Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2016 Twitter, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.twitter.nodes;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;


import com.twitter.logging.Logger;
import com.twitter.nodes.utils.DebugManager;
import com.twitter.nodes.utils.DeciderSupplier;
import com.twitter.nodes.utils.Futures;
import com.twitter.util.Await;
import com.twitter.util.Function0;
import com.twitter.util.Future;
import com.twitter.util.FutureTransformer;
import com.twitter.util.Promise;

 * A node represents the Future computation of a value as the result of evaluating its completed
 * required and optional dependencies.
public abstract class Node<Resp> extends Function0<Future<Resp>> {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.get(Node.class);

    // A static dependency map to remember all optional dependencies of all nodes.
    // This starts with an empty map and gradually collect optionality information for different
    // enum classes used in the nodes.
    private static Map<Class<? extends Enum>, Set<? extends Enum>> OPTIONAL_DEP_MAP = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    public static final Node<Boolean> TRUE = Node.value(true, "trueNode");
    public static final Node<Boolean> FALSE = Node.value(false, "falseNode");
    public static final Node NULL_NODE = Node.value(null, "nullNode");

    protected static final Future<Boolean> TRUE_FUTURE = Future.value(true);
    protected static final Future<Boolean> FALSE_FUTURE = Future.value(false);
    protected static final Future FUTURE_ABSENT = Future.value(Optional.absent());

    private final AtomicBoolean createdFuture = new AtomicBoolean();
    private final Promise<Resp> promise = new Promise<>();

    // Dependent nodes by their name. The names were created in the Builder (or the map passed into
    // the constructor.
    private ImmutableMap<Enum, Node> dependentNodesByName;

    protected List<Node> sinkNodes;

    // Name for this node instance, this is mostly auto-generated with type information
    protected String name;

    // A string key for the node, could be used to distinguish node instances of the same type.
    protected String key;

    private long startTimeMs;
    private long evaluateStartTimeMs;
    private long evaluateStopTimeMs;
    private long stopTimeMs;

    // This will be set if this node is the exposed "output" node of a Subgraph, it's done by
    // Subgraph.markExposedNodes().
    private Subgraph enclosingSubgraph;

    // this is a flag to deal with the java difficulty of differentiating between
    // Node<T> and Node<Optional<T>> via type introspection.
    private final boolean optional;

    // if true, this node's evaluate() method can return Future.value(null) without causing
    // exception and its emit() can return null, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
    private boolean canEmitNull = false;

     * Decider key that's used to check if this node should be run or not, if:
     * 1. the decider key is present for this node instance
     * 2. the node is optional for the workflow.
     * Otherwise, the decider check is skipped.
    private Optional<DeciderSupplier> deciderSupplier = Optional.absent();

    protected Node() {
        this(null, false, ImmutableMap.<Enum, Node>of(), ImmutableList.<Node>of());

    protected Node(boolean optional) {
        this(null, optional, ImmutableMap.<Enum, Node>of(), ImmutableList.<Node>of());

    protected Node(String name, boolean optional) {
        this(name, optional, ImmutableMap.<Enum, Node>of(), ImmutableList.<Node>of());

    protected Node(Node... nodes) {
        this(null, ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes));

    protected Node(String name, Node... nodes) {
        this(name, ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes));

    protected Node(Collection<Node> dependentNodes) {
        this(null, dependentNodes);

    protected Node(String name, Collection<Node> dependentNodes) {
        this(name, false, dependentNodes, ImmutableList.<Node>of());

    protected Node(Map<Enum, Node> dependentNodesByName) {
        this(null, dependentNodesByName);

    protected Node(String name, Map<Enum, Node> dependentNodesByName) {
        this(name, false, dependentNodesByName, ImmutableList.<Node>of());

    protected Node(String name, boolean optional, Collection<Node> dependentNodes, Collection<Node> sinkNodes) {
        this(name, optional, createNamedDependencies(dependentNodes), sinkNodes);

     * Constructor
     * @param name The name of the node
     * @param optional Whether this node is optional. If true, this node should use Optional<> as its
     * return type.
     * @param dependentNodesByName A map from enum to dependent nodes, only after all these nodes
     * are ready will this node be running.
     * @param sinkNodes A collection of sink nodes to run after this node finished apply().
    protected Node(@Nullable String name, boolean optional, Map<Enum, Node> dependentNodesByName,
            Collection<Node> sinkNodes) { = name != null && !name.isEmpty() ? name : this.getClass().getSimpleName();
        this.optional = optional;
        // dependent node map could be empty if the default constructor is called, this happens in
        //, where dependent node map is set later.
        this.dependentNodesByName = dependentNodesByName.isEmpty() ? ImmutableMap.<Enum, Node>of()
                : addOptionalDeps(dependentNodesByName);
        this.sinkNodes = ImmutableList.copyOf(sinkNodes);

    public Subgraph getEnclosingSubgraph() {
        return enclosingSubgraph;

    public void setEnclosingSubgraph(Subgraph enclosingSubgraph) {
        this.enclosingSubgraph = enclosingSubgraph;

