Java tutorial
/* * WebTop Services is a Web Application framework developed by Sonicle S.r.l. * Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission * added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED * WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SONICLE, SONICLE DISCLAIMS THE * WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact Sonicle S.r.l. at email address * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License * version 3, these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the * Sonicle logo and Sonicle copyright notice. If the display of the logo is not * reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must * display the words "Copyright (C) 2014 Sonicle S.r.l.". */ package; import com.sonicle.commons.AlgoUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.EnumUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.InternetAddressUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.LangUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.PathUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.db.DbUtils; import com.sonicle.commons.time.DateTimeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreServiceSettings; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.CoreUserSettings; import; import; import; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.AssignedGroup; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.AssignedRole; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.AssignedUser; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.GroupUid; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ODomain; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OGroup; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ORole; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ORoleAssociation; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.ORolePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OUser; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OUserAssociation; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.OUserInfo; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.UserId; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.UserUid; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.DirectoryUser; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.DomainEntity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.GroupEntity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.ParamsLdapDirectory; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.Role; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.RoleEntity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.RoleWithSource; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.ServicePermission; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.bol.model.UserEntity; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ActivityDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.AutosaveDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.CausalDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.DAOException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.DomainDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.DomainSettingDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.GroupDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.MessageQueueDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.RoleAssociationDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.RoleDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.RolePermissionDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ServiceStoreEntryDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ShareDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.ShareDataDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.SnoozedReminderDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.SysLogDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserAssociationDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserInfoDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.dal.UserSettingDAO; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.model.PublicImage; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.AuthException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.BaseServiceSettings; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfile; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.UserProfileId; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTCyrusException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.sdk.WTRuntimeException; import com.sonicle.webtop.core.util.IdentifierUtils; import com.sun.mail.imap.ACL; import com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder; import com.sun.mail.imap.Rights; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.mail.Folder; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Store; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * * @author malbinola */ public final class WebTopManager { private static final Logger logger = WT.getLogger(WebTopManager.class); private static boolean initialized = false; /** * Initialization method. This method should be called once. * * @param wta WebTopApp instance. * @return The instance. */ static synchronized WebTopManager initialize(WebTopApp wta) { if (initialized) throw new RuntimeException("Initialization already done"); WebTopManager instance = new WebTopManager(wta); initialized = true;"Initialized"); return instance; } private WebTopApp wta = null; public static final String INTERNETNAME_LOCAL = "local"; public static final String ROLEUID_SYSADMIN = "SYSADMIN"; public static final String ROLEUID_WTADMIN = "WTADMIN"; public static final String ROLEUID_IMPERSONATED_USER = "IMPERSONATED_USER"; //public static final String SYSADMIN_PSTRING = ServicePermission.permissionString(ServicePermission.namespacedName(CoreManifest.ID, "SYSADMIN"), "ACCESS", "*"); //public static final String WTADMIN_PSTRING = ServicePermission.permissionString(ServicePermission.namespacedName(CoreManifest.ID, "WTADMIN"), "ACCESS", "*"); public static final String SYSADMIN_DOMAINID = "*"; public static final String SYSADMIN_USERID = "admin"; public static final String DOMAINADMIN_USERID = "admin"; public static final String GROUPID_ADMINS = "admins"; public static final String GROUPID_USERS = "users"; public static final String GROUPID_PEC_ACCOUNTS = "pec-accounts"; private final Object lock0 = new Object(); private final HashMap<String, String> cachePublicNameToDomain = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, String> cacheInternetNameToDomain = new HashMap<>(); private final Object lock1 = new Object(); private final HashMap<UserProfileId, String> cacheUserToUserUid = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, UserProfileId> cacheUserUidToUser = new HashMap<>(); private final Object lock2 = new Object(); private final HashMap<UserProfileId, String> cacheGroupToGroupUid = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<String, UserProfileId> cacheGroupUidToGroup = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<UserProfileId, UserProfile.PersonalInfo> cacheUserToPersonalInfo = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<UserProfileId, UserProfile.Data> cacheUserToData = new HashMap<>(); private final Object lock3 = new Object(); /** * Private constructor. * Instances of this class must be created using static initialize method. * @param wta WebTopApp instance. */ private WebTopManager(WebTopApp wta) { this.wta = wta; initDomainCache(); initGroupUidCache(); initUserUidCache(); } /** * Performs cleanup process. */ void cleanup() { cleanupUserUidCache(); cleanupGroupUidCache(); cleanupUserCache(); cleanupDomainCache(); wta = null;"Cleaned up"); } public void cleanUserProfileCache(UserProfileId pid) { removeFromUserCache(pid); } public static String generateSecretKey() { return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(IdentifierUtils.generateSecretKey(), "0123456789101112"); } public String createSysAdminAuthDirectoryUri() throws URISyntaxException { DirectoryManager dirManager = DirectoryManager.getManager(); return dirManager.getDirectory(WebTopDirectory.SCHEME).buildUri("localhost", null, null).toString(); } public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectory(String authUri) throws WTException { try { return getAuthDirectoryByScheme(new URI(authUri).getScheme()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid authentication URI [{0}]", authUri); } } public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectory(URI authUri) throws WTException { return getAuthDirectoryByScheme(authUri.getScheme()); } public AbstractDirectory getAuthDirectoryByScheme(String scheme) throws WTException { DirectoryManager dirManager = DirectoryManager.getManager(); AbstractDirectory directory = dirManager.getDirectory(scheme); if (directory == null) throw new WTException("Directory not supported [{0}]", scheme); return directory; } public AuthenticationDomain createAuthenticationDomain(ODomain domain) throws URISyntaxException { return new