Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of
 * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre
 * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's
 * FLOSS exception.  You should have recieved a copy of the text describing
 * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
 * ""
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.servlets;

import com.silverpeas.form.DataRecord;
import com.silverpeas.form.Form;
import com.silverpeas.form.FormException;
import com.silverpeas.form.PagesContext;
import com.silverpeas.form.RecordSet;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateException;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateImpl;
import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateManager;
import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil;
import com.silverpeas.util.clipboard.ClipboardSelection;
import org.silverpeas.servlet.FileUploadUtil;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.ComponentContext;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.MainSessionController;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.URLManager;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.servlets.ComponentRequestRouter;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.NewsEditoException;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.control.NewsEditoSessionController;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.CompletePublication;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationDetail;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationSelection;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.silverpeas.servlet.HttpRequest;

import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * Class declaration
 * @author
public class NewsEditoRequestRouter extends ComponentRequestRouter<NewsEditoSessionController> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * This method creates a NewsEditoSessionController instance
     * @param mainSessionCtrl The MainSessionController instance
     * @param context         Context of current component instance
     * @return a NewsEditoSessionController instance
    public NewsEditoSessionController createComponentSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl,
            ComponentContext context) {
        return new NewsEditoSessionController(mainSessionCtrl, context);

     * This method has to be implemented in the component request rooter class. returns the session
     * control bean name to be put in the request object ex : for almanach, returns "almanach"
    public String getSessionControlBeanName() {
        return "newsEdito";

     * This method has to be implemented by the component request rooter it has to compute a
     * destination page
     * @param function  The entering request function (ex : "Main.jsp")
     * @param newsEdito The component Session Controller, build and initialised.
     * @param request   The entering request. The request rooter need it to get parameters
     * @return The complete destination URL for a forward (ex : "/almanach/jsp/almanach.jsp?flag=user")
    public String getDestination(String function, NewsEditoSessionController newsEdito, HttpRequest request) {
        String destination = "";
        String rootDest = "/newsEdito/jsp/";
        SilverTrace.debug("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_ENTER",
                "function = " + function);

        if (function.startsWith("portlet")) {
            destination = rootDest + "portlet.jsp";
        } else if ((function.startsWith("Main")) || (function.startsWith("newsEdito"))) {
            // the flag is the best user's profile
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            // initialisation de la variable indiquant que l'utilisateur est en mode
            // consultation
            destination = rootDest + "newsEdito.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("manageNews")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            destination = rootDest + "manageNews.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("manageArticles")) {

            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();
            // initialisation de la variable indiquant que l'utilisateur est en mode
            // manage
            destination = rootDest + "manageArticles.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("publicationEdit")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            // initialisation de isConsulting inutile
            destination = rootDest + "publicationEdit.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.equals("UpdatePublication")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            try {
                // pour le formulaire XML
                setXMLForm(request, newsEdito, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");
            destination = rootDest + "publicationEdit.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("publication")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();
            PublicationDetail pubDetail;

            try {
                // rcuprer l'id
                String pubId = request.getParameter("PublicationId");
                if (StringUtil.isDefined(pubId)) {
                    pubDetail = newsEdito.getPublicationDetail(pubId);
                } else {
                    pubDetail = newsEdito.getCompletePublication().getPublicationDetail();
                // pour le formulaire XML
                putXMLDisplayerIntoRequest(pubDetail, newsEdito, request);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");

            destination = rootDest + "publication.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("pdfCompile")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            // initialisation de isConsulting inutile
            destination = rootDest + "pdfCompile.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.startsWith("publishNews")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();

            // initialisation de isConsulting inutile
            destination = rootDest + "publishNews.jsp?flag=" + flag;
        } else if (function.equals("ListModels")) {
            try {
                List<PublicationTemplate> listModels = getPublicationTemplateManager().getPublicationTemplates();
                request.setAttribute("ListModels", listModels);
            } catch (PublicationTemplateException e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");
            destination = rootDest + "listModels.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("SelectModel")) {
            try {
                String xmlFormName = request.getParameter("Name");
                setXMLForm(request, newsEdito, xmlFormName);

                // put current publication
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");
            destination = rootDest + "model.jsp";
        } else if (function.equals("ReallyUpdatePublication")) {
            try {
                // mise  jour de l'entte de la publication
                List<FileItem> items = request.getFileItems();

                String name = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(items, "Name");
                String description = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(items, "Description");
                newsEdito.updatePublication(name, description);

                // mise  jour du formulaire
                updateXmlForm(items, newsEdito);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");
            destination = getDestination("publication", newsEdito, request);
        } else if (function.equals("UpdateXMLForm")) {
            try {
                List<FileItem> items = request.getFileItems();
                updateXmlForm(items, newsEdito);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_LIST_ERROR");

            destination = getDestination("publication", newsEdito, request);

        } else if (function.startsWith("searchResult")) {
            String flag = newsEdito.getUserRoleLevel();
            String id = request.getParameter("Id");
            String type = request.getParameter("Type");
            if (type.equals("Publication")) {
                // newsEdito.initNavigationForPublication(id);
                destination = rootDest + "newsEdito.jsp?Action=SelectPublication&PublicationId=" + id + "&flag="
                        + flag;
            } else // if (type.equals("Node"))
                try {
                } catch (NewsEditoException e) {
                    throw new EJBException(e);
                if (newsEdito.getTitleId() != null) {
                    destination = rootDest + "newsEdito.jsp?Action=SelectTitle&TitleId=" + id + "&flag=" + flag;
                } else {
                    destination = rootDest + "newsEdito.jsp?Action=SelectArchive&ArchiveId=" + id + "&flag=" + flag;
        // clipboard
        else if (function.startsWith("multicopy")) {
            try {
                String Ids[] = request.getParameterValues("publicationIds");

