Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.silverpeas.workflowdesigner.control; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.ComponentsInstanciatorIntf; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.Instanciateur; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.InstanciationException; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.Profile; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.WAComponent; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.i18n.I18NHelper; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.ProcessModelManager; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.Workflow; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.WorkflowException; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Action; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Actions; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.AllowedActions; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Columns; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Consequence; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Consequences; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.ContextualDesignation; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.ContextualDesignations; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.DataFolder; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Form; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Forms; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Input; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Item; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Parameter; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Participant; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Participants; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.ProcessModel; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.QualifiedUsers; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.RelatedUser; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Role; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.Roles; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.State; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.States; import com.silverpeas.workflow.api.model.UserInRole; import com.silverpeas.workflow.engine.WorkflowHub; import com.silverpeas.workflow.engine.model.ProcessModelManagerImpl; import com.silverpeas.workflowdesigner.model.WorkflowDesignerException; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.AbstractComponentSessionController; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.ComponentContext; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.MainSessionController; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileServerUtils; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.SilverpeasException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class WorkflowDesignerSessionController extends AbstractComponentSessionController { public static final String TYPE_USER = "user"; public static final String FORMS = "forms"; public static final String DATA_FOLDER = "dataFolder"; public static final String USER_INFOS = "userInfos"; public static final String ACTIONS = "actions"; public static final String INPUTS = "inputs"; public static final String STATES = "states"; public static final String PARAMETERS = "parameters"; public static final String PARTICIPANTS = "participants"; public static final String PRESENTATION = "presentation"; public static final String ROLES = "roles"; public static final String RELATED_USER = "relatedUser"; public static final String WORKING_USERS = "workingUsers"; public static final String INTERESTED_USERS = "interestedUsers"; public static final String NOTIFIED_USERS = "notifiedUsers"; public static final String ALLOWED_USERS = "allowedUsers"; public static final String CONSEQUENCES = "consequences"; public static final String FORM_TYPE_PRESENTATION = "presentationForm"; public static final String FORM_TYPE_PRINT = "printForm"; public static final String FORM_TYPE_ACTION = "action"; public static final String NEW_ELEMENT_NAME = "New"; // an initial name for new model elements public static final String TITLES = "titles"; public static final String ACTIVITIES = "activities"; public static final String DESCRIPTIONS = "descriptions"; public static final String LABELS = "labels"; private static final String CONTEXT_DELIMS = "/[]"; private ProcessModel processModel; // The process model being edited. private String processModelFileName; // we have to store the file path as // well, since it is not included in // the ProcessModel object... private String referencedInComponent; // the name of a Component // Descriptor where the current // process model is referenced /** * Standard Session Controller Constructeur * * @param mainSessionCtrl The user's profile * @param componentContext The component's profile * @see */ public WorkflowDesignerSessionController(MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, ComponentContext componentContext) { super(mainSessionCtrl, componentContext, "com.silverpeas.workflowdesigner.multilang.workflowDesignerBundle", "com.silverpeas.workflowdesigner.settings.workflowDesignerIcons", "com.silverpeas.workflowdesigner.settings.workflowDesigner"); } /** * Get the list of all process models available for edition * * @return A list of Strings containing relative paths to process model file names. * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public List<String> listProcessModels() throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { return Workflow.getProcessModelManager().listProcessModels(); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.getPorcesModels", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_GETTING_RPOCES_MODELS_FAILED", e); } } /** * Create a new ProcessModel descriptor that is not yet saved in a XML file. * * @return ProcessModel object */ public ProcessModel createProcessModel() throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { processModel = Workflow.getProcessModelManager().createProcessModelDescriptor(); processModelFileName = NEW_ELEMENT_NAME; referencedInComponent = null; return processModel; } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.createPorcesModel", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CREATING_PROCESS_DESCRIPTIOR_FAILED", e); } } /** * Load the process model from the specified file, cache it before returning. * * @param strProcessFileName relative path and the file name * @return An object implementing the ProcessModel interface * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public ProcessModel loadProcessModel(String strProcessFileName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { // Load the process model from the XML file // processModel = Workflow.getProcessModelManager().loadProcessModel(strProcessFileName, false); processModelFileName = strProcessFileName; // check if a component descriptor exists for this process model // store this info in an attribute // referencedInComponent = findComponentDescriptor(processModelFileName); return processModel; } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.loadProcesModel", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_LOADING_PROCES_MODEL_FAILED", e); } } /** * Save the currently cached process model in a XML file * * @param strProcessModelFileName the relative path and the name of the file * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the saving goes wrong... */ public void saveProcessModel(String strProcessModelFileName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { // Is this the first save of a process model? // if (strProcessModelFileName != null && NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(processModelFileName)) { // Make sure that you are not overwriting sth. // List<String> processList = Workflow.getProcessModelManager().listProcessModels(); strProcessModelFileName = FileUtil.convertPathToServerOS(strProcessModelFileName); if (processList.contains(strProcessModelFileName)) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.saveProcesModel", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PROCESS_MODEL_EXISTS"); } // Cache the file name if it is the first save processModelFileName = strProcessModelFileName; } Workflow.getProcessModelManager().saveProcessModel(processModel, processModelFileName); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.saveProcesModel", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_SAVING_PROCESS_MODEL_FAILED", e); } } /** * Removes the process model descriptor file from the filesystem * * @param strProcessModelFileName the relative path to the process file name * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ public void removeProcessModel(String strProcessModelFileName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { Workflow.getProcessModelManager().deleteProcessModelDescriptor(strProcessModelFileName); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeProcesModel", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_REMOVING_PROCESS_DESCRIPTIOR_FAILED", e); } } /** * An object implementing the ProcessModel interface containing the currently loaded model or null * if none. */ public ProcessModel getProcessModel() { return processModel; } /** * Is it a new Process Model that has not yet been saved to a file? */ public Boolean isNewProcessModel() { return NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(processModelFileName); } /** * The relative path and file name of the currently loaded model or null if none. */ public String getProcessFileName() { return processModelFileName; } /** * The name of the component descriptor that references this process model definition * * @return the component descriptor file name (without .xml) or <code>null</code> if no components * reference this process model. */ public String getComponentDescriptorName() { return referencedInComponent; } /** * Update the header of the cached process model * * @param processModel the reference object */ public void updateProcessModelHeader(ProcessModel processModel) { // Update the current process Model this.processModel.setName(processModel.getName()); } /** * Create a new columns object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Columns */ public Columns addColumns() { Columns columns = processModel.getPresentation().createColumns(); columns.setRoleName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return columns; } /** * Update or insert a new columns section of the presentation element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public void updateColumns(Columns source, String strRoleOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Columns check = processModel.getPresentation().getColumnsByRole(source.getRoleName()); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strRoleOriginal)) { // If a 'columns' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateColumns", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_COLUMNS_ALREADY_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a 'columns' element with the same name as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strRoleOriginal.equals(source.getRoleName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateColumns", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_COLUMNS_ALREADY_EXISTS"); } try { processModel.getPresentation().deleteColumns(strRoleOriginal); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateColumns", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_UPDATING_COLUMNS_FAILED", e); } } processModel.getPresentation().addColumns(source); } /** * Removes the 'columns' object specified by the role name * * @param strRoleName the value of the role attribute * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ public void deleteColumns(String strRoleName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { processModel.getPresentation().deleteColumns(strRoleName); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.deleteColumns", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_DELETING_COLUMNS_FAILED", e); } } /** * Create a new role object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Role */ public Role createRole() { Roles roles = processModel.getRolesEx(); if (roles == null) { roles = processModel.createRoles(); processModel.setRoles(roles); } Role role = roles.createRole(); role.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return role; } /** * Update or insert a new role element of the cached process model * * @param source the data carrier object * @param strNameOriginal the original name of the object * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if another object with the same name already exists */ public void updateRole(Role source, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Role check = processModel.getRolesEx().getRole(source.getName()); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'role' element's name does not clash with other elements // add it to the collection // if (check == null) { processModel.getRolesEx().addRole(source); } else { // If a 'role' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ROLE_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a 'role' element with the same name as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ROLE_EXISTS"); } // Update the name // processModel.getRolesEx().getRole(strNameOriginal).setName(source.getName()); } } /** * Remove the role specified * * @param strRoleName the name of the role * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the role cannot be found or is referenced elsewhere. */ public void removeRole(String strRoleName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Map<ContextualDesignations, String> mapDesignations = collectContextualDesignations(); Iterator<ContextualDesignations> iterKeys = mapDesignations.keySet().iterator(); Iterator<ContextualDesignation> iterDesignation; Iterator<RelatedUser> iterRelatedUser; ContextualDesignations designations; ContextualDesignation designation; QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers; RelatedUser relatedUser; if (strRoleName == null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ROLE_NOT_FOUND"); } // Check if this role is referenced elsewhere ... // // ... in Contextual Designation ( labels, descriptions, titles, activities) // while (iterKeys.hasNext()) { designations =; iterDesignation = designations.iterateContextualDesignation(); while (iterDesignation.hasNext()) { designation =; if (strRoleName.equals(designation.getRole())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapDesignations.get(designations) + " ( role: '" + strRoleName + "'" + (designation.getLanguage() == null ? "" : (", lang: '" + designation.getLanguage() + "'")) + " )"); } } } // ... in Columns // if (processModel.getPresentation() != null && processModel.getPresentation().getColumnsByRole(strRoleName) != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "presentation, (columns: '" + strRoleName + "')"); } // ... in Forms // if (processModel.getForms() != null) { Iterator<Form> iterForm = processModel.getForms().iterateForm(); while (iterForm.hasNext()) { Form form =; if (strRoleName.equals(form.getRole())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "form: '" + form.getName() + "', (role: '" + strRoleName + "')"); } } } // ... in Qualified users ( role, userInRole, relatedUsers ) // Map<QualifiedUsers, String> mapQualifiedUsers = collectQualifiedUsers(); for (QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers1 : mapQualifiedUsers.keySet()) { qualifiedUsers = qualifiedUsers1; if (strRoleName.equals(qualifiedUsers.getRole())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapQualifiedUsers.get(qualifiedUsers) + " (role: '" + strRoleName + "')"); } if (qualifiedUsers.getUserInRole(strRoleName) != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapQualifiedUsers.get(qualifiedUsers) + " (userInRole: '" + strRoleName + "')"); } // in Related Users // iterRelatedUser = qualifiedUsers.iterateRelatedUser(); while (iterRelatedUser.hasNext()) { relatedUser =; if (strRoleName.equals(relatedUser.getRole())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapQualifiedUsers.get(qualifiedUsers) + " (relatedUser: [" + (relatedUser.getParticipant() == null ? "" : (" participant: '" + relatedUser.getParticipant().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getFolderItem() == null ? "" : (" folderItem: '" + relatedUser.getFolderItem().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getRelation() == null ? "" : (" relation: '" + relatedUser.getRelation() + "'")) + " role: '" + strRoleName + "'" + " ])"); } } } try { processModel.getRolesEx().removeRole(strRoleName); processModel.setRoles(null); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeRole", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ROLE_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Create a new participant object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Participant */ public Participant createParticipant() { Participants participants = processModel.getParticipantsEx(); Participant participant; if (participants == null) { participants = processModel.createParticipants(); processModel.setParticipants(participants); } participant = participants.createParticipant(); participant.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return participant; } /** * Update or insert a new participant element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public void updateParticipant(Participant source, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Participant check = processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(source.getName()), participant; // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'participant' element's name does not clash with other // elements // add it to the collection // if (check == null) { processModel.getParticipantsEx().addParticipant(source); } else { // If a 'participant' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateParticipant", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARTICIPANT_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a 'particiapnt' element with the same name as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateParticipant", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARTICIPANT_EXISTS"); } // Update the name and resolved state // participant = processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(strNameOriginal); participant.setName(source.getName()); participant.setResolvedState(source.getResolvedState()); } } /** * Remove the participant specified * * @param strParticipantName the name of the participant * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the participant cannot be found or is referenced * elsewhere. */ public void removeParticipant(String strParticipantName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Participant reference = processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(strParticipantName); if (reference == null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeParticipant", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND"); } // Check if this participant is referenced elsewhere ... // // ... in Qualified users ( relatedUsers ) // Map<QualifiedUsers, String> mapQualifiedUsers = collectQualifiedUsers(); for (QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers : mapQualifiedUsers.keySet()) { // in Related Users Iterator<RelatedUser> iterRelatedUser = qualifiedUsers.iterateRelatedUser(); while (iterRelatedUser.hasNext()) { RelatedUser relatedUser =; if (reference == relatedUser.getParticipant()) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeParticipant", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapQualifiedUsers.get(qualifiedUsers) + " (relatedUser: [" + (relatedUser.getParticipant() == null ? "" : (" participant: '" + relatedUser.getParticipant().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getFolderItem() == null ? "" : (" folderItem: '" + relatedUser.getFolderItem().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getRelation() == null ? "" : (" relation: '" + relatedUser.getRelation() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getRole() == null ? "" : (" role: '" + relatedUser.getRole() + "'")) + " ])"); } } } try { processModel.getParticipantsEx().removeParticipant(strParticipantName); processModel.setParticipants(null); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeParticipant", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Create a new state object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing State */ public State createState() { States states = processModel.getStatesEx(); State state; if (states == null) { states = processModel.createStates(); processModel.setStates(states); } state = states.createState(); state.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return state; } /** * Update or insert a new state element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public void updateState(State source, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { State check = processModel.getStatesEx().getState(source.getName()), state; // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'state' element's name does not clash with other elements // add it to the collection // if (check == null) { processModel.getStatesEx().addState(source); } else { // If a 'state' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_STATE_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a 'state' element with the same name as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_STATE_EXISTS"); } // Update the state attributes // state = processModel.getStatesEx().getState(strNameOriginal); state.setName(source.getName()); state.setTimeoutAction(source.getTimeoutAction()); state.setTimeoutInterval(source.getTimeoutInterval()); state.setTimeoutNotifyAdmin(source.getTimeoutNotifyAdmin()); state.setAllowedActions(source.getAllowedActionsEx()); } } /** * Remove the state specified * * @param strStateName the name of the state * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the state cannot be found or is referenced elsewhere. */ public void removeState(String strStateName) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Actions actions = processModel.getActionsEx(); Participants participants = processModel.getParticipantsEx(); // Check if this state is not referenced in Actions' consequences if (actions != null) { Iterator<Action> iterAction = actions.iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { Action action =; Consequences consequences = action.getConsequences(); if (consequences != null) { Iterator<Consequence> iterConsequence = consequences.iterateConsequence(); while (iterConsequence.hasNext()) { Consequence consequence =; if (consequence.getTargetState(strStateName) != null || consequence.getUnsetState(strStateName) != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "action : '" + action.getName() + "' (set/unset state : '" + strStateName + "')"); } } } } } // Check if this state is not referenced in Participants // if (participants != null) { Iterator<Participant> iterParticipant = participants.iterateParticipant(); while (iterParticipant.hasNext()) { Participant participant =; if (participant.getResolvedState().equals(strStateName)) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "participant : '" + participant.getName() + "' (resolved state : '" + strStateName + "')"); } } } try { processModel.getStatesEx().removeState(strStateName); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_STATE_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Update Qualified Users referenced by the context, create the object if it was <code>null</code> * before. * * @param source the new Qualified Users * @param strContext the context of the QualifiedUsers being updated * @throws WorkflowException when the update goes wrong * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the update goes wrong */ public void updateQualifiedUsers(QualifiedUsers source, String strContext) throws WorkflowException, WorkflowDesignerException { QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers = findQualifiedUsers(strContext); if (qualifiedUsers == null) { setQualifiedUsers(source, strContext); } else { // Update the qualified users. qualifiedUsers.setRole(source.getRole()); qualifiedUsers.setMessage(source.getMessage()); qualifiedUsers.removeUserInRoles(); Iterator<UserInRole> iter = source.iterateUserInRole(); while (iter.hasNext()) { qualifiedUsers.addUserInRole(; } } } /** * Find a related user corresponding to the criteria given * * @param strContext the context * @param strParticipant the name of the participant, may be <code>null</code> * @param strFolderItem the name of the data folder item, may be <code>null</code> * @param strRelation the relation, may be <code>null</code> * @param strRole the name of the role, may be <code>null</code> * @return an object implementing RelatedUser * @throws WorkflowException when something goes wrong */ public RelatedUser findRelatedUser(String strContext, String strParticipant, String strFolderItem, String strRelation, String strRole) throws WorkflowException { RelatedUser reference = processModel.createRelatedUser(); if (strContext == null) { return null; } // Initialise the reference object if (strParticipant == null) { reference.setParticipant(null); } else { reference.setParticipant(processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(strParticipant)); } if (strFolderItem == null) { reference.setFolderItem(null); } else { reference.setFolderItem(processModel.getDataFolder().getItem(strFolderItem)); } reference.setRelation(strRelation); reference.setRole(strRole); // Check the context QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers = findQualifiedUsers(strContext); if (qualifiedUsers != null) { return qualifiedUsers.getRelatedUser(reference); } return null; } /** * Update a related user corresponding to the criteria given * * @param strContext the context * @param strParticipantOriginal the original name of the participant, may be <code>null</code> * @param strFolderItemOriginal the original name of the data folder item, may be * <code>null</code> * @param strRelationOriginal the original relation, may be <code>null</code> * @param strRoleOriginal the original name of the role, may be <code>null</code> * @return an object implementing RelatedUser * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong * @throws WorkflowException when something goes wrong */ public void updateRelatedUser(RelatedUser source, String strContext, String strParticipantOriginal, String strFolderItemOriginal, String strRelationOriginal, String strRoleOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException, WorkflowException { String strParticipant = source.getParticipant() == null ? null : source.getParticipant().getName(), strFolderItem = source.getFolderItem() == null ? null : source.getFolderItem().getName(); RelatedUser check = findRelatedUser(strContext, strParticipant, strFolderItem, source.getRelation(), source.getRole()), relatedUser, reference; QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers = findQualifiedUsers(strContext); // Is it a new object or an existing one? if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strRoleOriginal)) { // If the new 'relatedUser' element's name does not clash with other // elements add it to the collection if (check == null) { qualifiedUsers.addRelatedUser(source); } else { // If a 'state' element with the same attributes as the new element // already exists we have a problem... throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateRelatedUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_RELATED_USER_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a different 'relatedUser' element with the same attributes as the // new element // already exists we have a problem... // So if an object with the same attributes has been found ('check') // it should be the object that is being modified, just that the attribute // values did not change. // Therefore we compare all the attributes with their initial values. // if (check != null && !((strParticipantOriginal == null && strParticipant == null || strParticipantOriginal != null && strParticipantOriginal.equals(strParticipant)) && (strFolderItemOriginal == null && strFolderItem == null || strFolderItemOriginal != null && strFolderItemOriginal.equals(strFolderItem)) && (strRelationOriginal == null && source.getRelation() == null || strRelationOriginal != null && strRelationOriginal.equals(source.getRelation())) && (strRoleOriginal == null && source.getRole() == null || strRoleOriginal != null && strRoleOriginal.equals(source.getRole())))) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateRelatedUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_RELATED_USER_EXISTS"); } // Update the relatedUser // reference = processModel.createRelatedUser(); if (strParticipantOriginal != null) { reference.setParticipant(processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(strParticipantOriginal)); } else { reference.setParticipant(null); } if (strFolderItemOriginal != null) { reference.setFolderItem(processModel.getDataFolder().getItem(strFolderItemOriginal)); } else { reference.setFolderItem(null); } reference.setRelation(strRelationOriginal); reference.setRole(strRoleOriginal); relatedUser = qualifiedUsers.getRelatedUser(reference); relatedUser.setParticipant(source.getParticipant()); relatedUser.setFolderItem(source.getFolderItem()); relatedUser.setRelation(source.getRelation()); relatedUser.setRole(source.getRole()); } } /** * Remove the related user specified * * @param reference the reference for the related user to remove * @param strContext the context * @throws WorkflowException if the related user cannot be found or when something goes * wrong */ public void removeRelatedUser(RelatedUser reference, String strContext) throws WorkflowException { QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers = findQualifiedUsers(strContext); qualifiedUsers.removeRelatedUser(reference); } /** * Create a new action object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Action */ public Action createAction() { Actions actions = processModel.getActionsEx(); Action action; if (actions == null) { actions = processModel.createActions(); processModel.setActions(actions); } action = actions.createAction(); action.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return action; } /** * Update or insert a new action element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @param strNameOriginal * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong * @throws WorkflowException when something goes wrong */ public void updateAction(Action source, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException, WorkflowException { Action check = null, action; try { check = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(source.getName()); } catch (WorkflowException e) { // We expect an exception when the action has not been found // if (!"WorkflowEngine.EX_ERR_ACTION_NOT_FOUND_IN_MODEL".equals(e.getMessage())) { throw e; } } // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'action' element's name does not clash with other elements // add it to the collection // if (check == null) { processModel.getActionsEx().addAction(source); } else { // If a 'action' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateAction", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ACTION_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a 'action' element with the same name as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateAction", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ACTION_EXISTS"); } // Update the action attributes // action = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(strNameOriginal); action.setName(source.getName()); action.setForm(source.getForm()); action.setKind(source.getKind()); } } /** * Remove the action specified * * @param strActionName the name of the action * @throws WorkflowException if the action cannot be found * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the action is referenced elsewhere */ public void removeAction(String strActionName) throws WorkflowException, WorkflowDesignerException { States states = processModel.getStatesEx(); // check if this action is referenced in states // if (states != null) { Iterator<State> iterState = states.iterateState(); while (iterState.hasNext()) { State state =; // Might be a timeout action // if (state.getTimeoutAction() != null && state.getTimeoutAction().getName().equals(strActionName)) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeAction", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "state : '" + state.getName() + "' (timeoutAction : '" + strActionName + "')"); } AllowedActions allowedActions = state.getAllowedActionsEx(); // or it might be an allowed action // if (allowedActions != null) { if (allowedActions.getAllowedAction(strActionName) != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeAction", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "state : '" + state.getName() + "' (allowedAction : '" + strActionName + "')"); } } } } processModel.getActionsEx().removeAction(strActionName); // Was this the last action defined? // if (!processModel.getActionsEx().iterateAction().hasNext()) { processModel.setActions(null); } } /** * Update or insert a new consequence element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @param strContext the context of Consequence * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong * @throws WorkflowException when something goes wrong */ public void updateConsequence(Consequence source, String strContext) throws WorkflowDesignerException, WorkflowException { Action action = findAction(strContext); Consequences consequences = action.getConsequences(); int idxCheck = -1, idxConsequence = Integer.parseInt(strContext.substring(strContext.