Java tutorial
package com.selventa.whistle.cli; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.lang.System.err; import static java.lang.System.getenv; import static org.openbel.framework.common.BELUtilities.asPath; import static org.openbel.framework.common.BELUtilities.hasLength; import static org.openbel.framework.common.BELUtilities.noLength; import static org.openbel.framework.common.BELUtilities.readable; import static org.openbel.framework.common.cfg.SystemConfiguration.createSystemConfiguration; import static org.openbel.framework.common.enums.RelationshipType.DECREASES; import static org.openbel.framework.common.enums.RelationshipType.INCREASES; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.openbel.framework.api.DefaultSpeciesDialect; import org.openbel.framework.api.Dialect; import org.openbel.framework.api.Kam; import org.openbel.framework.api.Kam.KamNode; import org.openbel.framework.api.KamDialect; import org.openbel.framework.api.KamSpecies; import org.openbel.framework.api.KAMStore; import org.openbel.framework.api.KAMStoreImpl; import org.openbel.framework.common.bel.parser.BELParser; import org.openbel.framework.common.cfg.SystemConfiguration; import org.openbel.framework.common.model.Namespace; import org.openbel.framework.common.model.Term; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.DBConnection; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.DatabaseService; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.DatabaseServiceImpl; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.beldata.namespace.NamespaceHeader; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.beldata.namespace.NamespaceHeaderParser; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.cache.CacheableResourceService; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.cache.DefaultCacheableResourceService; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.cache.ResolvedResource; import org.openbel.framework.core.df.cache.ResourceType; import org.openbel.framework.api.internal.KAMStoreDaoImpl.BelTerm; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.selventa.whistle.cli.license.LicenseAgreement; import com.selventa.whistle.cli.license.LicenseCallback; import com.selventa.whistle.cli.license.LicensePromptOptions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.selventa.whistle.score.model.Cutoffs; import com.selventa.whistle.score.model.Downstream; import com.selventa.whistle.score.model.Hypothesis; import com.selventa.whistle.score.model.MappedMeasurement; import com.selventa.whistle.score.model.ScoredHypothesis; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.BasicHypothesisFinder; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.DefaultMeasurementMappingService; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.MeasurementMappingService; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.MeasurementMappingService.MappingResult; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.Scorer; import com.selventa.whistle.score.service.Scorer.Prediction; /** * Command line application to perform Reverse Causal Reasoning of a data set * against a given Kam. * * @author Steve Ungerer * @author Anthony Bargnesi */ public class Rcr { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Rcr.class); // cli constants private static final String KAM_SHORT_OPT = "k"; private static final String KAM_LONG_OPT = "kam"; private static final String DATA_SHORT_OPT = "f"; private static final String DATA_LONG_OPT = "input-file"; private static final String RUN_NAME_SHORT_OPT = "r"; private static final String RUN_NAME_LONG_OPT = "run-name"; private static final String FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT = "m"; private static final String FOLD_CHANGE_LONG_OPT = "fold-change-cutoff"; private static final String PVAL_SHORT_OPT = "p"; private static final String PVAL_LONG_OPT = "p-value-cutoff"; private static final String ABUN_SHORT_OPT = "a"; private static final String ABUN_LONG_OPT = "abundance-cutoff"; private static final String ANLST_SHORT_OPT = "s"; private static final String ANLST_LONG_OPT = "use-analyst-selection"; private static final String POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT = "n"; private static final String POP_SIZE_LONG_OPT = "population-size"; private static final String NS_URL_SHORT_OPT = "u"; private static final String NS_URL_LONG_OPT = "namespace-url"; private static final String DETAIL_LONG_OPT = "detail"; private static final String SPECIES_TAXID_SHORT_OPT = "t"; private static