Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * VMware ThinApp Factory * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***********************************************************************/ package com.vmware.appfactory.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.dto.EachOption; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.dto.GroupOption; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.dto.SingleOption; import com.vmware.appfactory.common.exceptions.AfNotFoundException; import com.vmware.appfactory.config.dao.ConfigDao; import com.vmware.appfactory.config.model.ConfigSetting; import com.vmware.appfactory.datastore.DatastoreClientService; import com.vmware.appfactory.datastore.DsDatastore; import com.vmware.appfactory.workpool.WorkpoolClientService; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.client.ThinAppRuntimeClient; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.converter.dto.ThinAppRuntime; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.datastore.dto.Datastore; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.dto.Workpool; import com.vmware.thinapp.common.workpool.exception.WpException; import static com.vmware.appfactory.config.ConfigParam.*; import static com.vmware.appfactory.config.ConfigRegistryConstants.*; /** * This class handles all configuration operations for AppFactory. It defines * all the available configuration parameters, and methods to set and get values * for each one. * * Defaults for parameters are defined in resources/ If no * default is defined there, the default value will be 0, false, or "" as * appropriate. */ @SuppressWarnings("MissortedModifiers") public class ConfigRegistry { /** * Get the logger */ private final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigRegistry.class); /** * This is the set of default configuration parameters. */ private static final Map<String, ConfigParam> _PARAM_MAP = init(); @Resource private ConfigDao _configDao; @GuardedBy(value = "this") private Map<String, ConfigSetting> _settingsInDBMap; private LoadingCache<String, String> _stringCache; private LoadingCache<String, Boolean> _booleanCache; private LoadingCache<String, Integer> _intCache; private LoadingCache<String, Long> _longCache; /** * Initialize the config parameters map * @return a map of config parameters. */ private static Map<String, ConfigParam> init() { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ConfigParam> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); int n = 0; /** Horizon **/ builder.put(HORIZON_ENABLED, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_ENABLED, false, "Enabling horizon integration prompts for configuring horizon.")); builder.put(HORIZON_URL, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_URL, false)); builder.put(HORIZON_IGNORE_CERT_WARN, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_IGNORE_CERT_WARN, false)); builder.put(HORIZON_IDP_ACTIVATION_TOKEN, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_IDP_ACTIVATION_TOKEN, false)); builder.put(HORIZON_CLIENT_USERNAME, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_CLIENT_USERNAME, false)); builder.put(HORIZON_CLIENT_PASSWORD, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_CLIENT_PASSWORD, false)); builder.put(HORIZON_OAUTH2_TOKEN, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_HORIZON, n++, HORIZON_OAUTH2_TOKEN, false)); /** General **/ builder.put(GEN_REFRESH_PERIOD_SECS, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_GENERAL, n++, GEN_REFRESH_PERIOD_SECS, false, "seconds (0 to suspend)")); builder.put(GEN_SKIN, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_GENERAL, n++, GEN_SKIN, false, new SkinValues())); builder.put(GEN_EULA_ACCEPTED, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_GENERAL, n++, GEN_EULA_ACCEPTED, false)); /** Feeds **/ builder.put(FEED_RETRY_FAILED_SCAN, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_FEEDS, n++, FEED_RETRY_FAILED_SCAN, true)); builder.put(FEED_RETRY_FAILED_CONVERT, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_FEEDS, n++, FEED_RETRY_FAILED_CONVERT, true)); builder.put(FEED_RESCAN_PERIOD_MINS, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_FEEDS, n++, FEED_RESCAN_PERIOD_MINS, true, "minutes")); builder.put(FEEDS_MAX_CONVERT_ATTEMPTS, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_FEEDS, n++, FEEDS_MAX_CONVERT_ATTEMPTS, false, "attempts")); /** File Share **/ builder.put(FILESHARE_MAX_DIR_DEPTH_SCAN, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_FILESHARES, n++, FILESHARE_MAX_DIR_DEPTH_SCAN, true, "subdirectories")); builder.put(FILESHARE_DIR_LAYOUT, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_FILESHARES, n++, FILESHARE_DIR_LAYOUT, true, new DirLayoutValues())); builder.put(FILESHARE_RECIPE_DIR, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_FILESHARES, n++, FILESHARE_RECIPE_DIR, false)); builder.put(FILESHARE_OVERRIDE_APP_INFO_IN_RESCAN, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_FILESHARES, n++, FILESHARE_OVERRIDE_APP_INFO_IN_RESCAN, true)); /** Tasks **/ builder.put(TASKQ_MAX_PROJECTS_PER_BATCH, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_TASKS, n++, TASKQ_MAX_PROJECTS_PER_BATCH, true, "per batch request")); builder.put(TASKQ_MAX_CONCURRENT, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_TASKS, n++, TASKQ_MAX_CONCURRENT, true, "conversion tasks (-1 to auto-set equal to # of vm images)")); builder.put(TASKQ_MAX_FINISHED_COUNT, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_TASKS, n++, TASKQ_MAX_FINISHED_COUNT, true, "completed conversion tasks to keep (-1 for the max, limited to 1000. must restart server to take effect)")); builder.put(TASKQ_MAX_CONCURRENT_SCANS, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_TASKS, n++, TASKQ_MAX_CONCURRENT_SCANS, true, "feed scan tasks (-1 to auto-set to number of subscribed feeds)")); builder.put(TASKQ_MAX_FINISHED_SCANS, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_TASKS, n++, TASKQ_MAX_FINISHED_SCANS, true, "completed feed scan tasks to keep (-1 for the max, limited to 1000. must restart server to take effect)")); /** CWS **/ builder.put(CWS_SERVICE_URL, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_SERVICE_URL, false)); builder.put(CWS_CONVERSIONS_URL, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_CONVERSIONS_URL, false)); builder.put(CWS_PAUSED, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_PAUSED, false)); builder.put(THINAPP_RUNTIME_ID, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, THINAPP_RUNTIME_ID, true, new ConfigParamOptions() { @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { return reg.getRuntimeOptions(); } })); builder.put(CWS_STALL_TIMEOUT, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_STALL_TIMEOUT, true, "secs")); builder.put(CWS_STALL_CPU, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_STALL_CPU, true, "%")); builder.put(CWS_STALL_NET, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_STALL_NET, true, "%")); builder.put(CWS_STALL_DISK, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_STALL_DISK, true, "%")); builder.put(CWS_ENABLE_QUALITY_REPORTING, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_ENABLE_QUALITY_REPORTING, true)); builder.put(CWS_QUALITY_REPORTING_TAG, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_CWS, n++, CWS_QUALITY_REPORTING_TAG, false)); /** Datastore **/ builder.put(DATASTORE_SERVICE_URL, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_STORAGE, n++, DATASTORE_SERVICE_URL, false)); builder.put(DATASTORE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ID, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_STORAGE, n++, DATASTORE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ID, true, new DefaultDatastoreValues())); builder.put(DATASTORE_DEFAULT_RECIPE_ID, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_STORAGE, n++, DATASTORE_DEFAULT_RECIPE_ID, true, new DefaultDatastoreValues())); builder.put(DATASTORE_SHOW_OFFLINE, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_STORAGE, n++, DATASTORE_SHOW_OFFLINE, true)); /** Workpool **/ builder.put(WORKPOOL_SERVICE_URL, newStringInstance(CONF_GROUP_WORKPOOL, n++, WORKPOOL_SERVICE_URL, false)); builder.put(WORKPOOL_DEFAULT_WORKPOOL, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_WORKPOOL, n++, WORKPOOL_DEFAULT_WORKPOOL, false, new WorkpoolValues())); builder.put(WORKPOOL_VI_TYPE, newSelectInstance(CONF_GROUP_WORKPOOL, n++, WORKPOOL_VI_TYPE, false, new viTypes())); builder.put(WORKPOOL_DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCE, newIntegerInstance(CONF_GROUP_WORKPOOL, n++, WORKPOOL_DEFAULT_MAX_INSTANCE, false, "(applicable when deployed to vCenter)")); builder.put(WORKPOOL_SHOW_SETUP_ALERT, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_WORKPOOL, n++, WORKPOOL_SHOW_SETUP_ALERT, false)); /** Debug **/ builder.put(DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT_LOGGING, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_DEBUG, n++, DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT_LOGGING, false)); builder.put(DEBUG_JSON_LOGGING, newBooleanInstance(CONF_GROUP_DEBUG, n++, DEBUG_JSON_LOGGING, false)); builder.put(DEBUG_WEBUI_UI_DELAY, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_DEBUG, n++, DEBUG_WEBUI_UI_DELAY, false, "ms")); builder.put(DEBUG_WEBUI_API_DELAY, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_DEBUG, n++, DEBUG_WEBUI_API_DELAY, false, "ms")); builder.put(DEBUG_WEBUI_SIMS_DELAY, newLongInstance(CONF_GROUP_DEBUG, n++, DEBUG_WEBUI_SIMS_DELAY, false, "ms")); return; } /** * This method will be invoked DURING spring initialization * because it is needed for setDefaults() to work. Note that * it so happens that _configDao is set already by spring, * so we are lucky that this method does not crash. */ private synchronized void initDbMapIfNecessary() { if (null != _settingsInDBMap) { // already initialized return; } // on a new DB (or on an update), ensure that a row exists for // every setting in _PARAM_MAP. for (String key : _PARAM_MAP.keySet()) { ConfigSetting setting = _configDao.findForKey(key); if (null == setting) { // add an empty entry setting = new ConfigSetting(); setting.setKey(key); setting.setValue(null); _configDao.create(setting); } } /* Load all settings from DB */ _settingsInDBMap = loadFromDB(); _stringCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(20).build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() { @Override public String load(String key) { return getStringInternal(key); } }); _booleanCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(20).build(new CacheLoader<String, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean load(String key) throws AfNotFoundException, WpException { return getBoolInternal(key); } }); _intCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(20).build(new CacheLoader<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer load(String key) throws AfNotFoundException, WpException { return getIntegerInternal(key); } }); _longCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(20).build(new CacheLoader<String, Long>() { @Override public Long load(String key) { return getLongInternal(key); } }); } /** * Load all config settings from the DB. * * @return a map of config settings <param_key,ConfigSetting> */ private Map<String, ConfigSetting> loadFromDB() { final List<ConfigSetting> settingsInDBList = _configDao.findAll(); return Maps.uniqueIndex(settingsInDBList, new Function<ConfigSetting, String>() { /** Key function **/ @Override public String apply(ConfigSetting setting) { return setting.getKey(); } }); } /** * Construct a list of options for ThinApp runtimes. */ private List<EachOption> getRuntimeOptions() { List<ThinAppRuntime> runtimes = getRuntimes(); Collection<EachOption> rt = Collections2.transform(runtimes, new Function<ThinAppRuntime, EachOption>() { @Override public EachOption apply(ThinAppRuntime thinAppRuntime) { return new SingleOption(String.valueOf(thinAppRuntime.getBuild()), thinAppRuntime.getVersion()); } }); return new ArrayList<EachOption>(rt); } // TODO Use a client whose url can be changed at runtime. public List<ThinAppRuntime> getRuntimes() { ThinAppRuntimeClient runtimeClient = new ThinAppRuntimeClient(getString(CWS_CONVERSIONS_URL)); // Make a copy so that we can sort it; List<ThinAppRuntime> origList = Collections.emptyList(); try { origList = runtimeClient.list(); } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) { _log.error("Could not get list of runtime options, ignoring: " + e); } List<ThinAppRuntime> runtimes = new ArrayList<ThinAppRuntime>(origList); Collections.sort(runtimes, ThinAppRuntime.getBuildComparator()); return runtimes; } /** * Set the default configuration values from the specified properties * file, which should exist in the class path. * * @param propsFileName Base name of the configuration file. */ public void setDefaults(String propsFileName) { initDbMapIfNecessary(); try { /* Convert name=value entries into configuration defaults */ final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(propsFileName); for (String key : bundle.keySet()) { ConfigParam param = findParam(key); if (param == null) { _log.warn("Configuration file {} contains invalid key {}", propsFileName, key); } else { setValue(param, bundle.getString(key), true); } } } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { /* If file is not