AuthenticationDomain(domain.getDomainId(), domain.getInternetName(), domain.getDirUri(), domain.getDirCaseSensitive(), domain.getDirAdmin(), (domain.getDirPassword() != null) ? domain.getDirPassword().toCharArray() : null, EnumUtils.getEnum(ConnectionSecurity.class, domain.getDirConnectionSecurity()), domain.getDirParameters()); } public AuthenticationDomain createSysAdminAuthenticationDomain() throws URISyntaxException { return new AuthenticationDomain("*", null, createSysAdminAuthDirectoryUri(), false, null, null, null, null); } public String domainIdToPublicName(String domainId) { return AlgoUtils.adler32Hex(domainId); } public String publicNameToDomainId(String domainPublicName) { synchronized (lock0) { return cachePublicNameToDomain.get(domainPublicName); } } public String internetNameToDomain(String internetName) { synchronized (lock0) { if (cacheInternetNameToDomain.size() == 1) { // If we have only one domain in cache, simply returns it... Map.Entry<String, String> entry = cacheInternetNameToDomain.entrySet().iterator().next(); return entry.getValue(); } else { for (int i = 2; i < 255; i++) { final int iOfNDot = StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf(internetName, ".", i); final String key = StringUtils.substring(internetName, iOfNDot + 1); if (cacheInternetNameToDomain.containsKey(key)) { return cacheInternetNameToDomain.get(key); } } return null; } //return cacheInternetNameToDomain.get(internetName); } } public void checkDomains() { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; boolean needsCacheReload = false; try { logger.debug("Checking domains..."); con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); for (ODomain odomain : dao.selectAll(con)) { try { if (doPrepareDomain(con, odomain)) needsCacheReload = true; } catch (WTException ex1) { logger.error("Unable to verify domain [{}]", odomain.getDomainId(), ex1); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex, "Unable to verify domains"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } if (needsCacheReload) { initGroupUidCache(); initUserUidCache(); } } public List<ODomain> listDomains(boolean enabledOnly) throws WTException { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); if (enabledOnly) { return dao.selectEnabled(con); } else { return dao.selectAll(con); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<ODomain> listByInternetDomain(String internetDomain) throws WTException { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.selectEnabledByInternetName(con, internetDomain); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public ODomain getDomain(String domainId) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return getDomain(con, domainId); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public Boolean getDomainDirPasswordPolicy(String domainId) throws WTException { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { if (domainId.equals("*")) return false; con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.selectDirPasswordPolicyById(con, domainId); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private ODomain getDomain(Connection con, String domainId) throws WTException { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); try { return dao.selectById(con, domainId); } catch (DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } } public DomainEntity getDomainEntity(String domainId) throws WTException { ODomain domain = getDomain(domainId); try { DomainEntity de = new DomainEntity(domain); de.setDirPassword(getDirPassword(domain)); return de; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid directory URI"); } } public void initDomainWithDefaults(String domainId) throws WTException { ODomain odom = getDomain(domainId); if (odom == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{}]", domainId); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); doPrepareDomain(con, odom); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private boolean doPrepareDomain(Connection con, ODomain domain) throws WTException { GroupDAO grpDao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); UserDAO usrDao = UserDAO.getInstance(); boolean changed = false; final List<String> BUILT_IN_GROUPS = Arrays.asList(GROUPID_ADMINS, GROUPID_USERS, GROUPID_PEC_ACCOUNTS); Map<String, OGroup> groups = grpDao.selectByDomainIn(con, domain.getDomainId(), BUILT_IN_GROUPS); // Prepare built-in groups logger.debug("Checking built-in groups... [{}]", domain.getDomainId()); if (!groups.containsKey(GROUPID_ADMINS)) { OGroup ogroup = doGroupInsert(con, domain.getDomainId(), GROUPID_ADMINS, "Admins"); addToGroupUidCache(new GroupUid(ogroup.getDomainId(), ogroup.getUserId(), ogroup.getUserUid())); changed = true; } if (!groups.containsKey(GROUPID_USERS)) { OGroup ogroup = doGroupInsert(con, domain.getDomainId(), GROUPID_USERS, "Users"); addToGroupUidCache(new GroupUid(ogroup.getDomainId(), ogroup.getUserId(), ogroup.getUserUid())); changed = true; } if (!groups.containsKey(GROUPID_PEC_ACCOUNTS)) { OGroup ogroup = doGroupInsert(con, domain.getDomainId(), GROUPID_PEC_ACCOUNTS, "PEC Accounts"); addToGroupUidCache(new GroupUid(ogroup.getDomainId(), ogroup.getUserId(), ogroup.getUserUid())); changed = true; } // Prepare built-in admin(for domain) user logger.debug("Checking built-in domain admin... [{}]", domain.getDomainId()); if (!usrDao.existByDomainUser(con, domain.getDomainId(), DOMAINADMIN_USERID)) { UserEntity ue = new UserEntity(); ue.setDomainId(domain.getDomainId()); ue.setUserId(DOMAINADMIN_USERID); ue.setEnabled(true); ue.setFirstName("DomainAdmin"); ue.setLastName(domain.getDescription()); ue.setDisplayName(ue.getFirstName() + " [" + domain.getDescription() + "]"); ue.getAssignedGroups().add(new AssignedGroup(WebTopManager.GROUPID_ADMINS)); addUser(true, ue, true, null); changed = true; } return changed; } public void initDomainHomeFolder(String domainId) throws SecurityException { synchronized (lock3) { // Main folder (/domains/{domainId}) File domainDir = new File(wta.getHomePath(domainId)); if (!domainDir.exists()) domainDir.mkdir(); // Internal folders... File tempDir = new File(wta.getTempPath(domainId)); if (!tempDir.exists()) tempDir.mkdir(); File imagesDir = new File(wta.getImagesPath(domainId)); if (!imagesDir.exists()) imagesDir.mkdir(); for (String sid : wta.getServiceManager().listRegisteredServices()) { File svcDir = new File(wta.getServiceHomePath(domainId, sid)); if (!svcDir.exists()) svcDir.mkdir(); } } } public ODomain addDomain(DomainEntity domain) throws WTException { DomainDAO dodao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; ODomain odomain = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); logger.debug("Inserting domain"); odomain = new ODomain(); fillDomain(odomain, domain); dodao.insert(con, odomain); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } // Update cache initDomainCache(); return odomain; } public void updateDomain(DomainEntity domain) throws WTException { DomainDAO dodao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); logger.debug("Updating domain"); ODomain odomain = new ODomain(); fillDomain(odomain, domain); dodao.update(con, odomain); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } // Update cache initDomainCache(); } public void deleteDomain(String domainId) throws WTException { DomainDAO domdao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; ODomain odomain = null; List<OUser> ousers = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); odomain = domdao.selectById(con, domainId); if (odomain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{0}]", odomain); ousers = listUsers(domainId, false); logger.debug("Deleting domain"); ActivityDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); CausalDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); AutosaveDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); ServiceStoreEntryDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); SnoozedReminderDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); MessageQueueDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); SysLogDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); DomainSettingDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); UserSettingDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); RolePermissionDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); RoleDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); ShareDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); ShareDataDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); UserAssociationDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); UserInfoDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); UserDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); GroupDAO.getInstance().deleteByDomain(con, domainId); domdao.deleteById(con, domainId); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } // Update cache initDomainCache(); initUserUidCache(); initGroupUidCache(); cleanupUserCache(); try { AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(odomain); AbstractDirectory directory = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); if (directory.