Java tutorial
/* * INSERT COPYRIGHT HERE */ package; /* * #%L * guja-core * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 Wadpam * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * @author sosandstrom */ public class NetworkTemplate { public static final String ACCEPT = "Accept"; public static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; public static final String LOCATION = "Location"; public static final String MIME_JSON = "application/json"; public static final String MIME_FORM = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; public static final String MIME_CHARSET = "charset="; public static final String SEPARATOR_QUERY = "?"; public static final String SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT = "#"; static final List<String> CONTENT_METHODS_LIST = Arrays.asList("POST", "PUT"); static final Set<String> CONTENT_METHODS = new HashSet<String>(CONTENT_METHODS_LIST); public static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); static { MAPPER.setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_NULL); MAPPER.getDeserializationConfig().without(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); } protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NetworkTemplate.class); protected String accept = MIME_JSON; private final String baseUrl; private String authorization = null; public NetworkTemplate(String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; } public NetworkTemplate() { this.baseUrl = null; } public static Map<String, String> asMap(String... nameValues) { final TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>(); if (null != nameValues) { for (int i = 0; i + 1 < nameValues.length; i += 2) { map.put(nameValues[i], nameValues[i + 1]); } } return map; } public <J> J delete(String url, Class<J> responseClass) { return exchange("DELETE", url, null, null, responseClass); } public <J> J exchange(String method, String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Object requestBody, Class<J> responseClass) { final NetworkResponse<J> response = exchangeForResponse(method, url, requestHeaders, requestBody, responseClass, true); return response.getBody(); } public <J> NetworkResponse<J> exchangeForResponse(String method, String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Object requestBody, Class<J> responseClass, boolean followRedirects) { // so that we can read in case of Exception InputStream in = null; try { // expand url? if (null != requestBody && !CONTENT_METHODS.contains(method)) { Map<String, Object> paramMap = requestBody instanceof Map ? (Map) requestBody : MAPPER.convertValue(requestBody, Map.class); url = expandUrl(url, paramMap); } // create the connection URL u = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection(); con.setInstanceFollowRedirects(followRedirects); // override default method if (null != method) { con.setRequestMethod(method); }"{} {}", method, url); // Accept if (null != accept) { con.addRequestProperty(ACCEPT, accept); LOG.trace("{}: {}", ACCEPT, accept); } // Authorization if (null != authorization) { con.addRequestProperty(AUTHORIZATION, authorization); LOG.trace("{}: {}", AUTHORIZATION, authorization); } // other request headers: String contentType = null; if (null != requestHeaders) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : requestHeaders.entrySet()) { con.addRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());"{}: {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if (CONTENT_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())) { contentType = entry.getValue(); } } } if (null != requestBody) { if (CONTENT_METHODS.contains(method)) { // content-type not specified in request headers? if (null == contentType) { contentType = MIME_JSON; con.addRequestProperty(CONTENT_TYPE, MIME_JSON); } con.setDoOutput(true); OutputStream out = con.getOutputStream(); if (MIME_JSON.equals(contentType)) { MAPPER.writeValue(out, requestBody); final String json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(requestBody); LOG.debug("json Content: {}", json); } else { // application/www-form-urlencoded PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out); if (requestBody instanceof String) { writer.print(requestBody); LOG.debug("Content: {}", requestBody); } else { Map<String, Object> params = MAPPER.convertValue(requestBody, Map.class); String content = expandUrl("", params); writer.print(content.substring(1)); LOG.debug("Content: {}", content.substring(1)); } writer.flush(); } out.close(); } } NetworkResponse<J> response = new NetworkResponse<J>(con.getResponseCode(), con.getHeaderFields(), con.getResponseMessage());"HTTP {} {}", response.getCode(), response.getMessage()); // response content to read and parse? if (null != con.getContentType()) { final String responseType = con.getContentType(); LOG.debug("Content-Type: {}", responseType); in = con.getInputStream(); if (con.getContentType().startsWith(MIME_JSON)) { response.setBody(MAPPER.readValue(in, responseClass)); LOG.debug("Response JSON: {}", response.getBody()); } else if (String.class.equals(responseClass)) { String s = readResponseAsString(in, responseType);"Read {} bytes from {}", s.length(), con.getContentType()); response.setBody((J) s); } else if (400 <= response.getCode()) { String s = readResponseAsString(in, responseType); LOG.warn(s); } in.close(); } return response; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (null != in) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String s; while (null != (s = br.readLine())) { LOG.warn(s); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } throw new RuntimeException(String.format(" %s", ioe.getMessage()), ioe); } } protected String readResponseAsString(InputStream in, final String contentType) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte b[] = new byte[1024]; int count; while (0 < (count = { baos.write(b, 0, count); } String charset = "UTF-8"; int beginIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf(MIME_CHARSET); if (0 < beginIndex) { charset = contentType.substring(beginIndex + MIME_CHARSET.length()); } final String s = baos.toString(charset); return s; } public static String expandUrl(final String url, Map<String, Object> paramMap) { return expandUrl(url, SEPARATOR_QUERY, paramMap); } public static String expandUrl(final String url, final String separator, Map<String, Object> paramMap) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(url); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : paramMap.entrySet()) { sb.append(-1 < sb.indexOf(separator) ? "&" : separator); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append('='); try { sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getValue().toString(), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException shouldNeverHappen) { LOG.error("Encoding parameter", shouldNeverHappen); } } return sb.toString(); } public <J> J get(String url, Class<J> responseClass, Object... requestBody) { return get(url, null, responseClass, requestBody); } public <J> J get(String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Class<J> responseClass, Object... requestBody) { final Object requestParams = null != requestBody && 1 == requestBody.length ? requestBody[0] : null; return exchange("GET", url, requestHeaders, requestParams, responseClass); } public String getForLocation(String url, Object... requestBody) { return getForLocationWithHeaders(url, null, requestBody); } public String getForLocationWithHeaders(String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Object... requestBody) { final Object requestParams = null != requestBody && 1 == requestBody.length ? requestBody[0] : null; NetworkResponse<Void> response = exchangeForResponse("GET", url, requestHeaders, requestParams, Void.class, false); return response.getHeader(LOCATION); } public <J> J post(String url, Object requestBody, Class<J> responseClass) { return post(url, null, requestBody, responseClass); } public <J> J post(String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Object requestBody, Class<J> responseClass) { return exchange("POST", url, requestHeaders, requestBody, responseClass); } public String postForLocation(String url, Object requestBody) { return postForLocationWithHeaders(url, null, requestBody); } public String postForLocationWithHeaders(String url, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, Object requestBody) { NetworkResponse<Void> response = exchangeForResponse("POST", url, requestHeaders, requestBody, Void.class, false); return response.getHeader(LOCATION); } public static Map<String, String> parseQueryString(String s) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String nameValue : s.split("&")) { String pair[] = nameValue.split("="); if (null != pair && 2 == pair.length) { try { builder.put(pair[0], URLDecoder.decode(pair[1], "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LOG.warn("Decoding {}", pair[1]); } } } return; } // --- getters and setters --- public String getBaseUrl() { return baseUrl; } public void setAccept(String accept) { this.accept = accept; } public void setAuthorization(String authorization) { this.authorization = authorization; } }