Java tutorial
package com.trickl.math.lanczos; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D; import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D; import cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra; import cern.jet.math.Mult; import cern.jet.math.PlusMult; import com.trickl.math.Sorting; import com.trickl.math.lanczos.iteration.LanczosIteration; import com.trickl.math.lanczos.iteration.LanczosIterationFixed; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; /* * Converted to Java from the IETL library (lanczos.h) * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Prakash Dayal <> * Matthias Troyer <> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ public class LanczosSolver extends TridiagonalMatrix { public enum ErrorInfo { OK, NO_EIGENVALUE, NOT_CALCULATED } public static class Info { private final int[] m1; private final int[] m2; private final List<Integer> ma; private final List<Double> eigenvalue; private final List<Double> residuum; private final List<ErrorInfo> status; public Info(int[] m1, int[] m2, List<Integer> ma, List<Double> eigenvalue, List<Double> residuum, List<ErrorInfo> status) { this.m1 = m1; this.m2 = m2; = ma; this.eigenvalue = eigenvalue; this.residuum = residuum; this.status = status; } public int m1(int i) { return m1[i]; } public int m2(int i) { return m2[i]; } public int ma(int i) { return ma.get(i); } public int size() { return m1.length; } public double eigenvalue(int i) { return eigenvalue.get(i); } public double residual(int i) { return residuum.get(i); } public ErrorInfo error_info(int i) { return status.get(i); } } private final Algebra alg = new Algebra(); private final DoubleMatrix2D matrix; private DoubleMatrix1D startvector; private DoubleMatrix1D vec2; private DoubleMatrix1D vec3; int vec2index; int[] M1, M2; List<Integer> Ma = new LinkedList<>(); public LanczosSolver(DoubleMatrix2D matrix) { this(matrix, Math.pow(epsilon, 2. / 3.)); } public LanczosSolver(DoubleMatrix2D matrix, double errorTolerance) { super(errorTolerance); if (matrix.rows() != matrix.columns()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix must be real, symmetric."); this.matrix = matrix; this.startvector = matrix.like1D(matrix.rows()); this.vec2 = matrix.like1D(startvector.size()); this.vec3 = matrix.like1D(startvector.size()); this.vec2index = 0; } public void calculateEigenvalues(LanczosIteration iter, RandomGenerator randomGenerator) { generateTMatrix(iter, randomGenerator); } public void getMoreEigenvalues(LanczosIteration iter) { generateTMatrix(iter); } public DoubleMatrix2D getEigenvectors(double[] eigenvalues, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, int maxIterations) { return getEigenvectorsWithInfo(eigenvalues, randomGenerator, maxIterations).getFirst(); } public Pair<DoubleMatrix2D, Info> getEigenvectorsWithInfo(double[] eigenvalues, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, int maxIterations) { List<DoubleMatrix1D> eigvectors = new LinkedList<>(); // contains ritz vectors. List<List<Double>> Tvectors = new LinkedList<>(); // contains // calculation of eigen vectors of T matrix(consists of alphas & betas): int start = 0; int end = eigenvalues.length; int n1 = alpha.length; double mamax, error, lambda; Pair<Double, Double> a_and_b; int ma = 0, deltam; int nth, maMax = 0, count; List<Double> eigenval_a = new LinkedList<>(); List<Double> residuum = new LinkedList<>(); List<ErrorInfo> status = new LinkedList<>(); findM1M2(eigenvalues); int M1_itr = 0; int M2_itr = 0; for (int pos = start; pos < end; ++pos) { int maxcount = 10; lambda = 0; count = 