                for (int i = 0; i < Ids.length; i++) {
                    if (Ids[i] != null) {
                        CompletePublication pub = ((NewsEditoSessionController) newsEdito)
                        PublicationSelection pubSelect = new PublicationSelection(pub);
                        newsEdito.addClipboardSelection((ClipboardSelection) pubSelect);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_COPY_ERROR");

            destination = rootDest + URLManager.getURL(URLManager.CMP_CLIPBOARD)
                    + "Idle.jsp?message=REFRESHCLIPBOARD";
            return destination;
        } else if (function.startsWith("paste")) {
            try {
                NewsEditoSessionController news = (NewsEditoSessionController) newsEdito;
                String titleId = news.getTitleId();
                Collection<ClipboardSelection> clipObjects = news.getClipboardSelectedObjects();
                Iterator<ClipboardSelection> clipObjectIterator = clipObjects.iterator();

                while (clipObjectIterator.hasNext()) {
                    ClipboardSelection clipObject =;
                    if (clipObject != null) {
                        if (clipObject.isDataFlavorSupported(PublicationSelection.CompletePublicationFlavor)) {
                            CompletePublication pub;

                            pub = (CompletePublication) clipObject
                        } else if (clipObject.isDataFlavorSupported(PublicationSelection.PublicationDetailFlavor)) {
                            PublicationDetail pub;

                            pub = (PublicationDetail) clipObject
                            news.createPublication(pub.getName(), pub.getDescription());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                SilverTrace.warn("NewsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRooter.getDestination", "NewsEdito.EX_PAST_ERROR");
            destination = URLManager.getURL(URLManager.CMP_CLIPBOARD) + "Idle.jsp";
            return rootDest + destination;

        else {
            destination = rootDest + function;
        }"newsEdito", "NewsEditoRequestRouter.getDestination()", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE",
                "destination = " + destination);

        return destination;

    private void updateXmlForm(List<FileItem> items, NewsEditoSessionController newsEdito)
            throws NewsEditoException, RemoteException, PublicationTemplateException, FormException {
        PublicationDetail pubDetail = newsEdito.getCompletePublication().getPublicationDetail();

        String xmlFormShortName = null;

        // Is it the creation of the content or an update ?
        String infoId = pubDetail.getInfoId();
        if (infoId == null || "0".equals(infoId)) {
            String xmlFormName = FileUploadUtil.getParameter(items, "XmlFormName");

            // The publication have no content
            // We have to register xmlForm to publication
            xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf("."));
        } else {
            xmlFormShortName = pubDetail.getInfoId();

        String pubId = pubDetail.getPK().getId();

        PublicationTemplate pub = getPublicationTemplateManager()
                .getPublicationTemplate(newsEdito.getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName);

        RecordSet set = pub.getRecordSet();
        Form form = pub.getUpdateForm();

        String language = newsEdito.getLanguage();

        DataRecord data = set.getRecord(pubId, language);
        if (data == null) {
            data = set.getEmptyRecord();

        PagesContext context = new PagesContext("myForm", "3", newsEdito.getLanguage(), false,
                newsEdito.getComponentId(), newsEdito.getUserId());

        form.update(items, data, context);;

    private void setXMLForm(HttpServletRequest request, NewsEditoSessionController newsEdito, String xmlFormName)
            throws PublicationTemplateException, FormException, NewsEditoException {
        PublicationDetail pubDetail = newsEdito.getCompletePublication().getPublicationDetail();
        String pubId = pubDetail.getPK().getId();

        String xmlFormShortName = null;
        if (!StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFormName)) {
            xmlFormShortName = pubDetail.getInfoId();
            xmlFormName = null;
        } else {
            xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf("."));

            // register xmlForm to publication
                    newsEdito.getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName);

        PublicationTemplateImpl pubTemplate = (PublicationTemplateImpl) getPublicationTemplateManager()
                .getPublicationTemplate(newsEdito.getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName);
        Form formUpdate = pubTemplate.getUpdateForm();
        RecordSet recordSet = pubTemplate.getRecordSet();

        // get displayed language
        String language = newsEdito.getLanguage();

        DataRecord data = recordSet.getRecord(pubId, language);
        if (data == null) {
            data = recordSet.getEmptyRecord();

        request.setAttribute("Form", formUpdate);
        request.setAttribute("Data", data);
        request.setAttribute("XMLFormName", xmlFormName);

    private void putXMLDisplayerIntoRequest(PublicationDetail pubDetail, NewsEditoSessionController newsEdito,
            HttpServletRequest request) throws PublicationTemplateException, FormException {
        String infoId = pubDetail.getInfoId();
        String pubId = pubDetail.getPK().getId();
        if (StringUtil.isDefined(infoId)) {
            PublicationTemplateImpl pubTemplate = (PublicationTemplateImpl) getPublicationTemplateManager()
                    .getPublicationTemplate(pubDetail.getPK().getInstanceId() + ":" + infoId);

            // RecordTemplate recordTemplate = pubTemplate.getRecordTemplate();
            Form formView = pubTemplate.getViewForm();

            RecordSet recordSet = pubTemplate.getRecordSet();
            DataRecord data = recordSet.getRecord(pubId, newsEdito.getLanguage());
            if (data == null) {
                data = recordSet.getEmptyRecord();

            request.setAttribute("XMLForm", formView);
            request.setAttribute("XMLData", data);

     * Gets an instance of PublicationTemplateManager.
     * @return an instance of PublicationTemplateManager.
    private PublicationTemplateManager getPublicationTemplateManager() {
        return PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance();