Source code

Java tutorial


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/* ***********************************************************************
 * VMware ThinApp Factory
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ***********************************************************************/

package com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.server;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.client.ProjectClient;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.CommandList;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.ConversionPhase;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.Project;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.ProjectFile;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.ThinAppRuntime;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.TicketRequest;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.exception.ConverterException;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.datastore.client.DatastoreClient;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.datastore.dto.Datastore;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.util.AfUtil;
import com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.dto.Workpool;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.Config;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.ThreadLocalProperties;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.Util;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.util.DownloadResult;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.util.DriveLetterManager;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.util.DriveLetterManager.DriveLetter;
import com.vmware.thinapp.manualmode.util.HttpDownloaderService;

import scala.Option;

public class RequestFactory {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestFactory.class);

    public enum RequestScheme {
        http, https, datastore

    private Util util;

    protected Config config;

    protected DatastoreClient datastoreClient;

    private ProjectClient projectClient;

    private HttpDownloaderService httpDownloaderService;

    private RuntimeManager runtimeManager;

    private static final String PROJECT_LOG_FILE = "Support/taf.log";

     * Create a new MM or automatic capture request for a given ticket.
     * @param ticketRequest a ticket request.
     * @return an instance of Request.
    public Request create(TicketRequest ticketRequest) {
        DriveLetterManager<String> driveLetterManager = DriveLetterManager

        ThinAppRuntime thinAppRuntime = getThinAppRuntime(ticketRequest.getRuntimeId());
        Datastore outputDS = datastoreClient.getDatastore(ticketRequest.getOutputDatastore());
        Project project = projectClient.create(outputDS, thinAppRuntime);

        // Output mounter where the conversion results will be written to
        Mounter outputMounter = createOutputMounter(outputDS, project.getSubdir(), driveLetterManager);

        // Collection of input mounters
        List<Mounter> inputMounters = new ArrayList<Mounter>();

        // Mapping of drive letter to the files that are stored on that drive
        Multimap<DriveLetter, ProjectFile> driveLetterToFiles = HashMultimap.create();

        List<Future<DownloadResult>> downloadResultFutures = new ArrayList<Future<DownloadResult>>();

        // Rage against teh nullz
        Option<DriveLetter> downloadDriveLetter = Option.empty();

        // Unique project directory where all downloaded files get stored
        String projectDir = "project-" + project.getId();
        String projectOutputPath = String.format("%s/%s", outputDS.getMountPath(), projectDir);
        String projectLogFile = String.format("%s/%s", projectOutputPath, PROJECT_LOG_FILE);
        ThreadLocalProperties.setProperty(ThreadLocalProperties.PER_PROJECT_LOGFILE, projectLogFile);

        // Process each input file in the request
        for (ProjectFile inputFile : ticketRequest.getInputFiles()) {
            String inputUriStr = inputFile.getUrl();
            URI inputUri = AfUtil.toURI(inputUriStr);
            RequestScheme scheme = RequestScheme.valueOf(inputUri.getScheme());

            switch (scheme) {
            case http:
            case https:
                downloadDriveLetter = Option.apply(processDownloadFile(inputFile, downloadDriveLetter,
                        driveLetterManager, outputDS, projectDir, inputMounters, downloadResultFutures));
            case datastore:
                processDatastoreFile(inputFile, inputUri, driveLetterManager, inputMounters, driveLetterToFiles);
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                        "Invalid input URI: %s. Supported input URI schemes are " + "datastore, http, and https",

        return createRequest(inputMounters, outputMounter, project, downloadResultFutures, downloadDriveLetter,
                driveLetterToFiles, ticketRequest.getAutomaticCapture(), ticketRequest.getCommands(),
                ticketRequest.getWorkpool(), projectOutputPath, thinAppRuntime);

    private ThinAppRuntime getThinAppRuntime(final Long runtimeId) {
        Collection<ThinAppRuntime> runtime = Collections2.filter(runtimeManager.getRuntimes(),
                new Predicate<ThinAppRuntime>() {
                    public boolean apply(ThinAppRuntime thinAppRuntime) {
                        return thinAppRuntime.getId() == runtimeId;

        assert runtime.size() == 1;

        return Iterables.get(runtime, 0);

     * Spawns off an asynchronous download task for the given download input
     * file.  Also performs one-time processing when the given drive letter is
     * not defined.
    private DriveLetter processDownloadFile(ProjectFile downloadFile, Option<DriveLetter> downloadDriveLetter,
            DriveLetterManager<String> driveLetterManager, Datastore outputDS, String projectDir,
            List<Mounter> inputMounters, List<Future<DownloadResult>> downloadResultFutures) {
        DriveLetter reservedDriveLetter;

        /** /installers/project-x */
        String installersProjectDir = config.getInstallersDir() + projectDir;

         * [Internal DS's mountPath -> /home/user/packages ]
         * [Other DS's mountPath    -> /mnt/cifs/{id}      ]
         * [Internal -> /home/user/packages/installers/project-x ]
         * [Others   -> /mnt/cifs/{id}/installers/project-x      ]
        String downloadPath = outputDS.getMountPath() + installersProjectDir;

        // Perform one-time processing if we haven't reserved a drive letter
        if (downloadDriveLetter.isEmpty()) {
            // Reserve a drive letter for the download input mounter
            reservedDriveLetter = driveLetterManager.reserve();

            // Get an input mounter for the download directory
            inputMounters.add(createInputMounter(outputDS, installersProjectDir, reservedDriveLetter));

