Java tutorial
/** * Sencha GXT 4.0.0 - Sencha for GWT * Copyright (c) 2006-2015, Sencha Inc. * * * * * ================================================================================ * Open Source License * ================================================================================ * This version of Sencha GXT is licensed under the terms of the Open Source GPL v3 * license. You may use this license only if you are prepared to distribute and * share the source code of your application under the GPL v3 license: * * * If you are NOT prepared to distribute and share the source code of your * application under the GPL v3 license, other commercial and oem licenses * are available for an alternate download of Sencha GXT. * * Please see the Sencha GXT Licensing page at: * * * For clarification or additional options, please contact: * * ================================================================================ * * * ================================================================================ * Disclaimer * ================================================================================ * THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS-IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND * REPRESENTATIONS WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, PERFORMANCE AND * THOSE ARISING BY STATUTE OR FROM CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. * ================================================================================ */ package com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.GXT; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.Style.Anchor; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.Style.AnchorAlignment; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.Style.Side; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.DomHelper; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.DomQuery; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XDOM; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XElement; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.gestures.TouchData; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Point; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Region; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.dnd.core.client.StatusProxy; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.DragCancelEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.DragEndEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.DragHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.DragMoveEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.DragStartEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.fx.client.Draggable; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.Component; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.ComponentHelper; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HeaderClickEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HeaderContextMenuEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HeaderDoubleClickEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HeaderMouseDownEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HideEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.HideEvent.HideHandler; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.XEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.GridView.GridTemplates; import; import; /** * A column header component. */ public class ColumnHeader<M> extends Component { /** * Delegate for external code to define what menu any given column should use */ public interface HeaderContextMenuFactory { /** * Returns the context menu to be used for the given column index * * @param columnIndex the index of the column to make a menu for * @return the menu to use for the given column * @see ColumnModel#getColumn(int) */ Menu getMenuForColumn(int columnIndex); } public interface ColumnHeaderAppearance { /** * Returns the icon to use for the "Columns" (column selection) header menu item. * * @return the columns menu icon */ ImageResource columnsIcon(); String columnsWrapSelector(); void render(SafeHtmlBuilder sb); /** * Returns the icon to use for the "Sort Ascending" header menu item. * * @return the sort ascending menu icon */ ImageResource sortAscendingIcon(); /** * Returns the icon to use for the "Sort Descending" header menu item. * * @return the sort descending menu icon */ ImageResource sortDescendingIcon(); ColumnHeaderStyles styles(); int getColumnMenuWidth(); } public interface ColumnHeaderStyles extends CssResource { String columnMoveBottom(); String