Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Square, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.squareup.javapoet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** A generated class, interface, or enum declaration. */ public final class TypeSpec { public final Kind kind; public final String name; public final CodeBlock anonymousTypeArguments; public final CodeBlock javadoc; public final ImmutableList<AnnotationSpec> annotations; public final ImmutableSet<Modifier> modifiers; public final ImmutableList<TypeVariable<?>> typeVariables; public final Type superclass; public final ImmutableList<Type> superinterfaces; public final ImmutableMap<String, TypeSpec> enumConstants; public final ImmutableList<FieldSpec> fieldSpecs; public final ImmutableList<MethodSpec> methodSpecs; public final ImmutableList<TypeSpec> typeSpecs; public final ImmutableList<Element> originatingElements; private TypeSpec(Builder builder) { this.kind = builder.kind; =; this.anonymousTypeArguments = builder.anonymousTypeArguments; this.javadoc =; this.annotations = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.annotations); this.modifiers = ImmutableSet.copyOf(builder.modifiers); this.typeVariables = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.typeVariables); this.superclass = builder.superclass; this.superinterfaces = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.superinterfaces); this.enumConstants = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder.enumConstants); this.fieldSpecs = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.fieldSpecs); this.methodSpecs = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.methodSpecs); this.typeSpecs = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.typeSpecs); ImmutableList.Builder<Element> originatingElementsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); originatingElementsBuilder.addAll(builder.originatingElements); for (TypeSpec typeSpec : builder.typeSpecs) { originatingElementsBuilder.addAll(typeSpec.originatingElements); } this.originatingElements =; } public boolean hasModifier(Modifier modifier) { return modifiers.contains(modifier); } public static Builder classBuilder(String name) { return new Builder(Kind.CLASS, checkNotNull(name), null); } public static Builder interfaceBuilder(String name) { return new Builder(Kind.INTERFACE, checkNotNull(name), null); } public static Builder enumBuilder(String name) { return new Builder(Kind.ENUM, checkNotNull(name), null); } public static Builder anonymousClassBuilder(String typeArgumentsFormat, Object... args) { return new Builder(Kind.CLASS, null, CodeBlock.builder().add(typeArgumentsFormat, args).build()); } void emit(CodeWriter codeWriter, String enumName, Set<Modifier> implicitModifiers) throws IOException { if (enumName != null) { codeWriter.emit("$L", enumName); if (!anonymousTypeArguments.formatParts.isEmpty()) { codeWriter.emit("("); codeWriter.emit(anonymousTypeArguments); codeWriter.emit(")"); } if (fieldSpecs.isEmpty() && methodSpecs.isEmpty() && typeSpecs.isEmpty()) { return; // Avoid unnecessary braces "{}". } codeWriter.emit(" {\n"); } else if (anonymousTypeArguments != null) { codeWriter.emit("new $T(", getOnlyElement(superinterfaces, superclass)); codeWriter.emit(anonymousTypeArguments); codeWriter.emit(") {\n"); } else { codeWriter.emitJavadoc(javadoc); codeWriter.emitAnnotations(annotations, false); codeWriter.emitModifiers(modifiers, Sets.union(implicitModifiers, kind.asMemberModifiers)); codeWriter.emit("$L $L", Ascii.toLowerCase(, name); codeWriter.emitTypeVariables(typeVariables); List<Type> extendsTypes; List<Type> implementsTypes; if (kind == Kind.INTERFACE) { extendsTypes = superinterfaces; implementsTypes = ImmutableList.of(); } else { extendsTypes = superclass.equals(ClassName.OBJECT) ? ImmutableList.<Type>of() : ImmutableList.of(superclass); implementsTypes = superinterfaces; } if (!extendsTypes.isEmpty()) { codeWriter.emit(" extends"); boolean firstType = true; for (Type type : extendsTypes) { if (!firstType) codeWriter.emit(","); codeWriter.emit(" $T", type); firstType = false; } } if (!implementsTypes.isEmpty()) { codeWriter.emit(" implements"); boolean firstType = true; for (Type type : implementsTypes) { if (!firstType) codeWriter.emit(","); codeWriter.emit(" $T", type); firstType = false; } } codeWriter.emit(" {\n"); } codeWriter.pushType(this); codeWriter.indent(); boolean firstMember = true; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, TypeSpec>> i = enumConstants.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, TypeSpec> enumConstant =; if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); enumConstant.getValue().emit(codeWriter, enumConstant.getKey(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of()); firstMember = false; if (i.hasNext()) { codeWriter.emit(",\n"); } else if (!fieldSpecs.isEmpty() || !methodSpecs.isEmpty() || !typeSpecs.isEmpty()) { codeWriter.emit(";\n"); } else { codeWriter.emit("\n"); } } // Static fields. for (FieldSpec fieldSpec : fieldSpecs) { if (!fieldSpec.hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC)) continue; if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); fieldSpec.emit(codeWriter, kind.implicitFieldModifiers); firstMember = false; } // Non-static fields. for (FieldSpec fieldSpec : fieldSpecs) { if (fieldSpec.hasModifier(Modifier.STATIC)) continue; if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); fieldSpec.emit(codeWriter, kind.implicitFieldModifiers); firstMember = false; } // Constructors. for (MethodSpec methodSpec : methodSpecs) { if (!methodSpec.isConstructor()) continue; if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); methodSpec.emit(codeWriter, name, kind.implicitMethodModifiers); firstMember = false; } // Methods (static and non-static). for (MethodSpec methodSpec : methodSpecs) { if (methodSpec.isConstructor()) continue; if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); methodSpec.emit(codeWriter, name, kind.implicitMethodModifiers); firstMember = false; } // Types. for (TypeSpec typeSpec : typeSpecs) { if (!firstMember) codeWriter.emit("\n"); typeSpec.emit(codeWriter, null, kind.implicitTypeModifiers); firstMember = false; } codeWriter.unindent(); codeWriter.popType(); codeWriter.emit("}"); if (enumName == null && anonymousTypeArguments == null) { codeWriter.emit("\n"); // If this type isn't also a value, include a trailing newline. } } private enum Kind { CLASS(ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of()), INTERFACE(ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL), ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.ABSTRACT), ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC), ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.STATIC)), ENUM(ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.