Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright 2016 Mycelium. * Use of this source code is governed by an ISC * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. * */ package com.shuffle.mock; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.Address; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.Coin; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.CoinNetworkException; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.SigningKey; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.Transaction; import com.shuffle.bitcoin.VerificationKey; import com.shuffle.p2p.Bytestring; import com.shuffle.protocol.FormatException; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Simulation of a cryptocurrency network for testing purposes. * * Created by Daniel Krawisz on 12/5/15. */ public class MockCoin implements com.shuffle.sim.MockCoin { public static class Output implements Serializable { public final Address address; public final long amountHeld; public Output(Address address, long amount) { if (address == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (amount == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); this.address = address; this.amountHeld = amount; } @Override public String toString() { return "output[" + address.toString() + ", " + amountHeld + "]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof Output)) return false; Output out = (Output) o; return address.equals(out.address) && amountHeld == out.amountHeld; } @Override public int hashCode() { return address.hashCode() + (int) amountHeld; } } /** * Created by Daniel Krawisz on 12/8/15. */ public static class MockTransaction implements Transaction, Serializable { public final List<Output> inputs = new LinkedList<>(); public final List<Output> outputs = new LinkedList<>(); public final Map<Output, VerificationKey> signatures; // A number used to represented slight variations in a transaction which would // result in different signatures being produced. public final int z; private final transient MockCoin coin; MockTransaction(List<Output> inputs, List<Output> outputs, MockCoin coin) { this(inputs, outputs, 1, coin, new HashMap<Output, VerificationKey>()); } public static MockTransaction fromBytes(Bytestring b) throws FormatException { ObjectInputStream str; try { str = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(b.bytes)); return (MockTransaction) str.readObject(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new FormatException("Cannot read " + b + " as MockTransaction."); } } public MockTransaction(List<Output> inputs, List<Output> outputs, int z, MockCoin coin, Map<Output, VerificationKey> signatures) { for (Output output : inputs) if (output == null) throw new NullPointerException(); for (Output output : outputs) if (output == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.z = z; this.inputs.addAll(inputs); this.outputs.addAll(outputs); this.coin = coin; this.signatures = signatures; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof MockTransaction)) return false; MockTransaction mock = (MockTransaction) o; if (this == mock) return true; if (z != mock.z) return false; if (inputs.size() != mock.inputs.size()) return false; if (outputs.size() != mock.outputs.size()) return true; Iterator<Output> i1 = inputs.iterator(); Iterator<Output> i2 = mock.inputs.iterator(); while (i1.hasNext()) { Output c1 =; Output c2 =; if (c2 == null) return false; if (!c1.equals(c2)) return false; } return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + inputs.toString() + " ==> " + outputs.toString() + "; z:" + z + "; " + signatures + "}"; } @Override public void send() throws CoinNetworkException { if (coin == null) throw new CoinNetworkException("Could not send."); coin.send(this); } @Override public Bytestring serialize() { return new Bytestring(toString().getBytes()); } @Override public Bytestring sign(SigningKey sk) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(b); o.writeObject(new MockSignature(sk, z)); return new Bytestring(b.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { // This should not really happen. throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public boolean addInputScript(Bytestring b) throws FormatException { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(b.bytes); VerificationKey vk = null; try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); MockSignature s = ((MockSignature) ois.readObject()); vk = s.key; if (z != s.z) return false; } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) { return false; } for (Output o : inputs) { VerificationKey s = signatures.get(o); if (s != null) continue; if (vk.address().equals(o.address)) { signatures.put(o, vk); return true; } } return false; } @Override // Check whether a signature exists for each input. public boolean isValid() { for (Output o : inputs) { VerificationKey s = signatures.get(o); if (s == null || !s.address().equals(o.address)) return false; } return true; } public MockTransaction copy() { return new MockTransaction(inputs, outputs, z, coin, signatures); } public MockTransaction mutate() { return new MockTransaction(inputs, outputs, z + 1, coin, signatures); } @Override public int hashCode() { return inputs.hashCode() + 17 * (outputs.hashCode() + (17 * z)); } } static private class MockSignature implements Serializable { public final VerificationKey key; public final int z; private MockSignature(SigningKey key, int z) { this.key = key.VerificationKey(); this.z = z; } } final ConcurrentHashMap<Address, Output> blockchain; // The transaction that spends an output. final ConcurrentHashMap<Output, MockTransaction> spend; // The transaction that sends to an input. final ConcurrentHashMap<Output, MockTransaction> sent; public MockCoin(Map<Address, Output> blockchain) { this.blockchain = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); spend = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); sent = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.blockchain.putAll(blockchain); } public MockCoin() { blockchain = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); spend = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); sent = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } private MockCoin(ConcurrentHashMap<Address, Output> blockchain, ConcurrentHashMap<Output, MockTransaction> spend, ConcurrentHashMap<Output, MockTransaction> sent) { this.blockchain = blockchain; this.spend = spend; this.sent = sent; } @Override public Coin mutated() { return new TransactionMutator(this); } @Override public synchronized void put(Address addr, long value) { Output entry = new Output(addr, value); blockchain.put(addr, entry); } @Override public synchronized Transaction makeSpendingTransaction(SigningKey from, Address to, long amount) throws FormatException, CoinNetworkException { Output output = blockchain.get(from.VerificationKey().address()); if (output == null) throw new CoinNetworkException("Cannot find output."); if (amount > valueHeld(from.VerificationKey().address())) throw new CoinNetworkException("Insufficient funds."); List<Output> in = new LinkedList<>(); List<Output> out = new LinkedList<>(); in.add(output); out.add(new Output(to, amount)); Transaction t = new MockTransaction(in, out, this); t.addInputScript(t.sign(from)); return t; } public synchronized void send(MockTransaction mt) throws CoinNetworkException { if (mt == null) throw new NullPointerException(); // Is the transaction valid? if (!mt.isValid()) throw new CoinNetworkException("Invalid tx."); // First check that the transaction doesn't send more than it spends. long available = 0; for (Output input : mt.inputs) available += input.amountHeld; for (Output output : mt.outputs) available -= output.amountHeld; if (available < 0) throw new CoinNetworkException(mt); // Does the transaction spend from valid outputs? for (Output input : mt.inputs) if (!blockchain.get(input.address).equals(input)) throw new CoinNetworkException("Tx fails to spend from valid outputs."); for (Output input : mt.inputs) { Transaction nt = spend.get(input); if (nt == null) continue; if (mt.equals(nt)) return; else throw new CoinNetworkException(nt); } // Register the transaction. for (Output input : mt.inputs) spend.put(input, mt); for (Output output : mt.outputs) { blockchain.put(output.address, output); sent.put(output, mt); } } @Override public synchronized long valueHeld(Address addr) { Output entry = blockchain.get(addr); if (entry == null) return 0; if (spend.get(entry) != null) return 0; return entry.amountHeld; } @Override public boolean sufficientFunds(Address addr, long amount) { return valueHeld(addr) >= amount; } @Override public Transaction shuffleTransaction(final long amount, final long fee, List<VerificationKey> from, Queue<Address> to, Map<VerificationKey, Address> changeAddresses) throws CoinNetworkException { if (amount == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); List<Output> inputs = new LinkedList<>(); List<Output> changes = new LinkedList<>(); List<Output> outputs = new LinkedList<>(); // Are there inputs big enough to make this transaction? for (VerificationKey key : from) { final Address address = key.address(); final long value = valueHeld(address); Output input = blockchain.get(address); if (input == null) throw new CoinNetworkException("Cannot spend from address " + address); inputs.add(input); // If a change address has been provided, add that. Address change = changeAddresses.get(key); if (change != null) changes.add(new Output(change, value - amount - fee)); } for (Address address : to) outputs.add(new Output(address, amount)); outputs.addAll(changes); return new MockTransaction(inputs, outputs, 1, this, new HashMap<Output, VerificationKey>()); } @Override public Transaction getConflictingTransaction(Transaction transaction, Address addr, long amount) { if (valueHeld(addr) >= amount) return null; Output output = blockchain.get(addr); if (output == null) return null; Transaction t = spend.get(output); if (t != null) return t; return sent.get(output); } @Override public Transaction getSpendingTransaction(Address addr, long amount) { Output output = blockchain.get(addr); if (output == null) return null; return spend.get(output); } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + blockchain.values().toString() + ", " + spend.toString() + "}"; } @Override public com.shuffle.sim.MockCoin copy() { MockCoin newCoin = new MockCoin(); newCoin.blockchain.putAll(blockchain); newCoin.spend.putAll(spend); newCoin.sent.putAll(sent); return newCoin; } public String JSON() { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray outputs = new JSONArray(); int i = 1; Map<Output, Integer> blockchain = new HashMap<>(); for (Output o : this.blockchain.values()) { blockchain.put(o, i); JSONObject output = new JSONObject(); output.put("address", o.address); output.put("amount", o.amountHeld); outputs.add(output); i++; } json.put("outputs", outputs); JSONArray transactions = new JSONArray(); for (MockTransaction t : sent.values()) { JSONArray in = new JSONArray(); JSONArray out = new JSONArray(); for (Output o : t.inputs) { in.add(blockchain.get(o)); } for (Output o : t.outputs) { out.add(blockchain.get(o)); } JSONObject jt = new JSONObject(); jt.put("inputs", in); jt.put("outputs", out); if (t.z != 1) jt.put("z", t.z); transactions.add(jt); } json.put("transactions", transactions); return json.toString(); } public static MockCoin fromJSON(Reader jsonObject) throws IllegalArgumentException { JSONObject json = null; JSONArray outputs = null; JSONArray transactions = null; try { json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(jsonObject); if (json == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not parse json object."); } outputs = (JSONArray) json.get("outputs"); if (outputs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing field \"outputs\"."); } transactions = (JSONArray) json.get("transactions"); if (transactions == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing field \"transactions\"."); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not parse json object."); } MockCoin mock = new MockCoin(); Map<Long, Output> outList = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 1; i <= outputs.size(); i++) { JSONObject o = null; try { o = (JSONObject) outputs.get(i - 1); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read " + outputs.get(i - 1) + " as json object."); } Object address = o.get("address"); Long amount = (Long) o.get("amount"); if (address == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output missing field \"address\"."); } if (amount == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output missing field \"amount\"."); } Output bo = null; if (address instanceof String) { bo = new Output(new MockAddress((String) address), amount); } else if (address instanceof Long) { bo = new Output(new MockAddress((Long) address), amount); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read " + address + " as address"); } outList.put((long) i, bo); mock.blockchain.put(bo.address, bo); } for (Object t : transactions) { JSONObject trans = (JSONObject) t; JSONArray in = (JSONArray) trans.get("inputs"); JSONArray out = (JSONArray) trans.get("outputs"); List<Output> tout = new LinkedList<>(); List<Output> tin = new LinkedList<>(); for (Object i : in) { Output o = outList.get(i); if (o == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing output " + o); } tin.add(outList.get(i)); } for (Object i : out) { Output o = outList.get(i); if (o == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing output " + o); } tout.add(outList.get(i)); } MockTransaction tr; Long z = null; Object zz = trans.get("z"); try { if (zz == null) { tr = new MockTransaction(tin, tout, mock); } else { z = (Long) zz; tr = new MockTransaction(tin, tout, z.intValue(), mock, new HashMap<Output, VerificationKey>()); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read z value " + zz + " as long."); } } return mock; } }