     * Allow this node to emit null, so when its evaluate returns Future.value(null) it won't convert
     * it to an exception but just let the null value fall through.
    final Node<Resp> setAllowNull() {
        this.canEmitNull = true;
        return this;

     * Disallow this node to emit null.
    final Node<Resp> unsetAllowNull() {
        this.canEmitNull = false;
        return this;

    protected void setDeciderSupplier(Optional<DeciderSupplier> optionaldeciderSupplier) {
        this.deciderSupplier = optionaldeciderSupplier;

    protected void setDeciderSupplier(@Nullable DeciderSupplier deciderSupplier) {
        this.deciderSupplier = Optional.fromNullable(deciderSupplier);

     * Check if this node can emit null value.
    protected final boolean canEmitNull() {
        return canEmitNull;

    private static Map<Enum, Node> createNamedDependencies(Collection<Node> nodes) {
        int maxSize = DefaultDependencyEnum.values().length;
        Preconditions.checkArgument(nodes.size() <= maxSize,
                String.format("You can't have more than %s dependencies for a node.", maxSize));
        Map<Enum, Node> map = new EnumMap(DefaultDependencyEnum.class);
        DefaultDependencyEnum[] values = DefaultDependencyEnum.values();
        int index = 0;
        for (Node node : nodes) {
            map.put(values[index++], node);
        return map;

     * Add optional nodes to the dependency map if they are not already there.
    private ImmutableMap<Enum, Node> addOptionalDeps(Map<Enum, Node> depMap) {
        Enum firstEnum = depMap.keySet().iterator().next();
        Set<Enum> optionalDeps = getOptionalDependenciesForClass(firstEnum.getClass());
        if (optionalDeps.isEmpty()) {
            return ImmutableMap.copyOf(depMap);
        } else {
            for (Enum e : optionalDeps) {
                if (!depMap.containsKey(e)) {
                    Node absentNode = DebugManager.isDebug() ? Node.optional(Node.noValue()) : Node.absent();
                    depMap.put(e, absentNode);
            return ImmutableMap.copyOf(depMap);

    public boolean isOptional() {
        return optional;

     * Get dependency node itself
    protected <T> Node<T> getNodeDep(Enum name) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(name != null && dependentNodesByName.containsKey(name),
                "Cannot find node dependency for " + name);
        return dependentNodesByName.get(name);

     * Get a dependent node's emitted value by its name. You can only get named dependency's value. If
     * the node is optional, it will return Optional<> type.
    protected <T> T getRawDep(Enum name) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(name != null && dependentNodesByName.containsKey(name),
                "Cannot find raw node dependency value for " + name);
        return (T) dependentNodesByName.get(name).emit();

     * Get a dependent node's emitted value by its name.
    protected <T> T getDep(Enum name) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(name != null && dependentNodesByName.containsKey(name),
                "Cannot find node dependency value for " + name);
        return (T) this.<T>getDep(dependentNodesByName.get(name));

     * Get a dependent node's emitted value by its name
     * @param name Enum name of dependency
     * @param defaultValue default value to use if dependency is missing, i.e. emitted value is null
     * @param <T> return type of dependency
    protected <T> T getDep(Enum name, T defaultValue) {
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(defaultValue, "Cannot have default value for a dependency as null");
        T value = getDep(name);
        return value == null ? defaultValue : value;

     * Get dependency value by their node, if the node is optional, it will strip the Optional class
     * wrapping and returns null if the value is absent.
    protected <T> T getDep(Node<T> depNode) {
        return depNode.isOptional() ? ((Optional<T>) depNode.emit()).orNull() : depNode.emit();

    public final String getName() {
        return key == null ? name : name + ":" + key;

    public final String getKey() {
        return key;

    public final Node setKey(String key) {
        this.key = key;
        return this;

    public final Node setSinkNodes(List<Node> sinkNodes) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(!createdFuture.get(), "Node [%s] has been applied.", getName());
        this.sinkNodes = sinkNodes;
        return this;

    public final Node addSinkNodes(List<Node> sinkNodes) {
        return setSinkNodes(ImmutableList.<Node>builder().addAll(this.sinkNodes).addAll(sinkNodes).build());

    public final Node addSinkNodes(Node... nodes) {
        return addSinkNodes(ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes));

     * Return a set of enum fields that define which named dependencies are optional
     * This is only used to generate DOT graph.
    public final Set<? extends Enum> getOptionalDependencies() {
        if (dependentNodesByName.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        Enum firstEnum = dependentNodesByName.keySet().iterator().next();
        return getOptionalDependenciesForClass(firstEnum.getClass());

     * Convert a node to a future "safely". This will mask all possible failures in the wrapped node,
     * including:
     * - non-NullableNode returning a null value
     * - exception thrown inside node
     * - any of node's further dependency's failure
     * all of them will turn into Future.value(null).
     * <p>
     * If you do not want to mask failures below, you should directly use .apply(). If current node
     * is nullable (inherit from NullableNode, or canEmitNull() returns true), it can return
     * Future.value(null) properly; if current node is not nullable, or there is an exception thrownm
     * this will become a Future exception.
    public final Future<Resp> toFutureSafe() {
        return Node.optional(this).apply().map(new com.twitter.util.Function<Optional<Resp>, Resp>() {
            public Resp apply(Optional<Resp> response) {
                return response.orNull();

     * Create dot graph for a node, this provides a way to visualize node dependencies
     * and helps debugging.
     * @return A string in DOT syntax, which can be rendered using Graphviz or other software.
    public String toDotGraph() {
        return NodeDotGraphGenerator.createDot(this);

     * Get class name for the response type using reflection.
    public String getResponseClassName() {
        return getLastTemplateType(this.getClass());

     * A helper function to get optional dependencies for an enum class and cache the result
     * in a map. If the cached results is available, use it.
    private static Set getOptionalDependenciesForClass(Class<? extends Enum> enumClass) {
        Set optionalEnumSet = OPTIONAL_DEP_MAP.get(enumClass);
        if (optionalEnumSet == null) {
            optionalEnumSet = EnumSet.noneOf(enumClass);
            try {
                for (Object item : enumClass.getEnumConstants()) {
                    Annotation[] annotations = enumClass.getField(item.toString()).getAnnotations();
                    if (annotations != null) {
                        for (Annotation anno : annotations) {
                            if (anno instanceof OptionalDep) {
                OPTIONAL_DEP_MAP.put(enumClass, ImmutableSet.copyOf(optionalEnumSet));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error(e, "Cannot get fields for enum class " + enumClass);
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(optionalEnumSet);

    public enum DefaultDependencyEnum {
        DEP0, DEP1, DEP2, DEP3, DEP4, DEP5, DEP6, DEP7, DEP8, DEP9, DEP10, DEP11, DEP12, DEP13, DEP14, DEP15

     * A convenient method to create a builder for a given target node class.
     * Enum class for the dependencies will be decided when the first dependency is added.
    public static <T> Builder<T> builder(Class<? extends Node<T>> nodeClass) {
        return new Builder<>(nodeClass, null);

     * A simpler helper merging Node.builder() and Builder.withDependencies() into one call.
    public static <T> Node<T> build(Class<? extends Node<T>> nodeClass, Object... dependencies) {
        return new Builder<>(nodeClass, null).withDependencies(dependencies);

     * Provides a way of creating a builder from an existing instance of a Node.
     * <p>
     * This method is useful for nodes that require arguments in the constructor or for using mocks.
    public static <T> Builder<T> builder(Node<T> nodeInstance) {
        return new Builder<>(nodeInstance, null);

     * A general builder to build a node using named dependencies.
     * <p>
     * If the node is created from a class, it will first call the default constructor of the given
     * class (so make sure it has one, since Node already has one, not implementing any constructor
     * gives you one by default).
     * <p>
     * The builder assigns dependencies to the node instance using enum names. For any dependencies
     * marked as @OptionalDel in the enum class, if they don't already exist in the collected
     * dependency map, they will be added as Node.absent().
     * @param <T> The return type of the nodes this Builder builds.
    public static class Builder<T> {
        protected final Node<T> nodeInstance;
        protected Map<Enum, Node> dependentNodesByName;
        protected DeciderSupplier deciderSupplier;
        protected List<Node> sinkNodes = ImmutableList.of();
        protected String nodeKey;

        public Builder(Node<T> nodeInstance, @Nullable Class<? extends Enum> enumClass) {
            this.nodeInstance = nodeInstance;
            if (enumClass != null) {

        public Builder(Class<? extends Node<T>> nodeClass) {
            this(nodeClass, null);

        public Builder(Class<? extends Node<T>> nodeClass, @Nullable Class<? extends Enum> enumClass) {
            this(createInstance(nodeClass), enumClass);

        private static <T> Node<T> createInstance(Class<? extends Node<T>> nodeClass) {
            try {
                return nodeClass.newInstance();
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                        "Cannot create instance for Node [%s], make sure it has a default constructor",
                        nodeClass.getSimpleName()), e);

         * Create dependency map by enum, this allows the lazy creation of this class.
        private void initDependencyMap(Class<? extends Enum> enumClass) {
            if (dependentNodesByName == null) {
                dependentNodesByName = new EnumMap(enumClass);

         * Check if a dependency or not by name
        public boolean isDependencyOptional(Enum name) {
            return getOptionalDependenciesForClass(name.getClass()).contains(name);

         * Add a named dependency. If the dependency is marked as optional, the node will be wrapped
         * so when it fails to emit a valid result, current node's execution won't be affected.
        public Builder<T> dependsOn(Enum name, Node node) {
            // Wrap this node if its dependency state is optional and the node is not already wrapped.
            // The node.isOptional() is mostly for backward compatibility as we may sometimes pass in
            // an optional-wrapped node using the new-style builder.
            // TODO(wangtian): remove the isOptional() check after we clean up all such cases.
            Node dependency = isDependencyOptional(name) && !node.isOptional() ? Node.optional(node) : node;
            Preconditions.checkArgument(dependentNodesByName.put(name, dependency) == null,
                    "You have already added a dependent node named " + name);
            return this;

        public Builder<T> withDeciderSupplier(DeciderSupplier deciderSupplier) {
            this.deciderSupplier = deciderSupplier;
            return this;

        public Builder<T> withNodeKey(String nodeKey) {
            this.nodeKey = nodeKey;
            return this;

        public Builder<T> withSinkNodes(List<Node> sinkNodes) {
            this.sinkNodes = sinkNodes;
            return this;

        public Builder<T> withSinkNodes(Node... sinkNodes) {
            return withSinkNodes(ImmutableList.copyOf(sinkNodes));

         * A convenient wrapper (ImmutableMap.of() style) to add all dependencies.
         * @param deps All dependencies with enum key and node object alternating. There must be even
         * number of items in this list.
         * @return A node built with given dependencies.
        public Node<T> withDependencies(Object... deps) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(deps.length > 0 && deps.length % 2 == 0,
                    "There must be even number of arguments in Node.Builder.withDependencies()");
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < deps.length; i += 2) {
                    Enum key = (Enum) deps[i];
                    Node node = (Node) deps[i + 1];
                    dependsOn(key, node);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                LOG.error(e, "Casting exception while creating node");
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return build();

         * Get all dependent nodes in a map. If user uses Builder or subclasses it themselves, the enum
         * class would be provided by the user; if they use AnonymousBuilder, or simply pass in a
         * collection of unnamed dependencies, the key will be DefaultDependencyEnum.
        protected Map<Enum, Node> getDependencyMap() {
            return dependentNodesByName;

        public Node<T> build() {
            return nodeInstance;

     * Optional wrapper for turning required nodes into Optional nodes.
    static final class OptionalNodeWrapper<T> extends Node<Optional<T>> {

        private final Node<T> wrappedNode;

        public OptionalNodeWrapper(Node<T> node) {
            super(String.format("~%s", node.getName()), true, ImmutableList.<Node>of(node),
            this.wrappedNode = node;

        Node<T> getWrappedNode() {
            return wrappedNode;

        protected Future<Optional<T>> evaluate() {
            T emitted = wrappedNode.emit();
            return Future.value(emitted == null ? Optional.<T>absent() : Optional.of(emitted));

     * Wrap a node which has an optional generic type and return an Optional wrapped value.
     * <p/>
     * This node will always succeed, and will return Optional.absent() if the underlying node fails.
    public static <T> Node<Optional<T>> optional(final Node<T> node) {
        if (node == null) {
            return absent();
        return new OptionalNodeWrapper<>(node);

     * This statically shared node represents an optional node with an absent value.
     * Any node that depends on this node will always get Optional.absent from emit.
    private static final Node NODE_OPTIONAL_ABSENT = new Node("ABSENT", true) {
        protected Future evaluate() {
            return FUTURE_ABSENT;

