Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Synflow SAS. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Matthieu Wipliez - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation *******************************************************************************/ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2; import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.IQualifiedNameProvider; import org.eclipse.xtext.naming.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription; import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScope; import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScopeProvider; import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.AbstractDeclarativeValidator; import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check; import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.EValidatorRegistrar; import; import; import com.synflow.core.layout.ITreeElement; import com.synflow.core.layout.ProjectLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class defines a structural validator. * * @author Matthieu Wipliez * */ public class StructuralValidator extends AbstractDeclarativeValidator { /** * This class defines a visitor that checks if a value has side-effects, which is the case if it * references any variable that is not constant (this includes functions and ports). * * @author Matthieu Wipliez * */ private static class ValueVisitor extends BoolCxSwitch { @Override public Boolean caseExpressionVariable(ExpressionVariable expr) { Variable variable = expr.getSource().getVariable(); if (!CxUtil.isConstant(variable)) { // any reference to a port and non-constant function return true; } return super.caseExpressionVariable(expr); } } @Inject private IQualifiedNameProvider nameProvider; @Inject private IScopeProvider scopeProvider; // @Inject // private Typer typer; @Check public void checkArrayMultiDimPowerOfTwo(Variable variable) { if (CxUtil.isPort(variable)) { return; } // TODO we need an entity here, this check should be moved elsewhere // Type type = typer.getType(variable); // if (type == null) { // return; // } // // int dimensions = Typer.getNumDimensions(type); // if (dimensions >= 2) { // for (int dim : ((TypeArray) type).getDimensions()) { // if (!ValueUtil.isPowerOfTwo(dim)) { // error("Multi-dimensional arrays must have dimensions that are power-of-two", // variable, Literals.VARIABLE__DIMENSIONS, // ERR_ARRAY_MULTI_NON_POWER_OF_TWO); // } // } // } } @Check public void checkAssign(StatementAssign stmt) { Variable variable = stmt.getTarget().getSource().getVariable(); if (CxUtil.isPort(variable) && stmt.getOp() != null) { error("Port error: a port cannot be assigned. Use the write function instead.", stmt, Literals.STATEMENT_ASSIGN__TARGET); } } @Check public void checkDuplicateDeclarations(Variable variable) { if (variable.getName() == null) { // name is null when the variable declaration is incomplete return; } EObject context = variable.eContainer(); QualifiedName name; if (context instanceof StatementVariable) { // local variable name = QualifiedName.create(variable.getName()); } else { // not a local variable context = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(variable, Module.class); name = nameProvider.getFullyQualifiedName(variable); } IScope scope = scopeProvider.getScope(context, Literals.VAR_REF__VARIABLE); Iterable<IEObjectDescription> it = scope.getElements(name); int n = Iterables.size(it); if (n > 1) { error("Duplicate variable declaration '" + variable.getName() + "'", variable, Literals.VARIABLE__NAME, ERR_DUPLICATE_DECLARATIONS); } } @Check public void checkFence(StatementFence fence) { Block compound = (Block) fence.eContainer(); List<Statement> stmts = compound.getStmts(); int index = stmts.indexOf(fence); boolean illegal = false; if (index == 0 || index == stmts.size() - 1) { // first or last => illegal illegal = true; } else { Statement previous = stmts.get(index - 1); if (previous instanceof StatementFence) { // fence before a fence => illegal illegal = true; } else { Statement next = stmts.get(index + 1); if ((previous instanceof StatementIdle || next instanceof StatementIdle) || (previous instanceof StatementIf) || (previous instanceof StatementLoop || next instanceof StatementLoop)) { // fence before/after idle, if, loop => illegal illegal = true; } } } if (illegal) { error("Illegal fence: a fence must be placed between two statements.", fence, null, ERR_ILLEGAL_FENCE); } } @Check public void checkFunction(Variable variable) { if (CxUtil.isFunction(variable)) { // functions declared as constant must not have side effects if (CxUtil.isConstant(variable) && CxUtil.hasSideEffects(variable)) { error("Constant function '" + variable.getName() + "' cannot have side effects", variable, Literals.VARIABLE__NAME, ERR_SIDE_EFFECTS_FUNCTION); } // functions declared as constant must not have side effects if (!CxUtil.isConstant(variable) && !CxUtil.isVoid(variable)) { error("Function '" + variable.getName() + "' returns a result and must be declared const", variable, Literals.VARIABLE__NAME, ERR_SIDE_EFFECTS_FUNCTION); } } } @Check public void checkPackage(Module module) { String packageName = module.getPackage(); URI uri = module.eResource().getURI(); if (uri.isPlatform()) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IResource resource = workspace.getRoot().findMember(uri.toPlatformString(true)); ITreeElement element = ProjectLayout.getTreeElement(resource.getParent()); if (element != null && element.isPackage()) { String expected = element.getName(); if (!packageName.equals(expected)) { error("The declared package \"" + packageName + "\" does not match the expected package \"" + expected + "\"", module, Literals.MODULE__PACKAGE, INSIGNIFICANT_INDEX, SHOULD_REPLACE_NAME, packageName, expected); } } } } @Check public void checkPortDecl(SinglePortDecl decl) { if (!decl.getPorts().isEmpty()) { PortDef def = decl.getPorts().get(0); if (def.getVar().getType() == null) { error("Port declaration: this port must have a type", def.getVar(), Literals.VARIABLE__NAME); } } } @Check public void checkStateVariable(Variable variable) { // this is only for global variables (not local, not functions) if (!CxUtil.isGlobal(variable) || CxUtil.isFunction(variable)) { return; } // check dimensions for (CxExpression dim : variable.getDimensions()) { boolean hasSideEffects = new ValueVisitor().doSwitch(dim); if (hasSideEffects) { error("This expression is not a compile-time constant", dim, null, ERR_EXPECTED_CONST); } } // set flag "module is actor" Instantiable entity = EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(variable, Instantiable.class); // check initial value if (!checkStateVarValue(entity != null, variable)) { return; } // check type of value is compatible with type of state variable // TODO do it differently so we don't have to compute the type of arrays // Value value = (Value) variable.getValue(); // Type typeExpr = ValueUtil.getType(Evaluator.getValue(value)); // new TypeChecker(getMessageAcceptor()).checkAssign(variable, variable, typeExpr); // in a header, a state variable is implicitly constant } private boolean checkStateVarValue(boolean isActor, Variable variable) { CxExpression value = variable.getValue(); if (value == null) { if (!isActor) { // in a header, a state variable must have an initial value error("The variable " + variable.getName() + " must have " + "an initial value because it is defined in a header", variable, null, ERR_VAR_DECL); return false; } // a variable declared as "const" must have an initial value if (CxUtil.isConstant(variable)) { error("The variable " + variable.getName() + " must have " + "an initial value because it is declared constant", variable, null, ERR_VAR_DECL); } return false; } // check if value has side-effects boolean hasSideEffects = new ValueVisitor().doSwitch(value); if (hasSideEffects) { error("The initial value of the variable '" + variable.getName() + "' is not a compile-time constant", value, null, ERR_EXPECTED_CONST); return false; } return true; } @Check public void checkTask(Task task) { Variable function = CxUtil.getFunction(task, NAME_LOOP); if (function == null) { function = CxUtil.getFunction(task, NAME_LOOP_DEPRECATED); if (function == null) { return; } } Variable loop = function; if (!CxUtil.isVoid(loop)) { String message = "The 'loop' function must have type void"; error(message, loop, Literals.VARIABLE__NAME, ERR_ENTRY_FUNCTION_BAD_TYPE); } function = CxUtil.getFunction(task, NAME_SETUP); if (function == null) { function = CxUtil.getFunction(task, NAME_SETUP_DEPRECATED); } Variable setup = function; if (setup != null && !CxUtil.isVoid(setup)) { String message = "The 'setup' function must have type void"; error(message, setup, Literals.VARIABLE__NAME, ERR_ENTRY_FUNCTION_BAD_TYPE); } } @Check public void checkTypeDecl(TypeDecl type) { String spec = type.getSpec(); if ("i1".equals(spec) || "u1".equals(spec)) { error("Integer types must be at least two bits large, use bool to declare a single-bit variable", type, null, ERR_TYPE_ONE_BIT); } } @Override public void register(EValidatorRegistrar registrar) { // do nothing: packages are already registered by CxJavaValidator } }