Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * Based on code provided as a Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Google Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Based on code provided as a Copyright 2011 KeyPoint Technologies (UK) Ltd. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Andreas Komninos, University of Strathclyde - Additional code implementation * * ******************************************************************************/ package com.strathclyde.highlightingkeyboard; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import; import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService; import android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard; import android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView; import; import; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Vibrator; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.method.MetaKeyKeyListener; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyCharacterMap; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.view.textservice.SentenceSuggestionsInfo; import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession; import android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession.SpellCheckerSessionListener; import android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo; import android.view.textservice.TextInfo; import android.view.textservice.TextServicesManager; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.kpt.adaptxt.core.coreapi.KPTParamComponentInfo; import com.kpt.adaptxt.core.coreapi.KPTParamKeymapId; import com.strathclyde.corehandler.CoreEngine; import com.strathclyde.corehandler.CoreEngineInitialize; import com.strathclyde.corehandler.CoreEngine.KPTSuggestion; import com.strathclyde.corehandler.CoreEngineInitialize.KPT_SUGG_STATES; import com.strathclyde.oats.R; import com.strathclyde.spellchecking.KeyGraph; import com.strathclyde.spellchecking.SpellForSamsung; /** * Extends the InputMethodService class to provide the keyboard functionality * Handles the keyboard view creation and destruction * Manages user input and spell-checking * Stores user input data * Manages the highlighting of text in the editor views * Manages audio and haptic feedback * @author ako2 * */ public class SoftKeyboardService extends InputMethodService implements KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener, SpellCheckerSessionListener { static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * This boolean indicates the optional example code for performing * processing of hard keys in addition to regular text generation * from on-screen interaction. It would be used for input methods that * perform language translations (such as converting text entered on * a QWERTY keyboard to Chinese), but may not be used for input methods * that are primarily intended to be used for on-screen text entry. */ static final boolean PROCESS_HARD_KEYS = true; //keyboard service components private LatinKeyboardView mInputView; //whatever keyboard view is currently active private CandidateView mCandidateView; //the candidates view private CompletionInfo[] mCompletions; private LatinKeyboard mCurKeyboard; //the current keyboard private InputConnection ic; private ExtractedText extr; private DBmanager dbm; private SpellCheckerSession mScs; private TextServicesManager tsm; private StringBuilder mComposing = new StringBuilder(); //the current word under composition private JSONObject suspectReplacementDistribution; //loaded from JSON file in assets private KeyGraph keyModel; protected CoreEngine coreEngine; int lastKeyboardView; //keyboard service parameters private boolean mPredictionOn; private boolean mCompletionOn; private int mLastDisplayWidth; private boolean mCapsLock; private long mLastShiftTime; private long mMetaState; private String mWordSeparators; private String mSpecialSeparators; //keyboard service operational parameters & flags private List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean firstWordSet = false; private boolean captureData = true; private String composition; private String mComposingTemp = ""; private int wordSeparatorKeyCode; private ExtractedText extractedText; private HashMap<String, String> autocorrected_words; private boolean replacemode = false; private boolean updateSuggestionList = false; private String origWord; private boolean shouldInsertSpace = false; private boolean errorInjection = false; private int errorInjectionThreshold = 10; private boolean errorInjectionSound = true; private int startingKeyboard; private int big_err, small_err, autocorrect, suggestion; //data to be logged protected static TypingSession currentSession; //there is one session object - every time a close event happens, the object gets flushed in the DB protected static TypingEvent currentEvent; protected char lastDeleted; protected int lastDeletedPos; private int nInjections; private String userid; private HashMap<Integer, Character> errorMap; /** * Main initialization of the input method component. * Set up the word separators list * Initialize the core service * Initialize the colours to be used in highlighting * Initialize the list of autocorrected words * Load the suspect-replacement probability distribution map */ @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); //get User ID try { Class<?> c = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties"); Method get = c.getMethod("get", String.class); userid = (String) get.invoke(c, "ro.serialno"); Log.i("OnCreate", "User id= " + userid); } catch (Exception ignored) { Log.i("OnCreate", "Could not obtain userid"); userid = "xxx"; } Editor e = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit(); e.putString("prefUsername", userid); e.commit(); //used for managing injected errors errorMap = new HashMap<Integer, Character>(); mWordSeparators = getResources().getString(R.string.word_separators); mSpecialSeparators = getResources().getString(R.string.special_separators); CoreEngineInitialize.initializeCoreService(getApplicationContext()); initializeCore(); assignColours(); autocorrected_words = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { suspectReplacementDistribution = new JSONObject(loadJSONFromAsset()); } catch (JSONException ex) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block ex.printStackTrace(); } //setup the upload task alarm manager /* * Twice daily, broadcast an event * This will be trapped by our receiver */ Intent alarmIntent = new Intent(this, UploadDataReceiver.class); alarmIntent.putExtra("origin", "alarm"); alarmIntent.putExtra("insert", true); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, alarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); alarmManager.