Java tutorial
package com.wanikani.wklib; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import; import; /* * Copyright (c) 2013 Alberto Cuda * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ public class Connection { public interface Meter { public void count(int data); public void sync(); } class Response { UserInformation ui; JSONObject infoAsObj; JSONArray infoAsArray; public Response(JSONObject obj, boolean isArray) throws JSONException, IOException { if (!obj.isNull("user_information")) { ui = new UserInformation(obj.getJSONObject("user_information")); if (!obj.isNull("requested_information")) { if (isArray) infoAsArray = obj.getJSONArray("requested_information"); else infoAsObj = obj.getJSONObject("requested_information"); } } else { throw ApplicationException.buildFromJSON(obj); } } } class NotModifiedException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public NotModifiedException() { super("Document not modified"); } } class CacheInfo { public String etag; public Date modified; public CacheInfo(String etag, Date modified) { this.etag = etag; this.modified = modified; } public CacheInfo() { /* empty */ } public boolean hasData() { return etag != null || modified != null; } } public static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20000; public static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 60000; private static final int CACHE_DISPERSION_GROUPS = 7; private static final long CACHE_STALE_DISPERSION = 12 * 3600 * 1000; private static final long CACHE_STALE_TIME = 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; UserLogin login; Config config; Authenticator auth; UserInformation ui; public ItemsCacheInterface cache; public Connection(UserLogin login, Config config) { this.login = login; this.config = config; cache = new ItemsCache(); } public void flush() { cache.flush(); } public UserInformation getUserInformation(Meter meter) throws IOException { if (ui == null) ui = call(meter, "user-information", false).ui; return ui; } public StudyQueue getStudyQueue(Meter meter) throws IOException { Response res; try { res = call(meter, "study-queue", false); ui = res.ui; return new StudyQueue(res.infoAsObj); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public SRSDistribution getSRSDistribution(Meter meter) throws IOException { Response res; try { res = call(meter, "srs-distribution", false); ui = res.ui; return new SRSDistribution(res.infoAsObj); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public LevelProgression getLevelProgression(Meter meter) throws IOException { Response res; try { res = call(meter, "level-progression", false); ui = res.ui; return new LevelProgression(res.infoAsObj); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public ExtendedLevelProgression getExtendedLevelProgression(Meter meter) throws IOException { ItemLibrary<Radical> rlib; ItemLibrary<Kanji> klib; UserInformation ui; ui = getUserInformation(meter); rlib = getRadicals(meter, ui.level); klib = getKanji(meter, ui.level); return new ExtendedLevelProgression(rlib, klib); } private int[] getAllLevels(Meter meter) throws IOException { UserInformation ui; int ans[]; int i; ui = getUserInformation(meter); ans = new int[ui.level]; for (i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) ans[i] = i + 1; return ans; } private static String levelList(List<Integer> level) { StringBuffer sb; int i; sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(level.get(0)); for (i = 1; i < level.size(); i++) sb.append(',').append(level.get(i)); return sb.toString(); } private static <T extends Item> boolean isDataStale(ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T> ld, int level) { Date now; long age; now = new Date(); age = now.getTime() -; if (age > CACHE_STALE_TIME + CACHE_STALE_DISPERSION * (level % CACHE_DISPERSION_GROUPS)) return true; for (T item : ld.lib.list) { /* May become available any time */ if (item.getAvailableDate() == null) return true; if (item.stats != null && item.stats.burned) continue; if (item.getAvailableDate().before(now)) return true; } return false; } public ItemLibrary<Radical> getRadicals(Meter meter, int level) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, level, "radicals", Item.Type.RADICAL, Radical.FACTORY); } public ItemLibrary<Radical> getRadicals(Meter meter) throws IOException { return getRadicals(meter, getAllLevels(meter)); } public ItemLibrary<Radical> getRadicals(Meter meter, int levels[]) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, levels, "radicals", Item.Type.RADICAL, Radical.FACTORY); } public ItemLibrary<Kanji> getKanji(Meter meter, int level) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, level, "kanji", Item.Type.KANJI, Kanji.FACTORY); } public ItemLibrary<Kanji> getKanji(Meter meter) throws IOException { return getKanji(meter, getAllLevels(meter)); } public ItemLibrary<Kanji> getKanji(Meter meter, int levels[]) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, levels, "kanji", Item.Type.KANJI, Kanji.FACTORY); } public ItemLibrary<Vocabulary> getVocabulary(Meter meter, int level) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, level, "vocabulary", Item.Type.VOCABULARY, Vocabulary.FACTORY); } public ItemLibrary<Vocabulary> getVocabulary(Meter meter) throws IOException { return getVocabulary(meter, getAllLevels(meter)); } public ItemLibrary<Vocabulary> getVocabulary(Meter meter, int levels[]) throws IOException { return getItems(meter, levels, "vocabulary", Item.Type.VOCABULARY, Vocabulary.FACTORY); } protected <T extends Item> ItemLibrary<T> getItems(Meter meter, int level, String resource, Item.Type type, Item.Factory<T> factory) throws IOException { ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T> data; ItemsCacheInterface.Cache<T> ic; ItemLibrary<T> lib; CacheInfo cinfo; Response res; ic = cache.get(type); data = ic.get(level); switch (data.quality) { case GOOD: if (!isDataStale(data, level)) return data.lib; cinfo = new CacheInfo(data.etag,; break; case MISSING: default: cinfo = new CacheInfo(); } try { res = call(meter, resource, true, Integer.toString(level), cinfo); lib = new ItemLibrary<T>(factory, res.infoAsArray); data = new ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T>(cinfo.modified, cinfo.etag, lib); ic.put(data); return