Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 TWO SIGMA OPEN SOURCE, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twosigma.beaker; import; import; import; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.object.SimpleEvaluationObject; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.BeakerCodeCellList; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.BeakerObjectConverter; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.ObjectDeserializer; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.ObjectSerializer; import com.twosigma.beaker.shared.NamespaceBinding; import com.twosigma.beaker.shared.json.serializer.StringObject; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Form; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Request; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class NamespaceClient { private static Injector injector; public static void setInjector(Injector m) { injector = m; } private String session; private String auth; private String urlBase; private String ctrlUrlBase; private String easyFormUrl; private String utilUrl; private SimpleEvaluationObject seo; private Class<?>[] oclasses; private final Provider<ObjectMapper> objectMapper; private final Provider<BeakerObjectConverter> objectSerializerProvider; @Inject private NamespaceClient(Provider<ObjectMapper> ump, Provider<BeakerObjectConverter> osp) { objectMapper = ump; objectSerializerProvider = osp; } private void setup(String session) { this.session = session; String account = "beaker:" + System.getenv("beaker_core_password"); this.auth = "Basic " + Base64.encodeBase64String(account.getBytes()); this.urlBase = "" + System.getenv("beaker_core_port") + "/rest/namespace"; this.ctrlUrlBase = "" + System.getenv("beaker_core_port") + "/rest/notebookctrl"; this.easyFormUrl = "" + System.getenv("beaker_core_port") + "/rest/easyform"; this.utilUrl = "" + System.getenv("beaker_core_port") + "/rest/util"; oclasses = new Class<?>[4]; oclasses[0] = Object.class; oclasses[1] = Boolean.class; oclasses[2] = Integer.class; oclasses[3] = String.class; } /* * this is meant to be used by the runtime */ public synchronized void setOutputObj(SimpleEvaluationObject o) { seo = o; } /* * per-session singleton: one instance of this object for each session */ private static Map<String, NamespaceClient> nsClients = new HashMap<String, NamespaceClient>(); private static String currentSession; public synchronized static NamespaceClient getBeaker() { if (currentSession != null) return nsClients.get(currentSession); return null; } public synchronized static NamespaceClient getBeaker(String s) { if (!nsClients.containsKey(s)) { NamespaceClient c = injector.getInstance(NamespaceClient.class); c.setup(s); nsClients.put(s, c); } currentSession = s; return nsClients.get(currentSession); } public synchronized static void delBeaker(String sessionId) { nsClients.remove(sessionId); currentSession = null; } /* * get and set beaker shared data */ public Object set4(String name, Object value, Boolean unset, Boolean sync) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("name", name).add("sync", sync.toString()).add("session", this.session); if (!unset) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator jgen = objectMapper.get().getJsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(sw); if (!objectSerializerProvider.get().writeObject(value, jgen, true)) form.add("value", value.toString()); else { jgen.flush(); form.add("value", sw.toString()); } } String reply = Request.Post(urlBase + "/set").addHeader("Authorization", auth).bodyForm( .execute().returnContent().asString(); if (!reply.equals("ok")) { throw new RuntimeException(reply); } return value; } public Object set(String name, Object value) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { return set4(name, value, false, true); } public Object setFast(String name, Object value) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { return set4(name, value, false, false); } public Object unset(String name) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { return set4(name, null, true, true); } public Object get(String name) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { String args = "name=" + URLEncoder.encode(name, "ISO-8859-1") + "&session=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.session, "ISO-8859-1"); String valueString = Request.Get(urlBase + "/get?" + args).addHeader("Authorization", auth).execute() .returnContent().asString(); NamespaceBinding binding = objectMapper.get().readValue(valueString, NamespaceBinding.class); if (!binding.getDefined()) { throw new RuntimeException("name not defined: " + name); } return binding.getValue(); } /* * progress reporting */ public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(String s) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(s); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(int i) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(i); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(String s, int i) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(s, i); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(String s, Object p) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(s, p); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(Object p) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(p); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(int i, Object p) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(i, p); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(String