Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - - MIT license */ package com.sikulix.core; import com.sikulix.api.Do; import com.sikulix.api.Element; import com.sikulix.api.Picture; import com.sikulix.api.Target; import org.opencv.core.*; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class Finder { //<editor-fold desc="housekeeping"> private static final SXLog log = SX.getLogger("SX.Finder"); private Element baseElement = null; private Mat base = new Mat(); private Mat result = new Mat(); private enum FindType { ONE, ALL } private Finder() { } public Finder(Element elem) { if (elem != null && elem.isValid()) { baseElement = elem; base = elem.getContent(); } else { log.error("init: invalid element: %s", elem); } } public boolean isValid() { return !base.empty(); } public void refreshBase() { base = baseElement.getContent(); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="find basic"> public Element find(Element target) { baseElement.resetMatches(); FindResult findResult = doFind(target, FindType.ONE); if (SX.isNotNull(findResult) && findResult.hasNext()) { baseElement.setLastMatch(; return baseElement.getLastMatch(); } return new Element(); } public List<Element> findAll(Element target) { baseElement.resetMatches(); FindResult findResult = doFind(target, FindType.ALL); List<Element> matches = findResult.getMatches(); Collections.sort(matches); Collections.sort(matches); baseElement.setLastMatches(matches); baseElement.setLastScores(findResult.getScores()); return matches; } private final double resizeMinFactor = 1.5; private final double[] resizeLevels = new double[] { 1f, 0.4f }; private int resizeMaxLevel = resizeLevels.length - 1; private double resizeMinSim = 0.8; private boolean isCheckLastSeen = false; private static final double downSimDiff = 0.15; private FindResult doFind(Element elem, FindType findType) { if (!elem.isTarget()) { return null; } log.trace("doFind: start"); Element target = elem; if (target.getWantedScore() < 0) { target.setWantedScore(0.8); } boolean success = false; long begin_t = 0; Core.MinMaxLocResult mMinMax = null; FindResult findResult = null; if (FindType.ONE.equals(findType) && !isCheckLastSeen && SX.isOption("CheckLastSeen") && target.getLastSeen().isValid()) { begin_t = new Date().getTime(); Finder lastSeenFinder = new Finder(target.getLastSeen()); lastSeenFinder.isCheckLastSeen = true; target = new Target(target, target.getLastSeen().getScore() - 0.01); findResult = lastSeenFinder.doFind(target, FindType.ONE); if (findResult.hasNext()) { log.trace("doFind: checkLastSeen: success %d msec", new Date().getTime() - begin_t); return findResult; } else { log.trace("doFind: checkLastSeen: not found %d msec", new Date().getTime() - begin_t); } } double rfactor = 0; boolean downSizeFound = false; double downSizeScore = 0; double downSizeWantedScore = 0; if (FindType.ONE.equals(findType) && target.getResizeFactor() > resizeMinFactor) { // ************************************************* search in downsized begin_t = new Date().getTime(); double imgFactor = target.getResizeFactor(); Size sb, sp; Mat mBase = new Mat(), mPattern = new Mat(); result = null; for (double factor : resizeLevels) { rfactor = factor * imgFactor; sb = new Size(base.cols() / rfactor, base.rows() / rfactor); sp = new Size(target.getContent().cols() / rfactor, target.getContent().rows() / rfactor); Imgproc.resize(base, mBase, sb, 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_AREA); Imgproc.resize(target.getContent(), mPattern, sp, 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_AREA); result = doFindMatch(target, mBase, mPattern); mMinMax = Core.minMaxLoc(result); downSizeWantedScore = ((int) ((target.getWantedScore() - downSimDiff) * 100)) / 100.0; downSizeScore = mMinMax.maxVal; if (downSizeScore > downSizeWantedScore) { downSizeFound = true; break; } } log.trace("doFind: down: %%%.2f %d msec", 100 * mMinMax.maxVal, new Date().getTime() - begin_t); } if (FindType.ONE.equals(findType) && downSizeFound) { // ************************************* check after downsized success if (base.size().equals(target.getContent().size())) { // trust downsized result, if images have same size return new FindResult(result, target); } else { int maxLocX = (int) (mMinMax.maxLoc.x * rfactor); int maxLocY = (int) (mMinMax.maxLoc.y * rfactor); begin_t = new Date().getTime(); int margin = ((int) target.getResizeFactor()) + 1; Rect rectSub = new Rect(Math.max(0, maxLocX - margin), Math.max(0, maxLocY - margin), Math.min(target.w + 2 * margin, base.width()), Math.min(target.h + 2 * margin, base.height())); result = doFindMatch(target, base.submat(rectSub), null); mMinMax = Core.minMaxLoc(result); if (mMinMax.maxVal > target.getWantedScore()) { findResult = new FindResult(result, target, new int[] { rectSub.x, rectSub.y }); } if (SX.isNotNull(findResult)) { log.trace("doFind: after down: %%%.2f(?