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC, Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(), AlarmManager.INTERVAL_HALF_DAY, pendingIntent); //Log.i("OnCreate", "Alarm set "); } /** * Prepare the colours to be used in highlighting by loading them from XML */ private void assignColours() { big_err = getResources().getColor(R.color.big_error_trans); small_err = getResources().getColor(R.color.slight_error_trans); //no_err = getResources().getColor(R.color.no_error_trans); autocorrect = getResources().getColor(R.color.autocorrect_trans); suggestion = getResources().getColor(R.color.suggestion_highlight); } /** * This is the point where you can do all of your UI initialization. It * is called after creation and any configuration change. */ @Override public void onInitializeInterface() { if (mCurKeyboard != null) { // Configuration changes can happen after the keyboard gets recreated, // so we need to be able to re-build the keyboards if the available // space has changed. int displayWidth = getMaxWidth(); if (displayWidth == mLastDisplayWidth) return; mLastDisplayWidth = displayWidth; } } /** * Called by the framework when your view for creating input needs to * be generated. This will be called the first time your input method * is displayed, and every time it needs to be re-created such as due to * a configuration change. * * Inflate the input view * Set the listener of the view to this service * Initialize OpenAdaptxt core */ @Override public View onCreateInputView() { mInputView = (LatinKeyboardView) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.input, null); mInputView.setOnKeyboardActionListener(this); initializeCore(); return mInputView; } /** * Called by the framework when your view for showing candidates needs to * be generated, like {@link #onCreateInputView}. */ @Override public View onCreateCandidatesView() { mCandidateView = new CandidateView(this); mCandidateView.setService(this); //mCandidateView.setLayoutParams(params); return mCandidateView; } /** * Check to see what's going on with the services, useful to check if the spell-checker service is active. * Probably should remove this, no longer necessary. * @return true if the Spellchecker service is running */ private boolean isMyServiceRunning() { ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); for (RunningServiceInfo service : manager.getRunningServices(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { //Log.i("isService", service.service.getClassName()+",\n"+service.service.getPackageName()); if (service.service.getClassName().contains("pell")) { //Log.i("isService", service.service.getClassName()+",\n"+service.service.getPackageName()); if (service.service.getClassName().contains("ASpellChecker")) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * This is the main point where we do our initialization of the input method * to begin operating on an application. At this point we have been * bound to the client, and are now receiving all of the detailed information * about the target of our edits. * * Set up edit field behaviour and disable logging if pass/email/url * Bind to spell-checking service */ @Override public void onStartInput(EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting) { super.onStartInput(attribute, restarting); //get connection to editor field ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); //create a temporary keyboard to obtain the necessary options mCurKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(this, R.xml.qwerty); keyModel = new KeyGraph(mCurKeyboard); /*display the coordinates of all keys List<Key> keys = mCurKeyboard.getKeys(); for (int x=0; x<keys.size(); x++) { System.out.println(keys.get(x).label+"*" +keys.get(x).x+"*" +keys.get(x).y+"*" +keys.get(x).width+"*" +keys.get(x).height); } */ // Reset our state. We want to do this even if restarting, because // the underlying state of the text editor could have changed in any way. mComposing.setLength(0); captureData = true; //updateCandidates(); if (!restarting) { // Clear shift states. mMetaState = 0; } mPredictionOn = false; mCompletionOn = false; mCompletions = null; // We are now going to initialize our state based on the type of // text being edited. switch (attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER: case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME: // Numbers and dates default to the symbols keyboard, with // no extra features. //mCurKeyboard = mSymbolsKeyboard; startingKeyboard = KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS; break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE: // Phones will also default to the symbols keyboard, though // often you will want to have a dedicated phone keyboard. //mCurKeyboard = mSymbolsKeyboard; startingKeyboard = KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS; break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT: // This is general text editing. We will default to the // normal alphabetic keyboard, and assume that we should // be doing predictive text (showing candidates as the // user types). //mCurKeyboard = mQwertyKeyboard; startingKeyboard = KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN; mPredictionOn = true; // We now look for a few special variations of text that will // modify our behavior. int variation = attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION; //do not log data from passwords, email addresses, URL fields if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI) { // Do not log data captureData = false; Log.i("OnStartInput", "DANGER FIELD - DO NOT CAPTURE"); } if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD) { // Do not display predictions / what the user is typing // when they are entering a password. mPredictionOn = false; } if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER) { // Our predictions are not useful for e-mail addresses // or URIs. mPredictionOn = false; } if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE) != 0) { // If this is an auto-complete text view, then our predictions // will not be shown and instead we will allow the editor // to supply their own. We only show the editor's // candidates when in fullscreen mode, otherwise relying // own it displaying its own UI. mPredictionOn = false; mCompletionOn = isFullscreenMode(); } // We also want to look at the current state of the editor // to decide whether our alphabetic keyboard should start out // shifted. updateShiftKeyState(attribute); break; default: // For all unknown input types, default to the alphabetic // keyboard with no special features. //mCurKeyboard = mQwertyKeyboard; startingKeyboard = KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN; updateShiftKeyState(attribute); } // Update the label on the enter key, depending on what the application // says it will do. if (mInputView != null) { //Log.i("onStartInput","Setting existing keyboard"); ((LatinKeyboard) mInputView.getKeyboard()).setImeOptions(getResources(), attribute.imeOptions); } else { //Log.i("onStartInput","Setting temp keyboard"); mCurKeyboard.imeOptions = attribute.imeOptions; //mCurKeyboard.shifted=attribute.initialCapsMode; } //bind to the spell checking service tsm = (TextServicesManager) getSystemService(Context.TEXT_SERVICES_MANAGER_SERVICE); //Log.i("OnStartInput", "ID:"+attribute.fieldId+" "+attribute.fieldName); } //this is to ensure that the candidate view does not eat into the application space! @Override public void onComputeInsets(InputMethodService.Insets outInsets) { super.onComputeInsets(outInsets); if (!isFullscreenMode()) { outInsets.contentTopInsets = outInsets.visibleTopInsets; } } /** * Finish the current session * Set session end time * Record high, low errors, suggestions picked * Dump session data to db */ public void endSession() { long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Log.i("Session End", ""+endtime/1000); if (currentSession != null) { currentSession.end_time = endtime; currentSession.user = userid; if ( <= 0) { //Log.i("Session End","No Events\n Event Dump follows"); //currentSession.printall(); currentSession = null; return; } //if the last event was a backspace add the deleted char to the suspects if ( > 0 && .get( - 1).keyCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) { currentSession.suspects.add(lastDeleted); //System.out.println("Suspect = "+lastDeleted); } try { if (!firstWordSet) currentSession.getFirstWord((String) extr.text, composition); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error getting current text"); } //clear out all the characters SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); if (sp.getBoolean("fullLogging", false) == false) { for (int x = 0; x <; x++) { //don't record anything but backspaces if ( != -5) { = -400; = '$'; } } } //Log.i("Session End","Event Dump follows"); currentSession.end_time = endtime; //currentSession.nHighErrors=nHighErrors; //currentSession.nLowErrors=nLowErrors; //currentSession.nSuggestionsPicked=nSuggestionsPicked; //currentSession.nInjections=nInjections; currentSession.printall(); dbm.insert(currentSession); //Log.i("Session End",""+currentSession.end_time); currentSession = null; extr = null; firstWordSet = false; composition = null; if (coreEngine != null) coreEngine.resetCoreString(); dbm.close(); if (ic != null) ic.finishComposingText(); } } /** * This is called when the user is done editing a field. We can use * this to reset our state. */ @Override public void onFinishInput() { Log.i("Finish Input", "INPUT FINISHED"); super.onFinishInput(); clearDots(); // Clear current composing text and candidates. mComposing.setLength(0); updateCandidates(); // We only hide the candidates window when finishing input on // a particular editor, to avoid popping the underlying application // up and down if the user is entering text into the bottom of // its window. setCandidatesViewShown(false); mCurKeyboard = null; if (mInputView != null) { mInputView.closing(); } } /** * This method is called when the keyboard is shown * * reset errors & suggestion picked counters * get dots and colourbar prefs * get injection prefs * update engine core prefs * prepare database for writing * create a new typing session * apply selected keyboard to input view * switch core engine dictionaries according to keyboard */ @Override public void onStartInputView(EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting) { //Log.i("OnStartInputView","Keyboard about to be shown"); nInjections = 0; SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); mInputView.dots = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("dots", false); mInputView.colorbar = sharedPrefs.getString("colorbar", "top"); mInputView.ycoords.clear(); mInputView.xcoords.clear(); mInputView.resetBackground(); errorInjection = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("errorinjection", false); errorInjectionThreshold = Integer.parseInt(sharedPrefs.getString("injectionThreshold", "20")); errorInjectionSound = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("errorinjectionsound", true); if (coreEngine != null) updateCorePrefs(); if (currentSession != null) { endSession(); } //open the database for writing if (dbm == null) dbm = new DBmanager(getApplicationContext());; //get connection to editor field //ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (extractedText != null) { if (ic.deleteSurroundingText(9999, 0)) { ic.commitText(extractedText.text, 1); //extractedText=null; //Log.i("onStartInputView", "Text Replaced"); } else { //Log.i("onStartInputView", "IC not valid"); } } //create a new typing session UserPreferences up = new UserPreferences(); up.autocorrect = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("autocorrect", true)) ? 1 : 0; up.sound = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("audio", false)) ? 1 : 0; up.haptic = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("vibrator", false)) ? 1 : 0; up.visual = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("highlightwords", true)) ? 1 : 0; up.sugg_highlight = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("suggestion_highlight", false)) ? 1 : 0; up.dots = (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("dots", false)) ? 1 : 0; currentSession = new TypingSession(up); currentSession.sess_height = mInputView.getHeight(); currentSession.sess_width = mInputView.getWidth(); TypingEvent(1, "Keyboard shown")); currentSession.user = userid; //find out what application has invoked the keyboard ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) //works only on Android <5, retrieve the app name { RunningTaskInfo foregroundTaskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0); String foregroundTaskPackageName = foregroundTaskInfo.topActivity.getPackageName(); PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager(); PackageInfo foregroundAppPackageInfo; try { foregroundAppPackageInfo = pm.getPackageInfo(foregroundTaskPackageName, 0); = foregroundAppPackageInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm).toString(); //Log.i("OnStartInputView", "ForeGround app is "+foregroundAppPackageInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(pm).toString()); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else //retrieve the package name { List<RunningAppProcessInfo> ps = am.getRunningAppProcesses(); //Log.i("OnStartInput", "Running apps "+ps.size()); for (int x = 0; x < ps.size(); x++) { RunningAppProcessInfo p = ps.get(x); //Log.i("OnStartInput", "App is "+p.processName+p.importance); if (p.importance == RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND) { //Log.i("OnStartInput", "ForeGround app is "+p.processName); = p.processName; break; //the first one is the foreground app } } } // Apply the selected keyboard to the input view. //set the new keyboard options based on the temporary one created during OnStartInput if (mCurKeyboard != null) { //Log.i("onStartInputView","setting new keyboard to temp settings"); mInputView.setShifted(mCurKeyboard.isShifted()); mInputView.imeOptions = mCurKeyboard.imeOptions; } else { //Log.i("onStartInputView","mCurKeyboard is null"); } mInputView.currentKeyboard = startingKeyboard; mInputView.switchKeyboard(); if (coreEngine != null) { switch (mInputView.currentKeyboard) { case KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EL: coreEngine.activateLanguageKeymap(131092, null); coreEngine.setDictionaryPriority(131092, 0); break; case KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN: coreEngine.activateLanguageKeymap(131081, null); coreEngine.setDictionaryPriority(131092, 1); break; } coreEngine.resetCoreString(); updateCandidates(); //KPTkeymapInfo(); } super.onStartInputView(attribute, restarting); } /** * Deal with the editor reporting movement of its cursor. */ @Override public void onUpdateSelection(int oldSelStart, int oldSelEnd, int newSelStart, int newSelEnd, int candidatesStart, int candidatesEnd) { // Log.i("onUpdateSelection", "Cursor Moved"); // If the current selection in the text view changes, we should clear whatever candidate text we have. if (mComposing.length() > 0 && (newSelStart != candidatesEnd || newSelEnd != candidatesEnd)) { mComposing.setLength(0); updateCandidates(); if (ic != null) { ic.finishComposingText(); } } ExtractedText alltext = ic.getExtractedText(new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0); //special case, there is nothing in the editor (been deleted) if (alltext == null) return; //special case - the text in the editor has all been deleted but the ic is still active if (newSelStart == 0 && alltext.text.length() == 0) { coreEngine.resetCoreString(); updateCandidates(); return; } try { if (newSelEnd - newSelStart == 0 && newSelEnd < alltext.text.length() - 1) //only if cursor movement, not actual selection, and we are not at the end of the text { //Log.i("Selection Update", "Old: "+oldSelStart+","+oldSelEnd+"...New: "+newSelStart+","+newSelEnd); WordDetails w = findWord(newSelStart, alltext.text); //find the current word //Log.i("Selection Update", "WordStart, End = "+w.wordStart+","+w.wordEnd); if (w.wordStart >= 0 && w.wordEnd >= 0 && w.wordStart < w.wordEnd) { w.word = alltext.text.toString().substring(w.wordStart, w.wordEnd); //Log.i("Selection Update","\nCurrent Word: ["+w.word+"]"); //check if current word has been autocorrected //Log.i("Selection Update","Original word was "+autocorrected_words.get(w.word)); replacemode = true; //ic.setComposingRegion(w.wordStart, w.wordEnd); //mark this as composing - any key input will erase the word if (autocorrected_words.containsKey(w.word)) //a word that was autocorrected or highlighted as a mistake { //Log.i("Selection