Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 George Norman * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thruzero.domain.service.impl; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder; import com.thruzero.common.core.bookmarks.InitializationParameterKeysBookmark; import com.thruzero.common.core.locator.Initializable; import com.thruzero.common.core.locator.InitializationException; import com.thruzero.common.core.locator.InitializationStrategy; import com.thruzero.common.core.locator.LocatorUtils; import; import com.thruzero.common.core.strategy.SubstitutionStrategy; import; import com.thruzero.common.core.utils.LogUtils; import com.thruzero.domain.service.MailService; import; // /** * A simple implementation of the MailService. * * @author George Norman */ /** * A simple implementation of the MailService. * * <p> * SimpleMailService requires initialization (see {@link SimpleMailService.SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys} for details). * Following is an example initialization using the config file: * * <pre> * {@code * <section name="com.thruzero.domain.service.impl.SimpleMailService"> * <entry key="email-enabled" value="false" /> * <entry key="email-logging-enabled" value="true" /> * <entry key="email-smtp-host" value="" /> * <entry key="email-user" value="" /> * <entry key="email-password" value="***" /> * <entry key="email-filter" value="" /> * </section> * } * </pre> * * @author George Norman */ public final class SimpleMailService implements MailService, Initializable { private static SimpleMailServiceLogHelper logHelper = new SimpleMailServiceLogHelper(SimpleMailService.class); private boolean emailEnabled; private boolean emailLoggingEnabled; private String mailHost; private String mailUserAccountName; private String mailUserAccountPassword; private String emailTemplateDir; private String emailTemplateFileExtension; // ------------------------------------------------ // SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys // ------------------------------------------------ /** * Initialization parameter keys defined for MailService. */ @InitializationParameterKeysBookmark public interface SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys extends MailServiceInitParamKeys { /** The section to use when loading the parameters (e.g., config file section, settings context, etc) */ String SOURCE_SECTION = SimpleMailService.class.getName(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // SimpleMailServiceLogHelper // ----------------------------------------------------------- public static final class SimpleMailServiceLogHelper extends LogHelper { public SimpleMailServiceLogHelper(Class<?> clazz) { super(clazz); } public void logInitTemplateDirWarn(final File fsEmailTemplateDir) { if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) { getLogger().warn("* WARNING: Email template directory was specified but does not exist: " + fsEmailTemplateDir.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected String logInitHostError(String mailHost, String mailUserAccountName) { StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder("* ERROR: " + SimpleMailService.class.getSimpleName() + " failed to initialize because one or more required parameters were not provided:"); String separator = ""; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailHost)) { errMsg.append(" parameter " + SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_SMTP_HOST + " is required"); separator = ","; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailUserAccountName)) { errMsg.append( separator + " parameter " + SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_USER + " is required"); separator = ","; } errMsg.append("."); getLogger().error(errMsg); return errMsg.toString(); } public void logEmailWasFiltered(final InternetAddress to) { if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) { getLogger().info("# EMAIL was not sent to '" + to.getAddress() + "' because it was filtered."); } } public void logEmailStatus(final MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { if (getLogger().isInfoEnabled()) { getLogger().info("# EMAIL was sent to " + getAllRecipientsAsString(message)); } } public void logEmailMessage(final MimeMessage message) throws Exception { if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { getLogger().debug("# EMAIL IS IN DEBUG MODE. No Mail was sent."); getLogger().debug(" - Subject: " + message.getSubject()); getLogger().debug(" - Recipients: " + getAllRecipientsAsString(message)); StrBuilder fromAddresses = new StrBuilder(); String separator = ", "; for (Address address : message.getFrom()) { fromAddresses.appendSeparator(separator); fromAddresses.append(((InternetAddress) address).getPersonal()); } getLogger().debug(" - From: " + fromAddresses); getLogger().debug(" - Content: " + message.getContent()); } } private String getAllRecipientsAsString(MimeMessage message) throws MessagingException { StrBuilder result = new StrBuilder(); String separator = ", "; for (Address recipient : message.getAllRecipients()) { result.appendSeparator(separator).append(recipient); } return result.toString(); } } // -------------------------------------------- // SimpleMailSender // -------------------------------------------- public class SimpleMailSender { public boolean sendMail(InternetAddress to, InternetAddress from, String subject, String body, Set<String> emailFilters) throws Exception { boolean emailWasSent = false; if (to == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(to.getAddress())) { logHelper.getLogger().error("*** Could