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package com.twitter.ambrose.cascading;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedGraph;

import cascading.flow.Flow;
import cascading.flow.FlowListener;
import cascading.flow.FlowStep;
import cascading.flow.FlowStepListener;
import cascading.flow.Flows;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.HadoopFlowStep;
import cascading.flow.planner.BaseFlowStep;
import cascading.stats.hadoop.HadoopStepStats;

import com.twitter.ambrose.model.DAGNode;
import com.twitter.ambrose.model.Event;
import com.twitter.ambrose.model.Job;
import com.twitter.ambrose.model.hadoop.MapReduceHelper;
import com.twitter.ambrose.service.StatsWriteService;
import com.twitter.ambrose.util.AmbroseUtils;

 * CascadingNotifier that collects plan and job information from within a cascading
 * runtime, builds Ambrose model objects, and passes the objects to an Ambrose
 * StatsWriteService object. This listener can be used regardless of what mode
 * Ambrose is running in.
 * @see EmbeddedAmbroseCascadingNotifier for a subclass that can be used to run
 * an embedded Ambrose web server from Main method.
 * @author Ahmed Mohsen
public class AmbroseCascadingNotifier implements FlowListener, FlowStepListener {

    protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
    private StatsWriteService statsWriteService;
    private List<Job> jobs = new ArrayList<Job>();
    private Map<String, DAGNode<CascadingJob>> dagNodeNameMap = Maps.newTreeMap();
    private Map<String, DAGNode<CascadingJob>> dagNodeJobIdMap = Maps.newTreeMap();
    private HashSet<String> completedJobIds = new HashSet<String>();
    private int totalNumberOfJobs;
    private int runningJobs = 0;
    private String currentFlowId;

    private MapReduceHelper mapReduceHelper = new MapReduceHelper();

     * Initialize this class with an instance of StatsWriteService to push stats
     * to.
     * @param statsWriteService
    public AmbroseCascadingNotifier(StatsWriteService statsWriteService) {
        this.statsWriteService = statsWriteService;

    protected StatsWriteService getStatsWriteService() {
        return statsWriteService;

     * The onStarting event is fired when a Flow instance receives the start()
     * message. -a Flow is cut down into executing units called stepFlow
     * -stepFlow contains a stepFlowJob which represents the mapreduce job to be
     * submitted to Hadoop -the DAG graph is constructed from the step graph
     * found in flow object
     * @param flow
    public void onStarting(Flow flow) {
        //init flow
        List<BaseFlowStep> steps = flow.getFlowSteps();
        totalNumberOfJobs = steps.size();
        currentFlowId = flow.getID();

        Properties props = new Properties();
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Exception while initializing statsWriteService", ioe);

        // convert the graph generated by cascading toDAGNodes Graph to be sent to ambrose
        AmbroseCascadingGraphConverter convertor = new AmbroseCascadingGraphConverter(
                (SimpleDirectedGraph) Flows.getStepGraphFrom(flow), dagNodeNameMap);
        AmbroseUtils.sendDagNodeNameMap(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, this.dagNodeNameMap);

     * The onStopping event is fired when a Flow instance receives the stop()
     * message.
     * @param flow
    public void onStopping(Flow flow) {

     * The onCompleted event is fired when a Flow instance has completed all
     * work whether if was success or failed. If there was a thrown exception,
     * onThrowable will be fired before this event.
     * @param flow
    public void onCompleted(Flow flow) {

     * The onThrowable event is fired if any child
     * {@link cascading.flow.FlowStep} throws a Throwable type. This throwable
     * is passed as an argument to the event. This event method should return
     * true if the given throwable was handled and should not be rethrown from
     * the {@link Flow#complete()} method.
     * @param flow
     * @param throwable
     * @return true if this listener has handled the given throwable
    public boolean onThrowable(Flow flow, Throwable throwable) {
        return false;

     * onStepStarting event is fired whenever a job is submitted to Hadoop and begun
     * its excution
     * @param flowStep the step in the flow that represents the MapReduce job
    public void onStepStarting(FlowStep flowStep) {
        //getting Hadoop job client
        HadoopStepStats stats = (HadoopStepStats) ((HadoopFlowStep) flowStep).getFlowStepStats();
        String assignedJobId = stats.getJobID();
        String jobName = flowStep.getName();
        JobClient jc = stats.getJobClient();

        runningJobs++; //update overall progress

        DAGNode<CascadingJob> node = this.dagNodeNameMap.get(jobName);
        if (node == null) {
            log.warn("jobStartedNotification - unrecognized operator name found (" + jobName + ") for jobId "
                    + assignedJobId);
        } else {
            CascadingJob job = node.getJob();
            mapReduceHelper.addMapReduceJobState(job, jc);

            dagNodeJobIdMap.put(job.getId(), node);
            AmbroseUtils.pushEvent(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, new Event.JobStartedEvent(node));

     * onStepCompleted event is fired when a stepFlowJob completed its work
     * @param flowStep the step in the flow that represents the MapReduce job
    public void onStepCompleted(FlowStep flowStep) {
        HadoopStepStats stats = (HadoopStepStats) flowStep.getFlowStepStats();
        String jobId = stats.getJobID();

        //get job node
        DAGNode<CascadingJob> node = dagNodeJobIdMap.get(jobId);
        if (node == null) {
            log.warn("Unrecognized jobId reported for succeeded job: " + stats.getJobID());
        addCompletedJobStats(node.getJob(), stats);
        AmbroseUtils.pushEvent(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, new Event.JobFinishedEvent(node));

     * onStepThrowable event is fired if job failed during execution A job_failed
     * event is pushed with node represents the failed job
     * @param flowStep the step in the flow that represents the MapReduce job
     * @param throwable  the exception that caused the job to fail
    public boolean onStepThrowable(FlowStep flowStep, Throwable throwable) {
        HadoopStepStats stats = (HadoopStepStats) flowStep.getFlowStepStats();
        String jobName = flowStep.getName();

        //get job node
        DAGNode<CascadingJob> node = dagNodeNameMap.get(jobName);
        if (node == null) {
            log.warn("Unrecognized jobId reported for succeeded job: " + stats.getJobID());
            return false;
        addCompletedJobStats(node.getJob(), stats);
        AmbroseUtils.pushEvent(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, new Event.JobFailedEvent(node));
        return false;

     * onStepProgressing event is fired whenever a job made a progress
     * @param flowStep the step in the flow that represents the MapReduce job
    public void onStepRunning(FlowStep flowStep) {
        //getting Hadoop running job and job client
        HadoopStepStats stats = (HadoopStepStats) flowStep.getFlowStepStats();
        JobClient jc = stats.getJobClient();

        // first we report the scripts progress
        int progress = (int) (((runningJobs * 1.0) / totalNumberOfJobs) * 100);
        AmbroseUtils.pushWorkflowProgressEvent(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, progress);

        //get job node
        String jobId = stats.getJobID();
        DAGNode<CascadingJob> node = dagNodeJobIdMap.get(jobId);
        if (node == null) {
            log.warn("Unrecognized jobId reported for succeeded job: " + stats.getJobID());

        //only push job progress events for a completed job once
        if (completedJobIds.contains(node.getJob().getId())) {

        mapReduceHelper.addMapReduceJobState(node.getJob(), jc);

        if (node.getJob().getMapReduceJobState() != null) {
            AmbroseUtils.pushEvent(statsWriteService, currentFlowId, new Event.JobProgressEvent(node));

            if (node.getJob().getMapReduceJobState().isComplete()) {

    public void onStepStopping(FlowStep flowStep) {

    private void addCompletedJobStats(CascadingJob job, HadoopStepStats stats) {