Update","Original word was "+autocorrected_words.get(w.word)); updateCandidatesWithSpellChecker(autocorrected_words.get(w.word)); //show candidates } else //not a mistake word, so just use adaptxt for suggestions { //Log.i("Selection Update","Not a mistake Word"); coreEngine.resetCoreString(); coreEngine.insertText(w.word); updateCandidates(); } } } else { //Log.i("Selection Update", "Old: "+oldSelStart+","+oldSelEnd+"...New: "+newSelStart+","+newSelEnd); replacemode = false; if (newSelEnd == alltext.text.length() && newSelEnd - oldSelEnd > 2) { //Log.i("Selection Update","At sentence end"); ic.finishComposingText(); coreEngine.resetCoreString(); updateCandidates(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //Log.i("onUpdateSelection", "Failed to get extracted text"); } super.onUpdateSelection(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelStart, newSelEnd, candidatesStart, candidatesEnd); } /** * Find out the position of a word in the text being input * @param cursor starting position in the text from which to begin the search (backwards) * @param text the text having been input so far * @return a WordDetails object with the start and end position of a given word */ public WordDetails findWord(int cursor, CharSequence text) { WordDetails word = new WordDetails(); //loop backwards to find start of current word for (int x = cursor - 1; x >= 0; x--) { if (x == 0) { word.wordStart = x; break; } else if (isWordSeparator(text.charAt(x))) { word.wordStart = x + 1; break; } } //loop forwards to find end of current word for (int x = cursor - 1; x < text.length(); x++) { if (x < 0) break; if (isWordSeparator(text.charAt(x)) || x == text.length() - 1) { word.wordEnd = x; break; } } return word; } /** * This tells us about completions that the editor has determined based * on the current text in it. We want to use this in fullscreen mode * to show the completions ourself, since the editor can not be seen * in that situation. */ @Override public void onDisplayCompletions(CompletionInfo[] completions) { if (mCompletionOn) { mCompletions = completions; if (completions == null) { setSuggestions(null, false, false); return; } List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < (completions != null ? completions.length : 0); i++) { CompletionInfo ci = completions[i]; if (ci != null) stringList.add(ci.getText().toString()); } setSuggestions(stringList, true, true); } } /** * This translates incoming hard key events in to edit operations on an * InputConnection. It is only needed when using the * PROCESS_HARD_KEYS option. */ private boolean translateKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { mMetaState = MetaKeyKeyListener.handleKeyDown(mMetaState, keyCode, event); int c = event.getUnicodeChar(MetaKeyKeyListener.getMetaState(mMetaState)); mMetaState = MetaKeyKeyListener.adjustMetaAfterKeypress(mMetaState); //InputConnection ic = ic; if (c == 0 || ic == null) { return false; } if ((c & KeyCharacterMap.COMBINING_ACCENT) != 0) { c = c & KeyCharacterMap.COMBINING_ACCENT_MASK; } if (mComposing.length() > 0) { char accent = mComposing.charAt(mComposing.length() - 1); int composed = KeyEvent.getDeadChar(accent, c); if (composed != 0) { c = composed; mComposing.setLength(mComposing.length() - 1); } } onKey(c, null); return true; } /** * Use this to monitor key events being delivered to the application. * We get first crack at them, and can either resume them or let them * continue to the app. */ @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { //event. //Log.i("OnKeyDown", "Keycode: "+keyCode); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: // The InputMethodService already takes care of the back // key for us, to dismiss the input method if it is shown. // However, our keyboard could be showing a pop-up window // that back should dismiss, so we first allow it to do that. if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && mInputView != null) { if (mInputView.handleBack()) { return true; } } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL: // Special handling of the delete key: if we currently are // composing text for the user, we want to modify that instead // of let the application to the delete itself. if (mComposing.length() > 0) { onKey(Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE, null); return true; } break; case -2: //123 button //Log.i("KeyDown", "Keycode: "+keyCode); event.startTracking(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: // Let the underlying text editor always handle these. return false; default: // For all other keys, if we want to do transformations on // text being entered with a hard keyboard, we need to process // it and do the appropriate action. if (PROCESS_HARD_KEYS) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE && (event.getMetaState() & KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON) != 0) { // A silly example: in our input method, Alt+Space // is a shortcut for 'android' in lower case. //InputConnection ic = ic; if (ic != null) { // First, tell the editor that it is no longer in the // shift state, since we are consuming this. ic.clearMetaKeyStates(KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_N); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I); keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D); // And we consume this event. return true; } } if (mPredictionOn && translateKeyDown(keyCode, event)) { return true; } } } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } /** * Use this to monitor key events being delivered to the application. * We get first crack at them, and can either resume them or let them * continue to the app. */ @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // If we want to do transformations on text being entered with a hard // keyboard, we need to process the up events to update the meta key // state we are tracking. if (PROCESS_HARD_KEYS) { if (mPredictionOn) { mMetaState = MetaKeyKeyListener.handleKeyUp(mMetaState, keyCode, event); } } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } /** * Helper function to commit any text being composed in to the editor. */ private void commitTyped(InputConnection inputConnection) { if (mComposing.length() > 0) { inputConnection.commitText(mComposing, mComposing.length()); mComposing.setLength(0); updateCandidates(); } } /** * Helper function to commit any text being composed in the editor * @param inputConnection our current connection with the editor * @param isWordSeparator */ private void commitTyped(InputConnection inputConnection, boolean isWordSeparator) { if (mComposing.length() > 0) { //do some spell-checking mComposingTemp = mComposing.toString(); extr = ic.getExtractedText(new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0); WordDetails w = findWord(extr.selectionStart, extr.text); if (w.wordStart >= 0 && w.wordEnd >= 0 && w.wordStart < w.wordEnd) { w.word = extr.text.toString().substring(w.wordStart, extr.selectionStart); System.out.println("Cursor Position = " + extr.selectionStart + " Word=" + w.word); if (w != null && mComposingTemp != null) { if (w.word.length() != mComposingTemp.length()) { mComposingTemp = w.word; if (captureData) ic.setComposingRegion(w.wordStart, extr.selectionStart); } } } if (captureData) // don't want to be spell-checking on urls, emails, passwords { if (mScs != null) //get some suggestions { //Log.i("CommitTyped", "About to spellcheck "+mComposingTemp); mScs.getSuggestions(new TextInfo(mComposingTemp), 5); } else //handle spelling for Samsung devices { //Log.e("CommitTyped", "mScs NULL"); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String lang = prefs.getString("available_dicts", "el"); XmlResourceParser p; if (lang.equals("en")) p = getResources().getXml(R.xml.qwerty); else p = getResources().getXml(R.xml.greekqwerty); SpellForSamsung sp = new SpellForSamsung(getAssets(), p, getFilesDir() + File.separator + "data", lang, 5); SuggestionsInfo si[] = new SuggestionsInfo[1]; si[0] = sp.spell(mComposingTemp); onGetSuggestions(si); } } else { //Log.i("CommitTyped", "Will not spellcheck in an inappropriate field, mComposing = "+mComposingTemp); inputConnection.commitText(mComposingTemp, mComposingTemp.length()); } } mComposing.setLength(0); updateCandidates(); } /** * Helper to update the shift state of our keyboard based on the initial * editor state. */ private void updateShiftKeyState(EditorInfo attr) { if (mInputView != null) { if (attr != null //&& mQwertyKeyboard == mInputView.getKeyboard()) { && (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EL || mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN)) { int caps = 0; EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if (ei != null && ei.inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL) { caps = ic.getCursorCapsMode(attr.inputType); } mInputView.setShifted(mCapsLock || caps != 0); } } else { int caps = 0; EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if (ei != null && ei.inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL) { caps = ic.getCursorCapsMode(attr.inputType); } mCurKeyboard.setShifted(mCapsLock || caps != 0); } } /** * Helper to determine if a given character code is alphabetic. */ private boolean isAlphabet(int code) { if (Character.isLetter(code)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Helper to send a key down / key up pair to the current editor. */ private void keyDownUp(int keyEventCode) { ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyEventCode)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyEventCode)); } /** * Helper to send a character to the editor as raw key events. */ private void sendKey(int keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case '\n': keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER); break; default: if (keyCode >= '0' && keyCode <= '9') { keyDownUp(keyCode - '0' + KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0); } else { ic.commitText(String.valueOf((char) keyCode), 1); if (shouldInsertSpace) { ic.commitText(" ", 1); shouldInsertSpace = false; } } break; } } /** * Remove all touch history events */ public void clearDots() { if (mInputView != null) { if (!mInputView.xcoords.isEmpty()) mInputView.xcoords.clear(); if (!mInputView.ycoords.isEmpty()) mInputView.ycoords.clear(); } } /** * Helper function to read the suspect character and replacement probability distributions from a JSON object * @return */ public String loadJSONFromAsset() { String json = null; try { InputStream is = getAssets().open("keyJSON.txt"); int size = is.available(); byte[] buffer = new byte[size];; is.close(); json = new String(buffer, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } return json; } // Implementation of KeyboardViewListener /** * Manages actual input into the editor. Here we: * implement our injection algorithm as required * store data relating to the key press * initiate any spell checking as required */ public void onKey(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) { // touches all done, add the chars to the event and then the event to the session currentEvent.keyCode = primaryCode; if (errorInjection && primaryCode >= 32) { //give a n% chance of the key being modified Random r = new Random(); int res = r.nextInt(100); if (res <= errorInjectionThreshold) //%n chance of key being modified { //Log.i("OnKey", "Will modify"); try { //for each combination in the model, find the eucleidian distance and the replacement freq JSONObject targetObj = suspectReplacementDistribution .getJSONObject(Integer.toString(primaryCode)); Iterator<?> keys = targetObj.keys(); ArrayList<Character> list = new ArrayList(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); int freq = targetObj.getInt(key); //if the frequency is 0, add the suspect as a replacement candidate double dist = keyModel.distance2(primaryCode, Integer.parseInt(key)); if (dist > 0) { if (dist > 2.0) //fix it so that only nearby keys have a chance of being elected dist = 100; //add to the list of candidates as many times as required if specific freq>0; int sfreq = (int) Math.round(freq / dist); //Log.i("Test", "Freq/Dist to "+key+": "+freq+"/"+dist+" final prob: "+sfreq); if (sfreq == 0) //add the suspect as a replacement candidate { list.add(Character.toChars(primaryCode)[0]); } else //add the other replacement candidates as required { for (int x = 0; x < targetObj.getInt(key); x++) { list.add(Character.toChars(Integer.parseInt(key))[0]); } } } } //Log.i("OnKey", "Replace list size: "+list.size()); Random x = new Random(); int sel = x.nextInt(list.size()); //if the replacement eventually happens if ((int) list.get(sel) != primaryCode) { if (errorInjectionSound) { final ToneGenerator tg = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, 100); tg.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_SOFT_ERROR_LITE); } //primaryCode = (int)list.get(sel); //Log.w("OnKey", "Replace "+Character.toChars(primaryCode)[0]+" with "+list.get(sel)); errorMap.put(mComposing.length(), (char) (int) list.get(sel)); //put in our current position and the replacement //nInjections++; } else Log.i("OnKey", "Replacement will not happen, same key selected"); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { //Log.i("OnKey", "Will not modify, r="+res); } } //switch adaptxt language if necessary if (coreEngine != null) { switch (mInputView.currentKeyboard) { case KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EL: coreEngine.activateLanguageKeymap(131092, null); coreEngine.setDictionaryPriority(131092, 0); break; case KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN: coreEngine.activateLanguageKeymap(131081, null); coreEngine.setDictionaryPriority(131092, 1); break; } } //get the full inputted text extr = ic.getExtractedText(new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0); if (currentEvent != null && captureData == true) { //Log.i("OnKey", "OK to capture data!"); currentEvent.user = userid; if (primaryCode > 0) currentEvent.keyChar = (char) primaryCode; //handle the booleans if ( - 1).keyChar == ' ') //space { currentEvent.followsSpace = true; } if (currentEvent.keyCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) { System.out.println("Backspace Pressed!"); //if a delete is pressed after another delete //and its cursor position is not -1 from the previous delete //we must commit the previous deletion as a suspect character. if ( - 1).keyCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE && extr.selectionStart != lastDeletedPos - 1) { currentSession.suspects.add(lastDeleted); //System.out.println("Suspect = "+lastDeleted); } //get all the text before the backspace press and the current cursor position if (extr.selectionStart > 0) { lastDeleted = extr.text.charAt(extr.selectionStart - 1); lastDeletedPos = extr.selectionStart; //System.out.println("Deleted = "+lastDeleted+"\nCursor Position = "+extr.selectionStart); } } //if the current key is NOT a backspace but the previous one was if (currentEvent.keyCode != Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE && .get( - 1).keyCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) { currentSession.suspects.add(lastDeleted); //System.out.println("Suspect = "+lastDeleted); } } //do the handling if (isWordSeparator(primaryCode)) { // Handle separator //System.out.println("Detected a word separator \""+primaryCode+"\""); if (primaryCode != 32) { shouldInsertSpace = false; if (extr.text.length() > 0) { //Log.i("On Key ", "last letter after separator was ["+extr.text.charAt(extr.selectionStart-1)+"]"); //check if the previous char was a space, if so delete it. if (extr.text.charAt(extr.selectionStart - 1) == ' ' && !isSpecialSeparator(primaryCode)) //detecting if the current char is not part of a smiley face { onKey(-5, null); } } } //clear the touch history clearDots(); //ensure spell checker is using correct language SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); Editor ed = prefs.edit(); if (captureData) { if (mInputView.currentLang == 1) //english { ed.putString("available_dicts", "en"); ed.commit(); if (mScs != null) mScs.close(); String lang = prefs.getString("available_dicts", "jam"); Log.i("OnKey", "Spellcheck lang set to " + lang); Locale english = new Locale("en", "GB"); mScs = tsm.newSpellCheckerSession(null, english, this, false); if (mScs == null) Log.e("OnKey", "Failed to obtain spell-checker session"); } else { ed.putString("available_dicts", "el"); ed.commit(); if (mScs != null) mScs.close(); String lang = prefs.getString("available_dicts", "jam"); Log.i("OnKey", "Spellcheck lang set to " + lang); Locale greek = new Locale("el", "GR"); mScs = tsm.newSpellCheckerSession(null, greek, this, false); if (mScs == null) Log.e("OnKey", "Failed to obtain spell-checker session"); } } //handle space for Adaptxt if (Character.isSpaceChar(primaryCode)) { if (coreEngine != null) { //Log.i("Handle Character", "Space pressed"); coreEngine.resetCoreString(); //Log.i("Space Pressed", "Word is "+mComposing+" "); coreEngine.insertText(mComposing.toString() + " "); updateCandidates(); } } if (!firstWordSet && mComposing.length() > 1) { if (captureData) currentSession.firstWord = mComposing.toString(); else currentSession.firstWord = "$$$$"; firstWordSet = true; //System.out.println("First Word\""+mComposing.toString()+"\""); } //effect any injections as required if (mComposing.length() > 0) { //commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection()); //check the errormap for any replacements if (errorMap.size() > 0) { //restrict the errormap to the 25% of word length cap int replacementstodelete = errorMap.size() - (int) Math.round(mComposing.length() * 0.25); //total replacements - those to keep if (replacementstodelete < 0) replacementstodelete = 0; //allow at least one if (errorMap.size() == replacementstodelete) replacementstodelete = errorMap.size() - 1; if (replacementstodelete > 0) { List<Integer> keys = new ArrayList<Integer>(errorMap.keySet()); for (int z = 0; z < replacementstodelete; z++) { Random random = new Random(); int listposition = random.nextInt(keys.size()); int randomKey = keys.get(listposition); //remove this from the error map and the list errorMap.remove(randomKey); keys.remove(listposition); } } //effect the injections String oldmComposing = mComposing.toString(); Iterator it = errorMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); mComposing.replace((Integer) pair.getKey(), (Integer) pair.getKey() + 1, "" + (Character) pair.getValue()); //it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException } nInjections += errorMap.size(); currentSession.nInjections = nInjections; //Log.i("Injections", "Will replace "+oldmComposing+" with "+mComposing+", nInjections="+nInjections); errorMap.clear(); } wordSeparatorKeyCode = primaryCode; if (captureData) commitTyped(ic, isWordSeparator(primaryCode)); else { if (primaryCode != Keyboard.KEYCODE_DONE && primaryCode != 10) //done and go/enter handleCharacter(primaryCode, keyCodes); else sendKey(primaryCode); commitTyped(ic); } } else { sendKey(primaryCode); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) { if (errorMap.get(mComposing.length() - 1) != null) { //Log.i("Injection", "Delete from map pos="+(mComposing.length()-1)+", char="+errorMap.get(mComposing.length()-1)); errorMap.remove(mComposing.length() - 1); } handleBackspace(); } else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT) { handleShift(); } else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_CANCEL) { //keyboard hiding button //override this for settings activity //handleClose(); Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoggingIMESettings.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); return; } else if (primaryCode == LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_OPTIONS) { // Show a menu or somethin' } else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE && mInputView != null) { //Keyboard current = mInputView.getKeyboard(); if (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS || mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS_SHIFTED) { //mInputView.currentKeyboard = KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN; mInputView.currentKeyboard = lastKeyboardView; } else { //about to change to symbols lastKeyboardView = mInputView.currentKeyboard; //keep track of where we came from mInputView.currentKeyboard = KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS; } mInputView.switchKeyboard(); if (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS) { mInputView.getKeyboard().setShifted(false); } } else { handleCharacter(primaryCode, keyCodes); } } /** * Retrieves key map information from AdapTxt core */ public void KPTkeymapInfo() { KPTParamKeymapId[] keymapParamIds = coreEngine.getAvailableKeymaps(); for (int x = 0; x < keymapParamIds.length; x++) { Log.i("KPTKeymapInfo", "Available " + keymapParamIds[x].getLanguage().getLanguage() + ", keyMapLangid=" + keymapParamIds[x].getLanguageId() + ", langId" + keymapParamIds[x].getLanguage().getId()); } KPTParamComponentInfo[] components = coreEngine.getAvailableComponents(); for (int x = 0; x < components.length; x++) { if (components[x].getComponentType() == KPTParamComponentInfo.KPT_COMPONENT_TYPE_DICTIONARY) Log.i("KPTComponentInfo", "Available id=" + components[x].getComponentId() + ", type=" + components[x].getComponentType() + ", name=" + components[x].getExtraDetails().getDictDisplayName() + ", priority=" + components[x].getExtraDetails().getDictPriority()); } } public void onText(CharSequence text) { if (ic == null) return; ic.beginBatchEdit(); if (mComposing.length() > 0) { commitTyped(ic); } ic.commitText(text, 0); ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } /** * Update the list of available candidates from the current composing * text, using the AdapTxt core */ private void updateCandidates() { if (coreEngine != null) { //get the KPT suggestions List<KPTSuggestion> suglist = coreEngine.getSuggestions(); suggestions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < suglist.size(); i++) { String sug = suglist.get(i).getsuggestionString(); if (sug != null) { suggestions.add(sug); //Log.i("Suggestion "+i, sug+"-"+suglist.get(i).getsuggestionType()); } } if (!mCompletionOn) { if (mComposing.length() >= 0) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(mComposing.toString()); setSuggestions(list, true, true); setSuggestions(suggestions, true, true); } else { setSuggestions(null, false, false); } } } } /** * Update the list of available candidates using the spell-checker (for when a user moves the cursor within a word) * @param word the word to pass into the spell checker */ public void updateCandidatesWithSpellChecker(String word) { if (mScs != null) { origWord = word; mScs.getSuggestions(new TextInfo(word), 5); updateSuggestionList = true; } else //handle this for Samsung devices { origWord = word; //Log.e("UpdateCandidatesWithSpell", "mScs NULL"); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String lang = prefs.getString("available_dicts", "el"); XmlResourceParser p; if (lang.equals("en")) p = getResources().getXml(R.xml.qwerty); else p = getResources().getXml(R.xml.greekqwerty); SpellForSamsung sp = new SpellForSamsung(getAssets(), p, getFilesDir() + File.separator + "data", lang, 5); SuggestionsInfo si[] = new SuggestionsInfo[1]; si[0] = sp.spell(word); updateSuggestionList = true; onGetSuggestions(si); //Log.e("updateCandsWithSpell", "mScs