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 * Copyright (C) 2014 BigLoupe
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License
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** Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH. 
** All rights reserved.
** This file may be used under the terms of either the 
**   GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL)
**   as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file
**   LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file. 
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package com.sos.JSHelper.Options;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import sos.xml.SOSXMLXPath;

import com.sos.JSHelper.Annotations.JSOptionClass;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Annotations.JSOptionDefinition;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Archiver.IJSArchiverOptions;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Archiver.JSArchiverOptions;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Exceptions.JSExceptionFileNotReadable;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Exceptions.JSExceptionInputFileNotFound;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Exceptions.JobSchedulerException;
import com.sos.i18n.I18NBase;
import com.sos.i18n.Msg;
import com.sos.i18n.Msg.BundleBaseName;
import com.sos.i18n.annotation.I18NResourceBundle;

 * \class JSOptionsClass
 * Super-Klasse fr alle JS-Option-Klassen.
 * \brief
 * \section intro_sec Introduction
 * Diese Klasse bietet Optionen (Parameter) fr die Ausfhrung eines Jobs an,
 * die allen JS-Jobs gemeinsam sind.
 * \subsection optionen_definieren Wie werden Werte fr Optionen definiert?
 * Optionen werden definiert ber eine HashMap vom Typ <String, String>.
 * Dabei ist der erste "String" der Name (Schlssel) und der zweite "String" der Wert
 * fr die Option.
 * Die HashMap wird (normalerweise) in der super-Klasse
 * BasicWorkFlow:: aufgebaut und dann an diese Klasse "durchgereicht".
 * Optionen knnen auch direkt durch Verwendung der Properties dieser Klasse gesetzt
 * und auch abgefragt werden.
 * Optionen, die durch Environment-Variable des Job-Environment gesetzt werden, berschreiben
 * dabei die durch die HashMap gesetzten Werte.
 * Environment-Variablen werden ausgewertet, wenn alle Optionen ber die HashMap gesetzt werden
 * (und nur dann).
 * Die Auswertung geschieht in der Methode {@link #getEnvironmentVariables()}.
 * Die Environment-Variablen (siehe weiter unten) werden jedoch nicht ausgewertet, wenn
 * die Option \c {@link #IgnoreEnvironmentVariables(boolean)} auf \c true gesetzt ist.
 * <TABLE>
 * <TR>
 * <TD><b>Option</b></TD>
 * <TD><b>Typ</b></TD>
 * <TD><b>InitialWert</b></TD>
 * <TD><b>Beschreibung</b></TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD>{@link #TestMode(boolean)}</TD>
 * <TD>bool</TD>
 * <TD>false</TD>
 * <TD>
 * Hiermit wird der Testmodus des Jobs aktiviert.
 * Im Testmodus werden Diagnosemeldungen ausgegeben.
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD>{@link #Debug(boolean)}</TD>
 * <TD>bool</TD>
 * <TD>false</TD>
 * <TD>
 * Hiermit wird der DebugModus des Jobs aktiviert.
 * Im Testmodus werden Diagnosemeldungen ausgegeben, falls die
 * Programme diese Option auswerten.
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD>{@link #DebugLevel(int)}DebugLevel </TD>
 * <TD>int</TD>
 * <TD>0</TD>
 * <TD>
 * Diagnosemeldungen werden ber eine Level-Nummer klassifiziert.
 * '9' bedeutet dabei am wenigstens wichtig und '0' kennzeichnet wichtige
 * Diagnosemeldungen.
 * Es werden alle Meldungen ausgegeben, deren Level-Nummer kleiner oder gleich
 * dem DebugLevel ist.
 * </TD>
 * </TR>
 * </TABLE>
 * \subsection table-environment-variables Tabelle der Environment-Variablen
 * <TABLE>
 * <TR>
 * <TD><b>EnvironmentVariable</b></TD>
 * <TD><b>ClassProperty</b></TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TR>
 * <TD>{@link #TestMode(boolean)}</TD>
 * </TR>
 * <TD>{@link #Debug(boolean)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #DebugLevel(int)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #IgnoreTrafficLights(boolean)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #InboundRootDir(String)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #OutboundRootDir(String)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #SchemaDir(String)}</TD></TR>
 * <TD>{@link #IgnorePendingStatus(boolean)}</TD></TR>
 * </TABLE>
 * \subsection env-example Ein Beispiel fr die Verwendung der Variablen
 * \code
 * export JS_SERVERNAME="JSLevDevel"
 * export JS_TEST_MODE=Y
 * export JS_ENVIRONMENT=Test
 * export JS_IGNORE_TL=Y
 * export JS_DEBUG=N
 * export JS_DEBUG_LEVEL=9
 * \endcode
 * \section samples Some Examples
 * \code
 *   .... code goes here ...
 * \endcode
 * <p style="text-align:center">
 * <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * <br /> APL/Software GmbH - Berlin
 * <br />##### generated by ClaviusXPress ( #########
 * <br />Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2008, sgx2343 (sgx2343)
 * <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * </p>
 * \author sgx2343
 * @version $Id: 19901 2013-04-16 12:33:29Z kb $
 * \see reference
@JSOptionClass(name = "JSOptionsClass", description = "JSOptionsClass")
@I18NResourceBundle(baseName = "com_sos_JSHelper_Messages", defaultLocale = "en")
public class JSOptionsClass extends I18NBase implements IJSArchiverOptions, Serializable {
    protected Msg objMsg = null;

    private final String conSVNVersion = "$Id: 19901 2013-04-16 12:33:29Z kb $";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8497293387023797049L;
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JSOptionsClass.class);
    public static boolean gflgUseBase64ForObject = true;

    protected enum IterationTypes {
        setRecord(1), getRecord(2), toOut(3), createXML(4), setDefaultValues(5), clearAllValues(
                6), countSegmentFields(
                        7), CheckMandatory(12), setPrefix(14), toString(13), getCommandLine(14), DirtyToString(15);
        private int intType;

        IterationTypes(final int pintType) {
            intType = pintType;

         * \brief Code
         * \details
         * Liefert den Wert (S oder V) fr einen PriceType.
         * \return String
        public int Code() {
            return intType;

    private StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer("");
    public String TestVar = "Wert von TestVar";
     * \var conEnvVarJS_TEST_MODE
     * Mit dieser EnvironmentVariablen kann der Test-Modus ein- bzw. ausgeschaltet werden.
     * Die Variable ist vom Typ boolean.
     * \see TestMode
     * \see TestMode(boolean)
    private static String conEnvVarJS_TEST_MODE = new String("JS_TEST_MODE");
    private final String conClassName = "JSOptionsClass";
    protected final String conNullButMandatory = "%3$s : Setting %1$s (%2$s) is mandatory, must be not null.%n";
    protected final String conChangedMsg = "%3$s: changed from '%1$s' to '%2$s'.";
    /** HashMap Settings: HashMap contains the JS-Options (Settings) */
    protected HashMap<String, String> objSettings = null;
    protected HashMap<String, String> objProcessedOptions = null;

     * \option Scheduler_Hot_Folder
     * \type SOSOptionFolderName
     * \brief Scheduler_Hot_Folder - Pathname to the JobScheduler live-folder
     * \details
     * Pathname to the JobScheduler live-folder
     * \mandatory: false
     * \created 27.06.2012 17:31:46 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Scheduler_Hot_Folder", description = "Pathname to the JobScheduler live-folder", key = "Scheduler_Hot_Folder", type = "SOSOptionFolderName", mandatory = true)
    public SOSOptionFolderName Scheduler_Hot_Folder = new SOSOptionFolderName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".Scheduler_Hot_Folder", // ...
            "Pathname to the JobScheduler live-folder", // ...
            "${SCHEDULER_DATA}/config/live", // ...
            "", // ...

    public String getScheduler_Hot_Folder() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getScheduler_Hot_Folder";

        return Scheduler_Hot_Folder.Value();
    } // public String getScheduler_Hot_Folder

    public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Hot_Folder(final String pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setScheduler_Hot_Folder";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Hot_Folder

     * \option Scheduler_Data
     * \type SOSOptionFolderName
     * \brief Scheduler_Data - Data Folder of JobScheduler Installation
     * \details
     * Data Folder of JobScheduler Installation
     * \mandatory: false
     * \created 27.06.2012 17:07:08 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Scheduler_Data", description = "Data Folder of JobScheduler Installation", key = "Scheduler_Data", type = "SOSOptionFolderName", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionFolderName Scheduler_Data = new SOSOptionFolderName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".Scheduler_Data", // ...
            "Data Folder of JobScheduler Installation", // ...
            "env:SCHEDULER_DATA", // ...
            "env:SCHEDULER_DATA", // ...

    public String getScheduler_Data() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getScheduler_Data";

        return Scheduler_Data.Value();
    } // public String getScheduler_Data

    public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Data(final String pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setScheduler_Data";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Data

     * \option Scheduler_Home
     * \type SOSOptionFileName
     * \brief Scheduler_Home - Home/Root Folder of JobScheduler
     * \details
     * OptionDescription
     * \mandatory: true
     * \created 27.06.2012 16:56:45 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Scheduler_Home", description = "Home Root Folder of JobScheduler", key = "Scheduler_Home", type = "SOSOptionFileName", mandatory = true)
    public SOSOptionFolderName Scheduler_Home = new SOSOptionFolderName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".Scheduler_Home", // ...
            "Home Root Folder of JobScheduler", // ...
            "env:SCHEDULER_HOME", // ...
            "env:SCHEDULER_HOME", // ...

    public String getScheduler_Home() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getScheduler_Home";

        return Scheduler_Home.Value();
    } // public String getScheduler_Home

    public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Home(final String pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setScheduler_Home";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setScheduler_Home

    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Local_user", description = "I18N is for internationalization of Application", key = "Local_user", type = "SOSOptionUserName", mandatory = true)
    public SOSOptionUserName UserName = new SOSOptionUserName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".local_user", // ...
            "Name of local user", // ...
            System.getProperty(""), // ...
            System.getProperty(""), // ...

     * \option Locale
     * \type SOSOptionLocale
     * \brief Locale - Define the locale for the I18N-Subsystem
     * \details
     * I18N is for internationalization of Applications
     * \mandatory: true
     * \created 14.05.2011 17:42:51 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Locale", description = "I18N is for internationalization of Application", key = "Locale", type = "SOSOptionString", mandatory = true)
    public SOSOptionLocale Locale = new SOSOptionLocale( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".Locale", // ...
            "I18N is for internationalization of Application", // ...
            "env:SOS_LOCALE", // ...
            java.util.Locale.getDefault().toString(), // ...

    public java.util.Locale getI18NLocale() {
        return new java.util.Locale(Locale.Value());

    public String getLocale() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getLocale";

        return Locale.Value();
    } // public String getLocale

    public void setLocale(final String pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setLocale";
    } // public JSOptionsClass setLocale

     * \option CheckNotProcessedOptions
     * \type SOSOptionBoolean
     * \brief CheckNotProcessedOptions - Check and report not processed options
     * \details
     * If this Option is set to true, all not processed or recognized options are reported as a warning
     * \mandatory: false
     * \created 22.03.2011 11:49:13 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "CheckNotProcessedOptions", description = "If this Option is set to true, all not processed or recognized options are reported as a warning", key = "CheckNotProcessedOptions", type = "SOSOptionBoolean", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionBoolean CheckNotProcessedOptions = new SOSOptionBoolean(
            // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".CheckNotProcessedOptions", // ...
            "If this Option is set to true, all not processed or recognized options are reported as a warning", // ...
            "false", // ...
            "false", // ...

    public String getCheckNotProcessedOptions() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getCheckNotProcessedOptions";
        return CheckNotProcessedOptions.Value();
    } // public String getCheckNotProcessedOptions

    public JSOptionsClass setCheckNotProcessedOptions(final String pstrValue) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setCheckNotProcessedOptions";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setCheckNotProcessedOptions

     * \option XmlId
     * \type SOSOptionString
     * \brief XmlId - The ID-Attribute of the XML-Base tag for Serialization
     * \details
     * This ist the ...
     * \mandatory: true
     * \created 07.01.2011 18:56:23 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "XmlId", description = "This ist the ...", key = "XmlId", type = "SOSOptionString", mandatory = true)
    public SOSOptionString XmlId = new SOSOptionString( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".XmlId", // ...
            "This ist the ...", // ...
            "root", // ...
            "root", // ...

    public String getXmlId() throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getXmlId";
        return XmlId.Value();
    } // public String getXmlId

    public JSOptionsClass setXmlId(final String pstrValue) throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setXmlId";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setXmlId

    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "ArchiverOptions", value = "", description = "Optionen fr die Dateiarchivierung", key = "", type = "JSOptionClass", mandatory = false)
    private JSArchiverOptions objArchiverOptions = null;
     * \brief TestMode - Option: Test Modus schalten
     * \details
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "TestMode", value = "false", description = "Test Modus schalten ", key = "TestMode", type = "JSOptionBoolean", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionBoolean TestMode = new SOSOptionBoolean(this, // Verweis auf die
            // SOSOptionClass-Instanz
            conClassName + ".TestMode", // Schlssel, i.d.r. identisch
            // mit dem Namen der Option
            "Test Modus schalten ", // Kurzbeschreibung
            "false", // Wert
            "false", // defaultwert
            false // Option muss einen Wert haben
     * \brief Debug - Option: Debug-Modus schalten (true/false)
     * \details
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "Debug", value = "false", description = "Debug-Modus schalten (true/false)", key = "Debug", type = "JSOptionBoolean", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionBoolean Debug = new SOSOptionBoolean(this, // Verweis auf die
            // SOSOptionClass-Instanz
            conClassName + ".Debug", // Schlssel, i.d.r. identisch mit
            // dem Namen der Option
            "Debug-Modus schalten (true/false)", // Kurzbeschreibung
            "false", // Wert
            "false", // defaultwert
            false // Option muss einen Wert haben
     * \brief DebugLevel - Option: DebugLevel
     * \details
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "DebugLevel", value = "0", description = "DebugLevel", key = "DebugLevel", type = "JSOptionInteger", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionInteger DebugLevel = new SOSOptionInteger(this, // Verweis auf die
            // SOSOptionClass-Instanz
            conClassName + ".DebugLevel", // Schlssel, i.d.r. identisch
            // mit dem Namen der Option
            "DebugLevel", // Kurzbeschreibung
            "0", // Wert
            "0", // defaultwert
            false // Option muss einen Wert haben
    /** \var int DebugLevel: Specify the Debug-Level */
    // private int objDebugLevel = 0;
    // private final String conDebugLevelSettingsKey = this.conClassName + ".DebugLevel";

     * \option log_filename
     * \type SOSOptionFileName
     * \brief log_filename - Name der Datei mit den Logging Eintrgen
     * \details
     * Name der Datei mit den Logging-Eintrgen
     * \mandatory: false
     * \created 20.01.2012 10:24:18 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "log_filename", description = "Name der Datei mit den Logging-Eintrgen", key = "log_filename", type = "SOSOptionFileName", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionLogFileName log_filename = new SOSOptionLogFileName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".log_filename", // ...
            "Name der Datei mit den Logging-Eintrgen", // ...
            "stdout", // ...
            "stdout", // ...

    public SOSOptionLogFileName getlog_filename() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getlog_filename";

        return log_filename;
    } // public String getlog_filename

    public void setlog_filename(final SOSOptionLogFileName pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setlog_filename";
        log_filename = pstrValue;
        // return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setlog_filename

     * \option log4jPropertyFileName
     * \type SOSOptionInFileName
     * \brief log4jPropertyFileName - Name of the Log4J Property File
     * \details
     * Name of the LOG4J Property File
     * \mandatory: false
     * \created 20.01.2012 10:12:02 by KB
    @JSOptionDefinition(name = "log4jPropertyFileName", description = "Name of the LOG4J Property File", key = "log4j_Property_FileName", type = "SOSOptionInFileName", mandatory = false)
    public SOSOptionInFileName log4jPropertyFileName = new SOSOptionInFileName( // ...
            this, // ....
            conClassName + ".log4j_Property_FileName", // ...
            "Name of the LOG4J Property File", // ...
            "env:log4j.configuration", // ...
            "./", // ...

    public String getlog4jPropertyFileName() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getlog4jPropertyFileName";

        return log4jPropertyFileName.Value();
    } // public String getlog4jPropertyFileName

    public JSOptionsClass setlog4jPropertyFileName(final String pstrValue) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setlog4jPropertyFileName";
        return this;
    } // public JSOptionsClass setlog4jPropertyFileName

    /** \var boolean IgnoreEnvironmentVariables: Environment-Variable nicht auswerten */
    private boolean flgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables = false;
    // private final String conIgnoreEnvironmentVariablesSettingsKey = conClassName + ".Ignore_Environment_Variables";
    /** spooler_log Logger: The global SOS-Logging Class */
    // private sos.spooler.Log objLogger = null;
    protected boolean flgSetAllOptions = false;
    private final String strOptionNamePrefix = "-";
    private String strCommandLineArgs[];
    /** String CurrentNodeName: Logischer Name fr eine System-Instanz */
    private String strCurrentNodeName = "";
    private final String conFilePathSeparator = File.separator;
    public final static String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
    private String strTempDirName = System.getProperty("") + conFilePathSeparator;
    private String strUserDirName = System.getProperty("user.dir") + conFilePathSeparator;
    public JSOptionPropertyFolderName UserDir = new JSOptionPropertyFolderName(this, "", "", "", "", false);
    public Class objParentClass = null;
    private String strAlternativePrefix = "";

    public JSOptionsClass() {

        try {
            objMsg = new Msg(
                    new BundleBaseName(this.getClass().getAnnotation(I18NResourceBundle.class).baseName()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

    } // public JSOptionsClass

    public JSOptionsClass(final HashMap<String, String> pobjSettings) {

     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * <method type="smcw" version="1.0"> <name>Settings</name> <title>HashMap
     * containing the JS-Settings</title> <description> <para> HashMap
     * conaining the JS-Settings </para> </description> <params> </params>
     * <keywords> <keyword>Options</keyword> <keyword>BasisClass</keyword>
     * </keywords> <categories> <category>Options</category> </categories>
     * </method>
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * \brief HashMap contains the JS-Settings
     * @return Returns the Settings.
    public HashMap<String, String> Settings() {
        if (objSettings == null) {
            objSettings = new HashMap<String, String>();
        return objSettings;
    } // HashMap Settings()

    public HashMap<String, String> Settings4StepName() {
        HashMap<String, String> objS = new HashMap<String, String>();

        int intStartPos = strCurrentNodeName.length() + 1;
        for (final Object element : Settings().entrySet()) {
            final Map.Entry<String, String> mapItem = (Map.Entry<String, String>) element;
            String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
            String strValue = mapItem.getValue();
            if (strMapKey.indexOf("/") != -1) {
                if (strMapKey.startsWith(strCurrentNodeName + "/")) {
                    strMapKey = strMapKey.substring(intStartPos);
                } else {
                    strValue = null;
            if (strValue != null) {
                logger.debug(strMapKey + " = " + strValue);
                objS.put(strMapKey, strValue);

        return objS;
    } // HashMap Settings()

     * \brief TempDirName
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @return
    public String TempDirName() {
        return this.TempDir();

     * \brief TempDir
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @return
    public String TempDir() {
        return strTempDirName;

     * \brief TempDir
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param pstrTempDirName
    public void TempDir(final String pstrTempDirName) {
        strTempDirName = pstrTempDirName;

     * \brief UserDir
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @return
    public String UserDir() {
        return strUserDirName;

     * \brief UserDir
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param pstrUserDirName
    public void UserDir(final String pstrUserDirName) {
        strUserDirName = pstrUserDirName;

     * \brief Settings - HashMap conaining the JS-Settings
     * @param pobjSettings
     *            The HashMap Settings to set.
     * @throws Exception
    public void Settings(final HashMap<String, String> pobjSettings) {
        // setAllOptions(pobjSettings);
        objSettings = pobjSettings;
    } // Settings(HashMap pobjSettings)

     * \brief getItem - Wert fr eine Option liefern
     * \details
     * Ermittelt den Wert fr eine angegebene Option
     * Der Name der Option [CurrentNodeName/][classname.]optionname kann entweder in
     * kompletter Gro-/Kleinschreibung
     * oder in vollstndiger Kleinschreibung geschrieben werden. Dann wird
     * er auch erkannt.
     * classname darf weggelassen werden.
     * 'CurrentNodeName' darf auch weggelassen werden.
     * Durch die HashMap wird sequentiell durchgegangen, um auch MixedCase Schlsselworte zu erwischen
     * zustzlich evtl. bereits beim Schreiben in die HashMap alles auf reine Kleinschreibung umsetzen.
     * \return String der Wert fr die angeforderte Option oder null
     * \see getIntItem
     * \see getBoolItem
     * @param pstrKey der Name der Option als [classname.]optionname
    public String getItem(final String pstrKey) {
        String strTemp = ""; // null;
        String strKey = pstrKey;
        if (isEmpty(pstrKey)) {
            return strTemp;
        if (objProcessedOptions == null) {
            objProcessedOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
        strKey = strKey.replaceAll("_", "");
         * durch die HashMap sequentiell durchgehen, um auch MixedCase Schlsselworte zu erwischen
         * zustzlich evtl. bereits beim Schreiben in die HashMap alles auf reine Kleinschreibung umsetzen.
        String strLSKey = "";
        if (strCurrentNodeName.length() > 0) {
            strLSKey = strCurrentNodeName + "/" + pstrKey.replaceAll("_", "");
            for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
                String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
                strMapKey = strMapKey.replaceAll("_", "");
                if (strLSKey.equalsIgnoreCase(strMapKey)) {
                    if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                        strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                    } else {
                        strTemp = null;
                    objProcessedOptions.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                    return strTemp;
        } // if (strCurrentNodeName.length() > 0 )
        for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
            final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
            String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
            String lstrMapKey = strMapKey.replaceAll("_", "");
            if (strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(lstrMapKey)) {
                if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                    strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                } else {
                    strTemp = null;
                objProcessedOptions.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                return strTemp;
         * wenn wir hier angekommen sind, dann wurde mit dem "richtigen" Wert (in Gro-/Kleinschreibung und
         * mit Klassennamen) nichts gefunden. Jetzt wird ohne Klassenname im Schlssel gesucht.
        int i = strKey.indexOf('.'); // KlassenName . Name
        if (i > 0) { // Key contains/started with ClassName ...
            strLSKey = "";
            strKey = strKey.substring(++i); // get key without classname
            if (strCurrentNodeName.length() > 0) {
                strLSKey = strCurrentNodeName + "/" + strKey;
                for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
                    final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
                    String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
                    String lstrMapKey = strMapKey.replaceAll("_", "");
                    if (strLSKey.equalsIgnoreCase(lstrMapKey)) {
                        if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                            strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                        } else {
                            strTemp = null;
                        objProcessedOptions.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                        return strTemp;
                } // for (Iterator iterator = objSettings.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
                String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
                String lstrMapKey = strMapKey.replaceAll("_", "");
                if (strLSKey.length() > 0) {
                    if (strLSKey.equalsIgnoreCase(lstrMapKey)) {
                        if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                            strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                        } else {
                            strTemp = null;
                        objProcessedOptions.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                        return strTemp;
                if (strKey.equalsIgnoreCase(lstrMapKey)) {
                    if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                        strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                    } else {
                        strTemp = null;
                    objProcessedOptions.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                    return strTemp;
            } // for (Iterator iterator = objSettings.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
        } // (i > 0)
          // hier kann es nur noch "null" sein, also Schlssel nicht gefunden in den Optionen
        if (strTemp == null || strTemp.length() <= 0) {
            strTemp = null;
        return strTemp;
    } // protected String getItem(String pstrKey)

     * \brief CheckNotProcessedOptions
     * \details
     * \return boolean
     * @return
    public boolean CheckNotProcessedOptions() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::CheckNotProcessedOptions";
        boolean flgIsOK = true;
        int intNumberOfNotProcessedOptions = 0;
        if (objSettings != null) {
            for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry<String, String> mapItem = (Map.Entry<String, String>) element;
                String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
                String strT = objProcessedOptions.get(strMapKey);
                if (strT == null) {
                    String strValue = null;
                    if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                        strValue = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                    } else {
                        strValue = null;
                            "SOSOPT-W-001: Option '%1$s' with value '%2$s' is unknown and not processed", strMapKey,
                    flgIsOK = false;
        return flgIsOK;
    } // private boolean CheckNotProcessedOptions

    public HashMap<String, String> getProcessedOptions() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getProcessedOptions";
        if (objProcessedOptions == null) {
            objProcessedOptions = new HashMap<String, String>();
        return objProcessedOptions;
    } // public HashMap<String, String> getProcessedOptions

    public void addProcessedOptions(final HashMap<String, String> phsmMap) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::addProcessedOptions";
    } // public void addProcessedOptions

     * \brief getItem - Wert oder Vorbesetzung fr eine Option liefern
     * \details
     * Ermittelt den Wert fr eine angegebene Option
     * Der Name der Option [classname.]optionname kann entweder in kompletter Gro-/Kleinschreibung
     * oder in vollstndiger Kleinschreibung geschrieben werden. Dann wird
     * er auch erkannt. classname darf weggelassen werden.
     * Wenn die Option nicht definiert wurde (in der HasMap), dann wird der Wert fr die Vorbesetzung
     * zurckgeliefert.
     * \return String der Wert fr die angeforderte Option oder Vorbesetzung oder null
     * @see getItem
     * \see getIntItem
     * \see getBoolItem
     * @param String pstrKey der Name der Option als [classname.]optionname
     * @param String pstrDefaultValue die Vorbesetzung (Default-Value) der Option
    public String getItem(final String pstrKey, final String pstrDefaultValue) {
        String strT = this.getItem(pstrKey);
        if (isEmpty(strT)) {
            strT = pstrDefaultValue;
        return strT;

     * \brief getIntItem - IntegerWert fr eine Option liefern
     * \details
     * Ermittelt den Integer-Wert fr eine angegebene Option
     * Der Name der Option [classname.]optionname kann entweder in kompletter Gro-/Kleinschreibung
     * oder in vollstndiger Kleinschreibung geschrieben werden. Dann wird
     * er auch erkannt. classname darf weggelassen werden.
     * \exception NumberFormatException
     * \return String der Wert fr die angeforderte Option oder null
     * \see getItem
     * \see getBoolItem
     * @param pstrKey der Name der Option als [classname.]optionname
    protected int getIntItem(final String pstrKey) {
        return String2Integer(this.getItem(pstrKey));

     * \brief String2Integer - wandelt String in Integer
     * \details
     * \exception NumberFormatException
     * \return int
     * @param pstrValue
    protected int String2Integer(final String pstrValue) {
        int intT = 0;
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrValue)) {
            try {
                intT = Integer.parseInt(pstrValue);
            } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("format Exception raised", e);
        return intT;

     * \brief getBoolItem - Ermittelt den Boolean-Wert fr eine angegebene Option
     * Der Name der Option [classname.]optionname kann entweder in kompletter Gro-/Kleinschreibung
     * oder in vollstndiger Kleinschreibung geschrieben werden. Dann wird
     * er auch erkannt. classname darf weggelassen werden.
     * Die Strings "1" und "y" liefern den Wert "true", alle anderen Werte werden als "false"
     * interpretiert.
     * \return String der Wert fr die angeforderte Option oder null
     * \see getItem
     * \see getIntItem
     * @param pstrKey der Name der Option als [classname.]optionname
    protected boolean getBoolItem(final String pstrKey) {
        boolean flgT = false;
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrKey)) {
            flgT = String2Bool(this.getItem(pstrKey));
        return flgT;

     * \brief getBoolItem
     * \details
     * \return boolean
     * @param pstrKey
     * @param pflgDefault
     * @return
    protected boolean getBoolItem(final String pstrKey, final boolean pflgDefault) {
        boolean flgT = false;
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrKey)) {
            flgT = String2Bool(this.getItem(pstrKey));
        } else {
            flgT = pflgDefault;
        return flgT;

     * \brief String to Boolean
     * \return boolean
     * @param pstrS
    public boolean String2Bool(final String pstrVal) {
        boolean flgT = false;
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrVal)) {
            if (pstrVal.equals("1") || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")
                    || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("j") || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("on")
                    || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || pstrVal.equalsIgnoreCase("wahr")) {
                flgT = true;
        return flgT;

     * \brief toOut
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param pstrS
     * @throws Exception
    protected void toOut(final String pstrS) throws Exception {
        String strT = pstrS;
        if (!strT.contains(conClassName)) {
            strT += getAllOptionsAsString();
        // if (objLogger != null) {
        // }
        // else {
        // }

    protected void toOut() {
        try {
        } catch (final JobSchedulerException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public String toString() {
        String strT = null;
        try {
            strT = getAllOptionsAsString();
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("toString failed", e);
        return strT;

    public String dirtyString() {
        String strT = null;
        try {
            strT = "\n" + getAllOptionsAsString(IterationTypes.DirtyToString);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("dirtyString failed", e);
        return strT;

    public void Options2ClipBoard() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::Options2ClipBoard";
        String strT = "";

        if (objSettings != null) {
            for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
                final String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
                if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                    String strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                    strT += "\n" + strMapKey + "=" + strTemp;
        } else {
            strT = this.dirtyString();

     * \brief getAllOptionsAsString
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private String getAllOptionsAsString(final IterationTypes penuIterationType) {
        String strT = ""; // conClassName + "\n";
        if (objParentClass != null) {
            strT += IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, penuIterationType, strBuffer);
        return strT;

    private String getAllOptionsAsString() {
        return getAllOptionsAsString(IterationTypes.toString);

     * \brief setAllCommonOptions - Aus der HashMap werden die Werte bernommen
     * Optionen (auch Settings genannt) werden in Form einer HashMap mit den Paaren (Name, Wert)
     * gehalten. Hier werden diese den Werten der jeweiligen Property zugewiesen.
     * \return void
     * @param JSSettings
     * @throws Exception
    protected void setAllCommonOptions(final HashMap<String, String> JSSettings) {
        objSettings = JSSettings;
        if (objParentClass != null) {
            // && this.objParentClass.isAnnotationPresent(JSOptionClass.class)) {
            IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.countSegmentFields, strBuffer);
            IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.setRecord, strBuffer);
        } else {
        // this.TestMode(this.getBoolItem(this.conTestModeSettingsKey));
        // this.Debug(this.getBoolItem(this.conDebugSettingsKey));
        // this.DebugLevel(this.getIntItem(this.conDebugLevelSettingsKey));
        UserDir.MapValue(); // Wert aus der HashTable bernehmen
         * Die folgenden Variablen werden ber das Environment gesetzt
         * und berschreiben die in den Settings gemachten Angaben.
        if (this.IgnoreEnvironmentVariables()) {
            ; // nothing to do
        } else {

     * \brief getEnvironmentVariables
     * \details
     * \return JSOptionsClass
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public JSOptionsClass getEnvironmentVariables() {
        String strT = EnvironmentVariable(JSOptionsClass.conEnvVarJS_TEST_MODE);
        if (isNotEmpty(strT)) {
        strT = EnvironmentVariable("JS_DEBUG");
        if (isNotEmpty(strT)) {
        strT = EnvironmentVariable("JS_DEBUG_LEVEL");
        if (isNotEmpty(strT)) {
        return this;

     * \brief CheckMandatory
     * \details
     * Der Aufruf dieser Methode prft alle obligatorisch anzugebenden Optionen.
     * Wird fr eine Option kein Wert gefunden, so wird eine Exception ausgelst.
     * Die Methode wird grundstzlich von der abgeleiteten Klasse berschrieben,
     * da die obligatorsichen Optionen von Klasse zu Klasse unterschiedlich sind.
     * \return void
     * @throws Exception
    public void CheckMandatory() throws Exception {
        if (objParentClass != null) {
            IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.CheckMandatory, strBuffer);

     * \brief TestMode - TestMode
     * @return Returns the TestMode.
    public boolean TestMode() {
        return TestMode.value();
    } // boolean TestMode()

     * \brief TestMode - TestMode
     * @param pflgTestMode
     *            The boolean TestMode to set.
    public void TestMode(final boolean pflgTestMode) {
    } // public void TestMode(boolean pflgTestMode)

     * Debug - Debug-Mode on or off
     * @return Returns the Debug.
    public boolean Debug() {
        return Debug.value();
    } // boolean Debug()

     * Debug - Debug-Mode on or off
     * @param pflgDebug
     *            The boolean Debug to set.
    public void Debug(final boolean pflgDebug) {
    } // public void Debug(boolean pflgDebug)

     * \brief DebugLevel - Specify the Debug-Level
     * \details
     * Diagnosemeldungen werden ber eine Level-Nummer klassifiziert.
     * '9' bedeutet dabei am wenigstens wichtig und '0' kennzeichnet wichtige
     * Diagnosemeldungen.
     * Es werden alle Meldungen ausgegeben, deren Level-Nummer kleiner oder gleich
     * dem DebugLevel ist.
     * @return Returns the DebugLevel.
    public int DebugLevel() {
        return DebugLevel.value();
    } // int DebugLevel()

     * \copydoc ::DebugLevel()
     * @param pobjDebugLevel
     *            The int DebugLevel to set.
    public void DebugLevel(final int pintDebugLevel) {
    } // public void DebugLevel(int pobjDebugLevel)

     * \brief CheckFileIsReadable
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @param pstrFileName
     * @param pstrMethodName
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    protected String CheckFileIsReadable(final String pstrFileName, final String pstrMethodName) {
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrFileName)) {
            final File fleF = new File(pstrFileName);
            String strT = null;
            if (fleF.exists() == false) {
                strT = String.format("%2$s: File '%1$s' does not exist.", pstrFileName, pstrMethodName);
                this.SignalError(new JSExceptionInputFileNotFound(strT), strT);
            if (fleF.canRead() == false) {
                strT = String.format("%2$s: File '%1$s'. canRead returns false. Check permissions.", pstrFileName,
                this.SignalError(new JSExceptionFileNotReadable(strT), strT);
        return pstrFileName;
    } // CheckFileIsReadable

     * \brief CheckFolder
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @param pstrFileName
     * @param pstrMethodName
     * @param flgCreateIfNotExist
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public String CheckFolder(String pstrFileName, final String pstrMethodName, final Boolean flgCreateIfNotExist) {
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrFileName)) {
            final String strSep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
            if (pstrFileName.endsWith(strSep) == false) {
                pstrFileName += strSep;
            final File fleF = new File(pstrFileName);
            if (fleF.exists() == false) {
                if (!flgCreateIfNotExist) {
                            String.format("%2$s: Folder '%1$s' does not exist.", pstrFileName, pstrMethodName));
                } else {
                    SignalInfo(String.format("%2$s: Folder '%1$s' created.", pstrFileName, pstrMethodName));
            if (fleF.canRead() == false) {
                this.SignalError(String.format("%2$s: File '%1$s'. canRead returns false. Check permissions.",
                        pstrFileName, pstrMethodName));
        return pstrFileName;
    } // CheckFolder

     * \brief CheckIsFileWritable - prft ob eine Datei ge-/berschrieben werden darf
     * \return String
     * @param pstrFileName
     * @param pstrMethodName
     * @return String - den Namen der Datei
     * @throws Exception
    public String CheckIsFileWritable(final String pstrFileName, final String pstrMethodName) {
        String strT = null;
        if (isNotEmpty(pstrFileName)) {
            // message("pstrFileName = " + pstrFileName);
            try {
                final File fleF = new File(pstrFileName);
                if (fleF.exists()) {
                } else {
                if (fleF.canWrite()) {
                    // nothing to do
                } else {
                    strT = String.format("%2$s: File '%1$s'. canWrite returns false. Check permissions.",
                            pstrFileName, pstrMethodName);
                    strT += fleF.toString();
            } // try
            catch (final Exception objException) {
                strT = String.format("%2$s: File '%1$s'. Exception thrown. Check permissions.", pstrFileName,
                final JobSchedulerException objJSEx = new JobSchedulerException(strT, objException);
                this.SignalError(objJSEx, strT);
            } finally {
            } // finally
            if (strT != null) {
        return pstrFileName;
    } // CheckFileIsWritable

     * \brief getVal
     * \return String
     * @param pstrS
    protected String getVal(final String pstrS) {
        final String strT = "";
        if (pstrS == null) {
            return strT.toString();
        return pstrS.toString();

     * \brief ArchiverOptions
     * \details
     * \return
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public JSArchiverOptions ArchiverOptions() {
        if (objArchiverOptions == null) {
            // TODO: falls objSettings = null, dann die Optionen einzeln setzen.
            objArchiverOptions = new JSArchiverOptions();
            if (objSettings != null) {
        return objArchiverOptions;

     * \brief NormalizeDirectoryName - Directory-Name normalisieren und substituieren
     * \details
     * Es wird ein "Path-Separator" an den Verzeichnisnamen angehngt, falls dieser
     * noch nicht als Zeichen vorhanden ist.
     * Ausserdem werden Variable im Namen durch den aktuellen Wert ersetzt.
     * \return String
     * @param pstrDirectoryName
    protected String NormalizeDirectoryName(final String pstrDirectoryName) {
        String strT = pstrDirectoryName;
        if (strT == null || strT.trim().length() <= 0) {
            // strT = "/";
            strT = "";
        } else {
            if (strT.endsWith(File.separator) == false && strT.endsWith("/") == false) {
                strT += "/";
            if (strT.startsWith("./")) {
                strT = strT.substring(2);
                try {
                    strT = AbsolutFileName(strT);
                } // try
                catch (final Exception objException) {
                    // TODO: handle exception
                } finally {
                } // finally
            strT = SubstituteVariables(strT);
        return strT;

     * \brief NormalizeFileName - Variable im Dateinamen ersetzen
     * \return String
     * @param pstrFileName
    protected String NormalizeFileName(final String pstrFileName) {
        String strT = pstrFileName;
        strT = SubstituteVariables(pstrFileName);
        return strT;

    public String NormalizeFileName(final String pstrFileName, final String pstrDirectoryName) {
        String strNewFileName = pstrFileName;
        if (pstrFileName.indexOf("/") < 0) {
            strNewFileName = NormalizeDirectoryName(pstrDirectoryName) + pstrFileName;
        return strNewFileName;

     * \brief AbsolutFileName - liefert einen absoluten Dateinamen fr eine Datei
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @param pstrFileName
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public String AbsolutFileName(final String pstrFileName) throws Exception {
        // String strA = new File(pstrFileName).getAbsolutePath();
        // return strA;
        // System.out.println("User.dir = " + System.getProperty("user.dir") );
        String strT = pstrFileName;
        if (strT == null) {
            return strT;
        if (strT.startsWith("file:")) {
            strT = strT.substring(5);
            return strT;
        if (strT.startsWith("/")) {
            return strT;
        if (strT.startsWith("./")) {
            strT = strT.substring(2); // beginnt mit "0" zu zhlen
        strT = new File(strT).toURI().toURL().toString();
        if (strT.startsWith("file:")) {
            strT = strT.substring(5);
        return strT;

     * \brief SubstituteVariables - Variable in den Parameter-Werten ersetzen
     * @param pstrValue
     * @return String Wert ohne Variable
    public String SubstituteVariables(final String pstrValue) {
        String strT = pstrValue;
        if (strT == null) {
            return null;
        int i = -1;
        i = strT.indexOf("$");
        if (i >= 0) {
        strT = strT.replace("//", "/");
        return strT;

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    <method type="smcw" version="1.0">
    <title>Environment-Variable nicht auswerten</title>
    Environment-Variable nicht auswerten
    Initial-Wert (Default) ist "false" (ohne Anfhrungszeichen).
       <param name="param1" type=" " ref="byref|byvalue|out" >
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     * IgnoreEnvironmentVariables - Environment-Variable nicht auswerten
     * Getter: Environment-Variable nicht auswerten
     * Example:
     * @return Returns the IgnoreEnvironmentVariables.
    public boolean IgnoreEnvironmentVariables() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::IgnoreEnvironmentVariables";
        return flgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables;
    } // boolean IgnoreEnvironmentVariables()

     * IgnoreEnvironmentVariables - Environment-Variable nicht auswerten
     * Setter: Environment-Variable nicht auswerten
     * @param pflgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables: The boolean IgnoreEnvironmentVariables to set.
    public JSOptionsClass IgnoreEnvironmentVariables(final boolean pflgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables)
            throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::IgnoreEnvironmentVariables";
        flgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables = pflgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables;
        return this;
    } // public void IgnoreEnvironmentVariables(boolean pflgIgnoreEnvironmentVariables)

     * \brief SplitString - Zerlegt einen String in ein Array
     * \details
     * Ein String, der durch die Zeichen ",", "|" oder ";" (Komma, senkrechter Strich, Semikolon)
     * in Substrings unterteilt ist, wird als Array zurckgeliefert.
     * Dabei ist jeder Substring ein Element des String-Arrays.
     * \return String[]
     * @param pstrStr
    protected String[] SplitString(final String pstrStr) {
        if (pstrStr == null) {
            return null;
        return pstrStr.trim().split("[;|,]");

     * \brief CheckNull - Lst eine Exception aus, wenn wer Wert fr eine Option "null" ist
     * \return void
     * @param pstrMethodName - Diese Methode ruft
     * @param pstrTitel      - die Beschreibung der Option
     * @param pstrOptionName - Der Name in den Settings
     * @param pstrOptionValue - Der Wert
     * @throws Exception
    protected void CheckNull(final String pstrMethodName, final String pstrTitel, final String pstrOptionName,
            final String pstrOptionValue) throws Exception {
        if (isEmpty(pstrOptionValue)) {
            this.SignalError(String.format(conNullButMandatory, pstrMethodName, pstrTitel, pstrOptionName));

     * \brief CommandLineArgs - bernehmen der Options/Settings aus der Kommandozeile
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param pstrArgs
     * @throws Exception
    public void CommandLineArgs(final String[] pstrArgs) throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::CommandLineArgs ";
        strCommandLineArgs = pstrArgs;
        boolean flgOption = true;
        String strOptionName = null;
        String strOptionValue = null;
        final int l = strOptionNamePrefix.length();
        for (final String strCommandLineArg : strCommandLineArgs) {
            if (flgOption == true) {
                if (strCommandLineArg.substring(0, l).equalsIgnoreCase(strOptionNamePrefix)) {
                    strOptionName = strCommandLineArg.substring(l);
                    flgOption = false;
                    // name and value separated by an equalsign?
                    int intESPos = strOptionName.indexOf("=");
                    if (intESPos > 0) {
                        strOptionValue = strOptionName.substring(intESPos + 1);
                        strOptionName = strOptionName.substring(0, intESPos);
                        objSettings.put(strOptionName, strOptionValue);
                        this.SignalDebug(String.format("%1$s: Name = %2$s, Wert = %3$s", conMethodName,
                                strOptionName, strOptionValue));
                        flgOption = true; // next tooken must be an option
                } else {
                    // not a keyword. a positional parameter?
            } else {
                if (strOptionName != null) {
                    strOptionValue = strCommandLineArg;
                    flgOption = true;
                    objSettings.put(strOptionName, strOptionValue);
                    this.SignalDebug(String.format("%1$s: Name = %2$s, value = %3$s", conMethodName, strOptionName,
                    strOptionName = null;
        final String strPropertyFileName = this.getItem("PropertyFileName", "");
        if (strPropertyFileName.length() > 0) {
            strOptionName = null;
            flgOption = true;
            for (final String strCommandLineArg : strCommandLineArgs) {
                if (flgOption == true) {
                    if (strCommandLineArg.substring(0, l).equalsIgnoreCase(strOptionNamePrefix)) {
                        strOptionName = strCommandLineArg.substring(l);
                        flgOption = false;
                } else {
                    if (strOptionName != null) {
                        strOptionValue = strCommandLineArg;
                        flgOption = true;
                        objSettings.put(strOptionName, strOptionValue);
                        this.SignalDebug(String.format("%1$s: CmdSettings. Name = %2$s, value = %3$s",
                                conMethodName, strOptionName, strOptionValue));
                        strOptionName = null;
            message(conMethodName + ": Property-File loaded. " + strPropertyFileName);
        // (hoffentlich) berschrieben von der erbenden Klasse

     * \brief CommandLineArgs
     * \details
     * Mit dieser MEthode werden die Kommando-Zeilen-Argumente, wie sie beim Start des Programms angegeben und an diese
     * Klasse bergeben wurden, an die rufende Routine zurckgegeben.
     * \return String[]
     * @return
    public String[] CommandLineArgs() {
        return strCommandLineArgs;

     * \brief LoadProperties - Optionen aus Property-Datei laden
     * \details
     * Ldt die Werte fr die Optionen aus einer Java-Properties-Datei.
     * Der Name der Datei ist als Parameter anzugeben.
     * \return void
     * @param pstrPropertiesFileName
     * @throws Exception
    public void LoadProperties(final String pstrPropertiesFileName) throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::LoadProperties ";
        final Properties objProp = new Properties();
        objProp.load(new FileInputStream(pstrPropertiesFileName));
        message(conMethodName + ": PropertyFile red. Name '" + pstrPropertiesFileName + "'.");
        for (final Object element : objProp.entrySet()) {
            final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
            final String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
            if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                final String strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                if (strTemp != null && strTemp.length() > 0 && strTemp.equalsIgnoreCase(".") == false) {
                    objSettings.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
        // (hoffentlich) berschrieben von der erbenden Klasse
        message(conMethodName + ": Property-File loaded");
        // return void;
    } // public void LoadProperties }

     * \brief LoadSystemProperties
     * \details
     * This Method is to get all relevant Values for the Options in the Class from
     * the
     * \return void
     * @param pstrPropertiesFileName
     * @throws Exception
    public void LoadSystemProperties() throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::LoadSystemProperties ";
        Properties objProp = new Properties();
        objProp = System.getProperties();
        // return void;
    } // public void LoadSystemProperties }

     * \brief LoadProperties
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param pobjProp
     * @throws Exception
    public void LoadProperties(final Properties pobjProp) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::LoadProperties";
        for (final Object element : pobjProp.entrySet()) {
            final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
            final String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
            if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                final String strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                logger.debug("Property " + strMapKey + " = " + strTemp);
                if (strTemp != null && strTemp.length() > 0 && strTemp.equalsIgnoreCase(".") == false) {
                    objSettings.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
        // (hoffentlich) berschrieben von der erbenden Klasse
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("setAllOptions returns an error:", e);
    } // private void LoadProperties

     * \brief setAllOptions
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param hshMap
    public void setAllOptions(final HashMap<String, String> pobjJSSettings, final String pstrAlternativePrefix)
            throws Exception {
        if (strAlternativePrefix.length() <= 0) {
            strAlternativePrefix = pstrAlternativePrefix;
            if (objParentClass != null) {
                IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.setPrefix, strBuffer);
        } else {
  "SOSOPT-I-002: Alternate Prefix already set to %1$s, but %2$s as new given",
                    strAlternativePrefix, pstrAlternativePrefix));

    public void setAllOptions(final HashMap<String, String> hshMap) throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setAllOptions";
    } // public void setAllOptions}

     * \brief CurrentNodeName - Logischer Name fr eine System-Instanz
     * \details
     * Getter: Logischer Name fr eine System-Instanz
     * Example:
     * @return Returns the CurrentNodeName.
    public String CurrentNodeName() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::CurrentNodeName";
        return strCurrentNodeName;
    } // String CurrentNodeName()

     * CurrentNodeName - Logischer Name fr eine System-Instanz
     * Setter: Logischer Name fr eine System-Instanz
     * @param pstrCurrentNodeName: The String CurrentNodeName to set.
    public JSOptionsClass CurrentNodeName(final String pstrCurrentNodeName) throws Exception {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::CurrentNodeName";
        strCurrentNodeName = pstrCurrentNodeName;
        return this;
    } // public void CurrentNodeName(String pstrCurrentNodeName)

     * \brief OptionByName - dynamischer Aufruf eines getters der Option-Klasse
     * \details
     * Liefert fr eine als String bergebenen Namen einer Option das Resultat, das
     * geliefert wrde, wenn der "getter" fr diese Option gerufen worden wre.
     * Diese Technik wird verwendet, um zum Beispiel in Werten von Optionen auf den
     * Wert einer anderen Option zu referenzieren (mit der Technik, den Namen des
     * "getters" im Wert der Option zu verwenden)
     * Achtung: funktioniert zur Zeit nur mit "gettern" und nur mit solchen, die
     * einen Return-Wert vom Typ "String" liefern.
     * \return String
     * @param strOptionName
    public String OptionByName(final String pstrOptionName) {
        String strValue = null;

        Class c = this.getClass();
        strValue = getOptionValue(c, pstrOptionName);
        if (strValue == null) {
            c = objParentClass.getClass();
            strValue = getOptionValue(c, pstrOptionName);
        return strValue;

    private String getOptionValue(final Class c, final String pstrOptionName) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getOptionValue";

        String strValue = null;
        Field objField = null;

        try {
            objField = c.getField(pstrOptionName);
            Object objO = objField.get(this);
            if (objO instanceof String) {
                strValue = (String) objField.get(this);
            } else {
                if (objO instanceof SOSOptionElement) {
                    SOSOptionElement objDE = (SOSOptionElement) objO;
                    strValue = objDE.Value();
        } // try
        catch (final NoSuchFieldException objException) {
            Method objMethod;
            try {
                 * Die Methode, die gesucht wird, hat keine Parameter, weil
                 * diese ein "getter" ist.
                 * Deshalb in "getMethod" als zweites Argument "null", andernfalls
                 * erwischt die JVM eine andere Methode (zum Beispiel den "setter").
                objMethod = c.getMethod(pstrOptionName, null);
                 * ein "getter" hat keine Parameter, deshalb auch hier wieder
                 * als zweites Argument "null" angeben.
                strValue = (String) objMethod.invoke(this, null);
            } catch (final SecurityException exception) {
            } catch (final NoSuchMethodException exception) {
                // c = super.getClass();
                // try {
                // objMethod = c.getMethod(strOptionName, null);
                // strValue = (String) objMethod.invoke(this, null);
                // } // try
                // catch (Exception objExc) {
                // objExc.printStackTrace();
                // }
                // finally {
                // //
                // } // finally
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException exception) {
            } catch (final InvocationTargetException exception) {
            } catch (final IllegalAccessException exception) {
        } catch (final IllegalAccessException exception) {
        return strValue;

    private Properties objP = new Properties();

    public Properties getTextProperties() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getTextProperties";

        if (objP == null) {
            objP = new Properties();

        return objP;
    } // private Properties getTextProperties

    * \brief replaceVars - replace all vars in a string and return the string
    * \details
    * \return String
    public String replaceVars(final String pstrReplaceIn) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::replaceVars";


        try {
            // zustzliche Parameter generieren
            objP.put("date", SOSOptionTime.getCurrentDateAsString());
            objP.put("time", SOSOptionTime.getCurrentTimeAsString("hh:mm:ss"));
            objP.put("local_user", System.getProperty(""));

   localMachine =;
            objP.put("localhost", localMachine.getHostName());
            objP.put("local_host_ip", localMachine.getHostAddress());
        } catch (Exception uhe) {

        String strVal = "";
        String strKey = "";

        // String strParamNameEnclosedInPercentSigns = ".*%\\{([^%]+)\\}.*";
        // %{variableName}
        String strParamNameEnclosedInPercentSigns = "^.*%\\{([^%]+)\\}.*$";
        // String strParamNameEnclosedInPercentSigns2 = "^.*%\\{([^\\}]+).*$";

         * Problem hier:
         * Wenn der gesamte String verwendet wird, so ist sptestens beim file_spec
         * keine korrekte Substitution mehr mglich.
         * Liegt warscheinlich am regexp pattern.
        String strNewString = "";
        if (isNotNull(pstrReplaceIn)) {
            try {
                //            pstrReplaceIn = pstrReplaceIn.replaceAll("\\n", "\\$\\$N\\$\\$");
                String[] strA = pstrReplaceIn.split("\\n");
                for (String string : strA) {
                    while (string.matches(strParamNameEnclosedInPercentSigns)) {
                        strKey = string.replaceFirst(strParamNameEnclosedInPercentSigns, "$1");
                        if (strKey.equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")) {
                        String strPP = "%\\{" + strKey + "\\}";
                        strVal = this.OptionByName(strKey);
                        if (isNotNull(strVal)) {
                            strVal = strVal.replace('\\', '/');
                            string = string.replaceAll(strPP, Matcher.quoteReplacement(strVal));
                            // logger.debug(Messages.getMsg(JSJ_D_0031, name, strPP, s)); //
                            // "processing job parameter '%1$s': substitute '%2$s' with '%3$s'."
                        } else {
                            strVal = (String) objP.get(strKey);
                            if (strVal != null) {
                                string = string.replaceAll(strPP, Matcher.quoteReplacement(strVal));
                            } else {
                                strVal = objSettings.get(strKey);
                                if (strVal != null) {
                                    string = string.replaceAll(strPP, Matcher.quoteReplacement(strVal));
                                } else {
                                    string = string.replaceAll(strPP, "?" + Matcher.quoteReplacement(strKey) + "?");
                                    // logger.warn(Messages.getMsg(JSJ_D_0032, p)); // "variable '%1$s' not found. no substitution done"
                    strNewString += string + "\n";
            } catch (Exception e) { // intentionally no error, wrong regexp ?
        //      pstrReplaceIn = pstrReplaceIn.replaceAll("\\$\\$N\\$\\$", "\n");
        return strNewString;
    }// private String replaceVars

    public void DumpSettings() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::DumpSettings";
        for (final Object element : objSettings.entrySet()) {
            final Map.Entry mapItem = (Map.Entry) element;
            final String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();
            if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                String strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                if (strMapKey.equals("ftp_password")) {
                    strTemp = "***";
                this.SignalDebug(conMethodName + ": Key = " + strMapKey + " --> " + strTemp);
        // return void;
    } // public void DumpSettings}

    // - <remark who='EQALS' when='Freitag, 8. Mai 2009' id='MehrereExportSQL' >
     * \change Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 EQALS MehrereExportSQL
     * Mehr als ExportSQLs verarbeiten knnen
     * @throws Exception
    // - <newcode>
    public String getIndexedItem(final String pstrIndexedKey, final String pstrDescription,
            final String pstrDelimiter) {
        String strT = "";
        final JSOptionValueList optionValueList = new JSOptionValueList(this, pstrIndexedKey, pstrDescription, "",
        strT = optionValueList.concatenatedValue(pstrDelimiter);
        return strT;

    // - </newcode>
    // - </remark> <!-- id=<MehrereExportSQL> -->

    public Object deepCopy(final Object pobj2Copy) throws Exception {

        ByteArrayOutputStream bufOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream outStream = new ObjectOutputStream(bufOutStream);

        // Objekt im byte-Array speichern

        // Pufferinhalt abrufen
        byte[] buffer = bufOutStream.toByteArray();
        // ObjectInputStream erzeugen
        ByteArrayInputStream bufInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
        ObjectInputStream inStream = new ObjectInputStream(bufInStream);
        // Objekt wieder auslesen
        Object objDeepCopy = inStream.readObject();
        return objDeepCopy;

    public String getOptionsAsCommandLine() {
        String strR = "";
        strBuffer = new StringBuffer("");
        IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.getCommandLine, strBuffer);
        strR = strBuffer.toString();
        return strR;

    public StringBuffer IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(final Class<?> objC, final Object objP,
            final IterationTypes enuIterate4What, StringBuffer pstrBuffer) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation";
        String strCommandLineOptions = "";
        if (objC == null) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException(conMethodName + ": objSegment is null, but must be not null");
        Field objField = null;
        SOSOptionElement.gflgProcessHashMap = true;
        try {
            final Field objFields[] = objC.getFields();
            final StringBuffer strXML = new StringBuffer("");
            final String strT = objC.getName();
            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.createXML) {
                strXML.append("<" + strT + " id=" + XmlId.QuotedValue() + ">");
            for (final Field objField2 : objFields) {
                objField = objField2;
                try {
                    if (objField.isAnnotationPresent(JSOptionDefinition.class)) {
                        final SOSOptionElement objDE = (SOSOptionElement) objField.get(objP);
                        if (objDE == null) {
                            // final JSOptionsClass objO = (JSOptionsClass) objField.get(objField);
                            // if (objO != null) {
                            // System.out.println("oooooooField : " + objField.getName());
                            // this.IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objO.getClass(), objO, enuIterate4What, pstrBuffer);
                            // }
                            // else {
                            // System.out.println("*******Field : " + objField.getName());
                            // final Object objO2 = objField.getDeclaringClass();
                            // System.out.println(objField.getType().toString());
                            // // objField.Iterate(enuIterate4What);
                            // // this.IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objO.getClass(), objO, enuIterate4What, pstrBuffer);
                            // }
                        } else {
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.setPrefix) {
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.setRecord) {
                                SOSOptionElement.gflgProcessHashMap = true;
                                objDE.gflgProcessHashMap = true;
                                // continue;
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.getRecord) {
                                // objDE.BuildRecord(pstrBuffer);
                                // continue;
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.CheckMandatory) {
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.toOut) {
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.toString) {
                                pstrBuffer.append(objDE.toString() + "\n");
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.DirtyToString) {
                                if (objDE.isDirty() == true) {
                                    pstrBuffer.append(objDE.DirtyToString() + "\n");
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.createXML) {
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.setDefaultValues) {
                                final String strV = objDE.Value();
                                if (strV.length() <= 0) {
                                // continue;
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.clearAllValues) {
                                // continue;
                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.getCommandLine) {

                            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.countSegmentFields) {
                                // System.out.println("+++++Field : " + objField.getName());
                             * hier versuchen wir herauszubekommen, ob es
                             * in dieser Instanz (weitere) geschachtelte Optionen gibt.
                             * Falls ja, wird die geforderte Funktion auch fr alle diese
                             * Instanzen ausgefhrt.
                            IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objDE.getClass(), objDE, enuIterate4What,
                    } // if (objField.isAnnotationPresent(IDocSegmentField.class))
                } // try
                catch (final ClassCastException objException) {
                } catch (final Exception objE) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(objE);
                } finally {
                } // finally
            if (enuIterate4What == IterationTypes.createXML) { // CreateXML
                strXML.append("</" + strT + ">");
                pstrBuffer = strXML;
        } catch (final Exception objException) {
            throw new RuntimeException(objException);
        } finally {
            SOSOptionElement.gflgProcessHashMap = false;
        } // finally
        return pstrBuffer;
    } // private void AllDataElements

    public StringBuffer Iterate(final IterationTypes enuIterate4What) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::Iterate";
        StringBuffer strB = new StringBuffer();
        if (objParentClass != null) {
            strB = IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, enuIterate4What, strB);
        return strB;
    } // public StringBuffer Iterate

     * \brief getItems
     * \details
     * Indizierte Option lesen
     * Z. B. Key = SqlStatements: Dann werden alle Keys gelesen SqlStatements, SqlStatements1, ..
     * \return Vector<String>
     * @param pstrIndexedKey
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Vector<String> getItems(final String pstrIndexedKey) {
        String strT;
        final Vector<String> objItems = new Vector<String>();
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        strT = getItem(pstrIndexedKey);
        if (strT != null) {
        int i = 1;
        while ((strT = getItem(pstrIndexedKey + Integer.toString(i++))) != null) {
            if (i > 2) {
        return objItems;