final String SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT = "taxid"; private static final String CSV = ".csv"; private static final String RESULT_FILE_SUFFIX = "_result" + CSV; private static final String MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX = "_mapping" + CSV; private static final String DETAIL_FILE_SUFFIX = "_detail" + CSV; // reporting constants private static final String NOT_SIGNIFICANT = "Not significant"; private static final String AMBIGUOUS = "Ambiguous"; private static final String CONTRA = "Contra"; private static final String CORRECT = "Correct"; private static final String COLLAPSED_STATUS = "Collapsed to: %s"; private static final String NOT_PRESENT_IN_POPULATION_STATUS = "Not present in population: %s"; private static final String NOT_MAPPED_TO_KAM_STATUS = "Not mapped to KAM"; // header constants private static final String ID_HEADER = "Id"; private static final String DIRECTION_HEADER = "Direction"; private static final String CORRECT_HEADER = "Correct"; private static final String RICHNESS_HEADER = "Richness"; private static final String CONCORDANCE_HEADER = "Concordance"; private static final String AMBIGUOUS_HEADER = "Ambiguous"; private static final String CONTRA_HEADER = "Contra"; private static final String POSSIBLE_HEADER = "Possible"; private static final String OBSERVED_HEADER = "Observed"; private static final String STATUS_HEADER = "STATUS"; private static final String KAM_NODE_HEADER = "KAM_NODE"; private static final String SOURCE_HEADER = "Source"; private static final String RELATIONSHIP_HEADER = "Relationship"; private static final String TARGET_HEADER = "Target"; private static final String TYPE_HEADER = "Type"; // license constants private static final String APPLICATION = "Whistle"; private static final String LICENSE_PATH = "LICENSE"; private static final String LICENSE_PROMPT = "Do you accept the license agreement above?"; private static final String LICENSE_ACCEPT = "Yes"; private static final String LICENSE_REJECT = "No"; private static final String LICENSE_REJECTED_EXIT = "License Agreement not accepted. Whistle will now exit."; // environment constants private static final String ENV_BELFRAMEWORK_HOME = "BELFRAMEWORK_HOME"; private static final String WHISTLE_HOME = "WHISTLE_HOME"; private static final String CONFIG_DIRECTORY = "config"; private static final String BELFRAMEWORK_CONFIG = "belframework.cfg"; // service objects, for custom subclassing override the applicable getters. private SystemConfiguration sysCfg; private DatabaseService dbService; private KAMStore kamStore; private CacheableResourceService cacheService; private DataFileService dataFileService; private MeasurementMappingService mappingService; private Dialect dialect; // run state protected final CommandLine commandLine; /** * Entry point from CLI execution. Simply constructs a new instance and runs it. * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { LicensePromptOptions options = new LicensePromptOptions(LICENSE_PROMPT, LICENSE_ACCEPT, LICENSE_REJECT); LicenseCallback callback = new LicenseCallback() { @Override public void onAcceptance() { try { Rcr rcr = new Rcr(args);; } catch (Exception e) { err.println(format("Error running %s: %s", APPLICATION, e.getMessage())); e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } @Override public void onRejection() { err.println(LICENSE_REJECTED_EXIT); System.exit(1); } }; LicenseAgreement license; final InputStream is = Rcr.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + LICENSE_PATH); if (is != null) { license = new LicenseAgreement(APPLICATION, is, options, callback); } else { File licenseFile = new File(LICENSE_PATH); if (!readable(licenseFile)) { err.println(format("Cannot find %s file.", LICENSE_PATH)); } license = new LicenseAgreement(APPLICATION, licenseFile, options, callback); } license.promptLicense(); } /** * Constructs the Rcr instance and validates the provided arguments * @param args * @throws Exception */ public Rcr(String[] args) throws Exception { // Are they asking for help? if (args.length == 0 || ArrayUtils.contains(args, "-h") || ArrayUtils.contains(args, "--help") || ArrayUtils.contains(args, "-?")) { printHelp(); System.exit(0); } // parse options GnuParser parser = new GnuParser(); this.commandLine = parser.parse(getCommandLineOptions(), args); // setup try { setup(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Failed to set up RCR application: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } // validate if (!validateOptions()) { System.exit(1); } } /** * Sets up the services, etc needed for Rcr execution.