Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * Licensed to The Android Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* ========================================================================== */ /* Modifications on Features list / Changes Request / Problems Report */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* date | author | Key | comment */ /* ----------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------- */ /* 05/29/2014| zhonghua.tuo | FR 670064 |email search fun- */ /* | | |ction */ /* ----------|----------------------|----------------------|----------------- */ /******************************************************************************/ /* ========================================================================== *HISTORY * *Tag Date Author Description *============== ============ =============== ============================== *CONFLICT-50002 2014/10/24 zhaotianyong Modify the package conflict *CONFLICT-20001 2014/10/24 wenggangjin Modify the package conflict *BUGFIX-868520 2014/12/16 wenggangjin [Android5.0][Email][Monkey][Crash] crashs during monkey test *BUGFIX-936788 2015/03/03 zheng.zou [Monkey][Crash] *BUGFIX-526255 2015-09-01 zheng.zou CR:swipe to delete or star unstar email *BUGFIX-539892 2015-09-01 zheng.zou CR:in email list view, group email with time range and show time range in column *BUGFIX_712503 2015/10/10 lin-zhou [Android L][Email][Force close]Press garbage can icon, force close happened *FR_1098700 2015/10/28 yanhua.chen <18433><EM1>EMAIL *BUGFIX_1962268 2016/04/18 tao.gan [Stability][Crash][Email]During stability test,the Crash ============================================================================ */ package com.tct.mail.ui; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.AnimatorSet; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; //TS:MOD by zhaotianyong for CONFLICT_50002 START //import; import com.tct.fw.bitmap.BitmapCache; //TS:MOD by zhaotianyong for CONFLICT_50002 END import; import com.tct.mail.ConversationListContext; import com.tct.mail.utils.*; //TS: MOD by wenggangjin for CONFLICT_20001 START //import; //import; import; import; import; import com.tct.mail.bitmap.ContactResolver; import com.tct.mail.browse.ConversationCursor; import com.tct.mail.browse.ConversationItemView; import com.tct.mail.browse.SwipeableConversationItemView; import com.tct.mail.browse.ConversationItemViewCoordinates.CoordinatesCache; import com.tct.mail.providers.Account; import com.tct.mail.providers.AccountObserver; import com.tct.mail.providers.Conversation; import com.tct.mail.providers.Folder; import com.tct.mail.providers.UIProvider; import com.tct.mail.providers.UIProvider.ConversationListIcon; import com.tct.mail.ui.SwipeableListView.ListItemsRemovedListener; //TS: MOD by wenggangjin for CONFLICT_20001 END import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class AnimatedAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter { private static int sDismissAllShortDelay = -1; private static int sDismissAllLongDelay = -1; private static final String LAST_DELETING_ITEMS = "last_deleting_items"; private static final String LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_DATA = "leave_behind_item_data"; private static final String LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_ID = "leave_behind_item_id"; private final static int TYPE_VIEW_CONVERSATION = 0; private final static int TYPE_VIEW_FOOTER = 1; private final static int TYPE_VIEW_HEADER = 2; private final static int TYPE_VIEW_DONT_RECYCLE = -1; private final HashSet<Long> mDeletingItems = new HashSet<Long>(); private final ArrayList<Long> mLastDeletingItems = new ArrayList<Long>(); private final HashSet<Long> mUndoingItems = new HashSet<Long>(); private final HashSet<Long> mSwipeDeletingItems = new HashSet<Long>(); private final HashSet<Long> mSwipeUndoingItems = new HashSet<Long>(); private final HashMap<Long, SwipeableConversationItemView> mAnimatingViews = new HashMap<Long, SwipeableConversationItemView>(); private final HashMap<Long, LeaveBehindItem> mFadeLeaveBehindItems = new HashMap<Long, LeaveBehindItem>(); /** The current account */ private Account mAccount; private final Context mContext; private final ConversationSelectionSet mBatchConversations; private Runnable mCountDown; private final Handler mHandler; protected long mLastLeaveBehind = -1; private View mNoneHeightView; //[FEATURE]-Add-BEGIN by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo,05/29/2014,FR 670064 private String mQueryText; private int mField; //[FEATURE]-Add-END by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo /// TCT: add search params. private ConversationListContext mListContext; private int mCount; //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_S private HashMap<Long, Integer> cachePosition = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_E private final AnimatorListener mAnimatorListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { cachePosition.clear(); if (!mUndoingItems.isEmpty()) { mDeletingItems.clear(); mLastDeletingItems.clear(); mSwipeDeletingItems.clear(); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { Object obj; if (animation instanceof AnimatorSet) { AnimatorSet set = (AnimatorSet) animation; obj = ((ObjectAnimator) set.getChildAnimations().get(0)).getTarget(); } else { obj = ((ObjectAnimator) animation).getTarget(); } updateAnimatingConversationItems(obj, mSwipeDeletingItems); updateAnimatingConversationItems(obj, mDeletingItems); updateAnimatingConversationItems(obj, mSwipeUndoingItems); updateAnimatingConversationItems(obj, mUndoingItems); if (hasFadeLeaveBehinds() && obj instanceof LeaveBehindItem) { LeaveBehindItem objItem = (LeaveBehindItem) obj; clearLeaveBehind(objItem.getConversationId()); objItem.commit(); if (!hasFadeLeaveBehinds()) { // Cancel any existing animations on the remaining leave behind // item and start fading in text immediately. LeaveBehindItem item = getLastLeaveBehindItem(); if (item != null) { boolean