Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import com.vmware.vchs.api.samples.SampleConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class implements API calls to the vCloud Compute API. */ public class Compute { /** * This method will log in to compute using the provided URL (which should be the /api/sessions * path). * * @param url the url to the VCD API to make requests to * @param username the username to log in with * @param password the password to log in with * @param orgName the org name to use as part of the login process * @param version the version of the API to call * @return the value of the header x-vcloud-authorization if login success */ public static final String login(String url, String username, String password, String orgName, String version) { // Default base URL to log in to using the provided URL HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); // Encode the username and password provided via the command line options.username and // options.password appending the provided orgName to the username before encoding. Compute // services require username@orgName:password syntax to log in with. String auth = "Basic " + Base64 .encodeBase64URLSafeString(new String(username + "@" + orgName + ":" + password).getBytes()); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, auth); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(post); if (null != response) { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // Return the response header x-vcloud-authorization which contains the session // token for the now logged in user. return response.getFirstHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER).getValue(); } } return null; } /** * This method will use the provided input parameters to create a VM. * * @param vdc * the VdcType instance to create the VM in to * @param template * the vApp template to create the VM from * @param vAppName * the name of the created VM * @param version * the version of the API to use * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @return an instance of VAppType if successful, null otherwise */ public static final VAppType createVmFromTemplate(VdcType vdc, VAppTemplateType template, String vAppName, String version, String token) { ReferenceType vappReference = new ReferenceType(); vappReference.setHref(template.getHref()); // Create an InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType object and initialize it InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType instvApp = new InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType(); // Set the name of vApp using the options.vappname (command line option --targetvappname) instvApp.setName(vAppName); // Deploy the VM instvApp.setDeploy(Boolean.TRUE); // Power on this VM instvApp.setPowerOn(Boolean.TRUE); // vApp reference to be used instvApp.setSource(vappReference); instvApp.setDescription("VM Create from template"); instvApp.setAllEULAsAccepted(Boolean.TRUE); InstantiationParamsType instParams = new InstantiationParamsType(); instvApp.setInstantiationParams(instParams); // Get the HREF link to send POST to to instantiate the vapp List<LinkType> links = vdc.getLink(); String instantiateHref = null; for (LinkType link : links) { if (link.getType().contains("instantiateVAppTemplate")) { instantiateHref = link.getHref(); break; } } // Create HttpPost request to perform InstantiatevApp action HttpPost post = new HttpPost(instantiateHref); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); post.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); // Create the XSD generated ObjectFactory factory class ObjectFactory obj = new ObjectFactory(); // Create the InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType from the ObjectFactory JAXBElement<InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType> instvAppTemplate = obj .createInstantiateVAppTemplateParams(instvApp); // Get the StringEntity marshaled instance StringEntity se = HttpUtils.marshal(InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType.class, instvAppTemplate); // Set the Content-Type header for the VM vApp template parameters se.setContentType("application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVAppTemplateParams+xml"); post.setEntity(se); // Invoke the HttoPost to initiate the VM creation process HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(post); // Make sure response status is 201 Created if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) { return HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VAppType.class); } return null; } /** * This method will return a collection of VdcType objects for the passed in OrgListType. * * @param org * the list of Orgs to get VDCs from * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return a collection of VdcType instances if available, null otherwise. */ public static final Collection<VdcType> getVDCsForOrgs(OrgListType org, String token, String version) { if (null != org) { List<VdcType> vdcs = new ArrayList<VdcType>(); List<LinkType> links = org.getLink(); for (LinkType link : links) { if (link.getRel().equalsIgnoreCase("down") && link.