<br> * Note to subclasses: overriding specific getters is preferred to * overriding the entire setup() method. * * @throws Exception any exception that occurs during setup will terminate * the application. */ protected void setup() throws Exception { this.sysCfg = getSystemConfiguration(); this.dbService = getDatabaseService(); this.kamStore = getKamStore(); this.cacheService = getCacheableResourceService(); this.dataFileService = getDataFileService(); this.mappingService = getMappingService(); this.dialect = getDialect(); if (sysCfg == null || dbService == null || kamStore == null || cacheService == null || dataFileService == null || mappingService == null || dialect == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("null service created"); } } /** * Prints the help/usage for Rcr. */ private void printHelp() { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp(" whistle [-r <run_name> -f <data_file> -k <kam_name> -u <namespace_url>]", getCommandLineOptions()); } /** * Validate the provided arguments. * * @return */ protected boolean validateOptions() { boolean valid = true; if (commandLine.hasOption(ANLST_SHORT_OPT)) { if (commandLine.hasOption(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT)) { System.out.println( "WARNING: fold change cutoff specified when using analyst selection. Cutoff will be ignored."); } if (commandLine.hasOption(PVAL_SHORT_OPT)) { System.out.println( "WARNING: p-value cutoff specified when using analyst selection. Cutoff will be ignored."); } if (commandLine.hasOption(ABUN_SHORT_OPT)) { System.out.println( "WARNING: abundance cutoff specified when using analyst selection. Cutoff will be ignored."); } } else { if (!commandLine.hasOption(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT) || !commandLine.hasOption(PVAL_SHORT_OPT) || !commandLine.hasOption(ABUN_SHORT_OPT)) { System.err.println( "ERROR: Fold change, p-value and abundance cutoffs must be specified if not using analyst selection"); valid = false; } } if (commandLine.hasOption(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT) && !isDouble(commandLine.getOptionValue(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT))) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid fold change cutoff. Value must be a decimal."); valid = false; } if (commandLine.hasOption(PVAL_SHORT_OPT) && !isDouble(commandLine.getOptionValue(PVAL_SHORT_OPT))) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid p-value cutoff. Value must be a decimal."); valid = false; } if (commandLine.hasOption(ABUN_SHORT_OPT) && !isDouble(commandLine.getOptionValue(ABUN_SHORT_OPT))) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid abundance cutoff. Value must be a decimal."); valid = false; } try { parseNamespace(cacheService, commandLine.getOptionValue(NS_URL_SHORT_OPT)); } catch (Exception e) { System.err .println("ERROR: Could not validate namespace URL. Confirm the URL is correct and accessible."); valid = false; } File f = new File(commandLine.getOptionValue(DATA_SHORT_OPT)); if (!f.exists() || !f.canRead()) { System.err.println("ERROR: Could not open data file for reading. Confirm data file path"); valid = false; } String runName = commandLine.getOptionValue(RUN_NAME_SHORT_OPT); valid = touchFile(valid, new File(runName + RESULT_FILE_SUFFIX)); boolean isDetailedOutput = commandLine.hasOption(DETAIL_LONG_OPT); if (isDetailedOutput) { valid = touchFile(valid, new File(runName + MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX)); valid = touchFile(valid, new File(runName + DETAIL_FILE_SUFFIX)); } if (commandLine.hasOption(POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT)) { try { Integer.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid population size. Value must be a positive integer."); } } if (commandLine.hasOption(SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT)) { try { Integer.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid species taxonomy id. Value must be a positive integer."); } } return valid; } protected void run() throws Exception { logger.debug("Parsing Namespace"); Namespace ns = parseNamespace(cacheService, commandLine.getOptionValue(NS_URL_SHORT_OPT)); File input = new File(commandLine.getOptionValue(DATA_SHORT_OPT)); logger.debug("Parsing input file"); Collection<Comparison> comparisons = dataFileService.process(input, ns); if (comparisons.isEmpty()) { System.err.println("No comparisons were found in input file."); System.exit(1); }"Parsed {} comparisons from file", comparisons.size()); // If > 1 comparison parsed, prompt the user for the comparison they want to use Comparison comparison; if (comparisons.size() > 1) { List<Comparison> compList = new ArrayList<Comparison>(comparisons); System.out.println("Select the comparison to use:"); int idx = 0; for (Comparison c : compList) { System.out.println(++idx + ": " + c.getName()); } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int selection = -1; while (selection == -1) { String in = br.readLine(); if (StringUtils.isNumeric(in)) { int tmp = Integer.parseInt(in); if (tmp > 0 && tmp <= compList.size()) { selection = tmp; } } else { System.err.println("Invalid selection. Please select a comparison"); } } comparison = compList.get(--selection); } else { comparison = comparisons.iterator().next(); } // if details is enabled, write additional files boolean showDetail = commandLine.hasOption(DETAIL_LONG_OPT); Map<Measurement, String> debugInfo = new HashMap<Measurement, String>(); Collection<Measurement> measurements = comparison.getMeasurements();"Comparison {} contains {} measurements", comparison.getName(), measurements.size()); Cutoffs cutoffs; if (commandLine.hasOption(ANLST_SHORT_OPT)) { cutoffs = new Cutoffs(true); } else { cutoffs = new Cutoffs(Double.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT)), Double.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(PVAL_SHORT_OPT)), Double.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(ABUN_SHORT_OPT))); } String kamName = commandLine.getOptionValue(KAM_SHORT_OPT); Kam kam; logger.debug("Retrieving KAM '{}' from KamStore", kamName); if (commandLine.hasOption(SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT)) { final String taxId = commandLine.getOptionValue(SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT); // taxId string has already been validated as a numeric final int speciesTaxId = Integer.parseInt(taxId); logger.debug("Collapsing KAM '{}' to tax id {}.", kamName, String.valueOf(speciesTaxId)); kam = kamStore.getKam(kamName); kam = new KamSpecies(new KamDialect(kam, dialect), new DefaultSpeciesDialect(kam.getKamInfo(), kamStore, speciesTaxId, false), kamStore); } else { kam = new KamDialect(kamStore.getKam(kamName), dialect); }"Completed KAM retrieval"); logger.debug("Finding mechanisms"); BasicHypothesisFinder hypFinder = new BasicHypothesisFinder(); List<Hypothesis> hyps = hypFinder.findAll(kam, 2);"Found {} mechanisms in KAM", hyps.size()); logger.debug("Mapping measurements to Mechanisms"); MappingResult mappingResult =, hyps, measurements);"Mapped {} measurements to Mechanisms", mappingResult.getMappedMeasurements().size()); if (showDetail) { // if detail option is enabled the debug service is required assert mappingService instanceof DebugMeasurementMappingService; DebugMeasurementMappingService msvc = (DebugMeasurementMappingService) mappingService; Collection<Measurement> unmapped = msvc.getUnmapped(); String status = NOT_MAPPED_TO_KAM_STATUS; for (Measurement m : unmapped) { debugInfo.put(m, status); } Map<KamNode, Set<Measurement>> notInPopulation = msvc.getNotInPopulation(); for (Map.Entry<KamNode, Set<Measurement>> entry : notInPopulation.entrySet()) { status = format(NOT_PRESENT_IN_POPULATION_STATUS, entry.getKey().getLabel()); for (Measurement m : entry.getValue()) { debugInfo.put(m, status); } } Map<KamNode, Set<Measurement>> collapsed = msvc.getCollapsed(); for (Map.Entry<KamNode, Set<Measurement>> entry : collapsed.entrySet()) { status = format(COLLAPSED_STATUS, entry.getKey().getLabel()); for (Measurement m : entry.getValue()) { debugInfo.put(m, status); } } } int popSize = commandLine.hasOption(POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT) ? Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue(POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT)) : mappingResult.getPopulationSize();"Using population size: {}", popSize); logger.debug("Computing scores"); Scorer scorer = showDetail ? new DebugScorer(debugInfo) : new Scorer(); Collection<ScoredHypothesis> scores = scorer.score(hyps, mappingResult.getMappedMeasurements(), cutoffs, popSize);"Found {} scores", scores.size()); String runName = commandLine.getOptionValue(RUN_NAME_SHORT_OPT); File resultFile = new File(runName + RESULT_FILE_SUFFIX); // write scored hypothesis file FileWriter out = new FileWriter(resultFile); writeOutput(out, scores);"Complete: scores have been saved to {}", resultFile.getAbsolutePath()); // write detail files if detailed output requested if (showDetail) { // if detail