Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.tez; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Counter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Group; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobPriority; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.JobControl; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.NullOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceVisibility; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import org.apache.pig.ComparisonFunc; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.LoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.StoreFuncInterface; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.HDataType; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.ConstantExpression; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POUserFunc; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhyPlanVisitor; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POFRJoin; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLoad; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POMergeCogroup; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POMergeJoin; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POPackage; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStore; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.util.PlanHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.DepthFirstWalker; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorKey; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanException; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.JarManager; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.ObjectSerializer; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UDFContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; import; import org.apache.tez.client.TezClient; import org.apache.tez.common.TezJobConfig; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.DAG; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.Edge; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.InputDescriptor; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.OutputDescriptor; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.ProcessorDescriptor; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezConfiguration; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezUncheckedException; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.Vertex; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.ConnectionPattern; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.SourceType; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.client.DAGClient; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.client.DAGStatus; import org.apache.tez.engine.lib.input.ShuffledMergedInput; import org.apache.tez.engine.lib.output.OnFileSortedOutput; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.InputSplitInfo; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.MRHelpers; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.MRJobConfig; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.hadoop.MultiStageMRConfigUtil; import; import org.apache.tez.mapreduce.processor.reduce.ReduceProcessor; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.shims.HadoopShims; import; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.JobCreationException; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceOper; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigBigDecimalRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigBigIntegerRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigBooleanRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigBytesRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigDateTimeRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigDoubleRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigFloatRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigInputFormat; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigIntRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigLongRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigMapOnly; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigOutputFormat; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigTextRawComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigTupleSortComparator; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.JobControlCompiler.*; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.partitioners.SecondaryKeyPartitioner; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.partitioners.SkewedPartitioner; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.partitioners.WeightedRangePartitioner; import com.twitter.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.MROperPlan; /** * This is compiler class that takes an MROperPlan and converts * it into a JobControl object with the relevant dependency info * maintained. The JobControl Object is made up of Jobs each of * which has a JobConf. The MapReduceOper corresponds to a Job * and the getJobCong method returns the JobConf that is configured * as per the MapReduceOper * * <h2>Comparator Design</h2> * <p> * A few words on how comparators are chosen. In almost all cases we use raw * comparators (the one exception being when the user provides a comparison * function for order by). For order by queries the PigTYPERawComparator * functions are used, where TYPE is Int, Long, etc. These comparators are * null aware and asc/desc aware. The first byte of each of the * NullableTYPEWritable classes contains info on whether the value is null. * Asc/desc is written as an array into the JobConf with the key pig.sortOrder * so that it can be read by each of the comparators as part of their * setConf call. * <p> * For non-order by queries, PigTYPEWritableComparator classes are used. * These are all just type specific instances of WritableComparator. * */ public class TezJobControlCompiler { TezOperPlan plan; TezConfiguration conf; PigContext pigContext; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TezJobControlCompiler.class); public static final String LOG_DIR = "_logs"; public static final String END_OF_INP_IN_MAP = ""; private static final String REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_KEY = "pig.exec.reducer.estimator"; private static final String REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_ARG_KEY = "pig.exec.reducer.estimator.arg"; public static final String PIG_MAP_COUNTER = "pig.counters.counter_"; public static final String PIG_MAP_RANK_NAME = "pig.rank_"; public static final String PIG_MAP_SEPARATOR = "_"; public HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pair<String, Long>>> globalCounters = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pair<String, Long>>>(); /** * We will serialize the POStore(s) present in map and reduce in lists in * the Hadoop Conf. In the case of Multi stores, we could deduce these from * the map plan and reduce plan but in the case of single store, we remove * the POStore from the plan - in either case, we serialize the POStore(s) * so that PigOutputFormat and PigOutputCommiter can get the POStore(s) in * the same way irrespective of whether it is multi store or single store. */ public static final String PIG_MAP_STORES = ""; public static final String PIG_REDUCE_STORES = "pig.reduce.stores"; // A mapping of job to pair of store locations and tmp locations for that job private Map<Job, Pair<List<POStore>, Path>> jobStoreMap; private Map<TezJob, ArrayList<TezOperator>> jobTezOpersMap; private int counterSize; private TezClient tezClient; public TezJobControlCompiler(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, TezClient tezClient) throws IOException { this.pigContext = pigContext; this.conf = new TezConfiguration(conf); this.tezClient = tezClient; jobStoreMap = new HashMap<Job, Pair<List<POStore>, Path>>(); jobTezOpersMap = new HashMap<TezJob, ArrayList<TezOperator>>(); } /** * Returns all store locations of a previously compiled job */ public List<POStore> getStores(Job job) { Pair<List<POStore>, Path> pair = jobStoreMap.get(job); if (pair != null && pair.first != null) { return pair.first; } else { return new ArrayList<POStore>(); } } /** * Resets the state */ public void reset() { jobStoreMap = new HashMap<Job, Pair<List<POStore>, Path>>(); jobTezOpersMap = new HashMap<TezJob, ArrayList<TezOperator>>(); UDFContext.getUDFContext().reset(); } /** * Gets the map of Job and the MR Operator */ public Map<TezJob, ArrayList<TezOperator>> getJobTezOpersMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(jobTezOpersMap); } /** * Moves all the results of a collection of MR jobs to the final * output directory. Some of the results may have been put into a * temp location to work around restrictions with multiple output * from a single map reduce job. * * This method should always be called after the job execution * completes. */ public void moveResults(List<Job> completedJobs) throws IOException { for (Job job : completedJobs) { Pair<List<POStore>, Path> pair = jobStoreMap.get(job); if (pair != null && pair.second != null) { Path tmp = pair.second; Path abs = new Path(tmp, "abs"); Path rel = new Path(tmp, "rel"); FileSystem fs = tmp.getFileSystem(conf); if (fs.exists(abs)) { moveResults(abs, abs.toUri().getPath(), fs); } if (fs.exists(rel)) { moveResults(rel, rel.toUri().getPath() + "/", fs); } } } } /** * Walks the temporary directory structure to move (rename) files * to their final location. */ private void moveResults(Path p, String rem, FileSystem fs) throws IOException { for (FileStatus fstat : fs.listStatus(p)) { Path src = fstat.getPath(); if (fstat.isDir()) {"mkdir: " + src); fs.mkdirs(removePart(src, rem)); moveResults(fstat.getPath(), rem, fs); } else { Path dst = removePart(src, rem);"mv: " + src + " " + dst); fs.rename(src, dst); } } } private Path removePart(Path src, String part) { URI uri = src.toUri(); String pathStr = uri.getPath().replace(part, ""); return new Path(pathStr); } /** * Compiles all jobs that have no dependencies removes them from * the plan and returns. Should be called with the same plan until * exhausted. * @param plan - The MROperPlan to be compiled * @param grpName - The name given to the JobControl * @return JobControl object - null if no more jobs in plan * @throws JobCreationException */ public ArrayList<TezJob> compile(TezOperPlan plan, String grpName) throws JobCreationException { // Assert plan.size() != 0 this.plan = plan; int timeToSleep; String defaultPigJobControlSleep = pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL ? "100" : "5000"; String pigJobControlSleep = conf.get("pig.jobcontrol.sleep", defaultPigJobControlSleep); if (!pigJobControlSleep.equals(defaultPigJobControlSleep)) {"overriding default JobControl sleep (" + defaultPigJobControlSleep + ") to " + pigJobControlSleep); } try { timeToSleep = Integer.parseInt(pigJobControlSleep); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid configuration " + "pig.jobcontrol.sleep=" + pigJobControlSleep + " should be a time in ms. default=" + defaultPigJobControlSleep, e); } ArrayList<TezJob> tezJobs = new ArrayList<TezJob>(); try { List<TezOperator> roots = new LinkedList<TezOperator>(); roots.addAll(plan.getRoots()); for (TezOperator root : roots) { TezOperPlan subDAG = getMRRChain(plan, root); TezJob job = getJob(subDAG, conf, pigContext); ArrayList<TezOperator> tezOpers = new ArrayList<TezOperator>(); for (TezOperator tezOper : subDAG.getKeys().values()) { tezOpers.add(tezOper); } jobTezOpersMap.put(job, tezOpers); tezJobs.add(job); } } catch (JobCreationException jce) { throw jce; } catch (Exception e) { int errCode = 2017; String msg = "Internal error creating job configuration."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } return tezJobs; } // Update Map-Reduce plan with the execution status of the jobs. If one job // completely fail (the job has only one store and that job fail), then we // remove all its dependent jobs. This method will return the number of MapReduceOper // removed from the Map-Reduce plan public int updateTezOperPlan(List<TezJob> completeFailedJobs) { int sizeBefore = plan.size(); /* for (Job job : completeFailedJobs) // remove all subsequent jobs { MapReduceOper mrOper = jobTezOpersPlan.get(job); plan.trimBelow(mrOper); plan.remove(mrOper); } */ // Remove successful jobs from jobMroMap for (Job job : jobTezOpersMap.keySet()) { if (!completeFailedJobs.contains(job)) { ArrayList<TezOperator> tezOpers = jobTezOpersMap.get(job); /* if (!pigContext.inIllustrator && mro.isCounterOperation()) saveCounters(job,mro.getOperationID()); */ for (TezOperator tezOper : tezOpers) { plan.remove(tezOper); } } } jobTezOpersMap.clear(); int sizeAfter = plan.size(); return sizeBefore - sizeAfter; } /** * Reads the global counters produced by a job on the group labeled with PIG_MAP_RANK_NAME. * Then, it is calculated the cumulative sum, which consists on the sum of previous cumulative * sum plus the previous global counter value. * @param job with the global counters collected. * @param operationID After being collected on global counters (POCounter), * these values are passed via configuration file to PORank, by using the unique * operation identifier */ private void saveCounters(Job job, String operationID) { Counters counters; Group groupCounters; Long previousValue = 0L; Long previousSum = 0L; ArrayList<Pair<String, Long>> counterPairs; try { counters = HadoopShims.getCounters(job); groupCounters = counters.getGroup(getGroupName(counters.getGroupNames())); Iterator<Counter> it = groupCounters.iterator(); HashMap<Integer, Long> counterList = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); while (it.hasNext()) { try { Counter c =; counterList.put(Integer.valueOf(c.getDisplayName()), c.getValue()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } counterSize = counterList.size(); counterPairs = new ArrayList<Pair<String, Long>>(); for (int i = 0; i < counterSize; i++) { previousSum += previousValue; previousValue = counterList.get(Integer.valueOf(i)); counterPairs.add(new Pair<String, Long>(TezJobControlCompiler.PIG_MAP_COUNTER + operationID + TezJobControlCompiler.PIG_MAP_SEPARATOR + i, previousSum)); } globalCounters.put(operationID, counterPairs); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Error to read counters into Rank operation counterSize " + counterSize; throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } } private String getGroupName(Collection<String> collection) { for (String name : collection) { if (name.contains(PIG_MAP_RANK_NAME)) return name; } return null; } private TezOperPlan getMRRChain(TezOperPlan plan, TezOperator root) { TezOperPlan subDAG = new TezOperPlan(); if (root != null) { subDAG.add(root); } while (root != null) { List<TezOperator> successors = plan.getSuccessors(root); if (successors != null && successors.size() == 1) { TezOperator successor = successors.get(0); if (!(plan.getEdgeProperty(root, successor) instanceof TezOperPlan.DependencyEdge)) { subDAG.add(successor); try { subDAG.connect(root, successor); subDAG.annotateEdge(root, successor, plan.getEdgeProperty(root, successor)); root = successor; } catch (PlanException e) { } } else { root = null; } } else { root = null; } } return subDAG; } /** * The method that creates the Job corresponding to a MapReduceOper. * The assumption is that * every MapReduceOper will have a load and a store. The JobConf removes * the load operator and serializes the input filespec so that PigInputFormat can * take over the creation of splits. It also removes the store operator * and serializes the output filespec so that PigOutputFormat can take over * record writing. The remaining portion of the map plan and reduce plans are * serialized and stored for the PigMapReduce or PigMapOnly objects to take over * the actual running of the plans. * The Mapper & Reducer classes and the required key value formats are set. * Checks if this is a map only job and uses PigMapOnly class as the mapper * and uses PigMapReduce otherwise. * If it is a Map Reduce job, it is bound to have a package operator. Remove it from * the reduce plan and serializes it so that the PigMapReduce class can use it to package * the indexed tuples received by the reducer. * @param mro - The MapReduceOper for which the JobConf is required * @param config - the Configuration object from which JobConf is built * @param pigContext - The PigContext passed on from execution engine * @param mrrChain * @return Job corresponding to mro * @throws JobCreationException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) private TezJob getJob(TezOperPlan dag, TezConfiguration conf, PigContext pigContext) throws JobCreationException { org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job nwJob = null; try { nwJob = new org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job(conf); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobCreationException(e); } //Configuration conf = nwJob.getConfiguration(); try { String buffPercent = conf.get("mapred.job.reduce.markreset.buffer.percent"); if (buffPercent == null || Double.parseDouble(buffPercent) <= 0) {"mapred.job.reduce.markreset.buffer.percent is not set, set to default 0.3"); conf.set("mapred.job.reduce.markreset.buffer.percent", "0.3"); } else {"mapred.job.reduce.markreset.buffer.percent is set to " + conf.get("mapred.job.reduce.markreset.buffer.percent")); } // Convert mapred.output.* to output.compression.