Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * <br> * <p><b>Copyright (c) 2015 Quix Creation Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.</b> * <br> * <br> * This SOURCE CODE FILE, which has been provided by Quix as part * of a Quix Creations product for use ONLY by licensed users of the product, * includes CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY information of Quix Creations. * <br> * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS * OF THE LICENSE STATEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY FURNISHED WITH * THE PRODUCT.<br> * <br> * </p> * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * <br> * <br> * Modification History: * Date Developer Change Description * 07-May-2015 Jay * ****************************************** *********************************** */ package com.tohours.imo.module; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import org.nutz.dao.Cnd; import org.nutz.dao.Dao; import org.nutz.dao.QueryResult; import org.nutz.dao.pager.Pager; import org.nutz.dao.sql.Criteria; import org.nutz.ioc.loader.annotation.IocBean; import org.nutz.json.Json; import org.nutz.json.JsonFormat; import org.nutz.lang.Strings; import org.nutz.lang.util.NutMap; import org.nutz.mvc.Mvcs; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.AdaptBy; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.At; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Attr; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.By; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Fail; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Filters; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Ok; import org.nutz.mvc.annotation.Param; import org.nutz.mvc.filter.CheckSession; import org.nutz.mvc.upload.FieldMeta; import org.nutz.mvc.upload.TempFile; import org.nutz.mvc.upload.UploadAdaptor; import; import com.tohours.imo.bean.Files; import com.tohours.imo.bean.Peoples; import com.tohours.imo.bean.Resource; import com.tohours.imo.bean.Setting; import com.tohours.imo.bean.SubExcellence; import com.tohours.imo.bean.Talent; import com.tohours.imo.bean.TopExcellence; import com.tohours.imo.bean.User; import com.tohours.imo.exception.BusinessException; import com.tohours.imo.util.Constants; import com.tohours.imo.util.TohoursUtils; import com.tohours.imo.util.ZipUtils; @IocBean // IocBean @At("/attract") // ?? @Ok("json:{locked:'password|salt',ignoreNull:true}") // passwordsalt,json @Fail("http:500") // ?,500? @Filters(@By(type = CheckSession.class, args = { Constants.SESSION_USER, "/" })) // // ?Session?me public class AttractModule extends BaseModule { @At public int count() { // , return dao.count(User.class); } @At @Filters // UserModule@Filter,????Session public Object login(@Param("name") String name, @Param("password") String password, HttpSession session) { User user = dao.fetch(User.class, Cnd.where("name", "=", name).and("password", "=", password)); if (user == null) { return false; } else { session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_USER, user.getId()); return true; } } @At @Ok(">>:/attract/index.jsp") // ??,?? public void logout(HttpSession session) { session.invalidate(); } @At public Object add(@Param("..") User user) { // ? NutMap re = new NutMap(); String msg = checkUser(user, true); if (msg != null) { return re.setv("ok", false).setv("msg", msg); } user = dao.insert(user); return re.setv("ok", true).setv("data", user); } @At public Object update(@Param("..") User user) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); String msg = checkUser(user, false); if (msg != null) { return re.setv("ok", false).setv("msg", msg); } user.setName(null);// ???? user.setCreateTime(null);// ?? user.setUpdateTime(new Date());// dao.updateIgnoreNull(user);// ?passwordsalt return re.setv("ok", true); } @At public Object delete(@Param("id") int id, @Attr("me") int me) { if (me == id) { return new NutMap().setv("ok", false).setv("msg", "??!!"); } dao.delete(User.class, id); // ??,??>0 return new NutMap().setv("ok", true); } @At public Object query(@Param("name") String name, @Param("..") Pager pager) { Cnd cnd = Strings.isBlank(name) ? null : Cnd.where("name", "like", "%" + name + "%"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(User.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(User.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return qr; // 1,?20? } @At("/") @Ok("void") public void index() throws IOException { HttpServletResponse response = Mvcs.getResp(); response.sendRedirect("resourceList?type=1"); } @At public Object resourceSave(@Param("..") Resource resource) throws IOException { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { checkResource(resource); String filePaths = resource.getFilePaths(); String fileNames = resource.getFileNames(); String contentTypes = resource.getContentTypes(); String[] arrPath = filePaths.split(","); String[] arrName = fileNames.split(","); String[] arrTypes = contentTypes.split(","); StringBuffer fileTypes = new StringBuffer(); Date now = new Date(); if (resource.getId() > 0) { String fileIds = resource.getFileIds(); String[] arrFileIds = fileIds.split(","); if (arrFileIds.length != arrPath.length) { String[] tmp = arrFileIds; arrFileIds = new String[arrPath.length]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, arrFileIds, 0, tmp.length); } Resource dbr = dao.fetch(Resource.class, resource.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); String fileId = arrFileIds[i]; if (Strings.isNotBlank(fileId)) { fileId = fileId.trim(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (Strings.isEmpty(fileId)) { int id = this.addFile(path, name, contentType); arrFileIds[i] = id + ""; } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); } dbr.setTitle(resource.getTitle()); dbr.setContent(resource.getContent()); dbr.setFileCounts(Long.valueOf(arrPath.length)); dbr.setFileNames(fileNames); dbr.setFilePaths(filePaths); dbr.setContentTypes(contentTypes); dbr.setFileIds(Strings.join(",", arrFileIds)); dbr.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); dbr.setUpdateTime(now); dao.update(dbr); } else { StringBuffer fileIds = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); fileIds.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); int fileId = addFile(path, name, contentType); fileIds.append(fileId); } resource.setCreateTime(now); resource.setUpdateTime(now); resource.setFileCounts((long) arrPath.length); resource.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); resource.setFileIds(fileIds.toString()); resource.setDeleteFlag(false); resource = dao.insert(resource); } return re.setv("ok", true); } catch (BusinessException e) { return re.setv("ok", false).setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } } private int addFile(String path, String name, String contentType) throws IOException { Date now = new Date(); Files files = new Files(); files.setName(name); files.setPath(path); files.setContentType(contentType); files.setCreateTime(now); files.setUpdateTime(now); File file = new File(this.getRealPath(path)); files.setData(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file)); files = dao.insert(files); return files.getId(); } private void checkResource(Resource resource) { if (resource == null) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } else { if (resource.equals("1")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getTitle())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getContent())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getFilePaths())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (resource.getType() == null) { throw new BusinessException("???"); } if (Constants.isResourceExists(resource.getType()) == false) { throw new BusinessException("??type=" + resource.getType()); } } else if (resource.equals("3")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getFilePaths())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } } else if (resource.equals("5")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getTitle())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resource.getFilePaths())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } } } } @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.resource") public Object resource(@Param("type") String type, @Param("id") Integer id) { checkType(type); Long longType = Long.valueOf(type); NutMap re = new NutMap(); Resource resource = null; if (id != null) { resource = dao.fetch(Resource.class, id.intValue()); if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println("id:" + id); System.out.println("resource:" + resource); } } else { resource = loadResourceByType(Long.valueOf(type)); } String typeName = Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE.get(longType); return re.setv("resource", resource).setv("typeName", typeName); } private Resource loadResourceByType(Long type) { Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("type", "=", type).and("deleteFlag", "=", false); int count = dao.count(Resource.class, cnd); if (count == 1) { List<Resource> list = dao.query(Resource.class, cnd); return list.get(0); } return null; } private int countResourceByType(Long type) { Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("type", "=", type).and("deleteFlag", "=", false); return dao.count(Resource.class, cnd); } @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.resource_edit_pre") public Object resourceEditPre(@Param("id") int id) { Resource resource = dao.fetch(Resource.class, id); if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println("id:" + id); System.out.println("resource:" + resource); } return resource; } private void checkType(String type) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(type)) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } try { long longType = Long.parseLong(type); if (Constants.isResourceExists(longType) == false) { throw new BusinessException("???"