     * \brief putObject
     * \details
     * This methods write the content of a JSOptionClass to a file.
     * <code>
     *    public void TestSerialize() throws Exception {
       final String   conMethodName   = conClassName + "::TestSerialize";
       String strParameterName = "user";
       String strCmdLineArgs[] = {"-" +  strParameterName, "JunitTestUser"};
       SOSSSHJobOptions objOptions = new SOSSSHJobOptions();
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "JunitTestUser", objOptions.user.Value());
       String strSerializedFileName = "c:/temp/test.object";
       System.setProperty(strParameterName, "sos-user2");
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "sos-user2", objOptions.user.Value());
       SOSSSHJobOptions objO2 = new SOSSSHJobOptions();
       objO2 = (SOSSSHJobOptions) JSOptionsClass.getObject(strSerializedFileName);
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "JunitTestUser", objO2.user.Value());
    } // private void TestSerialize
     * \return void
     * @param pstrFileName
    public void putObject(final String pstrFileName) {
        try {
            JSFile objFile = new JSFile(pstrFileName);
            String encoded = getObjectAsString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("Error occured writing object to file: " + e);

     * \brief getObjectAsString
     * \details
     * \return String
     * @return
    public String getObjectAsString() {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getObjectAsString";
        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
            String encoded = "";
            if (gflgUseBase64ForObject == true) {
                encoded = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bos.toByteArray()));
            } else {
                encoded = new String(bos.toByteArray());
            return encoded;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("Error occured getting object as String: " + e);
    } // private String getObjectAsString

     * \brief getObject
     * \details
     * This methods read a JSOptionClass from a file and return the content of the
     * file as an instance of JSOptionClass.
     * <code>
     *    public void TestSerialize() throws Exception {
       final String   conMethodName   = conClassName + "::TestSerialize";
       String strParameterName = "user";
       String strCmdLineArgs[] = {"-" +  strParameterName, "JunitTestUser"};
       SOSSSHJobOptions objOptions = new SOSSSHJobOptions();
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "JunitTestUser", objOptions.user.Value());
       String strSerializedFileName = "c:/temp/test.object";
       System.setProperty(strParameterName, "sos-user2");
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "sos-user2", objOptions.user.Value());
       SOSSSHJobOptions objO2 = new SOSSSHJobOptions();
       objO2 = (SOSSSHJobOptions) JSOptionsClass.getObject(strSerializedFileName);
       assertEquals (strParameterName, "JunitTestUser", objO2.user.Value());
    } // private void TestSerialize
     * \return JSOptionsClass
     * @param pstrFileName
     * @return
    public static JSOptionsClass getObject(final String pstrFileName) {
        try {
            JSOptionsClass schedulerObject;
            String encoded = new JSTextFile(pstrFileName).File2String();
            if (encoded == null || encoded.length() == 0) {
                return null;
            byte[] serializedObject;
            if (gflgUseBase64ForObject == true) {
                serializedObject = Base64.decodeBase64(encoded.getBytes());
            } else {
                serializedObject = encoded.getBytes();
            ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(serializedObject);
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
            schedulerObject = (JSOptionsClass) ois.readObject();
            return schedulerObject;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("Error occured reading object from file: " + e);

    public void LoadXML(final JSXMLFile pobjXMLFile) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::LoadXML";
        this.LoadXML(pobjXMLFile, null);

     * \brief LoadXML
     * Load Options from XML-String
     * \details
     * \return Properties = the xml as property-object
     * @param pstrXMLAsString
     * @param pstrXPathExpr = if null, the full XML-String is loaded
    public Properties LoadXML(final JSXMLFile pobjXMLFile, final String pstrXPathExpr) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::LoadXML";
        DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
        Properties objProp = new Properties();
        try {
            parser.setFeature("", false);
            // The parser will validate the document only if a grammar is specified.
            // parser.setFeature("", true);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("SAXException ", pobjXMLFile.getAbsolutePath()));
        try {
            // parser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(pstrXMLAsString.getBytes()));
            Document document = parser.getDocument();
            if (isEmpty(pstrXPathExpr) == true) {
                traverse(document, objProp);
            } else {
                SOSXMLXPath xPath = new SOSXMLXPath(pobjXMLFile.getAbsolutePath());

                // geht so nicht bei Saxon9HE
                // Node objTempNode = xPath.selectSingleNode(document, pstrXPathExpr);
                // if (objTempNode == null) {
                // throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("No Node using xPath '%1$2' found", pstrXPathExpr));
                // }
                // traverse(objTempNode, objProp);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("Exception ", pobjXMLFile.getAbsolutePath()));
        return objProp;
    } // private void LoadXML

     * \brief traverse
     * For each child with a value create a property-entry
     * \details
     * \return void
     * @param node
     * @param objProp
    private void traverse(final Node node, final Properties objProp) {
        int type = node.getNodeType();
        logger.debug("NodeType = " + type);
        String strNodeName = node.getNodeName();
        String strNodeValue = node.getNodeValue();
        logger.debug("<" + strNodeName + ">" + strNodeValue);
        if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
                Node objN = children.item(i);
                if (objN.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    strNodeValue = objN.getNodeValue();
                    if (isNotEmpty(strNodeValue))
                        objProp.put(strNodeName, objN.getNodeValue());
        // Verarbeitet die Liste der Kindknoten durch rekursiven Abstieg
        NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++)
            traverse(children.item(i), objProp);

     * \brief toXMLFile
     * serialize the options to XML-File
     * \details
     * Returns an instance of JSXMLFile with serialized options-class.
     * \return JSXMLFile - the instance of the created xml-file
     * @param pstrXMLFileName - The name (including path) of the XML-File
    public JSXMLFile toXMLFile(final String pstrXMLFileName) {
        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::toXMLFile";
        JSXMLFile objXF;
        try {
            objXF = new JSXMLFile(pstrXMLFileName);
            objXF.comment(String.format("Created by %1$s", conClassName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobSchedulerException("Exception:", e);
        return objXF;
    } // private JSXMLFile toXMLFile

     * \brief toXML
     * \details
     * \return StringBuffer
     * @return
    public StringBuffer toXML() {
        StringBuffer strXML = new StringBuffer();
        try {
            strXML = this.IterateAllDataElementsByAnnotation(objParentClass, this, IterationTypes.createXML,
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            // System.exit(99);
        return strXML;

    public HashMap<String, String> DeletePrefix(final HashMap<String, String> phsmParameters,
            final String pstrPrefix) {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::DeletePrefix";
        String strTemp;
        HashMap<String, String> hsmNewMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

        if (phsmParameters != null) {
            // First put into the hashmap these items which do not starts with the prefix
            for (final Object element : phsmParameters.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry<String, String> mapItem = (Map.Entry<String, String>) element;
                String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();

                if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                    strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                } else {
                    strTemp = null;

                if (strMapKey.startsWith(pstrPrefix) == false) {
                    hsmNewMap.put(strMapKey, strTemp);

            // Then put into the hashmap these items which starts with the prefix. First, delete prefix
            for (final Object element : phsmParameters.entrySet()) {
                final Map.Entry<String, String> mapItem = (Map.Entry<String, String>) element;
                String strMapKey = mapItem.getKey().toString();

                if (mapItem.getValue() != null) {
                    strTemp = mapItem.getValue().toString();
                } else {
                    strTemp = null;
                // hsmNewMap.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                // logger.debug("strMapKey:" + strMapKey + "   strTemp:" +strTemp + "pstrPrefix:" + pstrPrefix );
                if (strMapKey.startsWith(pstrPrefix)) {
                    // TODO avoid java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
                    // ( )
                    // phsmParameters.remove(strMapKey);
                    strMapKey = strMapKey.replaceAll(pstrPrefix, "");
                    // logger.debug("strMapKey after replace:" + strMapKey );
                    hsmNewMap.put(strMapKey, strTemp);
                } else { // possible case: <nodeName>/<prefix><name> -> <nodeName>/<name>
                    String strP = "/" + pstrPrefix;
                    if (strMapKey.contains(strP)) {
                        strMapKey = strMapKey.replace(strP, "/");
                        hsmNewMap.put(strMapKey, strTemp);

        return hsmNewMap;
    } // private HashMap <String, String> DeletePrefix

    public String getPid() {

        final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getPid";

        String pid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
        String strA[] = pid.split("@");
        pid = strA[0];

        return pid;
    } // public String getPid

} // public class JSOptionsClass