Source code

Java tutorial


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import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;

 * Depth-first node traversor. Use to iterate through all nodes under and including the specified root node.
 * <p>
 * This implementation does not use recursion, so a deep DOM does not risk blowing the stack.
 * </p>
public class NodeTraversor {
    private NodeVisitor visitor;

     * Create a new traversor.
     * @param visitor a class implementing the {@link NodeVisitor} interface, to be called when visiting each node.
     * @deprecated Just use the static {@link NodeTraversor#filter(NodeFilter, Node)} method.
    public NodeTraversor(NodeVisitor visitor) {
        this.visitor = visitor;

     * Start a depth-first traverse of the root and all of its descendants.
     * @param root the root node point to traverse.
     * @deprecated Just use the static {@link NodeTraversor#filter(NodeFilter, Node)} method.
    public void traverse(Node root) {
        traverse(visitor, root);

     * Start a depth-first traverse of the root and all of its descendants.
     * @param visitor Node visitor.
     * @param root the root node point to traverse.
    public static void traverse(NodeVisitor visitor, Node root) {
        Node node = root;
        int depth = 0;

        while (node != null) {
            visitor.head(node, depth);
            if (node.childNodeSize() > 0) {
                node = node.childNode(0);
            } else {
                while (node.nextSibling() == null && depth > 0) {
                    visitor.tail(node, depth);
                    node = node.parentNode();
                visitor.tail(node, depth);
                if (node == root)
                node = node.nextSibling();

     * Start a depth-first traverse of all elements.
     * @param visitor Node visitor.
     * @param elements Elements to filter.
    public static void traverse(NodeVisitor visitor, Elements elements) {
        for (Element el : elements)
            traverse(visitor, el);

     * Start a depth-first filtering of the root and all of its descendants.
     * @param filter Node visitor.
     * @param root the root node point to traverse.
     * @return The filter result of the root node, or {@link FilterResult#STOP}.
    public static FilterResult filter(NodeFilter filter, Node root) {
        Node node = root;
        int depth = 0;

        while (node != null) {
            FilterResult result = filter.head(node, depth);
            if (result == FilterResult.STOP)
                return result;
            // Descend into child nodes:
            if (result == FilterResult.CONTINUE && node.childNodeSize() > 0) {
                node = node.childNode(0);
            // No siblings, move upwards:
            while (node.nextSibling() == null && depth > 0) {
                // 'tail' current node:
                if (result == FilterResult.CONTINUE || result == FilterResult.SKIP_CHILDREN) {
                    result = filter.tail(node, depth);
                    if (result == FilterResult.STOP)
                        return result;
                Node prev = node; // In case we need to remove it below.
                node = node.parentNode();
                if (result == FilterResult.REMOVE)
                    prev.remove(); // Remove AFTER finding parent.
                result = FilterResult.CONTINUE; // Parent was not pruned.
            // 'tail' current node, then proceed with siblings:
            if (result == FilterResult.CONTINUE || result == FilterResult.SKIP_CHILDREN) {
                result = filter.tail(node, depth);
                if (result == FilterResult.STOP)
                    return result;
            if (node == root)
                return result;
            Node prev = node; // In case we need to remove it below.
            node = node.nextSibling();
            if (result == FilterResult.REMOVE)
                prev.remove(); // Remove AFTER finding sibling.
        // root == null?
        return FilterResult.CONTINUE;

     * Start a depth-first filtering of all elements.
     * @param filter Node filter.
     * @param elements Elements to filter.
    public static void filter(NodeFilter filter, Elements elements) {
        for (Element el : elements)
            if (filter(filter, el) == FilterResult.STOP)