Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS") * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.control; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import com.silverpeas.form.DataRecord; import com.silverpeas.form.Form; import com.silverpeas.form.PagesContext; import com.silverpeas.form.RecordSet; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplate; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateImpl; import com.silverpeas.publicationTemplate.PublicationTemplateManager; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.model.ThumbnailDetail; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.service.ThumbnailService; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.service.ThumbnailServiceFactory; import com.silverpeas.thumbnail.service.ThumbnailServiceImpl; import com.silverpeas.util.ForeignPK; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.AbstractComponentSessionController; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.ComponentContext; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.MainSessionController; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.UserDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.CreateNewsEditoException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.newsEdito.NewsEditoException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.DateUtil; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.EJBUtilitaire; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.JNDINames; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.favorit.control.FavoritBm; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.control.NodeBm; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodeDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.node.model.NodePK; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.control.PublicationBm; import; import; import; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.CompletePublication; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationDetail; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.publication.model.PublicationPK; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.statistic.control.StatisticBm; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.statistic.model.StatisticResultDetail; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; public class NewsEditoSessionController extends AbstractComponentSessionController { private String archiveId = null; private String titleId = null; private String publicationId = null; private boolean isConsulting = true; private final static String root = "0"; // private final static java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter = new // java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"); private final static java.text.SimpleDateFormat tempFormatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("SSSssmm"); private NodeBm nodeBm; private PublicationBm publicationBm; private FavoritBm favoritBm; private StatisticBm statisticBm; private ResourceLocator settings; /** * Constructor declaration * * @see */ public NewsEditoSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, ComponentContext context) { super(mainSessionCtrl, context, "org.silverpeas.newsEdito.multilang.newsEditoBundle");"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.constructor", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { nodeBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.NODEBM_EJBHOME, NodeBm.class); publicationBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.PUBLICATIONBM_EJBHOME, PublicationBm.class); favoritBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.FAVORITBM_EJBHOME, FavoritBm.class); statisticBm = EJBUtilitaire.getEJBObjectRef(JNDINames.STATISTICBM_EJBHOME, StatisticBm.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EJBException("NewsEditoSessionControl() : Exception : " + e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @see */ @Override public ResourceLocator getSettings() { if (settings == null) { settings = new ResourceLocator("org.silverpeas.newsEdito.settings.newsEditoSettings", ""); } return settings; } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @see */ public UserDetail[] getUserList() { return getOrganisationController().getAllUsers(); } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @see */ public String getArchiveId() { return archiveId; } /** * Method declaration * * @param archiveId * @see */ public void setArchiveId(String archiveId) { this.archiveId = archiveId; setTitleId(null); } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @see */ public String getTitleId() { return titleId; } /** * Method declaration * * @param titleId * @see */ public void setTitleId(String titleId) { this.titleId = titleId; setPublicationId(null); } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @see */ public String getPublicationId() { return publicationId; } /** * Method declaration * * @param publicationId * @see */ public void setPublicationId(String publicationId) { this.publicationId = publicationId; } /** * Method declaration * * @param pubId * @see */ public void initNavigationForPublication(String pubId) throws NewsEditoException { try { Collection<NodePK> result = publicationBm .getAllFatherPK(new PublicationPK(pubId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); if (result.size() > 2) // 1 -> article normal, 2->article apparaissant // aussi dans l'dito { throw new EJBException("Cette publication a plus de deux noeud pere, mais " + result.size()); } Iterator<NodePK> i = result.iterator(); NodePK titlePK =; if (nodeBm.getHeader(titlePK).getFatherPK().getId().equals("0") && (i.hasNext())) { titlePK = (NodePK); } NodePK archivePK = nodeBm.getHeader(titlePK).getFatherPK(); if (!nodeBm.getHeader(archivePK).getFatherPK().getId().equals("0")) { throw new EJBException("Cette publication n'est ratachee a aucun titre "); } setArchiveId(archivePK.getId()); setTitleId(titlePK.getId()); setPublicationId(pubId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveList", NewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_INITIALIZE_NAV_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param nodeId * @see */ public void initNavigationForNode(String nodeId) throws NewsEditoException { try { NodePK nodePK = new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); NodePK fatherPK = nodeBm.getHeader(nodePK).getFatherPK(); if (fatherPK.getId().equals("0")) { // nodeId is an archive setArchiveId(nodeId); return; } NodePK superfatherPK = nodeBm.getHeader(fatherPK).getFatherPK(); if (superfatherPK.getId().equals("0")) { // nodeId is a title setArchiveId(fatherPK.getId()); setTitleId(nodeId); return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveList", NewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_INITIALIZE_NAV_NODE", e); } } /** * getArchiveList() This method returns all the newsPaper present in the space (the items are * ordered by creation date) */ public Collection<NodeDetail> getArchiveList() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveList", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); Collection<NodeDetail> result; NodePK pk = new NodePK(root, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); try { result = nodeBm.getFrequentlyAskedChildrenDetails(pk); if (!result.iterator().hasNext()) { setArchiveId(null); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveList", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_OBTAIN_ARCHIVES", e); } } /** * selectFirstArchive() select first archive in archive list */ public void selectFirstArchive() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.selectFirstArchive", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); Collection<NodeDetail> result; NodePK pk = new NodePK(root, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); try { result = nodeBm.getFrequentlyAskedChildrenDetails(pk); Iterator<NodeDetail> i = result.iterator(); String bestDate = null; String firstArchiveId = null; while (i.hasNext()) { NodeDetail node =; if ((bestDate == null) || ((node.getCreationDate() != null) && (node.getCreationDate().compareTo(bestDate) > 0))) { firstArchiveId = node.getNodePK().getId(); bestDate = node.getCreationDate(); } } setArchiveId(firstArchiveId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.selectFirstArchive", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_ERROR_SELECT_ARCHIVE", e); } } /** * selectFirstOnLineArchive() select first archive in line in archive list */ public void selectFirstOnLineArchive() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.selectFirstOnLineArchive", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); Collection<NodeDetail> result; NodePK pk = new NodePK(root, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); try { result = nodeBm.getFrequentlyAskedChildrenDetails(pk); Iterator<NodeDetail> i = result.iterator(); String bestDate = null; String firstArchiveId = null; while (i.hasNext()) { NodeDetail node =; if ((node.getStatus() != null) && (node.getStatus().equals("onLine"))) { if ((bestDate == null) || ((node.getCreationDate() != null) && (node.getCreationDate().compareTo(bestDate) > 0))) { firstArchiveId = node.getNodePK().getId(); bestDate = node.getCreationDate(); } } } setArchiveId(firstArchiveId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.selectFirstOnLineArchive", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_ERROR_SELECT_ARCHIVE", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param fatherId * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public Collection<StatisticResultDetail> getArchiveUsage(String fatherId) throws NewsEditoException { try { if (fatherId == null) { fatherId = root; } if (fatherId.length() == 0) { fatherId = root; } Collection<StatisticResultDetail> statList = new ArrayList<StatisticResultDetail>(); NodePK pk = new NodePK(fatherId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); NodeDetail nd = nodeBm.getDetail(pk); // rcupration de la liste de toutes les rubriques (les nodes) Collection<NodeDetail> archiveList = nd.getChildrenDetails(); Iterator<NodeDetail> i = archiveList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { NodeDetail nodeDetail =; // rcuprer par rubrique, la liste de tous les articles (publications) Collection<PublicationDetail> publications = publicationBm .getDetailsByFatherPK(nodeDetail.getNodePK()); // pour chaque liste d'articles (rubrique), compter le nombre de // lectures int accessByNode = 0; Iterator<PublicationDetail> it = publications.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // ajouter le nombre d'accs chaque publication PublicationDetail pub =; ForeignPK foreignPK = new ForeignPK(pub.getPK().getId(), pub.getInstanceId()); int accessByPub = statisticBm.getCount(foreignPK, 1, "Publication"); pub.setNbAccess(accessByPub); accessByNode = accessByNode + accessByPub; } // crer le StatisticResultDetail StatisticResultDetail statDetail = new StatisticResultDetail(pk, Integer.toString(accessByNode)); if (statDetail != null) { statDetail.setDetail(nodeDetail); } statList.add(statDetail); } return statList; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveUsage", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GET_ARCHIVE", e); } } /** * getArchiveContent for one archive, give all its titles */ public NodeDetail getArchiveContent() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveContent", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if (getArchiveId() == null) { return null; } NodePK pk = new NodePK(getArchiveId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); try { // return nodeBm.getTwoLevelDetails(pk); return nodeBm.getDetail(pk); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchiveContent", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_TITLES", e); } } /** * getTitleDetail */ public NodeDetail getTitleDetail() throws NewsEditoException { try { if (getTitleId() == null) { return null; } return getNodeDetail(getTitleId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getTitleDetail", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_TITLE", e); } } /** * getNodeDetail */ public NodeDetail getNodeDetail(String nodeId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getNodeDetail", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); NodePK pk = new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); NodeDetail result; try { result = nodeBm.getHeader(pk); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getNodeDetail", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GET_NODE", e); } } /** * Manipulation des publications */ public Collection<PublicationDetail> getTitlePublicationDetails() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getTitlePublicationDetails", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if (getTitleId() == null) { return null; } try { Collection<PublicationDetail> result = publicationBm .getDetailsByFatherPK(new NodePK(getTitleId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getTitlePublicationDetails", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_PUBLI_TITLE", e); } } /** * for editorials */ public Collection<PublicationDetail> getArchivePublicationDetails() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchivePublicationDetails", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if (getArchiveId() == null) { return null; } try { Collection<PublicationDetail> result = publicationBm .getDetailsByFatherPK(new NodePK(getArchiveId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getArchivePublicationDetails", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GET_ARCHIVE", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param name * @param description * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public String createPublication(String name, String description) throws NewsEditoException, CreateNewsEditoException { if (getTitleId() == null) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.createPublication", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_TITLE"); } if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.createPublication", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { PublicationDetail detail = new PublicationDetail( new PublicationPK("unknown", getSpaceId(), getComponentId()), name, description, new java.util.Date(), null, // formatter.parse("1999/12/25"), null, // formatter.parse("3000/12/25"), getUserId(), 1, "", "", ""); PublicationPK pubPK = publicationBm.createPublication(detail); publicationBm.addFather(pubPK, new NodePK(getTitleId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); setPublicationId(pubPK.getId()); return pubPK.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.createPublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_CREATE_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param name * @param description * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public void updatePublication(String name, String description) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.updatePublication", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updatePublication", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { PublicationDetail detail = publicationBm .getDetail(new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); detail.setName(name); detail.setDescription(description); publicationBm.setDetail(detail); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updatePublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_UPDATE_PUBLI", e); } } public void updatePublication(PublicationDetail pubDetail) throws RemoteException { publicationBm.setDetail(pubDetail); } /** * Method declaration * * @param name * @param description * @param imageName * @param mimeType * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public void updatePublication(String name, String description, String imageName, String mimeType) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.updatePublication", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.createPublication", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { PublicationDetail detail = publicationBm .getDetail(new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); detail.setName(name); detail.setDescription(description); publicationBm.setDetail(detail); // update de l'image ThumbnailDetail thumbDetail = new ThumbnailDetail(getComponentId(), Integer.valueOf(getPublicationId()), ThumbnailDetail.THUMBNAIL_OBJECTTYPE_PUBLICATION_VIGNETTE); thumbDetail.setOriginalFileName(imageName); thumbDetail.setMimeType(mimeType); if (getThumbnailService().getCompleteThumbnail(thumbDetail) != null) { // case update getThumbnailService().updateThumbnail(thumbDetail); } else { // case create getThumbnailService().createThumbnail(thumbDetail); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updatePublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_UPDATE_PUBLI", e); } } public ThumbnailService getThumbnailService() { return ThumbnailServiceFactory.getThumbnailService(); } /** * Method declaration * * @param pubId * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public void removePublication(String