Java tutorial
/** * Sencha GXT 4.0.0 - Sencha for GWT * Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Sencha Inc. * * * * * ================================================================================ * Open Source License * ================================================================================ * This version of Sencha GXT is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL v3 * license. You may use this license only if you are prepared to distribute and * share the source code of your application under the GPL v3 license: * * * If you are NOT prepared to distribute and share the source code of your * application under the GPL v3 license, other commercial and oem licenses * are available for an alternate download of Sencha GXT. * * Please see the Sencha GXT Licensing page at: * * * For clarification or additional options, please contact: * * ================================================================================ * * * ================================================================================ * Disclaimer * ================================================================================ * THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND * REPRESENTATIONS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE AND * THOSE ARISING BY STATUTE OR FROM CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. * ================================================================================ */ package com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.Style.ScrollDirection; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.Style.Side; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XDOM; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XElement; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.GestureRecognizer; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.TapGestureRecognizer; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.TouchData; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.AccessStack; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Point; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Size; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.FxElement; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.animation.AfterAnimateEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.animation.AfterAnimateEvent.AfterAnimateHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.animation.Fx; import com.sencha.gxt.messages.client.DefaultMessages; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.CardLayoutContainer; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.HasActiveWidget; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.HasLayout; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.BeforeCloseEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.BeforeCloseEvent.BeforeCloseHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.BeforeCloseEvent.HasBeforeCloseHandlers; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CloseEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CloseEvent.CloseHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.CloseEvent.HasCloseHandlers; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HideEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HideEvent.HideHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.XEvent; import; import; /** * A basic tab container. * <p/> * Code snippet: * <p/> * * <pre> * TabPanel panel = new TabPanel(); * panel.setTabScroll(true); * panel.setAnimScroll(true); * panel.add(new Label("Tab 1 Content"), new TabItemConfig("Tab 1", true)); * panel.add(new Label("Tab 2 Content"), new TabItemConfig("Tab 2", true)); * </pre> */ public class TabPanel extends Component implements IndexedPanel.ForIsWidget, HasActiveWidget, HasBeforeSelectionHandlers<Widget>, HasSelectionHandlers<Widget>, HasBeforeCloseHandlers<Widget>, HasCloseHandlers<Widget>, HasLayout, HasWidgets { @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public static interface TabPanelAppearance { void createScrollers(XElement parent); XElement getBar(XElement parent); XElement getBody(XElement parent); String getItemSelector(); XElement getScrollLeft(XElement parent); XElement getScrollRight(XElement parent); XElement getStripEdge(XElement parent); XElement getStripWrap(XElement parent); void insert(XElement parent, TabItemConfig config, int index); boolean isClose(XElement target); void