Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.sample.amqp; import static java.lang.System.getenv; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.amqp.core.AmqpAdmin; import org.springframework.amqp.core.Queue; import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.CachingConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.ConnectionFactory; import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin; import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitTemplate; import org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; /** * @author Pulkit Singhal */ @Configuration public class RabbitConfiguration { @Value("${}") private String requestQueueName; @Value("${}") private String responseQueueName; @Bean public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() { final URI ampqUrl; try { ampqUrl = new URI(getEnvOrThrow("CLOUDAMQP_URL")); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } final CachingConnectionFactory factory = new CachingConnectionFactory(); factory.setUsername(ampqUrl.getUserInfo().split(":")[0]); factory.setPassword(ampqUrl.getUserInfo().split(":")[1]); factory.setHost(ampqUrl.getHost()); factory.setPort(ampqUrl.getPort()); factory.setVirtualHost(ampqUrl.getPath().substring(1)); factory.setPublisherReturns(true); return factory; } @Bean public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() { return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory()); } @Bean(name = "rabbitTemplate") public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() { RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory()); rabbitTemplate.setMessageConverter(jsonMessageConverter()); rabbitTemplate.setReplyQueue(responseQueue()); rabbitTemplate.setReplyTimeout(60000); return rabbitTemplate; } /** * * Two implementations are available: * a) JsonMessageConverter which uses the org.codehaus.jackson 1.x library and * b) Jackson2JsonMessageConverter which uses the com.fasterxml.jackson 2.x library. */ @Bean public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() { JsonMessageConverter jsonMessageConverter = new JsonMessageConverter(); ObjectMapper jsonObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); // following matched the configuration inside the source code for JsonMessageConverter jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); // following is being added to allow for interoperability with any nodejs implementations // that we may talk to through RabbitMQ jsonObjectMapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true); jsonMessageConverter.setJsonObjectMapper(jsonObjectMapper); return jsonMessageConverter; } /** * Let's assume that the queue name is the same as the routing_key */ @Bean public Queue requestQueue() { return new Queue(requestQueueName); } @Bean public Queue responseQueue() { return new Queue(responseQueueName); } @Bean public CloudRouterGateway cloudRouterGateway() { CloudRouterGateway gateway = new CloudRouterGateway(); gateway.setRabbitTemplate(rabbitTemplate()); return gateway; } @Bean public SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer() { SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(); container.setConcurrentConsumers(5); container.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory()); container.setQueues(responseQueue()); container.setMessageListener(rabbitTemplate()); return container; } private static String getEnvOrThrow(String name) { final String env = getenv(name); if (env == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Environment variable [" + name + "] is not set."); } return env; } }