s, int i, Object p) { if (seo != null) { BeakerProgressUpdate bpu = new BeakerProgressUpdate(s, i, p); seo.structuredUpdate(bpu); } } public synchronized void showProgressUpdate(BeakerProgressUpdate o) { if (seo != null) seo.structuredUpdate(o); } /* * notebook control */ private Object deserializeObject(String reply) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Object ret = null; int idx = 0; while (ret == null && idx < oclasses.length) { try { ret = objectMapper.get().readValue(reply, oclasses[idx++]); } catch (JsonParseException e) { } catch (EOFException e2) { } } return ret; } public Object evaluate(String filter) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("filter", filter).add("session", this.session); String reply = Request.Post(ctrlUrlBase + "/evaluate").addHeader("Authorization", auth) .bodyForm(; Object r; try { JsonNode n = objectMapper.get().readTree(reply); r = objectSerializerProvider.get().deserialize(n, objectMapper.get()); if (r == null) r = deserializeObject(reply); } catch (Exception e) { r = null; } return r; } public Object evaluateCode(String evaluator, String code) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("evaluator", evaluator).add("code", code).add("session", this.session); String reply = Request.Post(ctrlUrlBase + "/evaluateCode").addHeader("Authorization", auth) .bodyForm(; Object r; try { JsonNode n = objectMapper.get().readTree(reply); r = objectSerializerProvider.get().deserialize(n, objectMapper.get()); if (r == null) r = deserializeObject(reply); } catch (Exception e) { r = null; } return r; } private boolean runBooleanRequest(String urlfragment, Form postdata) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { String reply = Request.Post(ctrlUrlBase + urlfragment).addHeader("Authorization", auth) .bodyForm(; return objectMapper.get().readValue(reply, Boolean.class); } public boolean showStatus(String msg) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("msg", msg).add("session", this.session); return runBooleanRequest("/showStatus", form); } public boolean clearStatus(String msg) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("msg", msg).add("session", this.session); return runBooleanRequest("/clearStatus", form); } public boolean showTransientStatus(String msg) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("msg", msg).add("session", this.session); return runBooleanRequest("/showTransientStatus", form); } public List<String> getEvaluators() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { String args = "session=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.session, "ISO-8859-1"); String reply = Request.Get(ctrlUrlBase + "/getEvaluators?" + args).addHeader("Authorization", auth) .execute().returnContent().asString(); return objectMapper.get().readValue(reply, new TypeReference<List<String>>() { }); } public List<BeakerCodeCell> getCodeCells(String filter) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { String args = "session=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.session, "ISO-8859-1") + (filter != null ? "&filter=" + URLEncoder.encode(filter, "ISO-8859-1") : ""); String reply = Request.Get(ctrlUrlBase + "/getCodeCells?" + args).addHeader("Authorization", auth).execute() .returnContent().asString(); BeakerCodeCellList ll = objectMapper.get().readValue(reply, BeakerCodeCellList.class); return ll.theList; } private String runStringRequest(String urlfragment, Form postdata) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { String reply = Request.Post(ctrlUrlBase + urlfragment).addHeader("Authorization", auth) .bodyForm(; return objectMapper.get().readValue(reply, StringObject.class).getText(); } private Map<String, String> getVersionInfo() throws IOException { String result = Request.Get(utilUrl + "/getVersionInfo").addHeader("Authorization", auth).execute() .returnContent().asString(); return objectMapper.get().<HashMap<String, String>>readValue(result, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); } public String setCodeCellBody(String name, String body) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("name", name).add("body", body).add("session", this.session); return runStringRequest("/setCodeCellBody", form); } public String setCodeCellEvaluator(String name, String evaluator) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("name", name).add("evaluator", evaluator).add("session", this.session); return runStringRequest("/setCodeCellEvaluator", form); } public String setCodeCellTags(String name, String tags) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("name", name).add("tags", tags).add("session", this.session); return runStringRequest("/setCodeCellTags", form); } public String getVersion() throws IOException { return Request.Get(utilUrl + "/version").addHeader("Authorization", auth).execute().returnContent() .asString(); } public String getVersionNumber() throws IOException { return getVersionInfo().get("version"); } /* * Autotranslation extension */ public void addTypeConversion(String from, String to) { injector.getProvider(BeakerObjectConverter.class).get().addThreadSpecificTypeConversion(from, to); } public void addTypeDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer o) { injector.getProvider(BeakerObjectConverter.class).get().addThreadSpecificTypeDeserializer(o); } public void addTypeSerializer(ObjectSerializer o) { injector.getProvider(BeakerObjectConverter.class).get().addThreadSpecificTypeSerializer(o); } }