Java tutorial
package com.unistrong.tracker.dao; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import module.orm.BaseHBDao; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.unistrong.tracker.model.Device; import com.unistrong.tracker.model.Fence; /** * @author fyq */ @Component @Scope("singleton") public class DeviceDao extends BaseHBDao<Device, String> { @Autowired public DeviceDao(@Qualifier("sessionFactory") SessionFactory session) { super(); this.setSessionFactory(session); } public List<Device> findAllByUser(Long userId, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { String hql = "from Device d where in (select deviceSn from UserDevice ud where ud.userId=?)"; // if ("Y".equals(state)) // hql = // "from Device d left join fetch d.position where in (select deviceSn from UserDevice ud where ud.userId=?)"; return list(hql, pageNumber, pageSize, userId); } public List<String> findAllSnByUser(Long userId, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { String hql = "select ud.deviceSn from UserDevice ud where ud.userId=?"; List<String> list = list(hql, pageNumber, pageSize, userId); return list; } public List<Device> findAllByHardWare(String hardWare) { String hql = "from Device d where d.hardware = ?"; return list(hql, -1, -1, hardWare); } public List<Device> findAllDeviceBySns(String sns, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { String hql = "from Device d where in (" + sns + ")"; List<Device> list = list(hql, pageNumber, pageSize); return list; } public Device findBySnAndUser(String sn, Long userId) { String hql = "from Device d where and in (select deviceSn from UserDevice ud where ud.userId=?)"; return unique(hql, sn, userId); } /** */ public Fence getFenceByDevice(String sn) { String hql = "SELECT d.fence FROM Device d WHERE"; return unique(hql, sn); } /** sn */ public List<String> findAllSn() { String hql = "SELECT sn FROM Device"; return list(hql, -1, -1); } // *********************************************************** /** */ public int getCountByUser(Long userId) { String hql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Device WHERE userId=?"; Long count = aggregate(hql, userId); return count.intValue(); } /** */ public Device findBySnAndUserInit(String sn, Long userId) { String hql = "FROM Device d WHERE AND d.userId=?"; Device device = unique(hql, sn, userId); Hibernate.initialize(device.getFence()); return device; } /** ???? */ public String getSnByLicenseNum(String licenseNum) { String hql = "SELECT FROM Device d WHERE"; return unique(hql, licenseNum); } /** * ?? * * @param userId * @param sn * @param operType * @param pageNumber * @param pageSize * @return */ public List<Device> findByServiceUser(Long serviceId, String sn, int operType, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { String hql = " from Device d where d.serviceId=? "; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sn)) { if (operType == 1) {// hql += " and like '%" + sn + "%' "; } else if (operType == 2) {// hql += " and like '" + sn + "%' "; } else if (operType == 3) {// hql += " and like '%" + sn + "' "; } else if (operType == 4) {// hql += " and = " + sn; } } return list(hql, pageNumber, pageSize, serviceId); } public Device findBySnAndServiceUser(String sn, Long serviceId) { String hql = "from Device d where and d.serviceId=?)"; return unique(hql, sn, serviceId); } /** * * * @param userId * @return */ public int findByServiceUserCount(Long serviceId) { String hql = "select count(*) from Device where serviceId=? "; Long count = aggregate(hql, serviceId); return count.intValue(); } /** * * * @param serviceId */ public void deteteByServiceUser(Long serviceId) { String hql = "delete Device where serviceId=?"; executeUpdate(hql, serviceId); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public List<Map> findDevicesCount() { Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery( "SELECT ifnull(t.f_service_id,0) as sid, COUNT(DISTINCT t.f_sn) as count FROM us_device t group by t.f_service_id "); query.setResultTransformer(new ResultTransformer() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1522516056075610048L; @Override public Object transformTuple(Object[] values, String[] columns) { Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(1); int i = 0; for (String column : columns) { map.put(column, values[i++]); } return map; } @Override public List transformList(List list) { return list; } }); return query.list(); } }