Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Spotify AB. * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.spotify.heroic.common.DateRange; import com.spotify.heroic.common.Groups; import com.spotify.heroic.common.RequestTimer; import com.spotify.heroic.common.Series; import com.spotify.heroic.common.Statistics; import com.spotify.heroic.lifecycle.LifeCycleRegistry; import com.spotify.heroic.lifecycle.LifeCycles; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.AbstractMetricBackend; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.BackendEntry; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.Event; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.FetchData; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.FetchQuotaWatcher; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.Metric; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.MetricCollection; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.MetricType; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.Point; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.QueryError; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.QueryTrace; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.WriteMetric; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.BigtableDataClient; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.BigtableTableAdminClient; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.ColumnFamily; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.Mutations; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.ReadRowRangeRequest; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.ReadRowsRequest; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.RowFilter; import com.spotify.heroic.metric.bigtable.api.Table; import com.spotify.heroic.metrics.Meter; import com.spotify.heroic.statistics.MetricBackendReporter; import eu.toolchain.async.AsyncFramework; import eu.toolchain.async.AsyncFuture; import eu.toolchain.async.Managed; import eu.toolchain.async.RetryPolicy; import eu.toolchain.async.RetryResult; import eu.toolchain.serializer.BytesSerialWriter; import eu.toolchain.serializer.Serializer; import eu.toolchain.serializer.SerializerFramework; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.ToString; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; @BigtableScope @ToString(of = { "connection" }) @Slf4j public class BigtableBackend extends AbstractMetricBackend implements LifeCycles { /* maxmimum number of cells supported for each batch mutation */ public static final int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 10000; public static final QueryTrace.Identifier FETCH_SEGMENT = QueryTrace.identifier(BigtableBackend.class, "fetch_segment"); public static final QueryTrace.Identifier FETCH = QueryTrace.identifier(BigtableBackend.class, "fetch"); public static final String POINTS = "points"; public static final String EVENTS = "events"; public static final long PERIOD = 0x100000000L; private final AsyncFramework async; private final SerializerFramework serializer; private final Serializer<RowKey> rowKeySerializer; private final Managed<BigtableConnection> connection; private final Groups groups; private final String table; private final boolean configure; private final MetricBackendReporter reporter; private final ObjectMapper mapper; private static final TypeReference<Map<String, String>> PAYLOAD_TYPE = new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() { }; private final Meter written = new Meter(); @Inject public BigtableBackend(final AsyncFramework async, @Named("common") final SerializerFramework serializer, final Serializer<RowKey> rowKeySerializer, final Managed<BigtableConnection> connection, final Groups groups, @Named("table") final String table, @Named("configure") final boolean configure, MetricBackendReporter reporter, @Named("application/json") ObjectMapper mapper) { super(async); this.async = async; this.serializer = serializer; this.rowKeySerializer = rowKeySerializer; this.connection = connection; this.groups = groups; this.table = table; this.configure = configure; this.reporter = reporter; this.mapper = mapper; } @Override public void register(LifeCycleRegistry registry) { registry.start(this::start); registry.stop(this::stop); } @Override public AsyncFuture<Void> configure() { return connection.doto(c -> configureMetricsTable(c.tableAdminClient())); } private AsyncFuture<Void> configureMetricsTable(final