columnMoveTop(); String head(); String headButton(); String header(); String headerInner(); String headInner(); String headMenuOpen(); String headOver(); String headRow(); String sortAsc(); String sortDesc(); String sortIcon(); } public class GridSplitBar extends Component { protected int colIndex; protected Draggable d; protected boolean dragging; protected DragHandler listener = new DragHandler() { @Override public void onDragCancel(DragCancelEvent event) { GridSplitBar.this.onDragCancel(event); } @Override public void onDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) { GridSplitBar.this.onDragEnd(event); } @Override public void onDragMove(DragMoveEvent event) { } @Override public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { GridSplitBar.this.onDragStart(event); } }; protected int startX; public GridSplitBar() { setElement(Document.get().createDivElement()); getElement().getStyle().setProperty("cursor", "col-resize"); getElement().makePositionable(true); setWidth(5); getElement().setVisibility(false); getElement().getStyle().setProperty("backgroundColor", "white"); getElement().setOpacity(0); d = new Draggable(this); d.setUseProxy(false); d.setConstrainVertical(true); d.setStartDragDistance(0); d.addDragHandler(listener); } protected void drag(boolean enabled, String borderLeftStyle, int opacity, int splitterWidth) { dragging = enabled; headerDisabled = enabled; getElement().getStyle().setProperty("borderLeft", borderLeftStyle); getElement().setOpacity(opacity); getElement().setWidth(splitterWidth); bar.getElement().setVisibility(enabled); } protected void onDragCancel(DragCancelEvent event) { drag(false, "none", 0, splitterWidth); } protected void onDragEnd(DragEndEvent e) { drag(false, "none", 0, splitterWidth); int endX = e.getX(); int diff = endX - startX; int width = Math.max(getMinColumnWidth(), cm.getColumnWidth(colIndex) + diff); cm.setUserResized(true); cm.setColumnWidth(colIndex, width); } protected void onDragStart(DragStartEvent e) { drag(true, "1px solid black", 1, 1); getElement().getStyle().setCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT); startX = e.getX(); int cols = cm.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0, len = cols; i < len; i++) { if (cm.isHidden(i) || !cm.isResizable(i)) continue; Element hd = getHead(i).getElement(); if (hd != null) { Region rr =; if (startX > rr.getRight() - 5 && startX < rr.getRight() + 5) { colIndex = heads.indexOf(getHead(i)); if (colIndex != -1) break; } } } if (colIndex > -1) { Element c = getHead(colIndex).getElement(); int x = startX; int minx = x - - minColumnWidth; int maxx = ( + - e.getNativeEvent().<XEvent>cast().getXY().getX(); d.setXConstraint(minx, maxx); } } protected void onMouseMove(Head header, Event event) { int activeHdIndex = heads.indexOf(header); if (dragging || !header.config.isResizable()) { return; } // find the previous column which is not hidden int before = -1; for (int i = activeHdIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!cm.isHidden(i)) { before = i; break; } } int x = event.<XEvent>cast().getXY().getX(); Region r = header.getElement().getRegion(); int hw = splitterWidth; getElement().setY(; getElement().setHeight(container.getOffsetHeight()); Style ss = getElement().getStyle(); if (x - r.getLeft() <= hw && before != -1 && cm.isResizable(before) && !cm.isFixed(before)) { bar.getElement().setVisibility(true); getElement().setX(r.getLeft() - (hw / 2)); ss.setProperty("cursor", GXT.isSafari() ? "e-resize" : "col-resize"); } else if (r.getRight() - x <= hw && cm.isResizable(activeHdIndex) && !cm.isFixed(activeHdIndex)) { bar.getElement().setVisibility(true); getElement().setX(r.getRight() - (hw / 2)); ss.setProperty("cursor", GXT.isSafari() ? "w-resize" : "col-resize"); } else { bar.getElement().setVisibility(false); ss.setProperty("cursor", ""); } } } public class Group extends Component { private HeaderGroupConfig config; public Group(HeaderGroupConfig config) { this.config = config; groups.add(this); setElement(Document.get().createDivElement()); setStyleName(styles.headInner()); if (config.getWidget() != null) { getElement().appendChild(config.getWidget().getElement()); } else { getElement().setInnerSafeHtml(config.getHtml()); } } public void setHtml(SafeHtml html) { getElement().setInnerSafeHtml(html); } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { ComponentHelper.doAttach(config.getWidget()); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { ComponentHelper.doDetach(config.getWidget()); } } public class Head extends Component { protected int column; protected ColumnConfig<M, ?