*, See PIG-1791 if ("true".equals(conf.get("mapred.output.compress"))) { conf.set("output.compression.enabled", "true"); String codec = conf.get("mapred.output.compression.codec"); if (codec == null) { throw new JobCreationException( "'mapred.output.compress' is set but no value is specified for 'mapred.output.compression.codec'."); } else { conf.set("output.compression.codec", codec); } } // if user specified the job name using -D switch, Pig won't reset the name then. if (System.getProperty("") == null && pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigContext.JOB_NAME) != null) { conf.set("", pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigContext.JOB_NAME)); //nwJob.setJobName(pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigContext.JOB_NAME)); } if (pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigContext.JOB_PRIORITY) != null) { // If the job priority was set, attempt to get the corresponding enum value // and set the hadoop job priority. String jobPriority = pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigContext.JOB_PRIORITY).toUpperCase(); try { // Allow arbitrary case; the Hadoop job priorities are all upper case. conf.set("mapred.job.priority", JobPriority.valueOf(jobPriority).toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("The job priority must be one of ["); JobPriority[] priorities = JobPriority.values(); for (int i = 0; i < priorities.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(priorities[i]); } sb.append("]. You specified [" + jobPriority + "]"); throw new JobCreationException(sb.toString()); } } nwJob.setInputFormatClass(PigInputFormat.class); nwJob.setOutputFormatClass(PigOutputFormat.class); conf.setClass("mapreduce.job.inputformat.class", PigInputFormat.class, InputFormat.class); conf.setClass("mapreduce.job.outputformat.class", PigOutputFormat.class, OutputFormat.class); //nwJob.setInputFormatClass(PigInputFormat.class); //nwJob.setOutputFormatClass(PigOutputFormat.class); // tmp file compression setups if (Utils.tmpFileCompression(pigContext)) { conf.setBoolean("pig.tmpfilecompression", true); conf.set("pig.tmpfilecompression.codec", Utils.tmpFileCompressionCodec(pigContext)); } // It's a hack to set distributed cache file for hadoop 23. Once MiniMRCluster do not require local // jar on fixed location, this can be removed if (pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.MAPREDUCE) { String newfiles = conf.get("alternative.mapreduce.job.cache.files"); if (newfiles != null) { String files = conf.get("mapreduce.job.cache.files"); conf.set("mapreduce.job.cache.files", files == null ? newfiles.toString() : files + "," + newfiles); } } // Serialize the UDF specific context info. UDFContext.getUDFContext().serialize(conf); FileSystem remoteFs = FileSystem.get(conf); ApplicationId appId = tezClient.createApplication(); Path remoteStagingDir = remoteFs.makeQualified(new Path( conf.get(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_STAGING_DIR, TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_STAGING_DIR_DEFAULT), appId.toString())); tezClient.ensureExists(remoteStagingDir); DAG tezDag = createDAG(plan, remoteFs, conf, appId, remoteStagingDir); Map<String, LocalResource> amLocalResources = new HashMap<String, LocalResource>(); amLocalResources.put("pig-tez.jar", tezDag.getVertices().get(0).getTaskLocalResources().get("pig-tez.jar")); amLocalResources.put("dag_job.jar", tezDag.getVertices().get(0).getTaskLocalResources().get("dag_job.jar")); return new TezJob(conf, appId, tezDag, remoteStagingDir, null, null, null, null, amLocalResources); } catch (Exception e) { int errCode = 2017; String msg = "Internal error creating job configuration."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } //jobStoreMap.put(cjob,new Pair<List<POStore>, Path>(storeLocations, tmpLocation)); /* } catch (JobCreationException jce) { throw jce; } catch(Exception e) { int errCode = 2017; String msg = "Internal error creating job configuration."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } */ } public DAG createDAG(TezOperPlan tezPlan, FileSystem remoteFs, TezConfiguration conf, ApplicationId appId, Path remoteStagingDir) throws IOException, YarnException { DAG dag = new DAG("MRRSleepJob"); /* String jarPath = ClassUtil.findContainingJar(getClass()); Path remoteJarPath = remoteFs.makeQualified( new Path(remoteStagingDir, "dag_job.jar")); remoteFs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(jarPath), remoteJarPath); FileStatus jarFileStatus = remoteFs.getFileStatus(remoteJarPath); */ Map<String, LocalResource> commonLocalResources = new HashMap<String, LocalResource>(); if (!pigContext.inIllustrator && pigContext.getExecType() != ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) { // Setup the DistributedCache for this job for (URL extraJar : pigContext.extraJars) { //log.debug("Adding jar to DistributedCache: " + extraJar.toString()); TezJobControlCompiler.putJarOnClassPathThroughDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, extraJar); } //Create the jar of all functions and classes required File submitJarFile = File.createTempFile("Job", ".jar"); //"creating jar file "+submitJarFile.getName()); // ensure the job jar is deleted on exit submitJarFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(submitJarFile); try { JarManager.createJar(fos, new HashSet<String>(), pigContext); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Path remoteJarPath = remoteFs.makeQualified(new Path(remoteStagingDir, "dag_job.jar")); remoteFs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(submitJarFile.getAbsolutePath()), remoteJarPath); FileStatus jarFileStatus = remoteFs.getFileStatus(remoteJarPath); LocalResource dagJarLocalRsrc = LocalResource.newInstance( ConverterUtils.getYarnUrlFromPath(remoteJarPath), LocalResourceType.FILE, LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION, jarFileStatus.getLen(), jarFileStatus.getModificationTime()); commonLocalResources.put("dag_job.jar", dagJarLocalRsrc); Path remoteTezJarPath = remoteFs.makeQualified(new Path(remoteStagingDir, "pig-tez.jar")); remoteFs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path("pig-tez.jar"), remoteTezJarPath); FileStatus tezJarFileStatus = remoteFs.getFileStatus(remoteTezJarPath); LocalResource tezJarLocalRsrc = LocalResource.newInstance( ConverterUtils.getYarnUrlFromPath(remoteTezJarPath), LocalResourceType.FILE, LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION, tezJarFileStatus.getLen(), tezJarFileStatus.getModificationTime()); commonLocalResources.put("pig-tez.jar", tezJarLocalRsrc); //"jar file "+submitJarFile.getName()+" created"); //Start setting the JobConf properties conf.set("mapred.jar", submitJarFile.getPath()); } /* LocalResource dagJarLocalRsrc = LocalResource.newInstance( ConverterUtils.getYarnUrlFromPath(remoteJarPath), LocalResourceType.FILE, LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION, jarFileStatus.getLen(), jarFileStatus.getModificationTime()); commonLocalResources.put("dag_job.jar", dagJarLocalRsrc); */ Hashtable<TezOperator, Pair<Vertex, Configuration>> vertexMap = new Hashtable<TezOperator, Pair<Vertex, Configuration>>(); List<TezOperator> operators = tezPlan.getRoots(); // add settings for pig statistics String setScriptProp = conf.get(ScriptState.INSERT_ENABLED, "true"); ScriptState ss = null; if (setScriptProp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { ss = ScriptState.get(); } while (operators != null && operators.size() != 0) { List<TezOperator> successors = new ArrayList<TezOperator>(); for (TezOperator oper : operators) { Configuration operConf = oper.configure(pigContext, conf); /* if (ss != null){ ss.addSettingsToConf(oper, conf); } */ List<TezOperator> predecessors = plan.getPredecessors(oper); if (predecessors != null && predecessors.size() != 0) { MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator.translateVertexConfToTez(operConf, vertexMap.get(predecessors.get(0)).second); } else { MultiStageMRConfToTezTranslator.translateVertexConfToTez(operConf, null); } List<TezOperator> operSuccessors = tezPlan.getSuccessors(oper); if (operSuccessors != null) { successors.addAll(operSuccessors); } MRHelpers.doJobClientMagic(operConf); //mapStageConf.setInt(MRJobConfig.NUM_MAPS, numMapper); Vertex operVertex = new Vertex(, new ProcessorDescriptor(oper.getProcessor(), MRHelpers.createUserPayloadFromConf(operConf)), oper.getParallelism(), MRHelpers.getMapResource(operConf)); oper.configureVertex(operVertex, operConf, commonLocalResources, remoteStagingDir); dag.addVertex(operVertex); if (predecessors != null) { for (TezOperator predecessor : predecessors) { dag.addEdge(new Edge(vertexMap.get(predecessor).first, operVertex, tezPlan.getEdgeProperty(predecessor, oper))); } } vertexMap.put(oper, new Pair<Vertex, Configuration>(operVertex, operConf)); } operators = successors; } return dag; } /** * Adjust the number of reducers based on the default_parallel, requested parallel and estimated * parallel. For sampler jobs, we also adjust the next job in advance to get its runtime parallel as * the number of partitions used in the sampler. * @param plan the MR plan * @param mro the MR operator * @param nwJob the current job * @throws IOException */ /* public void adjustNumReducers(MROperPlan plan, MapReduceOper mro, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job nwJob) throws IOException { int jobParallelism = calculateRuntimeReducers(mro, nwJob); if (mro.isSampler()) { // We need to calculate the final number of reducers of the next job (order-by or skew-join) // to generate the quantfile. MapReduceOper nextMro = plan.getSuccessors(mro).get(0); // Here we use the same conf and Job to calculate the runtime #reducers of the next job // which is fine as the statistics comes from the nextMro's POLoads int nPartitions = calculateRuntimeReducers(nextMro, nwJob); // set the runtime #reducer of the next job as the #partition ParallelConstantVisitor visitor = new ParallelConstantVisitor(mro.reducePlan, nPartitions); visitor.visit(); }"Setting Parallelism to " + jobParallelism); Configuration conf = nwJob.getConfiguration(); // set various parallelism into the job conf for later analysis, PIG-2779 conf.setInt("", pigContext.defaultParallel); conf.setInt("", mro.requestedParallelism); conf.setInt("", mro.estimatedParallelism); // this is for backward compatibility, and we encourage to use runtimeParallelism at runtime mro.requestedParallelism = jobParallelism; // finally set the number of reducers conf.setInt("mapred.reduce.tasks", jobParallelism); } */ /** * Calculate the runtime #reducers based on the default_parallel, requested parallel and estimated * parallel, and save it to MapReduceOper's runtimeParallelism. * @return the runtimeParallelism * @throws IOException */ /* private int calculateRuntimeReducers(MapReduceOper mro, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job nwJob) throws IOException{ // we don't recalculate for the same job if (mro.runtimeParallelism != -1) { return mro.runtimeParallelism; } int jobParallelism = -1; if (mro.requestedParallelism > 0) { jobParallelism = mro.requestedParallelism; } else if (pigContext.defaultParallel > 0) { jobParallelism = pigContext.defaultParallel; } else { mro.estimatedParallelism = estimateNumberOfReducers(nwJob, mro); if (mro.estimatedParallelism > 0) { jobParallelism = mro.estimatedParallelism; } else { // reducer estimation could return -1 if it couldn't estimate"Could not estimate number of reducers and no requested or default " + "parallelism set. Defaulting to 1 reducer."); jobParallelism = 1; } } // save it mro.runtimeParallelism = jobParallelism; return jobParallelism; } */ /** * Looks up the estimator from REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_KEY and invokes it to find the number of * reducers to use. If REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_KEY isn't set, defaults to InputSizeReducerEstimator. * @param job * @param mapReducerOper * @throws IOException */ /* public static int estimateNumberOfReducers(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job job, MapReduceOper mapReducerOper) throws IOException { Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration(); PigReducerEstimator estimator = conf.get(REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_KEY) == null ? new InputSizeReducerEstimator() : PigContext.instantiateObjectFromParams(conf, REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_KEY, REDUCER_ESTIMATOR_ARG_KEY, PigReducerEstimator.class);"Using reducer estimator: " + estimator.getClass().getName()); int numberOfReducers = estimator.estimateNumberOfReducers(job, mapReducerOper); return numberOfReducers; } public static class PigSecondaryKeyGroupComparator extends WritableComparator { public PigSecondaryKeyGroupComparator() { // super(TupleFactory.getInstance().tupleClass(), true); super(NullableTuple.class, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public int compare(WritableComparable a, WritableComparable b) { PigNullableWritable wa = (PigNullableWritable)a; PigNullableWritable wb = (PigNullableWritable)b; if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.mqFlag) != 0) { // this is a multi-query index if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1; else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1; // If equal, we fall through } // wa and wb are guaranteed to be not null, POLocalRearrange will create a tuple anyway even if main key and secondary key // are both null; however, main key can be null, we need to check for that using the same logic we have in PigNullableWritable Object valuea = null; Object valueb = null; try { // Get the main key from compound key valuea = ((Tuple)wa.getValueAsPigType()).get(0); valueb = ((Tuple)wb.getValueAsPigType()).get(0); } catch (ExecException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e); } if (!wa.isNull() && !wb.isNull()) { int result =, valueb); // If any of the field inside tuple is null, then we do not merge keys // See PIG-927 if (result == 0 && valuea instanceof Tuple && valueb instanceof Tuple) { try { for (int i=0;i<((Tuple)valuea).size();i++) if (((Tuple)valueb).get(i)==null) return (wa.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) - (wb.getIndex()&PigNullableWritable.idxSpace); } catch (ExecException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access tuple field", e); } } return result; } else if (valuea==null && valueb==null) { // If they're both null, compare the indicies if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) < (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return -1; else if ((wa.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace) > (wb.getIndex() & PigNullableWritable.idxSpace)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (valuea==null) return -1; else return 1; } } */ public static void selectComparator(byte keyType, boolean hasOrderBy, org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job job) throws JobCreationException { if (hasOrderBy) { switch (keyType) { case DataType.BOOLEAN: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBooleanRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.INTEGER: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigIntRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.LONG: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigLongRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.FLOAT: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigFloatRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.DOUBLE: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigDoubleRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.DATETIME: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigDateTimeRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.CHARARRAY: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigTextRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.BYTEARRAY: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBytesRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.BIGINTEGER: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBigIntegerRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.BIGDECIMAL: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBigDecimalRawComparator.class); break; case DataType.MAP: int errCode = 1068; String msg = "Using Map as key not supported."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); case DataType.TUPLE: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigTupleSortComparator.class); break; case DataType.BAG: errCode = 1068; msg = "Using Bag as key not supported."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); default: break; } return; } switch (keyType) { case DataType.BOOLEAN: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBooleanWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingBooleanWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.INTEGER: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigIntWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingIntWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.BIGINTEGER: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBigIntegerWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingBigIntegerWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.BIGDECIMAL: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigBigDecimalWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingBigDecimalWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.LONG: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigLongWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingLongWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.FLOAT: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigFloatWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingFloatWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.DOUBLE: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigDoubleWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingDoubleWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.DATETIME: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigDateTimeWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingDateTimeWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.CHARARRAY: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigCharArrayWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingCharArrayWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.BYTEARRAY: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigDBAWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingDBAWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.MAP: int errCode = 1068; String msg = "Using Map as key not supported."