Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. * * This product may include a number of subcomponents with separate copyright notices * and license terms. Your use of these subcomponents is subject to the terms and * conditions of the subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. */ package com.vmware.admiral.test.integration; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.Timeout; import com.vmware.admiral.common.util.AssertUtil; import com.vmware.admiral.compute.ContainerHostService; import com.vmware.admiral.compute.ContainerHostService.ContainerHostSpec; import com.vmware.admiral.compute.endpoint.EndpointAdapterService; import com.vmware.admiral.request.ContainerHostRemovalTaskFactoryService; import com.vmware.admiral.request.ContainerHostRemovalTaskService.ContainerHostRemovalTaskState; import com.vmware.admiral.request.RequestStatusFactoryService; import com.vmware.admiral.request.RequestStatusService.RequestStatus; import com.vmware.admiral.service.common.TaskServiceDocument; import com.vmware.admiral.test.integration.SimpleHttpsClient.HttpMethod; import com.vmware.admiral.test.integration.SimpleHttpsClient.HttpResponse; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.constants.PhotonModelConstants.EndpointType; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService.ComputeState; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService.ComputeStateWithDescription; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.ComputeService.PowerState; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.resources.EndpointService.EndpointState; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.tasks.ResourceEnumerationTaskService; import com.vmware.photon.controller.model.tasks.ResourceEnumerationTaskService.ResourceEnumerationTaskState; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Operation; import com.vmware.xenon.common.ServiceDocument; import com.vmware.xenon.common.TaskState; import com.vmware.xenon.common.TestLogger; import com.vmware.xenon.common.UriUtils; import com.vmware.xenon.common.Utils; public abstract class BaseIntegrationSupportIT { private static final String TEST_INTEGRATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH = ""; private static final String TEST_DCP_URL_PROP_NAME = "test.dcp.url"; private static final String TEST_DCP_HOST_PROP_NAME = ""; private static final String TEST_DCP_PORT_PROP_NAME = "test.dcp.port"; protected static final int STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_RETRY_COUNT = Integer .getInteger("test.state.change.wait.retry.count", 300); protected static final int TASK_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_RETRY_COUNT = Integer .getInteger("test.task.change.wait.retry.count", 600); protected static final int STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_PERIOD_MILLIS = Integer .getInteger("test.state.change.wait.period.millis", 1000); private static final String ENDPOINT_ID = "endpoint"; private static final String TENANT_LINKS_KEY = "test.tenant.links"; public static final String SUFFIX = "bel10"; private static final Properties testProperties = loadTestProperties(); protected static final Queue<ServiceDocument> documentsForDeletionAfterClass = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); protected static final Queue<ServiceDocument> documentsForDeletion = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); protected final TestLogger logger; private List<String> tenantLinks; protected BaseIntegrationSupportIT() { logger = new TestLogger(getClass()); } @Rule public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(15)); @BeforeClass public static void baseBeforeClass() { // Allow "Host" header to be passed // System.setProperty("", "true"); } @AfterClass public static void baseAfterClass() throws Exception { try { while (!documentsForDeletionAfterClass.isEmpty()) { delete(documentsForDeletionAfterClass.poll()); } } catch (Exception e) { documentsForDeletionAfterClass.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } } @After public void baseTearDown() throws Exception { try { while (!documentsForDeletion.isEmpty()) { ServiceDocument documentToDelete = documentsForDeletion.poll();"Cleanup: deleting %s", documentToDelete.documentSelfLink); delete(documentToDelete); } } catch (Exception e) { documentsForDeletion.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } } protected static void cleanUpAfterClass(ServiceDocument document) { documentsForDeletionAfterClass.add(document); } protected static void cleanUpAfter(ServiceDocument document) { documentsForDeletion.add(document); } protected static String getBaseUrl() { // if a dynmic port is used, build the URL from the host and port parts String port = testProperties.getProperty(TEST_DCP_PORT_PROP_NAME); if (port != null) { String host = testProperties.getProperty(TEST_DCP_HOST_PROP_NAME, ""); String baseUrl = String.format("http://%s:%s", host, port); return baseUrl; } return testProperties.getProperty(TEST_DCP_URL_PROP_NAME); } protected static String getTestRequiredProp(String key) { String property = testProperties.getProperty(key); if (property == null || property.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Property '%s' is required", key)); } return property; } protected static String getTestProp(String key) { return testProperties.getProperty(key); } protected static String getTestProp(String key, String defaultValue) { return testProperties.