Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) SiteWhere, LLC. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor; import org.reflections.Reflections; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import com.sitewhere.common.MarshalUtils; import com.sitewhere.server.SiteWhereServer; import com.sitewhere.spi.SiteWhereException; import com.sitewhere.spi.system.IVersion; import com.sitewhere.version.VersionHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.BytecodeReadingParanamer; import com.thoughtworks.paranamer.Paranamer; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.Api; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiParam; /** * Introspects the REST controllers to pull out documentation and generate it * into an HTML file. * * @author Derek */ public class RestDocumentationGenerator { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing arguments needed to create REST documentation."); } System.out.println("Generating SiteWhere REST documentation..."); try { // Required since some internal operations require a user to be // logged in. try { SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(SiteWhereServer.getSystemAuthentication()); } catch (SiteWhereException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set system user.", e); } File resources = new File(args[0]); if (!resources.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to find REST documentation resources folder."); } List<ParsedController> controllers = parseControllers(resources); generateRestDocumentation(controllers, resources, args[1]); } catch (SiteWhereException e) { System.err.println("Unable to generate SiteWhere REST documentation."); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } System.out.println("Finished generating SiteWhere REST documentation..."); } /** * Parse all controllers using the {@link DocumentedController} annotation. * * @param resourcesFolder * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static List<ParsedController> parseControllers(File resourcesFolder) throws SiteWhereException { Reflections reflections = new Reflections(""); Set<Class<?>> controllers = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(DocumentedController.class); List<ParsedController> results = new ArrayList<ParsedController>(); for (Class<?> controller : controllers) { results.add(parseController(controller, resourcesFolder)); } Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<ParsedController>() { @Override public int compare(ParsedController o1, ParsedController o2) { if (o1.isGlobal() && !o2.isGlobal()) { return -1; } else if (!o1.isGlobal() && o2.isGlobal()) { return 1; } return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); int methodCount = 0; for (ParsedController controller : results) { methodCount += controller.getMethods().size(); } System.out.println( "Found " + controllers.size() + " documented controllers containing " + methodCount + " methods."); return results; } /** * Generate documentation. * * @param controllers * @param resourcesFolder * @param outputFolder * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static void generateRestDocumentation(List<ParsedController> controllers, File resourcesFolder, String outputFolder) throws SiteWhereException { System.out.println("Writing REST documentation to: " + outputFolder); File header = new File(resourcesFolder, "header.htm"); if (!header.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to find header file: " + header.getAbsolutePath()); } String completeDoc = readFile(header); completeDoc += generateNavigation(controllers); completeDoc += "<div class=\"col-md-8\">\n"; for (ParsedController controller : controllers) { String controllerDoc = generateControllerDocumentation(controller); completeDoc += controllerDoc; } completeDoc += "</div>\n"; File footer = new File(resourcesFolder, "footer.htm"); if (!footer.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to find footer file: " + footer.getAbsolutePath()); } IVersion version = VersionHelper.getVersion(); completeDoc += readFile(footer).replace("${sitewhere.version}", "SiteWhere " + version.getVersionIdentifier() + " " + version.getEditionIdentifier()); File output = new File(outputFolder); if (!output.exists()) { output.mkdir(); } File single = new File(output, "single.html"); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(single); out.write(completeDoc.getBytes()); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to write REST documentation file.", e); } } /** * Add the navigation panel. * * @param controllers * @return */ protected static String generateNavigation(List<ParsedController> controllers) { String html = "<nav id=\"rest-navigation\" class=\"col-md-4 bs-docs-sidenav\">\n"; html += "<ul class=\"nav nav-list affix\">\n"; boolean setActive = false; for (ParsedController controller : controllers) { String globalClass = (controller.isGlobal() ? " style=\"font-style: normal;font-weight: bold;\" " : ""); html += "<li" + ((!setActive) ? " class=\"active\"" : "") + "><a href=\"#" + controller.getResource() + "\"" + globalClass + "><i class=\"icon-chevron-right\"></i> " + controller.getName() + "</a>\n"; html += "<ul class=\"nav\">\n"; for (ParsedMethod method : controller.getMethods()) { html += "<li><a href=\"#" + method.getName() + "\"><i class=\"icon-chevron-right\"></i> " + method.getSummary() + "</a>\n"; } html += "</ul>\n"; html += "</li>"; setActive = true; } html += "</ul>\n"; html += "</nav>\n"; return html; } /** * Generate documentation for a single controller. * * @param controller * @return */ protected static String generateControllerDocumentation(ParsedController controller) { String html = "<a id=\"" + controller.getResource() + "\"> </a>\n"; html += controller.getDescription(); for (ParsedMethod method : controller.getMethods()) { RequestMethodColors colors = getRequestMethodColors(method); String methodHtml = "<a id=\"" + method.getName() + "\" style=\"display:block;\"> </a>\n" + method.getDescription(); if (!controller.isGlobal()) { methodHtml += createUriBlock(method, colors) + "\n"; MethodParameterBreakdown breakdown = MethodParameterBreakdown.parse(method); methodHtml += createParametersBlock(breakdown) + "\n"; for (ParsedExample example : method.getExamples()) { String exampleHtml = ""; if (example.getDescription() != null) { exampleHtml += "<div>" + example.getDescription() + "</div>\n"; } if (example.getJson() != null) { exampleHtml += "<pre><code class='json'>" + example.getJson() + "</code><span class=\"code-tag\">" + example.getStage().toString() + "</span></pre>\n"; } methodHtml += exampleHtml; } } html += methodHtml; } return html; } /** * Create block that displays REST service URI. * * @param method * @param colors * @return */ protected static String createUriBlock(ParsedMethod method, RequestMethodColors colors) { String uri = "<h3>Request URI</h3><div style=\"background-color: " + colors.getBgColor() + "; border: 1px solid " + colors.getBrdColor() + "; font-size: 13px; margin: 20px 0px;\"><span style=\"width: 70px; background-color: " + colors.getTagColor() + "; color: #fff; text-align: center; display: inline-block; margin-right: 15px; padding: 5px;\">" + colors.getTagName() + "</span><span style=\"width: 100%; font-family: courier; font-size: 12px; color: #000;\">" + method.getBaseUri() + method.getRelativeUri() + "</span></div>"; int pathParamsCount = 0; String table = "<h3>Path Parameters</h3><table class=\"param-table\"><thead><tr style=\"background-color: " + colors.getTagColor() + "; color: #fff;\"><th>Name</th>" + "<th>Description</th></thead><tbody>"; for (ParsedParameter param : method.getParameters()) { if (param.getType() == ParameterType.Path) { table += "<tr style=\"background-color: " + colors.getBgColor() + "\"><td style=\"border: 1px solid " + colors.getBrdColor() + ";\">" + param.getName() + "</td><td>" + param.getDescription() + "</td></tr>"; pathParamsCount++; } } table += "</table>"; if (pathParamsCount > 0) { uri += table; } return uri; } /** * Find colors associated with request method. * * @param method * @return */ protected static RequestMethodColors getRequestMethodColors(ParsedMethod method) { String tagName, tagColor, bgColor, brdColor; switch (method.getRequestMethod()) { case GET: { tagName = "GET"; tagColor = "#10A54A"; bgColor = "#E7F6EC"; brdColor = "C3E8D1"; break; } case POST: { tagName = "POST"; tagColor = "#0F6AB4"; bgColor = "#E7F0F7"; brdColor = "#C3D9EC"; break; } case PUT: { tagName = "PUT"; tagColor = "#DDAA44"; bgColor = "#F9F2E9"; brdColor = "#F0E0CA"; break; } case DELETE: { tagName = "DELETE"; tagColor = "#A41E22"; bgColor = "#F5E8E8"; brdColor = "#E8C6C7"; break; } default: { tagName = "???"; tagColor = "#999"; bgColor = "#ccc"; brdColor = "#aaa"; break; } } RequestMethodColors colors = new RequestMethodColors(); colors.setTagName(tagName); colors.setTagColor(tagColor); colors.setBgColor(bgColor); colors.setBrdColor(brdColor); return colors; } /** * Holder object for colors associated with request method; * * @author Derek */ protected static class RequestMethodColors { private String tagName; private String tagColor; private String bgColor; private String brdColor; public String getTagName() { return tagName; } public void setTagName(String tagName) { this.tagName = tagName; } public String getTagColor() { return tagColor; } public void setTagColor(String tagColor) { this.tagColor = tagColor; } public String getBgColor() { return bgColor; } public void setBgColor(String bgColor) { this.bgColor = bgColor; } public String getBrdColor() { return brdColor; } public void setBrdColor(String brdColor) { this.brdColor = brdColor; } } /** * Create the table of parameters. * * @param method * @return */ protected static String createParametersBlock(MethodParameterBreakdown breakdown) { String block = ""; if (breakdown.getNonConcernParameters().size() > 0) { String table = "<h3>Request Parameters</h3><table class=\"param-table\"><thead><tr><th style=\"width: 25%\">Name</th>" + "<th style=\"width: 50%\">Description</th><th>Required</th></thead><tbody>"; for (ParsedParameter param : breakdown.getNonConcernParameters()) { table += "<tr><td>" + param.getName() + "</td><td>" + param.getDescription() + "</td><td>" + param.isRequired() + "</td></tr>"; } table += "</tbody></table>"; block += table; } for (ConcernType type : breakdown.getConcernParameters().keySet()) { List<ParsedParameter> params = breakdown.getConcernParameters().get(type); String table = "<h3><a href=\"#" + type.getLink() + "\">" + type.getTitle() + "</a> Request Parameters</h3><table class=\"param-table\"><thead><tr><th style=\"width: 25%\">Name</th>" + "<th style=\"width: 50%\">Description</th><th>Required</th></thead><tbody>"; for (ParsedParameter param : params) { table += "<tr><td>" + param.getName() + "</td><td>" + param.getDescription() + "</td><td>" + param.isRequired() + "</td></tr>"; } table += "</tbody></table>"; block += table; } return block; } /** * Parse information for a given controller. * * @param controller * @param resourcesFolder * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static ParsedController parseController(Class<?> controller, File resourcesFolder) throws SiteWhereException { ParsedController parsed = new ParsedController(); Api api = controller.getAnnotation(Api.class); if (api == null) { throw new SiteWhereException("Swagger Api annotation missing on documented controller."); } parsed.setResource(api.value()); DocumentedController doc = controller.getAnnotation(DocumentedController.class); parsed.setName(; parsed.setGlobal(; System.out.println("Processing controller: " + parsed.getName() + " (" + parsed.getResource() + ")"); RequestMapping mapping = controller.getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class); if (mapping == null) { throw new SiteWhereException( "Spring RequestMapping annotation missing on documented controller: " + controller.getName()); } parsed.setBaseUri("/sitewhere/api" + mapping.value()[0]); // Verify controller markdown file. File markdownFile = new File(resourcesFolder, parsed.getResource() + ".md"); if (!markdownFile.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Controller markdown file missing: " + markdownFile.getAbsolutePath()); } // Verify controller resources folder. File resources = new File(resourcesFolder, parsed.getResource()); if (!resources.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Controller markdown folder missing: " + resources.getAbsolutePath()); } try { PegDownProcessor processor = new PegDownProcessor(); String markdown = readFile(markdownFile); parsed.setDescription(processor.markdownToHtml(markdown)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to read markdown from: " + markdownFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } Method[] methods = controller.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { if (method.getAnnotation(Documented.class) != null) { ParsedMethod parsedMethod = parseMethod(parsed.getBaseUri(), method, resources); parsed.getMethods().add(parsedMethod); } } Collections.sort(parsed.getMethods(), new Comparator<ParsedMethod>() { @Override public int compare(ParsedMethod o1, ParsedMethod o2) { return o1.getSummary().compareTo(o2.getSummary()); } }); return parsed; } /** * Generate documentation for a documented method. * * @param baseUri * @param method * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static ParsedMethod parseMethod(String baseUri, Method method, File resources) throws SiteWhereException { ParsedMethod parsed = new ParsedMethod(); parsed.setName(method.getName()); parsed.setBaseUri(baseUri); ApiOperation op = method.getAnnotation(ApiOperation.class); if (op == null) { throw new SiteWhereException( "Spring ApiOperation annotation missing on documented method: " + method.getName()); } parsed.setSummary(op.value()); RequestMapping mapping = method.getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class); if (mapping == null) { throw new SiteWhereException( "Spring RequestMapping annotation missing on documented method: " + method.getName()); } // Find URI mapping. String[] mappings = mapping.value(); parsed.setRelativeUri("/"); if (mappings.length > 0) { parsed.setRelativeUri(mappings[0]); } // Find request method. RequestMethod[] methods = mapping.method(); if (methods.length == 0) { throw new SiteWhereException("No request methods configured."); } parsed.setRequestMethod(methods[0]); Documented documented = method.getAnnotation(Documented.class); String markdownFilename = documented.description(); if (markdownFilename.length() == 0) { markdownFilename = method.getName() + ".md"; } // Parse method-level markdown description. File markdownFile = new File(resources, markdownFilename); if (!markdownFile.exists()) { throw new SiteWhereException("Method markdown file missing: " + markdownFile.getAbsolutePath()); } PegDownProcessor processor = new PegDownProcessor(); String markdown = readFile(markdownFile); parsed.setDescription(processor.markdownToHtml(markdown)); // Parse parameters. List<ParsedParameter> params = parseParameters(method); Collections.sort(params, new Comparator<ParsedParameter>() { @Override public int compare(ParsedParameter o1, ParsedParameter o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); parsed.setParameters(params); parseExamples(method, parsed, resources); return parsed; } /** * Parse method parameters. * * @param method * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static List<ParsedParameter> parseParameters(Method method) throws SiteWhereException { List<ParsedParameter> parsed = new ArrayList<ParsedParameter>(); Paranamer paranamer = new BytecodeReadingParanamer(); String[] paramNames = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(method); if (paramNames.length > 0) { int i = 0; for (Annotation[] annotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) { RequestParam request = null; PathVariable path = null; ApiParam api = null; Concerns concerns = null; for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof RequestParam) { request = (RequestParam) annotation; } else if (annotation instanceof PathVariable) { path = (PathVariable) annotation; } else if (annotation instanceof ApiParam) { api = (ApiParam) annotation; } else if (annotation instanceof Concerns) { concerns = (Concerns) annotation; } } if (request != null) { ParsedParameter param = new ParsedParameter(); param.setType(ParameterType.Request); param.setName(paramNames[i]); param.setRequired(request.required()); if (api != null) { param.setRequired(api.required()); param.setDescription(api.value()); } if (concerns != null) { param.getConcerns().addAll(Arrays.asList(concerns.values())); } parsed.add(param); } else if (path != null) { ParsedParameter param = new ParsedParameter(); param.setType(ParameterType.Path); param.setName(paramNames[i]); param.setRequired(true); if (api != null) { param.setDescription(api.value()); } if (concerns != null) { param.getConcerns().addAll(Arrays.asList(concerns.values())); } parsed.add(param); } i++; } } return parsed; } /** * Parse examples for method. * * @param method * @param parsed * @param resources * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static void parseExamples(Method method, ParsedMethod parsedMethod, File resources) throws SiteWhereException { Documented documented = method.getAnnotation(Documented.class); Example[] examples = documented.examples(); File examplesResources = new File(resources, "examples"); for (Example example : examples) { ParsedExample parsed = new ParsedExample(); String mdFilename = example.description(); if (mdFilename != null) { File markdownFile = new File(examplesResources, mdFilename); if (markdownFile.exists()) { PegDownProcessor processor = new PegDownProcessor(); String markdown = readFile(markdownFile); parsed.setDescription(processor.markdownToHtml(markdown)); } } Class<?> jsonObj = example.json(); if (jsonObj != null) { try { Object instance = jsonObj.newInstance(); try { Method generate = jsonObj.getMethod("generate"); instance = generate.invoke(instance); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // Fall through if method is not implemented. } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Error executing generator method.", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Error executing generator method.", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Error executing generator method.", e); } String marshaled = MarshalUtils.marshalJsonAsPrettyString(instance); parsed.setJson(marshaled); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to create instance of JSON example object.", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to create instance of JSON example object.", e); } } parsed.setStage(example.stage()); parsedMethod.getExamples().add(parsed); } } /** * Read contents of a file into a String. * * @param file * @return * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected static String readFile(File file) throws SiteWhereException { try { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(in, out); IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); return out.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to read content from: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } }