Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 - 2016 Splice Machine, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.splicemachine.derby.utils; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.splicemachine.derby.test.framework.*; import com.splicemachine.test.SerialTest; import com.splicemachine.test_dao.TableDAO; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.junit.rules.RuleChain; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import com.splicemachine.homeless.TestUtils; import com.splicemachine.test.SlowTest; /** * @author Jeff Cunningham * Date: 12/11/13 */ public class SpliceAdminIT extends SpliceUnitTest { protected static SpliceWatcher spliceClassWatcher = new SpliceWatcher(); public static final String CLASS_NAME = SpliceAdminIT.class.getSimpleName().toUpperCase(); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher = new SpliceTableWatcher("TEST1", CLASS_NAME, "(a int)"); protected static SpliceSchemaWatcher spliceSchemaWatcher = new SpliceSchemaWatcher(CLASS_NAME); @ClassRule public static TestRule chain = RuleChain.outerRule(spliceClassWatcher).around(spliceSchemaWatcher) .around(spliceTableWatcher); @Rule public SpliceWatcher methodWatcher = new SpliceWatcher(); private TableDAO tableDAO; @Before public void initTableDAO() throws Exception { tableDAO = new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection()); } private static final String SQL = "\tsum(l_extendedprice* (1 - l_discount)) as revenue\n" + "from\n" + "\tlineitem,\n" + "\tpart\n" + "where\n" + "\t(\n" + "\t\tp_partkey = l_partkey\n" + "\t\tand p_brand = 'Brand#12'\n" + "\t\tand p_container in ('SM CASE', 'SM BOX', 'SM PACK', 'SM PKG')\n" + "\t\tand l_quantity >= 1 and l_quantity <= 1 + 10\n" + "\t\tand p_size between 1 and 10\n" + "\t\tand l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')\n" + "\t\tand l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'\n" + "\t)\n" + "\tor\n" + "\t(\n" + "\t\tp_partkey = l_partkey\n" + "\t\tand p_brand = 'Brand#23'\n" + "\t\tand p_container in ('MED BAG', 'MED BOX', 'MED PKG', 'MED PACK')\n" + "\t\tand l_quantity >= 10 and l_quantity <= 10 + 10\n" + "\t\tand p_size between 1 and 10\n" + "\t\tand l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')\n" + "\t\tand l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'\n" + "\t)\n" + "\tor\n" + "\t(\n" + "\t\tp_partkey = l_partkey\n" + "\t\tand p_brand = 'Brand#34'\n" + "\t\tand p_container in ('LG CASE', 'LG BOX', 'LG PACK', 'LG PKG')\n" + "\t\tand l_quantity >= 20 and l_quantity <= 20 + 10\n" + "\t\tand p_size between 1 and 15\n" + "\t\tand l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')\n" + "\t\tand l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'\n" + "\t)"; // @Test // public void testSqlEscape() throws Exception { //"IMPLEMENT escape!"); //// String escaped = SpliceUtils.escape(SQL); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.format("select * from (values ('%s')) foo (sqlstatement)",escaped)); // Assert.assertFalse("SQL contained double spaces.", sb.toString().contains(" ")); // Assert.assertFalse("SQL contained tab chars.",sb.toString().contains("\\t")); // Assert.assertFalse("SQL contained newline chars.", sb.toString().contains("\\n")); // Assert.assertFalse("SQL contained carriage return chars.", sb.toString().contains("\\r")); // } @Test public void testCreateResultSetNonPrintableChars() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from (values ('ROWCOUNTOPERATIONIT','A','false','(1328,,1390605409509.0e0464ea3aae5b6eb559fd45e98d4ced. 0 MB)(1328,'<h,1390605409509.96302cceac907a55f22d48da10ca3392. 0 MB)')) foo (SCHEMANAME, TABLENAME, ISINDEX, HBASEREGIONS)"; try { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection().prepareStatement(sql); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Lexical error at line 1, column 127")); return; }"Expected exception"); } @Test public void testGetConglomerateIDs() throws Exception { String TABLE_NAME = "ZONING"; SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher tableWatcher = new SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher(TABLE_NAME, CLASS_NAME, "(PARCELID INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL, ADDRESS VARCHAR(15), BOARDDEC VARCHAR(11), EXSZONE VARCHAR(8), PRPZONE VARCHAR(8), HEARDATE DATE)"); tableDAO.drop(CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME); tableWatcher.create(Description.createSuiteDescription(CLASS_NAME, "testGetConglomerateIDs")); List<Map> tableCluster = TestUtils.tableLookupByNumberNoPrint(methodWatcher); List<Long> actualConglomIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(); TestConnection conn = methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection(); long[] conglomids = conn.getConglomNumbers(CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME); Assert.assertTrue(conglomids.length > 0); for (long conglomID : conglomids) { actualConglomIDs.add(conglomID); } List<Long> expectedConglomIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Map m : tableCluster) { if (m.get("TABLENAME").equals(TABLE_NAME)) { expectedConglomIDs.add((Long) m.get("CONGLOMERATENUMBER")); } } Assert.assertTrue("Expected: " + expectedConglomIDs + " got: " + actualConglomIDs, expectedConglomIDs.containsAll(actualConglomIDs)); } @Test @Category(SlowTest.class) public void testGetConglomerateIDsAllInSchema() throws Exception { String TABLE_NAME = "ZONING1"; SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher tableWatcher = new SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher(TABLE_NAME, CLASS_NAME, "(PARCELID INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL, ADDRESS VARCHAR(15), BOARDDEC VARCHAR(11), EXSZONE VARCHAR(8), PRPZONE VARCHAR(8), HEARDATE DATE)"); tableDAO.drop(CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME); tableWatcher.create(Description.createSuiteDescription(CLASS_NAME, "testGetConglomerateIDsAllInSchema")); List<Map> tableCluster = TestUtils.tableLookupByNumberNoPrint(methodWatcher); List<Long> actualConglomIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(); long[] conglomids = methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection().getConglomNumbers(CLASS_NAME, null); Assert.assertTrue(conglomids.length > 0); for (long conglomID : conglomids) { actualConglomIDs.add(conglomID); } List<Long> expectedConglomIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Map m : tableCluster) { expectedConglomIDs.add((Long) m.get("CONGLOMERATENUMBER")); } Assert.assertTrue("Expected: " + expectedConglomIDs + " got: " + actualConglomIDs, expectedConglomIDs.containsAll(actualConglomIDs)); } @Test public void testGetSchemaInfo() throws Exception { String TABLE_NAME = "ZONING2"; SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher tableWatcher = new SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher(TABLE_NAME, CLASS_NAME, "(PARCELID INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL, ADDRESS VARCHAR(15), BOARDDEC VARCHAR(11), EXSZONE VARCHAR(8), PRPZONE VARCHAR(8), HEARDATE DATE)"); tableDAO.drop(CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME); tableWatcher.create(Description.createSuiteDescription(CLASS_NAME, "testGetSchemaInfo")); CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_SCHEMA_INFO()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_SCHEMA_INFO()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test @Category(SlowTest.class) public void testGetSchemaInfoSplit() throws Exception { int size = 100; String TABLE_NAME = "SPLIT"; SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher tableWatcher = new SpliceUnitTest.MyWatcher(TABLE_NAME, CLASS_NAME, "(username varchar(40) unique not null,i int)"); tableDAO.drop(CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME); tableWatcher.create(Description.createSuiteDescription(CLASS_NAME, "testGetSchemaInfoSplit")); try { PreparedStatement ps = spliceClassWatcher .prepareStatement(String.format("insert into %s.%s values (?,?)", CLASS_NAME, TABLE_NAME)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ps.setInt(1, i); ps.setString(2, Integer.toString(i + 1)); ps.executeUpdate(); } // spliceClassWatcher.splitTable(TABLE_NAME,CLASS_NAME,size/3); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { spliceClassWatcher.closeAll(); } CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_SCHEMA_INFO()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_SCHEMA_INFO()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetActiveServers() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_ACTIVE_SERVERS()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_ACTIVE_SERVERS()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 1); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test @Ignore("DB-5499") public void testGetWriteIntakeInfo() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_WRITE_INTAKE_INFO()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_WRITE_INTAKE_INFO()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 1); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetRequests() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_REQUESTS()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_REQUESTS()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 1); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetRegionServerStatsInfo() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_REGION_SERVER_STATS_INFO()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_REGION_SERVER_STATS_INFO()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 1); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetLoggers() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_LOGGERS()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_LOGGERS()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 80); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetSetLogLevel() throws Exception { String logger = "com.splicemachine.derby.iapi.sql.execute.SpliceOperationContext"; String origLevel = "FRED"; String newLogLevel = "INFO"; CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_LOGGER_LEVEL(?)"); cs.setString(1, logger); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); while ( { origLevel = rs.getString(1); } try { cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_LOGGER_LEVEL(?,?)"); cs.setString(1, logger); cs.setString(2, newLogLevel); cs.execute(); cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_LOGGER_LEVEL(?)"); cs.setString(1, logger); rs = cs.executeQuery(); String currentLogLevel = "FRED"; while ( { currentLogLevel = rs.getString(1); } Assert.assertNotEquals("FRED", currentLogLevel); Assert.assertEquals(newLogLevel, currentLogLevel); } finally { // reset to orig value cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_LOGGER_LEVEL(?,?)"); cs.setString(1, logger); cs.setString(2, origLevel); cs.execute(); } DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testGetSpliceVersion() throws Exception { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_VERSION_INFO()"); ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery(); TestUtils.FormattedResult fr = TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory .convert("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_GET_VERSION_INFO()", rs); System.out.println(fr.toString()); Assert.assertTrue(fr.size() >= 1); DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } @Test public void testUpdateSchemaOwner() throws Exception { String schemaName = "SPLICEADMINITSCHEMAFOO"; String userName = "SPLICEADMINITUSERFRED"; try { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(String.format("CREATE SCHEMA %s", schemaName)); } catch (Exception e) { // Allow schema exists error } CallableStatement cs = null; try { cs = methodWatcher.prepareCall( String.format("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_CREATE_USER('%s', '%s')", userName, userName)); cs.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { // Allow user exists error } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(cs); } CallableStatement cs2 = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { cs2 = methodWatcher.prepareCall( String.format("call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_UPDATE_SCHEMA_OWNER('%s', '%s')", schemaName, userName)); cs2.execute(); rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery( String.format("SELECT AUTHORIZATIONID FROM SYS.SYSSCHEMAS WHERE SCHEMANAME='%s'", schemaName)); Assert.assertTrue(; Assert.assertEquals(userName, rs.getString(1)); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(rs); } try { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(String.format("DROP SCHEMA %s RESTRICT", schemaName)); } catch (Exception e) { // Allow error } } @Test public void testSplitTableTableDoesNotExist() throws Exception { try { CallableStatement cs = methodWatcher .prepareCall(format("call syscs_util.SYSCS_SPLIT_TABLE('%s','%s')", CLASS_NAME, "IAMNOTHERE")); cs.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { Assert.assertEquals("Message Mismatch", "Table 'SPLICEADMINIT.IAMNOTHERE' does not exist. ", e.getMessage()); } } }