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); // If it's a new object the 'Consequences' may not yet exits // if (consequences == null) { consequences = action.createConsequences(); action.setConsequences(consequences); } else { // Check if identical consequence exists idxCheck = consequences.getConsequenceList().indexOf(source); } // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (consequences.getConsequenceList().size() == idxConsequence) { // If the new 'consequence' element's condition does not clash with other // elements // add it to the collection // if (idxCheck < 0) { consequences.addConsequence(source); } else { // If a 'consequence' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateConsequence", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONSEQUENCE_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { Consequence consequence; // the consequence being updated // If a different 'consequence' element with the same attributes // already exists we have a problem... // if (idxCheck >= 0 && idxCheck != idxConsequence) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateConsequence", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONSEQUENCE_EXISTS"); } // Update the consequence attributes // get the consequence by number, replace it with the source one, updating // the source... // consequence = consequences.getConsequenceList().set(idxConsequence, source); source.setNotifiedUsers(consequence.getNotifiedUsers()); } } /** * Move the consequence specified by the context inside the collection * * @param strContext the context of the consequence * @param iConsequence the current index of the consequence in the collection * @param nDirection the offset and the direction to move by * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the consequence cannot be found. */ public void moveConsequence(String strContext, int iConsequence, int nDirection) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { Action action = findAction(strContext); Consequences consequences = action.getConsequences(); // Move the consequence within the consequences collection // if (consequences != null) { Consequence consequence = consequences.getConsequenceList().remove(iConsequence); consequences.getConsequenceList().add(iConsequence + nDirection, consequence); } } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.moveConsequence", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONSEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Remove the consequence specified by the context * * @param strContext the context of the consequence * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the consequence cannot be found. */ public void removeConsequence(String strContext) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { Action action = findAction(strContext); Consequences consequences = action.getConsequences(); int idxConsequence = Integer.parseInt(strContext.substring(strContext.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); // If it is the last consequence to be removed, remove the consequences // object as well... if (consequences.getConsequenceList().size() == 1) { action.setConsequences(null); } else { consequences.getConsequenceList().remove(idxConsequence); } } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeConsequence", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONSEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Create a new form object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Form */ public Form createForm() { Forms forms = processModel.getForms(); Form form; if (forms == null) { forms = processModel.createForms(); processModel.setForms(forms); } form = forms.createForm(); form.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return form; } /** * Find the form by context * * @param strContext the context * @return a Form object */ public Form findForm(String strContext) { String[] astrElements; String strRoleName; Form form = null; if (strContext != null) { astrElements = strContext.split("[,/\\[\\]]", -2); try { if (FORMS.equals(astrElements[0])) { if ("".equals(astrElements[2])) { strRoleName = null; } else { strRoleName = astrElements[2]; } form = processModel.getForms().getForm(astrElements[1], strRoleName); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } } return form; } /** * Update Form referenced by the context. * * @param source the object carrying the new values * @param strContext the context of the form being updated * @param strNameOriginal the original name of the form * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the update goes wrong */ public void updateForm(Form source, String strContext, String strNameOriginal, String strRoleOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Form form = null; Form check = processModel.getForms().getForm(source.getName(), source.getRole()); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'Form' element does not clash with other elements // with the same name add it to the collection // if (check == null // or CHECK not really identical to source || (source.getRole() != null && !source.getRole().equals(check.getRole()))) { // add the object to the collection; // processModel.getForms().addForm(source); } else { // If an 'Form' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateForm", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_FORM_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a different 'Form' element with the same name and role as the // element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // So if an object with the same attributes has been found ('check') // it should be the object that is being modified, just that the attribute // values did not change. // Therefore we compare all the attributes with their initial values. // if (check != null && (check.getRole() == null && source.getRole() == null // the // "check's" // name // role // & // role // are // really // ... || source.getRole() != null && source.getRole().equals(check.getRole())) // ... // the // same // as // "source's"; && !(strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName()) // name & role didn't // change && (strRoleOriginal == null && source.getRole() == null || strRoleOriginal != null && strRoleOriginal.equals(source.getRole())))) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateForm", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_FORM_EXISTS"); } // Update the form. // form = findForm(strContext); form.setName(source.getName()); form.setRole(source.getRole()); form.setHTMLFileName(source.getHTMLFileName()); } } /** * Remove the form described by the context * * @param strContext the context * @throws WorkflowException if the form cannot be found * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the form is referenced elsewhere */ public void removeForm(String strContext) throws WorkflowException, WorkflowDesignerException { String[] astrElements; String strRoleName; if (strContext != null) { astrElements = strContext.split("[,/\\[\\]]", -2); try { if (FORMS.equals(astrElements[0])) { if ("".equals(astrElements[2])) { strRoleName = null; } else { strRoleName = astrElements[2]; } // Check if the form is no referenced in actions // if (processModel.getActionsEx() != null) { Iterator<Action> iterAction = processModel.getActionsEx().iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { Action action =; if (action.getForm() != null && astrElements[1].equals(action.getForm().getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException( "WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeForm()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "action: '" + action.getName() + "' : form"); } } } processModel.getForms().removeForm(astrElements[1], strRoleName); // Was this the last form? // if (!processModel.getForms().iterateForm().hasNext()) { processModel.setForms(null); } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // re-throw an exception // throw new WorkflowException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeForm", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowEngine.EX_FORM_NOT_FOUND", e); } } } /** * Find the input by context * * @param strContext the context * @return a Input object */ public Input findInput(String strContext) { String[] astrElements; Input input = null; Form form = findForm(strContext); if (form != null) { astrElements = strContext.split("[,/\\[\\]]", -2); try { if (astrElements[5].length() > 0) { input = form.getInput(Integer.parseInt(astrElements[5])); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } } return input; } /** * Update or insert a new input element of the cached process model * * @param source the reference object * @param strContext the context of Input * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ public void updateInput(Input source, String strContext) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Form form = findForm(strContext); Input check; Input input = findInput(strContext); // the input being updated // Check if identical input exists // check = form.getInput(source); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (input == null) { // If the new 'input' element's is not identical with other element // add it to the collection // if (check == null) { form.addInput(source); } else { // If a 'input' element with the same item/value as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateInput", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_INPUT_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a different 'input' element with the same attributes // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && check != input) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateInput", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_INPUT_EXISTS"); } // Update the input attributes // input.setDisplayerName(source.getDisplayerName()); input.setItem(source.getItem()); input.setMandatory(source.isMandatory()); input.setReadonly(source.isReadonly()); input.setValue(source.getValue()); } } /** * Remove the input specified by the context * * @param strContext the context of the input * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if the input cannot be found. * @throws WorkflowException if the input cannot be found */ public void removeInput(String strContext) throws WorkflowDesignerException, WorkflowException { Form form = findForm(strContext); String[] astrElements; if (form != null) { astrElements = strContext.split("[,/\\[\\]]", -2); try { if (astrElements[5].length() > 0) { form.removeInput(Integer.parseInt(astrElements[5])); return; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Thrown when the token could not have been interpreted // } } throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeInput", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_INPUT_NOT_FOUND"); } /** * Create a new ContextualDesignation object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing ContextualDesignation */ public ContextualDesignation createDesignation() { ContextualDesignation designation = processModel.createDesignation(); designation.setLanguage(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); return designation; } /** * Update or insert a new ContextualDesignation element of the cached process model * * @param strContext * @param source the reference object * @param strLangOriginal * @param strRoleOriginal * @throws WorkflowDesignerException */ public void updateContextualDesignations(String strContext, ContextualDesignation source, String strLangOriginal, String strRoleOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { ContextualDesignations designations = findContextualDesignations(strContext); ContextualDesignation check = designations.getSpecificLabel(source.getRole(), source.getLanguage()); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strLangOriginal)) { // If the new 'ContextualDesignation' element does not clash with other // elements // with the same role & language add it to the collection // if (check == null) { designations.addContextualDesignation(source); } else { // If a 'ContextualDesignation' element with the same role & language as // the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException( "WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateContextualDesignations", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONTEXTUAL_DESIGNATION_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a different 'ContextualDesignation' element with the same role & // language as the element's new name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !(strLangOriginal.equals(source.getLanguage()) && strRoleOriginal.equals(source.getRole()))) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException( "WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateContextualDesignations", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONTEXTUAL_DESIGNATION_EXISTS"); } // Update the contextual designation // check = designations.getSpecificLabel(strRoleOriginal, strLangOriginal); check.setRole(source.getRole()); check.setLanguage(source.getLanguage()); check.setContent(source.getContent()); } } /** * Finds the contextual designation with the given attributes in the specified context * * @param strContext the context of the designation * @param strLanguage the language * @param strRole the role name * @return contextual designation of the given role & name or <code>null</code> * @throws WorkflowDesignerException if something goes wrong */ public ContextualDesignation findContextualDesignation(String strContext, String strRole, String strLanguage) throws WorkflowDesignerException { return findContextualDesignations(strContext).getSpecificLabel(strRole, strLanguage); } /** * Removes the contextual designation with the attributes as the reference object in the specified * context * * @param strContext the context of the designation * @param contextualDesignation the reference object * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong e.g. designation not found */ public void removeContextualDesignation(String strContext, ContextualDesignation contextualDesignation) throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { findContextualDesignations(strContext).removeContextualDesignation(contextualDesignation); } catch (WorkflowException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeContextualDesignation", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONTEXTUAL_DESIGNATION_NOT_FOUND"); } } /** * Finds the contextual designations object in the specified context * * @param strContext the context of the designations * @return ContextualDesignations collection or <code>null</code> if nothing found * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ private ContextualDesignations findContextualDesignations(String strContext) throws WorkflowDesignerException { StringTokenizer strtok; String strElement; ContextualDesignations designations = null; if (strContext != null) { try { strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, "/[]@'=,"); if (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = processModel.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = processModel.getDescriptions(); } else if (ROLES.equals(strElement)) { Role role; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); role = processModel.getRolesEx().getRole(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = role.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = role.getDescriptions(); } } else if (PRESENTATION.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (TITLES.equals(strElement)) { designations = processModel.getPresentation().getTitles(); } } else if (PARTICIPANTS.equals(strElement)) { Participant participant; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); participant = processModel.getParticipantsEx().getParticipant(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = participant.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = participant.getDescriptions(); } } else if (STATES.equals(strElement)) { State state; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); state = processModel.getStatesEx().getState(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = state.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = state.getDescriptions(); } else if (ACTIVITIES.equals(strElement)) { designations = state.getActivities(); } } else if (ACTIONS.equals(strElement)) { Action action; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); action = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = action.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = action.getDescriptions(); } } else if (USER_INFOS.equals(strElement)) { Item item; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); item = processModel.getUserInfos().getItem(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = item.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = item.getDescriptions(); } } else if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(strElement)) { Item item; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); item = processModel.getDataFolder().getItem(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = item.getLabels(); } else if (DESCRIPTIONS.equals(strElement)) { designations = item.getDescriptions(); } } else if (FORMS.equals(strElement)) { Form form; String strFormName; strFormName = strtok.nextToken(); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // If the next token is not a keyword, must be the optional role // name // eg. forms[form-name,role-name]/titles // if (!TITLES.equals(strElement) && !INPUTS.equals(strElement)) { form = processModel.getForms().getForm(strFormName, strElement); } else { form = processModel.getForms().getForm(strFormName); } if (TITLES.equals(strElement)) { designations = form.getTitles(); } else if (INPUTS.equals(strElement)) { Input input; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); input = form.getInputs()[Integer.parseInt(strElement)]; if (LABELS.equals(strElement)) { designations = input.getLabels(); } } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } catch (WorkflowException e) { // Throw when no action has been found, // do nothing, just return null... } } if (designations == null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.getContextualDesignations", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_CONTEXTUAL_DESIGNATIONS_NOT_FOUND"); } return designations; } /** * Collect all the object of the type ContextualDesignations instantiated in the Process Model * * @return a map, where the key is the reference to the object and the value is a textual * description of the object location */ private Map<ContextualDesignations, String> collectContextualDesignations() { Map<ContextualDesignations, String> map = new IdentityHashMap<ContextualDesignations, String>(); Roles roles = processModel.getRolesEx(); // Process Model Labels & Descriptions // map.put(processModel.getDescriptions(), "processModel: " + DESCRIPTIONS); map.put(processModel.getLabels(), "processModel: " + LABELS); // Role Labels & Descriptions // if (roles != null) { Iterator<Role> iterRole = roles.iterateRole(); while (iterRole.hasNext()) { Role role =; map.put(role.getDescriptions(), "role: '" + role.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(role.getLabels(), "role: '" + role.getName() + "' : label"); } } // Presentation - titles // if (processModel.getPresentation() != null) { map.put(processModel.getPresentation().getTitles(), WorkflowDesignerSessionController.PRESENTATION + ": title"); } // Participants // if (processModel.getParticipantsEx() != null) { Iterator<Participant> iterParticipant = processModel.getParticipantsEx().iterateParticipant(); while (iterParticipant.hasNext()) { Participant participant =; map.put(participant.getDescriptions(), "participant: '" + participant.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(participant.getLabels(), "participant: '" + participant.getName() + "' : label"); } } // States // if (processModel.getStatesEx() != null) { Iterator<State> iterState = processModel.getStatesEx().iterateState(); while (iterState.hasNext()) { State state =; map.put(state.getDescriptions(), "state: '" + state.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(state.getLabels(), "state: '" + state.getName() + "' : label"); map.put(state.getActivities(), "state: '" + state.getName() + "' : activity"); } } // Actions // if (processModel.getActionsEx() != null) { Iterator<Action> iterAction = processModel.getActionsEx().iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { Action action =; map.put(action.getDescriptions(), "action: '" + action.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(action.getLabels(), "action: '" + action.getName() + "' : label"); } } // UserInfos // if (processModel.getUserInfos() != null) { Iterator<Item> iterItem = processModel.getUserInfos().iterateItem(); while (iterItem.hasNext()) { Item item =; map.put(item.getDescriptions(), "userInfos item: '" + item.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(item.getLabels(), "userInfos item: '" + item.getName() + "' : label"); } } // DataFolder // if (processModel.getDataFolder() != null) { Iterator<Item> iterItem = processModel.getDataFolder().iterateItem(); while (iterItem.hasNext()) { Item item =; map.put(item.getDescriptions(), "dataFolder item: '" + item.getName() + "' : description"); map.put(item.getLabels(), "dataFolder item: '" + item.getName() + "' : label"); } } // Forms // if (processModel.getForms() != null) { Iterator<Form> iterForm = processModel.getForms().iterateForm(); while (iterForm.hasNext()) { Form form =; String strFormId; if (form.getRole() == null) { strFormId = "form: '" + form.getName() + "'"; } else { strFormId = "form [ name: '" + form.getName() + "', role: '" + form.getRole() + "' ]"; } map.put(form.getTitles(), strFormId + " : title"); Iterator<Input> iterInput = form.iterateInput(); while (iterInput.hasNext()) { Input input =; map.put(input.getLabels(), strFormId + " : input" + (input.getItem() == null ? "" : (" " + "[ item: '" + input.getItem().getName() + "' ] : label")) + (input.getValue() == null ? "" : (" [ value: '" + input.getValue() + "' ] : label"))); } } } return map; } /** * Create a new item object to be added to the model * * @return an object implementing Item */ public Item createItem(String strContext) { Item item = null; if (strContext != null) { String[] astrElements = strContext.split("[,/\\[\\]]"); if (USER_INFOS.equals(astrElements[0])) { DataFolder items = processModel.getUserInfos(); if (items == null) { items = processModel.createDataFolder(); processModel.setUserInfos(items); } item = items.createItem(); item.