%%%.2f) %d msec", mMinMax.maxVal * 100, target.getWantedScore() * 100, new Date().getTime() - begin_t); } } } // ************************************** search in original if (((int) (100 * downSizeScore)) == 0) { begin_t = new Date().getTime(); result = doFindMatch(target, base, null); mMinMax = Core.minMaxLoc(result); if (!isCheckLastSeen) { log.trace("doFind: search in original: %d msec", new Date().getTime() - begin_t); } if (mMinMax.maxVal > target.getWantedScore()) { findResult = new FindResult(result, target); } } log.trace("doFind: end"); return findResult; } private Mat doFindMatch(Element target, Mat base, Mat probe) { if (SX.isNull(probe)) { probe = target.getContent(); } Mat result = new Mat(); Mat plainBase = base; Mat plainProbe = probe; if (!target.isPlainColor()) { Imgproc.matchTemplate(base, probe, result, Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); } else { if (target.isBlack()) { Core.bitwise_not(base, plainBase); Core.bitwise_not(probe, plainProbe); } Imgproc.matchTemplate(plainBase, plainProbe, result, Imgproc.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED); Core.subtract(Mat.ones(result.size(), CvType.CV_32F), result, result); } return result; } private static class FindResult implements Iterator<Element> { private static final SXLog log = SX.getLogger("SX.FindResult"); private FindResult() { } public FindResult(Mat result, Element target) { this.result = result; = target; } public FindResult(Mat result, Element target, int[] off) { this(result, target); offX = off[0]; offY = off[1]; } public String name = ""; // public boolean success = false; private Element target = null; private Mat result = null; private Core.MinMaxLocResult resultMinMax = null; private int offX = 0; private int offY = 0; private double currentScore = -1; double firstScore = -1; double scoreMaxDiff = 0.005; private int currentX = -1; private int currentY = -1; public boolean hasNext() { resultMinMax = Core.minMaxLoc(result); currentScore = resultMinMax.maxVal; currentX = (int) resultMinMax.maxLoc.x; currentY = (int) resultMinMax.maxLoc.y; if (firstScore < 0) { firstScore = currentScore; } if (currentScore > target.getScore() && currentScore > firstScore - scoreMaxDiff) { return true; } return false; } public Element next() { Element match = null; if (hasNext()) { match = new Element(new Element(currentX + offX, currentY + offY, target.w, target.h), currentScore); int margin = getPurgeMargin(); Range rangeX = new Range(Math.max(currentX - margin, 0), currentX + 1); Range rangeY = new Range(Math.max(currentY - margin, 0), currentY + 1); result.colRange(rangeX).rowRange(rangeY).setTo(new Scalar(0f)); } return match; } private int getPurgeMargin() { if (currentScore < 0.95) { return 4; } else if (currentScore < 0.85) { return 8; } else if (currentScore < 0.71) { return 16; } return 2; } double bestScore = 0; double meanScore = 0; double stdDevScore = 0; public List<Element> getMatches() { if (hasNext()) { List<Element> matches = new ArrayList<Element>(); List<Double> scores = new ArrayList<>(); while (hasNext()) { Element match = next(); meanScore = (meanScore * matches.size() + match.getScore()) / (matches.size() + 1); bestScore = Math.max(bestScore, match.getScore()); matches.add(match); scores.add(match.getScore()); } stdDevScore = calcStdDev(scores, meanScore); return matches; } return null; } public double[] getScores() { return new double[] { bestScore, meanScore, stdDevScore }; } private double calcStdDev(List<Double> doubles, double mean) { double stdDev = 0; for (double doubleVal : doubles) { stdDev += (doubleVal - mean) * (doubleVal - mean); } return Math.sqrt(stdDev / doubles.size()); } @Override public void remove() { } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="find extended"> public Element findBest(List<Element> targets) { List<Element> mList = findAny(targets); if (mList != null) { if (mList.size() > 1) { Collections.sort(mList, new Comparator<Element>() { @Override public int compare(Element m1, Element m2) { double ms = m2.getScore() - m1.getScore(); if (ms < 0) { return -1; } else if (ms > 0) { return 1; } return 0; } }); } return mList.get(0); } return null; } public