Java tutorial
/** * * Resume Maker * Copyright (c) 2011, Sandeep Gupta * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.sangupta.resumemaker.export; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader; import; import; import; import com.sangupta.jerry.util.AssertUtils; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.Exporter; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.Circle; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.Line; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.Path; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.Rectangle; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.SVGBuilder; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.export.svg.Text; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.github.GitHubCommitData; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.github.GitHubRepositoryData; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.linkedin.LinkedInHelper; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.model.Event; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.model.UserData; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.util.DateUtils; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.util.HtmlUtils; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.velocity.directives.LinkedInDatesDirective; import com.sangupta.resumemaker.velocity.directives.MarkdownDirective; public class HtmlExport implements Exporter { private static final int RADIUS_Y = 50; private static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "resume.template.html"; private static final String TEMPLATE_FOLDER = "./templates/" + TEMPLATE_NAME; private static final int GRAPHIC_WIDTH = 800; private static final VelocityEngine engine = new VelocityEngine(); static { final String[] customDirectives = { LinkedInDatesDirective.class.getName(), MarkdownDirective.class.getName() }; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String directive : customDirectives) { builder.append(directive).append(","); } builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1); final String directives = builder.toString(); File file = new File(TEMPLATE_FOLDER); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find template at " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } file = file.getAbsoluteFile(); // initialize the velocity engine Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER, "file"); properties.setProperty("file" + VelocityEngine.RESOURCE_LOADER + ".class", FileResourceLoader.class.getName()); properties.setProperty("userdirective", directives); properties.setProperty(VelocityEngine.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); engine.init(properties); } @Override public void export(UserData userData, File exportFile) { Template template = engine.getTemplate(TEMPLATE_NAME); VelocityContext pageModel = getModel(userData); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); try { template.merge(pageModel, writer); } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { String unformattedHTML = writer.toString(); String formattedHTML = HtmlUtils.tidyHtml(unformattedHTML); FileUtils.write(exportFile, formattedHTML); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private VelocityContext getModel(UserData userData) { VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("name", userData.linkedInUserData.getName()); context.put("createdOn", new Date()); context.put("linkedin", userData.linkedInUserData); context.put("gravatarURL", userData.gravatarImageURL); // build linkedin jobs timeline List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>(); for (Position position : userData.linkedInUserData.getPositions()) { Event event = new Event(position.getCompany().getName(), LinkedInHelper.fromStartDate(position.getStartDate()), LinkedInHelper.fromEndDate(position.getEndDate())); events.add(event); event.setDescription(position.getTitle()); } context.put("positions", events); context.put("positionsTimeLine", createSVGTimeLineCode(events)); // build education time line events = new ArrayList<Event>(); for (Education education : userData.linkedInUserData.getEducations()) { Event event = new Event(education.getSchoolName(), LinkedInHelper.fromStartDate(education.getStartDate()), LinkedInHelper.fromEndDate(education.getEndDate())); event.setDescription(education.getDegree()); events.add(event); } context.put("educations", events); context.put("educationTimeLine", createSVGTimeLineCode(events)); // set the github data userData.gitHubData.sortRepositories(); context.put("github", userData.gitHubData); context.put("githubGraph", createGithubGraph(userData.gitHubData.getCommitDatas())); // for each repository - prepare a separate SVG graph // of 52 week commit history final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1); final Date oneYearPrevious = cal.getTime(); for (GitHubRepositoryData repo : userData.gitHubData.getRepositories()) { final String repoName = repo.getName(); List<GitHubCommitData> commits = new ArrayList<GitHubCommitData>(); // build a list of commits for (GitHubCommitData commit : userData.gitHubData.getCommitDatas()) { if (commit.repositoryID.equals(repoName) && commit.createdAt.after(oneYearPrevious)) { commits.add(commit); } } // build the SVG graph String graph = createGithubWeeklyGraph(commits); repo.setGithubCommitGraph(graph); } // for alternating rows context.put("alternator", new AlternatorTool()); // return the final context back return context; } private String createGithubWeeklyGraph(List<GitHubCommitData> commits) { if (commits == null) { return null; } Collections.sort(commits); int[] weeklyValues = new int[52]; final int GRAPH_WIDTH = 412; final int GRAPH_HEIGHT = 70; final int BAR_WIDTH = 8; final int ORIGIN_X = GRAPH_WIDTH - (52 * BAR_WIDTH); final int ORIGIN_Y = GRAPH_HEIGHT - 50; // find max Y for (GitHubCommitData commit : commits) { int linesCommitted = commit.additions + commit.deletions; int week = DateUtils.getWeekOfYear(commit.createdAt); weeklyValues[week] = weeklyValues[week] + linesCommitted; } int maxCommits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weeklyValues.length; i++) { int linesCommitted = weeklyValues[i]; maxCommits += linesCommitted; } float yScalingFactor = 0f; if (maxCommits > 0) { yScalingFactor = ((float) ORIGIN_Y) / maxCommits; } // start building the graph SVGBuilder svgBuilder = new SVGBuilder(GRAPH_WIDTH, GRAPH_HEIGHT); // build the timeline for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { float startX = ORIGIN_X + i * 8; float y = ORIGIN_Y + 1; Line line = new Line(startX, y, startX + 7, y, "graphWeekMark"); svgBuilder.addLine(line); } // the data bars for (int i = 0; i < weeklyValues.length; i++) { int week = i; int sum = weeklyValues[i]; if (sum > 0) { float startX = ORIGIN_X + (week - 1) * 8; float topY = ORIGIN_Y - (yScalingFactor * sum); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(startX + 1, topY, 6, ORIGIN_Y - topY, "weeklyGraphBar"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); } } // create the legend Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(10 + ORIGIN_X, ORIGIN_Y + 15, 10, 10); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); Text text = new Text(25 + ORIGIN_X, ORIGIN_Y + 25, "commits by this user", "start", "graphLegendText"); svgBuilder.addText(text); text = new Text(GRAPH_WIDTH - 150, ORIGIN_Y + 25, "52 week participation", "start", "graphLegendText"); svgBuilder.addText(text); return svgBuilder.toString(); } /** * Create an area graph of commit data * * @param commitDatas * @return */ private String createGithubGraph(List<GitHubCommitData> commits) { if (AssertUtils.isEmpty(commits)) { return null; } Collections.sort(commits); final int startYear = DateUtils.getYear(commits.get(0).createdAt); final int endYear = DateUtils.getYear(commits.get(commits.size() - 1).createdAt) + 2; // add TWO to make sure that we if we are nearing the end of the current year, then we have enough space at the end of the graph float totalYearSegments = endYear - startYear; final float yearSegmentWidth = GRAPHIC_WIDTH / totalYearSegments; final float weekSegmentWidth = yearSegmentWidth / 52; final int X_AXIS_MOVED = 100; final int HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH = 250; final int THICKNESS = 3; SVGBuilder svgBuilder = new SVGBuilder(GRAPHIC_WIDTH + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH + 50); // create the basic timeline Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0 + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH, GRAPHIC_WIDTH, THICKNESS, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); // add the caption Text text = new Text(GRAPHIC_WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH + 50, "Commit Timeline"); svgBuilder.addText(text); // add X-axis labels final float textAdditive = yearSegmentWidth * 0.5f; for (int year = startYear; year < endYear; year++) { int index = year - startYear; float x = yearSegmentWidth * index; // add the year vertical bar distinguisher rectangle = new Rectangle(x + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH, THICKNESS, 10, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); // add the year number text = new Text(x + textAdditive + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH + 20f, String.valueOf(year), "middle", "xAxisLabels"); svgBuilder.addText(text); } // determine max value for y-axis float maxLines = 0; for (GitHubCommitData commit : commits) { maxLines += commit.additions - commit.deletions; } // normalize the maximum value final float lineFactor = HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH / maxLines; // create the Y-AXIS rectangle = new Rectangle(X_AXIS_MOVED, 0, THICKNESS, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); final int Y_AXIS_DIVISIONS = 5; float yInterval = maxLines / Y_AXIS_DIVISIONS; for (int count = 0; count < Y_AXIS_DIVISIONS; count++) { float lines = count * yInterval; float y = lines * lineFactor; rectangle = new Rectangle(X_AXIS_MOVED - 10, y, 10, THICKNESS, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); text = new Text(X_AXIS_MOVED - 15, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH - y + 5, String.valueOf(((int) lines)), "end", "yAxisLabels"); svgBuilder.addText(text); } // System.out.println("Line factor: " + lineFactor); float totalLines = 0; int lastMyYear = 0; int lastMyWeek = 0; float lastX = 0f; float lastY = 0f; for (GitHubCommitData commit : commits) { final int myYear = DateUtils.getYear(commit.createdAt); final int myWeek = DateUtils.getWeekOfYear(commit.createdAt); if (myYear == lastMyYear && myWeek == lastMyWeek) { totalLines += commit.additions + commit.deletions; } else { float x = ((myYear - startYear) * yearSegmentWidth) + ((myWeek - 1) * weekSegmentWidth); float y = totalLines * lineFactor; if (!(y == lastY && y == 0.0)) { Line line = new Line(lastX + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH - lastY, x + X_AXIS_MOVED, HEIGHT_OF_GRAPH - y, "trendLine"); svgBuilder.addLine(line); } lastMyYear = myYear; lastMyWeek = myWeek; // System.out.println("Week " + myWeek + " of year " + myYear + " had totalLines of " + totalLines + " as (" + x + ", " + y + ")"); lastX = x; lastY = y; } } return svgBuilder.toString(); } private String createSVGTimeLineCode(List<Event> events) { if (events == null) { return null; } // sort the collection based on the dates Collections.sort(events); // start finding the segment widths // and build up the array final int startYear = DateUtils.getYear(events.get(0).getStartDate()); final int endYear = DateUtils.getYear(events.get(events.size() - 1).getEndDate()) + 2; // add TWO to make sure that we if we are nearing the end of the current year, then we have enough space at the end of the graph float totalYearSegments = endYear - startYear; final float yearSegmentWidth = GRAPHIC_WIDTH / totalYearSegments; final float monthSegmentWidth = yearSegmentWidth / 12; final int BASE_LINE = 200; final int THICKNESS = 3; SVGBuilder svgBuilder = new SVGBuilder(GRAPHIC_WIDTH, 250); // create the basic timeline Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, BASE_LINE, GRAPHIC_WIDTH, THICKNESS, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); final float textAdditive = yearSegmentWidth * 0.5f; for (int year = startYear; year < endYear; year++) { int index = year - startYear; float x = yearSegmentWidth * index; // add the year vertical bar distinguisher rectangle = new Rectangle(x, 200, THICKNESS, 10, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addRectangle(rectangle); // add the year number Text text = new Text(x + textAdditive, 220f, String.valueOf(year), "middle", "xAxisLabels"); svgBuilder.addText(text); } // start building the shape for each year for (int index = 0; index < events.size(); index++) { Event event = events.get(index); int myStartYear = DateUtils.getYear(event.getStartDate()); int myStartMonth = DateUtils.getMonth(event.getStartDate()); // compute the arc dimensions float startX = ((myStartYear - startYear) * yearSegmentWidth) + (myStartMonth * monthSegmentWidth); float endX; Date endDate; if (event.getEndDate() != null) { endDate = event.getEndDate(); } else { endDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); } int myEndYear = DateUtils.getYear(endDate); int myEndMonth = DateUtils.getMonth(endDate); endX = ((myEndYear - startYear) * yearSegmentWidth) + (myEndMonth * monthSegmentWidth); final float mid = (endX + startX) / 2; String styleClassName = "fillColor" + String.valueOf((index % 8) + 1); Path path = new Path(); path.setStyleClassName(styleClassName); path.moveTo(startX, 199).arc(endX, 199, ((endX - startX) / 2), RADIUS_Y, 0, false, true).close(); svgBuilder.addPath(path); // compute the label path Line line = new Line(mid, 112, mid, 160, "graphGridLines"); svgBuilder.addLine(line); // add the star or circle around the end if (event.getEndDate() != null) { Circle circle = new Circle(mid, 160, 3); svgBuilder.addCircle(circle); } else { // for the last event on the timeline // add a star svgBuilder.addPath(createStarPath(mid, 160)); } // add the position name over this line Text text = new Text(mid, 100, event.getName(), "middle", "xAxisLabels"); svgBuilder.addText(text); } return svgBuilder.toString(); } private Path createStarPath(float x, float y) { final float x1 = 2.938926261f; final float x2 = 1.816517946f; final float x3 = 4.755282581f; final float x4 = 1.122669832f; final float x5 = 0f; final float y1 = 2.135084972f; final float y2 = -1.319777541f; final float y3 = -3.455084972f; final float y4 = -3.455222459f; final float y5 = -6.91f; Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(x, y).lineTo(x + x1, y + y1).lineTo(x + x2, y + y2).lineTo(x + x3, y + y3) .lineTo(x + x4, y + y4).lineTo(x + x5, y + y5).lineTo(x - x4, y + y4).lineTo(x - x3, y + y3) .lineTo(x - x2, y + y2).lineTo(x - x1, y + y1).close(); return path; } }