NULL"); } } /** * Pass the suggestions in to the suggestion bar view * @param corrections */ public void updateSuggestionListWithSpellChecker(List<String> corrections) { corrections.add(0, origWord); suggestions.clear(); suggestions = corrections; setSuggestions(corrections, true, true); } /** * draw the suggestions into the suggestion bar * @param suggestions * @param completions * @param typedWordValid */ public void setSuggestions(List<String> suggestions, boolean completions, boolean typedWordValid) { if (suggestions != null && suggestions.size() > 0) { setCandidatesViewShown(true); } else if (isExtractViewShown()) { setCandidatesViewShown(true); } if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.setSuggestions(suggestions, completions, typedWordValid); } } /** * Handle a press of the backspace key */ private void handleBackspace() { coreEngine.removeString(true, 1); final int length = mComposing.length(); if (length > 1) { mComposing.delete(length - 1, length); ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); updateCandidates(); } else if (length > 0) { mComposing.setLength(0); ic.commitText("", 0); updateCandidates(); } else { keyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } /** * Handle a press of the shift key */ private void handleShift() { if (mInputView == null) { return; } //Keyboard currentKeyboard = mInputView.getKeyboard(); if (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EL || mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.QWERTY_EN) { // Alphabet keyboard //Log.i("Handle Shift", "it is pressed"); checkToggleCapsLock(); mInputView.setShifted(mCapsLock || !mInputView.isShifted()); } else if (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS) { mInputView.getKeyboard().setShifted(true); mInputView.currentKeyboard = KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS_SHIFTED; mInputView.switchKeyboard(); mInputView.getKeyboard().setShifted(true); } else if (mInputView.currentKeyboard == KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS_SHIFTED) { mInputView.getKeyboard().setShifted(false); mInputView.currentKeyboard = KeyboardViews.SYMBOLS; mInputView.switchKeyboard(); mInputView.getKeyboard().setShifted(false); } } /** * Handle the input of any normal character * @param primaryCode the button key code * @param keyCodes the characters associated with the button key code */ private void handleCharacter(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) { if (isInputViewShown()) { if (mInputView.isShifted()) { primaryCode = Character.toUpperCase(primaryCode); //Log.i("Handle Character", "it is "+(char)primaryCode); } } if (isAlphabet(primaryCode) && mPredictionOn) { if (coreEngine != null) coreEngine.addChar((char) primaryCode, false, false, false); mComposing.append((char) primaryCode); ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); updateCandidates(); } else { //Log.i("handleCharacter", "adding "+(char) primaryCode+" to mComposing"); mComposing.append((char) primaryCode); ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); } } /** * Handle shutting down of the keyboard */ private void handleClose() { //Log.i("Keyboard hiding", ""+System.currentTimeMillis()/1000); composition = mComposing.toString(); commitTyped(ic); requestHideSelf(0); mInputView.closing(); } /** * Helper to manage the toggling of the caps lock function of the shift key */ private void checkToggleCapsLock() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (mLastShiftTime + 800 > now) { mCapsLock = !mCapsLock; mLastShiftTime = 0; } else { mLastShiftTime = now; } } /** * get the word separators * @param special * @return */ private String getWordSeparators(boolean special) { if (special) return mSpecialSeparators; else return mWordSeparators; } /** * check if a character input is a word separator * @param code the input character * @return true if it is a word separator, else return false */ public boolean isWordSeparator(int code) { String separators = getWordSeparators(false); return separators.contains(String.valueOf((char) code)); } /** * check if a character is a special separator * @param code the input character * @return true if it is a special word separator, else return false */ public boolean isSpecialSeparator(int code) { String separators = getWordSeparators(true); return separators.contains(String.valueOf((char) code)); } /** * helper to pick the best available suggestion */ public void pickDefaultCandidate() { pickSuggestionManually(0); } /** * Handles the manual selection of suggestions from the suggestion bar * @param index the position of the suggestion in the suggestion list */ public void pickSuggestionManually(int index) { if (mCompletionOn && mCompletions != null && index >= 0 && index < mCompletions.length) { CompletionInfo ci = mCompletions[index]; ic.commitCompletion(ci); if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.clear(); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } else if (mComposing.length() >= 0) { String picked; if (!replacemode) picked = suggestions.get(index) + " "; else picked = suggestions.get(index); //Log.i("Suggestion picked 2", picked); //ic.commitText(picked, picked.length()); getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); //colour the text according to user preferences SpannableString text = new SpannableString(picked); SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("suggestion_highlight", false)) text.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(suggestion), 0, picked.length() - 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); currentSession.nSuggestionsPicked++; if (replacemode) { replacemode = false; //remove from list of autocorrected words. //Log.i("PickSuggestion", "Removed "+autocorrected_words.remove(text.toString())); //find the current word extr = ic.getExtractedText(new ExtractedTextRequest(), 0); WordDetails w = findWord(extr.selectionStart, extr.text); //Log.i("FindWord", w.word+", "+w.wordStart+" - "+w.wordEnd); ic.setComposingRegion(w.wordStart, w.wordEnd); text.setSpan(null, 0, text.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); /* //clear any spans BackgroundColorSpan[] spans=(new SpannableString(extr.text.toString())).getSpans(w.wordStart, w.wordEnd, BackgroundColorSpan.class); for(int i=0; i<spans.length; i++){ text.removeSpan(spans[i]); }*/ //commit the update ic.commitText(text, 1); } else ic.commitText(text, picked.length()); coreEngine.resetCoreString(); coreEngine.insertText(picked); mComposing.setLength(0); updateCandidates(); } } /** * initialize the OpenAdaptxt core */ public void initializeCore() { if (coreEngine == null) { //Log.w("Initialize Core","Starting..."); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Looper.prepare(); if (CoreEngineInitialize.initializeCore(getApplicationContext())) { coreEngine = CoreEngineInitialize.getCoreInstance(); updateCorePrefs(); //Log.i("KPT Engine core","core initialized"); } else { //Log.e("KPT Engine core","core NOT initialized"); } } }).start(); } } /** * Set the adaptxt core preferences according to the users' preferences */ public void updateCorePrefs() { SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); coreEngine.setErrorCorrection(sharedPrefs.getBoolean("corrections", true)); coreEngine.setCompletions(sharedPrefs.getBoolean("completions", true)); coreEngine.setProximitySuggestion(sharedPrefs.getBoolean("proximity", true)); coreEngine.setCapsStates(KPT_SUGG_STATES.KPT_SUGG_FORCE_LOWER); coreEngine.setMaxSuggestions(Integer.valueOf(sharedPrefs.getString("maxsuggs", "10"))); } /** * Stop the adaptxt core */ public void destroyCore() { if (coreEngine != null) { coreEngine.destroyCore(); } CoreEngineInitialize.clearCore(); coreEngine = null; } /** * called when the keyboard view is being hidden */ @Override public void onFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput) { if (composition == null) composition = mComposing.toString(); TypingEvent(2, "Keyboard hidden")); //Log.i("onFinishInputView","KEYBOARD DOWN"); endSession(); super.onFinishInputView(finishingInput); } public void swipeRight() { if (mCompletionOn) { pickDefaultCandidate(); } } public void swipeLeft() { handleBackspace(); } public void swipeDown() { handleClose(); } public void swipeUp() { } public void onPress(int primaryCode) { //Log.i("OnPress","Pressed "+primaryCode); } /** * handle key release */ public void onRelease(int primaryCode) { //Log.i("OnRelease","Released "+primaryCode); if (currentEvent != null) { currentEvent.timeUp = System.currentTimeMillis(); //calculate the time since last event and also the duration of the keypress if ( > 1) //at least two events so we can do the calculation { currentEvent.calcTimeSinceLast( - 1).timeUp); } currentEvent.calcDuration(); //add to the session; } } /** * handle the stop of the input method service */ @Override public void onDestroy() { if (coreEngine != null) { coreEngine.resetCoreString(); destroyCore(); } super.onDestroy(); } /** * handle the receipt of suggestions from the spell checker * colour the text in the editor as required * pass information to the keyboard view so it can draw the colour bar * initiate audio and haptic feedback as required */ @Override public void onGetSuggestions(SuggestionsInfo[] results) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int colortype = -1; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (updateSuggestionList) { updateSuggestionList = false; ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { final int length = results[i].getSuggestionsCount(); for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) { s.add(results[i].getSuggestionAt(j)); } } updateSuggestionListWithSpellChecker(s); } else { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) { // Returned suggestions are contained in SuggestionsInfo final int len = results[i].getSuggestionsCount(); sb.append("Suggestion Attribs: " + results[i].getSuggestionsAttributes()); if ((results[i].getSuggestionsAttributes() & SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_IN_THE_DICTIONARY) == SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_IN_THE_DICTIONARY) { sb.append("The word was found in the dictionary\n"); mInputView.wordcompletedtype = 3; } else { if ((results[i].getSuggestionsAttributes() & SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_LOOKS_LIKE_TYPO) == SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_LOOKS_LIKE_TYPO) { if ((results[i].getSuggestionsAttributes() & SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_HAS_RECOMMENDED_SUGGESTIONS) == SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_HAS_RECOMMENDED_SUGGESTIONS) { colortype = 1; //yellow mInputView.wordcompletedtype = 1; sb.append("There are strong candidates for this word\n"); currentSession.nLowErrors++; } else { colortype = 2; //red mInputView.wordcompletedtype = 2; sb.append("The word looks like a typo\n"); currentSession.nHighErrors++; } } } sb.append("\n--These are the suggestions--\n"); for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) { sb.append("," + results[i].getSuggestionAt(j)); } sb.append(" (" + len + ")"); } //Log.i("Spelling suggestions", sb.toString()); //this comes after a word separator, hence just add 1 to the cursor SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext()); SpannableString text = new SpannableString(mComposingTemp); if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("highlightwords", true)) { switch (colortype) { case 1: text.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(small_err), 0, mComposingTemp.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); break; case 2: text.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(big_err), 0, mComposingTemp.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); break; default: break; } } if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("autocorrect", true) && mInputView.wordcompletedtype == 1) //handle autocorrection { SpannableString autoc = autocorrect(results); autocorrected_words.put(autoc.toString(), text.toString()); //autocorrected word, original input //Log.i("Autocorrecting","Key= "+autoc.toString()+", Value= "+text.toString()); text = autoc; if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("highlightwords", true)) text.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(autocorrect), 0, text.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); mInputView.wordcompletedtype = 4; } else //autocorrection is turned off { if (!sharedPrefs.getBoolean("autocorrect", true) && colortype >= 1) //a mistake word { //Log.i("OnGetSentenceSuggestions","Key= "+text.toString()+", Value= "+text.toString()); //no autocorrects, just put the word in and itself as the replacement autocorrected_words.put(text.toString(), text.toString()); } } if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("vibrator", false)) { Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); final int on_time = Integer.parseInt(sharedPrefs.getString("shortvibe", "35")); switch (mInputView.wordcompletedtype) { case 1: //small err // Vibrate for 300 milliseconds v.vibrate(on_time); break; case 2: //big err //v.vibrate(Integer.parseInt(sharedPrefs.getString("longvibe", "300"))); v.vibrate(new long[] { 0, on_time, 200, on_time }, -1); break; case 4: //autocorr v.vibrate(on_time); break; default: break; } } if (sharedPrefs.getBoolean("audio", false)) { final ToneGenerator tg = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, 100); switch (mInputView.wordcompletedtype) { case 1: //small err tg.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_BEEP); break; case 2: //big err tg.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_BEEP2); break; case 4: //autocorr tg.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_BEEP); break; default: break; } } mInputView.invalidateAllKeys(); ic.commitText(text, 1); sendKey(wordSeparatorKeyCode); coreEngine.resetCoreString(); updateCandidates(); } } /** * create a spannable string object that can be coloured from a spell checker suggestion * @param results * @return */ public SpannableString autocorrect(SuggestionsInfo[] results) { SpannableString text = new SpannableString(results[0].getSuggestionAt(0)); return text; } /** * for passing entire sentences to the spell checker, not used */ @Override public void onGetSentenceSuggestions(SentenceSuggestionsInfo[] results) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.i("OnGetSentenceSugs", "Sentence Sugs = " + results.length); for (int x = 0; x < results.length; x++) { int sugCount = results[x].getSuggestionsCount(); Log.i("OnGetSentenceSugs", "Sentence Sugs " + x + ", SugInfos = " + sugCount); for (int z = 0; z < sugCount; z++) { int sugCount2 = results[x].getSuggestionsInfoAt(z).getSuggestionsCount(); Log.i("OnGetSentenceSugs", "Sentence Sugs " + x + ", SugInfos = " + sugCount + ", Suggestions = " + sugCount2); for (int y = 0; y < sugCount2; y++) { Log.i("OnGetSentenceSugs", results[x].getSuggestionsInfoAt(z).getSuggestionAt(y)); } } } } /** * handle keyboard orientation being changed */ @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { /* Log.i("Configuration Changed", "Now in mode: "+newConfig.orientation); Log.i("Configuration Changed", "FullScreen mode: "+isFullscreenMode()); Log.i("Configuration Changed", "ExtractView shown: "+isExtractViewShown()); */ //get what's input so far try { ExtractedTextRequest req = new ExtractedTextRequest(); req.token = 0; req.flags = InputConnection.GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES; extractedText = ic.getExtractedText(req, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); } }