object mergeForInsert(Object source, Session session, DataServiceMetaData metaData, boolean isRoot, Collection<Object> handledInstances) { if (handledInstances.contains(source)) { return source; } Class<?> entityClass = getEntityClass(source.getClass()); String idPropName = metaData.getIdPropertyName(entityClass); Object idPropVal = objectAccess.getProperty(source, idPropName); if (idPropVal != null) { if (isRoot) { // MAV-2065 return source; } Object o = loadById(source, session, metaData); if (o != null) { handledInstances.add(o); return o; } } handledInstances.add(source); Collection<String> relatedPropertyNames = metaData.getRelPropertyNames(source.getClass()); for (String propertyName : relatedPropertyNames) { if (isRelatedMany(objectAccess.getPropertyType(source.getClass(), propertyName))) { continue; } Object clientValue = objectAccess.getProperty(source, propertyName); if (clientValue != null) { clientValue = mergeForInsert(clientValue, session, metaData, false, handledInstances); objectAccess.setProperty(source, propertyName, clientValue); } } return source; } // type, isList public static Tuple.Two<String, Boolean> getQueryType(String type) { Boolean isList = Boolean.FALSE; int i = type.indexOf("<"); if (i > -1) { int j = type.indexOf(">"); isList = Boolean.TRUE; type = type.substring(i + 1, j); } return Tuple.tuple(type, isList); } public static MatchMode parseMatchMode(String matchMode) { MatchMode rtn = null; if (matchMode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("matchMode cannot be null"); } if (matchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("anywhere")) { rtn = MatchMode.ANYWHERE; } else if (matchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("exact")) { rtn = MatchMode.EXACT; } else if (matchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("start")) { rtn = MatchMode.START; } else if (matchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("end")) { rtn = MatchMode.END; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MatchMode must be " + "anywhere|exact|start|end"); } return rtn; } public static Properties loadDBProperties(String resourcename) { return loadDBProperties(resourcename, DataServiceConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE_BASENAME_SEP); } public static Properties loadDBProperties(File file) { return loadDBProperties(file, DataServiceConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE_BASENAME_SEP); } private static Properties loadDBProperties(String resourcename, String sep) { Tuple.Two<String, String> t = getBaseName(resourcename, sep); Properties base = SystemUtils.loadPropertiesFromResource(t.v1 + "." + t.v2); Properties rtn = SystemUtils.loadPropertiesFromResource(resourcename); rtn.putAll(base); return rtn; } private static Properties loadDBProperties(File file, String sep) { String filepath = file.getAbsolutePath(); Tuple.Two<String, String> t = getBaseName(filepath, sep); Properties rtn = new Properties(); File basefile = new File(t.v1 + "." + t.v2); if (basefile.exists()) { rtn = SystemUtils.loadPropertiesFromFile(basefile.getAbsolutePath()); } rtn.putAll(SystemUtils.loadPropertiesFromFile(filepath)); return rtn; } private static Tuple.Two<String, String> getBaseName(String resourcename, String sep) { String ext = StringUtils.fromLastOccurrence(resourcename, "."); String s = StringUtils.fromLastOccurrence(resourcename, ".", -1); return Tuple.tuple(StringUtils.fromLastOccurrence(s, sep, -1), ext); } private static void setup(Configuration cfg, Properties p) { p = DataServiceUtils.toHibernateConnectionProperties(p); cfg.setProperties(p); } private static boolean containsElementType(Collection<ElementType> elementTypes, ElementType elementType) { for (ElementType et : elementTypes) { if (elementType.getJavaType().equals(et.getJavaType())) { return true; } } return false; } private DataServiceUtils() { } }