BigtableTableAdminClient admin) throws IOException { return -> admin.getTable(table)) .lazyTransform(tableCheck -> -> {"Creating missing table: " + table); final Table createdTable = admin.createTable(table); // check until table exists return async.retryUntilResolved(() -> { if (!admin.getTable(createdTable.getName()).isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Table does not exist: " + createdTable.toURI()); } return async.resolved(createdTable); }, RetryPolicy.timed(10000, RetryPolicy.linear(1000))).directTransform(RetryResult::getResult); })).lazyTransform(metrics -> { final List<AsyncFuture<ColumnFamily>> families = new ArrayList<>(); families.add( -> metrics.getColumnFamily(POINTS).orElseGet(() -> {"Creating missing column family: " + POINTS); return admin.createColumnFamily(metrics, POINTS); }))); families.add( -> metrics.getColumnFamily(EVENTS).orElseGet(() -> {"Creating missing column family: " + EVENTS); return admin.createColumnFamily(metrics, EVENTS); }))); return async.collectAndDiscard(families); }); } @Override public boolean isReady() { return connection.isReady(); } @Override public Groups groups() { return groups; } @Override public AsyncFuture<WriteMetric> write(final WriteMetric.Request request) { return connection.doto(c -> { final Series series = request.getSeries(); final List<AsyncFuture<WriteMetric>> results = new ArrayList<>(); final BigtableDataClient client = c.dataClient(); final MetricCollection g = request.getData(); results.add(writeTyped(series, client, g)); return async.collect(results, WriteMetric.reduce()); }); } @Override @Deprecated public AsyncFuture<FetchData> fetch(final FetchData.Request request, final FetchQuotaWatcher watcher) { return connection.doto(c -> { final MetricType type = request.getType(); if (!watcher.mayReadData()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("query violated data limit"); } switch (type) { case POINT: return fetchBatch(watcher, type, pointsRanges(request), c); case EVENT: return fetchBatch(watcher, type, eventsRanges(request), c); default: return async.resolved(FetchData.error(QueryTrace.of(FETCH), QueryError.fromMessage("unsupported source: " + request.getType()))); } }); } private List<PreparedQuery> pointsRanges(final FetchData.Request request) throws IOException { return ranges(request.getSeries(), request.getRange(), POINTS, (t, d) -> { final double value = deserializeValue(d); return new Point(t, value); }); } private List<PreparedQuery> eventsRanges(final FetchData.Request request) throws IOException { return ranges(request.getSeries(), request.getRange(), EVENTS, (t, d) -> { try { return new Event(t, mapper.readValue(d.toByteArray(), PAYLOAD_TYPE)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); } @Override public AsyncFuture<FetchData.Result> fetch(final FetchData.Request request, final FetchQuotaWatcher watcher, final Consumer<MetricCollection> consumer) { return connection.doto(c -> { final MetricType type = request.getType(); if (!watcher.mayReadData()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("query violated data limit"); } switch (type) { case POINT: return fetchBatch(watcher, type, pointsRanges(request), c, consumer); case EVENT: return fetchBatch(watcher, type, eventsRanges(request), c, consumer); default: return async.resolved(FetchData.errorResult(QueryTrace.of(FETCH), QueryError.fromMessage("unsupported source: " + request.getType()))); } }); } @Override public Iterable<BackendEntry> listEntries() { return ImmutableList.of(); } @Override public Statistics getStatistics() { final long written = this.written.getCount(); final double writeRate = this.written.getFiveMinuteRate(); return Statistics.of("written", written, "writeRate", (long) writeRate); } private AsyncFuture<Void> start() { final AsyncFuture<Void> future = connection.start(); if (!configure) { return future; } return future.lazyTransform(v -> configure()); } private AsyncFuture<Void> stop() { return connection.stop(); } private AsyncFuture<WriteMetric> writeTyped(final Series series, final BigtableDataClient client, final MetricCollection g) throws IOException { switch (g.getType()) { case POINT: return writeBatch(POINTS, series, client, g.getDataAs(Point.class), d -> serializeValue(d.getValue())); case EVENT: return writeBatch(EVENTS, series, client, g.getDataAs(Event.class), BigtableBackend.this::serializeEvent); default: return async .resolved(WriteMetric.error(QueryError.fromMessage("Unsupported