Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL$ * $Author$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.steps.BranchStep; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.steps.ParallelStep; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.SchemaMeta; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.TwsCachedXPathAPI; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.XmlSchemaUtils; public abstract class StepWithExpressions extends Step implements IContextMaintainer, IContainerOrdered, ISchemaParticleGenerator { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6835033841635158551L; /** * The vector of ordered step objects which can be applied on the StepWithExpressions. */ private XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> orderedSteps = null; transient private List<Step> vSteps = new ArrayList<Step>(); transient private List<Step> vAllSteps = null; transient private String transactionSessionId = null; transient protected Map<String, Long> childrenSteps = null; transient protected int nbAsyncThreadRunning = 0; transient protected Boolean haveToWait = Boolean.FALSE; transient protected int currentChildStep; transient public boolean bContinue = true; transient public boolean handlePriorities = true; transient public long[] asyncCounters = null; public StepWithExpressions() { super(); orderedSteps = new XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>>(); orderedSteps.add(new XMLVector<Long>()); } @Override public StepWithExpressions clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { StepWithExpressions clonedObject = (StepWithExpressions) super.clone(); clonedObject.nbAsyncThreadRunning = 0; clonedObject.haveToWait = Boolean.FALSE; clonedObject.currentChildStep = 0; clonedObject.childrenSteps = null; clonedObject.vSteps = new ArrayList<Step>(); clonedObject.vAllSteps = null; clonedObject.bContinue = true; clonedObject.handlePriorities = handlePriorities; clonedObject.transactionSessionId = null; clonedObject.asyncCounters = null; return clonedObject; } @Override public Object copy() throws CloneNotSupportedException { StepWithExpressions copiedObject = (StepWithExpressions) super.copy(); copiedObject.childrenSteps = new HashMap<String, Long>(10); copiedObject.vSteps = vSteps; return copiedObject; } public String getInheritedContextName() { return null; } public String getContextName() { return "Container-" + executeTimeID; } public String getTransactionSessionId() { return transactionSessionId; } public void setTransactionSessionId(String sessionId) { if ((transactionSessionId == null) && (sessionId != null)) { transactionSessionId = sessionId; if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(StepWithExpression) setting transactionSessionId: " + transactionSessionId); } else if (transactionSessionId != null) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(StepWithExpression) transactionSessionId/JSESSIONID: " + transactionSessionId + "/" + sessionId); } } public void setTransactionSessionId(HttpState state) { if ((transactionSessionId == null) && (state != null)) { if (state != null) { Cookie[] httpCookies = state.getCookies(); int len = httpCookies.length; Cookie cookie = null; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cookie = httpCookies[i]; if (cookie.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("JSESSIONID")) { transactionSessionId = cookie.getValue(); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace( "(StepWithExpression) setting transactionSessionId: " + transactionSessionId); break; } } } } else if (transactionSessionId != null) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) { if (state != null) { Cookie[] httpCookies = state.getCookies(); int len = httpCookies.length; Cookie cookie = null; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cookie = httpCookies[i]; if (cookie.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("JSESSIONID")) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(StepWithExpression) transactionSessionId/JSESSIONID: " + transactionSessionId + "/" + cookie.getValue()); break; } } } } } } protected void cleanChildren() { if (childrenSteps != null) { //Enumeration e = childrenSteps.elements(); Enumeration<String> e = Collections.enumeration(childrenSteps.keySet()); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String timeID = (String) e.nextElement(); if (timeID != null) { Long stepPriority = null; Step step = sequence.getCopy(timeID); if (step != null) { stepPriority = new Long(step.priority); step.cleanCopy(); } sequence.removeCopy(timeID, stepPriority); } } childrenSteps.clear(); } } @Override protected void cleanCopy() { //System.out.println("Start Clean copy of step " + name + "("+executeTimeID+")"); cleanChildren(); if (childrenSteps != null) { childrenSteps.clear(); childrenSteps = null; } super.cleanCopy(); vSteps = null; // ! Do not clear()! if (vAllSteps != null) { vAllSteps.clear(); vAllSteps = null; } //System.out.println("End Clean copy of step " + name + "("+executeTimeID+")"); } @Override public void add(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Step) { addStep((Step) databaseObject); } else { super.add(databaseObject); } } @Override public void remove(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Step) { removeStep((Step) databaseObject); } else { super.remove(databaseObject); } } public void addStep(Step step) throws EngineException { checkSubLoaded(); String newDatabaseObjectName = getChildBeanName(vSteps, step.getName(), step.bNew); step.setName(newDatabaseObjectName); vSteps.add(step); step.setParent(this);// do not call super.add otherwise it will generate an exception step.sequence = getSequence(); sequence.loadedSteps.put(new Long(step.priority), step); sequence.addStepListener(step); insertOrderedStep(step, null); } public void insertOrderedStep(Step step, Long after) { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); int size = ordered.size(); Long value = new Long(step.priority); if (ordered.contains(value)) return; if (after == null) { after = new Long(0); if (size > 0) after = (Long) ordered.lastElement(); } int order = ordered.indexOf(after); ordered.add(order + 1, value); hasChanged = true; } public void removeStep(Step step) { checkSubLoaded(); vSteps.remove(step); step.setParent(null); // Do not call super.remove otherwise it will generate an exception step.sequence = null; Long value = new Long(step.priority); removeOrderedStep(value); sequence.loadedSteps.remove(new Long(step.priority)); sequence.removeStepListener(step); } public void removeOrderedStep(Long value) { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); ordered.remove(value); hasChanged = true; } public List<Step> getSteps(boolean reset) { if (reset) vAllSteps = null; return getSteps(); } public List<Step> getSteps() { checkSubLoaded(); if ((vAllSteps == null) || hasChanged) vAllSteps = getAllSteps(); return vAllSteps; } public List<Step> getAllSteps() { checkSubLoaded(); debugSteps(); return sort(vSteps); } /** * Get representation of order for quick sort of a given database object. */ @Override public Object getOrder(Object object) throws EngineException { if (object instanceof Step) { List<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); long time = ((Step) object).priority; if (ordered.contains(time)) return (long) ordered.indexOf(time); else throw new EngineException("Corrupted step for StepWithExpressions \"" + getName() + "\". Step \"" + ((Step) object).getName() + "\" with priority \"" + time + "\" isn't referenced anymore."); } else return super.getOrder(object); } public boolean hasSteps() { checkSubLoaded(); return (vSteps.size() > 0) ? true : false; } public int numberOfSteps() { checkSubLoaded(); return vSteps.size(); } /** * @return the orderedSteps */ public XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> getOrderedSteps() { return orderedSteps; } /** * @param orderedSteps the orderedSteps to set */ public void setOrderedSteps(XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> orderedSteps) { this.orderedSteps = orderedSteps; } public void increasePriority(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Step) increaseOrder(databaseObject, null); } public void decreasePriority(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Step) decreaseOrder(databaseObject, null); } public void insertAtOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, long priority) throws EngineException { increaseOrder(databaseObject, new Long(priority)); } private void increaseOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, Long before) throws EngineException { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); Long value = new Long(databaseObject.priority); if (!ordered.contains(value)) return; int pos = ordered.indexOf(value); if (pos == 0) return; if (before == null) before = (Long) ordered.get(pos - 1); int pos1 = ordered.indexOf(before); ordered.add(pos1, value); ordered.remove(pos + 1); hasChanged = true; } private void decreaseOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, Long after) throws EngineException { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); Long value = new Long(databaseObject.priority); if (!ordered.contains(value)) return; int pos = ordered.indexOf(value); if (pos + 1 == ordered.size()) return; if (after == null) after = (Long) ordered.get(pos + 1); int pos1 = ordered.indexOf(after); ordered.add(pos1 + 1, value); ordered.remove(pos); hasChanged = true; } public void debugSteps() { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) { String steps = ""; if (orderedSteps.size() > 0) { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedSteps.get(0); steps = Arrays.asList(ordered.toArray()).toString(); } Engine.logBeans.trace("[" + getName() + "] Ordered Steps [" + steps + "]"); } } public String toJsString() { List<Step> v = getSteps(); String code = ""; if (hasSteps()) { for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { Step step = (Step) v.get(i); code += step.toJsString() + "\n"; } } return code; } @Override protected boolean stepExecute(Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) throws EngineException { if (isEnable()) { if (bContinue && sequence.isRunning()) { if (super.stepExecute(javascriptContext, scope)) { return executeNextStep(javascriptContext, scope); } } } return false; } @Override