cancelled = item.cancelFadeInTextAnimationIfNotStarted(); if (cancelled) { item.startFadeInTextAnimation(0 /* delay start */); } } } // The view types have changed, since the animating views are gone. notifyDataSetChanged(); } if (!isAnimating()) { mActivity.onAnimationEnd(AnimatedAdapter.this); } } }; /** * The next action to perform. Do not read or write this. All accesses should * be in {@link #performAndSetNextAction(ListItemsRemovedListener)} which * commits the previous action, if any. */ private ListItemsRemovedListener mPendingDestruction; /** * A destructive action that refreshes the list and performs no other action. */ private final ListItemsRemovedListener mRefreshAction = new ListItemsRemovedListener() { @Override public void onListItemsRemoved() { notifyDataSetChanged(); } }; public interface Listener { void onAnimationEnd(AnimatedAdapter adapter); } private View mFooter; private boolean mShowFooter; private List<View> mHeaders = Lists.newArrayList(); private Folder mFolder; private final SwipeableListView mListView; private boolean mSwipeEnabled; //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_S private final HashMap<Long, LeaveBehindItem> mLeaveBehindItems = Maps.newHashMap(); private final HashMap<Long, SwipeableConversationItemView> mSwipeItems = Maps.newHashMap(); private final HashSet<Long> mAnimatingItems = new HashSet<Long>(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_E /** True if importance markers are enabled, false otherwise. */ private boolean mImportanceMarkersEnabled; /** * True if chevrons (personal level indicators) should be shown: * an arrow ( ) by messages sent to my address (not a mailing list), * and a double arrow ( ) by messages sent only to me. */ private boolean mShowChevronsEnabled; private final ControllableActivity mActivity; private final AccountObserver mAccountListener = new AccountObserver() { @Override public void onChanged(Account newAccount) { if (setAccount(newAccount)) { notifyDataSetChanged(); } } }; /** * A list of all views that are not conversations. These include temporary views from * {@link #mFleetingViews}. */ private final SparseArray<ConversationSpecialItemView> mSpecialViews; //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_S private final SparseArray<ConversationTimeColumnView> mColumnViews; private Set<Integer> mColumnPositions = new HashSet<>(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_E private final CoordinatesCache mCoordinatesCache = new CoordinatesCache(); /** * Temporary views insert at specific positions relative to conversations. These can be * related to showing new features (on-boarding) or showing information about new mailboxes * that have been added by the system. */ private final List<ConversationSpecialItemView> mFleetingViews; private final BidiFormatter mBidiFormatter = BidiFormatter.getInstance(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_S private AnimatorListener animatorListener = new AnimatorListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { Object obj = ((ObjectAnimator) animation).getTarget(); long id = -1; if (obj instanceof ConversationItemView) { id = ((ConversationItemView) obj).getConversation().id; } else if (obj instanceof SwipeableConversationItemView) { id = ((SwipeableConversationItemView) obj).getConversation().id; } if (id != -1) { SwipeableConversationItemView item = mSwipeItems.remove(id); if (item.getSwipeAction() == { //TS: lin-zhou 2015-10-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_712503 MOD_S if (getConversationCursor() != null) { getConversationCursor().delete(Conversation.listOf(item.getConversation())); } //TS: lin-zhou 2015-10-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_712503 MOD_E } mAnimatingItems.remove(id); notifyDataSetChanged(); } } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) { } }; //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_E /** * @return <code>true</code> if a relevant part of the account has changed, <code>false</code> * otherwise */ private boolean setAccount(Account newAccount) { final boolean accountChanged; if (mAccount != null && mAccount.uri.equals(newAccount.uri) && mAccount.settings.importanceMarkersEnabled == newAccount.settings.importanceMarkersEnabled && mAccount.supportsCapability(UIProvider.AccountCapabilities.UNDO) == newAccount .supportsCapability(UIProvider.AccountCapabilities.UNDO) && mAccount.settings.convListIcon == newAccount.settings.convListIcon) { accountChanged = false; } else { accountChanged = true; } mAccount = newAccount; mImportanceMarkersEnabled = mAccount.settings.importanceMarkersEnabled; mShowChevronsEnabled = mAccount.settings.showChevronsEnabled; mSwipeEnabled = mAccount.supportsCapability(UIProvider.AccountCapabilities.UNDO); Analytics.getInstance().setCustomDimension(Analytics.CD_INDEX_SENDER_IMAGES_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(newAccount.settings.convListIcon == ConversationListIcon.SENDER_IMAGE)); Analytics.getInstance().setCustomDimension(Analytics.CD_INDEX_REPLY_ALL_SETTING, (newAccount.settings.replyBehavior == UIProvider.DefaultReplyBehavior.REPLY) ? "reply" : "reply_all"); Analytics.getInstance().setCustomDimension(Analytics.CD_INDEX_AUTO_ADVANCE, UIProvider.AutoAdvance.getAutoAdvanceStr(newAccount.settings.getAutoAdvanceSetting())); return accountChanged; } private static final String LOG_TAG = LogTag.getLogTag(); private static final int INCREASE_WAIT_COUNT = 2; private final BitmapCache mSendersImagesCache; private final ContactResolver mContactResolver; public AnimatedAdapter(Context context, ConversationCursor cursor, ConversationSelectionSet batch, ControllableActivity activity, SwipeableListView listView, final List<ConversationSpecialItemView> specialViews) { super(context, -1, cursor, UIProvider.CONVERSATION_PROJECTION, null, 0); mContext = context; mBatchConversations = batch; setAccount(mAccountListener.initialize(activity.getAccountController())); mActivity = activity; mShowFooter = false; mListView = listView; /// M: add search params @{ ActivityController controller = (ActivityController) mActivity.getAccountController(); mListContext = controller.getCurrentListContext(); /// @} mSendersImagesCache = mActivity.getSenderImageCache(); mContactResolver = mActivity.getContactResolver(mContext.getContentResolver(), mSendersImagesCache); mHandler = new Handler(); if (sDismissAllShortDelay == -1) { final Resources r = context.getResources(); sDismissAllShortDelay = r.getInteger(R.integer.dismiss_all_leavebehinds_short_delay); sDismissAllLongDelay = r.getInteger(R.integer.dismiss_all_leavebehinds_long_delay); } if (specialViews != null) { mFleetingViews = new ArrayList<ConversationSpecialItemView>(specialViews); } else { mFleetingViews = new ArrayList<ConversationSpecialItemView>(0); } /** Total number of special views */ final int size = mFleetingViews.size(); mSpecialViews = new SparseArray<ConversationSpecialItemView>(size); mColumnViews = new SparseArray<ConversationTimeColumnView>(size); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD // Set the adapter in teaser views. for (final ConversationSpecialItemView view : mFleetingViews) { view.setAdapter(this); } updateSpecialViews(); } public void cancelDismissCounter() { cancelLeaveBehindFadeInAnimation(); mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCountDown); } public void startDismissCounter() { if (mLeaveBehindItems.size() > INCREASE_WAIT_COUNT) { mHandler.postDelayed(mCountDown, sDismissAllLongDelay); } else { mHandler.postDelayed(mCountDown, sDismissAllShortDelay); } } public final void destroy() { // Set a null cursor in the adapter swapCursor(null); mAccountListener.unregisterAndDestroy(); } @Override public int getCount() { // mSpecialViews only contains the views that are currently being displayed final int specialViewCount = mSpecialViews.size(); return super.getCount() + specialViewCount + mColumnViews.size() + //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 MOD (mShowFooter ? 1 : 0) + mHeaders.size(); } /** * Add a conversation to the undo set, but only if its deletion is still cached. If the * deletion has already been written through and the cursor doesn't have it anymore, we can't * handle it here, and should instead rely on the cursor refresh to restore the item. * @param item id for the conversation that is being undeleted. * @return true if the conversation is still cached and therefore we will handle the undo. */ private boolean addUndoingItem(final long item) { //TS: Gantao 2015-10-16 EMAIL BUGFIX-ID ADD_S //java.lang.NullPointerException if (getConversationCursor() == null) { return false; } //TS: Gantao 2015-10-16 EMAIL BUGFIX-ID ADD_E if (getConversationCursor().getUnderlyingPosition(item) >= 0) { mUndoingItems.add(item); return true; } return false; } public void setUndo(boolean undo) { if (undo) { boolean itemAdded = false; if (!mLastDeletingItems.isEmpty()) { for (Long item : mLastDeletingItems) { itemAdded |= addUndoingItem(item); } mLastDeletingItems.clear(); } if (mLastLeaveBehind != -1) { itemAdded |= addUndoingItem(mLastLeaveBehind); mLastLeaveBehind = -1; } // Start animation, only if we're handling the undo. if (itemAdded) { notifyDataSetChanged(); performAndSetNextAction(mRefreshAction); } } } public void setSwipeUndo(boolean undo) { if (undo) { if (!mLastDeletingItems.isEmpty()) { mSwipeUndoingItems.addAll(mLastDeletingItems); mLastDeletingItems.clear(); } if (mLastLeaveBehind != -1) { mSwipeUndoingItems.add(mLastLeaveBehind); mLastLeaveBehind = -1; } // Start animation notifyDataSetChanged(); performAndSetNextAction(mRefreshAction); } } public View createConversationItemView(SwipeableConversationItemView view, Context context, Conversation conv) { if (view == null) { view = new SwipeableConversationItemView(context, mAccount.getEmailAddress()); } //[FEATURE]-Add-BEGIN by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo,05/29/2014,FR 670064 view.getSwipeableItemView().setQueryInfo(mQueryText, mField); //[FEATURE]-Add-END by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo view.bind(conv, mActivity, mBatchConversations, mFolder, getCheckboxSetting(), mSwipeEnabled, mImportanceMarkersEnabled, mShowChevronsEnabled, this, /*TCT:*/ mListContext.getSearchParams()); return view; } @Override public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } @Override public int getViewTypeCount() { // TYPE_VIEW_CONVERSATION, TYPE_VIEW_DELETING, TYPE_VIEW_UNDOING, and // TYPE_VIEW_FOOTER, TYPE_VIEW_LEAVEBEHIND. return 5; } @Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { // Try to recycle views. if (mHeaders.size() > position) { return TYPE_VIEW_HEADER; } else if (mShowFooter && position == getCount() - 1) { return TYPE_VIEW_FOOTER; } else if (hasLeaveBehinds() || isAnimating()) { // Setting as type -1 means the recycler won't take this view and // return it in get view. This is a bit of a "hammer" in that it // won't let even safe views be recycled here, // but its safer and cheaper than trying to determine individual // types. In a future release, use position/id map to try to make // this cleaner / faster to determine if the view is animating. return TYPE_VIEW_DONT_RECYCLE; } else if (mSpecialViews.get(getSpecialViewsPos(position)) != null) { // Don't recycle the special views return TYPE_VIEW_DONT_RECYCLE; } return TYPE_VIEW_CONVERSATION; } /** * Deletes the selected conversations from the conversation list view with a * translation and then a shrink. These conversations <b>must</b> have their * {@link Conversation#position} set to the position of these conversations * among the list. This will only remove the element from the list. The job * of deleting the actual element is left to the the listener. This listener * will be called when the animations are complete and is required to delete * the conversation. * @param conversations * @param listener */ public void swipeDelete(Collection<Conversation> conversations, ListItemsRemovedListener listener) { delete(conversations, listener, mSwipeDeletingItems); } /** * Deletes