> config; private AnchorElement btn; private ImageElement img; private InlineHTML text; private Widget widget; private int row; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public Head(ColumnConfig column) { this.config = column; this.column = cm.indexOf(column); setElement(Document.get().createDivElement()); btn = Document.get().createAnchorElement(); btn.setHref("#"); btn.setClassName(styles.headButton()); img = Document.get().createImageElement(); img.setSrc(GXT.getBlankImageUrl()); img.setClassName(styles.sortIcon()); getElement().appendChild(btn); if (config.getWidget() != null) { Element span = Document.get().createSpanElement().cast(); widget = config.getWidget(); span.appendChild(widget.getElement()); getElement().appendChild(span); } else { text = new InlineHTML(config.getHeader()); getElement().appendChild(text.getElement()); } getElement().appendChild(img); SafeHtml tip = config.getToolTip(); if (tip != null) { getElement().setAttribute("qtip", tip.asString()); } sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.FOCUSEVENTS | Event.ONKEYPRESS); addStyleName(styles.headInner()); if (column.getColumnHeaderClassName() != null) { addStyleName(column.getColumnHeaderClassName()); } heads.add(this); addGestureRecognizer(new LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer() { @Override public boolean handleStart(NativeEvent startEvent) { // TODO- this preventDefault here is to deal with synthesized mouse events // causing the column header menu to close immediately. This does, however, // cause issues with scrolling in surrounding containers, so touch scroll must // be addressed. startEvent.preventDefault(); return super.handleStart(startEvent); } @Override protected void onLongPress(TouchData touchData) { onDropDownClick(touchData.getLastNativeEvent().<Event>cast(), Head.this.column); super.onLongPress(touchData); } @Override protected void onEnd(List<TouchData> touches) { Event endEvent = touches.get(0).getLastNativeEvent().cast(); onHeaderClick(endEvent, Head.this.column); super.onEnd(touches); } }); } public void activateTrigger(boolean activate) { XElement e = getElement().findParent("td", 3); if (e != null) { if (activate) { e.addClassName(styles.headMenuOpen()); } else { e.removeClassName(styles.headMenuOpen()); } } } public Element getTrigger() { return (Element) btn.cast(); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event ce) { super.onBrowserEvent(ce); int type = ce.getTypeInt(); switch (type) { case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: onMouseOver(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: onMouseOut(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: onMouseMove(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN: onHeaderMouseDown(ce, column); break; case Event.ONCLICK: onClick(ce); break; case Event.ONDBLCLICK: onDoubleClick(ce); break; } } public void setHeader(SafeHtml header) { if (text != null) text.setHTML(header); } public void updateWidth(int width) { if (!config.isHidden()) { XElement td = getElement().findParent("td", 3); int adj = td.getFrameWidth(Side.LEFT, Side.RIGHT); int newWidth = width - adj; // EXTGWT-3511 The setWidth call is not working as the framing is greater than the specified column width in // some cases causing the overall width to be < 0 if (!getElement().isBorderBox()) { newWidth -= getElement().getFrameWidth(Side.LEFT, Side.RIGHT); newWidth = Math.max(1, newWidth); } getElement().setWidth(newWidth, false); Element th = getTableHeader(column); th.getStyle().setWidth(width, Unit.PX); String tdHeight = td.getStyle().getHeight(); if (tdHeight.equals("")) { int h = overrideHeaderHeight != -1 ? overrideHeaderHeight : td.getHeight(true); h -= ColumnHeader.this.getElement().<XElement>cast().getBorders(Side.TOP, Side.BOTTOM); td.setHeight(h); getElement().setHeight(h, true); if (btn != null) {, true); } } } } protected void activate() { if (!cm.isMenuDisabled(indexOf(this))) { XElement td = getElement().findParent("td", 3); td.addClassName(styles.headOver()); } } protected void deactivate() { getElement().findParent("td", 3).removeClassName(styles.headOver()); } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doAttach(widget); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doDetach(widget); } private void onClick(Event ce) { ce.preventDefault(); if (ce.getEventTarget().