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); case DataType.TUPLE: job.setSortComparatorClass(PigTupleWritableComparator.class); job.setGroupingComparatorClass(PigGroupingTupleWritableComparator.class); break; case DataType.BAG: errCode = 1068; msg = "Using Bag as key not supported."; throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); default: errCode = 2036; msg = "Unhandled key type " + DataType.findTypeName(keyType); throw new JobCreationException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } public static void setupDistributedCacheForJoin(PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf) throws IOException { new JoinDistributedCacheVisitor(plan, pigContext, conf).visit(); } public static void setupDistributedCacheForUdfs(PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf) throws IOException { new UdfDistributedCacheVisitor(plan, pigContext, conf).visit(); } public static void setupDistributedCache(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, Properties properties, String key, boolean shipToCluster) throws IOException { // Set up the DistributedCache for this job String fileNames = properties.getProperty(key); if (fileNames != null) { String[] paths = fileNames.split(","); setupDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, paths, shipToCluster); } } public static void setupDistributedCache(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, String[] paths, boolean shipToCluster) throws IOException { // Turn on the symlink feature DistributedCache.createSymlink(conf); for (String path : paths) { path = path.trim(); if (path.length() != 0) { Path src = new Path(path); // Ensure that 'src' is a valid URI URI srcURI = toURI(src); // Ship it to the cluster if necessary and add to the // DistributedCache if (shipToCluster) { Path dst = new Path(FileLocalizer.getTemporaryPath(pigContext).toString()); FileSystem fs = dst.getFileSystem(conf); fs.copyFromLocalFile(src, dst); // Construct the dst#srcName uri for DistributedCache URI dstURI = null; try { dstURI = new URI(dst.toString() + "#" + src.getName()); } catch (URISyntaxException ue) { byte errSrc = pigContext.getErrorSource(); int errCode = 0; switch (errSrc) { case PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT: errCode = 6004; break; case PigException.USER_ENVIRONMENT: errCode = 4004; break; default: errCode = 2037; break; } String msg = "Invalid ship specification. " + "File doesn't exist: " + dst; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, errSrc); } DistributedCache.addCacheFile(dstURI, conf); } else { DistributedCache.addCacheFile(srcURI, conf); } } } } public static String addSingleFileToDistributedCache(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, String filename, String prefix) throws IOException { if (!pigContext.inIllustrator && !FileLocalizer.fileExists(filename, pigContext)) { throw new IOException("Internal error: skew join partition file " + filename + " does not exist"); } String symlink = filename; // XXX Hadoop currently doesn't support distributed cache in local mode. // This line will be removed after the support is added by Hadoop team. if (pigContext.getExecType() != ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) { symlink = prefix + "_" + Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(filename)) + "_" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); filename = filename + "#" + symlink; setupDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, new String[] { filename }, false); } return symlink; } /** * Ensure that 'src' is a valid URI * @param src the source Path * @return a URI for this path * @throws ExecException */ private static URI toURI(Path src) throws ExecException { String pathInString = src.toString(); String fragment = null; if (pathInString.contains("#")) { fragment = pathInString.substring(pathInString.indexOf("#")); pathInString = pathInString.substring(0, pathInString.indexOf("#")); } // Encode the path URI uri = new Path(pathInString).toUri(); String uriEncoded = uri.toString(); if (fragment != null) { uriEncoded = uriEncoded + fragment; } try { return new URI(uriEncoded); } catch (URISyntaxException ue) { int errCode = 6003; String msg = "Invalid cache specification. " + "File doesn't exist: " + src; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.USER_ENVIRONMENT); } } /** * if url is not in HDFS will copy the path to HDFS from local before adding to distributed cache * @param pigContext the pigContext * @param conf the job conf * @param url the url to be added to distributed cache * @return the path as seen on distributed cache * @throws IOException */ public static void putJarOnClassPathThroughDistributedCache(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, URL url) throws IOException { // Turn on the symlink feature DistributedCache.createSymlink(conf); // REGISTER always copies locally the jar file. see PigServer.registerJar() Path pathInHDFS = shipToHDFS(pigContext, conf, url); // and add to the DistributedCache DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(pathInHDFS, conf); pigContext.skipJars.add(url.getPath()); } /** * copy the file to hdfs in a temporary path * @param pigContext the pig context * @param conf the job conf * @param url the url to ship to hdfs * @return the location where it was shipped * @throws IOException */ private static Path shipToHDFS(PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf, URL url) throws IOException { String path = url.getPath(); int slash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); String suffix = slash == -1 ? path : path.substring(slash + 1); Path dst = new Path(FileLocalizer.getTemporaryPath(pigContext).toUri().getPath(), suffix); FileSystem fs = dst.getFileSystem(conf); OutputStream os = fs.create(dst); try { IOUtils.copyBytes(url.openStream(), os, 4096, true); } finally { // IOUtils can not close both the input and the output properly in a finally // as we can get an exception in between opening the stream and calling the method os.close(); } return dst; } private static class JoinDistributedCacheVisitor extends PhyPlanVisitor { private PigContext pigContext = null; private Configuration conf = null; public JoinDistributedCacheVisitor(PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); this.pigContext = pigContext; this.conf = conf; } @Override public void visitFRJoin(POFRJoin join) throws VisitorException { // XXX Hadoop currently doesn't support distributed cache in local mode. // This line will be removed after the support is added if (pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) return; // set up distributed cache for the replicated files FileSpec[] replFiles = join.getReplFiles(); ArrayList<String> replicatedPath = new ArrayList<String>(); FileSpec[] newReplFiles = new FileSpec[replFiles.length]; // the first input is not replicated for (int i = 0; i < replFiles.length; i++) { // ignore fragmented file String symlink = ""; if (i != join.getFragment()) { symlink = "pigrepl_" + join.getOperatorKey().toString() + "_" + Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(replFiles[i].getFileName())) + "_" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "_" + i; replicatedPath.add(replFiles[i].getFileName() + "#" + symlink); } newReplFiles[i] = new FileSpec(symlink, (replFiles[i] == null ? null : replFiles[i].getFuncSpec())); } join.setReplFiles(newReplFiles); try { setupDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, replicatedPath.toArray(new String[0]), false); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Internal error. Distributed cache could not " + "be set up for the replicated files"; throw new VisitorException(msg, e); } } @Override public void visitMergeJoin(POMergeJoin join) throws VisitorException { // XXX Hadoop currently doesn't support distributed cache in local mode. // This line will be removed after the support is added if (pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) return; String indexFile = join.getIndexFile(); // merge join may not use an index file if (indexFile == null) return; try { String symlink = addSingleFileToDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, indexFile, "indexfile_"); join.setIndexFile(symlink); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Internal error. Distributed cache could not " + "be set up for merge join index file"; throw new VisitorException(msg, e); } } @Override public void visitMergeCoGroup(POMergeCogroup mergeCoGrp) throws VisitorException { // XXX Hadoop currently doesn't support distributed cache in local mode. // This line will be removed after the support is added if (pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) return; String indexFile = mergeCoGrp.getIndexFileName(); if (indexFile == null) throw new VisitorException("No index file"); try { String symlink = addSingleFileToDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, indexFile, "indexfile_mergecogrp_"); mergeCoGrp.setIndexFileName(symlink); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Internal error. Distributed cache could not " + "be set up for merge cogrp index file"; throw new VisitorException(msg, e); } } } private static class UdfDistributedCacheVisitor extends PhyPlanVisitor { private PigContext pigContext = null; private Configuration conf = null; public UdfDistributedCacheVisitor(PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext, Configuration conf) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); this.pigContext = pigContext; this.conf = conf; } @Override public void visitUserFunc(POUserFunc func) throws VisitorException { // XXX Hadoop currently doesn't support distributed cache in local mode. // This line will be removed after the support is added if (pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.TEZ_LOCAL) return; // set up distributed cache for files indicated by the UDF String[] files = func.getCacheFiles(); if (files == null) return; try { setupDistributedCache(pigContext, conf, files, false); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Internal error. Distributed cache could not " + "be set up for the requested files"; throw new VisitorException(msg, e); } } } private static class ParallelConstantVisitor extends PhyPlanVisitor { private int rp; private boolean replaced = false; public ParallelConstantVisitor(PhysicalPlan plan, int rp) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); this.rp = rp; } @Override public void visitConstant(ConstantExpression cnst) throws VisitorException { if (cnst.getRequestedParallelism() == -1) { Object obj = cnst.getValue(); if (obj instanceof Integer) { if (replaced) { // sample job should have only one ConstantExpression throw new VisitorException( "Invalid reduce plan: more " + "than one ConstantExpression found in sampling job"); } cnst.setValue(rp); cnst.setRequestedParallelism(rp); replaced = true; } } } boolean isReplaced() { return replaced; } } }