     * Gets an Node with no contained reference.
    public static <T> Node<Optional<T>> absent() {
        return (Node<Optional<T>>) NODE_OPTIONAL_ABSENT;

     * Get all of the node's dependencies.
     * @return a collection of dependent nodes.
    public final Collection<Node> getAllDependencies() {
        return dependentNodesByName.values();

     * Get dependencies by name
    final ImmutableMap<Enum, Node> getDependenciesByName() {
        return dependentNodesByName;

     * Get all inputs by name, for some nodes (like PredicateSwitchNode, BooleaNode), input is more
     * than just dependencies.
    ImmutableMap<String, Node> getInputsByName() {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Node> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (Map.Entry<Enum, Node> entry : getDependenciesByName().entrySet()) {
            builder.put(entry.getKey().name(), entry.getValue());

     * Set dependencies after a Node is constructed using the default constructor,
     * this should only be called by builder. We add all unset optional dependencies and check
     * if all required dependencies are set, if not the Preconditions check will fail.
    private void setAllDependencies(Map<Enum, Node> depsMap) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(depsMap != null && !depsMap.isEmpty(), "You can set with empty dependency map");
        ImmutableMap<Enum, Node> allDependencies = addOptionalDeps(depsMap);
        // check if all dependencies are provided
        EnumSet unsetEnums = EnumSet.complementOf(EnumSet.copyOf(allDependencies.keySet()));
                "Required dependencies not set for node [" + getName() + "]: " + unsetEnums);
        this.dependentNodesByName = allDependencies;

     * Initiates the computation of the node value.
     * <p/>
     * Calling apply results in bottom-up evaluation of apply on all dependent nodes, their
     * dependencies, and so on, resulting in a future-chain that evaluates dependent node success.
     * <p/>
     * A node will only succeed in computing its value if and only if, all of the required
     * dependencies successfully complete and have non-null values.
     * <p/>
     * If the dependents do succeed, then the {link:evaluate} will be called on this node, at which
     * point accessing of the required dependent nodes via {@link #emit()} is guaranteed to produce a
     * non-null value.
     * <p/>
     * Optional dependencies may or may not have succeeded, but will have at least completed.
     * <p/>
     * The Future for a node is only created once and is shared amongst all dependent nodes.
     * <p/>
     * @return Future of the node value.
    public final Future<Resp> apply() {
        if (!createdFuture.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            return promise;

        // Capture when the node started waiting on dependencies
        startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        Future<Resp> response = futureFromDependencies()
                .flatMap(new com.twitter.util.Function<Object, Future<Resp>>() {
                    public Future<Resp> apply(Object value) {

                        Future<Resp> result;

                        if (!isOptional()) {
                        try {
                            evaluateStartTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

                            if (deciderSupplier.isPresent() && !deciderSupplier.get().isFeatureAvailable()) {
                                debugVerbose("is decidered off for this request, decider key: %s",
                                result = isOptional() ? FUTURE_ABSENT : Future.value(null);
                            } else {
                                result = evaluate();
                                if (result == null) {
                                    result = Future.exception(new RuntimeException(
                                            String.format("evaluate() returned null Future object!")));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            String message = String.format("evaluate threw an exception");
                            debugDetailed("%s\n%s", message, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e));
                            LOG.error(e, message);
                            result = Future.exception(e);

                        evaluateStopTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        return result;
                }).flatMap(new com.twitter.util.Function<Resp, Future<Resp>>() {
                    public Future<Resp> apply(Resp value) {
                        if (value == null && !canEmitNull) {
                            return Future.exception(
                                    new RuntimeException(String.format("evaluate() returned Future.value(null) "
                                            + "but the node is not marked as Nullable.")));
                        } else {
                            return Future.value(value);
                }).transformedBy(new FutureTransformer<Resp, Resp>() {
                    public Future<Resp> flatMap(Resp value) {
                        stopTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (!isOptional()) {
                        return Future.value(value);

                    public Future<Resp> rescue(Throwable throwable) {
                        stopTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (!isOptional()) {
                        return isOptional() ? (Future<Resp>) FUTURE_ABSENT : Future.<Resp>exception(throwable);



        return promise;

    protected void logStart() {

    protected void logEnd() {
        debugDetailed("End (%d/%d ms)", stopTimeMs - startTimeMs, evaluateStopTimeMs - evaluateStartTimeMs);

    protected void logError(Throwable t) {
        debugDetailed("Failed (%d/%d ms): %s", stopTimeMs - startTimeMs, evaluateStopTimeMs - evaluateStartTimeMs,
        debugVerbose("Detailed failure: %s", Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(t));