<Modifier>of(), ImmutableSet.of(Modifier.STATIC)); private final ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitFieldModifiers; private final ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitMethodModifiers; private final ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitTypeModifiers; private final ImmutableSet<Modifier> asMemberModifiers; private Kind(ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitFieldModifiers, ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitMethodModifiers, ImmutableSet<Modifier> implicitTypeModifiers, ImmutableSet<Modifier> asMemberModifiers) { this.implicitFieldModifiers = implicitFieldModifiers; this.implicitMethodModifiers = implicitMethodModifiers; this.implicitTypeModifiers = implicitTypeModifiers; this.asMemberModifiers = asMemberModifiers; } } public static final class Builder { private final Kind kind; private final String name; private final CodeBlock anonymousTypeArguments; private final CodeBlock.Builder javadoc = CodeBlock.builder(); private final List<AnnotationSpec> annotations = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Modifier> modifiers = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<TypeVariable<?>> typeVariables = new ArrayList<>(); private Type superclass = ClassName.OBJECT; private final List<Type> superinterfaces = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<String, TypeSpec> enumConstants = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final List<FieldSpec> fieldSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<MethodSpec> methodSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<TypeSpec> typeSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Element> originatingElements = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder(Kind kind, String name, CodeBlock anonymousTypeArguments) { checkArgument(name == null || SourceVersion.isName(name), "not a valid name: %s", name); this.kind = kind; = name; this.anonymousTypeArguments = anonymousTypeArguments; } public Builder addJavadoc(String format, Object... args) { checkState(anonymousTypeArguments == null); javadoc.add(format, args); return this; } public Builder addAnnotation(AnnotationSpec annotationSpec) { checkState(anonymousTypeArguments == null); this.annotations.add(annotationSpec); return this; } public Builder addAnnotation(Type annotation) { return addAnnotation(AnnotationSpec.builder(annotation).build()); } public Builder addModifiers(Modifier... modifiers) { checkState(anonymousTypeArguments == null); Collections.addAll(this.modifiers, modifiers); return this; } public Builder addTypeVariable(TypeVariable<?> typeVariable) { checkState(anonymousTypeArguments == null); typeVariables.add(typeVariable); return this; } public Builder superclass(Type superclass) { this.superclass = superclass; return this; } public Builder addSuperinterface(Type superinterface) { this.superinterfaces.add(superinterface); return this; } public Builder addEnumConstant(String name) { return addEnumConstant(name, anonymousClassBuilder("").build()); } public Builder addEnumConstant(String name, TypeSpec typeSpec) { checkState(kind == Kind.ENUM, "%s is not enum",; checkArgument(typeSpec.anonymousTypeArguments != null, "enum constants must have anonymous type arguments"); checkArgument(SourceVersion.isName(name), "not a valid enum constant: %s", name); enumConstants.put(name, typeSpec); return this; } public Builder addField(FieldSpec fieldSpec) { checkArgument(fieldSpec.modifiers.containsAll(kind.implicitFieldModifiers), "%s %s.%s requires modifiers %s", kind, name,, kind.implicitFieldModifiers); fieldSpecs.add(fieldSpec); return this; } public Builder addField(Type type, String name, Modifier... modifiers) { return addField(FieldSpec.builder(type, name, modifiers).build()); } public Builder addMethod(MethodSpec methodSpec) { checkArgument(methodSpec.modifiers.containsAll(kind.implicitMethodModifiers), "%s %s.%s requires modifiers %s", kind, name,, kind.implicitMethodModifiers); methodSpecs.add(methodSpec); return this; } public Builder addType(TypeSpec typeSpec) { checkArgument(typeSpec.modifiers.containsAll(kind.implicitTypeModifiers), "%s %s.%s requires modifiers %s", kind, name,, kind.implicitFieldModifiers); typeSpecs.add(typeSpec); return this; } public Builder addOriginatingElement(Element originatingElement) { originatingElements.add(originatingElement); return this; } public TypeSpec build() { boolean isInterface = kind == Kind.INTERFACE; boolean isAbstract = modifiers.contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT) || isInterface; checkArgument(kind != Kind.ENUM || !enumConstants.isEmpty(), "at least one enum constant is required for %s", name); for (MethodSpec methodSpec : methodSpecs) { checkArgument(isAbstract || !methodSpec.hasModifier(Modifier.ABSTRACT), "non-abstract type %s cannot declare abstract method %s", name,; } boolean superclassIsObject = superclass.equals(ClassName.OBJECT); int interestingSupertypeCount = (superclassIsObject ? 0 : 1) + superinterfaces.size(); checkArgument(anonymousTypeArguments == null || interestingSupertypeCount <= 1, "anonymous type has too many supertypes"); return new TypeSpec(this); } } }