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } private static Properties loadTestProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(BaseIntegrationSupportIT.class.getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("")); File systemConfiguredTestPropertiesFile = getSystemConfiguredTestPropertiesFile(); if (systemConfiguredTestPropertiesFile == null) { System.out.println(String.format("Required system property: %s is not provided", TEST_INTEGRATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH)); } else { loadProperties(properties, systemConfiguredTestPropertiesFile); } String baseDcpUrl = System.getProperty(TEST_DCP_URL_PROP_NAME); if (baseDcpUrl != null) { properties.put(TEST_DCP_URL_PROP_NAME, baseDcpUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error during test properties loading.", e); } return properties; } private static File getSystemConfiguredTestPropertiesFile() { String integrationProperties = System.getProperty(TEST_INTEGRATION_PROPERTIES_FILE_PATH); if (integrationProperties == null) { return null; } return new File(integrationProperties); } protected static Properties loadProperties(Properties properties, File propertyFile) { try (FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(propertyFile)) { properties.load(inStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Error loading %s", propertyFile.getAbsolutePath()), e); } return properties; } protected static String buildServiceUri(String... paths) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); for (String path : paths) { url.append(UriUtils.normalizeUriPath(path)); } return url.toString(); } protected static void delete(ServiceDocument document) throws Exception { delete(document.documentSelfLink); } protected static void delete(String documentSelfLink) throws Exception { sendRequest(HttpMethod.DELETE, documentSelfLink, Utils.toJson(new ServiceDocument())); } protected static <T extends ServiceDocument> T getDocument(String seflLink, Class<? extends T> type) throws Exception { String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, seflLink, null); if (body == null || body.isEmpty()) { return null; } return Utils.fromJson(body, type); } public static enum TestDocumentLifeCycle { FOR_DELETE, FOR_DELETE_AFTER_CLASS, NO_DELETE } protected static <T extends ServiceDocument> T postDocument(String fabricLink, T document) throws Exception { return postDocument(fabricLink, document, TestDocumentLifeCycle.FOR_DELETE); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static <T extends ServiceDocument> T postDocument(String fabricLink, T document, TestDocumentLifeCycle documentLifeCycle) throws Exception { if (document.documentSelfLink != null && !document.documentSelfLink.isEmpty()) { String servicePathUrl = buildServiceUri(fabricLink, extractId(document.documentSelfLink)); String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, servicePathUrl, null); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { delete(servicePathUrl); } } String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.POST, fabricLink, Utils.toJson(document)); if (body == null) { return null; } T doc = (T) Utils.fromJson(body, document.getClass()); switch (documentLifeCycle) { case FOR_DELETE: cleanUpAfter(doc); break; case FOR_DELETE_AFTER_CLASS: cleanUpAfterClass(doc); break; default: break; } return doc; } protected static ComputeState addHost(ComputeState computeState) throws Exception { if ( != null) { String documentSelfLink = buildServiceUri(ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK,; String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, documentSelfLink, null); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { delete(documentSelfLink); } } ContainerHostSpec hostSpec = new ContainerHostSpec(); hostSpec.hostState = computeState; hostSpec.acceptCertificate = true; HttpResponse httpResponse = SimpleHttpsClient.execute(HttpMethod.PUT, getBaseUrl() + buildServiceUri(ContainerHostService.SELF_LINK), Utils.toJson(hostSpec)); if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT != httpResponse.statusCode) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Add host failed with status code: " + httpResponse.statusCode); } List<String> headers = httpResponse.headers.get(Operation.LOCATION_HEADER); String computeStateLink = headers.get(0); waitForStateChange(computeStateLink, t -> { ComputeStateWithDescription host = Utils.fromJson(t, ComputeStateWithDescription.class); return host.powerState.equals(PowerState.ON); }); return getDocument(computeStateLink, ComputeState.class); } protected void removeHost(ComputeState computeState) throws Exception {"---------- Request remove host. --------"); if (computeState != null && != null) { String documentSelfLink = buildServiceUri(ComputeService.FACTORY_LINK,; String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, documentSelfLink, null); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { // host is found, remove it ContainerHostRemovalTaskState state = new ContainerHostRemovalTaskState(); state.resourceLinks = Collections.singleton(computeState.documentSelfLink); state = postDocument(ContainerHostRemovalTaskFactoryService.SELF_LINK, state); assertNotNull("task is null", state); String taskSelfLink = state.documentSelfLink; assertNotNull("task self link is missing", taskSelfLink); waitForTaskToComplete(taskSelfLink); } else {"Docker host not found. Skipping removal"); } } } protected static String sendRequest(HttpMethod method, String link, String body) throws Exception { HttpResponse httpResponse = SimpleHttpsClient.execute(method, getBaseUrl() + buildServiceUri(link), body); return httpResponse.responseBody; } protected void waitForTaskToComplete(final String documentSelfLink) throws Exception { TaskState taskState = null; boolean error = false; for (int i = 0; i < TASK_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_RETRY_COUNT; i++) { Thread.sleep(STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_PERIOD_MILLIS); String body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, documentSelfLink, null); taskState = null; if (body != null) { taskState = Utils.getJsonMapValue(body, TaskServiceDocument.FIELD_NAME_TASK_INFO, TaskState.class); } if (TaskState.isFinished(taskState)) { return; } RequestStatus requestStatus = getDocument( UriUtils.buildUriPath(RequestStatusFactoryService.SELF_LINK, extractId(documentSelfLink)), RequestStatus.class); if (requestStatus != null) {"~~~~~~~~~ Request %s status progress: %s. Progress by component: %s ~~~~~~~", documentSelfLink, requestStatus.progress, requestStatus.requestProgressByComponent); } if (TaskState.isCancelled(taskState) || TaskState.isFailed(taskState)) { error = true; break; } } String failure = ""; if (taskState != null && taskState.failure != null) { failure = "Failure: " + taskState.failure.message; } if (error) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Failed with error waiting for %s to succeed. %s", documentSelfLink, failure)); } else { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Timeout waiting for %s to succeed. %s", documentSelfLink, failure)); } } protected static void waitForStateChange(final String documentSelfLink, Predicate<String> predicate) throws Exception { String body = null; for (int i = 0; i < STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_RETRY_COUNT; i++) { Thread.sleep(STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_PERIOD_MILLIS); body = sendRequest(HttpMethod.GET, documentSelfLink, null); if (predicate.test(body)) { return; } } throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Failed waiting for state change")); } protected static void waitForStatusCode(URI uri, int expectedStatusCode) throws Exception { waitForStatusCode(uri, expectedStatusCode, STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_RETRY_COUNT); } protected static void waitForStatusCode(URI uri, int expectedStatusCode, int count) throws Exception { waitForStatusCode(uri, Collections.emptyMap(), expectedStatusCode, count); } protected static void waitForStatusCode(URI uri, Map<String, String> headers, int expectedStatusCode, int count) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Thread.sleep(STATE_CHANGE_WAIT_POLLING_PERIOD_MILLIS); try { HttpResponse httpResponse = SimpleHttpsClient.execute(HttpMethod.GET, uri.toString(), null, headers, getUnsecuredSSLSocketFactory()); if (expectedStatusCode == httpResponse.statusCode) { return; } } catch (Exception x) { // failed - keep waiting } } throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Failed waiting for status code %s at %s", expectedStatusCode, uri)); } protected static String getJsonValue(String body, String fieldName) { JsonObject jo = new JsonParser().parse(body).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement je = jo.get(fieldName); if (je == null) { return null; } return je.getAsString(); } protected static String extractId(String link) { AssertUtil.assertNotNull(link, "link"); if (link.endsWith(UriUtils.URI_PATH_CHAR)) { link = link.substring(0, link.length() - 1); } return link.substring(link.lastIndexOf(UriUtils.URI_PATH_CHAR) + 1); } /** * Get a property designated by path from a root object * <p/> * This implementation assumes the object is a nested map of maps until the leaf object is found * * @param object * @param propertyPathElements * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T getNestedPropertyByPath(Object object, String... propertyPathElements) { List<String> pathParts = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(propertyPathElements)); while ((object instanceof Map) && (!pathParts.isEmpty())) { String pathPart = pathParts.remove(0); Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) object; object = map.get(pathPart); } return (T) object; } protected String getResourceContaining(Collection<String> links, String pattern) { for (String resourceLink : links) { if (resourceLink.contains(pattern)) { return resourceLink; } } return null; } protected EndpointState createEndpoint(EndpointType endpointType, TestDocumentLifeCycle documentLifeCycle) throws Exception { EndpointState endpoint = new EndpointState(); endpoint.endpointType =; = name(endpointType, ENDPOINT_ID, SUFFIX); endpoint.tenantLinks = getTenantLinks(); endpoint.endpointProperties = new HashMap<>(); extendEndpoint(endpoint); return postDocument(EndpointAdapterService.SELF_LINK, endpoint, documentLifeCycle); } protected void triggerAndWaitForEndpointEnumeration(EndpointState endpoint) throws Exception { ComputeState parentCompute = getDocument(endpoint.computeLink, ComputeState.class); ResourceEnumerationTaskState enumTask = new ResourceEnumerationTaskState(); enumTask.parentComputeLink = endpoint.computeLink; enumTask.resourcePoolLink = endpoint.resourcePoolLink; enumTask.adapterManagementReference = parentCompute.adapterManagementReference; enumTask.tenantLinks = endpoint.tenantLinks; ResourceEnumerationTaskState returnedState = postDocument(ResourceEnumerationTaskService.FACTORY_LINK, enumTask); waitForTaskToComplete(returnedState.documentSelfLink); } protected abstract EndpointType getEndpointType(); protected abstract void extendEndpoint(EndpointState endpoint); protected String name(EndpointType endpointType, String prefix, String suffix) { return String.format("%s-%s-%s", prefix,, suffix); } protected List<String> getTenantLinks() { if (this.tenantLinks == null) { String tenantLinkProp = getTestProp(TENANT_LINKS_KEY, "/tenants/admiral"); String[] values = StringUtils.split(tenantLinkProp, ','); List<String> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { result.add(values[i].trim()); } this.tenantLinks = result; } return tenantLinks; } protected static SSLSocketFactory getUnsecuredSSLSocketFactory() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException { SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, new TrustManager[] { UnsecuredX509TrustManager.getInstance() }, null); return context.getSocketFactory(); } private static class UnsecuredX509TrustManager implements X509TrustManager { private static UnsecuredX509TrustManager instance; private UnsecuredX509TrustManager() { } @Override public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { } @Override public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException { } @Override public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } public static UnsecuredX509TrustManager getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new UnsecuredX509TrustManager(); } return instance; } } }