     * Wait on a bunch of nodes before returning current node's result. This is convenient in creating
     * some temporary dependencies.
    public Node<Resp> waitOn(Node... nodesToWait) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(nodesToWait.length <= DefaultDependencyEnum.values().length,
                "Too many nodes to wait on");
        List<Node> deps = Lists.newArrayList(nodesToWait);
        final Node<Resp> outerNode = this;
        return new NullableNode<Resp>(this.getName() + "_waited", deps) {
            protected Future<Resp> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return outerNode.apply();

     * Creates the future used to determine when the node's dependencies are able to be
     * evaluate()'ed.
     * <p/>
     * The default implementation is to join all dependencies so that evaluate() is only called when
     * all dependencies are complete and successful.
    Future futureFromDependencies() {
        final List<Future<Object>> dependencies = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(dependentNodesByName.size());
        for (Node node : dependentNodesByName.values()) {
        return com.twitter.util.Futures.join(dependencies);

     * Calls apply on all sink nodes.
    private void applySinkNodes() {
        for (Node node : sinkNodes) {

     * Callback that fires when all of the required dependencies succeeded and have non-null values.
     * <p/>
     * Either this method or {link:rescue} is called.
     * <p/>
     * @return a future of the computed node's value; may be a future of null if it failed.
    protected abstract Future<Resp> evaluate() throws Exception;

     * Log response string, by default it doesn't print much information
    protected void logResponse(@Nullable Resp response) {
        String str = response == null ? null : printResponse(response);
        if (str != null && !isOptional()) {
            debugDetailed("response: %s", str);

     * Print response into a string for logging/debugging purpose.
    protected String printResponse(Resp response) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastVerbose2()) {
            return String.valueOf(response);
        return null;

     * Gets the node value.
     * <p/>
     * The node will only emit a non-null value if it completed successfully.
     * <p/>
     * Since a node's required dependencies must succeed for {@link #evaluate()} to be called, a
     * node's implementation should only be able to call {@link #emit()} when it's guaranteed to
     * return successfully.
    public Resp emit() {
        if (Futures.completedWithSuccess(promise)) {
            try {
                return Await.result(promise);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error(e, "Exception during emit()");
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not read promise", e);

        // It's logically impossible to get here if:
        //    apply() was called on the terminating graph node
        //    AND the promise's node was added as a dependency.
        // So it's possible to get here if you just create a node and then call emit() on it w/o
        // calling apply() on the terminating graph node.
        // Assuming the graph was used properly, then it's possible to get here if the node wasn't added
        // Report back to the user which state the node was in, but also remind them to add the node
        // as a dependency.

        if (Futures.completedWithFailure(promise)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    String.format("NODE[%s]: Attempting to call emit() on failed required node.  "
                            + "Did you forget to add this node as a required dependency?", getName()));

        throw new IllegalStateException(
                String.format("NODE[%s]: Attempting to call emit() on an incomplete required node.  "
                        + "Did you forget to add this node as a required dependency?", getName()));

    public void debugBasic(final String message, Object... args) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastBasic()) {
            DebugManager.basic(getDebugPrefix() + message, args);

    public void debugDetailed(final String message, Object... args) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastDetailed()) {
            DebugManager.detailed(getDebugPrefix() + message, args);

    public void debugVerbose(final String message, Object... args) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastVerbose()) {
            DebugManager.verbose(getDebugPrefix() + message, args);

    public void debugVerbose2(final String message, Object... args) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastVerbose2()) {
            DebugManager.verbose2(getDebugPrefix() + message, args);

    public void debugVerbose3(final String message, Object... args) {
        if (DebugManager.isAtLeastVerbose3()) {
            DebugManager.verbose3(getDebugPrefix() + message, args);

    private volatile String debugPrefix = null;

    private String getDebugPrefix() {
        if (debugPrefix == null) {
            debugPrefix = "NODE [" + getName() + "]: ";
        return DebugManager.isAtLeastDetailed()
                ? String.format("[%04d] %s", System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000, debugPrefix)
                : debugPrefix;

    // ------------------------------- Transformations -------------------------------
    // Common transformations on current node

     * Map the output of current node to a new type T.
    public <T> Node<T> map(NamedFunction<Resp, T> func) {
        return mapWithDeciderSupplier(null, func);

    public <T> Node<T> map(String name, Function<Resp, T> func) {
        return mapWithDeciderSupplier(null, NamedFunction.create(name, func));