0; ErrorInfo errInf = ErrorInfo.OK; // calculation of ma starts: if (M1[M1_itr] != 0 && M2[M2_itr] != 0) { ma = (3 * (M1[M1_itr]) + M2[M2_itr]) / 4 + 1; deltam = ((3 * (M1[M1_itr]) + 5 * (M2[M2_itr])) / 8 + 1 - ma) / 10 + 1; } else if (M1[M1_itr] != 0 && M2[M2_itr] == 0) { ma = (5 * (M1[M1_itr])) / 4 + 1; mamax = Math.min((11 * n1) / 8 + 12, (13 * (M1[M1_itr])) / 8 + 1); deltam = (int) ((mamax - ma) / 10) + 1; if (maxIterations > 0) { maxcount = maxIterations / deltam; } } else { errInf = ErrorInfo.NO_EIGENVALUE; deltam = 0; ma = 0; } // calculation of ma ends. eigvectors.add(DoubleFactory1D.dense.make(startvector.size())); // new ritz vector is being added in eigvectors. List<Double> Tvector = new LinkedList<>(); Tvectors.add(Tvector); // new T matrix vector is being added in Tvectors. if (ma == 0) { eigvectors.get(eigvectors.size() - 1).assign(0); } if (ma != 0) { double[] eval; double[] nthEigenvector = null; do { if (ma > alpha.length) { // size of T matrix is to be increased. LanczosIteration iter = new LanczosIterationFixed(ma); generateTMatrix(iter); } count++; // on return, z contains all orthonormal eigen vectors of T matrix. EigenDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(Arrays.copyOfRange(alpha, 0, ma), Arrays.copyOfRange(beta, 0, ma)); eval = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues(); Arrays.sort(eval); // Consistent with IETL // search for the value of nth starts, where nth is the nth eigen vector in z. for (nth = ma - 1; nth >= 0; nth--) { if (Math.abs(eval[nth] - eigenvalues[pos]) <= threshold) { break; } } // search for the value of ith ends, where ith is the ith eigen vector in z. if (nth == -1) { error = 0; ma = 0; eigvectors.get(eigvectors.size() - 1).assign(0); errInf = ErrorInfo.NO_EIGENVALUE; } else { nthEigenvector = eigenDecomposition.getEigenvector(ma - 1 - nth).toArray(); error = Math.abs(beta[ma - 1] * nthEigenvector[ma - 1]); // beta[ma - 1] = betaMplusOne. if (error > errorTolerance) { ma += deltam; } } // end of else } while (error > errorTolerance && count < maxcount); if (error > errorTolerance) { eigvectors.get(eigvectors.size() - 1).assign(0); errInf = ErrorInfo.NOT_CALCULATED; } else { // if error is small enough. if (ma != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ma; i++) { (Tvectors.get(Tvectors.size() - 1)).add(nthEigenvector[i]); } if (ma > maMax) { maMax = ma; } lambda = eval[nth]; } } } eigenval_a.add(lambda); // for Info object. Ma.add(ma); // for Info object. status.add(errInf); M1_itr++; M2_itr++; } // end of while(in_eigvals_start != in_eigvals_end) // basis transformation of eigen vectors of T. These vectors are good // approximation of eigen vectors of actual matrix. int eigenvectors_itr; int Tvectors_itr; a_and_b = makeFirstStep(randomGenerator); if (a_and_b.getFirst() != alpha[0] || a_and_b.getSecond() != beta[0]) { throw new RuntimeException("T-matrix problem at first step"); } eigenvectors_itr = 0; Tvectors_itr = 0; while (eigenvectors_itr != end) { if (!Tvectors.get(Tvectors_itr).isEmpty()) { DoubleMatrix1D eigvector = eigvectors.get(eigenvectors_itr); eigvector.assign(0); eigvector.assign(startvector, PlusMult.plusMult(Tvectors.get(Tvectors_itr).get(0))); eigvector.assign(vec2, PlusMult.plusMult(Tvectors.get(Tvectors_itr).get(1))); } eigenvectors_itr++; Tvectors_itr++; } vec2index = 2; for (int j = 2; j < maMax; j++) { a_and_b = makeStep(j - 1); if (a_and_b.getFirst() != alpha[j - 1] || a_and_b.getSecond() != beta[j - 1]) { throw new RuntimeException("T-matrix problem"); } ++vec2index; eigenvectors_itr = 0; Tvectors_itr = 0; while (eigenvectors_itr != end) { if (Tvectors.get(Tvectors_itr).size() > j) { DoubleMatrix1D eigvector = eigvectors.get(eigenvectors_itr); eigvector.assign(vec2, PlusMult.plusMult(Tvectors.get(Tvectors_itr).get(j))); } // vec2 is being added in one vector of eigvectors. eigenvectors_itr++; Tvectors_itr++; } } // end of basis transformation. // end of basis transformation. // copying to the output iterator & residuum calculation starts: int i = 0; DoubleMatrix2D eigenvectors = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(startvector.size(), end - start); for (eigenvectors_itr = start; eigenvectors_itr != end; eigenvectors_itr++) { DoubleMatrix1D eigvector = eigvectors.get(eigenvectors_itr); eigenvectors.viewColumn(i).assign(eigvector); matrix.zMult(eigvector, vec3); vec3.assign(eigvector, PlusMult.minusMult(eigenval_a.get(i))); // now vec3 is (A*v - eigenval_a*v); *eigenvectors_itr) is being added in vec3. residuum.add(norm2(vec3)); i++; } // copying to the output iterator ends. Info info = new Info(M1, M2, Ma, eigenval_a, residuum, status); return new Pair<>(eigenvectors, info); } private void findM1M2(double[] eigenvalues) { int m2counter = 0; int n = 1; int pos = 0; M1 = new int[eigenvalues.length]; Arrays.fill(M1, 0); M2 = new int[eigenvalues.length]; Arrays.fill(M2, 0); while (m2counter < (eigenvalues.length) && (n < alpha.length)) { n++; // n++ == 2, at first time in this loop. EigenDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(alpha, beta); double[] eval = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues(); Arrays.sort(eval); // Consistent with IETL int M1_itr = 0; int M2_itr = 0; while (pos != eigenvalues.length) { if (M1[M1_itr] == 0 || M2[M2_itr] == 0) { double eigenvalue = eigenvalues[pos]; int ub = Sorting.LowerBound(eval, eigenvalue + threshold); int lb = Sorting.UpperBound(eval, eigenvalue - threshold); if (M1[M1_itr] == 0 && ub - lb >= 1) { M1[M1_itr] = n; } if (M2[M2_itr] == 0 && ub - lb >= 2) { M2[M2_itr] = n; m2counter++; } } pos++; M1_itr++; M2_itr++; } } } private void generateTMatrix(LanczosIteration iter, RandomGenerator randomGenerator) { if (alpha.length == 0) { Pair<Double, Double> ab = makeFirstStep(randomGenerator); add(ab); vec2index = 1; } generateTMatrix(iter); } private void generateTMatrix(LanczosIteration iter) { for (int j = 0; j < vec2index; j++) {; } if (alpha.length == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "TridiagonalMatrix error, size of TridiagonalMatrix is zero, more_eigenvalues() cannot be called."); } while (!iter.isFinished(this)) { Pair<Double, Double> ab = makeStep(vec2index); if (vec2index == alpha.length) { add(ab); }; ++vec2index; } } private Pair<Double, Double> makeFirstStep(RandomGenerator randomGenerator) { double a, b; startvector.assign(value -> randomGenerator.nextInt() & (-1L >>> 32)); double startvectorMag = norm2(startvector); startvector.assign(Mult.div(startvectorMag)); matrix.zMult(startvector, vec2); a = startvector.zDotProduct(vec2); vec2.assign(startvector, PlusMult.minusMult(a)); b = norm2(vec2); vec2.assign(Mult.div(b)); return new Pair(a, b); } private Pair<Double, Double> makeStep(int j) { matrix.zMult(vec2, vec3); double a = vec2.zDotProduct(vec3); vec3.assign(vec2, PlusMult.minusMult(a)); vec3.assign(startvector, PlusMult.minusMult(beta[j - 1])); double b = norm2(vec3); vec3.assign(Mult.div(b)); DoubleMatrix1D tmp = startvector; startvector = vec2; vec2 = vec3; vec3 = tmp; return new Pair(a, b); } private double norm2(DoubleMatrix1D vec) { // The Colt norm is erroneous, it fails to apply the root per definition return Math.sqrt(alg.norm2(vec)); } }