metric type: " + g.getType()))); } } private <T extends Metric> AsyncFuture<WriteMetric> writeBatch(final String columnFamily, final Series series, final BigtableDataClient client, final List<T> batch, final Function<T, ByteString> serializer) throws IOException { // common case for consumers if (batch.size() == 1) { return writeOne(columnFamily, series, client, batch.get(0), serializer).onFinished(written::mark); } final List<Pair<RowKey, Mutations>> saved = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<RowKey, Mutations.Builder> building = new HashMap<>(); for (final T d : batch) { final long timestamp = d.getTimestamp(); final long base = base(timestamp); final long offset = offset(timestamp); final RowKey rowKey = new RowKey(series, base); Mutations.Builder builder = building.get(rowKey); final ByteString offsetBytes = serializeOffset(offset); final ByteString valueBytes = serializer.apply(d); if (builder == null) { builder = Mutations.builder(); building.put(rowKey, builder); } builder.setCell(columnFamily, offsetBytes, valueBytes); if (builder.size() >= MAX_BATCH_SIZE) { saved.add(Pair.of(rowKey,; building.put(rowKey, Mutations.builder()); } } final ImmutableList.Builder<AsyncFuture<WriteMetric>> writes = ImmutableList.builder(); final RequestTimer<WriteMetric> timer = WriteMetric.timer(); for (final Pair<RowKey, Mutations> e : saved) { final ByteString rowKeyBytes = serialize(e.getKey(), rowKeySerializer); writes.add(client.mutateRow(table, rowKeyBytes, e.getValue()).directTransform(result -> timer.end())); } for (final Map.Entry<RowKey, Mutations.Builder> e : building.entrySet()) { final ByteString rowKeyBytes = serialize(e.getKey(), rowKeySerializer); writes.add(client.mutateRow(table, rowKeyBytes, e.getValue().build()) .directTransform(result -> timer.end())); } return async.collect(, WriteMetric.reduce()); } private <T extends Metric> AsyncFuture<WriteMetric> writeOne(final String columnFamily, Series series, BigtableDataClient client, T p, Function<T, ByteString> serializer) throws IOException { final long timestamp = p.getTimestamp(); final long base = base(timestamp); final long offset = offset(timestamp); final RowKey rowKey = new RowKey(series, base); final Mutations.Builder builder = Mutations.builder(); final ByteString offsetBytes = serializeOffset(offset); final ByteString valueBytes = serializer.apply(p); builder.setCell(columnFamily, offsetBytes, valueBytes); final RequestTimer<WriteMetric> timer = WriteMetric.timer(); final ByteString rowKeyBytes = serialize(rowKey, rowKeySerializer); return client.mutateRow(table, rowKeyBytes, -> timer.end()); } private AsyncFuture<FetchData> fetchBatch(final FetchQuotaWatcher watcher, final MetricType type, final List<PreparedQuery> prepared, final BigtableConnection c) { final BigtableDataClient client = c.dataClient(); final List<AsyncFuture<FetchData>> fetches = new ArrayList<>(prepared.size()); for (final PreparedQuery p : prepared) { final AsyncFuture<List<FlatRow>> readRows = client.readRows(table, ReadRowsRequest.builder().rowKey(p.request.getRowKey()) .filter(RowFilter.chain(Arrays.asList( RowFilter.newColumnRangeBuilder(p.request.getColumnFamily()) .startQualifierOpen(p.request.getStartQualifierOpen()) .endQualifierClosed(p.request.getEndQualifierClosed()).build(), RowFilter.onlyLatestCell()))) .build()); final Function<FlatRow.Cell, Metric> transform = cell -> p.deserialize(cell.getQualifier(), cell.getValue()); final QueryTrace.NamedWatch w =; fetches.add(readRows.directTransform(result -> { final List<Iterable<Metric>> points = new ArrayList<>(); for (final FlatRow row : result) { watcher.readData(row.getCells().size()); points.add(Iterables.transform(row.getCells(), transform)); } final QueryTrace trace = w.end(); final ImmutableList<Long> times = ImmutableList.of(trace.getElapsed()); final List<Metric> data = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.mergeSorted(points, Metric.comparator())); final List<MetricCollection> groups = ImmutableList.of(, data)); return FetchData.of(trace, times, groups); })); } return async.collect(fetches, FetchData.collect(FETCH)).directTransform(result -> { watcher.accessedRows(prepared.size()); return result; }); } private AsyncFuture<FetchData.Result> fetchBatch(final FetchQuotaWatcher watcher, final MetricType type, final List<PreparedQuery> prepared, final BigtableConnection c, final Consumer<MetricCollection> metricsConsumer) { final BigtableDataClient