onDeselect(Element item); void onMouseOut(XElement parent, XElement target); void onMouseOver(XElement parent, XElement target); void onScrolling(XElement bar, boolean scrolling); void onSelect(Element item); void render(SafeHtmlBuilder builder); void setItemWidth(XElement element, int width); void updateItem(XElement item, TabItemConfig config); void updateScrollButtons(XElement parent); } public static interface TabPanelBottomAppearance extends TabPanelAppearance { } @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public interface TabPanelMessages { String closeOtherTabs(); String closeTab(); } protected class DefaultTabPanelMessages implements TabPanelMessages { public String closeOtherTabs() { return DefaultMessages.getMessages().tabPanelItem_closeOtherText(); } public String closeTab() { return DefaultMessages.getMessages().tabPanelItem_closeText(); } } private final TabPanelAppearance appearance; protected Menu closeContextMenu; private GestureRecognizer closeContextMenuGestureRecognizer; private boolean animScroll = true; private boolean autoSelect = true; private boolean bodyBorder = true; private boolean closeMenu = false; private boolean scheduledDelegateUpdates; private TabPanelMessages messages; private boolean resizeTabs = false; private int scrollDuration = 150; private int scrollIncrement = 100; private boolean scrolling; private AccessStack<Widget> stack; private boolean tabScroll = false; private Widget contextMenuItem; private int tabMargin = 2; private int tabWidth = 120; private int minTabWidth = 30; private HashMap<Widget, TabItemConfig> configMap = new HashMap<Widget, TabItemConfig>(); private CardLayoutContainer container = new CardLayoutContainer() { @Override protected Widget getParentLayoutWidget() { return container.getParent(); } protected void onRemove(Widget child) { super.onRemove(child); configMap.remove(child); } }; /** * Creates a new tab panel with the default appearance. */ public TabPanel() { this(GWT.<TabPanelAppearance>create(TabPanelAppearance.class)); } /** * Creates a new tab panel with the specified appearance. * * @param appearance the appearance of the tab panel */ public TabPanel(TabPanelAppearance appearance) { this.appearance = appearance; SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); appearance.render(sb); setElement((Element) XDOM.create(sb.toSafeHtml())); ComponentHelper.setParent(this, container); appearance.getBody(getElement()).appendChild(container.getElement()); setDeferHeight(true); addGestureRecognizer(new TapGestureRecognizer() { @Override protected void onTap(TouchData touchData) { TabPanel.this.onTap(touchData.getLastNativeEvent().<Event>cast()); super.onTap(touchData); } @Override protected void handlePreventDefault(NativeEvent event) { XElement target = event.getEventTarget().cast(); if (getAppearance().getBar(getElement()).isOrHasChild(target)) { event.preventDefault(); } } }); } /** * Adds an item to the tab panel with the specified tab configuration. * * @param widget the widget to add to the tab panel * @param config the configuration of the tab */ @UiChild(tagname = "child") public void add(IsWidget widget, TabItemConfig config) { add(asWidgetOrNull(widget), config); } /** * Adds an item to the tab panel with the specified text. * * @param widget the widget to add to the tab panel * @param text the text for the tab */ public void add(IsWidget widget, String text) { add(asWidgetOrNull(widget), text); } @Override public void add(Widget w) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("this add method not supported"); } /** * Adds an item to the tab panel with the specified text. Shorthand for {@link #add(Widget, TabItemConfig)}. * * @param widget the widget to add to the tab panel * @param text the text for the tab */ public void add(Widget widget, String text) { insert(widget, getWidgetCount(), new TabItemConfig(text)); } /** * Adds an item to the tab panel with the specified tab configuration. * * @param widget the item to add to the tab panel * @param config the configuration of the tab */ public void add(Widget widget, TabItemConfig config) { insert(widget, getWidgetCount(), config); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addBeforeCloseHandler(BeforeCloseHandler<Widget> handler) { return addHandler(handler, BeforeCloseEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addBeforeSelectionHandler(BeforeSelectionHandler<Widget> handler) { return