the selected conversations from the conversation list view by * shrinking them away. These conversations <b>must</b> have their * {@link Conversation#position} set to the position of these conversations * among the list. This will only remove the element from the list. The job * of deleting the actual element is left to the the listener. This listener * will be called when the animations are complete and is required to delete * the conversation. * @param conversations * @param listener */ public void delete(Collection<Conversation> conversations, ListItemsRemovedListener listener) { delete(conversations, listener, mDeletingItems); } private void delete(Collection<Conversation> conversations, ListItemsRemovedListener listener, HashSet<Long> list) { // Clear out any remaining items and add the new ones mLastDeletingItems.clear(); // Since we are deleting new items, clear any remaining undo items mUndoingItems.clear(); final int startPosition = mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); final int endPosition = mListView.getLastVisiblePosition(); // Only animate visible items for (Conversation c : conversations) { //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_S Integer position = cachePosition.get(; if (position == null) { continue; } if (position >= startPosition && position <= endPosition) { mLastDeletingItems.add(; list.add(; } //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_E } if (list.isEmpty()) { // If we have no deleted items on screen, skip the animation listener.onListItemsRemoved(); // If we have an action queued up, perform it performAndSetNextAction(null); } else { performAndSetNextAction(listener); } notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { if (mHeaders.size() > position) { return mHeaders.get(position); } else if (mShowFooter && position == getCount() - 1) { return mFooter; } // Check if this is a special view final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView = mSpecialViews.get(getSpecialViewsPos(position)); if (specialView != null) { specialView.onGetView(); return (View) specialView; } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_S final ConversationTimeColumnView timeColumnView = mColumnViews.get(position); if (timeColumnView != null) { return timeColumnView; } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_E Utils.traceBeginSection("AA.getView"); final ConversationCursor cursor = (ConversationCursor) getItem(position); final Conversation conv = cursor.getConversation(); // Notify the provider of this change in the position of Conversation cursor cursor.notifyUIPositionChange(); //TS: Gantao 2015-11-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_861237 ADD_S //FIXME: what to do if conv is null or why conv is null?? if (conv == null) { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Null conversation while get item view"); if (mNoneHeightView == null) { mNoneHeightView = new LinearLayout(mContext, null); } //Just return the 0 height view if conv is null return mNoneHeightView; } //TS: Gantao 2015-11-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_861237 ADD_E //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_S cachePosition.put(, position); //TS: Lin-zhou 2015-03-04 EMAIL BUGFIX_1278489 ADD_E if (isPositionUndoing( { return getUndoingView(position - getPositionOffset(position), conv, parent, false /* don't show swipe background */); } if (isPositionUndoingSwipe( { return getUndoingView(position - getPositionOffset(position), conv, parent, true /* show swipe background */); } else if (isPositionDeleting( { return getDeletingView(position - getPositionOffset(position), conv, parent, false); } else if (isPositionSwipeDeleting( { return getDeletingView(position - getPositionOffset(position), conv, parent, true); } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 MOD_S // if (hasFadeLeaveBehinds()) { // if(isPositionFadeLeaveBehind(conv)) { // LeaveBehindItem fade = getFadeLeaveBehindItem(position, conv); // if (fade.getSwipeAction() =={ // fade.startShrinkAnimation(mAnimatorListener); // } else { // fade.startFadeInAnimation(mAnimatorListener); // } // Utils.traceEndSection(); // return fade; // } // } // if (hasLeaveBehinds()) { // if (isPositionLeaveBehind(conv)) { // final LeaveBehindItem fadeIn = getLeaveBehindItem(conv); // if ( == mLastLeaveBehind) { // // If it looks like the person is doing a lot of rapid // // swipes, wait patiently before animating // if (mLeaveBehindItems.size() > INCREASE_WAIT_COUNT) { // if (fadeIn.isAnimating()) { // fadeIn.increaseFadeInDelay(sDismissAllLongDelay); // } else { // fadeIn.startFadeInTextAnimation(sDismissAllLongDelay,animatorListener); // } // } else { // // Otherwise, assume they are just doing 1 and wait less time // fadeIn.startFadeInTextAnimation(sDismissAllShortDelay /* delay start */,animatorListener); // } // } // Utils.traceEndSection(); // return fadeIn; // } // } if (!mSwipeItems.isEmpty()) { SwipeableConversationItemView fadeIn = mSwipeItems.get(; if (fadeIn != null && !mAnimatingItems.contains( { if (fadeIn.getSwipeAction() == { fadeIn.startShrinkAnimation(animatorListener); } else { fadeIn.getSwipeableItemView().setAlpha(0f); fadeIn.getSwipeableItemView().setTranslationX(0f); fadeIn.startFadeInAnimation(animatorListener); } mAnimatingItems.add(; return fadeIn; } else if (fadeIn != null) { return fadeIn; } } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 MOD_E if (convertView != null && !