Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ package com.vmware.bdd.exception; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import; import com.vmware.bdd.apitypes.NetworkDnsType; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; public class BddException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static MessageSource messageSource; static { messageSource = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/spring/commons-context.xml"); } private String section; private String errorId; public String getSection() { return section; } public String getErrorId() { return errorId; } public String getFullErrorId() { return section + "." + errorId; } protected static String formatErrorMessage(final String errorId, Object... args) { String msg = messageSource.getMessage(errorId, args, Locale.getDefault()); if (msg == null) { return "Error: Invalid Serengeti error message Id " + errorId; } return String.format(msg, args); } protected static String getErrorMessage(final String errorId, Object... args) { String msg = messageSource.getMessage(errorId, args, Locale.getDefault()); return msg; } public BddException() { super(); } public BddException(String msg) { super(msg); } public BddException(Throwable cause, String section, String errorId, Object... detail) { super(formatErrorMessage(section + "." + errorId, detail), cause); this.section = section; this.errorId = errorId; } public static BddException wrapIfNeeded(Throwable exception, String details) { if (exception instanceof BddException) { return (BddException) exception; } else { return INTERNAL(exception, details); } } public static BddException INTERNAL(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "INTERNAL_ERROR", detail); } public static BddException UPGRADE(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "UPGRADE_ERROR", detail); } public static BddException ExecCommand(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "EXECUTE_COMMAND_ERROR", detail); } public static BddException VC_EXCEPTION(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "VC_EXCEPTION", detail); } /** * This exception is designed to be thrown only when initializing serengeti * web application. When this exception is thrown, the web container will * catch it and abort the application deployment, which is just what we want. * Be sure that all code that can throw this exception will be called during * web application initialization. */ public static BddException APP_INIT_ERROR(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "APP_INIT_ERROR", detail); } public static BddException NOT_FOUND(Throwable ex, String object, String objectName) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "NOT_FOUND", object, objectName); } public static BddException NOT_FOUND(String object, String objectName) { return NOT_FOUND(null, object, objectName); } public static BddException NOT_ALLOWED_SCALING(String object, String objectName) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "NOT_ALLOWED_SCALING", object, objectName); } public static BddException ALREADY_EXISTS(Throwable ex, String object, String objectName) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "ALREADY_EXISTS", object, objectName); } public static BddException PG_REFERENCED_MULTI_TIMES() { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "PG_REFERENCED_MULTI_TIMES"); } public static BddException MULTI_NETWORKS_FOR_MAPR_DISTRO() { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "MULTI_NETWORKS_FOR_MAPR_DISTRO"); } public static BddException ALREADY_EXISTS(String object, String objectName) { return ALREADY_EXISTS(null, object, objectName); } public static BddException INVALID_PARAMETER(Throwable ex, String field, Object value) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "INVALID_PARAMETER", field, value); } public static BddException INVALID_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_EQUALS_SIGN(Throwable ex, String field, Object value) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "INVALID_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_EQUALS_SIGN", field, value); } public static BddException INVALID_PARAMETER(String field, Object value) { return INVALID_PARAMETER(null, field, value); } public static BddException INVALID_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_EQUALS_SIGN(String field, Object value) { return INVALID_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_EQUALS_SIGN(null, field, value); } public static BddException MISSING_PARAMETER(List<String> missingParameters) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "MISSING_PARAMETER", StringUtils.join(missingParameters, ", ")); } public static BddException BAD_REST_CALL(Throwable ex, String reason) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "BAD_REST_CALL", reason); } public static BddException VM_NAME_VIOLATE_NAME_PATTERN(String vmName) { return new ClusteringServiceException(null, "BDD", "VM_NAME_VIOLATE_NAME_PATTERN", vmName); } public static BddException INVALID_MIN_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM(String minComputeNodeNum, String deployedComputeNodeNum, String maxComputeNodeNum) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "INVALID_MIN_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM", minComputeNodeNum, deployedComputeNodeNum, maxComputeNodeNum); } public static BddException INVALID_MAX_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM(String maxComputeNodeNum, String deployedComputeNodeNum, String minComputeNodeNum) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "INVALID_MAX_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM", maxComputeNodeNum, deployedComputeNodeNum, minComputeNodeNum); } public static BddException INVALID_TARGET_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM(String targetComputeNodeNum, String deployedComputeNodeNum) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "INVALID_TARGET_COMPUTE_NODE_NUM", targetComputeNodeNum, deployedComputeNodeNum); } public static BddException INIT_VC_FAIL() { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "INIT_VC_FAIL"); } public static BddException UNSUPPORTED_OPS(String ops, String appMgr) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "UNSUPPORTED_OPS_FOR_APP_MGR", ops, appMgr); } public static BddException APP_MGR_TYPE_IS_BLANK(String appMgrName) { return new BddException(null, "SOFTWARE_MANAGER_COLLECTOR", "APP_MGR_TYPE_IS_BLANK", appMgrName); } public static BddException CLUSTER_HAS_NO_APP_MGR(String clusterName) { return new BddException(null, "CLUSTER", "CLUSTER_HAS_NO_APP_MGR", clusterName); } public static BddException APP_MGR_NOT_FOUND(String appMgrName) { return new BddException(null, "SOFTWARE_MANAGER_COLLECTOR", "APP_MGR_NOT_FOUND", appMgrName); } public static BddException EXTRA_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND(String extraPackages) { return new BddException(null, "CLUSTER", "EXTRA_PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND", extraPackages); } public static BddException NEW_RP_EXCLUDE_OLD_RP(Throwable ex, String oldNames, String newNames) { return new BddException(ex, "CLUSTER_UPDATE", "NEW_RP_EXCLUDE_OLD_RP", oldNames, newNames); } public static BddException INVALID_DNS_TYPE(NetworkDnsType dnsType) { return new BddException(null, "NETWORK", "INVALID_DNS_TYPE", dnsType.toString()); } public static BddException INVALID_OPTIONS_WHEN_UPDATE_NETWORK(String[] options) { return new BddException(null, "NETWORK", "INVALID_OPTIONS", StringUtils.join(options, ", ")); } public static BddException FAILED_TO_GENERATE_HOSTNAME(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "GENERATING_HOSTNAME_ERROR", detail); } public static BddException FAILED_TO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "FAILED_TO_GENERATE_SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS", detail); } public static BddException SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND() { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND"); } public static BddException SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS_TEMPLATE_READ_ERR(Throwable ex, String detail) { return new BddException(ex, "BDD", "SCRIPT_FOR_UPDATING_ETC_HOSTS_TEMPLATE_READ_ERR", detail); } public static BddException ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE() { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE"); } public static BddException SYSTEM_DISK_NOT_FOUND_ON_NODE(String nodeName) { return new BddException(null, "BDD", "SYSTEM_DISK_NOT_FOUND_ON_NODE", nodeName); } public static BddException CLUSTER_RECOVER_FAILED(String vmNames) { return new BddException(null, "CLUSTER", "RECOVER_FAILED", vmNames); } public static BddException INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR() { return INTERNAL(null, "UNKNOWN."); } }