<Element>cast() == (Element) btn.cast()) { onDropDownClick(ce, column); } else { onHeaderClick(ce, column); } } private void onDoubleClick(Event ce) { onHeaderDoubleClick(ce, column); } private void onMouseMove(Event ce) { if (bar != null) bar.onMouseMove(this, ce); } private void onMouseOut(Event ce) { deactivate(); } private void onMouseOver(Event ce) { if (headerDisabled) { return; } activate(); } } public class HiddenHeaderGroupConfig extends HeaderGroupConfig { public HiddenHeaderGroupConfig(int row, int col) { super("", row, col); } } protected class ReorderDragHandler implements DragHandler { protected Head active; protected int newIndex = -1; protected Head start; protected XElement statusIndicatorBottom; protected XElement statusIndicatorTop; protected StatusProxy statusProxy = StatusProxy.get(); @Override public void onDragCancel(DragCancelEvent event) { afterDragEnd(); } @Override public void onDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) { if (statusProxy.getStatus()) { cm.moveColumn(start.column, newIndex); } afterDragEnd(); } @Override public void onDragMove(DragMoveEvent event) { Point eventXY = event.getNativeEvent().<XEvent>cast().getXY(); event.setX(eventXY.getX() + 12 + XDOM.getBodyScrollLeft()); event.setY(eventXY.getY() + 12 + XDOM.getBodyScrollTop()); Element target = event.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget().cast(); Head h = null; if (GXT.isTouch()) { // for touch events, getEventTarget will always return the element you started the gesture on for (Head head : heads) { if (head.getElement().getBounds().contains(eventXY.getX(), eventXY.getY())) { h = head; break; } } } else { h = getHeadFromElement(adjustTargetElement(target)); } if (h != null && !h.equals(start)) { HeaderGroupConfig g = cm.getGroup(h.row - 1, h.column); HeaderGroupConfig s = cm.getGroup(start.row - 1, start.column); if ((g == null && s == null) || (g != null && g.equals(s))) { active = h; boolean before = eventXY.getX() < active.getAbsoluteLeft() + active.getOffsetWidth() / 2; showStatusIndicator(true); if (before) { statusIndicatorTop.alignTo(active.getElement(), new AnchorAlignment(Anchor.BOTTOM, Anchor.TOP_LEFT), -1, 0); statusIndicatorBottom.alignTo(active.getElement(), new AnchorAlignment(Anchor.TOP, Anchor.BOTTOM_LEFT), -1, 0); } else { statusIndicatorTop.alignTo(active.getElement(), new AnchorAlignment(Anchor.BOTTOM, Anchor.TOP_RIGHT), 1, 0); statusIndicatorBottom.alignTo(active.getElement(), new AnchorAlignment(Anchor.TOP, Anchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT), 1, 0); } int i = active.column; if (!before) { i++; } int aIndex = i; if (start.column < active.column) { aIndex--; } newIndex = i; if (aIndex != start.column) { statusProxy.setStatus(true); } else { showStatusIndicator(false); statusProxy.setStatus(false); } } else { active = null; showStatusIndicator(false); statusProxy.setStatus(false); } } else { active = null; showStatusIndicator(false); statusProxy.setStatus(false); } } @Override public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { Element target = event.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget().cast(); Head h = getHeadFromElement(target); if (h != null && !h.config.isFixed()) { headerDisabled = true; quickTip.disable(); if (bar != null) { bar.hide(); } if (statusIndicatorBottom == null) { statusIndicatorBottom = XElement.createElement("div"); statusIndicatorBottom.addClassName(styles.columnMoveBottom()); statusIndicatorTop = XElement.createElement("div"); statusIndicatorTop.addClassName(styles.columnMoveTop()); } Document.get().getBody().appendChild(statusIndicatorTop); Document.get().getBody().appendChild(statusIndicatorBottom); start = h; statusProxy.setStatus(false); statusProxy.update(start.config.getHeader()); } else { event.setCancelled(true); } } protected Element adjustTargetElement(Element target) { return (Element) (target.getFirstChildElement() != null ? target.getFirstChildElement() : target); } protected void afterDragEnd() { start = null; active = null; newIndex = -1; removeStatusIndicator(); headerDisabled = false; if (bar != null) {; } quickTip.enable(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Head getHeadFromElement(Element element) { Widget head = ComponentHelper.getWidgetWithElement(element); Head h = null; if (head instanceof ColumnHeader.Head && heads.contains(head)) { h = (Head) head; } return h; } protected void removeStatusIndicator() { if (statusIndicatorBottom != null) { statusIndicatorBottom.removeFromParent(); statusIndicatorTop.removeFromParent(); } } protected void showStatusIndicator(boolean show) { if (statusIndicatorBottom != null) { statusIndicatorBottom.setVisibility(show); statusIndicatorTop.setVisibility(show); } } } protected