(convertView instanceof SwipeableConversationItemView)) { LogUtils.w(LOG_TAG, "Incorrect convert view received; nulling it out"); convertView = newView(mContext, cursor, parent); } else if (convertView != null) { //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_S SwipeableConversationItemView swipeableConversationItemView = ((SwipeableConversationItemView) convertView); if (swipeableConversationItemView.isAnimating()) { swipeableConversationItemView.stopAnimation(); } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_E ((SwipeableConversationItemView) convertView).reset(); } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_S SwipeableConversationItemView itemView = (SwipeableConversationItemView) convertView; if (itemView == null) { itemView = new SwipeableConversationItemView(mContext, mAccount.getEmailAddress()); } ConversationItemView conversationItemView = itemView.getSwipeableItemView(); conversationItemView.setWillDrawDivider(!isAboveTimeColumn(position)); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_E final View v = createConversationItemView((SwipeableConversationItemView) convertView, mContext, conv); Utils.traceEndSection(); return v; } private boolean hasLeaveBehinds() { return !mLeaveBehindItems.isEmpty(); } private boolean hasFadeLeaveBehinds() { return !mFadeLeaveBehindItems.isEmpty(); } public LeaveBehindItem setupLeaveBehind(Conversation target, ToastBarOperation undoOp, int deletedRow, int viewHeight) { cancelLeaveBehindFadeInAnimation(); mLastLeaveBehind =; fadeOutLeaveBehindItems(); final LeaveBehindItem leaveBehind = (LeaveBehindItem) LayoutInflater.from(mContext) .inflate(R.layout.swipe_leavebehind, mListView, false); leaveBehind.bind(deletedRow, mAccount, this, undoOp, target, mFolder, viewHeight); mLeaveBehindItems.put(, leaveBehind); mLastDeletingItems.add(; return leaveBehind; } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_S public void setupSwipeItem(Conversation target, SwipeableConversationItemView itemView) { mSwipeItems.put(, itemView); } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_526255 ADD_E public void fadeOutSpecificLeaveBehindItem(long id) { if (mLastLeaveBehind == id) { mLastLeaveBehind = -1; } startFadeOutLeaveBehindItemsAnimations(); } // This should kick off a timer such that there is a minimum time each item // shows up before being dismissed. That way if the user is swiping away // items in rapid succession, their finger position is maintained. public void fadeOutLeaveBehindItems() { if (mCountDown == null) { mCountDown = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startFadeOutLeaveBehindItemsAnimations(); } }; } else { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCountDown); } // Clear all the text since these are no longer clickable Iterator<Entry<Long, LeaveBehindItem>> i = mLeaveBehindItems.entrySet().iterator(); LeaveBehindItem item; while (i.hasNext()) { item =; Conversation conv = item.getData(); if (mLastLeaveBehind == -1 || != mLastLeaveBehind) { item.cancelFadeInTextAnimation(); item.makeInert(); } } startDismissCounter(); } protected void startFadeOutLeaveBehindItemsAnimations() { final int startPosition = mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); final int endPosition = mListView.getLastVisiblePosition(); if (hasLeaveBehinds()) { // If the item is visible, fade it out. Otherwise, just remove // it. Iterator<Entry<Long, LeaveBehindItem>> i = mLeaveBehindItems.entrySet().iterator(); LeaveBehindItem item; while (i.hasNext()) { item =; Conversation conv = item.getData(); if (mLastLeaveBehind == -1 || != mLastLeaveBehind) { if (conv.position >= startPosition && conv.position <= endPosition) { mFadeLeaveBehindItems.put(, item); } else { item.commit(); } i.remove(); } } cancelLeaveBehindFadeInAnimation(); } if (!mLastDeletingItems.isEmpty()) { mLastDeletingItems.clear(); } notifyDataSetChanged(); } private void cancelLeaveBehindFadeInAnimation() { LeaveBehindItem leaveBehind = getLastLeaveBehindItem(); if (leaveBehind != null) { leaveBehind.cancelFadeInTextAnimation(); } } public CoordinatesCache getCoordinatesCache() { return mCoordinatesCache; } public BidiFormatter getBidiFormatter() { return mBidiFormatter; } public SwipeableListView getListView() { return mListView; } public void commitLeaveBehindItems(boolean animate) { // Remove any previously existing leave behinds. boolean changed = false; if (hasLeaveBehinds()) { for (LeaveBehindItem item : mLeaveBehindItems.values()) { if (animate) { mFadeLeaveBehindItems.put(item.getConversationId(), item); } else { item.commit(); } } changed = true; mLastLeaveBehind = -1; mLeaveBehindItems.clear(); } if (hasFadeLeaveBehinds() && !animate) { // Find any fading leave behind items and commit them all, too. for (LeaveBehindItem item : mFadeLeaveBehindItems.values()) { item.commit(); } mFadeLeaveBehindItems.clear(); changed = true; } if (!mLastDeletingItems.isEmpty()) { mLastDeletingItems.clear(); changed = true; } for (final ConversationSpecialItemView view : mFleetingViews) { if (view.commitLeaveBehindItem()) { changed = true; } } if (changed) { notifyDataSetChanged(); } } private LeaveBehindItem getLeaveBehindItem(Conversation target) { return mLeaveBehindItems.get(; } private LeaveBehindItem getFadeLeaveBehindItem(int position, Conversation target) { return mFadeLeaveBehindItems.get(; } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { if ((mHeaders.size() > position) || (mShowFooter && position == getCount() - 1)) { return -1; } final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView = mSpecialViews.get(getSpecialViewsPos(position)); if (specialView != null) { // TODO(skennedy) We probably want something better than this return specialView.hashCode(); } final int cursorPos = position - getPositionOffset(position); // advance the cursor to the right position and read the cached conversation, if present // // (no need to have CursorAdapter check mDataValid because in our incarnation without // FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER, mDataValid is effectively identical to mCursor being // non-null) final ConversationCursor cursor = getConversationCursor(); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToPosition(cursorPos)) { final Conversation conv = cursor.getCachedConversation(); if (conv != null) { return; } } return super.getItemId(cursorPos); } /** * @param position The position in the cursor */ private View getDeletingView(int position, Conversation conversation, ViewGroup parent, boolean swipe) { conversation.position = position; SwipeableConversationItemView deletingView = mAnimatingViews.get(; if (deletingView == null) { // The undo animation consists of fading in the conversation that // had been destroyed. deletingView = newConversationItemView(position, parent, conversation); deletingView.startDeleteAnimation(mAnimatorListener, swipe); } return deletingView; } /** * @param position The position in the cursor */ private View getUndoingView(int position, Conversation conv, ViewGroup parent, boolean swipe) { conv.position = position; SwipeableConversationItemView undoView = mAnimatingViews.get(; if (undoView == null) { // The undo animation consists of fading in the conversation that // had been destroyed. undoView = newConversationItemView(position, parent, conv); undoView.startUndoAnimation(mAnimatorListener, swipe); } return undoView; } @Override public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) { return new SwipeableConversationItemView(context, mAccount.getEmailAddress()); } @Override public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { // no-op. we only get here from newConversationItemView(), which will immediately bind // on its own. } private SwipeableConversationItemView newConversationItemView(int position, ViewGroup parent, Conversation conversation) { SwipeableConversationItemView view = (SwipeableConversationItemView) super.getView(position, null, parent); view.reset(); view.bind(conversation, mActivity, mBatchConversations, mFolder, getCheckboxSetting(), mSwipeEnabled, mImportanceMarkersEnabled, mShowChevronsEnabled, this, /** TCT: add for search highlight*/ mListContext.getSearchParams()); mAnimatingViews.put(, view); return view; } private int getCheckboxSetting() { return mAccount != null ? mAccount.settings.convListIcon : ConversationListIcon.DEFAULT; } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView = mSpecialViews.get(getSpecialViewsPos(position)); final ConversationTimeColumnView comlumnView = mColumnViews.get(position); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD //TS: zheng.zou 2015-03-03 EMAIL BUGFIX_936788 ADD_S //should not be negative, and do not pass the value to cursor and return early, //or it will cause CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException if (position < 0) { return null; } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-03-03 EMAIL BUGFIX_936788 ADD_E //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-16 EMAIL BUGFIX_873727 MOD_S // if (mHeaders.size() > position) { if (mHeaders.size() > position && position >= 0) { //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-16 EMAIL BUGFIX_873727 MOD_E return mHeaders.get(position); } else if (mShowFooter && position == getCount() - 1) { return mFooter; } else if (specialView != null) { return specialView; } else if (comlumnView != null) { //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD return comlumnView; } return super.getItem(position - getPositionOffset(position)); } private boolean isPositionDeleting(long id) { return mDeletingItems.contains(id); } private boolean isPositionSwipeDeleting(long id) { return mSwipeDeletingItems.contains(id); } private boolean isPositionUndoing(long id) { return mUndoingItems.contains(id); } private boolean isPositionUndoingSwipe(long id) { return mSwipeUndoingItems.contains(id); } private boolean isPositionLeaveBehind(Conversation conv) { return hasLeaveBehinds() && mLeaveBehindItems.containsKey( && conv.isMostlyDead(); } private boolean isPositionFadeLeaveBehind(Conversation conv) { return hasFadeLeaveBehinds() && mFadeLeaveBehindItems.containsKey( && conv.isMostlyDead(); } /** * Performs the pending destruction, if any and assigns the next pending action. * @param next The next action that is to be performed, possibly null (if no next action is * needed). */ private void performAndSetNextAction(ListItemsRemovedListener next) { if (mPendingDestruction != null) { mPendingDestruction.onListItemsRemoved(); } mPendingDestruction = next; } private void updateAnimatingConversationItems(Object obj, HashSet<Long> items) { if (!items.isEmpty()) { if (obj instanceof ConversationItemView) { final ConversationItemView target = (ConversationItemView) obj; final long id = target.getConversation().id; items.remove(id); mAnimatingViews.remove(id); if (items.isEmpty()) { performAndSetNextAction(null); notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } } @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() { // The animating items and some special views are not enabled. return false; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(final int position) { final ConversationSpecialItemView view = mSpecialViews.get(position); if (view != null) { final boolean enabled = view.acceptsUserTaps(); LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "AA.isEnabled(%d) = %b", position, enabled); return enabled; } return !isPositionDeleting(position) && !isPositionUndoing(position); } public void setFooterVisibility(boolean show) { if (mShowFooter != show) { mShowFooter = show; notifyDataSetChanged(); } } public void addFooter(View footerView) { mFooter = footerView; } public void addHeader(View headerView) { mHeaders.add(headerView); } //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-10-28 EMAIL FR_1098700 ADD_S public void removeHeader(View headerView) { mHeaders.remove(headerView); } //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-10-28 EMAIL FR_1098700 ADD_E //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 ADD_S public boolean containsHeader(View headerView) { return mHeaders.contains(headerView); } //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 ADD_E public void setFolder(Folder folder) { mFolder = folder; } public void clearLeaveBehind(long itemId) { if (hasLeaveBehinds() && mLeaveBehindItems.containsKey(itemId)) { mLeaveBehindItems.remove(itemId); } else if (hasFadeLeaveBehinds()) { mFadeLeaveBehindItems.remove(itemId); } else { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Trying