option is enabled the debug service is required assert mappingService instanceof DebugMeasurementMappingService; assert scorer instanceof DebugScorer; DebugMeasurementMappingService msvc = (DebugMeasurementMappingService) mappingService; DebugScorer debugScorer = (DebugScorer) scorer; // write mapping file File mappingFile = new File(runName + MAPPING_FILE_SUFFIX);"Saving measurement information"); writeMeasurementDebug(new FileWriter(mappingFile), mappingResult.getMappedMeasurements(), debugInfo);"Mapping output saved to {}", mappingFile); // map hyps to all downstreams in the population Map<KamNode, Set<Downstream>> hypMap = computeHypMap(hyps, msvc.getInPopulation()); Map<KamNode, MappedMeasurement> stateChanges = debugScorer.getStateChangeMap(); // write mechanism detail file File detailFile = new File(runName + DETAIL_FILE_SUFFIX); FileWriter mechout = new FileWriter(detailFile); writeMechanismDetail(mechout, hypMap, scores, stateChanges);"Mechanism detail saved to {}", detailFile); } } /** * Compute the {@link KamNode hypothesis node} to * {@link Downstream downstreams} that are in the population measured. * * @param hyps the hypothesis {@link List list} * @param population the {@link Set set} of measurements in the * population * @return a {@link Map map} of {@link KamNode hypothesis node} to * {@link Downstream downstreams} in the measured population */ private static Map<KamNode, Set<Downstream>> computeHypMap(List<Hypothesis> hyps, Map<Integer, KamNode> population) { Map<KamNode, Set<Downstream>> hypDownstreams = new HashMap<Kam.KamNode, Set<Downstream>>(); for (final Hypothesis hyp : hyps) { // new set of downstreams Set<Downstream> newset = new HashSet<Downstream>(); // remove all downstreams not in population Set<Downstream> oldset = hyp.getDownstreams(); Iterator<Downstream> it = oldset.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Downstream down =; KamNode dn = down.getKamNode(); KamNode pn = population.get(dn.getId()); if (pn != null) { newset.add(new Downstream(pn, down.getDirectionType())); } } // store mechanism to downstreams in population hypDownstreams.put(hyp.getKamNode(), newset); } return hypDownstreams; } private boolean touchFile(boolean valid, File f) { boolean touchOk = true; try { FileUtils.touch(f); } catch (IOException e) { touchOk = false; } if (!touchOk || !f.canWrite()) { System.err.println( "ERROR: Could not open file for " + "writing. Do you have permission to write the file here?"); valid = false; } return valid; } /** * Parse a namespace for a given URL * * @param cacheResource * @param namespaceUrl * @return * @throws Exception */ private Namespace parseNamespace(CacheableResourceService cacheResource, String namespaceUrl) throws Exception { NamespaceHeaderParser nhp = new NamespaceHeaderParser(); ResolvedResource nsResource = cacheResource.resolveResource(ResourceType.NAMESPACES, namespaceUrl); NamespaceHeader header = nhp.parseNamespace(namespaceUrl, nsResource.getCacheResourceCopy()); return new Namespace(header.getNamespaceBlock().getKeyword(), namespaceUrl); } /** * Write the score output * * @param out * @param scores * @throws IOException */ protected void writeOutput(FileWriter out, Collection<ScoredHypothesis> scores) throws IOException { CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(out); String[] line = new String[] { ID_HEADER, DIRECTION_HEADER, CORRECT_HEADER, RICHNESS_HEADER, CONCORDANCE_HEADER, AMBIGUOUS_HEADER, CONTRA_HEADER, POSSIBLE_HEADER, OBSERVED_HEADER }; writer.writeNext(line); for (ScoredHypothesis score : scores) { int idx = -1; line[++idx] = score.getKamNode().getLabel(); // line[++idx] = String.valueOf(score.getDepth()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getDirectionType().getValue()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getNumberCorrect()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getRichness()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getConcordance()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getNumberAmbiguous()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getNumberContra()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getPossible()); line[++idx] = valueOf(score.getObserved()); writer.writeNext(line); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } protected void writeMeasurementDebug(FileWriter out, Collection<MappedMeasurement> mappedMeasurements, Map<Measurement, String> debugInfo) throws IOException { Map<Measurement, KamNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<Measurement, Kam.KamNode>(); for (MappedMeasurement mm : mappedMeasurements) { nodeMap.put(mm.getMeasurement(), mm.getKamNode()); } CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(out); String[] line = new String[] { ID_HEADER, KAM_NODE_HEADER, STATUS_HEADER }; writer.writeNext(line); Map<Measurement, String> idMap = ((DebugIdAmpDataFileService) dataFileService).getIdMap(); for (Map.Entry<Measurement, String> entry : idMap.entrySet()) { Measurement m = entry.getKey(); int idx = -1; line[++idx] = entry.getValue(); line[++idx] = nodeMap.get(m) == null ? "" : nodeMap.get(m).getLabel(); line[++idx] = debugInfo.get(m); writer.writeNext(line); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } protected void writeMechanismDetail(FileWriter out, Map<KamNode, Set<Downstream>> hypDownstreams, Collection<ScoredHypothesis> scores, Map<KamNode, MappedMeasurement> stateChanges) throws IOException { CSVWriter csv = new CSVWriter(out); String[] line = new String[] { SOURCE_HEADER, RELATIONSHIP_HEADER, TARGET_HEADER, TYPE_HEADER, DIRECTION_HEADER }; csv.writeNext(line); for (final ScoredHypothesis score : scores) { Prediction pred = score.getPrediction(); line[0] = score.getKamNode().getLabel(); Set<Downstream> allDownstreams = hypDownstreams.get(score.getKamNode()); for (final Downstream down : allDownstreams) { final KamNode downNode = down.getKamNode(); final MappedMeasurement mm = stateChanges.get(downNode); final String scoreType = getScoreType(pred, down); line[1] = translateDirection(down.getDirectionType()); line[2] = downNode.getLabel(); line[3] = scoreType; if (mm == null) { line[4] = NOT_SIGNIFICANT; } else { line[4] = mm.getMeasurement().getDirection().getDisplayValue(); } csv.writeNext(line); } csv.flush(); } csv.close(); } protected String getScoreType(final Prediction pred, final Downstream down) { if (pred == null) { return NOT_SIGNIFICANT; } if (pred.getCorrect().contains(down)) { return CORRECT; } else if (pred.getContra().contains(down)) { return CONTRA; } else if (pred.getAmbiguous().contains(down)) { return AMBIGUOUS; } return NOT_SIGNIFICANT; } protected String translateDirection(final DirectionType dir) { if (dir == null) { return null; } switch (dir) { case UP: return INCREASES.getDisplayValue(); case DOWN: return DECREASES.getDisplayValue(); default: return AMBIGUOUS; } } /** * Retrieve the {@link Options} applicable to Rcr. * * @return */ protected Options getCommandLineOptions() { Options ret = new Options(); Option o = new Option(KAM_SHORT_OPT, KAM_LONG_OPT, true, "KAM name. Must be present in the local KAM catalog."); o.setRequired(true); ret.addOption(o); o = new Option(DATA_SHORT_OPT, DATA_LONG_OPT, true, "Data set input file. The file should be in valid IdAMP format. " + "If more than one comparison is represented you will be prompted to choose one."); o.setRequired(true); ret.addOption(o); o = new Option(RUN_NAME_SHORT_OPT, RUN_NAME_LONG_OPT, true, "Name of the whistle run used as a file prefix."); o.setRequired(true); ret.addOption(o); o = new Option(NS_URL_SHORT_OPT, NS_URL_LONG_OPT, true, "Resource location URL of the namespace containing all values of the data set input file."); o.setRequired(true); ret.addOption(o); ret.addOption(new Option(ANLST_SHORT_OPT, ANLST_LONG_OPT, false, "Use analyst selection to filter Measurements to state changes.")); ret.addOption(new Option(FOLD_CHANGE_SHORT_OPT, FOLD_CHANGE_LONG_OPT, true, "Fold change cutoff to apply to Measurements for state change generation. Applicable only if not using analyst selection.")); ret.addOption(new Option(PVAL_SHORT_OPT, PVAL_LONG_OPT, true, "P-value cutoff to apply to Measurements for state change generation. Applicable only if not using analyst selection.")); ret.addOption(new Option(ABUN_SHORT_OPT, ABUN_LONG_OPT, true, "Abundance cutoff to apply to Measurements for state change generation. Applicable only if not using analyst selection.")); ret.addOption(new Option(POP_SIZE_SHORT_OPT, POP_SIZE_LONG_OPT, true, "Population size. The default is to calculate population based on the data set measurements that exist in the KAM.")); ret.addOption(new Option(DETAIL_LONG_OPT, false, "Output a mapping and mechanism detail file that shows additional information")); ret.addOption(new Option(SPECIES_TAXID_SHORT_OPT, SPECIES_TAXID_LONG_OPT, true, "The species taxonomy id used to collapse orthologous nodes.")); return ret; } /** * Obtain the {@link SystemConfiguration}.