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessException("??"); } } protected String checkUser(User user, boolean create) { if (user == null) { return ""; } if (create) { if (Strings.isBlank(user.getName()) || Strings.isBlank(user.getPassword())) return "??/??"; } else { if (Strings.isBlank(user.getPassword())) return "??"; } String passwd = user.getPassword().trim(); if (6 > passwd.length() || passwd.length() > 12) { return "?"; } user.setPassword(passwd); if (create) { int count = dao.count(User.class, Cnd.where("name", "=", user.getName())); if (count != 0) { return "???"; } } else { if (user.getId() < 1) { return "Id?"; } } if (user.getName() != null) user.setName(user.getName().trim()); return null; } @Filters @At @Fail("jsp:jsp.500") public void error() { throw new RuntimeException(); } @At @AdaptBy(type = UploadAdaptor.class, args = { "${app.root}/WEB-INF/tmp" }) @Ok("json") public Object upload(@Param("file") TempFile tf) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); FieldMeta meta = tf.getMeta(); String path = copyToServer(tf); return re.setv("ok", true).setv("path", path).setv("name", meta.getFileLocalName()).setv("contentType", meta.getContentType()); } /** * ?attract/uplads * * @param tf * @return */ private String copyToServer(TempFile tf) { FieldMeta fm = tf.getMeta(); File file = tf.getFile(); String realPath = getRealPath(Constants.FILE_PATH); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); String datePath = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "/"; datePath += this.formatNum(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + this.formatNum(calendar.get(Calendar.DATE)); String newFileName = TohoursUtils.randomKey(10) + fm.getFileExtension(); String separator = "/"; File dirFile = new File(realPath + separator + datePath + separator + newFileName); File dirFolder = new File(realPath + separator + datePath + separator); if (dirFolder.exists() == false) { dirFolder.mkdirs(); } try { FileUtils.copyFile(file, dirFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessException("??"); } return Constants.FILE_PATH + separator + datePath + separator + newFileName; } private String formatNum(int n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n + ""; } private String getRealPath(String path) { ServletContext sc = Mvcs.getServletContext(); return sc.getRealPath(path); } @At @Ok("void") public void resourceList(@Param("type") String type) throws Exception { checkType(type); NutMap re = new NutMap(); re.setv("type", type); if (countResourceByType(Long.valueOf(type)) == 1) { Mvcs.getResp().sendRedirect("resource?type=" + type); if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println("debug:countResource is 1"); } } else { Mvcs.getReq().getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/jsp/attract/resource_list.jsp").forward(Mvcs.getReq(), Mvcs.getResp()); } } @At public Object resourceListData(@Param("type") String type, @Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); checkType(type); Long longType = Long.valueOf(type); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("type", "=", longType); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("title", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } cnd.and("deleteFlag", "=", false).orderBy("createTime", "desc"); if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println("debug:type=" + type); System.out.println("debug:cnd=" + cnd); } QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); List<Resource> list = dao.query(Resource.class, cnd, pager); qr.setList(list); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(Resource.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return re.setv("qr", qr).setv("title", Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE.get(longType)); } @At public Object resourceDelete(@Param("id") int id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { Resource resource = dao.fetch(Resource.class, id); resource.setDeleteFlag(true); dao.update(resource); re.setv("success", true); } catch (Exception e) { re.setv("success", false); re.setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return re; } @At @Ok("void") public void resourceFile(@Param("id") int id) throws IOException { Files files = dao.fetch(Files.class, id); HttpServletResponse response = Mvcs.getResp(); response.setContentType(files.getContentType()); response.getOutputStream().write(files.getData()); } @At public Object test() { NutMap re = new NutMap(); // System.out.println(this.getRealPath("/")); // Files files = new Files(); // files.setCreateTime(new Date()); // files.setUpdateTime(new Date()); // Response response = Http.get(""); // InputStream is = response.getStream(); // try { // files.setData(IOUtils.toByteArray(is)); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // files.setPath("haha"); // files.setName("test"); // // Resource r = new Resource(); // r.setContent("content"); // r.setTitle("title"); // List<Files> list = new ArrayList<Files>(); // list.add(files); // r.setFileses(list); // dao.insertWith(r, "fileses"); return re.setv("ok", true); } @At @Ok("json") public Object zipResource() { NutMap map = new NutMap(); clearUpload(); map.put("index_background", loadIndexBackground()); map.put("guide_page", loadGuidePage()); map.put("ten_objective_elements", loadObjectiveElements()); map.put("excellence", loadExcellence()); map.put("ten_aia_elements", loadAiaElements()); String zipName = ""; zip(Json.toJson(map), zipName); return map; } private void zip(String json, String zipName) { try { String realPath = this.getRealPath(Constants.FILE_PATH); File data = new File(realPath + "/data.json"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(data, json, "UTF-8"); File(realPath), zipName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void clearUpload() { // try { // String realPath = getRealPath(Constants.FILE_PATH); // File file = new File(realPath); // if(file.exists() && file.isDirectory()){ // FileUtils.deleteDirectory(file); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } } // ???? private Object loadAiaElements() { List<Map<String, String>> rv = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("type", "=", Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE_AIA_ELEMENTS); cnd.and("deleteFlag", "=", false).orderBy("createTime", "desc"); List<Resource> list = dao.query(Resource.class, cnd); for (Resource resource : list) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("name", resource.getTitle()); map.put("content", resource.getFilePaths()); rv.add(map); } return rv; } private Object loadObjectiveElements() { Resource resource = this.loadResourceByType(Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE_OBJECTIVE_ELEMENTS); String ids = resource.getFileIds(); String[] arrId = ids.split(","); String[] arrPath = resource.getFilePaths().split(","); List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrId.length; i++) { rv.add(arrPath[i]); generateFile(Integer.parseInt(arrId[i])); } return rv; } private Object loadGuidePage() { Resource resource = this.loadResourceByType(Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE_GUIDE); String ids = resource.getFileIds(); String[] arrId = ids.split(","); String[] arrPath = resource.getFilePaths().split(","); List<String> rv = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrId.length; i++) { rv.add(arrPath[i]); generateFile(Integer.parseInt(arrId[i])); } return rv; } private String loadIndexBackground() { Resource resource = this.loadResourceByType(Constants.RESOURCE_TYPE_INDEX); generateFile(Integer.parseInt(resource.getFileIds()));// ? return resource.getFilePaths(); } private void generateFile(int fileId) { if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println(fileId); } Files files = dao.fetch(Files.class, fileId); String path = files.getPath(); String realPath = this.getRealPath(path); String folderPath = realPath.replaceAll("[^/]*$", ""); File folder = new File(folderPath); if (folder.exists() == false) { folder.mkdirs(); } File file = new File(realPath); if (file.exists() == false) { try { FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, files.getData()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private Object loadExcellence() { List<Map<String, Object>> rv = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("deleteFlag", "=", false); cnd.orderBy("createTime", "desc"); List<TopExcellence> list = dao.query(TopExcellence.class, cnd); for (TopExcellence top : list) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", top.getName()); map.put("index", loadIndex(top)); map.put("sub_class", loadSub(top.getId())); rv.add(map); } return rv; } private Object loadSub(int topId) { List<Map<String, Object>> rv = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("deleteFlag", "=", false).and("top_excel_id", "=", topId); cnd.orderBy("createTime", "desc"); List<SubExcellence> list = dao.query(SubExcellence.class, cnd); for (SubExcellence sub : list) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", sub.getName()); map.put("icon", sub.getFilePaths()); map.put("peoples", loadPeoples(sub.getId())); generateFile(Integer.parseInt(sub.getFileIds())); rv.add(map); } return rv; } private Object loadPeoples(int subId) { List<Map<String, Object>> rv = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("deleteFlag", "=", false).and("sub_excel_id", "=", subId); cnd.orderBy("createTime", "desc"); List<Peoples> list = dao.query(Peoples.class, cnd); for (Peoples p : list) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", p.getName()); map.put("join_date", p.getJoinDate()); map.put("old_job", p.getOldJob()); map.put("share_word", p.getShareWord()); map.put("old_mark", Json.fromJson(p.getOldMark())); map.put("newMark", Json.fromJson(p.getNewMark())); map.put("picture", p.getFilePath()); try { generateFile(Integer.parseInt(p.getFileId())); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } rv.add(map); } return rv; } private Object loadIndex(TopExcellence top) { Map<String, Object> rv = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String fileIds = top.getFileIds(); String filePaths = top.getFilePaths(); String[] arrIds = fileIds.split(","); String[] arrPaths = filePaths.split(","); List<String> pictures = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < arrIds.length; i++) { String id = arrIds[i]; if (rv.get("video") == null) { rv.put("video", arrPaths[i]); } else { pictures.add(arrPaths[i]); } generateFile(Integer.parseInt(id)); } return rv; } // /** * ? * * @param talent * @return */ @At("/save") @Ok("json") @POST public Object saveTalent(@Param("..") Talent talent) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); re.setv("success", true).setv("msg", "??"); Talent tl = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(talent.getId() + "")) { tl = dao.fetch(Talent.class, talent.getId()); } try { if (tl == null) { talent.setCreateTime(new Date()); tl = talent; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(talent.getUserId())) { dao.insert(tl); } else { re.setv("success", false).setv("msg", "user_id,?"); } } else { tl = talent; talent.setUpdateTime(new Date()); dao.updateIgnoreNull(tl); } } catch (Exception e) { re.setv("success", false).setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return re; } /** * ?? * * @param type * ?? * @param key * ? * @param pager * * @return listpager */ @At public Object talentList(@Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager) { NutMap um = new NutMap(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("1", "=", "1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("name", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } cnd.orderBy("createTime", "desc"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(Talent.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(Talent.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return um.setv("list", qr.getList()).setv("pager", qr.getPager()); // 1,?20? } /** * * * @param dao * @param pageNumber * @param pageSize * @param cas * class * @return QueryResult */ public QueryResult getListPage(Dao dao, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Class<Object> cas) { Pager pager = dao.createPager(pageNumber, pageSize);// pager Criteria cri = Cnd.cri();// ? cri.getOrderBy().desc("updateTime");// ? List<Object> list = dao.query(cas, cri, pager);// list pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(cas));// return new QueryResult(list, pager);// QueryResult } /** * list? * * @param cas * @return */ public <T> List<T> getList(Class<T> cas) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); list = dao.query(cas, Cnd.wrap("1=1")); return list; } /** * * * @param individuality * @return */ @At("/saveIdy") @Ok("json") @POST public Object saveIndividuality(@Param("..") Setting setting) { NutMap nt = new NutMap(); nt.addv("success", true).addv("msg", "??"); Setting idy = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(setting.getAgentId() + "")) { idy = dao.fetch(Setting.class, setting.getAgentId()); } try { idy = dao.fetch(Setting.class, setting.getAgentId()); if (idy == null) { idy = setting; idy.setCreateTime(new Date()); dao.insert(idy); } else { idy = setting; idy.setUpdateTime(new Date()); dao.updateIgnoreNull(idy); } } catch (Exception e) { nt.addv("success", false).addv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return nt; } /** * * * @param pager * @return */ @At public Object settingList(@Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager) { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("1", "=", "1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("agentId", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } cnd.orderBy("createTime", "desc"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(Setting.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(Setting.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return nm.setv("list", qr.getList()).setv("pager", qr.getPager()); // 1,?20? } // ? @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.talent_list") public void talentIndex() { } // @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.setting_list") public void settingIndex() { } // peoples @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.peoples_list") public Object peoplesIndex(@Param("sub_excel_id") String sub_excel_id) { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); Mvcs.getReq().setAttribute("top_id", dao.fetch(SubExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(sub_excel_id)).getTop_excel_id() + ""); return nm.setv("sub_excel_id", sub_excel_id).setv("addFlag", "peoples"); } // peoplesajax @At public Object peoplesList(@Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager, @Param("sub_excel_id") String sub_excel_id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("1", "=", "1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("name", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sub_excel_id)) { throw new BusinessException("sub_excel_id?"); } else { cnd.and("sub_excel_id", "=", Integer.parseInt(sub_excel_id)); } cnd.and("deleteFlag", "=", false).orderBy("createTime", "desc"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(Peoples.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(Peoples.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); Mvcs.getReq().setAttribute("top_id", dao.fetch(SubExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(sub_excel_id)).getTop_excel_id() + ""); return re.setv("list", qr.getList()).setv("pager", qr.getPager()); } // peoples @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.peoples") public Object peoplesPre(@Param("id") String id, @Param("sub_excel_id") String sub_excel_id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); Peoples peoples = null; if (id != null) { peoples = dao.fetch(Peoples.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); } return re.setv("peoples", peoples).setv("addFlag", "peoples").setv("sub_excel_id", sub_excel_id); } // peoples? @At public Object peoplesSave(@Param("..") Peoples peoples, @Param("markName") String markName) throws IOException { NutMap re = new NutMap(); Date now = new Date(); try { checkPeoples(peoples); String filePath = peoples.getFilePath(); String fileName = peoples.getFileName(); String contentType = peoples.getContentType(); String fileType = TohoursUtils.getFileExt(fileName); if (peoples.getId() > 0) { String fileId = peoples.getFileId(); Peoples pl = dao.fetch(Peoples.class, peoples.getId()); if (Strings.isEmpty(fileId)) { this.addFile(filePath, fileName, contentType); } pl.setContentType(contentType); pl.setFileId(fileId); pl.setFileName(fileName); pl.setFilePath(filePath); pl.setFileType(fileType); pl.setJoinDate(peoples.getJoinDate()); pl.setName(peoples.getName()); // pl.setNewMark(peoples.getNewMark()); // pl.setOldMark(peoples.getOldMark()); dealMark(pl, markName, peoples.getOldMark(), peoples.getNewMark()); pl.setOldJob(peoples.getOldJob()); pl.setShareWord(peoples.getShareWord()); dao.update(pl); } else { int fileId = addFile(filePath, fileName, contentType); peoples.setDeleteFlag(false); peoples.setCreateTime(now); peoples.setUpdateTime(now); peoples.setFileType(fileType); peoples.setFileId(fileId + ""); dealMark(peoples, markName, peoples.getOldMark(), peoples.getNewMark()); peoples = dao.insert(peoples); } return re.setv("success", true).setv("id", peoples.getId()); } catch (BusinessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return re.setv("success", false).setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } } private void dealMark(Peoples pl, String markName, String oldMark, String newMark) { if (Constants.isTest) { System.out.println("debug::" + markName); } String[] arrMarkNames = markName.split(","); String[] arrOldMarks = oldMark.split(","); String[] arrNewMarks = newMark.split(","); List<Map<String, String>> listNewMark = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); List<Map<String, String>> listOldMark = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String mn = arrMarkNames[i]; mn = mn.trim(); String om = arrOldMarks[i]; om = om.trim(); String nm = arrNewMarks[i]; nm = nm.trim(); Map<String, String> mapNewMark = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapNewMark.put("name", mn); mapNewMark.put("mark", nm); Map<String, String> mapOldMark = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapOldMark.put("name", mn); mapOldMark.put("mark", om); listNewMark.add(mapNewMark); listOldMark.add(mapOldMark); } pl.setOldMark(Json.toJson(listOldMark, JsonFormat.compact())); pl.setNewMark(Json.toJson(listNewMark, JsonFormat.compact())); } // peoples? private void checkPeoples(Peoples peoples) { if (peoples == null) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(peoples.getName())) { throw new BusinessException("name?"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(peoples.getJoinDate() + "")) { throw new BusinessException("join_date??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(peoples.getShareWord())) { throw new BusinessException("share_word??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(peoples.getFilePath())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } } } @At public Object peoplesDelete(@Param("id") String id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { Peoples peoples = dao.fetch(Peoples.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); peoples.setDeleteFlag(true); dao.update(peoples); re.setv("success", true); } catch (Exception e) { re.setv("success", false); re.setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return re; } // topExcellence @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.top_excellence_list") public Object topExcellenceIndex() throws IOException { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); return nm.setv("addFlag", "topexcellence"); } @At public Object topExcellenceList(@Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager) { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("1", "=", "1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("name", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } cnd.and("deleteFlag", "=", false).orderBy("createTime", "desc"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(TopExcellence.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(TopExcellence.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return nm.setv("qr", qr).setv("addFlag", "topexcellence"); } @At public Object topExcellenceSave(@Param("..") TopExcellence topExcellence) throws IOException { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { checkTopExcellence(topExcellence); String filePaths = topExcellence.getFilePaths(); String fileNames = topExcellence.getFileNames(); String contentTypes = topExcellence.getContentTypes(); String[] arrPath = filePaths.split(","); String[] arrName = fileNames.split(","); String[] arrTypes = contentTypes.split(","); StringBuffer fileTypes = new StringBuffer(); Date now = new Date(); if (topExcellence.getId() > 0) { String fileIds = topExcellence.getFileIds(); String[] arrFileIds = fileIds.split(","); if (arrFileIds.length != arrPath.length) { String[] tmp = arrFileIds; arrFileIds = new String[arrPath.length]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, arrFileIds, 0, tmp.length); } TopExcellence dbr = dao.fetch(TopExcellence.class, topExcellence.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); String fileId = arrFileIds[i]; if (Strings.isNotBlank(fileId)) { fileId = fileId.trim(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (Strings.isEmpty(fileId)) { int id = this.addFile(path, name, contentType); arrFileIds[i] = id + ""; } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); } dbr.setContentTypes(contentTypes); dbr.setUpdateTime(now); dbr.setCreateTime(now); dbr.setFileCounts(Long.valueOf(arrPath.length)); dbr.setFileIds(Strings.join(",", arrFileIds)); dbr.setFileNames(fileNames); dbr.setFilePaths(filePaths); dbr.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); dbr.setName(topExcellence.getName()); dao.update(dbr); } else { StringBuffer fileIds = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); fileIds.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); int fileId = addFile(path, name, contentType); fileIds.append(fileId); } topExcellence.setDeleteFlag(false); topExcellence.setUpdateTime(now); topExcellence.setFileCounts((long) arrPath.length); topExcellence.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); topExcellence.setFileIds(fileIds.toString()); topExcellence = dao.insert(topExcellence); } return re.setv("success", true).setv("id", topExcellence.getId()); } catch (BusinessException e) { return re.setv("success", false).setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } } public void checkTopExcellence(TopExcellence topExcellence) { if (topExcellence == null) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(topExcellence.getName())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(topExcellence.getFilePaths())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } } } @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.top_excellence") public Object topExcellencePre(@Param("id") String id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); TopExcellence topExcellence = null; if (id != null) { topExcellence = dao.fetch(TopExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); } return re.setv("topExcellence", topExcellence).setv("addFlag", "topexcellence"); } @At public Object topExcellenceDelete(@Param("id") String id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { TopExcellence topExcellence = dao.fetch(TopExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); topExcellence.setDeleteFlag(true); dao.update(topExcellence); re.setv("success", true); } catch (Exception e) { re.setv("success", false); re.setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return re; } // subExcellence @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.sub_excellence_list") public Object subExcellenceIndex(@Param("top_excel_id") String top_excel_id) { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); return