client = c.dataClient(); final List<AsyncFuture<FetchData.Result>> fetches = new ArrayList<>(prepared.size()); for (final PreparedQuery p : prepared) { QueryTrace.NamedWatch fs =; final AsyncFuture<List<FlatRow>> readRows = client.readRows(table, ReadRowsRequest.builder().rowKey(p.request.getRowKey()) .filter(RowFilter.chain(Arrays.asList( RowFilter.newColumnRangeBuilder(p.request.getColumnFamily()) .startQualifierOpen(p.request.getStartQualifierOpen()) .endQualifierClosed(p.request.getEndQualifierClosed()).build(), RowFilter.onlyLatestCell()))) .build()); final Function<FlatRow.Cell, Metric> transform = cell -> p.deserialize(cell.getQualifier(), cell.getValue()); fetches.add(readRows.directTransform(result -> { for (final FlatRow row : result) { watcher.readData(row.getCells().size()); final List<Metric> metrics = Lists.transform(row.getCells(), transform); metricsConsumer.accept(, metrics)); } return FetchData.result(fs.end()); })); } return async.collect(fetches, FetchData.collectResult(FETCH)).directTransform(result -> { watcher.accessedRows(prepared.size()); return result; }); } <T> ByteString serialize(T rowKey, Serializer<T> serializer) throws IOException { try (final BytesSerialWriter writer = this.serializer.writeBytes()) { serializer.serialize(writer, rowKey); return ByteString.copyFrom(writer.toByteArray()); } } static long base(long timestamp) { return timestamp - timestamp % PERIOD; } static long offset(long timestamp) { return timestamp % PERIOD; } List<PreparedQuery> ranges(final Series series, final DateRange range, final String columnFamily, final BiFunction<Long, ByteString, Metric> deserializer) throws IOException { final List<PreparedQuery> bases = new ArrayList<>(); final long start = base(range.getStart()); final long end = base(range.getEnd()); for (long base = start; base <= end; base += PERIOD) { final DateRange modified = range.modify(base, base + PERIOD); if (modified.isEmpty()) { continue; } final RowKey key = new RowKey(series, base); final ByteString keyBlob = serialize(key, rowKeySerializer); final ByteString startKey = serializeOffset(offset(modified.start())); final ByteString endKey = serializeOffset(offset(modified.end())); final ReadRowRangeRequest request = new ReadRowRangeRequest(keyBlob, columnFamily, startKey, endKey); bases.add(new PreparedQuery(request, deserializer, base)); } return bases; } ByteString serializeValue(double value) { final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Double.BYTES).putLong(Double.doubleToLongBits(value)); return ByteString.copyFrom(buffer.array()); } ByteString serializeEvent(Event event) { try { return ByteString.copyFrom(mapper.writeValueAsBytes(event.getPayload())); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static double deserializeValue(ByteString value) { return Double.longBitsToDouble(ByteBuffer.wrap(value.toByteArray()).getLong()); } /** * Offset serialization is sensitive to byte ordering. * <p> * We require that for two timestamps a, and b, the following invariants hold true. * <p> * <pre> * offset(a) < offset(b) * serialized(offset(a)) < serialized(offset(b)) * </pre> * <p> * Note: the serialized comparison is performed byte-by-byte, from lowest to highest address. * * @param offset Offset to serialize * @return A byte array, containing the serialized offset. */ static ByteString serializeOffset(long offset) { if (offset >= PERIOD) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can only serialize 32-bit wide values"); } final byte[] bytes = new byte[4]; bytes[0] = (byte) ((offset >> 24) & 0xff); bytes[1] = (byte) ((offset >> 16) & 0xff); bytes[2] = (byte) ((offset >> 8) & 0xff); bytes[3] = (byte) ((offset >> 0) & 0xff); return ByteString.copyFrom(bytes); } static long deserializeOffset(ByteString value) { final byte[] bytes = value.toByteArray(); // @formatter:off return ((long) (bytes[0] & 0xff) << 24) + ((long) (bytes[1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((long) (bytes[2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((long) (bytes[3] & 0xff) << 0); // @formatter:on } @RequiredArgsConstructor private static final class PreparedQuery { private final ReadRowRangeRequest request; private final BiFunction<Long, ByteString, Metric> deserializer; private final long base; private Metric deserialize(final ByteString qualifier, final ByteString value) { final long timestamp = base + deserializeOffset(qualifier); return deserializer.apply(timestamp, value); } } }