Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Turn Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found * in the LICENSE file. **/ package; import; import; import; import; import com.turn.griffin.GriffinControl.FileInfo; import com.turn.griffin.GriffinData.DataMessage; import com.turn.griffin.GriffinLibCacheUtil; import com.turn.griffin.GriffinModule; import com.turn.griffin.control.GriffinLeaderSelectionTask; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinConsumer; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinKafkaTopicNameUtil; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinProducer; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinRangedIntConfig; import kafka.common.FailedToSendMessageException; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Uploads a file to kafka * @author srangwala */ public class GriffinUploadTask implements Runnable { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GriffinUploadTask.class); private GriffinDataManager dataManager; private FileInfo fileInfo; private final int maxUploadAttempts = new GriffinRangedIntConfig( GriffinModule.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "MaxUploadAttempts", "Number of times to attempt to upload a file block with a single producer", 2, 1, 5).getValue(); public GriffinUploadTask(GriffinDataManager dataManager, FileInfo fileInfo) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataManager); Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileInfo); this.dataManager = dataManager; this.fileInfo = fileInfo; } @Override public void run() { BitSet availableBlockBitmap = getAvailableBitmap(fileInfo); logger.debug(String.format("Available bitmap for %s version %s: %s", fileInfo.getFilename(), fileInfo.getVersion(), availableBlockBitmap)); uploadFile(fileInfo, availableBlockBitmap); } /* Find out how many blocks of this file are available in Kafka */ private BitSet getAvailableBitmap(FileInfo fileInfo) { String filename = fileInfo.getFilename(); long fileVersion = fileInfo.getVersion(); long blockCount = fileInfo.getBlockCount(); Optional<GriffinConsumer> consumer = Optional.absent(); BitSet availableBlockBitmap = new BitSet((int) blockCount); try { BlockingQueue<byte[]> dataQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>( GriffinDownloadTask.DOWNLOAD_CONSUMER_QUEUE_SIZE); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); /* The groupId should be unique to avoid conflict with other consumers running on this machine */ String consumerGroupId = GriffinKafkaTopicNameUtil.getDataTopicConsumerGroupId(filename, fileVersion, new String[] { dataManager.getMyServerId(), this.getClass().getSimpleName(), UUID.randomUUID().toString() }); String dataTopicNameForConsumer = GriffinKafkaTopicNameUtil.getDataTopicNameForConsumer(filename, fileVersion); consumer = Optional.fromNullable(new GriffinConsumer(GriffinModule.ZOOKEEPER, consumerGroupId, dataTopicNameForConsumer, GriffinDownloadTask.DOWNLOAD_THREAD_COUNT, properties, dataQueue)); /* TODO: Change this to a better bitmap (Check out RoaringBitmap) */ while (availableBlockBitmap.nextClearBit(0) != blockCount) { Optional<byte[]> message = Optional.fromNullable(dataQueue .poll(GriffinLeaderSelectionTask.LEADER_SELECTION_PERIOD_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); if (!message.isPresent()) { /* We know how much of the file is available in Kafka */ break; } DataMessage dataMessage = DataMessage.parseFrom(message.get()); availableBlockBitmap.set((int) dataMessage.getBlockSeqNo()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(String.format("Unable to download file %s to get available bitmap ", filename), e); /* Work with whatever information we have gathered till now */ } finally { if (consumer.isPresent()) { consumer.get().shutdown(true); } } return availableBlockBitmap; } /* Push missing blocks for the specified file to KAFKA */ private void uploadFile(FileInfo fileInfo, BitSet availableBlockBitmap) { String filename = fileInfo.getFilename(); long fileVersion = fileInfo.getVersion(); long blockCount = fileInfo.getBlockCount(); long blockSize = fileInfo.getBlockSize(); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) blockSize]; GriffinLibCacheUtil libCacheManager = dataManager.getLibCacheManager().get(); String dataTopicNameForProducer = GriffinKafkaTopicNameUtil.getDataTopicNameForProducer(filename, fileVersion); GriffinProducer producer = null; try { String libCacheUploadFilePath = libCacheManager.getUploadFilePath(fileInfo); RandomAccessFile libCacheUploadFile = new RandomAccessFile(libCacheUploadFilePath, "r"); producer = new GriffinProducer(GriffinModule.BROKERS);"Starting to push %s", fileInfo.toString().replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"), " "))); int uploadAttempts = 0; while (availableBlockBitmap.nextClearBit(0) != blockCount) { /* If a new version has arrived abort uploading older version */ if (!libCacheManager.isLatestGlobalVersion(fileInfo)) { String.format("Aborting upload for %s version %s as a newer version is now available.", filename, fileVersion)); break; } if (uploadAttempts >= maxUploadAttempts) { logger.warn(String.format("Unable to upload %s version %s after %s attempts", filename, fileVersion, uploadAttempts)); String subject = String.format("WARNING: GriffinUploadTask failed for blob:%s", filename); String body = String.format( "Action: GriffinUploadTask failed for blob:%s version:%s%n" + "Reason: Unable to upload after %s attempts%n", filename, fileVersion, uploadAttempts); GriffinModule.emailAlert(subject, body); break; } int blockToUpload = availableBlockBitmap.nextClearBit(0); * blockSize); int bytesRead =; DataMessage msg = DataMessage.newBuilder().setBlockSeqNo(blockToUpload).setByteCount(bytesRead) .setData(ByteString.copyFrom(buffer)).build(); try { producer.send(dataTopicNameForProducer, DigestUtils.md5Hex(buffer), msg); availableBlockBitmap.set(blockToUpload); uploadAttempts = 0; } catch (FailedToSendMessageException ftsme) { /* Retry the same block again */ logger.warn(String.format("Unable to send block %s for file: %s version: %s " + "due to FailedToSendMessageException", blockToUpload, filename, fileVersion)); uploadAttempts++; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(String.format("Unable to send block %s for file: %s version: %s", blockToUpload, filename, fileVersion), e); logger.warn("Exception", e); uploadAttempts++; } }"Ending file upload for file %s version %s to %s", filename, fileVersion, dataTopicNameForProducer)); libCacheUploadFile.close(); } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) { logger.error(String.format("Unable to upload file %s to %s", filename, dataTopicNameForProducer), e); String subject = String.format("WARNING: GriffinUploadTask failed for blob:%s", filename); String body = String.format( "Action: GriffinUploadTask failed for blob:%s version:%s%n" + "Reason: Exception in GriffinUploadTask%n %s", filename, fileVersion, Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(e)); GriffinModule.emailAlert(subject, body); } finally { if (producer != null) { producer.shutdown(); } } } }