not send email. The recipient was empty."); } else { Session mailSession = createSession(); if (isSendMailAllowed(emailFilters, to)) { MimeMessage message = createMimeMessage(mailSession, to, from, subject, body); emailWasSent = sendMessage(mailSession, message); } else { logHelper.logEmailWasFiltered(to); if (emailLoggingEnabled) { logHelper.logEmailMessage(createMimeMessage(mailSession, to, from, subject, body)); } } } return emailWasSent; } private MimeMessage createMimeMessage(Session mailSession, InternetAddress to, InternetAddress from, String subject, String body) throws Exception { MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(mailSession); message.setSubject(subject); message.setContent(body, "text/html"); message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, to); message.setFrom(from); return message; } protected Session createSession() throws Exception { Session result; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(JavaMailPropertyKeys.MAIL_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL, "smtp"); props.setProperty(JavaMailPropertyKeys.MAIL_HOST, mailHost); props.setProperty(JavaMailPropertyKeys.MAIL_DEBUG, "true"); props.setProperty(JavaMailPropertyKeys.MAIL_USER, mailUserAccountName); props.setProperty(JavaMailPropertyKeys.MAIL_PASSWORD, mailUserAccountPassword); result = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); return result; } protected boolean sendMessage(Session mailSession, MimeMessage message) throws Exception { boolean emailWasSent = false; if (emailEnabled) { Transport transport = mailSession.getTransport(); transport.connect(); transport.sendMessage(message, message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO)); transport.close(); emailWasSent = true; if (emailLoggingEnabled) { logHelper.logEmailStatus(message); } } else if (emailLoggingEnabled) { logHelper.logEmailMessage(message); } return emailWasSent; } } // =============================================== // MailService // =============================================== /** * Use {@link com.thruzero.common.core.locator.ServiceLocator ServiceLocator} to access a particular Service. */ private SimpleMailService() { logHelper.getLogger().debug(LogUtils.getObjectCreationMessage(this)); } /** * @throws InitializationException if a problem is encountered with the given initParams. */ @Override public void init(InitializationStrategy initStrategy) { StringMap initParams = LocatorUtils.getInheritedParameters(initStrategy, this.getClass(), MailService.class); emailEnabled = initParams.getValueTransformer(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_ENABLED) .getBooleanValue(false); emailLoggingEnabled = initParams.getValueTransformer(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_LOGGING_ENABLED) .getBooleanValue(false); mailHost = initParams.get(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_SMTP_HOST); mailUserAccountName = initParams.get(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_USER); mailUserAccountPassword = initParams.get(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_PASSWORD); emailTemplateDir = initParams.getValueTransformer(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY) .getStringValue(""); emailTemplateFileExtension = initParams .getValueTransformer(SimpleMailServiceInitParamKeys.EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION) .getStringValue(".txt"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mailHost) || StringUtils.isEmpty(mailUserAccountName)) { String errMsg = logHelper.logInitHostError(mailHost, mailUserAccountName); throw new InitializationException(errMsg, initStrategy); } } @Override public void reset() { } @Override public boolean sendEmailMessage(InternetAddress to, InternetAddress from, String subject, String body, Set<String> emailFilters) { boolean emailWasSent; SimpleMailSender simpleMailSender = new SimpleMailSender(); try { emailWasSent = simpleMailSender.sendMail(to, from, subject, body, emailFilters); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Could not send email.", e); } return emailWasSent; } @Override public boolean sendEmailMessage(EmailTemplate template, SubstitutionStrategy substitutionStrategy, Set<String> emailFilters) { boolean emailWasSent; SimpleMailSender simpleMailSender = new SimpleMailSender(); try { String body = template.evaluateTemplate(substitutionStrategy); emailWasSent = simpleMailSender.sendMail(template.getTo(), template.getFrom(), template.getSubject(), body, emailFilters); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Could not send email.", e); } return emailWasSent; } @Override public EmailTemplate createEmailTemplate(String templateName) { File fsEmailTemplateDir = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(emailTemplateDir)) { fsEmailTemplateDir = new File(emailTemplateDir); if (!fsEmailTemplateDir.exists()) { logHelper.logInitTemplateDirWarn(fsEmailTemplateDir); fsEmailTemplateDir = null; } } if (fsEmailTemplateDir == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "* ERROR: Could not create email template because the email template directory does not exist:" + emailTemplateDir); } return new EmailTemplate(fsEmailTemplateDir, templateName, emailTemplateFileExtension); } /** * @param filters set of recipients that can receive notifications * @return true if the recipient can receive an email */ @Override public boolean isSendMailAllowed(Set<String> filters, InternetAddress to) { return filters == null || filters.isEmpty() || filters.contains(to.getAddress().toLowerCase()); } }