Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of UserWeave. * * UserWeave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * UserWeave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with UserWeave. If not, see <>. * * Copyright 2012 User Prompt GmbH | Psychologic IT Expertise *******************************************************************************/ package com.userweave.dao.impl; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.userweave.dao.SurveyExecutionDependentQuery; import com.userweave.dao.TestResultDao; import com.userweave.dao.filter.FilterFunctor; import com.userweave.domain.ModuleConfigurationEntityBase; import com.userweave.domain.ModuleConfigurationWithResultsEntity; import com.userweave.domain.SurveyExecution; import com.userweave.domain.SurveyExecutionState; import com.userweave.domain.TestResultEntityBase; import com.userweave.domain.service.GeneralStatistics; import com.userweave.domain.service.SurveyStatisticsService; import com.userweave.domain.service.impl.GeneralStatisticsImpl; import de.userprompt.utils_userweave.query.model.Join; import de.userprompt.utils_userweave.query.model.PropertyCondition; import de.userprompt.utils_userweave.query.model.QueryEntity; import de.userprompt.utils_userweave.query.template.QueryTemplate; @Transactional public abstract class TestResultDaoImpl<T extends TestResultEntityBase<U>, U extends ModuleConfigurationEntityBase> extends BaseDaoImpl<T> implements TestResultDao<T, U> { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public T findByConfigurationAndSurveyExecution(ModuleConfigurationWithResultsEntity configuration, SurveyExecution surveyExecution) { String queryString = "from " + getEntityName() + " where configuration = :configuration and surveyExecution = :surveyexecution"; return (T) getCurrentSession().createQuery(queryString).setParameter("configuration", configuration) .setParameter("surveyexecution", surveyExecution).uniqueResult(); } @Override public SurveyExecutionDependentQuery createQuery(ModuleConfigurationWithResultsEntity configuration, FilterFunctor filterFunctor) { SurveyExecutionDependentQuery query = new SurveyExecutionDependentQuery("se", "id"); // needed, because we use the 'normal' results and not // results_tablename to compute end results. query.addAndCondition( // FINISHED > STARTED -> result contains both states. PropertyCondition.greaterOrEqual("se.state", SurveyExecutionState.STARTED.ordinal())); // SELECT query.setResult("{result.*}"); // FROM QueryEntity result = new QueryEntity(getEntityResultName(), "result"); query.addQueryEntity(result); // Join with survey execution table query.addLeftJoin(new Join("surveyexecution", "se", "result.surveyexecution_id", "")); // only results for this configuration query.addAndCondition(PropertyCondition.equals("result.configuration_id", configuration.getId())); if (filterFunctor != null) { filterFunctor.apply(query); } return query; } /** * Gets called by rrtReportPanel */ @Override public List<T> findValidResults(ModuleConfigurationWithResultsEntity configuration, FilterFunctor filterFunctor) { SurveyExecutionDependentQuery query = createQuery(configuration, filterFunctor); if (query.getHasGroupBy()) { query.setGroupBy(", " + "result.configuration_id, " + "result.executionFinished, " + "result.executionStarted, " + "result.executionTime, " + "result.surveyExecution_id"); } SQLQuery q = new QueryTemplate(query).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()); q.addEntity("result", getPersistentClass()); return q.list(); } @Override public GeneralStatistics findValidResultStatistics(ModuleConfigurationWithResultsEntity configuration, FilterFunctor filterFunctor) { SurveyExecutionDependentQuery notFinishedCountQuery = createQuery(configuration, filterFunctor); notFinishedCountQuery.setResult("count(*)"); notFinishedCountQuery.addAndCondition(PropertyCondition.isNull("result.executiontime")); Long notFinishedCount = 0L; // group by clause does not count overall number of rows, but // returns rows with count values! if (notFinishedCountQuery.getHasGroupBy()) { List result = new QueryTemplate(notFinishedCountQuery).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()).list(); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { notFinishedCount = ((Integer) result.size()).longValue(); } } else { BigInteger notFinishedCountBig = (BigInteger) new QueryTemplate(notFinishedCountQuery) .createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()).uniqueResult(); if (notFinishedCountBig != null) { notFinishedCount = notFinishedCountBig.longValue(); } } SurveyExecutionDependentQuery query = createQuery(configuration, filterFunctor); query.addAndCondition(PropertyCondition.less("result.executiontime", new Long(SurveyStatisticsService.UNBELIEVABLE_LONG))); Long finishedCount; Double average, deviation; Integer started; // if group by applies, we need to calculate the values by hand, since // the result ist not a single row! if (query.getHasGroupBy()) { query.setResult("count(, avg(result.executiontime)"); List<Object[]> results = new QueryTemplate(query).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()).list(); finishedCount = ((Integer) results.size()).longValue(); average = computeAverage(results); deviation = computeDeviation(average, results); } else { query.setResult("count(*), avg(result.executiontime), stddev(result.executiontime)"); List<Object[]> results = new QueryTemplate(query).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()).list(); Object[] result = results.get(0); finishedCount = result[0] == null ? 0 : ((BigInteger) result[0]).longValue(); average = result[1] == null ? 0 : ((BigDecimal) result[1]).doubleValue(); deviation = result[2] == null ? 0 : ((BigDecimal) result[2]).doubleValue(); } started = notFinishedCount.intValue() + finishedCount.intValue(); return new GeneralStatisticsImpl(started, started, finishedCount.intValue(), average.longValue() / 1000, deviation / 1000); } @Override public int getValidResultCount(U configuration, FilterFunctor filterFunctor) { SurveyExecutionDependentQuery query = new SurveyExecutionDependentQuery("se", "id"); // query for number of questionnaire results QueryEntity result = new QueryEntity(getEntityResultName(), "result"); query.addQueryEntity(result); query.setResult("count("); // result must match configuration query.addAndCondition(PropertyCondition.equals("result.configuration_id", configuration.getId())); // join on survey execution for filtering query.addLeftJoin(new Join("surveyexecution", "se", "result.surveyexecution_id", "")); // only count started or completed surveys query.addAndCondition(PropertyCondition.greaterOrEqual("se.state", SurveyExecutionState.STARTED.ordinal())); if (filterFunctor != null) { filterFunctor.apply(query); } if (query.getHasGroupBy()) { query.setGroupBy(""); SQLQuery q = new QueryTemplate(query).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()); return q.list().size(); } else { SQLQuery q = new QueryTemplate(query).createSqlQuery(getCurrentSession()); return ((BigInteger) q.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } } /** * Computes the sum of a list of execution times * * @param results * @return */ protected Long sum(List<Object[]> results) { if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { return 0L; } else { Long sum = 0L; for (Object[] result : results) { sum += ((BigDecimal) result[1]).longValue(); } return sum; } } /** * Compute the average/mean of a list of execution times. * * @param results * @return */ protected Double computeAverage(List<Object[]> results) { Long sum = sum(results); double mean = 0; if (sum > 0) { mean = sum / (results.size() * 1.0); } return mean; } /** * Computes the standard deviation of a list of execution times. * * @see, sdKnuth() * * @param mean * @param results * @return */ protected Double computeDeviation(Double mean, List<Object[]> results) { final int n = results.size(); if (n < 2) { return new Double(0); } double avg = mean; double sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { Long data = ((BigDecimal) results.get(i)[1]).longValue(); double newavg = avg + (data - avg) / (i + 1); sum += (data - avg) * (data - newavg); avg = newavg; } return Math.sqrt(sum / (n - 1)); } protected abstract String getEntityResultName(); }