     * Mapping with multiple inputs
    public interface Function2<X, A, B> {
        X apply(A a, B b);

    public interface Function3<X, A, B, C> {
        X apply(A a, B b, C c);

    public interface Function4<X, A, B, C, D> {
        X apply(A a, B b, C c, D d);

    public static <T, A, B> Node<T> map2(String name, final Node<A> aNode, final Node<B> bNode,
            Function2<T, A, B> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return Future.value(func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit()));

    public static <T, A, B, C> Node<T> map3(String name, Node<A> aNode, Node<B> bNode, Node<C> cNode,
            Function3<T, A, B, C> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode, cNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return Future.value(func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit(), cNode.emit()));

    public static <T, A, B, C, D> Node<T> map4(String name, Node<A> aNode, Node<B> bNode, Node<C> cNode,
            Node<D> dNode, Function4<T, A, B, C, D> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode, cNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return Future.value(func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit(), cNode.emit(), dNode.emit()));

    public static <T, A, B> Node<T> flatMap2(String name, final Node<A> aNode, final Node<B> bNode,
            Function2<Future<T>, A, B> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit());

    public static <T, A, B, C> Node<T> flatMap3(String name, Node<A> aNode, Node<B> bNode, Node<C> cNode,
            Function3<Future<T>, A, B, C> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode, cNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit(), cNode.emit());

    public static <T, A, B, C, D> Node<T> flatMap4(String name, Node<A> aNode, Node<B> bNode, Node<C> cNode,
            Node<D> dNode, Function4<Future<T>, A, B, C, D> func) {
        return new Node<T>(name, aNode, bNode, cNode) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return func.apply(aNode.emit(), bNode.emit(), cNode.emit(), dNode.emit());

     * Maps the value of current node to a new type T by applying the provided function, but only when
     * the value is present. For null values, the function is not even run and the transformed value
     * is null. Exceptions will be convert to null.
     * <p>
     * This means the function doesn't have to handle nullable inputs when run on Nullable nodes.
    public <T> Node<T> mapOnSuccess(NamedFunction<Resp, T> func) {
        return ifSuccessThen(this, map(func));

    public <T> Node<T> mapOnSuccess(String name, Function<Resp, T> func) {
        return ifSuccessThen(this, map(name, func));

    public <T> Node<T> mapWithDeciderSupplier(DeciderSupplier deciderKey, NamedFunction<Resp, T> func) {
        return TransformNode.<Resp, T>create(this, func, func.getName(), deciderKey);

    public <T> Node<T> mapWithDeciderSupplier(String name, DeciderSupplier deciderKey, Function<Resp, T> func) {
        return mapWithDeciderSupplier(deciderKey, NamedFunction.create(name, func));

    public <T> Node<T> flatMap(NamedFunction<Resp, Future<T>> func) {
        return flatMapWithDeciderSupplier(null, func);

    public <T> Node<T> flatMapWithDeciderSupplier(DeciderSupplier deciderKey, NamedFunction<Resp, Future<T>> func) {
        return FlatMapTransformNode.create(this, func, func.getName(), deciderKey);

    public <T> Node<T> flatMapWithDeciderSupplier(String name, DeciderSupplier deciderKey,
            java.util.function.Function<Resp, Future<T>> func) {
        return flatMapWithDeciderSupplier(deciderKey, NamedFunction.create(name, func));

     * Collect results from a map of nodes into a node of the map.
    public static <A, B> Node<Map<A, B>> collect(Map<A, Node<B>> nodeMap) {
        Map<A, Future<B>> futures = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<A, Node<B>> mapEntry : nodeMap.entrySet()) {
            futures.put(mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue().apply());
        return Node.wrapFuture(Futures.collect(futures));

     * Collect results from a list of nodes into a node of list.
    public static <T> Node<List<T>> collect(List<Node<T>> nodeList) {
        List<Future<T>> futures = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Node<T> node : nodeList) {
        return Node.wrapFuture(Future.collect(futures));

     * Splits and transforms a Node of a list of elements A
     * and then collects as a Node of lists of element B
    public static <A, B> Node<List<B>> splitAndCollect(Node<List<A>> list,
            final NamedFunction<A, Node<B>> transformFunction) {
        return list.flatMap(NamedFunction.create("splitAndCollectList", items -> {
            List<Node<B>> newlist = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (A item : items) {
            return Node.collect(newlist).apply();

     * Split and collect with java function
    public static <A, B> Node<List<B>> splitAndCollect(Node<List<A>> list, String name, Function<A, Node<B>> func) {
        return splitAndCollect(list, NamedFunction.create(name, func));

