Java tutorial
/** * Genji Scrum Tool and Issue Tracker * Copyright (C) 2015 Steinbeis GmbH & Co. KG Task Management Solutions * <a href="">Genji Scrum Tool</a> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* $Id:$ */ package com.trackplus.track.util.html; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import; import; import com.aurel.track.beans.TAttachmentBean; import com.aurel.track.dao.DAOFactory; public class Html2LaTeX { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(Html2LaTeX.class); private static Pattern quotes = Pattern.compile("\"(.+?)\""); private Html2LaTeX() { } /** * Get LaTeX text translated from HTML. * * @param bodyHtml * @return the LaTeX representation of the bodyHtml */ public static String getLaTeX(String bodyHtml) { // Make sure verbatim is properly transformed, protect spaces and line // breaks Pattern patt = Pattern.compile("(?s)(.?)<div\\s*class=\\\"code\\-text\\\".+?>(.+?)</div>"); Matcher m = patt.matcher(bodyHtml); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { String verbatim =; verbatim = verbatim.replace("\n", "<br>").replace(" ", " "); String text = + "<div class=\"code-text\">" + verbatim + "</div>"; // + //; m.appendReplacement(sb, Matcher.quoteReplacement(text)); } m.appendTail(sb); bodyHtml = sb.toString(); // System.err.println(bodyHtml); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(bodyHtml); String latex = getLatexText(doc); sb = new StringBuffer(); String[] lines = latex.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { if ("\\\\".equals(lines[i].trim())) { lines[i] = ""; } sb.append(lines[i] + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Format an Element to LaTeX * * @param element * the root element to format * @return formatted text */ public static String getLatexText(Element element) { FormattingVisitor formatter = new FormattingVisitor(); NodeTraversor traversor = new NodeTraversor(formatter); traversor.traverse(element); // walk the DOM, and call .head() and // .tail() for each node return formatter.toString(); } // the formatting rules, implemented in a breadth-first DOM traverse private static class FormattingVisitor implements NodeVisitor { private static final int maxWidth = 80; private int width = 0; private StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder(); // holds the // accumulated text private boolean inCell = false; private boolean inHeader = false; private boolean inCaption = false; private boolean inTable = false; private boolean inFigure = false; private boolean inImage = false; private boolean isVerbatim = false; private boolean inUrl = false; private LaTeXFigure figure = null; private LaTeXTable table = null; private LaTeXTable.TableHeader header = null; private LaTeXTable.TableRow row = null; private LaTeXTable.TableCell cell = null; private StringBuilder cellbuilder = new StringBuilder(); // hit when the node is first seen @Override public void head(Node node, int depth) { String name = node.nodeName(); String ttext = null; if (node instanceof TextNode) { // TextNodes carry all user-readable ttext = ((TextNode) node).text(); ttext = ttext.replace("\\", "\\\\"); ttext = ttext.replace("$", "\\$"); ttext = ttext.replace("%", "\\%"); ttext = ttext.replace("#", "\\#"); ttext = ttext.replace("&", "\\&"); // if (inCell) { // cell.setText(ttext); // } else if (inTable && inCaption) { table.setCaption(ttext); } else if (inFigure && inCaption) { figure.setCaption(ttext); } else { append(ttext); } } else if (name.equals("ul")) append("\n \\begin{itemize} "); else if (name.equals("ol")) append("\n \\begin{enumerate} "); else if (name.equals("li")) append("\n \\item "); else if (name.equals("h1")) append("\n\\chapter{"); else if (name.equals("h2")) append("\n\\section{"); else if (name.equals("h3")) append("\n\\subsection{"); else if (name.equals("h4")) append("\n\\subsubsection{"); else if (name.equals("em")) append("\\emph{"); else if (name.equals("b") || name.equals("strong")) append("\\textbf{"); else if (name.equals("code")) append("\\texttt{"); else if (name.equals("u")) append("\\underline{"); else if (name.equals("i")) append("\\textit{"); else if (name.equals("dl")) append("\n \\begin{description}"); else if (name.equals("dt")) append("\n \\item["); else if (name.equals("dd")) append(""); else if (name.equals("span")) { if (node.hasAttr("class")) { if ("inlineLink".equals(node.attr("class"))) { append("\\inlineLink{"); } } else if (node.hasAttr("style")) { if ((node.attr("style").contains("color"))) { append("{\\color{tpred}"); } } else { append("{"); } } else if (name.equals("div")) { if (node.hasAttr("class")) { if ("code-text".equals(node.attr("class"))) { append("\n\\begin{verbatim}\n"); isVerbatim = true; } } } else if (name.equals("img")) { if (node.hasAttr("src")) { String imgfile = node.attr("src"); String figSuffix = ".png"; try { imgfile = imgfile.substring(imgfile.lastIndexOf("attachKey=")); imgfile = imgfile.replace("attachKey=", ""); imgfile = imgfile.replace("\"", ""); TAttachmentBean image = DAOFactory.getFactory().getAttachmentDAO() .loadByIDWithDimensions(Integer.valueOf(imgfile)); figure.setOriginalWidth(image.getHeight()); figure.setOriginalHeight(image.getWidth()); figSuffix = FilenameUtils.getExtension(image.getFileName()); figure.setFileName("fig" + imgfile + "." + figSuffix); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Attachment not accessible: " + e.getMessage(), e); inFigure = false; } if (!inFigure) { figure = new LaTeXFigure(); inFigure = true; inImage = true; } if (node.hasAttr("width")) { figure.setWidth(Integer.valueOf(node.attr("width"))); } if (node.hasAttr("height")) { figure.setHeight(Integer.valueOf(node.attr("height"))); } } } else if (name.equals("table")) { table = new LaTeXTable(); inTable = true; } else if (name.equals("figure")) { figure = new LaTeXFigure(); inFigure = true; } else if (name.equals("thead")) { header = table.getNewHeader(); inHeader = true; } else if (name.equals("tr")) { row = table.getNewRow(); } else if (name.equals("th")) { inCell = true; cell = table.getNewCell(); } else if (name.equals("td")) { inCell = true; cellbuilder = new StringBuilder(); cell = table.getNewCell(); } else if (name.equals("caption")) { inCaption = true; } else if (name.equals("figcaption")) { inCaption = true; } else if (name.equals("a")) { inUrl = true; append(String.format("\\href{%s}{", node.absUrl("href"))); } else if (, "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "tr")) append("\n"); } // hit when all of the node's children (if any) have been visited @Override public void tail(Node node, int depth) { String name = node.nodeName(); if (name.equals("ul")) append("\n \\end{itemize} "); else if (name.equals("ol")) append("\n \\end{enumerate} "); else if (name.equals("dl")) append("\n \\end{description} "); else if (name.equals("dt")) append("] "); else if (name.equals("div")) { if (node.hasAttr("class")) { if ("code-text".equals(node.attr("class"))) { append("\n\\end{verbatim}"); isVerbatim = false; } } } else if (name.equals("span")) { if (node.hasAttr("class")) { if ("inlineLink".equals(node.attr("class"))) { append("} "); } } else if (node.hasAttr("style")) { if ((node.attr("style").contains("color"))) { append("}"); } } else { append("}"); } } else if (name.equals("img")) { if (inImage) { // could have been broken off append("\n" + figure.getLaTeX()); inFigure = false; inImage = false; } } else if (name.equals("figure")) { if (inFigure) { // could have been broken off append("\n" + figure.getLaTeX()); inFigure = false; } } else if (name.equals("table")) { append("\n" + table.getLaTeX()); inTable = false; } else if (name.equals("thead")) { table.addHeader(header); inHeader = false; } else if (name.equals("tr")) { if (inHeader) { header.addRow(row); } else { table.addRow(row); } } else if (name.equals("th")) { inCell = false; row.addCell(cell); } else if (name.equals("td")) { inCell = false; cell.setText(cellbuilder.toString()); row.addCell(cell); } else if (name.equals("caption")) { inCaption = false; } else if (name.equals("figcaption")) { inCaption = false; } else if (name.equals("a")) { inUrl = false; append("}"); } if (, "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "em", "u", "b", "strong", "i", "code")) { append("}"); } if (, "br", "dd", "dt", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5")) { append("\n"); } } // appends text to the string builder with a simple word wrap method private void append(String text) { if (!inCell) { append(text, sbuilder); } else { append(text, cellbuilder); } } private void append(String text, StringBuilder accum) { if (isVerbatim || inUrl) { accum.append(text); return; } else { Matcher m = quotes.matcher(text); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { m.appendReplacement(stringBuffer, "\"`" + + "\"'"); } m.appendTail(stringBuffer); text = stringBuffer.toString(); text = text.replace("_", "\\_"); } text = text.replace("\u20ac", "\\euro"); text = text.replace("\u00a0", " "); // if (text.startsWith("\n")) width = 0; // reset counter if starts with a newline. only from // formats above, not in natural text if (text.equals(" ") && (accum.length() == 0 || - 1), " ", "\n"))) return; // don't accumulate long runs of empty spaces if (text.length() + width > maxWidth) { // won't fit, needs to wrap String words[] = text.split("\\s+"); if (text.endsWith(" ")) { words[words.length - 1] = words[words.length - 1] + " "; } for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { String word = words[i]; boolean last = i == words.length - 1; if (!last) // insert a space if not the last word word = word + " "; if (word.length() + width > maxWidth) { // wrap and reset // counter accum.append("\n").append(word); width = word.length(); } else { accum.append(word); width += word.length(); } } } else { // fits as is, without need to wrap text accum.append(text); width += text.length(); } } @Override public String toString() { return sbuilder.toString(); } } }