List<Element> findAny(List<Element> targets) { List<Element> mList = findAnyCollect(targets); return mList; } private List<Element> findAnyCollect(List<Element> targets) { int targetCount = 0; if (SX.isNull(targets)) { return null; } else { targetCount = targets.size(); } List<Element> matches = new ArrayList<>(); SubFindRun[] theSubs = new SubFindRun[targetCount]; int nobj = 0; for (Element target : targets) { matches.add(null); theSubs[nobj] = null; if (target != null) { theSubs[nobj] = new SubFindRun(matches, nobj, target); new Thread(theSubs[nobj]).start(); } nobj++; } log.trace("findAnyCollect: waiting for SubFindRuns"); nobj = 0; boolean all = false; int waitCount = targetCount; while (!all) { all = true; for (SubFindRun sub : theSubs) { if (sub.hasFinished()) { waitCount -= 1; } all &= sub.hasFinished(); } SX.pause((waitCount * 10) / 1000); } log.trace("findAnyCollect: SubFindRuns finished"); nobj = 0; for (Element match : matches) { if (match != null) { match.setMatchIndex(nobj); } nobj++; } return matches; } private class SubFindRun implements Runnable { List<Element> matches; boolean finished = false; int subN; Element target; public SubFindRun(List<Element> matches, int pSubN, Element target) { subN = pSubN; this.matches = matches; = target; } @Override public void run() { try { Element match = find(target); matches.set(subN, null); if (SX.isNotNull(match)) { matches.set(subN, match); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("findAnyCollect: image file not found:\n", target); } hasFinished(true); } public boolean hasFinished() { return hasFinished(false); } public synchronized boolean hasFinished(boolean state) { if (state) { finished = true; } return finished; } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="detect changes"> public boolean hasChanges(Mat base, Mat current) { int PIXEL_DIFF_THRESHOLD = 5; int IMAGE_DIFF_THRESHOLD = 5; Mat bg = new Mat(); Mat cg = new Mat(); Mat diff = new Mat(); Mat tdiff = new Mat(); Imgproc.cvtColor(base, bg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Imgproc.cvtColor(current, cg, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Core.absdiff(bg, cg, diff); Imgproc.threshold(diff, tdiff, PIXEL_DIFF_THRESHOLD, 0.0, Imgproc.THRESH_TOZERO); if (Core.countNonZero(tdiff) <= IMAGE_DIFF_THRESHOLD) { return false; } Imgproc.threshold(diff, diff, PIXEL_DIFF_THRESHOLD, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY); Imgproc.dilate(diff, diff, new Mat()); Mat se = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(5, 5)); Imgproc.morphologyEx(diff, diff, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, se); List<MatOfPoint> points = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); Mat contours = new Mat(); Imgproc.findContours(diff, points, contours, Imgproc.RETR_LIST, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); int n = 0; for (Mat pm : points) { log.trace("(%d) %s", n++, pm); printMatI(pm); } log.trace("contours: %s", contours); printMatI(contours); return true; } //<editor-fold desc="original C++"> /* ChangeFinder::find(Mat new_screen_image){ BaseFinder::find(); // set ROI Mat im1 = roiSource; Mat im2 = Mat(new_screen_image,roi); Mat gray1; Mat gray2; // convert image from RGB to grayscale cvtColor(im1, gray1, CV_RGB2GRAY); cvtColor(im2, gray2, CV_RGB2GRAY); Mat diff1; absdiff(gray1,gray2,diff1); Size size = diff1.size(); int ch = diff1.channels(); typedef unsigned char T; int diff_cnt = 0; for( int i = 0; i < size.height; i++ ) { const T* ptr1 = diff1.ptr<T>(i); for( int j = 0; j < size.width; j += ch ) { if (ptr1[j] > PIXEL_DIFF_THRESHOLD) diff_cnt++; } } // quickly check if two images are nearly identical if (diff_cnt < IMAGE_DIFF_THRESHOLD){ is_identical = true; return; } threshold(diff1,diff1,PIXEL_DIFF_THRESHOLD,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY); dilate(diff1,diff1,Mat()); // close operation Mat se = getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE, Size(5,5)); morphologyEx(diff1, diff1, MORPH_CLOSE, se); vector< vector<Point> > contours; vector< Vec4i> hierarchy; //findContours(diff1, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, Point()); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(); CvSeq* first_contour = NULL; CvMat mat = (CvMat) diff1; cvFindContours( &mat, storage, &first_contour, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL); c = first_contour; } bool ChangeFinder::hasNext(){ return !is_identical && c !