addHandler(handler, BeforeSelectionEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addCloseHandler(CloseHandler<Widget> handler) { return addHandler(handler, CloseEvent.getType()); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(SelectionHandler<Widget> handler) { return addHandler(handler, SelectionEvent.getType()); } @Override public void clear() { container.clear(); } /** * Searches for a child widget based on its id and optionally the text of the {@link TabItemConfig}. * <p/> * Iterates through each item and checks if its id matches the parameter {@code id}. Then, if the * {@code alsoCheckText} parameter is true, this also looks at the last passed in string of html or text for each * {@code TabItemConfig}. If that content matches, then it returns that tab. * <p/> * With {@code alsoCheckText} set to true, the first matching item will be returned. * * @param id the item id * @param alsoCheckText {@code false} to only compare with id, {@code true} to compare both the items id and text * @return the item */ public Widget findItem(String id, boolean alsoCheckText) { int count = container.getWidgetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Widget item = container.getWidget(i); String widgetId = ComponentHelper.getWidgetId(item); if (widgetId.equals(id)) return item; if (item instanceof Component && ((Component) item).getItemId().equals(id)) return item; if (alsoCheckText && getConfig(item).getHTML().equals(id)) return item; } return null; } @Override public void forceLayout() { container.forceLayout(); } @Override public Widget getActiveWidget() { return container.getActiveWidget(); } public TabPanelAppearance getAppearance() { return appearance; } /** * Returns true if scrolling is animated. * * @return the animation scroll state */ public boolean getAnimScroll() { return animScroll; } /** * Returns true if the body border is enabled. * * @return the body border state */ public boolean getBodyBorder() { return bodyBorder; } /** * Returns the tab item config for the given widget. * * @param widget the widget * @return the config or null */ public TabItemConfig getConfig(Widget widget) { return configMap.get(widget); } /** * Returns the internal card layout container. * * @return the card layout container */ public CardLayoutContainer getContainer() { return container; } /** * Returns the tab panel messages. * * @return the messages */ public TabPanelMessages getMessages() { if (messages == null) { messages = new DefaultTabPanelMessages(); } return messages; } /** * Returns the minimum tab width. * * @return the minimum tab width */ public int getMinTabWidth() { return minTabWidth; } /** * Returns true if tab resizing is enabled. * * @return the tab resizing state */ public boolean getResizeTabs() { return resizeTabs; } /** * Returns the scroll duration in milliseconds. * * @return the duration */ public int getScrollDuration() { return scrollDuration; } /** * Returns the panel's tab margin. * * @return the margin */ public int getTabMargin() { return tabMargin; } /** * Returns true if tab scrolling is enabled. * * @return the tab scroll state */ public boolean getTabScroll() { return tabScroll; } /** * Returns the default tab width. * * @return the width */ public int getTabWidth() { return tabWidth; } @Override public Widget getWidget(int index) { return container.getWidget(index); } @Override public int getWidgetCount() { return container.getWidgetCount(); } @Override public int getWidgetIndex(IsWidget child) { return container.getWidgetIndex(child); } public int getWidgetIndex(Widget widget) { return container.getWidgetIndex(widget); } /** * Inserts the specified item into the tab panel. * * @param widget the item to insert * @param index the insert index * @param config the configuration of the tab item */ public void insert(Widget widget, int index, TabItemConfig config) { configMap.put(widget, config); container.insert(widget, index); appearance.insert(getElement(), config, index); if (getActiveWidget() == null && autoSelect) { setActiveWidget(widget); } if (getWidgetCount() == 1) { syncSize(); } } /** * Returns true if auto select is enabled. * * @return the auto select state */ public boolean isAutoSelect() { return autoSelect; } /** * Returns true if close context menu is enabled. * * @return the close menu state */ public boolean isCloseContextMenu() { return closeMenu; } @Override