            // Create a download dir with unique project id. e.g.
            // /home/user/packages/installers/project-xxxxx (internal)
            // /mnt/cifs/{id}/installers/project-xxxxx (Others)
            log.debug("Checking for existence of installer download directory {}", downloadPath);
            File dir = new File(downloadPath);
            if (!dir.exists()) {
                log.debug("Installer download directory {} does not exist, creating...", downloadPath);
                if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to create required directory - " + downloadPath);
        } else {
            reservedDriveLetter = downloadDriveLetter.get();

        // Trigger an HTTP download for the input file"Start downloading from {} and save into {}", downloadFile, downloadPath);
        downloadResultFutures.add(httpDownloaderService.asyncDownload(downloadFile.getUrl(), downloadPath,
        return reservedDriveLetter;

     * Process the given datastore file.  Will create input mounters as needed.
    private void processDatastoreFile(ProjectFile datastoreFile, URI inputUri,
            DriveLetterManager<String> driveLetterManager, List<Mounter> inputMounters,
            Multimap<DriveLetter, ProjectFile> driveLetterToFiles) {
        // Get the datastore the input file is stored on
        String datastoreId = inputUri.getHost();
        Datastore inputDS = datastoreClient.getDatastore(datastoreId);
        String parentPath = null;
        try {
            parentPath = AfUtil.parentUri(inputUri).getPath();
        } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
            throw new ConverterException("Invalid file URI", ex);
        String datastoreKey = datastoreId + parentPath;

        // Get a drive letter for the datastore
        DriveLetter driveLetter;
        if (driveLetterManager.containsKey(datastoreKey)) {
            driveLetter = driveLetterManager.reserveWithKey(datastoreKey);
        } else {
            // Reserve a new drive letter
            driveLetter = driveLetterManager.reserveWithKey(datastoreKey);

            // Create the input mounter for the datastore
            inputMounters.add(createInputMounter(inputDS, parentPath, driveLetter));

        // Extract the filename from the full datastore URL if the name is null
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(datastoreFile.getFilename())) {
            try {
                URI datastoreURI = new URI(datastoreFile.getUrl());
            } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
                throw new ConverterException(
                        String.format("Invalid datastore file URI: %s", datastoreFile.getUrl()));

        // Associate the input file with the datastore's drive letter

     * Create a MM capture workflow.
     * @param inputMounters a list of input mounters.
     * @param outputMounter an output mounter.
     * @param project a project.
     * @param downloadResultFutures a collection of futures for download results.
     * @param downloadDriveLetter drive letter reserved for file downloads
     * @param driveLetterToFiles mapping of drive letters to files on that drive
     * @param automaticCapture true for automatic capture request,
     *                         false for manual capture request
     * @param commands list of commands to run at each conversion phase
     * @param workpool workpool instance to use
     * @param projectOutputPath the project's output path
     *                          (/home/user/packages/project-xxx)
     * @param thinAppRuntime runtime to capture with
     * @return a new Request instance.
    protected Request createRequest(List<Mounter> inputMounters, Mounter outputMounter, Project project,
            List<Future<DownloadResult>> downloadResultFutures, Option<DriveLetter> downloadDriveLetter,
            Multimap<DriveLetter, ProjectFile> driveLetterToFiles, boolean automaticCapture,
            Map<ConversionPhase, CommandList> commands, Workpool workpool, String projectOutputPath,
            ThinAppRuntime thinAppRuntime) {
        Capturer capturer;

        if (automaticCapture) {
            capturer = util.autowire(new AutomaticCapturer(downloadResultFutures, inputMounters, outputMounter,
                    downloadDriveLetter, driveLetterToFiles, commands, thinAppRuntime));
        } else {
            capturer = util.autowire(new ManualCapturer(downloadResultFutures, inputMounters, outputMounter,
                    downloadDriveLetter, driveLetterToFiles, commands, thinAppRuntime));
        }"Using output mounter: {}", outputMounter);"Using input mounters: {}", inputMounters);

        String logFile = String.format("%s/%s", projectOutputPath, PROJECT_LOG_FILE);
        return util.autowire(new Request(workpool, project, capturer, capturer.getStatus(), logFile));

     * Create an input mounter.
     * @param inDS an input datastore instance.
     * @param inputUncPath UNC path to the input datastore.
     * @return a new Mounter instance.
    protected Mounter createInputMounter(Datastore inDS, String inputUncPath, DriveLetter driveLetter) {
        if (inDS == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input datastore is null");

        // Strip all leading path elements so that joining them doesn't
        // result in multiple separators which confuses Windows.
        String server = StringUtils.strip(inDS.getServer(), "/\\");
        String share = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(inDS.getShare())) {
            share = StringUtils.strip(inDS.getShare(), "/\\");
        String path = null;
        if (inputUncPath != null) {
            path = StringUtils.strip(inputUncPath, "/\\");
        String inputUnc = AfUtil.toUNC(server, share, path);

        log.debug("Input datastore is: {} [UNC:{}]", inDS, inputUnc);

        return new Mounter(inputUnc, inDS.getUsername(), inDS.getPassword(), driveLetter.driveString());

     * Create an output mounter.
     * @param outDS an output datastore.
     * @param projectSubDir a directory to store project build output.
     * @return a new Mounter instance.
    protected Mounter createOutputMounter(Datastore outDS, String projectSubDir,
            DriveLetterManager<String> driveLetterManager) {
        if (outDS == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("outDS is null");

        String projectUnc = AfUtil.toUNC(outDS.getServer(), outDS.getShare(), projectSubDir);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Output datastore is: {} [UNC:{}]", outDS, projectUnc);


        return new Mounter(projectUnc, outDS.getUsername(), outDS.getPassword(),