GridSplitBar bar; protected ColumnModel<M> cm; protected Grid<M> container; protected List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<Group>(); protected boolean headerDisabled; /** * The height of the header is based on the content height in each header. Change this field to override the default * behavior and specify an exact header height. */ protected int overrideHeaderHeight = -1; /** * The list off all Head instances. There will be a Head instance for all columns, including hidden ones. The table TH * and TD rows DO NOT contain elements for hidden columns. As such, there is not a direct mapping between column and * DOM. */ protected List<Head> heads = new ArrayList<Head>(); /** * Maps actual column indexes to the TABLE TH and TD index. */ protected int[] columnToHead; protected boolean disableSortIcon; protected HeaderContextMenuFactory menu; protected int minColumnWidth = 25; protected Draggable reorderer; protected int rows; protected int splitterWidth = 5; protected FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); protected GridTemplates tpls = GWT.create(GridTemplates.class); /** * The amount of padding in pixels for right aligned columns (defaults to 16). */ private int rightAlignOffset; private QuickTip quickTip; private boolean enableColumnReorder; private final ColumnHeaderAppearance appearance; private ColumnHeaderStyles styles; private TableSectionElement tbody = Document.get().createTBodyElement(); private int oldWidth; private int oldHeight; /** * Creates a new column header. * * @param container the containing widget * @param cm the column model */ public ColumnHeader(Grid<M> container, ColumnModel<M> cm) { this(container, cm, GWT.<ColumnHeaderAppearance>create(ColumnHeaderAppearance.class)); } /** * Creates a new column header. * * @param container the containing widget * @param cm the column model * @param appearance the column header appearance */ public ColumnHeader(Grid<M> container, ColumnModel<M> cm, ColumnHeaderAppearance appearance) { this.container = container; = cm; this.appearance = appearance; rightAlignOffset = 2 + getAppearance().getColumnMenuWidth(); setAllowTextSelection(false); styles = appearance.styles(); SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); this.appearance.render(builder); setElement((Element) XDOM.create(builder.toSafeHtml())); table.setCellPadding(0); table.setCellSpacing(0); table.getElement().getStyle().setTableLayout(TableLayout.FIXED); getElement().selectNode(appearance.columnsWrapSelector()).appendChild(table.getElement()); quickTip = new QuickTip(this); } /** * Returns the column header appearance. * * @return the column header appearance */ public ColumnHeaderAppearance getAppearance() { return appearance; } /** * Returns the header's container widget. * * @return the container widget */ public Widget getContainer() { return container; } /** * Returns the head at the current index. * * @param column the column index * @return the column or null if no match */ public Head getHead(int column) { return (column > -1 && column < heads.size()) ? heads.get(column) : null; } /** * Returns the minimum column width. * * @return the column width in pixels */ public int getMinColumnWidth() { return minColumnWidth; } /** * Returns the amount of padding in pixels for right aligned columns (defaults to 16). * * @return the right align offset */ public int getRightAlignOffset() { return rightAlignOffset; } /** * Returns the splitter width. * * @return the splitter width in pixels. */ public int getSplitterWidth() { return splitterWidth; } /** * Returns the index of the given column head. * * @param head the column head * @return the index */ public int indexOf(Head head) { return head.column; } /** * Returns the state of the sort icon. */ public boolean isDisableSortIcon() { return disableSortIcon; } /** * Returns true if column reordering is enabled. * * @return the column reorder state */ public boolean isEnableColumnReorder() { return enableColumnReorder; } /** * Refreshes the columns. */ public void refresh() { groups.clear(); heads.clear(); columnToHead = new int[cm.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0, mark = 0; i < columnToHead.length; i++) { columnToHead[i] = cm.isHidden(i) ? -1 : mark++; } int cnt = table.getRowCount(); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { table.removeRow(0); } table.setWidth(cm.getTotalWidth() + "px"); // Defer header size check until heads are created Element body = table.getElement().