public boolean isLayoutRunning() { return container.isLayoutRunning(); } @Override public boolean isOrWasLayoutRunning() { return container.isOrWasLayoutRunning(); } @Override public Iterator<Widget> iterator() { return container.iterator(); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { XElement target = event.getEventTarget().cast(); if (target == null) { return; } boolean isbar = appearance.getBar(getElement()).isOrHasChild(target); boolean orig = disableContextMenu; // allow right clicks in tab panel body if (!isbar && disableContextMenu) { disableContextMenu = false; } super.onBrowserEvent(event); if (!isbar) { disableContextMenu = orig; return; } Element item = findItem(target); if (item != null) { int index = itemIndex(item); if (index < 0) { // tab may have already closed return; } TabItemConfig config = getConfig(getWidget(index)); if (config != null && !config.isEnabled()) { return; } } switch (event.getTypeInt()) { case Event.ONCLICK: onClick(event); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: appearance.onMouseOver(getElement(), event.getEventTarget().<XElement>cast()); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: appearance.onMouseOut(getElement(), event.getEventTarget().<XElement>cast()); break; } } @Override public boolean remove(int index) { return remove(getWidget(index)); } public boolean remove(Widget child) { int idx = getWidgetIndex(child); Widget activeWidget = getActiveWidget(); boolean removed = container.remove(child); if (removed) { if (stack != null) { stack.remove(child); } Element item = findItem(idx); item.removeFromParent(); if (child == activeWidget) { Widget next = stack != null ? : null; if (next != null) { setActiveWidget(next); } else if (getWidgetCount() > 0) { setActiveWidget(getWidget(0)); } else { setActiveWidget(null); } } delegateUpdates(); } return removed; } /** * Scrolls to a particular tab if tab scrolling is enabled. * * @param item the item to scroll to * @param animate true to animate the scroll */ public void scrollToTab(Widget item, boolean animate) { if (item == null) return; int pos = getScrollPos(); int area = getScrollArea(); XElement itemEl = findItem(container.getWidgetIndex(item)).cast(); int left = itemEl.getOffsetsTo(getStripWrap()).getX() + pos; int right = left + itemEl.getOffsetWidth(); if (left < pos) { scrollTo(left, animate); } else if (right > (pos + area)) { scrollTo(right - area, animate); } } /** * Sets the active widget. * * @param widget the widget */ public void setActiveWidget(IsWidget widget) { setActiveWidget(asWidgetOrNull(widget)); } /** * Sets the active widget. * * @param item the widget * @param fireEvents {@code true} to fire events */ public void setActiveWidget(Widget item, boolean fireEvents) { if (item == null || item.getParent() != container) { return; } if (getActiveWidget() != item) { if (fireEvents) { BeforeSelectionEvent<Widget> event =, item); // event can be null if no handlers if (event != null && event.isCanceled()) { return; } } if (getActiveWidget() != null) { appearance.onDeselect(findItem(getWidgetIndex(getActiveWidget()))); } appearance.onSelect(findItem(getWidgetIndex(item))); container.setActiveWidget(item); if (stack == null) { stack = new AccessStack<Widget>(); } stack.add(item); focusTab(item, false); if (fireEvents) {, item); } delegateUpdates(); } } @Override public void setActiveWidget(Widget item) { setActiveWidget(item, true); } /** * True to animate tab scrolling so that hidden tabs slide smoothly into view (defaults to true). Only applies when * {@link #tabScroll} = true. * * @param animScroll the animation scroll state */ public void setAnimScroll(boolean animScroll) { this.animScroll = animScroll; } /** * True to have the first item selected when the panel is displayed for the first time if there is not selection * (defaults to true). * * @param autoSelect the auto select state */ public void setAutoSelect(boolean autoSelect) { this.autoSelect = autoSelect; } /** * True to display an interior border on the body element of the panel, false to hide it (defaults to true, * pre-render). * * @param bodyBorder the body border style */ public void setBodyBorder(boolean bodyBorder) { this.bodyBorder = bodyBorder; } /** * True to show the close context menu (defaults to false). * * @param closeMenu true to show it */ public void setCloseContextMenu(boolean closeMenu) { this.closeMenu = closeMenu; disableContextMenu = true; if (closeMenu) { sinkEvents(Event.ONCONTEXTMENU); } if (closeContextMenuGestureRecognizer == null) { closeContextMenuGestureRecognizer = new LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer() { @Override protected void onLongPress(TouchData touchData) { super.onLongPress(touchData); onRightClick((Event) touchData.getLastNativeEvent()); } @Override public boolean handleEnd(NativeEvent endEvent) { // onRightClick does preventDefault and stopPropagation cancel(); return super.handleEnd(endEvent); } }; addGestureRecognizer(closeContextMenuGestureRecognizer); } } /** * Sets the tab panel messages. * * @param messages the messages */ public void setMessages(TabPanelMessages messages) { this.messages = messages; } /** * The minimum width in pixels for each tab when {@link #resizeTabs} = true (defaults to 30). * * @param minTabWidth the minimum tab width */ public void setMinTabWidth(int minTabWidth) { this.minTabWidth = minTabWidth; } /** * True to automatically resize tabs. The resize operation takes into consideration the current width of the tab panel * as well as the current values of {@link #setTabWidth(int)} and {@link #setMinTabWidth(int)}. The resulting tab * width will not be less than the value specified by <code>setMinTabWidth</code> nor greater than the value specified * by <code>setTabWidth</code>. To automatically resize the tabs to completely fill the tab strip, use * <code>setTabWidth(Integer.MAX_VALUE)</code> and <code>setResizeTabs(true)</code>. * * @param resizeTabs true to enable tab resizing */ public void setResizeTabs(boolean resizeTabs) { this.resizeTabs = resizeTabs; } /** * Sets the number of milliseconds that each scroll animation should last (defaults to 150). * * @param scrollDuration the scroll duration */ public void setScrollDuration(int scrollDuration) { this.scrollDuration = scrollDuration; } /** * Sets the number of pixels to scroll each time a tab scroll button is pressed (defaults to 100, or if * {@link #setResizeTabs(boolean)} = true, the calculated tab width). Only applies when {@link #setTabScroll(boolean)} * = true. * * @param scrollIncrement the scroll increment */ public void setScrollIncrement(int scrollIncrement) { this.scrollIncrement = scrollIncrement; } /** * The number of pixels of space to calculate into the sizing and scrolling of tabs (defaults to 2). * * @param tabMargin the tab margin */ public void setTabMargin(int tabMargin) { this.tabMargin = tabMargin; } /** * True to enable scrolling to tabs that may be invisible due to overflowing the overall TabPanel width. Only * available with tabs on top. (defaults to false). * * @param tabScroll true to enable tab scrolling */ public void setTabScroll(boolean tabScroll) { this.tabScroll = tabScroll; } /** * Sets the initial width in pixels of each new tab (defaults to 120). * * @param tabWidth the tab width */ public void setTabWidth(int tabWidth) { this.tabWidth = tabWidth; } /** * Updates the appearance of the specified tab item. Must be invoked after changing the tab item configuration. * * @param widget the widget for the tab to update * @param config the new or updated tab item configuration */ public void update(Widget widget, TabItemConfig config) { XElement item = findItem(getWidgetIndex(widget)); if (item != null) { configMap.put(widget, config); appearance.updateItem(item, config); } } protected void close(Widget item) { if (fireCancellableEvent(new BeforeCloseEvent<Widget>(item)) && remove(item)) { fireEvent(new CloseEvent<Widget>(item)); } } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doAttach(container); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doDetach(container); } protected Element findItem(Element target) { return target.