found, ignore it */ _log.warn("Configuration file {} not found", propsFileName); } } /** * Set a configuration parameter value. * * @param key * @param value */ public void setValue(String key, String value) { ConfigParam param = findParam(key); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter value=" + key); } setValue(param, value, false); } /** * Get all parameters plus their current or default values, * grouped together by parameter group. * * @param editable - filter data by editable only. * @return All params, mapped by group name. */ public synchronized ConfigGroupMap getGroupMap(boolean editable) { ConfigGroupMap map = new ConfigGroupMap(); for (ConfigParam param : _PARAM_MAP.values()) { // if editable only is requested, add only those. if (!editable || (editable && param.isUserEditable())) { map.add(param, getValue(param)); } } return map; } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as a boolean. * * @param key * @return Boolean value of 'key' */ public boolean getBool(String key) { return _booleanCache.getUnchecked(key); } private boolean getBoolInternal(String key) { String s = getValue(getParam(key)); return Boolean.valueOf(s); } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as a string. * * @param key * @return String value of 'key' */ public String getString(String key) { return _stringCache.getUnchecked(key); } private String getStringInternal(String key) { return getValue(getParam(key)); } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as a long. * If the value is not set or is invalid, return 0L * * @param key * @return Long value of 'key' / 0L */ public long getLong(String key) { return getLong(key, 0L); } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as a long. * If the value is not set or is not a long datatype, return * the default value thats set. * * @param key * @param defaultIfInvalidValue * @return Long value of 'key' / defaultIfInvalidValue */ public long getLong(String key, long defaultIfInvalidValue) { Long result = null; try { result = _longCache.getUnchecked(key); } catch (CacheLoader.InvalidCacheLoadException e) { // this will happen if the value is not set, so ignore. } if (null == result) { result = defaultIfInvalidValue; } return result; } @Nullable public Long getLongInternal(String key) { String s = null; try { s = getValue(getParam(key)); if (StringUtils.hasLength(s)) { return Long.valueOf(s).longValue(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Since the input value was invalid, use the default value passed. _log.debug("Invalid long value for key[{}] : {} ", key, s); } catch (Exception e) { // If database access failed, this setting cannot be loaded, use default as below. _log.warn("Value lookup failed for key[{}] " + e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as an integer. * If the value is not set or is invalid, return 0 * * @param key * @return Integer value of 'key' / 0 */ public int getInteger(String key) { return getInteger(key, 0); } /** * Get the value of a configuration parameter as an integer. * If the value is not set or is not a integer datatype, return * the default value thats set. * * @param key * @param defaultIfInvalidValue * @return integer value of 'key' / defaultIfInvalidValue */ public int getInteger(String key, int defaultIfInvalidValue) { Integer result = null; try { result = _intCache.getUnchecked(key); } catch (CacheLoader.InvalidCacheLoadException e) { // this will happen if the value is not set, so ignore. } if (null == result) { result = defaultIfInvalidValue; } return result; } private Integer getIntegerInternal(String key) { String s = null; try { s = getValue(getParam(key)); if (StringUtils.hasLength(s)) { return Integer.valueOf(s).intValue(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Since the input value was invalid, use the default value passed. _log.debug("Invalid int value for key[{}] : {} ", key, s); } catch (Exception e) { // If database access failed, this setting cannot be loaded, use default as below. _log.warn("Value lookup failed for key[{}] " + e.getMessage(), e); } return null; } /** * Get the parameter matching the given key. * If the key is invalid, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * * @param key * @return Parameter with the given key * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public ConfigParam getParam(String key) throws IllegalArgumentException { ConfigParam param = findParam(key); if (param == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid configuration key " + key); } return param; } /** * Find the parameter matching the given key. * If the key is invalid, return null. * * @param key * @return Parameter with the given key, or null if none. */ public ConfigParam findParam(String key) { return _PARAM_MAP.get(key); } /** * Find a value for the named configuration parameter. If no custom value is * found, the built-in default is returned. * * @param param Parameter to query. * @return Current value, or a default. */ @Nonnull private synchronized String getValue(ConfigParam param) { initDbMapIfNecessary(); ConfigSetting setting = _settingsInDBMap.get(param.getKey()); if (setting == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown param " + param.getKey()); } String value = setting.getValue(); if (null != value) { return value; } // if value is "null", that means that no value has been saved // to the database yet. Instead of just returning this, we compute // a default value here. Note that attempting to compute this default // value has been a source of bugs, as outside of this function we // can no longer distinguish between a properly recorded value which // is changed only by the result of a controller action (with appropriate // change events fired) and a computed value (which may have been returned // from a web service) which may change from minute-to-minute with no one // noticing. switch (param.getType()) { case BOOLEAN: return "false"; case INTEGER: return "0"; case LONG: return "0"; case STRING: return ""; case SINGLE_SELECT: List<EachOption> vals = param.getOptions().getValues(this); if (vals.isEmpty() || vals.get(0) instanceof GroupOption) { return ""; } return ((SingleOption) vals.get(0)).getKey(); } throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Parameter %s has an unknown type %s", param.getKey(), param.getType().toString())); } /** * Set the value for a given configuration parameter. * * Due to the fact that default values can change dynamically * (as in the case under a fresh install for runtimes, workpools, * and datastores), this method will always save the desired * value to the database, even if it appears to the the same as * the default. For more info, see bug 837469. * * @param param a config parameter instance. * @param value a new or updated value. * @param onlyIfUnset when true, the new value will only be set if the * existing value is null */ private synchronized void setValue(@Nonnull ConfigParam param, @Nonnull String value, boolean onlyIfUnset) { initDbMapIfNecessary(); String key = param.getKey(); ConfigSetting setting = _settingsInDBMap.get(key); if (setting == null) { // the setting must have already been created! throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown setting " + param); } // we're setting a default value. Don't overwrite a value // that is already present in the db, and log our actions // in either case. if (onlyIfUnset) { if (null == setting.getValue()) { _log.debug("Setting default for {}", key); } else { // don't change what's already there _log.debug("Ignoring default for {}, value already defined", key); return; } } // note: it is important to save the value passed in, even // if we think it is the same as what we already have recorded, // because sometimes the value from getValue() is NOT actually // what was retrieved from the database. If the user has made // a selection, we want to now store that value in the database, // so that the default can't change out from under him or her. // Please see the note in setValue() for more info. /* Change existing setting */ setting.setValue(value); _configDao.update(setting); _settingsInDBMap.get(key).setValue(value); _booleanCache.invalidate(key); _stringCache.invalidate(key); _longCache.invalidate(key); _intCache.invalidate(key); } /** * This public method helps with consolidating all calls to 1 place. * This will be removed shortly, and hence adding this exception. * @return */ public boolean isNewUI() { return true; } /** * Returns a ThinAppRuntimeClient * * We need to create this object each time, rather than use spring injection, * because its constructor takes the URL to the conversions web service. This * means that if the URL changes during the lifetime of the app, the old client * object will still be calling into the old URL. * * @return * a ThinAppRuntimeClient instance pointing at the CURRENT web service url */ public ThinAppRuntimeClient newThinappRuntimeClient() { return new ThinAppRuntimeClient(getString(CWS_CONVERSIONS_URL)); } public long getDefaultRuntime() { Long result = getLong(THINAPP_RUNTIME_ID, -1L); // that's awful. We can't start the app without this! // in order to continue (to even get to the settings page), // try to get the list of available runtime and just pick the // most recent one. // if (-1L == result) { // take the last one in the server's list List<ThinAppRuntime> runtimes = getRuntimes(); if (null != runtimes && !runtimes.isEmpty()) { ThinAppRuntime volunteer = runtimes.get(runtimes.size() - 1); result = volunteer.getId(); } } return result; } /** * Get maximum projects allowed for a batch capture request. * * @return maximum number of projects */ public int getMaxProjectsPerBatch() { int defaultValueIfInvalid = 500; return getInteger(TASKQ_MAX_PROJECTS_PER_BATCH, defaultValueIfInvalid); } /** * Determine if publishing to Horizon is enabled. * * @return */ public boolean publishToHorizonEnabled() { return getBool(HORIZON_ENABLED); } /** * Get the Horizon URL if Horizon publishing is enabled, otherwise null. * * @return */ public String getHorizonUrlIfEnabled() { return getBool(HORIZON_ENABLED) ? getString(HORIZON_URL) : null; } /** * Implementation of AfConfigParamValues which returns a list of * datastore names for the DATASTORE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT configuration parameter. */ public static final class DefaultDatastoreValues implements ConfigParamOptions { @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { List<EachOption> names = new ArrayList<EachOption>(); try { DatastoreClientService dsClient = new DatastoreClientService(reg); for (DsDatastore ds : dsClient.getAllDatastores()) { if (ds.getStatus() == { names.add(new SingleOption(ds.getId().toString(), ds.getName())); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignore } return names; } } /** * Implementation of AfConfigParamValues which returns a list of * known UI skins */ public static final class SkinValues implements ConfigParamOptions { private static final List<EachOption> SKIN_NAMES = new ArrayList<EachOption>(); static { SKIN_NAMES.add(new SingleOption("base")); } @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { return SKIN_NAMES; } } /** * Implementation of AfConfigParamValues which returns a list of * known virtual infrastructure types that TAF workpool uses. */ public static final class viTypes implements ConfigParamOptions { public enum VIType { vc, vcNoClone, wsNoClone } private static final List<EachOption> VI_TYPES = new ArrayList<EachOption>(); static { VI_TYPES.add(new SingleOption(, "M.CONFIG.VI.TYPE." +, true)); VI_TYPES.add( new SingleOption(, "M.CONFIG.VI.TYPE." +, true)); VI_TYPES.add( new SingleOption(, "M.CONFIG.VI.TYPE." +, true)); } @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { return VI_TYPES; } } /** * Implementation of AfConfigParamValues which returns a list of * available workpools */ public static final class WorkpoolValues implements ConfigParamOptions { @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { List<EachOption> names = new ArrayList<EachOption>(); WorkpoolClientService client = new WorkpoolClientService(reg); try { List<Workpool> workpools = client.getAllWorkpools(); for (Workpool workpool : workpools) { names.add(new SingleOption(workpool.getId().toString(), workpool.getName())); } } catch (WpException ex) { // Failed to get workpools; ignore } return names; } } /** * Implementation of AfConfigParamValues which returns a list of * known file share directory layouts. */ public static final class DirLayoutValues implements ConfigParamOptions { private static final List<EachOption> DIR_LAYOUTS = new ArrayList<EachOption>(); static { DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("vendor/name/version/locale/revision")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("vendor/name/version/revision/locale")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/vendor/version/locale/revision")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/vendor/version/revision/locale")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/version/locale/revision")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/version/revision/locale")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/locale/version/revision")); DIR_LAYOUTS.add(new SingleOption("name/version")); } @Override public List<EachOption> getValues(ConfigRegistry reg) { return DIR_LAYOUTS; } } }