Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics, Co. Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONException; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; /** * This is a helper class, which has few helper methods to crete template, create action, get uri etc. */ public class RichNotificationHelper { // Error messages static final String VENDOR_NOT_SUPPORTED = "VENDOR_NOT_SUPPORTED"; static final String DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED"; static final String LIBRARY_NOT_INSTALLED = "LIBRARY_NOT_INSTALLED"; static final String LIBRARY_UPDATE_IS_RECOMMENDED = "LIBRARY_UPDATE_IS_RECOMMENDED"; static final String LIBRARY_UPDATE_IS_REQUIRED = "LIBRARY_UPDATE_IS_REQUIRED"; static final String NOTIFICATION_MANAGER_NOT_STARTED = "NOTIFICATION_MANAGER_NOT_STARTED"; static final String INVALID_UUID = "INVALID_UUID"; static final String DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED = "DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED"; static final String PERMISSION_DENIED = "PERMISSION_DENIED"; // Header types static final String HEADER_TYPE_SMALL = "HEADER_TYPE_SMALL"; static final String HEADER_TYPE_MEDIUM = "HEADER_TYPE_MEDIUM"; static final String HEADER_TYPE_LARGE = "HEADER_TYPE_LARGE"; static final String HEADER_TYPE_FULL = "HEADER_TYPE_FULL"; static final String HEADER_TYPE_QR = "HEADER_TYPE_QR"; // Secondary template types static final String SECONDARY_TYPE_NONE = "SECONDARY_TYPE_NONE"; static final String SECONDARY_TYPE_STD = "SECONDARY_TYPE_STD"; static final String SECONDARY_TYPE_QR = "SECONDARY_TYPE_QR"; // Alert Types static final int ALERT_TYPE_SILENCE = 101; static final int ALERT_TYPE_SOUND = 102; static final int ALERT_TYPE_SOUND_AND_VIBR = 103; static final int ALERT_TYPE_VIBR = 104; // Popup types static final int POPUP_TYPE_NONE = 201; static final int POPUP_TYPE_NORMAL = 202; // Action types static final int ACTION_TYPE_CALL = 301; static final int ACTION_TYPE_SMS = 302; static final int ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL = 303; static final int ACTION_TYPE_VIEW = 304; static final int ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_KEYBOARD = 305; static final int ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_SINGLE_SELECT = 306; static final int ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_MULTI_SELECT = 307; // Keyboard Type static final int KEYBOARD_NORMAL = 308; static final int KEYBOARD_NUMBER = 309; static final int KEYBOARD_EMOJI = 310; // sendRichNotification success return types static final String RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SENT = "RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_SENT"; static final String RETURN_TYPE_REMOTE_INPUT = "RETURN_TYPE_REMOTE_INPUT"; static final String RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_READ = "RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_READ"; static final String RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = "RETURN_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED"; // Other constants private static final String STORAGE_FOLDER = "/localnotification"; private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final String TAG = "RichNotificationHelper"; //Creates Primary template of the Rich Notification. public static SrnPrimaryTemplate createPrimaryTemplate(Context mContext, RichNotificationOptions options) { SrnPrimaryTemplate primaryTemplate = null; SrnStandardTemplate stdPrimaryTemplate = null; SrnLargeHeaderTemplate largeTemplate = null; SrnQRTemplate qrPrimaryTemplate = null; // Code duplication in case of SMALL, MEDIUM, FULL_SCREEN and default if (options.headerSizeType.equals(RichNotificationHelper.HEADER_TYPE_SMALL)) { stdPrimaryTemplate = new SrnStandardTemplate(HeaderSizeType.SMALL); stdPrimaryTemplate.setSubHeader(options.primarySubHeader); stdPrimaryTemplate.setBody(options.primaryBody); primaryTemplate = stdPrimaryTemplate; } else if (options.headerSizeType.equals(RichNotificationHelper.HEADER_TYPE_MEDIUM)) { stdPrimaryTemplate = new SrnStandardTemplate(HeaderSizeType.MEDIUM); stdPrimaryTemplate.setSubHeader(options.primarySubHeader); stdPrimaryTemplate.setBody(options.primaryBody); primaryTemplate = stdPrimaryTemplate; } else if (options.headerSizeType.equals(RichNotificationHelper.HEADER_TYPE_FULL)) { stdPrimaryTemplate = new SrnStandardTemplate(HeaderSizeType.FULL_SCREEN); stdPrimaryTemplate.setSubHeader(options.primarySubHeader); stdPrimaryTemplate.setBody(options.primaryBody); primaryTemplate = stdPrimaryTemplate; } else if (options.headerSizeType.equals(RichNotificationHelper.HEADER_TYPE_LARGE)) { largeTemplate = new SrnLargeHeaderTemplate(); primaryTemplate = largeTemplate; } else if (options.headerSizeType.equals(RichNotificationHelper.HEADER_TYPE_QR)) { qrPrimaryTemplate = new SrnQRTemplate(); Bitmap imageBitmap = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.qrImage); SrnImageAsset imageAsset = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "QR Image", imageBitmap); qrPrimaryTemplate.setImage(imageAsset); qrPrimaryTemplate.setSubHeader(options.primarySubHeader); primaryTemplate = qrPrimaryTemplate; } else { Log.e(TAG, "Header type invalid. Creating SMALL header."); stdPrimaryTemplate = new SrnStandardTemplate(); stdPrimaryTemplate.setSubHeader(options.primarySubHeader); stdPrimaryTemplate.setBody(options.primaryBody); primaryTemplate = stdPrimaryTemplate; } // Set the background image of the primary template if (!options.primaryBackgroundImage.equals("")) { Bitmap priBgBit = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.primaryBackgroundImage); SrnImageAsset priBgAsst = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "PrimaryBG", priBgBit); primaryTemplate.setBackgroundImage(priBgAsst); } // Set the background color of the primary template if (!options.primaryBackgroundColor.isEmpty()) { try { int color = Color.parseColor(options.primaryBackgroundColor); primaryTemplate.setBackgroundColor(color); } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid color string for Primary Background"); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "Empty string for Primary Background"); } return primaryTemplate; } //Creates Secondary template of the Rich Notification. public static SrnSecondaryTemplate createSecondaryTemplate(Context mContext, RichNotificationOptions options) throws JSONException { SrnSecondaryTemplate secondaryTemplate = null; //In case of Seconday Type None if (options.secondaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(RichNotificationHelper.SECONDARY_TYPE_NONE)) { return null; } //In case of Seconday Type Standard else if (options.secondaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(RichNotificationHelper.SECONDARY_TYPE_STD)) { SrnStandardSecondaryTemplate stdSecondary = new SrnStandardSecondaryTemplate(); stdSecondary.setSubHeader(options.secondarySubHeader); if (options.secondaryContent != null) { JSONObject content = options.secondaryContent.optJSONObject(0); if (content != null) { stdSecondary.setTitle(content.optString("title")); stdSecondary.setBody(content.optString("body")); } } // Set SmallIcons Bitmap icon1 = null; if (!options.secondaryIcon1Path.equals("")) { icon1 = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryIcon1Path); } SrnImageAsset smallIcon1 = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "smallIcon1", icon1); stdSecondary.setSmallIcon1(smallIcon1, options.secondaryIcon1Text); Bitmap icon2 = null; if (!options.secondaryIcon2Path.equals("")) { icon2 = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryIcon2Path); } SrnImageAsset smallIcon2 = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "smallIcon2", icon2); stdSecondary.setSmallIcon2(smallIcon2, options.secondaryIcon2Text); // Set Image if (!options.secondaryImage.equals("")) { Bitmap secBgBit = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryImage); SrnImageAsset secBgAsst = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "SecondaryBG", secBgBit); stdSecondary.setImage(secBgAsst); } secondaryTemplate = stdSecondary; } //In case of Seconday Type QR else if (options.secondaryType.equalsIgnoreCase(RichNotificationHelper.SECONDARY_TYPE_QR)) { SrnQRSecondaryTemplate qrSecondary = new SrnQRSecondaryTemplate(); if (options.secondaryContent != null) { for (int i = 0; i < options.secondaryContent.length(); i++) { JSONObject content = options.secondaryContent.optJSONObject(i); if (content == null) continue; qrSecondary.addListItem(content.optString("title"), content.optString("body")); } } // Set SmallIcons Bitmap icon1 = null; if (!options.secondaryIcon1Path.equals("")) { icon1 = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryIcon1Path); } SrnImageAsset smallIcon1 = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "smallIcon1", icon1); qrSecondary.setSmallIcon1(smallIcon1, options.secondaryIcon1Text); Bitmap icon2 = null; if (!options.secondaryIcon2Path.equals("")) { icon2 = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryIcon2Path); } SrnImageAsset smallIcon2 = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "smallIcon2", icon2); qrSecondary.setSmallIcon2(smallIcon2, options.secondaryIcon2Text); // Set Image if (!options.secondaryImage.equals("")) { Bitmap secBgBit = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + options.secondaryImage); SrnImageAsset secBgAsst = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, "SecondaryBG", secBgBit); qrSecondary.setImage(secBgAsst); } secondaryTemplate = qrSecondary; } else { return null; } // Set the background color of the secondary template if (!options.secondaryBackgroundColor.isEmpty()) { try { int color = Color.parseColor(options.secondaryBackgroundColor); secondaryTemplate.setBackgroundColor(color); } catch (IllegalArgumentException illArgEx) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid color string for Secondary Background"); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "Empty string for Secondary Background"); } return secondaryTemplate; } // Actions for the Rich Notifications. public static List<SrnAction> createActions(Context mContext, CallbackContext callbackContext, RichNotificationOptions options) throws JSONException { ArrayList<SrnAction> actionsList = new ArrayList<SrnAction>(); JSONArray actions = options.actions; if (actions == null) return null; SrnAction action = null; for (int i = 0; i < actions.length(); i++) { JSONObject act = actions.optJSONObject(i); if (act == null) continue; String actionLabel = act.optString("actionLabel", EMPTY_STRING); if (actionLabel.isEmpty()) continue; Bitmap actionIcon = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + act.optString("actionIcon")); SrnImageAsset actionImg = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, actionLabel, actionIcon); int actionType = act.optInt("type"); switch (actionType) { case ACTION_TYPE_CALL: SrnRemoteBuiltInAction call = new SrnRemoteBuiltInAction(actionLabel, OperationType.CALL); call.setData(Uri.parse(act.optString("dest"))); action = call; break; case ACTION_TYPE_SMS: SrnRemoteBuiltInAction sms = new SrnRemoteBuiltInAction(actionLabel, OperationType.SMS); sms.setData(Uri.fromParts("sms", act.optString("dest"), null)); action = sms; break; case ACTION_TYPE_EMAIL: Log.d(TAG, "Email to: '" + act.optString("dest") + "'"); Log.d(TAG, "Subject: '" + act.optString("subject") + "'"); Log.d(TAG, "Body: '" + act.optString("body") + "'"); SrnHostAction email = new SrnHostAction(actionLabel); Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO); String uriText = "mailto:" + act.optString("dest") + "?subject=" + Uri.encode(act.optString("subject")) + "&body=" + Uri.encode(act.optString("body")); Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriText); emailIntent.setData(uri); email.setCallbackIntent(CallbackIntent.getActivityCallback(emailIntent)); email.setToast(act.optString("toast")); email.setIcon(actionImg); action = email; break; case ACTION_TYPE_VIEW: SrnHostAction view = new SrnHostAction(actionLabel); Intent viewIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); String urlText = act.optString("dest"); Uri url = Uri.parse(urlText); viewIntent.setData(url); view.setCallbackIntent(CallbackIntent.getActivityCallback(viewIntent)); view.setToast(act.optString("toast")); view.setIcon(actionImg); action = view; break; case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_KEYBOARD: case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_SINGLE_SELECT: case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_MULTI_SELECT: SrnRemoteInputAction input = getRemoteInputAction(mContext, act); if (input == null) { continue; } Intent inputIntent = new Intent(""); inputIntent.putExtra("callbackID", callbackContext.getCallbackId()); String actionID = act.optString("actionID", EMPTY_STRING); if (actionID.isEmpty()) { continue; } else { inputIntent.putExtra("actionID", actionID); } input.setCallbackIntent(CallbackIntent.getBroadcastCallback(inputIntent)); input.setIcon(actionImg); action = input; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid action type: " + actionType); continue; } Log.d(TAG, "Action type created: " + actionType); actionsList.add(action); } return actionsList; } public static Bitmap getIconBitmap(Context mContext, String path) { Bitmap bmp; try { Uri uri = getUri(mContext, path); if (uri == null) return null; else uri = Uri.parse(uri.toString()); bmp = getIconFromUri(mContext, uri); } catch (IOException e) { bmp = null; } return bmp; } // Private helper functions private static SrnRemoteInputAction getRemoteInputAction(Context mContext, JSONObject action) throws JSONException { SrnRemoteInputAction inputAction = null; String actionLabel = action.optString("actionLabel"); if (actionLabel == null || actionLabel.isEmpty()) return null; inputAction = new SrnRemoteInputAction(actionLabel); int inputType = action.optInt("type"); switch (inputType) { case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_KEYBOARD: KeyboardInputMode kbInput = InputModeFactory.createKeyboardInputMode(); String prefillString = action.optString("body"); int charLimit = action.optInt("charLimit", 0); if (charLimit > 0 && charLimit <= prefillString.length()) { kbInput.setCharacterLimit(charLimit); kbInput.setPrefillString(prefillString.substring(0, charLimit)); } else if (charLimit > 0 && charLimit > prefillString.length()) { kbInput.setCharacterLimit(charLimit); kbInput.setPrefillString(prefillString); } else { kbInput.setPrefillString(prefillString); } int keyboardType = action.optInt("keyboardType", KEYBOARD_NORMAL); kbInput.setKeyboardType(getKeyboardType(keyboardType)); inputAction.setRequestedInputMode(kbInput); break; case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_SINGLE_SELECT: case ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_MULTI_SELECT: SingleSelectInputMode single = InputModeFactory.createSingleSelectInputMode(); MultiSelectInputMode multi = InputModeFactory.createMultiSelectInputMode(); JSONArray choices = action.optJSONArray("choices"); Log.d(TAG, "Choices: " + choices); if (choices == null || choices.length() == 0) return null; for (int index = 0; index < choices.length(); index++) { JSONObject choice = choices.optJSONObject(index); Log.d(TAG, "Choice: " + choice); if (choice == null) continue; String choiceLabel = choice.optString("choiceLabel", null); String choiceID = choice.optString("choiceID", null); if (choiceLabel == null || choiceID == null) continue; Bitmap chIco = getIconBitmap(mContext, "file://" + choice.optString("choiceIcon")); Log.d(TAG, "chIco for '" + choiceLabel + "'' : " + chIco); SrnImageAsset choiceImg = new SrnImageAsset(mContext, choiceLabel, chIco); boolean selected = choice.optBoolean("selected"); if (inputType == ACTION_TYPE_INPUT_SINGLE_SELECT) { single.addChoice(choiceLabel, choiceID, choiceImg); inputAction.setRequestedInputMode(single); } else { multi.addChoice(choiceLabel, choiceID, choiceImg, selected); inputAction.setRequestedInputMode(multi); } } break; default: Log.d(TAG, "Invalid input type. Hence, ignoring."); return null; } return inputAction; } private static Uri getUri(Context mContext, String path) { if (path.startsWith("file:///")) { return getUriFromPath(path); } else if (path.startsWith("file://")) { return getUriFromAsset(mContext, path); } else { return null; } } private static Uri getUriFromPath(String path) { String absPath = path.replaceFirst("file://", ""); File file = new File(absPath); if (!file.exists()) { Log.e(TAG, "File not found: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return Uri.EMPTY; } return Uri.fromFile(file); } private static Uri getUriFromAsset(Context mContext, String path) { File dir = mContext.getExternalCacheDir(); if (dir == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Missing external cache dir"); return Uri.EMPTY; } String resPath = path.replaceFirst("file:/", "www"); String fileName = resPath.substring(resPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); String storage = dir.toString() + STORAGE_FOLDER; if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) { Log.e(TAG, "Filename is missing"); return Uri.EMPTY; } File file = new File(storage, fileName); FileOutputStream outStream = null; InputStream inputStream = null; try { File fileStorage = new File(storage); if (!fileStorage.mkdir()) Log.e(TAG, "Storage directory could not be created: " + storage); AssetManager assets = mContext.getAssets(); outStream = new FileOutputStream(file); inputStream =; copyFile(inputStream, outStream); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); return Uri.fromFile(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "File not found: assets/" + resPath); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException occured"); } catch (SecurityException secEx) { Log.e(TAG, "SecurityException: directory creation denied"); } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } if (outStream != null) { outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException occured while closing/flushing streams"); } } return Uri.EMPTY; } private static Bitmap getIconFromUri(Context mContext, Uri uri) throws IOException { InputStream input = mContext.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input); } private static void copyFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read; while ((read = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, read); } } // Get the type of the Keyboard from the user. private static KeyboardType getKeyboardType(int keyboardType) { if (keyboardType == KEYBOARD_NORMAL) { return KeyboardType.NORMAL; } else if (keyboardType == KEYBOARD_NUMBER) { return KeyboardType.NUMBER; } else if (keyboardType == KEYBOARD_EMOJI) { return KeyboardType.EMOJI; } else { return KeyboardType.NORMAL; } } }