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.USERS_WRITE)) { for (OUser ouser : ousers) { final UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(ouser.getDomainId(), ouser.getUserId()); directory.deleteUser(opts, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); } } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid domain auth URI"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DirectoryException error"); } //TODO: chiamare controller per eliminare dominio per i servizi } public List<PublicImage> listDomainPublicImages(String domainId) throws WTException { String path = WT.getDomainImagesPath(domainId); String baseUrl = WT.getPublicImagesUrl(domainId); File dir = new File(path); ArrayList<PublicImage> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { String name = file.getName(); String url = PathUtils.concatPathParts(baseUrl, name); items.add(new PublicImage(name, url)); } return items; } public List<OUser> listUsers(String domainId, boolean enabledOnly) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); if (enabledOnly) { return dao.selectEnabledByDomain(con, domainId); } else { return dao.selectByDomain(con, domainId); } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<UserProfileId> listUserProfileIdsByEmail(String emailAddress) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); List<UserId> uids = uidao.viewByEmail(con, emailAddress); ArrayList<UserProfileId> items = new ArrayList<>(); for (UserId uid : uids) { items.add(new UserProfileId(uid.getDomainId(), uid.getUserId())); } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public OUser getUser(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public UserEntity getUserEntity(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return getUserEntity(con, pid); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private UserEntity getUserEntity(Connection con, UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uassdao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); try { OUser ouser = dao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (ouser == null) throw new WTException("User not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); OUserInfo ouseri = uidao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (ouseri == null) throw new WTException("User info not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); List<AssignedGroup> assiGroups = uassdao.viewAssignedByUser(con, ouser.getUserUid()); List<AssignedRole> assiRoles = rolassdao.viewAssignedByUser(con, ouser.getUserUid()); EntityPermissions perms = extractPermissions(con, ouser.getUserUid()); UserEntity user = new UserEntity(ouser, ouseri); user.setAssignedGroups(assiGroups); user.setAssignedRoles(assiRoles); user.setPermissions(perms.others); user.setServicesPermissions(; return user; } catch (DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } } public void addUser(boolean updateDirectory, UserEntity user, char[] password) throws WTException { addUser(updateDirectory, user, true, password); } public void addUser(boolean updateDirectory, UserEntity user, boolean updatePassword, char[] password) throws WTException { UserProfileId addedPid = null; Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); ODomain domain = getDomain(user.getDomainId()); if (domain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{}]", user.getDomainId()); AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(domain); user.ensureCoherence(); user.getAssignedGroups().add(new AssignedGroup(WebTopManager.GROUPID_USERS)); OUser ouser = null; if (updateDirectory) { AbstractDirectory authDir = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); if (authDir.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.USERS_WRITE)) { if (!authDir.validateUsername(opts, user.getUserId())) { throw new WTException("Username does not satisfy directory requirements [{}]", ad.getDirUri().getScheme()); } } if (updatePassword && authDir.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.PASSWORD_WRITE)) { if (password == null) { password = authDir.generatePassword(opts, domain.getDirPasswordPolicy()); } else { if (domain.getDirPasswordPolicy() && !authDir.validatePasswordPolicy(opts, password)) { throw new WTException("Password does not satisfy directory password policy [{}]", ad.getDirUri().getScheme()); } } } ouser = doUserInsert(con, domain, user); addedPid = new UserProfileId(ouser.getDomainId(), ouser.getUserId()); // Insert user in directory (if necessary) if (authDir.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.USERS_WRITE)) { logger.debug("Adding user into directory..."); try { authDir.addUser(opts, domain.getDomainId(), createAuthUser(user)); } catch (EntryException ex1) { logger.warn("Insertion skipped: user already exists [{}]", user.getUserId()); } } if (updatePassword && authDir.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.PASSWORD_WRITE)) { logger.debug("Updating its password"); authDir.updateUserPassword(opts, addedPid.getDomainId(), addedPid.getUserId(), password); new CoreUserSettings(wta.getSettingsManager(), addedPid) .setPasswordLastChange(; } } else { ouser = doUserInsert(con, domain, user); addedPid = new UserProfileId(ouser.getDomainId(), ouser.getUserId()); } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); // Update cache addToUserUidCache(new UserUid(addedPid.getDomainId(), addedPid.getUserId(), ouser.getUserUid())); // Explicitly sets some important (locale & timezone) user settings to their defaults CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(wta.getSettingsManager(), CoreManifest.ID, addedPid.getDomainId()); CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(wta.getSettingsManager(), addedPid); cus.setLanguageTag(css.getDefaultLanguageTag()); cus.setTimezone(css.getDefaultTimezone()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid domain auth URI"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DirectoryException error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } // Performs some actions after the add operation if (addedPid != null) { List<Throwable> errors = wta.getServiceManager().invokeOnUserAdded(addedPid); if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw new WTMultiCauseWarnException(errors, "Errors in user related listeners"); } } public CheckUserResult checkUser(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { return checkUser(pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); } public CheckUserResult checkUser(String domainId, String userId) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); OUser o = dao.selectByDomainUser(con, domainId, userId); return new CheckUserResult(o != null, o != null ? o.getEnabled() : false); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateUser(UserEntity user) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); user.ensureCoherence(); doUserUpdate(con, user); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean updateUser(UserProfileId pid, boolean enabled) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.updateEnabledByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId(), enabled) == 1; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public int updateUserEmailDomain(List<UserProfileId> pids, String newEmailDomain) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO uiDao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { if (pids.isEmpty()) return -1; con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); String domainId = pids.get(0).getDomainId(); List<String> userIds = -> pid.getUserId()).collect(Collectors.toList()); String emailDomain = "@" + StringUtils.removeStart(newEmailDomain, "@"); int ret = uiDao.updateEmailDomainByProfiles(con, domainId, userIds, emailDomain); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); // Clean-up cache! for (UserProfileId pid : pids) cleanUserProfileCache(pid); return ret; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw wrapThrowable(ex); } catch (Throwable t) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw t; } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private AuthenticationDomain createAuthenticationDomain(UserProfileId profileId) throws WTException { try { if (Principal.xisAdmin(profileId.getDomainId(), profileId.getUserId())) { return createSysAdminAuthenticationDomain(); } else { ODomain odom = getDomain(profileId.getDomainId()); if (odom == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{0}]", profileId.getDomainId()); return createAuthenticationDomain(odom); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid URI"); } } public void updateUserPassword(UserProfileId profileId, char[] oldPassword, char[] newPassword) throws WTException, EntryException { AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(profileId); try { AbstractDirectory directory = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); if (!directory.