<XElement>cast().findParentElement(appearance.getItemSelector(), -1); } protected XElement findItem(int index) { NodeList<Element> items = appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()).select(appearance.getItemSelector()); return items.getItem(index).cast(); } protected XElement getStripWrap() { return appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()); } protected int itemIndex(Element item) { NodeList<Element> items = appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()).select(appearance.getItemSelector()); for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) { if (items.getItem(i) == item) { return i; } } return -1; } @Override protected void onAfterFirstAttach() { super.onAfterFirstAttach(); if (!bodyBorder) { appearance.getBody(getElement()).getStyle().setProperty("border", "none"); } getElement().setTabIndex(0); getElement().setAttribute("hideFocus", "true"); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.ONKEYUP | Event.FOCUSEVENTS); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); appearance.getBar(getElement()).disableTextSelection(true); if (getActiveWidget() == null && autoSelect && getWidgetCount() > 0) { setActiveWidget(getWidget(0)); } } @Override protected void onBlur(Event event) { super.onBlur(event); } protected void onClick(Event event) { XElement target = event.getEventTarget().cast(); Element item = findItem(target); if (item != null) { event.stopPropagation(); Widget w = getWidget(itemIndex(item)); boolean close = appearance.isClose(target); if (close) { close(w); } else if (w != getActiveWidget()) { setActiveWidget(w); focusTab(w, true); } else if (w == getActiveWidget()) { focusTab(w, true); } } if (appearance.getScrollLeft(getElement()) != null && target.isOrHasChild(appearance.getScrollLeft(getElement()))) { event.stopPropagation(); onScrollLeft(); } if (appearance.getScrollRight(getElement()) != null && target.isOrHasChild(appearance.getScrollRight(getElement()))) { event.stopPropagation(); onScrollRight(); } } @Override protected void onDetach() { appearance.getBar(getElement()).disableTextSelection(false); super.onDetach(); } @Override protected void onFocus(Event event) { if (getWidgetCount() > 0 && getActiveWidget() == null) { setActiveWidget(getWidget(0)); } else if (getActiveWidget() != null) { focusTab(getActiveWidget(), true); } } protected void onItemContextMenu(final Widget item, int x, int y) { if (closeMenu) { if (closeContextMenu == null) { closeContextMenu = new Menu(); closeContextMenu.addHideHandler(new HideHandler() { @Override public void onHide(HideEvent event) { contextMenuItem = null; } }); closeContextMenu.add(new MenuItem(getMessages().closeTab(), new SelectionHandler<MenuItem>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<MenuItem> event) { close(contextMenuItem); } })); closeContextMenu.add(new MenuItem(getMessages().closeOtherTabs(), new SelectionHandler<MenuItem>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<MenuItem> event) { List<Widget> widgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); for (int i = 0, len = getWidgetCount(); i < len; i++) { widgets.add(getWidget(i)); } for (Widget w : widgets) { TabItemConfig config = getConfig(w); if (w != contextMenuItem && config.isClosable()) { close(w); } } } })); } TabItemConfig c = configMap.get(item); MenuItem mi = (MenuItem) closeContextMenu.getWidget(0); mi.setEnabled(c.isClosable()); contextMenuItem = item; boolean hasClosable = false; for (int i = 0, len = getWidgetCount(); i < len; i++) { Widget item2 = container.getWidget(i); TabItemConfig config = configMap.get(item2); if (config.isClosable() && item2 != item) { hasClosable = true; break; } } MenuItem m = (MenuItem) closeContextMenu.getWidget(1); m.setEnabled(hasClosable); closeContextMenu.showAt(x, y); } } protected void onItemTextChange(Widget tabItem, String oldText, String newText) { delegateUpdates(); } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); Size frameWidth = getElement().getFrameSize(); if (!isAutoHeight()) { height -= frameWidth.getHeight() + appearance.getBar(getElement()).getOffsetHeight(); } if (!isAutoWidth()) { width -= frameWidth.getWidth(); } appearance.getBody(getElement()).setSize(width, height, true); appearance.getBar(getElement()).setWidth(width, true); if (!isAutoHeight()) { height -= appearance.getBody(getElement()).getFrameWidth(Side.TOP, Side.BOTTOM); } if (!isAutoWidth()) { width -= appearance.getBody(getElement()).getFrameWidth(Side.LEFT, Side.RIGHT); } container.setPixelSize(width, height); delegateUpdates(); } @Override protected void onRightClick(Event event) { Element target = event.getEventTarget().cast(); if (appearance.getBar(getElement()).isOrHasChild(target)) { Element item = findItem(event.getEventTarget().<Element>cast()); if (item != null) { int idx = itemIndex(item); if (idx != -1) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); Point point = event.