nm.setv("top_excel_id", top_excel_id).setv("addFlag", "subexcellence"); } @At public Object subExcellenceList(@Param("key") String key, @Param("..") Pager pager, @Param("top_excel_id") String top_excel_id) { NutMap nm = new NutMap(); Cnd cnd = Cnd.where("1", "=", "1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key) == false) { cnd.and("name", "like", TohoursUtils.addPercent(key)); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(top_excel_id)) { throw new BusinessException("top_excel_id?"); } else { cnd.and("top_excel_id", "=", Integer.parseInt(top_excel_id)); } cnd.and("deleteFlag", "=", false).orderBy("createTime", "desc"); QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(); qr.setList(dao.query(SubExcellence.class, cnd, pager)); pager.setRecordCount(dao.count(SubExcellence.class, cnd)); qr.setPager(pager); return nm.setv("qr", qr); } @At public Object subExcellenceSave(@Param("..") SubExcellence subExcellence) throws IOException { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { checkSubExcellence(subExcellence); String filePaths = subExcellence.getFilePaths(); String fileNames = subExcellence.getFileNames(); String contentTypes = subExcellence.getContentTypes(); String[] arrPath = filePaths.split(","); String[] arrName = fileNames.split(","); String[] arrTypes = contentTypes.split(","); StringBuffer fileTypes = new StringBuffer(); Date now = new Date(); if (subExcellence.getId() > 0) { String fileIds = subExcellence.getFileIds(); String[] arrFileIds = fileIds.split(","); if (arrFileIds.length != arrPath.length) { String[] tmp = arrFileIds; arrFileIds = new String[arrPath.length]; System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, arrFileIds, 0, tmp.length); } SubExcellence dbr = dao.fetch(SubExcellence.class, subExcellence.getId()); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); String fileId = arrFileIds[i]; if (Strings.isNotBlank(fileId)) { fileId = fileId.trim(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (Strings.isEmpty(fileId)) { int id = this.addFile(path, name, contentType); arrFileIds[i] = id + ""; } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); } dbr.setContentTypes(contentTypes); dbr.setUpdateTime(now); dbr.setFileCounts(Long.valueOf(arrPath.length)); dbr.setFileIds(Strings.join(",", arrFileIds)); dbr.setFileNames(fileNames); dbr.setFilePaths(filePaths); dbr.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); dbr.setName(subExcellence.getName()); dao.update(dbr); } else { StringBuffer fileIds = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < arrPath.length; i++) { String path = arrPath[i]; path = path.trim(); String name = arrName[i]; name = name.trim(); String contentType = arrTypes[i]; contentType = contentType.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { throw new BusinessException( String.format("%d?", i + 1)); } if (i > 0) { fileTypes.append(","); fileIds.append(","); } fileTypes.append(TohoursUtils.getFileExt(name)); int fileId = addFile(path, name, contentType); fileIds.append(fileId); } subExcellence.setDeleteFlag(false); subExcellence.setCreateTime(now); subExcellence.setUpdateTime(now); subExcellence.setFileCounts((long) arrPath.length); subExcellence.setFileTypes(fileTypes.toString()); subExcellence.setFileIds(fileIds.toString()); subExcellence = dao.insert(subExcellence); } return re.setv("success", true).setv("id", subExcellence.getId()); } catch (BusinessException e) { return re.setv("success", false).setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } } public void checkSubExcellence(SubExcellence subExcellence) { if (subExcellence == null) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subExcellence.getName())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(subExcellence.getFilePaths())) { throw new BusinessException("??"); } } } @At @Ok("jsp:jsp.attract.sub_excellence") public Object subExcellencePre(@Param("id") String id, @Param("top_excel_id") String top_excel_id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); SubExcellence subExcellence = null; if (id != null) { subExcellence = dao.fetch(SubExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); } return re.setv("subExcellence", subExcellence).setv("addFlag", "subexcellence").setv("top_excel_id", top_excel_id); } @At public Object subExcellenceDelete(@Param("id") String id) { NutMap re = new NutMap(); try { SubExcellence subExcellence = dao.fetch(SubExcellence.class, Integer.parseInt(id)); subExcellence.setDeleteFlag(true); dao.update(subExcellence); re.setv("success", true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); re.setv("success", false); re.setv("msg", e.getMessage()); } return re; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { File file = new File("/Users/niejacob/360/MacPro/tohours/quix/WebContent/attract/uploads"); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(file); } }