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.PASSWORD_WRITE)) { throw new WTException("Directory has no write capability"); } Boolean passwordPolicy = getDomainDirPasswordPolicy(profileId.getDomainId()); if (passwordPolicy && !directory.validatePasswordPolicy(opts, newPassword)) { throw new WTException("Provided password does not satisfy directory password policy"); } if (oldPassword != null) { directory.updateUserPassword(opts, profileId.getDomainId(), profileId.getUserId(), oldPassword, newPassword); } else { directory.updateUserPassword(opts, profileId.getDomainId(), profileId.getUserId(), newPassword); } CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(profileId); cus.setPasswordLastChange(; cus.setPasswordForceChange(false); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Directory error"); } } public boolean isUserPasswordChangeNeeded(UserProfileId profileId, char[] password) throws WTException { if (Principal.xisAdmin(profileId.getDomainId(), profileId.getUserId())) return false; AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(profileId); AbstractDirectory directory = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); if (!directory.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.PASSWORD_WRITE)) return false; Boolean passwordPolicy = getDomainDirPasswordPolicy(profileId.getDomainId()); CoreServiceSettings css = new CoreServiceSettings(CoreManifest.ID, profileId.getDomainId()); if (passwordPolicy && css.getPasswordForceChangeIfPolicyUnmet()) { DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); if (!directory.validatePasswordPolicy(opts, password)) return true; } CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(profileId); if (cus.getPasswordForceChange()) return true; return false; } public void deleteUser(UserProfileId pid, boolean cleanupDirectory) throws WTException { UserDAO udao = UserDAO.getInstance(); UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uadao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rpdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); OUser user = udao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (user == null) throw new WTException("User not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); logger.debug("Deleting permissions [{}]", user.getUserUid()); rpdao.deleteByRole(con, user.getUserUid()); logger.debug("Deleting groups associations [{}]", user.getUserUid()); uadao.deleteByUser(con, user.getUserUid()); logger.debug("Deleting roles associations [{}]", user.getUserUid()); rolassdao.deleteByUser(con, user.getUserUid()); logger.debug("Deleting userInfo [{}]", pid.toString()); uidao.deleteByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); logger.debug("Deleting user [{}]", pid.toString()); udao.deleteByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (cleanupDirectory) { ODomain domain = getDomain(pid.getDomainId()); if (domain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{}]", pid.getDomainId()); AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(domain); AbstractDirectory directory = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); if (directory.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.USERS_WRITE)) { directory.deleteUser(opts, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); } } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid URI"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "Directory error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } // Performs some actions after the remove operation List<Throwable> errors = wta.getServiceManager().invokeOnUserRemoved(pid); wta.getSettingsManager().clearUserSettings(pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); // Update cache removeFromUserUidCache(pid); removeFromUserCache(pid); if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw new WTMultiCauseWarnException(errors, "Errors in user related listeners"); } /** * Returns the internal UID associated to specified group; * usually applied to defaults/built-in groups. * @param domainId The domain ID. * @param groupId The group ID. * @return The group's UID if found; null otherwise */ public String getGroupUid(String domainId, String groupId) { UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(domainId, groupId); try { return groupToUid(pid); } catch (WTRuntimeException ex) { logger.debug("Unable to get group's UID [{}]", pid.toString(), ex); return null; } } /** * Returns the internal UID associated to specified user. * @param domainId The domain ID. * @param userId The user ID. * @return The user's UID if found; null otherwise */ public String getUserUid(String domainId, String userId) { UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(domainId, userId); try { return userToUid(pid); } catch (WTRuntimeException ex) { logger.debug("Unable to get user's UID [{}]", pid.toString(), ex); return null; } } public List<DirectoryUser> listDirectoryUsers(ODomain domain) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { AuthenticationDomain ad = createAuthenticationDomain(domain); AbstractDirectory directory = getAuthDirectory(ad.getDirUri()); DirectoryOptions opts = wta.createDirectoryOptions(ad); con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); Map<String, OUser> wtUsers = dao.selectByDomain2(con, domain.getDomainId()); ArrayList<DirectoryUser> items = new ArrayList<>(); if (directory.hasCapability(DirectoryCapability.USERS_READ)) { for (AuthUser userEntry : directory.listUsers(opts, domain.getDomainId())) { items.add(new DirectoryUser(domain.getDomainId(), userEntry, wtUsers.get(userEntry.userId))); } } else { for (OUser ouser : wtUsers.values()) { final AbstractDirectory.AuthUser userEntry = new AbstractDirectory.AuthUser(ouser.getUserId(), ouser.getDisplayName(), null, null, null); items.add(new DirectoryUser(domain.getDomainId(), userEntry, ouser)); } } return items; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Invalid URI"); } catch (DirectoryException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "Directory error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean updateUserDisplayName(UserProfileId pid, String displayName) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.updateDisplayNameByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId(), displayName) == 1; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public UserProfile.PersonalInfo getUserPersonalInfo(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO dao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); OUserInfo oui = dao.selectByDomainUser(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); return (oui == null) ? null : new UserProfile.PersonalInfo(oui); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public boolean updateUserPersonalInfo(UserProfileId pid, UserProfile.PersonalInfo userPersonalInfo) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO dao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); OUserInfo oui = createUserInfo(userPersonalInfo); oui.setDomainId(pid.getDomainId()); oui.setUserId(pid.getUserId()); return dao.update(con, oui) == 1; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<OGroup> listGroups(String domainId) throws WTException { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return dao.selectByDomain(con, domainId); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public GroupEntity getGroupEntity(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); return getGroupEntity(con, pid); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private GroupEntity getGroupEntity(Connection con, UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uassdao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); try { OGroup ogroup = dao.selectByDomainGroup(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (ogroup == null) throw new WTException("Group not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); List<AssignedUser> assiUsers = uassdao.viewAssignedByGroup(con, ogroup.getGroupUid()); List<AssignedRole> assiRoles = rolassdao.viewAssignedByGroup(con, ogroup.getGroupUid()); EntityPermissions perms = extractPermissions(con, ogroup.getGroupUid()); GroupEntity group = new GroupEntity(ogroup); group.setAssignedUsers(assiUsers); group.setAssignedRoles(assiRoles); group.setPermissions(perms.others); group.setServicesPermissions(; return group; } catch (DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } } public void addGroup(GroupEntity group) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(false); ODomain domain = getDomain(group.getDomainId()); if (domain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{0}]", group.getDomainId()); OGroup ogroup = doGroupInsert(con, domain.getDomainId(), group); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); // Update cache addToGroupUidCache(new GroupUid(ogroup.getDomainId(), group.getGroupId(), ogroup.getGroupUid())); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateGroup(GroupEntity group) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); doGroupUpdate(con, group); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteGroup(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { GroupDAO udao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uadao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rpdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); OGroup group = udao.selectByDomainGroup(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); if (group == null) throw new WTException("Group not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); logger.debug("Deleting permissions"); rpdao.deleteByRole(con, group.getGroupUid()); logger.debug("Deleting groups associations"); uadao.deleteByGroup(con, group.getGroupUid()); logger.debug("Deleting roles associations"); rolassdao.deleteByUser(con, group.getGroupUid()); logger.debug("Deleting group"); udao.deleteByDomainGroup(con, pid.