<XElement>cast().selectNode("tbody"); table.getElement().insertBefore(tbody, body); tbody.<XElement>cast().removeChildren(); DomHelper.insertHtml("afterBegin", tbody, renderHiddenHeaders(getColumnWidths())); List<HeaderGroupConfig> configs = cm.getHeaderGroups(); FlexCellFormatter cf = table.getFlexCellFormatter(); RowFormatter rf = table.getRowFormatter(); rows = 0; for (HeaderGroupConfig config : configs) { rows = Math.max(rows, config.getRow() + 1); } rows++; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { rf.setStyleName(i, styles.headRow()); } int cols = cm.getColumnCount(); String cellClass = styles.header() + " " + styles.head(); if (rows > 1) { Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) { for (HeaderGroupConfig config : cm.getHeaderGroups()) { int col = config.getColumn(); int row = config.getRow(); Integer start = map.get(row); if (start == null || col < start) { map.put(row, col); } } } } for (HeaderGroupConfig config : cm.getHeaderGroups()) { int col = config.getColumn(); int row = config.getRow(); int rs = config.getRowspan(); int cs = config.getColspan(); Group group = createNewGroup(config); boolean hide = true; if (rows > 1) { for (int i = col; i < (col + cs); i++) { if (!cm.isHidden(i)) { hide = false; } } } if (hide) { continue; } table.setWidget(row, col, group); cf.setStyleName(row, col, cellClass); HorizontalAlignmentConstant align = config.getHorizontalAlignment(); cf.setHorizontalAlignment(row, col, align); int ncs = cs; if (cs > 1) { for (int i = col; i < (col + cs); i++) { if (cm.isHidden(i)) { ncs -= 1; } } } cf.setRowSpan(row, col, rs); cf.setColSpan(row, col, ncs); } for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) { Head h = createNewHead(cm.getColumn(i)); if (cm.isHidden(i)) { continue; } int rowspan = 1; if (rows > 1) { for (int j = rows - 2; j >= 0; j--) { if (!cm.hasGroup(j, i)) { rowspan += 1; } } } int row; if (rowspan > 1) { row = (rows - 1) - (rowspan - 1); } else { row = rows - 1; } h.row = row; if (rowspan > 1) { table.setWidget(row, i, h); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(row, i, rowspan); } else { table.setWidget(row, i, h); } ColumnConfig<M, ?> cc = cm.getColumn(i); String s = cc.getCellClassName() == null ? "" : " " + cc.getCellClassName(); cf.setStyleName(row, i, cellClass + s); cf.getElement(row, i).setPropertyInt("gridColumnIndex", i); HorizontalAlignmentConstant align = cm.getColumnHorizontalAlignment(i); // override the header alignment if (cm.getColumnHorizontalHeaderAlignment(i) != null) { align = cm.getColumnHorizontalHeaderAlignment(i); } if (align != null) { table.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(row, i, align); if (align == HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT) { table.getCellFormatter().getElement(row, i).getFirstChildElement().getStyle() .setPropertyPx("paddingRight", getRightAlignOffset()); } } } if (container instanceof Grid) { Grid<M> grid = (Grid<M>) container; if (grid.getView().isRemoteSort()) { List<? extends SortInfo> sortInfos = grid.getLoader().getSortInfo(); if (sortInfos.size() > 0) { SortInfo sortInfo = sortInfos.get(0); String sortField = sortInfo.getSortField(); if (sortField != null && !"".equals(sortField)) { ColumnConfig<M, ?> column = cm.findColumnConfig(sortField); if (column != null) { int index = cm.indexOf(column); if (index != -1) { updateSortIcon(index, sortInfo.getSortDir()); } } } } } else { StoreSortInfo<M> sortInfo = grid.getView().getSortState(); if (sortInfo != null && sortInfo.getValueProvider() != null) { ColumnConfig<M, ?> column = grid.getColumnModel().findColumnConfig(sortInfo.getPath()); if (column != null) { updateSortIcon(grid.getColumnModel().indexOf(column), sortInfo.getDirection()); } } } } cleanCells(); adjustColumnWidths(getColumnWidths()); } /** * Do not call. */ public void release() { ComponentHelper.doDetach(this); getElement().removeFromParent(); if (bar != null) { bar.getElement().removeFromParent(); } } /** * Assigns a new set of columns to the header, but does not yet rebuild the headers. The {@link #refresh()} method * must be called to achieve that. * * @param columnModel the new set of columns to use */ public void setColumnModel(ColumnModel<M> columnModel) { = columnModel; } /** * True to disable the column sort icon (defaults to false). */ public void setDisableSortIcon(boolean disableSortIcon) { this.disableSortIcon = disableSortIcon; } /** * True to enable column reordering. * * @param enable true to enable */ public void setEnableColumnReorder(boolean enable) { this.enableColumnReorder = enable; if (enable && reorderer == null) { reorderer = newColumnReorderingDraggable(); } if (reorderer != null && !enable) { reorderer.release(); reorderer = null; } } /** * True to enable column resizing. * * @param enable true to enable, otherwise false */ public void setEnableColumnResizing(boolean enable) { if (bar == null && enable) { bar = new GridSplitBar(); container.getElement().appendChild(bar.getElement()); if (isAttached()) { ComponentHelper.doAttach(bar); }; } else if (bar != null && !enable) { ComponentHelper.doDetach(bar); bar.getElement().removeFromParent(); bar = null; } } /** * Sets the column's header text. * * @param column the column index * @param header the header text */ public void setHeader(int column, SafeHtml header) { getHead(column).setHeader(header); checkHeaderSizeChange(); } /** * Specifies which menu to use for any given column * * @param menuFactory the instance to use when requesting a menu */ public void setMenuFactory(HeaderContextMenuFactory menuFactory) { = menuFactory; } /** * Sets the minimum column width (defaults to 25px). * * @param minColumnWidth the minimum column width in pixels */ public void setMinColumnWidth(int minColumnWidth) { this.minColumnWidth = minColumnWidth; } /** * Sets the amount of padding in pixels for right aligned columns (defaults to 16). * * @param rightAlignOffset the right align offset */ public void setRightAlignOffset(int rightAlignOffset) { this.rightAlignOffset = rightAlignOffset; } /** * Sets the splitter width. * * @param splitterWidth the splitter width */ public void setSplitterWidth(int splitterWidth) { this.splitterWidth = splitterWidth; } /** * Shows the column's header context menu. * * @param column the column index */ public void showColumnMenu(final int column) { Menu menu = getContextMenu(column); if (menu == null) { return; } HeaderContextMenuEvent e = new HeaderContextMenuEvent(column, menu); container.fireEvent(e); if (e.isCancelled()) { return; } final Head h = getHead(column); menu.setId(h.getId() + "-menu"); h.activateTrigger(true); menu.addHideHandler(new HideHandler() { @Override public void onHide(HideEvent event) { h.activateTrigger(false); container.focus(); } });, new AnchorAlignment(Anchor.TOP_LEFT, Anchor.BOTTOM_LEFT, true)); } /** * Updates the visibility of a column. * * @param index the column index * @param hidden true to hide, otherwise false */ public void updateColumnHidden(int index, boolean hidden) { // need to refresh as colspan and rowspan could be impacted refresh(); } /** * Updates the column width. * * @param column the column index * @param width the new width */ public void updateColumnWidth(int column, int width) { if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { adjustColumnWidths(getColumnWidths()); return; } Head h = getHead(column); if (h != null) { h.updateWidth(width); } } /** * Updates the sort icon of a column. * * @param colIndex the column index * @param dir the sort direction */ public void updateSortIcon(int colIndex, SortDir dir) { String desc = styles.sortDesc(); String asc = styles.sortAsc(); for (int i = 0; i < heads.size(); i++) { Head h = heads.get(i); if (!disableSortIcon && i == colIndex) { h.addStyleName(dir == SortDir.DESC ? desc : asc); h.removeStyleName(dir != SortDir.DESC ? desc : asc); } else { h.getElement().removeClassName(asc, desc); } } } /** * Updates the total width of the header. * * @param offset the offset * @param width the new width */ public void updateTotalWidth(int offset, int width) { if (offset != -1) table.getElement().getParentElement().getStyle().setWidth(++offset, Unit.PX); table.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(width, Unit.PX); checkHeaderSizeChange(); } protected void adjustCellWidth(XElement cell, int width) { cell.getStyle().setPropertyPx("width", width); int adj = cell.getFrameWidth(Side.LEFT, Side.RIGHT); XElement inner = cell.getFirstChildElement().cast(); inner.setWidth(width - adj, true); if (isAttached()) { int before = cell.getOffsetHeight(); inner.setHeight(before, true); int after = cell.getOffsetHeight(); // getting different values when some browsers are zoomed which is // causing the column heights to grow if (after != before) { inner.setHeight(before + (before - after), true); } } } protected void adjustColumnWidths(int[] columnWidths) { NodeList<Element> ths = tbody.getFirstChildElement().getChildNodes().cast(); if (ths == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { if (cm.isHidden(i)) { continue; } ths.getItem(getDomIndexByColumn(i)).getStyle().setPropertyPx("width", columnWidths[i]); } cleanCells(); for (int i = 0; i < heads.size(); i++) { Head head = heads.get(i); if (head != null && !head.isRendered()) continue; head.updateWidth(cm.getColumnWidth(head.column)); } for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { Group group = groups.get(i); if (group != null && !group.isRendered()) continue; XElement cell = group.getElement().getParentElement().cast(); int colspan = 1; String scolspan = cell.getAttribute("colspan"); if (scolspan != null && !scolspan.equals("")) { colspan = Integer.parseInt(scolspan); } int w = 0; int mark = group.config.getColumn(); for (int k = mark; k < (mark + colspan); k++) { ColumnConfig<M, ?