pubId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.removePublication", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { publicationBm.removePublication(new PublicationPK(pubId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.removePublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_DELETE_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param publicationId * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public PublicationDetail getPublicationDetail(String publicationId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getPublicationDetail", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { return publicationBm.getDetail(new PublicationPK(publicationId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getPublicationDetail", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GET_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Return title to which the publication is bound Ignore the archive to which it is bound if the * publication is in the editorial */ public NodeDetail getPublicationTitleDetail(String publicationId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getPublicationTitleDetail", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { Collection<NodePK> result = publicationBm .getAllFatherPK(new PublicationPK(publicationId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); if (result.size() > 2) // 1 -> article normal, 2->article apparaissant // aussi dans l'dito { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getPublicationTitleDetail", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_NUMBER_TITLE"); // throw new // EJBException("Cette publication a plus de deux noeud pere, mais " + // result.size() ); } Iterator<NodePK> i = result.iterator(); NodePK titlePK =; if (nodeBm.getHeader(titlePK).getFatherPK().getId().equals("0") && (i.hasNext())) { titlePK =; } NodeDetail finalResult = nodeBm.getHeader(titlePK); return finalResult; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getPublicationTitleDetail", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GET_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Manipulation des modeles */ public CompletePublication getCompletePublication() throws NewsEditoException { try { return getCompletePublication(getPublicationId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getCompletePublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_EDITORIAL", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param id * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public CompletePublication getCompletePublication(String id) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getCompletePublication", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(id, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); try { CompletePublication complete = publicationBm.getCompletePublication(pubPK); if ((getUserId() != null) && (getTitleId() != null) && (isConsulting)) { statisticBm.addStat(getUserId(), new ForeignPK(id, getComponentId()), 1, "Publication"); } return complete; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getCompletePublication", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_EDITORIAL", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public Collection<ModelDetail> getAllModels() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getAllModels", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { return publicationBm.getAllModelsDetail(/* pubPK */); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getAllModels", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_MODELS", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param modelId * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public void setPublicationModel(String modelId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.setPublicationModel", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); ModelPK modelPK = new ModelPK(modelId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); publicationBm.createInfoModelDetail(pubPK, modelPK, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.setPublicationModel", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_SET_PUBLI", e); } } public PublicationTemplateImpl setPublicationXmlForm(String xmlFormName) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.setPublicationXmlForm", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { PublicationDetail pubDetail = publicationBm .getDetail(new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); String xmlFormShortName = null; PublicationTemplateManager publicationTemplateManager = PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance(); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(xmlFormName)) { xmlFormShortName = pubDetail.getInfoId(); xmlFormName = null; } else { xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf(".")); // register xmlForm to publication publicationTemplateManager.addDynamicPublicationTemplate(getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName); } PublicationTemplateImpl pubTemplate = (PublicationTemplateImpl) publicationTemplateManager .getPublicationTemplate(getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName, xmlFormName); return pubTemplate; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.setPublicationXmlModel", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_SET_PUBLI", e); } } public void updateXMLForm(List<FileItem> items, String name) throws NewsEditoException { try { PublicationDetail pubDetail = publicationBm .getDetail(new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); String xmlFormShortName = null; // Is it the creation of the content or an update ? String infoId = pubDetail.getInfoId(); if (infoId == null || "0".equals(infoId)) { String xmlFormName = name; // The publication have no content // We have to register xmlForm to publication xmlFormShortName = xmlFormName.substring(xmlFormName.indexOf("/") + 1, xmlFormName.indexOf(".")); pubDetail.setInfoId(xmlFormShortName); } else { xmlFormShortName = pubDetail.getInfoId(); } String pubId = pubDetail.getPK().getId(); PublicationTemplate pub = PublicationTemplateManager.getInstance() .getPublicationTemplate(getComponentId() + ":" + xmlFormShortName); RecordSet set = pub.getRecordSet(); Form form = pub.getUpdateForm(); DataRecord data = set.getRecord(pubId, getLanguage()); if (data == null) { data = set.getEmptyRecord(); data.setId(pubId); data.setLanguage(getLanguage()); } PagesContext context = new PagesContext("myForm", "3", getLanguage(), false, getComponentId(), getUserId()); context.setObjectId(pubId); context.setContentLanguage(getLanguage()); form.update(items, data, context);; // updatePublication(pubDetail); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updateXMLForm", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_SET_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param infos * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public void setInfoDetail(InfoDetail infos) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.setInfoDetail", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(getPublicationId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); publicationBm.updateInfoDetail(pubPK, infos); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.setInfoDetail", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_SET_INFO", e); } } /** * remove a title or an archive */ public void removeTitle(String titleId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.removeTitle", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if (titleId.equals(getArchiveId())) { setArchiveId(null); } if (titleId.equals(getTitleId())) { setTitleId(null); } try { try { NodePK node = new NodePK(titleId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); NodeDetail detail = nodeBm.getHeader(node); // try to remove this favorites, from all users, even if it does not // exist favoritBm.removeFavoritByNodePath(node, detail.getPath()); } catch (Exception ex) {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.removeTitle", "NewsEdito.MSG_REMOVE_TITLE"); } NodePK titlePK = new NodePK(titleId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); // on enleve les publications attaches if (nodeBm.getHeader(titlePK).getFatherPK().getId().equals("0")) // cas de // l'archive { Collection<NodeDetail> subList = nodeBm.getDetail(titlePK).getChildrenDetails(); Iterator<NodeDetail> i = subList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { NodeDetail subTitleDetail =; Collection<PublicationDetail> pubList = publicationBm .getDetailsByFatherPK(subTitleDetail.getNodePK()); Iterator<PublicationDetail> j = pubList.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { publicationBm.removePublication((; } } } else // cas du titre { Collection<PublicationDetail> pubList = publicationBm.getDetailsByFatherPK(titlePK); Iterator<PublicationDetail> j = pubList.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { publicationBm.removePublication((; } } nodeBm.removeNode(titlePK); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.removeTitle", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_DELETE_TITLE", e); } } /** * add a publication to the selected archive editorial */ public void addPublicationToEditorial(String pubId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.addPublicationToEditorial", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if (getArchiveId() == null) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.addPublicationToEditorial", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_ARCHIVE"); } try { PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(pubId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); publicationBm.addFather(pubPK, new NodePK(getArchiveId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.addPublicationToEditorial", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_NO_PUBLI_ADDED", e); } } /** * remove the publication from the selected archive editorial */ public void removePublicationFromEditorial(String pubId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.removePublicationFromEditorial", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { PublicationPK pubPK = new PublicationPK(pubId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); publicationBm.removeFather(pubPK, new NodePK(getArchiveId(), getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.removePublicationFromEditorial", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_DELETE_PUBLI", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param fatherId * @param name * @param description * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public String addTitle(String fatherId, String name, String description) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.addTitle", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.addTitle", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { if (fatherId == null) { fatherId = root; } else if (fatherId.length() == 0) { fatherId = root; } String status = null; if (fatherId == root) { status = "hidden"; } else { status = "notRelevant"; } String modelId = null; if (fatherId == root) { modelId = "1"; } else { modelId = "notRelevant"; } NodeDetail father = nodeBm.getHeader(new NodePK(fatherId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); NodeDetail node = new NodeDetail(new NodePK("unknown", getSpaceId(), getComponentId()), name, description, DateUtil.date2SQLDate(new java.util.Date()), getUserId(), "", 0, null, modelId, status, null); NodePK newNodePK = nodeBm.createNode(node, father); return newNodePK.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.addTitle", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_NO_TITLE_ADDED", e); } } /** * updateTitle() Update a Node */ public void updateTitle(String nodeId, String name, String description) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { NodeDetail node = nodeBm.getHeader(new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); NodeDetail newNode = new NodeDetail(node.getNodePK(), name, description, node.getCreationDate(), node.getCreatorId(), node.getPath(), node.getLevel(), node.getFatherPK(), null); nodeBm.setDetail(newNode); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_UPDATE_TITLE", e); } } /** * updateTitle() Update a Node */ public void updateTitle(String nodeId, String name, String description, String model, String status) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { throw new CreateNewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", CreateNewsEditoException.ERROR, "NewsEdito.MSG_BAD_FORMAT_NAME"); } try { NodeDetail node = nodeBm.getHeader(new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); NodeDetail newNode = new NodeDetail(node.getNodePK(), name, description, node.getCreationDate(), node.getCreatorId(), node.getPath(), node.getLevel(), node.getFatherPK(), model, status, null); nodeBm.setDetail(newNode); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.updateTitle", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_UPDATE_TITLE", e); } } /** * getFavoritList() Retuns a collection of Path, corresponding to user's favorits. */ public Collection getFavoritList() throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.getFavoritList", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { Collection<NodePK> list = favoritBm.getFavoritNodePKsByComponent(getUserId(), getComponentId()); Collection detailedList = new ArrayList(); Iterator<NodePK> i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { NodePK pk =; Collection path = nodeBm.getPath(pk); detailedList.add(path); } return detailedList; } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.getFavoritList", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_RETURN_FAVORITS", e); } } /** * removeFavorit() remove the favorit link between the user and the node */ public void removeFavorit(String nodeId) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.removeFavorit", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); try { favoritBm.removeFavoritNode(getUserId(), new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.removeFavorit", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_DELETE_FAVORIT", e); } } /** * addFavorit() add a favorit link between the user and the node */ public void addFavorit(String nodeId) throws NewsEditoException { try { favoritBm.addFavoritNode(getUserId(), new NodePK(nodeId, getSpaceId(), getComponentId())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.addFavorit", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_CREATE_FAVORIT", e); } } /** * Method declaration * * @param pubList * @return * @throws NewsEditoException * @see */ public String generatePdf(String[] pubList) throws NewsEditoException {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.generatePdf", "NewsEdito.MSG_ENTRY_METHOD"); String name = "text" + tempFormatter.format(new java.util.Date()) + ".pdf"; try { if (pubList == null) { NodeDetail root = getArchiveContent(); PdfGenerator.generateArchive(name, root, publicationBm, getLanguage()); } else { ArrayList<CompletePublication> completePubList = new ArrayList<CompletePublication>(); for (int i = 0; i < pubList.length; i++) { try { PublicationPK pk = new PublicationPK(pubList[i], getSpaceId(), getComponentId()); CompletePublication complete = publicationBm.getCompletePublication(pk); completePubList.add(complete); } catch (Exception e) {"NewsEdito", "NewsEditoSessionControl.generatePdf", "NewsEdito.MSG_RETURN_COMPLETE_LIST_OF_PUBLI"); } } PdfGenerator.generatePubList(name, completePubList, getLanguage()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NewsEditoException("NewsEditoSessionControl.generatePdf", NewsEditoException.WARNING, "NewsEdito.EX_PROBLEM_TO_GENERATE_PDF", e); } return name; } /** * Cette mthode initialise la variable IsConsulting. Cette variable indique si l'utilisateur est * en train de consulter ou de modifier une publication.<BR> * En effet, les statistiques ne doivent s'incrmenter seulement si l'utilisateur consulte une * publication. Attention, l'utilisateur */ public void setIsConsulting(boolean val) { isConsulting = val; } @Override public void close() { if (favoritBm != null) { favoritBm = null; } if (nodeBm != null) { nodeBm = null; } if (publicationBm != null) { publicationBm = null; } if (statisticBm != null) { statisticBm = null; } } public void index() throws NewsEditoException { // recuperation des archives Collection<NodeDetail> archives = getArchiveList(); NodeDetail archive = null; for (Iterator<NodeDetail> i = archives.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { archive =; nodeBm.createIndex(archive); setArchiveId(archive.getNodePK().getId()); // recuperation du detail d'une archive archive = getArchiveContent(); if (archive.getChildrenDetails() != null) { // parcours des titres NodeDetail title = null; for (Iterator<NodeDetail> j = archive.getChildrenDetails().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { title =; nodeBm.createIndex(title); setTitleId(title.getNodePK().getId()); Collection<PublicationDetail> publications = getTitlePublicationDetails(); PublicationDetail detail = null; for (Iterator<PublicationDetail> l = publications.iterator(); l.hasNext();) { detail =; publicationBm.createIndex(detail.getPK()); } } } } } }