<XEvent>cast().getXY(); final Widget w = getWidget(idx); final int x = point.getX(); final int y = point.getY(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { onItemContextMenu(w, x, y); } }); } } } else { super.onRightClick(event); } } protected void onTap(Event event) { XElement target = event.getEventTarget().cast(); Element item = findItem(target); if (item != null) { int index = itemIndex(item); if (index < 0) { return; } TabItemConfig config = getConfig(getWidget(index)); if (config != null && !config.isEnabled()) { return; } } onClick(event); } @Override protected void onUnload() { super.onUnload(); if (stack != null) { stack.clear(); } } private void autoScrollTabs() { int count = getWidgetCount(); int tw = appearance.getBar(getElement()).getClientWidth(); if (tw == 0) { tw = getElement().getStyleSize().getWidth(); } XElement stripWrap = appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()); XElement edge = appearance.getStripEdge(getElement()); XElement scrollLeft = appearance.getScrollLeft(getElement()); XElement scrollRight = appearance.getScrollRight(getElement()); int cw = stripWrap.getOffsetWidth(); int pos = getScrollPos(); int l = edge.<XElement>cast().getOffsetsTo(stripWrap).getX() + pos; if (!getTabScroll() || count < 1 || cw < 20) { return; } if (l <= tw) { stripWrap.<XElement>cast().setWidth(tw); if (scrolling) { stripWrap.setScrollLeft(0); scrolling = false; scrollLeft.setVisible(false); scrollRight.setVisible(false); // add a class that CSS can hook into to add/remove padding as necessary when scrollers change visibility scrollLeft.addClassName("x-tabScrollerLeftHidden"); appearance.onScrolling(getElement(), false); } } else { if (!scrolling) { appearance.onScrolling(getElement(), true); } if (!scrolling) { if (scrollLeft == null) { appearance.createScrollers(getElement()); // need to re-initialize scrollers as they will still be null scrollLeft = appearance.getScrollLeft(getElement()); scrollRight = appearance.getScrollRight(getElement()); } else { scrollLeft.setVisible(true); scrollRight.setVisible(true); scrollLeft.removeClassName("x-tabScrollerLeftHidden"); } } // account for scrollers before setting width tw -= scrollLeft.getComputedWidth() + scrollRight.getComputedWidth(); stripWrap.<XElement>cast().setWidth(tw > 20 ? tw : 20); scrolling = true; if (pos > (l - tw)) { stripWrap.setScrollLeft(l - tw); } else { scrollToTab(getActiveWidget(), false); } appearance.updateScrollButtons(getElement()); } } private void autoSizeTabs() { int count = getWidgetCount(); if (count == 0) return; int aw = appearance.getBar(getElement()).getClientWidth(); if (aw == 0) { aw = getElement().getStyleSize().getWidth(); } int each = (int) Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((aw - 4) / count) - tabMargin, tabWidth), minTabWidth); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { XElement el = findItem(i).cast(); appearance.setItemWidth(el, each); } } private void delegateUpdates() { if (!scheduledDelegateUpdates) { scheduledDelegateUpdates = true; Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { scheduledDelegateUpdates = false; if (resizeTabs) { autoSizeTabs(); } if (tabScroll) { autoScrollTabs(); } } }); } } private void focusTab(Widget item, boolean setFocus) { if (setFocus) { // item.getHeader().getElement().focus(); } } private int getScrollArea() { return Math.max(0, appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()).getClientWidth()); } private int getScrollIncrement() { return scrollIncrement; } private int getScrollPos() { return appearance.getStripWrap(getElement()).getScrollLeft(); } private int getScrollWidth() { return appearance.getStripEdge(getElement()).getOffsetsTo(getStripWrap()).getX() + getScrollPos(); } private void onScrollLeft() { int pos = getScrollPos(); int s = Math.max(0, pos - getScrollIncrement()); if (s != pos) { scrollTo(s, getAnimScroll()); } } private void onScrollRight() { int sw = getScrollWidth() - getScrollArea(); int pos = getScrollPos(); int s = Math.min(sw, pos + getScrollIncrement()); if (s != pos) { scrollTo(s, getAnimScroll()); } } private void scrollTo(int pos, boolean animate) { XElement stripWrap = getStripWrap(); if (animate) { Fx fx = new Fx(); fx.addAfterAnimateHandler(new AfterAnimateHandler() { @Override public void onAfterAnimate(AfterAnimateEvent event) { appearance.updateScrollButtons(getElement()); } }); stripWrap.<FxElement>cast().scrollTo(ScrollDirection.LEFT, pos, true, fx); } else { stripWrap.setScrollLeft(pos); appearance.updateScrollButtons(getElement()); } } }