Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009-2016 Three Crickets LLC. * <p> * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the LGPL version 3.0: * * <p> * Alternatively, you can obtain a royalty free commercial license with less * limitations, transferable or non-transferable, directly from Three Crickets * at */ package com.threecrickets.prudence.cache; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.DataSourceConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolableConnection; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolableConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.PoolingDataSource; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.restlet.util.Series; import com.threecrickets.prudence.util.InProcessMemoryLockSource; import com.threecrickets.prudence.util.LockSource; /** * A SQL-backed cache. Internally uses * <a href="">Apache Commons DBCP</a> for * connection pooling. * <p> * This instance maintains a pool of read/write locks to guarantee atomicity of * storing, fetching and invalidating. It does not use SQL transactions. This * allows you disable transaction features in your database for better * performance. However, it also means that you should not have more than one * instance of this class working on the same set of keys, because they will not * be sharing the locks. * <p> * Also note that {@link #prune()} does not clean up unused locks. Since most * applications reuse cache keys anyway, this seems like an insignificant * "memory leak" cost in order to vastly improve pruning performance. * * @author Tal Liron */ public class SqlCache implements Cache { // // Construction // /** * Construction with a max entry count of 1000 entries and 10 connections in * the pool, and an {@link InProcessMemoryLockSource}. * * @param dataSource * The data source */ public SqlCache(DataSource dataSource) { this(dataSource, new InProcessMemoryLockSource()); } /** * Construction with a max entry count of 1000 entries and 10 connections in * the pool. * * @param dataSource * The data source * @param lockSource * The lock source */ public SqlCache(DataSource dataSource, LockSource lockSource) { this(dataSource, 1000, 10, lockSource); } /** * Constructor. * * @param dataSource * The data source * @param maxSize * The max entry count * @param poolSize * The number of connections in the pool * @param lockSource * The lock source */ public SqlCache(DataSource dataSource, int maxSize, int poolSize, LockSource lockSource) { this.maxSize = maxSize; this.lockSource = lockSource; GenericObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericObjectPoolConfig(); config.setMaxTotal(poolSize); config.setMaxIdle(poolSize); config.setMinIdle(poolSize); DataSourceConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DataSourceConnectionFactory(dataSource); PoolableConnectionFactory pooledObjectFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, null); GenericObjectPool<PoolableConnection> pool = new GenericObjectPool<PoolableConnection>(pooledObjectFactory, config); pooledObjectFactory.setPool(pool); this.dataSource = new PoolingDataSource<PoolableConnection>(pool); } // // Attributes // /** * The data source. * * @return The data source */ public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * The current max entry count. * * @return Max entry count * @see #setMaxSize(int) */ public int getMaxSize() { return maxSize; } /** * @param maxSize * Max entry count * @see #getMaxSize() */ public void setMaxSize(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; } // // Operations // /** * Makes sure that the required tables exist. * * @param fresh * Whether to drop the table first */ public void validateTables(boolean fresh) { try { Connection connection = connect(); if (connection == null) return; try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); try { if (fresh) { statement.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + cacheTableName); statement.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + cacheTagsTableName); } statement.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cacheTableName + " (key VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, media_type VARCHAR(255), language VARCHAR(255), character_set VARCHAR(255), encoding VARCHAR(255), modification_date TIMESTAMP, tag VARCHAR(255), headers TEXT, expiration_date TIMESTAMP, document_modification_date TIMESTAMP)"); statement.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cacheTagsTableName + " (key VARCHAR(255), tag VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY(key) REFERENCES " + cacheTableName + "(key) ON DELETE CASCADE)"); statement.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " + cacheTagsTableName + "_tag_idx ON " + cacheTagsTableName + " (tag)"); } finally { statement.close(); } } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not validate that tables exist", x); } } // // Cache // public void store(String key, CacheEntry entry) { logger.fine("Store: " + key); Lock lock = lockSource.getWriteLock(key); lock.lock(); try { Connection connection = connect(); if (connection == null) return; try { boolean tryInsert = true; // Try updating this key String sql = "UPDATE " + cacheTableName + " SET data=?, media_type=?, language=?, character_set=?, encoding=?, modification_date=?, tag=?, headers=?, expiration_date=?, document_modification_date=? WHERE key=?"; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setBytes(1, entry.getString() != null ? entry.getString().getBytes() : entry.getBytes()); statement.setString(2, entry.getMediaType() != null ? entry.getMediaType().getName() : null); statement.setString(3, entry.getLanguage() != null ? entry.getLanguage().getName() : null); statement.setString(4, entry.getCharacterSet() != null ? entry.getCharacterSet().getName() : null); statement.setString(5, entry.getEncoding() != null ? entry.getEncoding().getName() : null); statement.setTimestamp(6, entry.getModificationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getModificationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.setString(7, entry.getTag() != null ? entry.getTag().format() : null); statement.setString(8, entry.getHeaders() == null ? "" : serializeHeaders(entry.getHeaders())); statement.setTimestamp(9, entry.getExpirationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getExpirationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.setTimestamp(10, entry.getDocumentModificationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getDocumentModificationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.setString(11, key); if (!statement.execute() && statement.getUpdateCount() > 0) { logger.fine("Updated " + key); // Update worked, so no need to try insertion tryInsert = false; } } finally { statement.close(); } if (tryInsert) { // Try inserting this key // But first make sure we have room... int size = countEntries(connection); if (size >= maxSize) { prune(); size = countEntries(connection); if (size >= maxSize) { logger.fine("No room in cache (" + size + ", " + maxSize + ")"); return; } } // delete( connection, key ); sql = "INSERT INTO " + cacheTableName + " (key, data, media_type, language, character_set, encoding, modification_date, tag, headers, expiration_date, document_modification_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setString(1, key); statement.setBytes(2, entry.getString() != null ? entry.getString().getBytes() : entry.getBytes()); statement.setString(3, getName(entry.getMediaType())); statement.setString(4, getName(entry.getLanguage())); statement.setString(5, getName(entry.getCharacterSet())); statement.setString(6, getName(entry.getEncoding())); statement.setTimestamp(7, entry.getModificationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getModificationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.setString(8, entry.getTag() != null ? entry.getTag().format() : null); statement.setString(9, entry.getHeaders() == null ? "" : serializeHeaders(entry.getHeaders())); statement.setTimestamp(10, entry.getExpirationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getExpirationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.setTimestamp(11, entry.getDocumentModificationDate() != null ? new Timestamp(entry.getDocumentModificationDate().getTime()) : null); statement.execute(); } finally { statement.close(); } } // Clean out existing tags for this key sql = "DELETE FROM " + cacheTagsTableName + " WHERE key=?"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setString(1, key); statement.execute(); } finally { statement.close(); } // Add tags for this key String[] tags = entry.getTags(); if ((tags != null) && (tags.length > 0)) { sql = "INSERT INTO " + cacheTagsTableName + " (key, tag) VALUES (?, ?)"; statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1, key); try { for (String tag : tags) { statement.setString(2, tag); statement.execute(); } } finally { statement.close(); } } } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not store cache entry", x); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public CacheEntry fetch(String key) { Lock lock = lockSource.getReadLock(key); lock.lock(); try { Connection connection = connect(); if (connection == null) return null; try { String sql = "SELECT data, media_type, language, character_set, encoding, modification_date, tag, headers, expiration_date, document_modification_date FROM " + cacheTableName + " WHERE key=?"; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setString(1, key); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); try { if ( { byte[] data = rs.getBytes(1); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(rs.getString(2)); Language language = Language.valueOf(rs.getString(3)); CharacterSet characterSet = CharacterSet.valueOf(rs.getString(4)); Encoding encoding = Encoding.valueOf(rs.getString(5)); Timestamp modificationDate = rs.getTimestamp(6); String tagValue = rs.getString(7); Tag tag = tagValue != null ? Tag.parse(tagValue) : null; String rawHeaders = rs.getString(8); Series<Header> headers = (rawHeaders != null) && (rawHeaders.length() > 0) ? deserializeHeaders(rawHeaders) : null; Timestamp expirationDate = rs.getTimestamp(9); Timestamp documentModificationDate = rs.getTimestamp(10); logger.fine("Fetched: " + key); CacheEntry entry; if (encoding != null) entry = new CacheEntry(data, mediaType, language, characterSet, encoding, headers, modificationDate, tag, expirationDate, documentModificationDate); else { try { entry = new CacheEntry(new String(data), mediaType, language, characterSet, null, headers, modificationDate, tag, expirationDate, documentModificationDate); } catch (IOException x) { throw new RuntimeException("Should never happen if data is not encoded!"); } } if (new java.util.Date().after(entry.getExpirationDate())) { lock.unlock(); try { logger.fine("Stale entry: " + key); delete(connection, key); // (Note that this also discarded our lock, // but we kept it as a local variable) } finally { lock.lock(); } return null; } return entry; } } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { statement.close(); } } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not fetch cache entry", x); } finally { lock.unlock(); } logger.fine("Did not fetch: " + key); return null; } public void invalidate(String tag) { try { Connection connection = connect(); if (connection == null) return; try { List<String> tagged = getTagged(connection, tag); if (tagged.isEmpty()) return; ArrayList<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<Lock>(tagged.size()); String sql = "DELETE FROM " + cacheTableName + " WHERE key IN ("; for (String key : tagged) { sql += "?,"; locks.add(lockSource.getWriteLock(key)); } sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1) + ")"; for (Lock lock : locks) lock.lock(); try { PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { int i = 1; for (String key : tagged) statement.setString(i++, key); if (!statement.execute()) logger.fine("Invalidated " + statement.getUpdateCount()); } finally { statement.close(); } for (String key : tagged) lockSource.discard(key); } finally { for (Lock lock : locks) lock.unlock(); } } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not invalidate cache tag", x); } } public void prune() { // Note that this will not discard locks try { Connection connection = connect(); if (connection == null) return; try { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + cacheTableName + " WHERE expiration_date<?"; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); if (!statement.execute()) logger.fine("Pruned " + statement.getUpdateCount()); } finally { statement.close(); } } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not prune", x); } } public void reset() { // This is not atomic, but does it matter? validateTables(true); lockSource.discardAll(); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Protected /** * Call when server is up. */ protected void up() { if (up.compareAndSet(false, true))"Up! " + dataSource); } /** * Call when server is down. */ protected void down() { if (up.compareAndSet(true, false)) logger.severe("Down! " + dataSource); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private /** * The logger. */ private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getCanonicalName()); /** * The data source. */ private final DataSource dataSource; /** * The entry table name. */ private final String cacheTableName = "prudence_cache"; /** * The tag table name. */ private final String cacheTagsTableName = "prudence_cache_tags"; /** * The current max cache size. */ private volatile int maxSize; /** * A pool of read/write locks per key. */ private final LockSource lockSource; /** * Whether the server has last been seen as up. */ private final AtomicBoolean up = new AtomicBoolean(); /** * Connect to data source. * * @return The connection or null if failed */ private Connection connect() { try { Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); up(); return connection; } catch (SQLException x) { down(); return null; } } /** * Count all entries. * * @param connection * The connection * @return The entry count * @throws SQLException */ private int countEntries(Connection connection) throws SQLException { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); try { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(key) FROM " + cacheTableName; ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql); try { if ( return rs.getInt(1); } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { statement.close(); } return -1; } /** * Delete an entry. * * @param connection * The connection * @param key * The key * @throws SQLException */ private void delete(Connection connection, String key) throws SQLException { Lock lock = lockSource.getWriteLock(key); lock.lock(); try { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + cacheTableName + " WHERE key=?"; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setString(1, key); if (!statement.execute()) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && statement.getUpdateCount() > 0) logger.fine("Deleted: " + key); } } finally { statement.close(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); lockSource.discard(key); } } /** * Gets a list of tagged keys. * * @param connection * The connection * @param tag * The tag * @return The list of tagged keys * @throws SQLException */ private List<String> getTagged(Connection connection, String tag) throws SQLException { ArrayList<String> tagged = new ArrayList<String>(); String sql = "SELECT key FROM " + cacheTagsTableName + " WHERE tag=?"; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { statement.setString(1, tag); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); try { while ( tagged.add(rs.getString(1)); } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { statement.close(); } return tagged; } /** * Metadata name. * * @param metadata * The metadata or null * @return The name or null */ private static String getName(Metadata metadata) { return metadata == null ? null : metadata.getName(); } /** * TODO: this can't be good! needs proper escaping! * * @param headers * The headers * @return The serialized headers */ private static String serializeHeaders(Series<Header> headers) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Header> i = headers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Header header =; s.append(header.getName()); s.append("="); s.append(header.getValue()); if (i.hasNext()) s.append('&'); } return s.toString(); } /** * TODO: this can't be good! needs proper escaping! * * @param string * The serialized headers * @return The headers */ private Series<Header> deserializeHeaders(String string) { Series<Header> headers = new Series<Header>(Header.class); String[] headerStrings = string.split("&"); for (String headerString : headerStrings) { String[] split = headerString.split("="); if (split.length == 2) headers.add(new Header(split[0], split[1])); } return headers; } }