<br> * Defaults to obtaining via the BELFRAMEWORK_HOME environment variable. * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected SystemConfiguration getSystemConfiguration() throws Exception { final String bfhome = getenv(ENV_BELFRAMEWORK_HOME); if (hasLength(bfhome)) { sysCfg = createSystemConfiguration(); return sysCfg; } String whistleHome = getenv(WHISTLE_HOME); // assert that WHISTLE_HOME is set, alert the user assert noLength(whistleHome); if (noLength(whistleHome)) { throw new IllegalStateException("WHISTLE_HOME needs to be set."); } String cfgPath = asPath(getenv(WHISTLE_HOME), CONFIG_DIRECTORY, BELFRAMEWORK_CONFIG); sysCfg = createSystemConfiguration(new File(cfgPath)); return sysCfg; } /** * Obtain the {@link DatabaseService} for use in Rcr.<br> * Defaults to {@link DatabaseServiceImpl} * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected DatabaseService getDatabaseService() throws Exception { return dbService == null ? new DatabaseServiceImpl() : dbService; } /** * Obtain the {@link CacheableResourceService} for use in Rcr.<br> * Defaults to {@link DefaultCacheableResourceService} * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected CacheableResourceService getCacheableResourceService() throws Exception { return cacheService == null ? new DefaultCacheableResourceService() : cacheService; } /** * Obtain the {@link KamStore} for use in Rcr.<br> * Defaults to {@link KamStoreImpl} * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected KAMStore getKamStore() throws Exception { if (kamStore != null) { return kamStore; } if (sysCfg == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("System Configuration must be valid for KamStore creation"); } if (dbService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("DBService must be valid for KamStore creation"); } DBConnection dbc = dbService.dbConnection(sysCfg.getKamURL(), sysCfg.getKamUser(), sysCfg.getKamPassword()); return new KAMStoreImpl(dbc); } /** * Obtain the {@link DataFileService} for use in processing the input data * file. * * @return * @throws Exception */ protected DataFileService getDataFileService() throws Exception { return dataFileService == null ? (commandLine.hasOption(DETAIL_LONG_OPT) ? new DebugIdAmpDataFileService() : new DefaultIdAMPDataFileService()) : dataFileService; } /** * Obtain the {@link MeasurementMappingService} for use in mapping * {@link Measurement}s to a {@link Kam} * @return * @throws Exception */ protected MeasurementMappingService getMappingService() throws Exception { if (mappingService != null) { return mappingService; } if (getKamStore() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("KamStore must be valid for MeasurementMappingService creation"); } // if debug is enabled, use the debug mappingService DefaultMeasurementMappingService mappingService; if (commandLine.hasOption(DETAIL_LONG_OPT)) { mappingService = new DebugMeasurementMappingService(); } else { mappingService = new DefaultMeasurementMappingService(); } mappingService.setCollapsingStrategy(new DefaultCollapsingStrategy(commandLine.hasOption(ANLST_SHORT_OPT))); mappingService.setKamStore(getKamStore()); return mappingService; } /** * Obtain the {@link Dialect} for use in Rcr.<br> * Defaults to {@link RcrDialect} * * @return */ protected Dialect getDialect() { if (dialect != null) { return dialect; } if (kamStore == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("KamStore must be valid for Dialect creation"); } return new RcrDialect(kamStore); } /** * Verify a {@link Double} can be parsed from the provided {@link String}. * * @param d * @return */ protected static boolean isDouble(String d) { try { Double.valueOf(d); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get a string for a number.<br> * This implementation returns "NA" if the number is null; useful for R processing * @param number * @return */ protected String valueOf(Number number) { return number == null ? "NA" : String.valueOf(number); } /** * Simple {@link Dialect} for usage in RCR:<br> * Uses the label from the first (arbitrary) supporting term found for the * node. * * @author Steve Ungerer */ private class RcrDialect implements Dialect { private KAMStore kamStore; public RcrDialect(KAMStore kamStore) { this.kamStore = kamStore; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getLabel(KamNode kamNode) { String label = kamNode.getLabel(); try { List<BelTerm> terms = kamStore.getSupportingTerms(kamNode); if (!terms.isEmpty()) { BelTerm bt = terms.get(0); Term t = BELParser.parseTerm(bt.getLabel()); label = t.toBELShortForm(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to retrieve label for kamNode", e); } return label; } } }