Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2019 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thoughtworks.go.api.base; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.CaseInsensitiveString; import com.thoughtworks.go.spark.RequestContext; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class JsonOutputWriter { public static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); public static final JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = new JsonFactory(OBJECT_MAPPER) .disable(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET) .enable(JsonGenerator.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION); protected final Writer writer; private final RequestContext requestContext; private static final TimeZone UTC = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); public JsonOutputWriter(Writer writer, RequestContext requestContext) { this.writer = writer; this.requestContext = requestContext; } public JsonOutputWriter forTopLevelObject(Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { bufferWriterAndFlushWhenDone(writer, bufferedWriter -> { try (JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson jacksonOutputWriter = new JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson(bufferedWriter, requestContext)) { jacksonOutputWriter.forTopLevelObject(consumer); } }); return this; } public JsonOutputWriter forTopLevelArray(Consumer<OutputListWriter> consumer) { bufferWriterAndFlushWhenDone(writer, bufferedWriter -> { try (JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson jacksonOutputWriter = new JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson(writer, requestContext)) { jacksonOutputWriter.forTopLevelArray(consumer); } }); return this; } private void bufferWriterAndFlushWhenDone(Writer writer, Consumer<BufferedWriter> consumer) { BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = (writer instanceof BufferedWriter) ? (BufferedWriter) writer : new BufferedWriter(writer, 32 * 1024); try { try { consumer.accept(bufferedWriter); } finally { bufferedWriter.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static class JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson implements OutputWriter { private final RequestContext requestContext; private final JsonGenerator jacksonWriter; private JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson(Writer writer, RequestContext requestContext) { this.requestContext = requestContext; try { jacksonWriter = JSON_FACTORY.createGenerator(writer); jacksonWriter.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, String value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeStringField(key, value); }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, CaseInsensitiveString value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (value == null) { renderNull(key); } else { jacksonWriter.writeStringField(key, value.toString()); } }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson addIfNotNull(String key, String value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (value != null) { add(key, value); } }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson addIfNotNull(String key, Long value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (value != null) { add(key, value); } }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson addIfNotNull(String key, CaseInsensitiveString value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (value != null) { add(key, value); } }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson addWithDefaultIfBlank(String key, String value, String defaultValue) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { add(key, value); } else { add(key, defaultValue); } }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, int value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeNumberField(key, value); }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, boolean value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeBooleanField(key, value); }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, long value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeNumberField(key, value); }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson add(String key, Date value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeStringField(key, jsonDate(value)); }); } @Override public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson addIfNotNull(String key, Date value) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { if (value != null) { add(key, value); } }); } @Override public OutputWriter addChild(String key, Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { return new JsonOutputChildWriter(key, this).body(consumer); } @Override public OutputWriter addChildList(String key, Consumer<OutputListWriter> consumer) { return new JsonOutputListWriter(this).body(key, consumer); } @Override public OutputWriter addChildList(String key, Collection<String> values) { return new JsonOutputListWriter(this).body(key, listWriter -> values.forEach(listWriter::value)); } @Override public OutputWriter addLinks(Consumer<OutputLinkWriter> consumer) { if (null == requestContext) return this; return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { addChild("_links", (childWriter) -> { consumer.accept(new JsonOutputLinkWriter(childWriter)); }); }); } @Override public OutputWriter addEmbedded(Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { return new JsonOutputChildWriter("_embedded", this).body(consumer); } @Override public OutputWriter add(String key, JsonNode jsonNode) { return withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeFieldName(key); jacksonWriter.writeTree(jsonNode); }); } @Override public void renderNull(String key) { withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeFieldName(key); jacksonWriter.writeTree(null); }); } private JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson withExceptionHandling(ConsumerWhichThrows consumerWhichThrows) { consumerWhichThrows.accept(this.jacksonWriter); return this; } @FunctionalInterface interface ConsumerWhichThrows extends Consumer<JsonGenerator> { void acceptWhichThrows(JsonGenerator writer) throws Exception; @Override default void accept(JsonGenerator writer) { try { acceptWhichThrows(writer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private void forTopLevelObject(Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { try { withExceptionHandling(writer -> { writer.writeStartObject(); consumer.accept(this); writer.writeEndObject(); }); } catch (Exception e) { makeOutputAnInvalidJSON(); throw e; } } private void forTopLevelArray(Consumer<OutputListWriter> consumer) { try { withExceptionHandling(writer -> { new JsonOutputListWriter(this).startArrayWithoutName(consumer); }); } catch (Exception e) { makeOutputAnInvalidJSON(); throw e; } } private void makeOutputAnInvalidJSON() { try { // we perform a writeRaw because the writer does not allow emitting things that will // otherwise generate bad json this.jacksonWriter.writeRaw("{"); this.jacksonWriter.writeRaw("\"Failed due to an exception. Please check the logs.\""); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } @Override public void close() { if (!this.jacksonWriter.isClosed()) { withExceptionHandling(JsonGenerator::close); } } public class JsonOutputChildWriter { private String key; private JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson parentWriter; JsonOutputChildWriter(String key, JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson parentWriter) { this.key = key; this.parentWriter = parentWriter; } public JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson body(Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { return parentWriter.withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeFieldName(key); jacksonWriter.writeStartObject(); consumer.accept(parentWriter); jacksonWriter.writeEndObject(); }); } } public class JsonOutputListWriter implements OutputListWriter { private final JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson parentWriter; JsonOutputListWriter(JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson parentWriter) { this.parentWriter = parentWriter; } private JsonOutputWriterUsingJackson body(String key, Consumer<OutputListWriter> consumer) { return parentWriter.withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeFieldName(key); startArrayWithoutName(consumer); }); } private void startArrayWithoutName(Consumer<OutputListWriter> consumer) { parentWriter.withExceptionHandling(jacksonWriter -> { jacksonWriter.writeStartArray(); consumer.accept(this); jacksonWriter.writeEndArray(); }); } @Override public JsonOutputListWriter value(String value) { parentWriter.withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> jacksonWriter.writeString(value)); return this; } @Override public JsonOutputListWriter addChild(Consumer<OutputWriter> consumer) { parentWriter.withExceptionHandling((jacksonWriter) -> { jacksonWriter.writeStartObject(); consumer.accept(parentWriter); jacksonWriter.writeEndObject(); }); return this; } } public class JsonOutputLinkWriter implements OutputLinkWriter { private OutputWriter parentWriter; JsonOutputLinkWriter(OutputWriter parentWriter) { this.parentWriter = parentWriter; } @Override public JsonOutputLinkWriter addLink(String key, String href) { return addAbsoluteLink(key,, href).getHref()); } @Override public JsonOutputLinkWriter addAbsoluteLink(String key, String href) { parentWriter.addChild(key, innerChildWriter -> { innerChildWriter.add("href", href); }); return this; } } } public static String jsonDate(Date value) { return value == null ? null : ISO8601Utils.format(value, false, UTC); } }