> c = cm.getColumn(k); if (c.isHidden()) { mark++; continue; } w += cm.getColumnWidth(k); } mark += colspan; adjustCellWidth(cell, w); } } protected void checkHeaderSizeChange() { int width = getOffsetWidth(); int height = getOffsetHeight(); if (width != oldWidth || height != oldHeight) {, width, height); oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; } } protected void cleanCells() { NodeList<Element> tds ="tr." + styles.headRow() + " > td", table.getElement()); for (int i = 0; i < tds.getLength(); i++) { Element td = tds.getItem(i); if (!td.hasChildNodes()) {; } } } protected Group createNewGroup(HeaderGroupConfig config) { return new Group(config); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected Head createNewHead(ColumnConfig config) { return new Head(config); } @Override protected void doAttachChildren() { super.doAttachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doAttach(table); ComponentHelper.doAttach(bar); } @Override protected void doDetachChildren() { super.doDetachChildren(); ComponentHelper.doDetach(table); ComponentHelper.doDetach(bar); } protected int getColumnIndexByDom(int domIndex) { assert columnToHead != null && domIndex < columnToHead.length; for (int i = 0; i < columnToHead.length; i++) { if (columnToHead[i] == domIndex) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Builds an array of the sizes for each column, visible or not */ protected int[] getColumnWidths() { int colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); int[] columnWidths = new int[colCount]; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { columnWidths[i] = cm.getColumnWidth(i); } return columnWidths; } protected Menu getContextMenu(int column) { return menu == null ? null : menu.getMenuForColumn(column); } protected int getDomIndexByColumn(int column) { assert columnToHead != null && column < columnToHead.length; return columnToHead[column]; } protected Draggable newColumnReorderingDraggable() { reorderer = new Draggable(this); reorderer.setUseProxy(true); reorderer.setSizeProxyToSource(false); reorderer.setProxy(StatusProxy.get().getElement()); reorderer.setMoveAfterProxyDrag(false); reorderer.addDragHandler(newColumnReorderingDragHandler()); return reorderer; } protected DragHandler newColumnReorderingDragHandler() { return new ReorderDragHandler(); } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); refresh(); } protected void onDropDownClick(Event ce, int column) { ce.stopPropagation(); ce.preventDefault(); showColumnMenu(column); } protected void onHeaderClick(Event event, int column) { container.fireEvent(new HeaderClickEvent(column, event)); } protected void onHeaderDoubleClick(Event event, int column) { container.fireEvent(new HeaderDoubleClickEvent(column, event)); } protected void onHeaderMouseDown(Event ce, int column) { container.fireEvent(new HeaderMouseDownEvent(column, ce)); } @Override protected void onResize(int width, int height) { super.onResize(width, height); checkHeaderSizeChange(); } protected SafeHtml renderHiddenHeaders(int[] columnWidths) { SafeHtmlBuilder heads = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < columnWidths.length; i++) { // unlike GridView, we do NOT render TH's for hidden elements because of support of // rowspan and colspan with header configs if (cm.isHidden(i)) { continue; } SafeStylesBuilder builder = new SafeStylesBuilder(); builder.appendTrustedString("height: 0px;"); builder.appendTrustedString("width:" + columnWidths[i] + "px;"); heads.append("", builder.toSafeStyles())); } return"", heads.toSafeHtml()); } private Element getTableHeader(int columnIndex) { int domIndex = getDomIndexByColumn(columnIndex); NodeList<Element> ths = getTableHeads(); if (ths.getLength() > domIndex) { return ths.getItem(domIndex); } return null; } private NodeList<Element> getTableHeads() { return tbody.getFirstChildElement().getChildNodes().cast(); } }