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId()); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); // Update cache removeFromGroupUidCache(pid); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } /** * Lists domain real roles (those defined as indipendent role). * @param domainId The domain ID. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Role> listRoles(String domainId) throws WTException { RoleDAO dao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Role> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); List<ORole> roles = dao.selectByDomain(con, domainId); for (ORole erole : roles) items.add(new Role(erole)); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return items; } /** * Lists domain users roles (those coming from a user). * @param domainId The domain ID. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Role> listUsersRoles(String domainId) throws WTException { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Role> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); List<OUser> users = dao.selectEnabledByDomain(con, domainId); for (OUser user : users) items.add(new Role(user)); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return items; } /** * Lists domain groups roles (those coming from a group). * @param domainId The domain ID. * @return * @throws WTException */ public List<Role> listGroupsRoles(String domainId) throws WTException { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); ArrayList<Role> items = new ArrayList<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); List<OGroup> groups = dao.selectByDomain(con, domainId); for (OGroup group : groups) items.add(new Role(group)); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return items; } public List<AssignedRole> listAssignedRoles(String userUid) throws WTException { RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); return rolassdao.viewAssignedByUser(con, userUid); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } /** * Retrieves the domain ID for the specified role. * @param uid * @return * @throws WTException */ public String getRoleDomain(String uid) throws WTException { Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); ORole role = roldao.selectByUid(con, uid); if (role != null) return role.getDomainId(); UserDAO usedao = UserDAO.getInstance(); OUser user = usedao.selectByUid(con, uid); if (user != null) return user.getDomainId(); GroupDAO grpdao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); OGroup group = grpdao.selectByUid(con, uid); if (group != null) return group.getDomainId(); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return null; } public RoleEntity getRole(String uid) throws WTException { RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); ORole orole = roldao.selectByUid(con, uid); if (orole == null) throw new WTException("Role not found [{0}]", uid); EntityPermissions perms = extractPermissions(con, uid); RoleEntity role = new RoleEntity(orole); role.setPermissions(perms.others); role.setServicesPermissions(; return role; } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void addRole(RoleEntity role) throws WTException { RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); ORole orole = new ORole(); orole.setRoleUid(IdentifierUtils.getUUID()); orole.setDomainId(role.getDomainId()); orole.setName(role.getName()); orole.setDescription(role.getDescription()); roldao.insert(con, orole); for (ORolePermission perm : role.getPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, orole.getRoleUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } for (ORolePermission perm : role.getServicesPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, orole.getRoleUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void updateRole(RoleEntity role) throws WTException { RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rolperdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { RoleEntity oldRole = getRole(role.getRoleUid()); if (oldRole == null) throw new WTException("Role not found [{0}]", role.getRoleUid()); con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); ORole orole = new ORole(); orole.setRoleUid(role.getRoleUid()); orole.setName(role.getName()); orole.setDescription(role.getDescription()); roldao.update(con, orole); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet1 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldRole.getPermissions(), role.getPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet1.deleted) { rolperdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet1.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldRole.getRoleUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet2 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldRole.getServicesPermissions(), role.getServicesPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet2.deleted) { rolperdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet2.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldRole.getRoleUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public void deleteRole(String uid) throws WTException { RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rolperdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID, false); roldao.deleteByUid(con, uid); rolassdao.deleteByRole(con, uid); rolperdao.deleteByRole(con, uid); DbUtils.commitQuietly(con); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public List<String> getComputedRolesAsStringByUser(UserProfileId pid, boolean self, boolean transitive) throws WTException { ArrayList<String> uids = new ArrayList<>(); Set<RoleWithSource> roles = getComputedRolesByUser(pid, self, transitive); for (RoleWithSource role : roles) { uids.add(role.getRoleUid()); } return uids; } public Set<RoleWithSource> getComputedRolesByUser(UserProfileId pid, boolean self, boolean transitive) throws WTException { WebTopManager usrm = wta.getWebTopManager(); Connection con = null; HashSet<String> roleMap = new HashSet<>(); LinkedHashSet<RoleWithSource> roles = new LinkedHashSet<>(); try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); String userUid = usrm.userToUid(pid); if (self) { UserDAO usedao = UserDAO.getInstance(); OUser user = usedao.selectByUid(con, userUid); roles.add(new RoleWithSource(RoleWithSource.SOURCE_USER, userUid, user.getDomainId(), pid.getUserId(), user.getDisplayName())); } RoleDAO roldao = RoleDAO.getInstance(); // Gets by group List<ORole> groles = roldao.selectFromGroupsByUser(con, userUid); for (ORole role : groles) { if (roleMap.contains(role.getRoleUid())) continue; // Skip duplicates roleMap.add(role.getRoleUid()); roles.add(new RoleWithSource(RoleWithSource.SOURCE_GROUP, role.getRoleUid(), role.getDomainId(), role.getName(), role.getDescription())); } // Gets direct assigned roles List<ORole> droles = roldao.selectDirectByUser(con, userUid); for (ORole role : droles) { if (roleMap.contains(role.getRoleUid())) continue; // Skip duplicates roleMap.add(role.getRoleUid()); roles.add(new RoleWithSource(RoleWithSource.SOURCE_ROLE, role.getRoleUid(), role.getDomainId(), role.getName(), role.getDescription())); } // Get transivite roles (belonging to groups) if (transitive) { List<ORole> troles = roldao.selectTransitiveFromGroupsByUser(con, userUid); for (ORole role : troles) { if (roleMap.contains(role.getRoleUid())) continue; // Skip duplicates roleMap.add(role.getRoleUid()); roles.add(new RoleWithSource(RoleWithSource.SOURCE_TRANSITIVE, role.getRoleUid(), role.getDomainId(), role.getName(), role.getDescription())); } } } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } return roles; } public List<ORolePermission> listRolePermissions(String roleUid) throws Exception { Connection con = null; try { con = WT.getConnection(CoreManifest.ID); RolePermissionDAO dao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); return dao.selectByRoleUid(con, roleUid); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public EntityPermissions extractPermissions(Connection con, String roleUid) throws WTException { RolePermissionDAO rolperdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); List<ORolePermission> operms = rolperdao.selectByRoleUid(con, roleUid); ArrayList<ORolePermission> othersPerms = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ORolePermission> servicesPerms = new ArrayList<>(); for (ORolePermission operm : operms) { if (operm.getInstance().equals("*")) { othersPerms.add(operm); } else { if (operm.getServiceId().equals(CoreManifest.ID) && operm.getKey().equals("SERVICE") && operm.getAction().equals("ACCESS")) { servicesPerms.add(operm); } } } return new EntityPermissions(othersPerms, servicesPerms); } public UserProfile.PersonalInfo userPersonalInfo(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { synchronized (cacheUserToPersonalInfo) { if (!cacheUserToPersonalInfo.containsKey(pid)) { UserProfile.PersonalInfo upi = getUserPersonalInfo(pid); if (upi == null) throw new WTException("UserPersonalInfo not found [{0}]", pid.toString()); cacheUserToPersonalInfo.put(pid, upi); return upi; } else { return cacheUserToPersonalInfo.get(pid); } } } public UserProfile.Data userData(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { synchronized (cacheUserToData) { if (!cacheUserToData.containsKey(pid)) { final UserProfile.Data ud = getUserData(pid); if (ud == null) return null; cacheUserToData.put(pid, ud); return ud; } else { return cacheUserToData.get(pid); } } } public void ensureProfileDomain(String domainId) throws AuthException { if (domainId == null) return; UserProfileId runPid = RunContext.getRunProfileId(); if (RunContext.isWebTopAdmin(runPid)) return; if (!runPid.hasDomain(domainId)) throw new AuthException("Running profile's domain [{0}] does not match with passed one [{1}]", runPid.getDomainId(), domainId); } public UserProfileId guessUserProfileIdByProfileUsername(String profileUsername) throws WTException { UserProfileId iaPid = null; try { iaPid = new UserProfileId(profileUsername); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { return null; } String domainId = internetNameToDomain(iaPid.getDomain()); if (domainId == null) return null; ensureProfileDomain(domainId); return new UserProfileId(domainId, iaPid.getUser()); } public UserProfileId guessUserProfileIdByPersonalAddress(String personalAddress) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO uiDao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); List<UserId> uids = uiDao.viewByEmail(con, personalAddress); if (uids.isEmpty()) return null; UserId uid = uids.get(0); ensureProfileDomain(uid.getDomainId()); return new UserProfileId(uid.getDomainId(), uid.getUserId()); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public UserProfile.Data userDataByEmail(String emailAddress) throws WTException { UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); Connection con = null; try { con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); List<UserId> uids = uidao.viewByEmail(con, emailAddress); if (uids.isEmpty()) return null; UserId uid = uids.get(0); UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(uid.getDomainId(), uid.getUserId()); return userData(pid); } catch (SQLException | DAOException ex) { DbUtils.rollbackQuietly(con); throw new WTException(ex, "DB error"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } public String userToUid(UserProfileId pid) { return userToUid(pid, true); } public String userToUid(UserProfileId pid, boolean mandatory) { synchronized (lock1) { if (!cacheUserToUserUid.containsKey(pid)) { if (mandatory) throw new WTRuntimeException("[userToUidCache] Cache miss on key {0}", pid.toString()); return null; } return cacheUserToUserUid.get(pid); } } public UserProfileId uidToUser(String uid) { synchronized (lock1) { if (!cacheUserUidToUser.containsKey(uid)) throw new WTRuntimeException("[uidToUserCache] Cache miss on key {0}", uid); return cacheUserUidToUser.get(uid); } } public String groupToUid(UserProfileId pid) { synchronized (lock2) { if (!cacheGroupToGroupUid.containsKey(pid)) throw new WTRuntimeException("[groupToUidCache] Cache miss on key {0}", pid.toString()); return cacheGroupToGroupUid.get(pid); } } public UserProfileId uidToGroup(String uid) { synchronized (lock2) { if (!cacheGroupUidToGroup.containsKey(uid)) throw new WTRuntimeException("[uidToGroupCache] Cache miss on key {0}", uid); return cacheGroupUidToGroup.get(uid); } } public String getInternetUserId(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { String internetName = getDomainInternetName(pid.getDomainId()); return new UserProfileId(internetName, pid.getUserId()).toString(); } public String getDomainInternetName(String domainId) throws WTException { if (StringUtils.equals(domainId, SYSADMIN_DOMAINID)) { return INTERNETNAME_LOCAL; } else { ODomain domain = getDomain(domainId); if (domain == null) throw new WTException("Domain not found [{0}]", domainId); return domain.getInternetName(); } } private OGroup doGroupInsert(Connection con, String domainId, String groupId, String displayName) throws DAOException, WTException { GroupEntity ge = new GroupEntity(); ge.setGroupId(groupId); ge.setDisplayName(displayName); return doGroupInsert(con, domainId, ge); } private OGroup doGroupInsert(Connection con, String domainId, GroupEntity group) throws DAOException, WTException { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); // Insert Group record logger.debug("Inserting group... [{}]", group.getGroupId()); OGroup ogroup = new OGroup(); ogroup.setDomainId(domainId); ogroup.setGroupId(group.getGroupId()); ogroup.setEnabled(true); ogroup.setGroupUid(IdentifierUtils.getUUID()); ogroup.setDisplayName(group.getDisplayName()); ogroup.setSecret(null); dao.insert(con, ogroup); logger.debug("Inserting users associations..."); HashSet<String> usedUserUids = new HashSet<>(); for (AssignedUser assiUser : group.getAssignedUsers()) { final String userUid = userToUid(new UserProfileId(group.getDomainId(), assiUser.getUserId())); if (!usedUserUids.contains(userUid)) { // Avoid userUid duplicates doInsertUserAssociation(con, userUid, ogroup.getGroupUid()); usedUserUids.add(userUid); } } logger.debug("Inserting roles associations"); HashSet<String> usedRoleUids = new HashSet<>(); for (AssignedRole assiRole : group.getAssignedRoles()) { final String roleUid = assiRole.getRoleUid(); if (!usedRoleUids.contains(roleUid)) { // Avoid roles duplicates doInsertRoleAssociation(con, ogroup.getGroupUid(), roleUid); usedRoleUids.add(roleUid); } } // Insert permissions logger.debug("Inserting permissions"); for (ORolePermission perm : group.getPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, ogroup.getGroupUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } for (ORolePermission perm : group.getServicesPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, ogroup.getGroupUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } return ogroup; } private void doGroupUpdate(Connection con, GroupEntity group) throws DAOException, WTException { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uadao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rpdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); GroupEntity oldGroup = getGroupEntity(con, group.getProfileId()); if (oldGroup == null) throw new WTException("Group not found [{0}]", group.getProfileId().toString()); logger.debug("Updating group"); OGroup ogroup = new OGroup(); ogroup.setDomainId(group.getDomainId()); ogroup.setGroupId(group.getGroupId()); ogroup.setDisplayName(group.getDisplayName()); dao.update(con, ogroup); logger.debug("Updating users associations"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<AssignedUser> changeSet1 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldGroup.getAssignedUsers(), group.getAssignedUsers()); for (AssignedUser assiUser : changeSet1.deleted) { uadao.deleteById(con, assiUser.getUserAssociationId()); } for (AssignedUser assiUser : changeSet1.inserted) { final String userUid = userToUid(new UserProfileId(group.getDomainId(), assiUser.getUserId())); doInsertUserAssociation(con, userUid, oldGroup.getGroupUid()); } logger.debug("Updating roles associations"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<AssignedRole> changeSet2 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldGroup.getAssignedRoles(), group.getAssignedRoles()); for (AssignedRole assiRole : changeSet2.deleted) { rolassdao.deleteById(con, assiRole.getRoleAssociationId()); } for (AssignedRole assiRole : changeSet2.inserted) { doInsertRoleAssociation(con, oldGroup.getGroupUid(), assiRole.getRoleUid()); } logger.debug("Updating permissions"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet3 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldGroup.getPermissions(), group.getPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet3.deleted) { rpdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet3.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldGroup.getGroupUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet4 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldGroup.getServicesPermissions(), group.getServicesPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet4.deleted) { rpdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet4.