     * Returns the value of the current node if the condition node is evaluated as true. Otherwise,
     * returns a node with a null value.
    public Node<Resp> when(Node<Boolean> conditionNode) {
        return ifThen(conditionNode, this);

     * Returns the value of the current node if the condition node is evaluated as false. Otherwise,
     * returns a node with a null value.
    public Node<Resp> unless(Node<Boolean> conditionNode) {
        return ifThen(NotNode.of(conditionNode), this);

     * Returns the value of the current node if the condition node is successful. Otherwise,
     * returns a node with a null value.
    public Node<Resp> whenSuccess(Node conditionNode) {
        return ifSuccessThen(conditionNode, this);

     * Returns the value of the other node if the current one has failed or has null value,
     * otherwise it returns the current node.
    public Node<Resp> orElse(Node<Resp> otherNode) {
        return ifSuccessThenElse(this, this, otherNode);

     * Create a predicate out of this node
    public Node<Boolean> predicate(String name, Predicate<Resp> predicate) {
        return PredicateNode.create(this, predicate, name);

    public Node<Boolean> predicate(NamedPredicate<Resp> predicate) {
        return PredicateNode.create(this, predicate, predicate.getName());

    public Node<Boolean> isNull() {
        return this.predicate(getName() + "_isNull", i -> i == null);

    public Node<Boolean> isNotNull() {
        return this.predicate(getName() + "_isNotNull", i -> i != null);

    // ------------------------------- Convenient Helpers -------------------------------
    // These convenient static helpers creates some nodes of common type from other nodes
    // or non-node objects.

     * Create a fixed value Node.
     * @param value value of the node
     * @param <T> type of the node
    public static <T> Node<T> value(T value) {
        return ValueNode.<T>create(value);

     * Create a fixed value Node.
     * @param value value of the node
     * @param name name of the node used in graph serialization
     * @param <T> type of the node
    public static <T> Node<T> value(T value, String name) {
        return ValueNode.create(value, name);

     * Create a node from a value supplier. The supplier will be called at most once.
     * this is only called when the value node is actually used
     * (have its emit() or apply() called, not during its creation)
    public static <T> Node<T> valueFromSupplier(Supplier<T> valueSupplier, String name) {
        return SupplierValueNode.create(valueSupplier, name);

     * Gets a Node with a null value.
     * <p/>
     * Any node that depends on this noValue node will not succeed.
    public static <K> Node<K> noValue() {
        if (DebugManager.isDebug()) {
            return Node.value(null, "null");
        } else {
            // non-debug time optimization
            return (Node<K>) NULL_NODE;

     * Create a failure node with the given exception
    public static <T> Node<T> fail(final Exception e) {
        return new Node<T>() {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return Future.exception(e);

    public static <T> PredicateSwitchNode<T> ifThenElse(Node<Boolean> predicateNode, Node<T> trueNode,
            Node<T> falseNode) {
        return new PredicateSwitchNode<>(predicateNode, trueNode, falseNode);

    public static <T> PredicateSwitchNode<T> ifThen(Node<Boolean> predicateNode, Node<T> trueNode) {
        return new PredicateSwitchNode<>(predicateNode, trueNode, Node.<T>noValue());

    public static <T> PredicateSwitchNode<T> ifSuccessThenElse(Node testNode, Node<T> trueNode, Node<T> falseNode) {
        return ifThenElse(IfSuccessfulNode.create(testNode), trueNode, falseNode);

    public static <T> PredicateSwitchNode<T> ifSuccessThen(Node testNode, Node<T> trueNode) {
        return ifThen(IfSuccessfulNode.create(testNode), trueNode);

     * Wrap a Future object into a node.
    public static <T> Node<T> wrapFuture(final Future<T> future) {
        return wrapFuture(future, "wrappedFuture[" + getLastTemplateType(future.getClass()) + "]");

     * Wrap a Future object into a node with a name
    public static <T> Node<T> wrapFuture(final Future<T> future, String name) {
        // Create a dummy wrapping node, not optional, no dependencies or sinks
        return new NullableNode<T>(name) {
            protected Future<T> evaluate() throws Exception {
                return future;

    protected static String getLastTemplateType(Class clazz) {
        Type t = clazz.getGenericSuperclass();
        if (t instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            Type[] argTypes = ((ParameterizedType) t).getActualTypeArguments();
            if (argTypes.length > 0) {
                return argTypes[argTypes.length - 1].toString();
        return "";