protected void stepInit() throws EngineException { super.stepInit(); currentChildStep = 0; } @Override protected void reset() throws EngineException { super.reset(); bContinue = true; } @Override protected void stepDone() { if (isSynchronous()) { try { boolean hasWait = false; while (nbAsyncThreadRunning > 0) { // If contains ParallelSteps, waits until child's threads finish if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step " + getName() + " (" + executeTimeID + ") waiting..."); Thread.sleep(500); hasWait = true; } if (hasWait) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step " + getName() + " (" + executeTimeID + ") ends wait"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step " + getName() + " (" + executeTimeID + ") has been interrupted"); } } // Remove transaction's context if needed removeTransactionContext(); super.stepDone(); } protected void removeTransactionContext() { if (Engine.isEngineMode()) { if (parent instanceof ParallelStep) { if (sequence.useSameJSessionForSteps()) { // TODO ?? } else { if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug( "Executing deletion of transaction's context for step \"" + getName() + "\""); Engine.theApp.contextManager.removeAll(transactionSessionId); if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans .debug("Deletion of transaction's context for step \"" + getName() + "\" done"); } } } } protected void waitForAvailableThread() { // does nothing } protected void notifyForAvailableThread() { // does nothing } public synchronized void increaseAsyncThreadRunning() { nbAsyncThreadRunning++; //System.out.println("Incr step "+ name + " ("+executeTimeID+") threads :" + nbAsyncThreadRunning); } public synchronized void decreaseAsyncThreadRunning() { if (nbAsyncThreadRunning > 0) nbAsyncThreadRunning--; //System.out.println("Decr step "+ name + " ("+executeTimeID+") threads : " + nbAsyncThreadRunning); } //protected synchronized void invokeNextStep(Step step, Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) throws EngineException { protected void invokeNextStep(Step step, Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) throws EngineException { Step stepToInvoke = getStepCopyToInvoke(step); if (stepToInvoke != null) { // Stack scope // Note: variable must be declared with the 'var' keyword Scriptable curScope = javascriptContext.initStandardObjects(); curScope.setParentScope(scope); invokeStep(stepToInvoke, javascriptContext, curScope); } currentChildStep++; performSynchronisation(); } protected void invokeStep(Step step, Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) { if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("Invoquing step named '" + step + "' (" + step.getName() + ")"); AsynchronousStepThread connectionStepThread = new AsynchronousStepThread(step, scope); increaseAsyncThreadRunning(); connectionStepThread.setDaemon(true); connectionStepThread.start(); } class AsynchronousStepThread extends Thread { private org.mozilla.javascript.Context javascriptContext = null; private Scriptable scope = null; private Sequence refSequence = null; public boolean bContinue = false; private Step step = null; private long asyncNum; public AsynchronousStepThread(Step step, Scriptable scope) { this.step = step; this.scope = scope; this.refSequence = sequence; asyncNum = asyncCounters[0]++; setName("AsynchronousStep #" + step.hashCode()); } @Override public void run() { bContinue = true; try { javascriptContext = org.mozilla.javascript.Context.enter(); if (step != null) { if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" executing step : " + step.getName()); if (step.execute(javascriptContext, scope)) { //childrenSteps.put(step.executeTimeID, new Long(step.priority)); //executedSteps.putAll(step.executedSteps); if (step instanceof ParallelStep) { try { while (((ParallelStep) step).nbAsyncThreadRunning > 0) { Thread.sleep(500); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" has been interrupted"); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.logBeans.error("An error occured while invoking connection step \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\"", e); } finally { bContinue = false; org.mozilla.javascript.Context.exit(); javascriptContext = null; decreaseAsyncThreadRunning(); if (step.xpathApi != null) { step.xpathApi.release(); } step.cleanCopy(); refSequence.removeCopy(step.executeTimeID, new Long(step.priority)); if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug( "(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" done"); } } public void wakeTurn(Step step) { if (asyncCounters != null) { synchronized (asyncCounters) { long next = asyncCounters[1]; if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" (" + step.getName() + ") wakeTurn : is " + asyncNum + " and current is " + next); while (asyncNum > next && bContinue && sequence.isRunning()) { try { asyncCounters.wait(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } next = asyncCounters[1]; if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" (" + step.getName() + ") wakeTurn retry : is " + asyncNum + " and current is " + next); } if (asyncNum == asyncCounters[1]) { asyncCounters[1]++; if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("(AsynchronousStepThread) \"" + AsynchronousStepThread.this.getName() + "\" (" + step.getName() + ") wakeTurn inc : next value is " + asyncCounters[1]); } asyncCounters.notifyAll(); } } } } protected boolean executeNextStep(Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) throws EngineException { if (isEnable()) { if (hasSteps()) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSteps(); i++) { if (bContinue && sequence.isRunning()) executeNextStep((Step) getSteps().get(i), javascriptContext, scope); else break; } } return true; } return false; } private Step getStepCopy(Step step) throws EngineException { step.checkSubLoaded(); Step stepCopy = null; if (step.isEnable()) { Object ob = null; try { ob = step.copy(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new EngineException("Unable to get a copy of step \"" + step.getName() + "\" (" + step + ")", e); } stepCopy = (Step) ob; } return stepCopy; } private Step getStepCopyToExecute(Step step) throws EngineException { Step stepToExecute = getStepCopy(step); if (stepToExecute != null) { stepToExecute.parent = this; stepToExecute.transactionContextMaintainer = ((this.parent instanceof ParallelStep) ? this : transactionContextMaintainer); stepToExecute.xpathApi = xpathApi; stepToExecute.httpState = ((stepToExecute instanceof BranchStep) ? sequence.getNewHttpState() : this.httpState); stepToExecute.executedSteps.putAll(executedSteps); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(StepWithExpression) " + step + " [" + step.hashCode() + "] has been copied into " + stepToExecute + " [" + stepToExecute.hashCode() + "]"); } return stepToExecute; } private Step getStepCopyToInvoke(Step step) throws EngineException { Step stepToInvoke = getStepCopy(step); if (stepToInvoke != null) { stepToInvoke.parent = this; stepToInvoke.transactionContextMaintainer = ((sequence.useSameJSessionForSteps()) ? this : null); stepToInvoke.xpathApi = new TwsCachedXPathAPI(getProject()); stepToInvoke.httpState = sequence.getNewHttpState(); // require new HttpState! stepToInvoke.executedSteps.putAll(executedSteps); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(StepWithExpression) " + step + " [" + step.hashCode() + "] has been copied into " + stepToInvoke + " [" + stepToInvoke.hashCode() + "]"); } return stepToInvoke; } protected void executeNextStep(Step step, org.mozilla.javascript.Context javascriptContext, Scriptable scope) throws EngineException { Step stepToExecute = getStepCopyToExecute(step); if (stepToExecute != null) { // Execute step if (stepToExecute.execute(javascriptContext, scope)) { childrenSteps.put(stepToExecute.executeTimeID, new Long(stepToExecute.priority)); executedSteps.putAll(stepToExecute.executedSteps); } else { stepToExecute.cleanCopy(); } } currentChildStep++; // Makes current thread wait if needed // (case maxNumberOfThread for a parallel step has been reached) performSynchronisation(); } private synchronized void performSynchronisation() { try { if (haveToWait.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { if (bContinue && sequence.isRunning()) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step '" + getName() + "' (" + executeTimeID + ") waiting..."); wait(); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step '" + getName() + "' (" + executeTimeID + ") going through..."); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("Step '" + getName() + "' (" + executeTimeID + ") has been interrupted"); } } public synchronized void shouldWait(boolean bWait) { if (bWait) { if (haveToWait.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) haveToWait = Boolean.TRUE; } else { if (haveToWait.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("Step '" + getName() + "' (" + executeTimeID + ") has been notified"); haveToWait = Boolean.FALSE; notify(); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject#toXml(org.w3c.dom.Document) */ @Override public Element toXml(Document document) throws EngineException { Element element = super.toXml(document); // Storing the transaction "handlePriorities" flag element.setAttribute("handlePriorities", new Boolean(handlePriorities).toString()); return element; } @Override public List<DatabaseObject> getAllChildren() { List<DatabaseObject> rep = super.getAllChildren(); List<Step> steps = getSteps(); for (Step step : steps) { rep.add(step); } return rep; } protected XmlSchemaParticle getXmlSchemaParticle(XmlSchemaCollection collection, XmlSchema schema, XmlSchemaGroupBase group) { XmlSchemaParticle particle = group; if (isOutput()) { XmlSchemaElement element = (XmlSchemaElement) super.getXmlSchemaObject(collection, schema); XmlSchemaComplexType cType = XmlSchemaUtils.makeDynamic(this, new XmlSchemaComplexType(schema)); SchemaMeta.setContainerXmlSchemaGroupBase(element, group); element.setType(cType); cType.setParticle(group); particle = element; } return particle; } @Override public XmlSchemaParticle getXmlSchemaObject(XmlSchemaCollection collection, XmlSchema schema) { return (XmlSchemaParticle) super.getXmlSchemaObject(collection, schema); } public boolean isGenerateElement() { return isOutput(); } }