Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.topsec.bdc.platform.api.server.http; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.COOKIE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.SET_COOKIE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultFullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContent; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.LastHttpContent; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ServerCookieDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ServerCookieEncoder; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.topsec.bdc.platform.api.server.IRequestListener; import com.topsec.bdc.platform.api.server.ServerReferent; import com.topsec.bdc.platform.core.utils.Assert; /** * * HTTP API??. * * ??????. * * @title HttpSnoopServerHandler * @package com.topsec.bdc.platform.api.server.http * @author baiyanwei * @version * @date Sep 11, 2015 * */ public class HttpSnoopServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> { /** Buffer that stores the response content */ private final StringBuilder _requestBodyBuf = new StringBuilder(); private final ServerReferent _serverReferent; private HttpRequest _request = null; private HttpResponseStatus _responseStatus = null; public HttpSnoopServerHandler(ServerReferent serverReferent) { this._serverReferent = serverReferent; } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { ctx.flush(); } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) { //?HTTP? //HttpRequest request = this._request = (HttpRequest) msg; this._request = (HttpRequest) msg; // _requestBodyBuf.setLength(0); /* System.out.println("===================================\r\n"); System.out.println("VERSION: " + request.getProtocolVersion()); System.out.println("HOSTNAME: " + HttpHeaders.getHost(request, "unknown")); System.out.println("REQUEST_URI: " + request.getUri()); HttpHeaders headers = request.headers(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> h : headers) { String key = h.getKey(); String value = h.getValue(); System.out.println("HEADER: " + key + " = " + value); } } Map<String, List<String>> params = queryStringDecoder.parameters(); if (!params.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<String, List<String>> p : params.entrySet()) { String key = p.getKey(); List<String> vals = p.getValue(); for (String val : vals) { System.out.println("PARAM: " + key + " = " + val); } } } // System.out.println("==================================="); */ } if (msg instanceof HttpContent) { //?HTTP BODY BODY?chunked?CHUNKED???? HttpContent httpContent = (HttpContent) msg; ByteBuf content = httpContent.content(); if (content.isReadable()) { _requestBodyBuf.append(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); //content.release(); } //??Response?? if (msg instanceof LastHttpContent) { // LastHttpContent trailer = (LastHttpContent) msg; // String responseContent = null; // //fill response if (trailer.getDecoderResult().isSuccess() == false) { _responseStatus = HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST; responseContent = HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST.reasonPhrase(); } else { try { _responseStatus = HttpResponseStatus.OK; responseContent = fireListenerSucceed(_requestBodyBuf.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); _responseStatus = HttpResponseStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; responseContent = e.toString(); } } try { //send back response and close connection writeResponseAndClose(ctx, responseContent); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { _requestBodyBuf.setLength(0); } } } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); try { fireListenerError(cause); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // this._responseStatus = HttpResponseStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; writeResponseAndClose(ctx, cause.toString()); } /** * send back response and close the connection in server side. * * @param ctx * @param responseStatus * @param responseContent */ private void writeResponseAndClose(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String message) { //response????? ByteBuf responseContentBuf = null; if (Assert.isEmptyString(message) == true) { responseContentBuf = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(_responseStatus.reasonPhrase(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8); } else { responseContentBuf = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(message, CharsetUtil.UTF_8); } // Decide whether to close the connection or not. // Build the response object. FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, _responseStatus, responseContentBuf); //??? response.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); //disallow keepAlive //boolean keepAlive = HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(_request); //response.headers().set(CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.KEEP_ALIVE); // Add 'Content-Length' header only for a keep-alive connection. response.headers().set(CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes()); // Add keep alive header as per: // - //??? response.headers().set(CONNECTION, HttpHeaders.Values.CLOSE); // Encode the cookie. String cookieString = _request.headers().get(COOKIE); if (cookieString != null) { Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.LAX.decode(cookieString); if (!cookies.isEmpty()) { // Reset the cookies if necessary. for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { response.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode(cookie)); } } } else { // Browser sent no cookie. Add some. //response.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode("key1", "value1")); //response.headers().add(SET_COOKIE, ServerCookieEncoder.LAX.encode("key2", "value2")); } try { // Write the response. ctx.write(response); // close connection ctx.writeAndFlush(Unpooled.EMPTY_BUFFER).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); ctx.close(); } } /** * ????. * * @param message * @return * @throws Exception */ private String fireListenerSucceed(String message) throws Exception { this._serverReferent.requestTotal(); QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(this._request.getUri()); String path = queryStringDecoder.path(); //PATH/ if (Assert.isEmptyString(path) == true) { path = "/"; } Map<String, List<String>> parameterMap = queryStringDecoder.parameters(); Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> headerMap = this._request.headers(); IRequestListener listener = this._serverReferent.getResquestListener(path); if (listener != null) { Object[] parameterObject = new Object[] { headerMap, parameterMap, path, message }; return listener.fireSucceed(parameterObject); } else { this._responseStatus = HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND; return null; } } /** * ???. * * @param cause * @return * @throws Exception */ private String fireListenerError(Throwable cause) throws Exception { this._serverReferent.requestErrorTotal(); return cause.toString(); } }