lib; } catch (NotModifiedException e) { return data.lib; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } protected <T extends Item> ItemLibrary<T> getItems(Meter meter, int levels[], String resource, Item.Type type, Item.Factory<T> factory) throws IOException { Map<Integer, ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T>> map; ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T> ld; ItemsCacheInterface.Cache<T> ic; List<Integer> badl, missingl; ItemLibrary<T> ans, lib; CacheInfo cinfo; Response res; ic = cache.get(type); map = ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData.createMap(levels); ic.get(map); cinfo = new CacheInfo(); cinfo.modified = new Date(); ans = new ItemLibrary<T>(); badl = new Vector<Integer>(); missingl = new Vector<Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T>> e : map.entrySet()) { ld = e.getValue(); switch (ld.quality) { case GOOD: if (isDataStale(ld, e.getKey())) { if ( cinfo.modified =; badl.add(e.getKey()); } else ans.add(ld.lib); break; case MISSING: missingl.add(e.getKey()); } } try { if (!badl.isEmpty()) { res = call(meter, resource, true, levelList(badl), cinfo); lib = new ItemLibrary<T>(factory, res.infoAsArray); ic.put(new ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T>(cinfo.modified, null, lib)); ans.add(lib); } } catch (NotModifiedException e) { for (Integer i : badl) ans.add(map.get(i).lib); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } cinfo = new CacheInfo(); try { if (!missingl.isEmpty()) { res = call(meter, resource, true, levelList(missingl), cinfo); lib = new ItemLibrary<T>(factory, res.infoAsArray); ic.put(new ItemsCacheInterface.LevelData<T>(cinfo.modified, null, lib)); ans.add(lib); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } return ans; } public ItemLibrary<Item> getRecentUnlocks(Meter meter, int count) throws IOException { Response res; try { res = call(meter, "recent-unlocks", true, Integer.toString(count)); return new ItemLibrary<Item>(Item.FACTORY, res.infoAsArray); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public ItemLibrary<Item> getCriticalItems(Meter meter) throws IOException { Response res; try { res = call(meter, "critical-items", true); return new ItemLibrary<Item>(Item.FACTORY, res.infoAsArray); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public ItemLibrary<Item> getItems(Meter meter, int level) throws IOException { ItemLibrary<Radical> radicals; ItemLibrary<Kanji> kanji; ItemLibrary<Vocabulary> vocab; radicals = getRadicals(meter, level); kanji = getKanji(meter, level); vocab = getVocabulary(meter, level); return new ItemLibrary<Item>().add(radicals).add(kanji).add(vocab); } private static String readStream(Meter meter, InputStream is) throws IOException { InputStreamReader ir; StringBuffer sb; char buf[]; int rd; buf = new char[1024]; sb = new StringBuffer(); ir = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"); while (true) { rd =, 0, buf.length); if (rd < 0) break; meter.count(rd); sb.append(buf, 0, rd); } meter.sync(); return sb.toString(); } protected Response call(Meter meter, String resource, boolean isArray) throws IOException { return call(meter, resource, isArray, null); } protected Response call(Meter meter, String resource, boolean isArray, String arg) throws IOException { return call(meter, resource, isArray, arg, null); } protected Response call(Meter meter, String resource, boolean isArray, String arg, CacheInfo cinfo) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection conn; JSONTokener tok; InputStream is; URL url; url = new URL(makeURL(resource, arg)); conn = null; tok = null; try { conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); if (cinfo != null) { if (cinfo.etag != null) conn.setRequestProperty("If-None-Match", cinfo.etag); else if (cinfo.modified != null) conn.setIfModifiedSince(cinfo.modified.getTime()); } setTimeouts(conn); conn.connect(); if (cinfo != null && cinfo.hasData() && conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED) throw new NotModifiedException(); measureHeaders(meter, conn, false); is = conn.getInputStream(); tok = new JSONTokener(readStream(meter, is)); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.disconnect(); } if (cinfo != null) { cinfo.modified = new Date(); if (conn.getDate() > 0) cinfo.modified = new Date(conn.getDate()); if (conn.getLastModified() > 0) cinfo.modified = new Date(conn.getLastModified()); cinfo.etag = conn.getHeaderField("ETag"); } try { return new Response(new JSONObject(tok), isArray); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new ParseException(); } } public void resolve(Meter meter, UserInformation ui, int size, Bitmap defAvatar) { HttpURLConnection conn; InputStream is; URL url; int code; conn = null; try { url = new URL(config.gravatarUrl + "/" + ui.gravatar + "?s=" + size + "&d=404"); conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); setTimeouts(conn); code = conn.getResponseCode(); if (code == 200) { is = conn.getInputStream(); ui.gravatarBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is); } else if (code == 404) ui.gravatarBitmap = defAvatar; measureHeaders(meter, conn, true); } catch (IOException e) { /* empty */ } finally { if (conn != null) conn.disconnect(); } } protected void measureHeaders(Meter meter, URLConnection conn, boolean clen) { Map<String, List<String>> hdrs; hdrs = conn.getHeaderFields(); if (hdrs == null) return; for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : hdrs.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey() != null) meter.count(e.getKey().length() + 1); for (String s : e.getValue()) meter.count(s.length() + 3); if (clen && e.getKey() != null && e.getKey().equals("Content-Length") && !e.getValue().isEmpty()) { try { meter.count(Integer.parseInt(e.getValue().get(0))); } catch (NumberFormatException x) { /* empty */ } } } meter.sync(); } private String makeURL(String resource, String arg) { String ans; ans = String.format("%s/user/%s/%s", config.url, login.userkey, resource); if (arg != null) ans += "/" + arg; return ans; } private void setTimeouts(HttpURLConnection conn) { conn.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT); conn.setReadTimeout(READ_TIMEOUT); } }