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); } else if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(astrElements[0])) { DataFolder items = processModel.getDataFolder(); if (items == null) { items = processModel.createDataFolder(); processModel.setDataFolder(items); } item = items.createItem(); item.setName(NEW_ELEMENT_NAME); } } return item; } /** * Find the Item specified by the context * * @param strContext the context * @return an Item object or <code>null</code> */ public Item findItem(String strContext) { Item item = null; if (strContext != null) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, CONTEXT_DELIMS); try { String strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); item = processModel.getDataFolder().getItem(strElement); } else if (USER_INFOS.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); item = processModel.getUserInfos().getItem(strElement); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } } return item; } /** * Update Item referenced by the context. * * @param source the object carrying the new values * @param strContext the context of the item being updated * @param strNameOriginal the original name of the item * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the update goes wrong */ public void updateItem(Item source, String strContext, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Item item, check = null; String strCollection = ""; int idx = strContext.indexOf("/"); if (idx > 0) { strCollection = strContext.substring(0, idx); } // Look for an object with the same name... if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(strCollection)) { check = processModel.getDataFolder().getItem(source.getName()); } else if (USER_INFOS.equals(strCollection)) { check = processModel.getUserInfos().getItem(source.getName()); } // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'Item' element does not clash with other elements // with the same name add it to the collection // if (check == null) { // add the object to the appropriate collection; // if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(strCollection)) { processModel.getDataFolder().addItem(source); } else if (USER_INFOS.equals(strCollection)) { processModel.getUserInfos().addItem(source); } } else { // If an 'Item' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateItem", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ITEM_EXISTS"); } } else // Existing object { // If a different 'Item' element with the same name as the element's new // name // already exists we have a problem... // if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateItem", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ITEM_EXISTS"); } // Update the item. // item = findItem(strContext); item.setName(source.getName()); item.setComputed(source.isComputed()); item.setFormula(source.getFormula()); item.setMapTo(source.getMapTo()); item.setReadonly(source.isReadonly()); item.setType(source.getType()); } } /** * Remove the item described by the context * * @param strContext the context * @throws WorkflowException when the item cannot be found * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the item is referenced elsewhere */ public void removeItem(String strContext) throws WorkflowException, WorkflowDesignerException { String strItemName = null; DataFolder items; if (strContext == null) { throw new WorkflowException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", "workflowEngine.EX_ITEM_NOT_FOUND"); // $NON-NLS-1$ } StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, CONTEXT_DELIMS); // Determine the item name and the collection to remove from // try { String strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (DATA_FOLDER.equals(strElement)) { strItemName = strtok.nextToken(); items = processModel.getDataFolder(); } else if (USER_INFOS.equals(strElement)) { strItemName = strtok.nextToken(); items = processModel.getUserInfos(); } else { throw new WorkflowException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", "workflowEngine.EX_ITEM_NOT_FOUND", // $NON-NLS-1$ strItemName == null ? "<null>" : strItemName); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new WorkflowException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", "workflowEngine.EX_ITEM_NOT_FOUND", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // check if the item is not referenced elsewhere... // // ... if it is a UserInfos item... // if (items == processModel.getUserInfos()) { // ... in UserInfos // if (processModel.getUserInfos() != null) { Iterator<Item> iterItem = processModel.getUserInfos().iterateItem(); while (iterItem.hasNext()) { Item item =; if (strItemName.equals(item.getMapTo()) && !strItemName.equals(item.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "userInfos item: '" + item.getName() + "' : mapTo"); } } } // ... in DataFolder // if (processModel.getDataFolder() != null) { Iterator<Item> iterItem = processModel.getDataFolder().iterateItem(); while (iterItem.hasNext()) { Item item =; if (strItemName.equals(item.getMapTo())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "dataFolder item: '" + item.getName() + "' : mapTo"); } } } } else if (items == processModel.getDataFolder()) { // ... if it is a dataFolder item ... // // ... in Columns // if (processModel.getPresentation() != null) { Iterator<Columns> iterColumns = processModel.getPresentation().iterateColumns(); while (iterColumns.hasNext()) { Columns columns =; if (columns.getColumn(strItemName) != null) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "presentation, (columns: '" + columns.getRoleName() + "')"); } } } // ... in Consequence // // Check if this state is not referenced in Actions' consequences // if (processModel.getActionsEx() != null) { Consequences consequences; Iterator<Action> iterAction = processModel.getActionsEx().iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { Action action =; consequences = action.getConsequences(); if (consequences != null) { Iterator<Consequence> iterConsequence = consequences.iterateConsequence(); while (iterConsequence.hasNext()) { Consequence consequence =; if (strItemName.equals(consequence.getItem())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", "action : '" + action.getName() + "' (item : '" + strItemName + "')"); } } } } } // ... in Input (in Forms) // if (processModel.getForms() != null) { Iterator<Form> iterForm = processModel.getForms().iterateForm(); String strFormId; while (iterForm.hasNext()) { Form form =; if (form.getRole() == null) { strFormId = "form: '" + form.getName() + "'"; } else { strFormId = "form [ name: '" + form.getName() + "', role: '" + form.getRole() + "' ]"; } // Inputs // Iterator<Input> iterInput = form.iterateInput(); while (iterInput.hasNext()) { Input input =; if (input.getItem() != null && strItemName.equals(input.getItem().getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", strFormId + " : input" + " [ item: '" + strItemName + "' ]"); } } } } } // ... and in both cases in relatedUsers ( in Qualified users ) // Map<QualifiedUsers, String> mapQualifiedUsers = collectQualifiedUsers(); for (QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers : mapQualifiedUsers.keySet()) { // in Related Users Iterator<RelatedUser> iterRelatedUser = qualifiedUsers.iterateRelatedUser(); while (iterRelatedUser.hasNext()) { RelatedUser relatedUser =; // if it is a dataFolder item check relatedUsers' folder Item // If it is a userInfos item check relatedUsers' relation // if ((items == processModel.getDataFolder() && relatedUser.getFolderItem() != null && strItemName.equals(relatedUser.getFolderItem().getName())) || (items == processModel.getUserInfos() && strItemName.equals(relatedUser.getRelation()))) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.removeItem()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ELEMENT_REFERENCED", mapQualifiedUsers.get(qualifiedUsers) + " (relatedUser: [" + (relatedUser.getParticipant() == null ? "" : (" participant: '" + relatedUser.getParticipant().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getFolderItem() == null ? "" : (" folderItem: '" + relatedUser.getFolderItem().getName() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getRelation() == null ? "" : (" relation: '" + relatedUser.getRelation() + "'")) + (relatedUser.getRole() == null ? "" : (" role: '" + relatedUser.getRole() + "'")) + " ])"); } } } items.removeItem(strItemName); // Was this the last item? // if (!items.iterateItem().hasNext()) { processModel.setUserInfos(null); } } /** * Update Parameter referenced by the context and parameter name. * * @param source the object carrying the new values * @param strContext the context of the item being updated * @param strNameOriginal the original name of the parameter * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when the update goes wrong */ public void updateParameter(Parameter source, String strContext, String strNameOriginal) throws WorkflowDesignerException { Item item = findItem(strContext); // Look for an object with the same name... Parameter check = item.getParameter(source.getName()); // Is it a new object or an existing one? // if (NEW_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(strNameOriginal)) { // If the new 'Parameter' element does not clash with other elements // with the same name add it to the collection // if (check == null) { item.addParameter(source); } else { // If a 'Parameter' element with the same name as the new element // already exists we have a problem... // throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateParameter", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARAMETER_EXISTS"); } } else {// Existing object // If a different 'Parameter' element with the same name as the element's // new name already exists we have a problem... if (check != null && !strNameOriginal.equals(source.getName())) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.updateParameter", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_PARAMETER_EXISTS"); } // Update the parameter. Parameter parameter = item.getParameter(strNameOriginal); parameter.setName(source.getName()); parameter.setValue(source.getValue()); } } /** * Remove the parameter described by the context and name * * @param strContext the context * @param strName the name of the parameter * @throws WorkflowException */ public void removeParameter(String strContext, String strName) throws WorkflowException { Item item = findItem(strContext); item.removeParameter(strName); } /** * Find the QualifiedUsers specified by the context * * @param strContext the context * @return a QualifiedUsers object or <code>null</code> */ public QualifiedUsers findQualifiedUsers(String strContext) throws WorkflowException { StringTokenizer strtok; String strElement; QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers = null; if (strContext != null) { strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, "/"); try { if (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (STATES.equals(strElement)) { State state; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); state = processModel.getStatesEx().getState(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (WORKING_USERS.equals(strElement)) { qualifiedUsers = state.getWorkingUsersEx(); } else if (INTERESTED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { qualifiedUsers = state.getInterestedUsersEx(); } } else if (ACTIONS.equals(strElement)) { Action action; strElement = strtok.nextToken(); action = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (ALLOWED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { qualifiedUsers = action.getAllowedUsers(); } else if (CONSEQUENCES.equals(strElement)) { // notifiedUsers strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // consequence no. Consequence consequence = action.getConsequences().getConsequenceList() .get(Integer.parseInt(strElement)); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // notified users if (NOTIFIED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { int i = -1; try { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // id of notified users i = Integer.parseInt(strElement); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { //no id defined, it's a creation } List<QualifiedUsers> qualifiedUsersList = consequence.getNotifiedUsers(); if (i != -1 && qualifiedUsersList != null && !qualifiedUsersList.isEmpty()) { qualifiedUsers = qualifiedUsersList.get(i); } else { qualifiedUsers = null; } } } } } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Thrown when no consequence was found at the specified index // do nothing, just return null... } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } } return qualifiedUsers; } /** * Set the QualifiedUsers specified by the context to the given value * * @param qualifiedUsers the new value of qualified users * @param strContext the context * @throws WorkflowDesignerException When the qualified users' parent could not be found */ public void setQualifiedUsers(QualifiedUsers qualifiedUsers, String strContext) throws WorkflowException, WorkflowDesignerException { if (strContext != null) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, "/"); try { if (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { String strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (STATES.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); State state = processModel.getStatesEx().getState(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (WORKING_USERS.equals(strElement)) { state.setWorkingUsers(qualifiedUsers); } else if (INTERESTED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { state.setInterestedUsers(qualifiedUsers); } } else if (ACTIONS.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); Action action = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(strElement); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (ALLOWED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { action.setAllowedUsers(qualifiedUsers); } else if (CONSEQUENCES.equals(strElement)) { // notifiedUsers // strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // consequence no. Consequence consequence = action.getConsequences().getConsequenceList() .get(Integer.parseInt(strElement)); strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // notifiedUsers if (NOTIFIED_USERS.equals(strElement)) { if (qualifiedUsers == null) { try { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // id of notified users int i = Integer.parseInt(strElement); consequence.getNotifiedUsers().remove(i); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { //no id defined, it's a creation } } else { consequence.addNotifiedUsers(qualifiedUsers); } } } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // or the number coludn't to be interpreted, // or the index is out of bounds throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.setQualifiedUsers", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_QUALIFIED_USERS_NOT_FOUND"); } } } /** * Collect all the objects of the type QalifiedUsers instantiated in the Process Model * * @return a map, where the key is the reference to the object and the value is a textual * description of the object location */ private Map<QualifiedUsers, String> collectQualifiedUsers() { Map<QualifiedUsers, String> map = new IdentityHashMap<QualifiedUsers, String>(); // States // if (processModel.getStatesEx() != null) { for (State state : processModel.getStatesEx().getStates()) { if (state.getWorkingUsersEx() != null) { map.put(state.getWorkingUsersEx(), "state: '" + state.getName() + "' : workingUsers"); } if (state.getInterestedUsersEx() != null) { map.put(state.getInterestedUsersEx(), "state: '" + state.getName() + "' : interestedUsers"); } } } // Actions // if (processModel.getActionsEx() != null) { Action action; Iterator<Action> iterAction = processModel.getActionsEx().iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { action =; if (action.getAllowedUsers() != null) { map.put(action.getAllowedUsers(), "action: '" + action.getName() + "' : allowedUsers"); } if (action.getConsequences() != null) { Iterator<Consequence> iterConsequence = action.getConsequences().iterateConsequence(); while (iterConsequence.hasNext()) { Consequence consequence =; List<QualifiedUsers> qualifiedUsersList = consequence.getNotifiedUsers(); if (qualifiedUsersList != null && !qualifiedUsersList.isEmpty()) { map.put(qualifiedUsersList.get(0), "action: '" + action.getName() + "' : consequence: [" + (consequence.getItem() == null ? "Default" : (" item: '" + consequence.getItem() + "', operator: '" + consequence.getOperator() + "', value: '" + consequence.getValue() + "'")) + " ]"); } } } } } return map; } /** * Get the Action specified by the context * * @param strContext the context * @return an Action object or <code>null</code> */ public Action findAction(String strContext) throws WorkflowException { StringTokenizer strtok; String strElement; Action action = null; if (strContext != null) { strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, "/"); try { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); if (ACTIONS.equals(strElement)) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); action = processModel.getActionsEx().getAction(strElement); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } } return action; } /** * Find the Consequence specified by the context * * @param strContext the context * @return an Consequence object or <code>null</code> */ public Consequence findConsequence(String strContext) throws WorkflowException { StringTokenizer strtok; String strElement; Action action = findAction(strContext); Consequence consequence = null; if (strContext != null) { strtok = new StringTokenizer(strContext, "/"); try { if (action != null) { strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // actions/ strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // <name> strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // consequences/ strElement = strtok.nextToken(); // <consequence-no> consequence = action.getConsequences().getConsequenceList().get(Integer.parseInt(strElement)); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // Thrown when no token was found where expected // do nothing, just return null... } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Thrown when token could not be interpreted // do nothing, just return null... } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Thrown when no consequence was found at the specified index // do nothing, just return null... } } return consequence; } /** * Returns the language codes as configured in the properties * * @param fDefault if <code>true</code> the 'default' option shall be included * @return an array of language codes */ public String[] retrieveLanguageCodes(boolean fDefault) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("languages"), ","); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens() + 1); if (fDefault) { list.add("default"); } while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(strtok.nextToken()); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Returns names of available languages as configured in the properties, localised for the current * user * * @param fDefault if <code>true</code> the 'default' option shall be included * @return an array of language names */ public String[] retrieveLanguageNames(boolean fDefault) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("languages"), ","); Locale locale = new Locale(getLanguage()); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens() + 1); if (fDefault) { list.add(getString("workflowDesigner.default")); } while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { Locale inLocale = new Locale(strtok.nextToken()); list.add(inLocale.getDisplayLanguage(locale)); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Returns the item type codes as configured in the properties * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @return an array of codes */ public String[] retrieveItemTypeCodes(boolean fNone) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("itemTypes"), ","); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens() + 1); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(strtok.nextToken()); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Returns a list of comparison operators as configured in the properties, * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'none' option shall be included * @return an array of operators */ public String[] retrieveOperators(boolean fNone) { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("operators"), ","); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens() + 1); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(strtok.nextToken()); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Returns the action kind codes as configured in the properties retrieve * * @return an array of codes */ public String[] retrieveActionKindCodes() { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("actionKinds"), ","); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens()); while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(strtok.nextToken()); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Returns the input displayer type codes as configured in the properties * * @return an array of codes */ public String[] retrieveDisplayerNames() { StringTokenizer strtok = new StringTokenizer(getSettings().getString("displayerNames"), ","); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strtok.countTokens() + 1); list.add(""); while (strtok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(strtok.nextToken()); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of action names * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveActionNames(boolean fNone) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Actions actions = getProcessModel().getActionsEx(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (actions != null) { Iterator<Action> iterAction = actions.iterateAction(); while (iterAction.hasNext()) { list.add(; } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of role names * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @param fDefault if <code>true</code> the 'default' option shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveRoleNames(boolean fNone, boolean fDefault) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Roles roles = getProcessModel().getRolesEx(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (fDefault) { list.add("default"); } if (roles != null) { Iterator<Role> iterRole = roles.iterateRole(); while (iterRole.hasNext()) { list.add(; } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of state names * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveStateNames(boolean fNone) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); States states = getProcessModel().getStatesEx(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (states != null) { Iterator<State> iterState = states.iterateState(); while (iterState.hasNext()) { list.add(; } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of participant names * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveParticipantNames(boolean fNone) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Participants participants = getProcessModel().getParticipantsEx(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (participants != null) { Iterator<Participant> iterParticipant = participants.iterateParticipant(); while (iterParticipant.hasNext()) { list.add(; } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of user info item names, optionally those where the type = 'user' * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @param fUsersOnly if <code>true</code> only the items of type 'user' shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveUserInfoItemNames(boolean fNone, boolean fUsersOnly) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); DataFolder userInfos = getProcessModel().getUserInfos(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (userInfos != null) { Iterator<Item> iterInfosItem = userInfos.iterateItem(); Item item; while (iterInfosItem.hasNext()) { item =; if (!fUsersOnly || TYPE_USER.equals(item.getType())) { list.add(item.getName()); } } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of data folder item names, optionally those where the type = 'user' * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @param fUsersOnly if <code>true</code> only the items of type 'user' shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveFolderItemNames(boolean fNone, boolean fUsersOnly) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); DataFolder dataFolder = getProcessModel().getDataFolder(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (dataFolder != null) { Iterator<Item> iterFolderItem = dataFolder.iterateItem(); Item item; while (iterFolderItem.hasNext()) { item =; if (!fUsersOnly || TYPE_USER.equals(item.getType())) { list.add(item.getName()); } } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Produce a list of form names, only forms other than 'presentationForm' and 'printForm' * * @param fNone if <code>true</code> the 'None' option shall be included * @return an array of Strings or an empty array. */ public String[] retrieveFormNames(boolean fNone) { Forms forms = getProcessModel().getForms(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (fNone) { list.add(""); } if (forms != null) { Iterator<Form> iterForm = forms.iterateForm(); while (iterForm.hasNext()) { String strName =; if (!(FORM_TYPE_PRINT.equals(strName) || FORM_TYPE_PRESENTATION.equals(strName))) { list.add(strName); } } } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } /** * Generates component descriptor file in the appropriate directory, reloads the cache to take the * new file into account, stores the new descriptor's name to be able to access it later * * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ public void generateComponentDescriptor() throws WorkflowDesignerException { List<Profile> listSPProfile = new ArrayList<Profile>(); List<com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter> spParameters = new ArrayList<com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter>(); com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter spParameter = new com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter(); spParameter.setName(ComponentsInstanciatorIntf.PROCESS_XML_FILE_NAME); spParameter.getLabel().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.parameterLabel")); spParameter.getHelp().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, ""); spParameter.getWarning().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, ""); spParameter.setValue(processModelFileName.replaceAll("\\\\", "/")); spParameter.setMandatory(true); spParameter.setUpdatable("always"); spParameter.setType("text"); // Create the list of roles, to be placed as profiles in the component descriptor if (processModel.getRolesEx() != null) { // 'supervisor' must be present in the list if (processModel.getRolesEx().getRole("supervisor") == null) { listSPProfile.add(getSupervisorProfile()); } for (Role role : processModel.getRolesEx().getRoles()) { Profile profile = new Profile(); profile.setName(role.getName()); Iterator<ContextualDesignation> labels = role.getLabels().iterateContextualDesignation(); while (labels.hasNext()) { ContextualDesignation label =; profile.getLabel().put(getSureLanguage(label.getLanguage()), label.getContent()); profile.getHelp().put(getSureLanguage(label.getLanguage()), label.getContent()); } listSPProfile.add(profile); } } else { listSPProfile.add(getSupervisorProfile()); } WAComponent waComponent = new WAComponent(); waComponent.setName(processModel.getName()); Iterator<ContextualDesignation> labels = processModel.getLabels().iterateContextualDesignation(); while (labels.hasNext()) { ContextualDesignation label =; waComponent.getLabel().put(getSureLanguage(label.getLanguage()), label.getContent()); } if (waComponent.getLabel().isEmpty()) { // no explicit labels, use name of process waComponent.getLabel().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, processModel.getName()); } Iterator<ContextualDesignation> descriptions = processModel.getDescriptions() .iterateContextualDesignation(); while (descriptions.hasNext()) { ContextualDesignation description =; waComponent.getDescription().put(getSureLanguage(description.getLanguage()), description.getContent()); } if (waComponent.getDescription().isEmpty()) { // no explicit description, use name of process waComponent.getDescription().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, processModel.getName()); } waComponent.setVisible(true); waComponent.setPortlet(false); waComponent.setInstanceClassName(getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.managerInstanciator")); waComponent.getSuite().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.suite")); waComponent.setProfiles(listSPProfile); waComponent.setRouter(getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.managerRequestRouter")); spParameters.add(spParameter); waComponent.setParameters(spParameters); try { Instanciateur.saveComponent(waComponent, waComponent.getName() + ".xml", true); referencedInComponent = processModel.getName(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.generateComponentDescriptor()", SilverpeasException.FATAL, "workflowDesigner.EX_ERR_WRITE_WA_COMPONENTS", e); } // Clear the descriptor cache and load it again rebuildComponentDescriptorCache(); } private String getSureLanguage(String language) { if (language.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) { return I18NHelper.defaultLanguage; } return language; } private Profile getSupervisorProfile() { Profile profile = new Profile(); profile.setName("supervisor"); profile.getLabel().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.supervisor")); profile.getHelp().put(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage, getSettings().getString("componentDescriptor.supervisor")); return profile; } /** * Finds the component that references the given process model * * @param strProcessModelFileName the relative path to the file containing the process model * description * @return the name of the component descriptor file name (without .XML ) or <code>null</code> if * no components reference the given model. */ private String findComponentDescriptor(String strProcessModelFileName) { Map<String, WAComponent> waComponents = Instanciateur.getWAComponents(); Set<Map.Entry<String, WAComponent>> enumWAComponent = waComponents.entrySet(); if (strProcessModelFileName != null) { strProcessModelFileName = strProcessModelFileName.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); // Look for the descriptor in the cache, return the key if found. for (Map.Entry<String, WAComponent> componentEntry : enumWAComponent) { String strComponentName = componentEntry.getKey(); WAComponent waComponent = componentEntry.getValue(); if (waComponent.getParameters() != null) { for (com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter spParameter : waComponent.getParameters()) { if (ComponentsInstanciatorIntf.PROCESS_XML_FILE_NAME.equals(spParameter.getName()) && strProcessModelFileName.equals(spParameter.getValue())) { return strComponentName; } } } } } return null; } /** * Clear the Component Descriptor cache and load it again * * @throws WorkflowDesignerException when something goes wrong */ private void rebuildComponentDescriptorCache() throws WorkflowDesignerException { try { Instanciateur.rebuildWAComponentCache(); } catch (InstanciationException e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException( "WorkflowDesignerSessionController.rebuildComponentDescriptorCache()", SilverpeasException.FATAL, "workflowDesigner.EX_ERR_READ_WA_COMPONENTS", e); } } /** * Upload given process model in workflow repository. * * @param model process model file * @throws WorkflowDesignerException , WorkflowException */ public void uploadProcessModel(FileItem model) throws WorkflowDesignerException, WorkflowException { String name = model.getName(); if (name != null) { name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, name.length()); name = replaceSpecialChars(name); ProcessModelManager manager = WorkflowHub.getProcessModelManager(); String workflowRepositoryDir = manager.getProcessModelDir(); // on vrifie qu'un modle portant ce nom n'exista pas dj File modelFile = new File(workflowRepositoryDir + name); if (modelFile.exists()) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.uploadProcessModel()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ERR_MODEL_ALREADY_EXISTS"); } // upload du fichier try { model.write(modelFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.uploadProcessModel()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ERR_IMPORT_MODEL_FAILED", e); } // on charge le modele pour vrifier qu'il est valide try { manager.loadProcessModel(name, false); } catch (Exception e) { // le modle est invalide, on le supprime modelFile.delete(); throw new WorkflowDesignerException("WorkflowDesignerSessionController.uploadProcessModel()", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "workflowDesigner.EX_ERR_TRY_TO_IMPORT_INVALID_MODEL", e); } } } public synchronized void clearCache() { ProcessModelManagerImpl pmmi = new ProcessModelManagerImpl(); pmmi.clearProcessModelCache(); } public static String replaceSpecialChars(String toParse) { return FileServerUtils.replaceInvalidPathChars(toParse); } }