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml")) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(link.getHref()); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { VdcType vdc = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VdcType.class); if (null != vdc) { vdcs.add(vdc); } } } } return vdcs; } return null; } /** * @param vApp * the vApp to search for a matching Vm * @return the VmType instance */ /** * Searches through the passed in vApp children element for a VmType Vm that matches the name of * the command line options.vappName. If found it is returned, otherwise a RuntimeException is * thrown. * * @param vApp * the VAppType to get the VM from * @param vmName * the name of the VM to match * @param version * the version of the API to call * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @return an instance of VmType if found, null otherwise */ public static final VmType getVmFromVApp(VAppType vApp, String vmName, String version, String token) { // Get the status of initialization operation and IP details if (null != vApp.getChildren()) { List<VmType> vms = vApp.getChildren().getVm(); for (VmType vm : vms) { List<LinkType> links = vm.getLink(); for (LinkType link : links) { // If there is a rel="up", we use that to get the ID and match it to the // passed in vApp id if (link.getRel().equalsIgnoreCase("up")) { // make GET request to get the up vApp to compare it to the // passed in vApp HttpGet get = new HttpGet(vApp.getHref()); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { VAppType upVApp = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VAppType.class); if (upVApp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(vmName)) { return vm; } } } } if (vm.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(vmName)) { return vm; } } } return null; } /** * This method will return a collection of VmType instances for the passed in Vdc. It will use * another method found in this class, getVAppsForVdc, to first get the vapps for the vdc. In * most cases, there is one Vm to each VApp. Just in case any of the VApp's returned for the VDC * contain more than one VM, this method will loop through each VApp collection of VM children * and add them all to the final collection that is returned. * * @param vdc * the VdcType instance to get all Vms for. * @param token * the vCloud API Auth token * @param version * the version of the API to invoke * @return a collection of VmType instances, or null */ public static final Collection<VmType> getVmsForVdc(VdcType vdc, String token, String version) { if (null != vdc) { Collection<VAppType> vapps = getVAppsForVdc(vdc, token, version); if (null != vapps) { Collection<VmType> vms = new ArrayList<VmType>(); for (VAppType vapp : vapps) { if (null != vapp.getChildren()) { List<VmType> vs = vapp.getChildren().getVm(); for (VmType v : vs) { vms.add(v); } } } return vms; } } return null; } /** * This method will return a collection of vApps for the provided VDC if found. * * @param vdc * the VdcType to get the VApp collection from * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return a collection of VappType instances if found, null otherwise */ public static final Collection<VAppType> getVAppsForVdc(VdcType vdc, String token, String version) { if (null != vdc && null != vdc.getResourceEntities()) { ResourceEntitiesType resourceEntities = vdc.getResourceEntities(); List<ResourceReferenceType> resources = resourceEntities.getResourceEntity(); Collection<VAppType> vapps = new ArrayList<VAppType>(); for (ResourceReferenceType resource : resources) { if (resource.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml")) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(resource.getHref()); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { vapps.add(HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VAppType.class)); } } } return vapps; } return null; } /** * This method will retrieve the specified Org's details * * @param url * the url to make API requests to * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return an instance of OrgListType if found, null otherwise */ public static final OrgListType getOrgDetails(String url, String token, String version) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), OrgListType.class); } return null; } /** * This method will use the vCloud Query API to search for a single template with a matching * name. If found it is returned, otherwise null is returned. * * @param url * the URL to make the API request to * @param vdc * the VdcType to get the template from * @param templateName * the name of the template to find * @param token * OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return an instance of VAppTemplateType if found, null otherwise */ public static final VAppTemplateType getTemplateForVdc(String url, VdcType vdc, String templateName, String token, String version) { QueryResultRecordsType queryResults = HttpUtils.getQueryResults(url, "type=vAppTemplate&filter=name==" + templateName, version, token); List<JAXBElement<? extends QueryResultRecordType>> rslt = queryResults.getRecord(); VAppTemplateType vat = null; // We should have only one record with the name matching templateName if (rslt.size() == 1) { QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType qrrt = (QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType) rslt.get(0).getValue(); String templateHref = qrrt.getHref(); // invoke the GET request to the template href to get the VAppTemplateType HttpGet get = new HttpGet(templateHref); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); // make surethe status is 200 OK if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // unmarshal the response entity into a VAppTemplateType vat = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VAppTemplateType.class); } } return vat; } /** * @param vdcTemplate * the VdcTemplateType object to instantiate the new VDC from * @param token * the vCloud Rest API user authentication token * @param version * the version of the vCloud Rest API to make requests against * @return the HttpStatus code result of the request. */ /** * This method will use the vCloud Rest API to create a new VDC from the provided VDC Template. * * @param vdcTemplateRef * a ReferencType instance that refers to the VDC template * @param url * the url to make API requests to * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @param vdcName * the name of the VDC to create * @param description * a description to provide for the created VDC * @return an instance of TaskType if successful which can be queried for status, or null * otherwise */ public static final TaskType createVdcFromVdcTemplate(ReferenceType vdcTemplateRef, String url, String token, String version, String vdcName, String description) { if (null != vdcTemplateRef && null != token && null != version) { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.instantiateVdcTemplateParams+xml"); post.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType newTemplate = new InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType(); newTemplate.setDescription(description); newTemplate.setName(vdcName); newTemplate.setSource(vdcTemplateRef); // Create the XSD generated ObjectFactory factory class ObjectFactory obj = new ObjectFactory(); // Create the InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType from the ObjectFactory JAXBElement<InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType> t = obj.createInstantiateVdcTemplateParams(newTemplate); // Get the StringEntity marshaled instance StringEntity se = HttpUtils.marshal(InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType.class, t); // Set it as the POST body post.setEntity(se); // Make the call HttpResponse postResponse = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(post); // Make sure the response HTTP status code is 202 Accepted if (null != postResponse && postResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) { // Accepted, so return the TaskType instance return HttpUtils.unmarshal(postResponse.getEntity(), TaskType.class); } } return null; } /** * This method will issue requests to the vCloud Rest API to retrieve any accessible VDC * Templates for the user authenticated by the provided token. The return of this method is a * collection of ReferenceType objects, however, the only ReferenceType objects added to the * returned collection are those that have the type = * "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcTemplate+xml". The reason the ReferenceType is returned and * not the VdcTemplateType, is because when instantiating a new VDC template, the source of the * VdcTemplate is required, which is the ref.getHref() value. To avoid further lookup calls when * needing to create a VDC from a template, by returning the ReferenceType, access to the * VdcTemplateType source is made available. * * @param url * the url to make API requests to * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return a collection of ReferenceType objects if found, null otherwise */ public static final Collection<ReferenceType> getVdcTemplates(String url, String token, String version) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(getBaseUrl(url) + "/vdcTemplates"); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcTemplates+xml;version=" + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (null != response) { VdcTemplateListType listTemplates = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VdcTemplateListType.class); if (null != listTemplates) { List<ReferenceType> refs = listTemplates.getVdcTemplate(); if (null != refs && refs.size() > 0) { List<ReferenceType> templates = new ArrayList<ReferenceType>(); for (ReferenceType ref : refs) { if (ref.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcTemplate+xml")) { templates.add(ref); } } return templates; } } } return null; } /** * This method will retrieve all the VDC Templates (via the getVdcTemplates() method found in * this class) and then iterate the results looking for a matching VDC template with the name * passed in the templateName parameter. If a match is found, a GET request is done on the * matching HREF to get the VdcTemplateType instance details and is returned. * * @param url * the url of the API to make requests to * @param templateName * the name of the template to find * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return a ReferenceType instance if found, null otherwise */ public static final ReferenceType findVdcTemplateByName(String url, String templateName, String token, String version) { Collection<ReferenceType> refs = getVdcTemplates(url, token, version); if (null != refs) { for (ReferenceType ref : refs) { if (ref.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(templateName)) { return ref; } } } return null; } /** * This helper method will retrieve the VdcTemplateType from the provided ReferenceType. * * @param ref * the ReferenceType instance that contains the VdcTemplateType * @param token * the OAUTH2 authentication token from IAM * @param version * the version of the API to call * @return an instance of VdcTemplateType, or null otherwise */ public static final VdcTemplateType getVdcTemplateFromRef(ReferenceType ref, String token, String version) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(ref.getHref()); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "application/vnd.vmware.admin.vdcTemplate+xml;version=" + version + ";charset=utf-8"); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { return HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VdcTemplateType.class); } return null; } /** * This method uses the vCloud Query API to retrieve vCloud VDC Templates. It will return a * collection of VAppTemplateType instances for each template retrieved. * * @param vdc * the VDC to find and return all templates from */ public static final Collection<VAppTemplateType> getTemplatesForVdc(String computeUrl, VdcType vdc, String version, String token) { // Query the vCloud Query API to search for a vAppTemplate matching the // options.templateName (command line option --templatename) QueryResultRecordsType queryResults = HttpUtils.getQueryResults(getBaseUrl(computeUrl), "type=vAppTemplate", version, token); List<JAXBElement<? extends QueryResultRecordType>> rslt = queryResults.getRecord(); // We should have only one record with the name matching templateName if (null != rslt && rslt.size() > 0) { Collection<VAppTemplateType> templates = new ArrayList<VAppTemplateType>(); for (JAXBElement<? extends QueryResultRecordType> record : rslt) { if (record.getDeclaredType().equals(QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType.class)) { QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType template = (QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType) record .getValue(); // invoke the GET request to the template href to get the VAppTemplateType HttpGet get = new HttpGet(template.getHref()); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); // make sure the status is 200 OK if (null != response && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // unmarshal the response entity into a VAppTemplateType VAppTemplateType vat = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), VAppTemplateType.class); templates.add(vat); } } } return templates; } return null; } /** * This method will attempt to deploy (or undeploy) the provided vApp. The Boolean provided * parameter, deploy, if set to true attempts to deploy the vApp, otherwise false will attempt * to undeploy the vApp. * * @param vApp * @param deploy * @param version * @param token * @return */ public static final TaskType deployUndeployVM(VAppType vApp, Boolean deploy, String version, String token) { String deployHref = null; // Search the list of links for the vApp rel="deploy" to get the correct Href for (LinkType link : vApp.getLink()) { if (link.getRel().equalsIgnoreCase("deploy")) { deployHref = link.getHref(); break; } } // Only proceed if we found a valid deploy Href if (null != deployHref) { DeployVAppParamsType deployParams = new DeployVAppParamsType(); deployParams.setPowerOn(deploy); // Create the XSD generated ObjectFactory factory class ObjectFactory obj = new ObjectFactory(); // Create the DeployVAppParamsType from the ObjectFactory JAXBElement<DeployVAppParamsType> deployParamsType = obj.createDeployVAppParams(deployParams); // Get the StringEntity marshaled instance StringEntity se = HttpUtils.marshal(DeployVAppParamsType.class, deployParamsType); HttpPost deployPost = new HttpPost(deployHref); deployPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); deployPost.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token); // Set the Content-Type header for the VM vApp template parameters se.setContentType("application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.deployVAppParams+xml"); // Set it as the POST body deployPost.setEntity(se); // Invoke the HttoPost to initiate the VM creation process HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(deployPost); // Make sure response status is 201 Created if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED) { TaskType taskType = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), TaskType.class); return taskType; } } return null; } /** * This method will retrieve the internal ip value for the passed in Vm using the Vms * NetworkConfigSection to obtain the ip. * * @param vm * the VmType to obtain the internal ip from * @return the internal ip if found, otherwise "none" is returned */ public static String getIpForVm(VmType vm, String version, String token) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(vm.getHref()); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, token); // Request the NetworkConnection information for the VM to extract IP from it. // HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(vcd.get(vm.getHref() + VM_NETWORK_URL, // options)); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); // Make sure response is ok if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { NetworkConnectionSectionType nwsc = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), NetworkConnectionSectionType.class); if (null != nwsc) { String ip = nwsc.getNetworkConnection().get(0).getIpAddress(); return ip; } } return null; } /** * Continually makes a GET request to the passed in Taks's Href with a 10 second delay between * each request to avoid sending too many requests to the API too fast. * * @param task * the TaskType instnace to query and wait for completion */ public static void waitForTaskCompletion(TaskType task, String version, String token, int retryCount) { int retry = 0; TaskType statusTask = task; while ((!statusTask.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("success") && !statusTask.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("error")) && retry++ < retryCount) { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(statusTask.getHref()); get.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, SampleConstants.APPLICATION_PLUS_XML_VERSION + version + ";charset=utf-8"); get.setHeader(SampleConstants.VCD_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, token); HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.httpInvoke(get); statusTask = HttpUtils.unmarshal(response.getEntity(), TaskType.class); if (null != statusTask && statusTask.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("running")) { System.out.print("."); try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } /** * Loops through the list of tasks provided by the tasksInProgressType parameter, calling the * waitForTaskCompletion method with each individual task. * * @param tasksInProgressType * a collection of tasks to wait for */ public static void waitForTasks(TasksInProgressType tasksInProgressType, String version, String token) { List<TaskType> tasks = tasksInProgressType.getTask(); for (TaskType task : tasks) { if (null != task) { waitForTaskCompletion(task, version, token, 10); } } } /** * This is a private helper method called by other methods in this class to find the base URL of * a compute instance from whatever URL is provided in the calling method. This is needed * because the compute instance apiUrl returned often refers to the compute Org url, instead of * just the base url. * * @param url * the compute instance apiUrl to try to find the compute instance base URL from * @return the compute instance base API URL */ private static final String getBaseUrl(String url) { String baseUrl = url; int indx = url.indexOf("/compute/api"); if (indx >= 0) { baseUrl = url.substring(0, indx + 12); } return baseUrl; } }