to clear a non-existant leave behind"); } if (mLastLeaveBehind == itemId) { mLastLeaveBehind = -1; } } public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { long[] lastDeleting = new long[mLastDeletingItems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < lastDeleting.length; i++) { lastDeleting[i] = mLastDeletingItems.get(i); } outState.putLongArray(LAST_DELETING_ITEMS, lastDeleting); if (hasLeaveBehinds()) { if (mLastLeaveBehind != -1) { outState.putParcelable(LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_DATA, mLeaveBehindItems.get(mLastLeaveBehind).getLeaveBehindData()); outState.putLong(LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_ID, mLastLeaveBehind); } for (LeaveBehindItem item : mLeaveBehindItems.values()) { if (mLastLeaveBehind == -1 || item.getData().id != mLastLeaveBehind) { item.commit(); } } } } public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (outState.containsKey(LAST_DELETING_ITEMS)) { final long[] lastDeleting = outState.getLongArray(LAST_DELETING_ITEMS); for (final long aLastDeleting : lastDeleting) { mLastDeletingItems.add(aLastDeleting); } } if (outState.containsKey(LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_DATA)) { LeaveBehindData left = (LeaveBehindData) outState.getParcelable(LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_DATA); mLeaveBehindItems.put(outState.getLong(LEAVE_BEHIND_ITEM_ID), setupLeaveBehind(, left.op,, left.height)); } } /** * Return if the adapter is in the process of animating anything. */ public boolean isAnimating() { return !mUndoingItems.isEmpty() || !mSwipeUndoingItems.isEmpty() || hasFadeLeaveBehinds() || !mDeletingItems.isEmpty() || !mSwipeDeletingItems.isEmpty(); } /** * Forcibly clear any internal state that would cause {@link #isAnimating()} to return true. * Call this in times of desperation, when you really, really want to trash state and just * start over. */ public void clearAnimationState() { if (!isAnimating()) { return; } mUndoingItems.clear(); mSwipeUndoingItems.clear(); mFadeLeaveBehindItems.clear(); mDeletingItems.clear(); mSwipeDeletingItems.clear(); mAnimatingViews.clear(); LogUtils.w(LOG_TAG, "AA.clearAnimationState forcibly cleared state, this=%s", this); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{"); sb.append(super.toString()); sb.append(" mUndoingItems="); sb.append(mUndoingItems); sb.append(" mSwipeUndoingItems="); sb.append(mSwipeUndoingItems); sb.append(" mDeletingItems="); sb.append(mDeletingItems); sb.append(" mSwipeDeletingItems="); sb.append(mSwipeDeletingItems); sb.append(" mLeaveBehindItems="); sb.append(mLeaveBehindItems); sb.append(" mFadeLeaveBehindItems="); sb.append(mFadeLeaveBehindItems); sb.append(" mLastDeletingItems="); sb.append(mLastDeletingItems); sb.append(" mAnimatingViews="); sb.append(mAnimatingViews); sb.append(" mPendingDestruction="); sb.append(mPendingDestruction); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the ConversationCursor associated with this adapter. */ public ConversationCursor getConversationCursor() { return (ConversationCursor) getCursor(); } /** * Get the currently visible leave behind item. */ public LeaveBehindItem getLastLeaveBehindItem() { if (mLastLeaveBehind != -1) { return mLeaveBehindItems.get(mLastLeaveBehind); } return null; } /** * Cancel fading out the text displayed in the leave behind item currently * shown. */ public void cancelFadeOutLastLeaveBehindItemText() { LeaveBehindItem item = getLastLeaveBehindItem(); if (item != null) { item.cancelFadeOutText(); } } /** * Updates special (non-conversation view) when {@link #mFleetingViews} changed */ private void updateSpecialViews() { // We recreate all the special views using mFleetingViews. mSpecialViews.clear(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_S mColumnViews.clear(); mColumnPositions.clear(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_E // If the conversation cursor hasn't finished loading, hide all special views if (!ConversationCursor.isCursorReadyToShow(getConversationCursor())) { return; } // Fleeting (temporary) views specify a position, which is 0-indexed and // has to be adjusted for the number of fleeting views above it. for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.onUpdate(mFolder, getConversationCursor()); //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 ADD_S if (specialView instanceof ConversationSortTipView) { ((ConversationSortTipView) specialView).updateSortOrder(mActivity, SortHelper.getCurrentSort()); } //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 ADD_E if (specialView.getShouldDisplayInList()) { // If the special view asks for position 0, it wants to be at the top. int position = (specialView.getPosition()); // insert the special view into the position, but if there is // already an item occupying that position, move that item back // one position, and repeat ConversationSpecialItemView insert = specialView; while (insert != null) { final ConversationSpecialItemView kickedOut = mSpecialViews.get(position); mSpecialViews.put(position, insert); insert = kickedOut; position++; } } } //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 MOD_S if (SortHelper.isTimeOrder(SortHelper.getCurrentSort())) { calcGroupInfo(); //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD } //TS: zheng.zou 2016-1-14 EMAIL TASK_1431225 MOD_E } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_S private void calcGroupInfo() { mColumnViews.clear(); mColumnPositions.clear(); ConversationCursor cursor = getConversationCursor(); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { long morningTime = TimeUtils.getDayStartTime(); long firstMonthTime = TimeUtils.getMonthStartTime(); long yearStartTime = TimeUtils.getYearStartTime(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); String afterToday = mContext.getString(R.string.conversation_time_after_today); String today = mContext.getString(R.string.conversation_time_today); String yesterday = mContext.getString(R.string.conversation_time_yesterday); String thisMonth = mContext.getString(R.string.conversation_time_this_month); //TS: tao.gan 2016-4-18 EMAIL BUGFIX_1962268 MOD_S // List<String> timeColumnStrings = new ArrayList<>(cursor.getCount()); List<String> timeColumnStrings = null; if (cursor.getCount() >= 0) { timeColumnStrings = new ArrayList<>(cursor.getCount()); } else { timeColumnStrings = new ArrayList<>(); } //TS: tao.gan 2016-4-18 EMAIL BUGFIX_1962268 MOD_E do { Conversation conversation = cursor.getConversation(); long time = conversation.dateMs; if (time > now) { //time after today timeColumnStrings.add(afterToday); } else if (time > morningTime) { //todady timeColumnStrings.add(today); } else if (time > morningTime - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS) { //yestoday timeColumnStrings.add(yesterday); } else if (time > firstMonthTime) { //this month timeColumnStrings.add(thisMonth); } else if (time > yearStartTime) { //this year SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM"); Date date = new Date(time); timeColumnStrings.add(df.format(date)); } else { //beyond this year SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM yyyy"); Date date = new Date(time); timeColumnStrings.add(df.format(date)); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); String lastColumn = ""; int count = 0; for (String timeColumn : timeColumnStrings) { int startPosition = mSpecialViews.size() + mHeaders.size() + mColumnViews.size() + count; if (!timeColumn.equals(lastColumn)) { lastColumn = timeColumn; ConversationTimeColumnView conversationTimeColumnView = new ConversationTimeColumnView(mContext, startPosition); mColumnViews.put(startPosition, conversationTimeColumnView); mColumnPositions.add(startPosition); conversationTimeColumnView.setTitle(timeColumn); } count++; } } } private boolean isAboveTimeColumn(int position) { return mColumnPositions.contains(position + 1); } //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 ADD_E /** * Gets the position of the specified {@link ConversationSpecialItemView}, as determined by * the adapter. * * @return The position in the list, or a negative value if it could not be found */ public int getSpecialViewPosition(final ConversationSpecialItemView view) { return mSpecialViews.indexOfValue(view); } @Override public void notifyDataSetChanged() { // This may be a temporary catch for a problem, or we may leave it here. // b/9527863 if (Looper.getMainLooper() != Looper.myLooper()) {, "notifyDataSetChanged() called off the main thread"); } //TS: tao.gan 2015-10-13 EMAIL FEATURE-559893 ADD_S if (getCount() - mCount < 0) { //If the count is decreased, we show the action bar,in case of some UI problem LogUtils.i(LogUtils.TAG, "The count is decreases, show the action bar"); mListView.animateShowBar(); } mCount = getCount(); //TS: tao.gan 2015-10-13 EMAIL FEATURE-559893 ADD_E updateSpecialViews(); super.notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public void changeCursor(final Cursor cursor) { super.changeCursor(cursor); updateSpecialViews(); } @Override public void changeCursorAndColumns(final Cursor c, final String[] from, final int[] to) { super.changeCursorAndColumns(c, from, to); updateSpecialViews(); } @Override public Cursor swapCursor(final Cursor c) { final Cursor oldCursor = super.swapCursor(c); updateSpecialViews(); return oldCursor; } public BitmapCache getSendersImagesCache() { return mSendersImagesCache; } public ContactResolver getContactResolver() { return mContactResolver; } /** * Gets the offset for the given position in the underlying cursor, based on any special views * that may be above it. */ public int getPositionOffset(int position) { int viewsAbove = mHeaders.size(); int absPosition = position; //TS: zheng.zou 2016-01-08 EMAIL BUGFIX-1245231 ADD position -= viewsAbove; for (int i = 0, size = mSpecialViews.size(); i < size; i++) { final int bidPosition = mSpecialViews.keyAt(i); // If the view bid for a position above the cursor position, // it is above the conversation. if (bidPosition <= position) { viewsAbove++; } } for (int i = 0, size = mColumnViews.size(); i < size; i++) { final int bidPosition = mColumnViews.keyAt(i); // If the view bid for a position above the cursor position, // it is above the conversation. // we use absolute position here if (bidPosition <= absPosition) { //TS: zheng.zou 2016-01-08 EMAIL BUGFIX-1245231 MOD viewsAbove++; } } return viewsAbove; } /** * Gets the correct position for special views given the number of headers we have. */ private int getSpecialViewsPos(final int position) { return position - mHeaders.size(); } public void cleanup() { // Clean up teaser views. for (final ConversationSpecialItemView view : mFleetingViews) { view.cleanup(); } } public void onConversationSelected() { // Notify teaser views. for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.onConversationSelected(); } } public void onCabModeEntered() { for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.onCabModeEntered(); } } public void onCabModeExited() { for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.onCabModeExited(); } } public void onConversationListVisibilityChanged(final boolean visible) { for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.onConversationListVisibilityChanged(visible); } } public int getViewMode() { return mActivity.getViewMode().getMode(); } public boolean isInCabMode() { // If we have conversation in our selected set, we're in CAB mode return !mBatchConversations.isEmpty(); } //[FEATURE]-Add-BEGIN by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo,05/29/2014,FR 670064 public void setQueryInfo(String query, int field) { mQueryText = query; mField = field; } //[FEATURE]-Add-END by CDTS.zhonghua.tuo public void saveSpecialItemInstanceState(final Bundle outState) { for (final ConversationSpecialItemView specialView : mFleetingViews) { specialView.saveInstanceState(outState); } } /** * TCT: Get the footer view's shown state */ public boolean getFooterViewShowState() { return mShowFooter; } }