Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013-2014 Toaker framework-master * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.toaker.framework.core.widget; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.toaker.framework.R; import com.toaker.framework.core.component.NavigationBar; import com.toaker.framework.core.utils.ScaleController; import java.util.Map; /** * Decorator for framework-master * * author Toaker [Toaker]( * [Toaker]( * Time Create by 2015/4/6 15:35 */ public class NavigationBarImpl extends FrameLayout implements NavigationBar, View.OnClickListener { private LinearLayout mViewGroup; private int mCurPosition = 0; private ArrayMap<Integer, Navigation> mNavigates; private NavigationChangeListener mListener; private float mNavigationHeight; private LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); public NavigationBarImpl(Context context) { this(context, null); } public NavigationBarImpl(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initialize(); } /** * Decorator for framework-master * * @author Toaker [Toaker]( * [Toaker]( * @Description: init * @Time Create by 2015/4/6 15:35 */ private void initialize() { mViewGroup = new LinearLayout(getContext()); mNavigates = new ArrayMap<Integer, Navigation>(); mViewGroup.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); params.weight = 1; params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER; super.addView(mViewGroup); this.mNavigationHeight = super.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.abs__navigation_bar_default_height); // if(ScaleController.getInstance() != null){ // mNavigationHeight = ScaleController.getInstance().getScreenHeight() * 0.23f; // } setNavigationBarHeight((int) this.mNavigationHeight); } @Override public void requestLayout() { super.requestLayout(); } @Override public void setNavigationChangeListener(NavigationChangeListener listener) { this.mListener = listener; } @Override public Navigation getNavigation(int position) { return mNavigates.get(position); } @Override public void setBackgroundColor(int color) { super.setBackgroundColor(color); } @Override public void setBackgroundResource(int resid) { super.setBackgroundResource(resid); } @Override public void setBackground(Drawable background) { super.setBackground(background); } @Override public void setPadding(int spacer) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Navigation> entry : mNavigates.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { entry.getValue().setPadding(spacer); } } } @Override public void setSpacer(int spacer) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Navigation> entry : mNavigates.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { entry.getValue().setSpacer(spacer); } } } @Override public int getCurrentPosition() { return this.mCurPosition; } @Override public void setCurrentItem(int position) { this.mCurPosition = position; notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public void setTextSize(int size) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Navigation> entry : mNavigates.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null) { entry.getValue().getTextView().setTextSize(size); } } } public void notifyDataSetChanged() { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Navigation> entry : mNavigates.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == mCurPosition) { entry.getValue().setCheckStatus(true); if (mListener != null) { mListener.onChange(entry.getValue().getView(), entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } } else { entry.getValue().setCheckStatus(false); } } } @Override public void setNavigationBarHeight(int height) { if (ScaleController.getInstance() != null) { height = ScaleController.getInstance().scaleHeight(height); } this.mNavigationHeight = height; mViewGroup.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, (int) this.mNavigationHeight)); } @Override public void addNavigation(Navigation navigation) { if (navigation != null && navigation.getView() != null && navigation.getView().getParent() == null) { params.width = (int) (mNavigationHeight * 0.9f); params.height = (int) (mNavigationHeight * 0.9f); mViewGroup.addView(navigation.getView(), params); mNavigates.put(mViewGroup.indexOfChild(navigation.getView()), navigation); navigation.getView().setOnClickListener(this); } } @Override public void removeNavigation(Navigation navigation) { this.mNavigates.remove(navigation); } @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (super.indexOfChild(v) != mCurPosition) { setCurrentItem(mViewGroup.indexOfChild(v)); } } /** * Decorator for framework-master * * @author Toaker [Toaker]( * [Toaker]( * @Description: * @Time Create by 2015/4/6 15:35 */ public static class IconNavigationImpl extends FrameLayout implements Navigation { private Drawable mDefaultDrawable; private Drawable mCheckDrawable; private CharSequence mText; private int mDefaultTextColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; private int mCheckTextColor = 0x00000000; private float mTextSize = 18; private TextView mTextView; private ImageView mIconView; private View mSpacerView; private LayoutParams mSpacerParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0); private LayoutParams mIconParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0); private LayoutParams mTextParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); private boolean mCheckStatus = false; private View mUnreadView; public IconNavigationImpl(Context context) { super(context); this.initialize(); } private void initialize() { LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.framework_icon_navigation_impl, this); mUnreadView = findViewById(; mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; mTextView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mIconView = (ImageView) findViewById(; mSpacerView = new View(getContext()); } @Override public void setPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom); } @Override public void setPadding(int spacer) { setPadding(spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer); } @Override public void setSpacer(int spacer) { mSpacerParams.topMargin = spacer; mSpacerView.setLayoutParams(mSpacerParams); } @Override public void requestLayout() { super.requestLayout(); if (mTextView != null && mIconView != null) { mTextView.setTextColor(mCheckStatus ? mCheckTextColor : mDefaultTextColor); mIconView.setImageDrawable(mCheckStatus ? mCheckDrawable : mDefaultDrawable); } } public IconNavigationImpl(Context context, int mDefaultDrawable, int mCheckDrawable, int mDefaultTextColor, int mCheckTextColor) { this(context); setDefaultDrawable(mDefaultDrawable); setCheckDrawable(mCheckDrawable); setDefaultTextColor(mDefaultTextColor); setCheckTextColor(mCheckTextColor); } public IconNavigationImpl(Context context, int mDefaultDrawable, int mCheckDrawable, int mDefaultTextColor, int mCheckTextColor, CharSequence mText) { this(context, mDefaultDrawable, mCheckDrawable, mDefaultTextColor, mCheckTextColor); setText(mText); } @Override public void setCustomView(View v) { super.removeAllViews(); super.addView(v); } @Override public View getView() { return this; } @Override public TextView getTextView() { return mTextView; } @Override public ImageView getIconView() { return mIconView; } @Override public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener clickListener) { super.setOnClickListener(clickListener); } public Drawable getDefaultDrawable() { return mDefaultDrawable; } public void setDefaultDrawable(Drawable mDefaultDrawable) { this.mDefaultDrawable = mDefaultDrawable; } public void setDefaultDrawable(int resId) { setDefaultDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(resId)); } public Drawable getCheckDrawable() { return mCheckDrawable; } public void setCheckDrawable(Drawable mCheckDrawable) { this.mCheckDrawable = mCheckDrawable; } public void setCheckDrawable(int resId) { setCheckDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(resId)); } public int getDefaultTextColor() { return mDefaultTextColor; } public void setDefaultTextColor(int mDefaultTextColor) { this.mDefaultTextColor = mDefaultTextColor; } public int getCheckTextColor() { return mCheckTextColor; } public void setCheckTextColor(int mCheckTextColor) { this.mCheckTextColor = mCheckTextColor; } public float getTextSize() { return mTextSize; } public void setTextSize(float mTextSize) { if (ScaleController.getInstance() != null) { mTextSize = ScaleController.getInstance().scaleTextSize(mTextSize); } this.mTextSize = mTextSize; this.mTextView.setTextSize(this.mTextSize); } public CharSequence getText() { return mText; } public void setText(CharSequence mText) { this.mText = mText; this.mTextView.setText(mText); } public void setCheckStatus(boolean mCheckStatus) { this.mCheckStatus = mCheckStatus; requestLayout(); } @Override public boolean getCheckStatus() { return mCheckStatus; } public void setUnread(boolean unread) { if (unread) { mUnreadView.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } else { mUnreadView.setVisibility(GONE); } } } }