=NULL; } FindResult ChangeFinder::next(){ // find bounding boxes int x1=source.cols; int x2=0; int y1=source.rows; int y2=0; for( int i=0; i < c->total; ++i ){ CvPoint* p = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint, c, i ); if (p->x > x2) x2 = p->x; if (p->x < x1) x1 = p->x; if (p->y > y2) y2 = p->y; if (p->y < y1) y1 = p->y; } FindResult m; m.x = x1 + roi.x; m.y = y1 + roi.y; m.w = x2 - x1 + 1; m.h = y2 - y1 + 1; c = c->h_next; return m; } */ //</editor-fold> private static void printMatI(Mat mat) { int[] data = new int[mat.channels()]; for (int r = 0; r < mat.rows(); r++) { for (int c = 0; c < mat.cols(); c++) { mat.get(r, c, data); log.trace("(%d, %d) %s", r, c, Arrays.toString(data)); } } } public void setMinChanges(int min) { log.terminate(1, "setMinChanges"); } //</editor-fold> public static class PossibleMatch { Element what = null; public Element getWhat() { return what; } Element where = null; public Element getWhere() { return where; } int waitTime = -1; Element target = new Element(); String type = ""; // ALL for findAll // OBSERVE for observe // empty for everything else Finder finder = null; long startTime = new Date().getTime(); long endTime = startTime; long lastRepeatTime = 0; long repeatPause = (long) (1000 / SX.getOptionNumber("Settings.WaitScanRate", 3)); public double getScanRate() { return scanRate; } public void setScanRate() { setScanRate(-1); } public void setScanRate(double scanRate) { this.scanRate = scanRate; if (scanRate < 0) { if ("OBSERVE".equals(type)) { repeatPause = (long) (1000 / SX.getOptionNumber("Settings.ObserveScanRate", 3)); } else repeatPause = (long) (1000 / SX.getOptionNumber("Settings.WaitScanRate", 3)); } } double scanRate = -1; boolean imageMissingWhere = false; public boolean isImageMissingWhere() { return imageMissingWhere; } boolean imageMissingWhat = false; public boolean isImageMissingWhat() { return imageMissingWhat; } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } boolean valid = false; public PossibleMatch() { init(""); } public PossibleMatch(String type) { init(type); } private void init(String type) { this.type = type; setScanRate(); } public Element get(Object... args) { String form = "EvaluateTarget: "; for (Object arg : args) { form += "%s, "; } log.trace(form, args); Object args0, args1; if (args.length > 0) { args0 = args[0]; if (args0 instanceof String) { what = new Picture((String) args0); if (!what.isValid()) { imageMissingWhat = true; } } else if (args0 instanceof Element) { what = (Element) args0; } else { log.error("EvaluateTarget: args0 invalid: %s", args0); what = new Element(); } if (SX.isNotNull(what) && args.length == 2 && !imageMissingWhat) { args1 = args[1]; if (args1 instanceof String) { where = new Picture((String) args1); if (!where.isValid()) { imageMissingWhere = true; } } else if (args1 instanceof Element) { where = (Element) args1; } else if (args1 instanceof Double) { waitTime = (int) (1000 * (Double) args1); } else if (args1 instanceof Integer) { waitTime = 1000 * (Integer) args1; } else { log.error("EvaluateTarget: args1 invalid: %s", args0); } } if (SX.isNotNull(what) && !imageMissingWhat && !imageMissingWhere) { if (what.isTarget()) { if (SX.isNull(where)) { where = Do.on(); } if (where.isOnScreen()) { where.capture(); } finder = new Finder(where); where.setLastTarget(null); if (finder.isValid()) { where.setLastTarget(what); target = where; if (waitTime < 0) { waitTime = (int) (1000 * Math.max(where.getWaitForMatch(), what.getWaitForThis())); } endTime = startTime + waitTime; if (type.isEmpty()) { lastRepeatTime = new Date().getTime(); finder.find(what); } else if (type == "ALL") { finder.findAll(what); } } } else { target = what; } } } return target; } public void repeat() { long now = new Date().getTime(); long repeatDelay = lastRepeatTime + repeatPause - now; if (repeatDelay > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(repeatDelay); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } log.trace("EvaluateTarget: repeat: delayed: %d", repeatDelay); lastRepeatTime = new Date().getTime(); if (new Date().getTime() < endTime) { if (where.isOnScreen()) { where.capture(); finder.refreshBase(); } if (type.isEmpty()) { finder.find(what); } else if (type == "ALL") { finder.findAll(what); } if (where.hasMatch() || where.hasMatches()) { long waitedFor = new Date().getTime() - startTime; what.setLastWaitForThis(waitedFor); where.setLastWaitForMatch(waitedFor); } } } public boolean shouldWait() { if (waitTime < 0) { return false; } return new Date().getTime() < endTime; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("what: %s, where: %s: wait: %d sec", what, where, waitTime); } } }