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldGroup.getGroupUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } } private AuthUser createAuthUser(UserEntity user) { return new AuthUser(user.getUserId(), user.getDisplayName(), user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName(), null); } private OUser doUserInsert(Connection con, ODomain domain, UserEntity user) throws DAOException, WTException { UserDAO udao = UserDAO.getInstance(); UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); InternetAddress email = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(user.getUserId(), domain.getInternetName(), null); if (email == null) throw new WTException("Cannot create a valid email address [{0}, {1}]", user.getUserId(), domain.getInternetName()); // Insert User record logger.debug("Inserting user"); OUser ouser = new OUser(); ouser.setDomainId(domain.getDomainId()); ouser.setUserId(user.getUserId()); ouser.setEnabled(user.getEnabled()); ouser.setUserUid(IdentifierUtils.getUUID()); ouser.setDisplayName(user.getDisplayName()); ouser.setSecret(generateSecretKey()); udao.insert(con, ouser); // Insert UserInfo record logger.debug("Inserting userInfo"); OUserInfo oui = new OUserInfo(); oui.setDomainId(domain.getDomainId()); oui.setUserId(user.getUserId()); oui.setFirstName(user.getFirstName()); oui.setLastName(user.getLastName()); oui.setEmail(email.getAddress()); uidao.insert(con, oui); logger.debug("Inserting groups associations"); HashSet<String> usedGroupUids = new HashSet<>(); for (AssignedGroup assiGroup : user.getAssignedGroups()) { final String groupUid = groupToUid(new UserProfileId(user.getDomainId(), assiGroup.getGroupId())); if (!usedGroupUids.contains(groupUid)) { // Due to built-in assigned groups, collection of assigned // groups can contain duplicates; so skip them. doInsertUserAssociation(con, ouser.getUserUid(), groupUid); usedGroupUids.add(groupUid); } } logger.debug("Inserting roles associations"); HashSet<String> usedRoleUids = new HashSet<>(); for (AssignedRole assiRole : user.getAssignedRoles()) { final String roleUid = assiRole.getRoleUid(); if (!usedRoleUids.contains(roleUid)) { // Due to built-in assigned roles, collection of assigned // roles can contain duplicates; so skip them. doInsertRoleAssociation(con, ouser.getUserUid(), roleUid); usedRoleUids.add(roleUid); } } // Insert permissions logger.debug("Inserting permissions"); for (ORolePermission perm : user.getPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, ouser.getUserUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } for (ORolePermission perm : user.getServicesPermissions()) { doInsertPermission(con, ouser.getUserUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } return ouser; } private void doUserUpdate(Connection con, UserEntity user) throws DAOException, WTException { UserDAO udao = UserDAO.getInstance(); UserInfoDAO uidao = UserInfoDAO.getInstance(); UserAssociationDAO uadao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); RolePermissionDAO rpdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); UserEntity oldUser = getUserEntity(con, user.getProfileId()); if (oldUser == null) throw new WTException("User not found [{0}]", user.getProfileId().toString()); logger.debug("Updating user"); OUser ouser = new OUser(); ouser.setDomainId(user.getDomainId()); ouser.setUserId(user.getUserId()); ouser.setEnabled(user.getEnabled()); ouser.setDisplayName(user.getDisplayName()); udao.updateEnabledDisplayName(con, ouser); logger.debug("Updating userInfo"); OUserInfo ouseri = new OUserInfo(); ouseri.setDomainId(user.getDomainId()); ouseri.setUserId(user.getUserId()); ouseri.setFirstName(user.getFirstName()); ouseri.setLastName(user.getLastName()); uidao.updateFirstLastName(con, ouseri); logger.debug("Updating groups associations"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<AssignedGroup> changeSet1 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldUser.getAssignedGroups(), user.getAssignedGroups()); for (AssignedGroup assiGroup : changeSet1.deleted) { uadao.deleteById(con, assiGroup.getUserAssociationId()); } for (AssignedGroup assiGroup : changeSet1.inserted) { final String groupUid = groupToUid(new UserProfileId(user.getDomainId(), assiGroup.getGroupId())); doInsertUserAssociation(con, oldUser.getUserUid(), groupUid); } logger.debug("Updating roles associations"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<AssignedRole> changeSet2 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldUser.getAssignedRoles(), user.getAssignedRoles()); for (AssignedRole assiRole : changeSet2.deleted) { rolassdao.deleteById(con, assiRole.getRoleAssociationId()); } for (AssignedRole assiRole : changeSet2.inserted) { doInsertRoleAssociation(con, oldUser.getUserUid(), assiRole.getRoleUid()); } logger.debug("Updating permissions"); LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet3 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldUser.getPermissions(), user.getPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet3.deleted) { rpdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet3.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldUser.getUserUid(), perm.getServiceId(), perm.getKey(), perm.getAction(), "*"); } LangUtils.CollectionChangeSet<ORolePermission> changeSet4 = LangUtils .getCollectionChanges(oldUser.getServicesPermissions(), user.getServicesPermissions()); for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet4.deleted) { rpdao.deleteById(con, perm.getRolePermissionId()); } for (ORolePermission perm : changeSet4.inserted) { doInsertPermission(con, oldUser.getUserUid(), CoreManifest.ID, "SERVICE", ServicePermission.ACTION_ACCESS, perm.getInstance()); } } private void fillDomain(ODomain o, DomainEntity domain) throws WTException { o.setDomainId(domain.getDomainId()); o.setInternetName(domain.getInternetName()); o.setEnabled(domain.getEnabled()); o.setDescription(domain.getDescription()); o.setUserAutoCreation(domain.getUserAutoCreation()); o.setDirUri(domain.getDirUri().toString()); String scheme = domain.getDirUri().getScheme(); if (scheme.equals(WebTopDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(null); o.setDirAdmin(null); o.setDirPassword(null); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(domain.getDirPasswordPolicy()); } else if (scheme.equals(LdapWebTopDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(EnumUtils.getName(domain.getDirConnSecurity())); o.setDirAdmin(domain.getDirAdmin()); setDirPassword(o, domain.getDirPassword()); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(domain.getDirPasswordPolicy()); } else if (scheme.equals(LdapDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(EnumUtils.getName(domain.getDirConnSecurity())); o.setDirAdmin(domain.getDirAdmin()); setDirPassword(o, domain.getDirPassword()); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(false); } else if (scheme.equals(ImapDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(EnumUtils.getName(domain.getDirConnSecurity())); o.setDirAdmin(null); o.setDirPassword(null); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(false); } else if (scheme.equals(SmbDirectory.SCHEME) || scheme.equals(SftpDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(null); o.setDirAdmin(null); o.setDirPassword(null); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(false); } else if (scheme.equals(ADDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(EnumUtils.getName(domain.getDirConnSecurity())); o.setDirAdmin(domain.getDirAdmin()); setDirPassword(o, domain.getDirPassword()); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(domain.getDirPasswordPolicy()); } else if (scheme.equals(LdapNethDirectory.SCHEME)) { o.setDirConnectionSecurity(EnumUtils.getName(domain.getDirConnSecurity())); o.setDirAdmin(domain.getDirAdmin()); setDirPassword(o, domain.getDirPassword()); o.setDirPasswordPolicy(false); } o.setDirCaseSensitive(domain.getDirCaseSensitive()); if (domain.getDirParameters() instanceof ParamsLdapDirectory) { o.setDirParameters(LangUtils.serialize(domain.getDirParameters(), ParamsLdapDirectory.class)); } else { o.setDirParameters(null); } } private OUserAssociation doInsertUserAssociation(Connection con, String userUid, String groupUid) throws WTException { UserAssociationDAO uadao = UserAssociationDAO.getInstance(); OUserAssociation oua = new OUserAssociation(); oua.setUserAssociationId(uadao.getSequence(con).intValue()); oua.setUserUid(userUid); oua.setGroupUid(groupUid); uadao.insert(con, oua); return oua; } private ORoleAssociation doInsertRoleAssociation(Connection con, String userUid, String roleUid) throws WTException { RoleAssociationDAO rolassdao = RoleAssociationDAO.getInstance(); ORoleAssociation ora = new ORoleAssociation(); ora.setRoleAssociationId(rolassdao.getSequence(con).intValue()); ora.setUserUid(userUid); ora.setRoleUid(roleUid); rolassdao.insert(con, ora); return ora; } private ORolePermission doInsertPermission(Connection con, String roleUid, String serviceId, String key, String action, String instance) throws WTException { RolePermissionDAO rpdao = RolePermissionDAO.getInstance(); ORolePermission perm = new ORolePermission(); perm.setRolePermissionId(rpdao.getSequence(con).intValue()); perm.setRoleUid(roleUid); perm.setServiceId(serviceId); perm.setKey(key); perm.setAction(action); perm.setInstance(instance); rpdao.insert(con, perm); return perm; } private UserProfile.Data getUserData(UserProfileId pid) throws WTException { OUser ouser = getUser(pid); if (ouser == null) return null; String internetName = WT.getDomainInternetName(pid.getDomainId()); CoreUserSettings cus = new CoreUserSettings(pid); UserProfile.PersonalInfo upi = userPersonalInfo(pid); DomainAccount internetAccount = new DomainAccount(internetName, pid.getUserId()); InternetAddress profileIa = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(pid.getUserId(), internetName, ouser.getDisplayName()); InternetAddress personalIa = InternetAddressUtils.toInternetAddress(upi.getEmail(), ouser.getDisplayName()); if (personalIa == null) { personalIa = profileIa; logger.warn("User does not have a valid email in personal info. Check it! [{}]", pid.toString()); } return new UserProfile.Data(internetAccount, ouser.getDisplayName(), cus.getLanguageTag(), cus.getTimezone(), cus.getStartDay(), cus.getShortDateFormat(), cus.getLongDateFormat(), cus.getShortTimeFormat(), cus.getLongTimeFormat(), profileIa, personalIa); } private OUserInfo createUserInfo(UserProfile.PersonalInfo upi) { OUserInfo oui = new OUserInfo(); oui.setTitle(upi.getTitle()); oui.setFirstName(upi.getFirstName()); oui.setLastName(upi.getLastName()); oui.setNickname(upi.getNickname()); oui.setGender(upi.getGender()); oui.setEmail(upi.getEmail()); oui.setTelephone(upi.getTelephone()); oui.setFax(upi.getFax()); oui.setPager(upi.getPager()); oui.setMobile(upi.getMobile()); oui.setAddress(upi.getAddress()); oui.setCity(upi.getCity()); oui.setPostalCode(upi.getPostalCode()); oui.setState(upi.getState()); oui.setCountry(upi.getCountry()); oui.setCompany(upi.getCompany()); oui.setFunction(upi.getFunction()); oui.setCustom1(upi.getCustom01()); oui.setCustom2(upi.getCustom02()); oui.setCustom3(upi.getCustom03()); return oui; } private String getDirPassword(ODomain o) { return PasswordUtils.decryptDES(o.getDirPassword(), new String(new char[] { 'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd' })); } private void setDirPassword(ODomain o, String password) { o.setDirPassword(PasswordUtils.encryptDES(password, new String(new char[] { 'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd' }))); } private void initDomainCache() { Connection con = null; try { synchronized (lock0) { DomainDAO dao = DomainDAO.getInstance(); con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); cleanupDomainCache(); for (ODomain odomain : dao.selectEnabled(con)) { cachePublicNameToDomain.put(domainIdToPublicName(odomain.getDomainId()), odomain.getDomainId()); cacheInternetNameToDomain.put(odomain.getInternetName(), odomain.getDomainId()); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex, "Unable to init domain name cache"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void cleanupDomainCache() { synchronized (lock0) { cachePublicNameToDomain.clear(); cacheInternetNameToDomain.clear(); } } private void cleanupUserCache() { synchronized (cacheUserToData) { cacheUserToData.clear(); } synchronized (cacheUserToPersonalInfo) { cacheUserToPersonalInfo.clear(); } } private void addToUserCache(UserProfileId pid, UserProfile.Data userData) { synchronized (cacheUserToData) { cacheUserToData.put(pid, userData); } } private void addToUserCache(UserProfileId pid, UserProfile.PersonalInfo userPersonalInfo) { synchronized (cacheUserToPersonalInfo) { cacheUserToPersonalInfo.put(pid, userPersonalInfo); } } private void removeFromUserCache(UserProfileId pid) { synchronized (cacheUserToData) { cacheUserToData.remove(pid); } synchronized (cacheUserToPersonalInfo) { cacheUserToPersonalInfo.remove(pid); } } private void initUserUidCache() { Connection con = null; try { synchronized (lock1) { UserDAO dao = UserDAO.getInstance(); con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); List<UserUid> uids = dao.viewAllUids(con); cleanupUserUidCache(); for (UserUid uid : uids) { addToUserUidCache(uid); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex, "Unable to init user UID cache"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void cleanupUserUidCache() { synchronized (lock1) { cacheUserToUserUid.clear(); cacheUserUidToUser.clear(); } } private void addToUserUidCache(UserUid uid) { synchronized (lock1) { UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(uid.getDomainId(), uid.getUserId()); cacheUserToUserUid.put(pid, uid.getUserUid()); cacheUserUidToUser.put(uid.getUserUid(), pid); } } private void removeFromUserUidCache(UserProfileId pid) { synchronized (lock1) { if (cacheUserToUserUid.containsKey(pid)) { String uid = cacheUserToUserUid.remove(pid); cacheUserUidToUser.remove(uid); } } } private void initGroupUidCache() { Connection con = null; try { synchronized (lock2) { GroupDAO dao = GroupDAO.getInstance(); con = wta.getConnectionManager().getConnection(); List<GroupUid> uids = dao.viewAllUids(con); cleanupGroupUidCache(); for (GroupUid uid : uids) { addToGroupUidCache(uid); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new WTRuntimeException(ex, "Unable to init group UID cache"); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } private void cleanupGroupUidCache() { synchronized (lock2) { cacheGroupToGroupUid.clear(); cacheGroupUidToGroup.clear(); } } private void addToGroupUidCache(GroupUid uid) { synchronized (lock2) { UserProfileId pid = new UserProfileId(uid.getDomainId(), uid.getUserId()); cacheGroupToGroupUid.put(pid, uid.getUserUid()); cacheGroupUidToGroup.put(uid.getUserUid(), pid); } } private void removeFromGroupUidCache(UserProfileId pid) { synchronized (lock2) { if (cacheGroupToGroupUid.containsKey(pid)) { String uid = cacheGroupToGroupUid.remove(pid); cacheGroupUidToGroup.remove(uid); } } } private void createCyrusUser(String login, String domainId) throws WTCyrusException { String host = wta.getSettingsManager().getServiceSetting(domainId, "com.sonicle.webtop.mail", BaseServiceSettings.DEFAULT_PREFIX + "host"); int port = Integer.parseInt(wta.getSettingsManager().getServiceSetting(domainId, "com.sonicle.webtop.mail", BaseServiceSettings.DEFAULT_PREFIX + "port")); String protocol = wta.getSettingsManager().getServiceSetting(domainId, "com.sonicle.webtop.mail", BaseServiceSettings.DEFAULT_PREFIX + "protocol"); String adminuser = wta.getSettingsManager().getServiceSetting(domainId, "com.sonicle.webtop.mail", "admin.user"); String adminpass = wta.getSettingsManager().getServiceSetting(domainId, "com.sonicle.webtop.mail", "admin.password"); Store s = getCyrusStore(host, port, protocol, adminuser, adminpass); createCyrusMailbox(login, s); setCyrusAcl(login, login, s); setCyrusAcl(login, adminuser, s); try { s.close(); } catch (Exception exc) { } } private Store getCyrusStore(String host, int port, String protocol, String user, String psw) throws WTCyrusException { Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties()); props.setProperty("", protocol); props.setProperty("", "" + port); Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null); try { Store store = session.getStore(protocol); store.connect(host, user, psw); return store; } catch (Exception exc) { throw new WTCyrusException(exc); } } private void createCyrusMailbox(String login, Store store) throws WTCyrusException { try { char sep = store.getDefaultFolder().getSeparator(); Folder c = store.getFolder("user" + sep + login); if (!c.exists()) c.create(Folder.HOLDS_FOLDERS); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new WTCyrusException(exc); } } public void setCyrusAcl(String login, String acllogin, Store store) throws WTCyrusException { try { char sep = store.getDefaultFolder().getSeparator(); Folder f = store.getFolder("user" + sep + login); IMAPFolder folder = (IMAPFolder) f; Rights r = new Rights("lrswipcda"); ACL a = new ACL(acllogin, r); folder.addACL(a); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new WTCyrusException(exc); } } public static class CheckUserResult { public boolean exist; public boolean enabled; public CheckUserResult(boolean exist, boolean enabled) { this.exist = exist; this.enabled = enabled; } } public static class UserUidBag { public String userUid; public String roleUid; public UserUidBag() { } public UserUidBag(String uid, String roleUid) { this.userUid = uid; this.roleUid = roleUid; } } public static class EntityPermissions { public ArrayList<ORolePermission> others; public ArrayList<ORolePermission> services; public EntityPermissions(ArrayList<ORolePermission> others, ArrayList<ORolePermission> services) { this.others = others; = services; } } protected WTException wrapThrowable(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof WTException) { return (WTException) t; } else if ((t instanceof SQLException) || (t instanceof DAOException)) { return new WTException(t, "DB error"); } else { return new WTException(t); } } }