Java tutorial
package com.salesmanBuddy.dao; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.GoogleUserInfoException; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.InvalidUserTreeType; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.MalformedSBEmailException; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.NoBucketFoundException; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.NoSqlResultsException; import com.salesmanBuddy.exceptions.UserNameException; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Buckets; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Dealerships; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.DeleteLicenseResponse; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.ErrorMessage; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.FinishedPhoto; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.GoogleRefreshTokenResponse; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.GoogleToken; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.GoogleUserInfo; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.ImageDetails; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Licenses; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.LicensesFromClient; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.LicensesListElement; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.SBEmail; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.States; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.StockNumbers; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.UserTree; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Users; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Answers; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.Questions; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.QuestionsAndAnswers; import com.salesmanBuddy.model.UsersName; public class JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO extends SharedDAO { static final private Integer isImage = 1; static final private Integer isText = 2; static final private Integer isBool = 3; static final private Integer isDropdown = 4; private static final String GoogleClientIdWeb = ""; private static final String GoogleClientSecretWeb = "NRheOilfAEKqTatHltqNhV2y"; private static final String GoogleClientIdAndroid = ""; private static final String GoogleClientSecretAndroid = ""; private static final String GoogleClientIdiOS = ""; private static final String GoogleClientSecretiOS = "zC738ZbMHopT2C1cyKiKDBQ6"; private static final String GoogleTokenEndpoint = ""; private static final String GoogleUserEndpoint = ""; private static final String GoogleRefreshTokenEndpoint = ""; private static final String SUPPORT_EMAIL = ""; private static final String TEST_DRIVE_NOW_EMAIL = ""; private static final String REPORTS_EMAIL = ""; private static final String ERRORED_EMAIL = ""; public static final int ON_TEST_DRIVE_EMAIL_TYPE = 1; public static final int DAILY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 2; public static final int DAILY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 14; public static final int DAILY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 4; public static final int WEEKLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 5; public static final int WEEKLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 15; public static final int WEEKLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 7; public static final int BI_MONTHLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 8; public static final int BI_MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 9; public static final int BI_MONTHLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 10; public static final int MONTHLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 11; public static final int MONTHLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 16; public static final int MONTHLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 13; public static final int DAILY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 3; public static final int WEEKLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 6; public static final int MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE = 12; public static final int DAILY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE = 17; public static final int WEEKLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE = 18; public static final int MONTHLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE = 19; public static final Integer DAILY_TYPE = 1;// night public static final Integer WEEKLY_TYPE = 2;// monday // public static final Integer BI_MONTHLY_TYPE = 3;// 1, 15 public static final Integer MONTHLY_TYPE = 4;// 1 public static final Integer SO_FAR_MONTH_TYPE = 5; public static final Integer DEALERSHIP_TYPE = 1; public static final Integer SALESMAN_TYPE = 2; public static final Integer TEST_DRIVE_TYPE = 3; public final static Integer USER_TREE_TYPE = 1; public final static Integer SUPERVISOR_TREE_TYPE = 2; private static final Integer STOCK_NUMBER_NORMAL = 0; private static final Integer STOCK_NUMBER_SOLD = 1; enum ReportBeginEnd { AllSalesmen, DealershipSummary, Warnings, TestDriveNow, TestDriveSummary, StockNumberSummary }; public JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO() { super(); } public FinishedPhoto saveFileToS3ForStateId(int stateId, File file) { try { if (file == null) throw new RuntimeException("file trying to save to s3 is null"); FinishedPhoto fp = new FinishedPhoto(); Buckets stateBucket = this.getBucketForStateId(stateId); if (stateBucket == null) { this.makeBucketForStateId(stateId); stateBucket = this.getBucketForStateId(stateId); } if (stateBucket.getName() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("statebucket name is null"); } fp.setBucketId(stateBucket.getId()); fp.setFilename(this.addFileToBucket(stateBucket.getName(), this.randomAlphaNumericOfLength(15), file)); return fp; } catch (NoBucketFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private String makeBucketForStateId(int stateId) { String bucketName = "state-" + this.getStateNameForStateId(stateId).toLowerCase() + "-uuid-" + UUID.randomUUID(); bucketName = this.createS3Bucket(bucketName, Regions.US_WEST_2); final String sql = "INSERT INTO buckets (stateId, name) VALUES (?, ?)"; try { this.insertRow(sql, "id", stateId, bucketName); return bucketName; } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to make bucket for state id: " + stateId); } } public void addQuestionsAndAnswersToLicenseListElements(List<LicensesListElement> list) { List<Questions> questions = this.getAllQuestions();// this makes it so getQuestionsAndAnswers doesnt have to poll the database for every question for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { list.get(i).setQaas(this.getQuestionsAndAnswersForLicenseId(list.get(i).getId(), questions)); } } private LicensesListElement getLicenseListElementForLicenseId(Integer licenseId) { LicensesListElement result; try { result = this.getRow("SELECT * FROM licenses WHERE id = ?", LicensesListElement.class, licenseId); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("id: " + licenseId + ", error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } List<Questions> questions = this.getAllQuestions();// this makes it so getQuestionsAndAnswers doesnt have to poll the database for every question result.setQaas(this.getQuestionsAndAnswersForLicenseId(result.getId(), questions)); throw new RuntimeException("couldnt find the license by id: " + licenseId); } public FinishedPhoto saveStringAsFileForStateId(String data, int stateId, String extension) {// working 10/3/13 File f = null; Writer writer = null; FinishedPhoto fp = null; try { f = File.createTempFile(this.randomAlphaNumericOfLength(15), extension); f.deleteOnExit(); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f)); writer.write(data); writer.close(); fp = this.saveFileToS3ForStateId(stateId, f); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "IOException for saveStringAsFileForStateId, error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { if (f != null) f.delete(); } if (fp == null || fp.getFilename() == null) throw new RuntimeException("failed to save data"); return fp; } public LicensesListElement putLicense(LicensesFromClient licenseFromClient, String googleUserId) { Users user = this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); int licenseId = 0; if (user == null) throw new RuntimeException("couldnt find user for google id: " + googleUserId); licenseFromClient.setUserId(user.getId()); if (licenseFromClient.getUserId() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("userid is " + licenseFromClient.getUserId() + ", its invalid"); Licenses l = new Licenses(licenseFromClient); try { licenseId = this.putLicenseInDatabase(l); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to put license in database, licenseid returned: " + licenseId + ", license: " + l.toString()); } for (QuestionsAndAnswers qaa : licenseFromClient.getQaas()) { qaa.getAnswer().setLicenseId(licenseId); if (this.putAnswerInDatabase(qaa.getAnswer()) == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to insert answer into database, " + qaa.getAnswer().toString()); } this.sendEmailsAboutTestDriveForGoogleUserIdLicenseId(googleUserId, licenseId); return this.getLicenseListElementForLicenseId(licenseId); } public DeleteLicenseResponse deleteLicense(int licenseId) { int i = this.updateShowInUserListForLicenseId(licenseId, 0); DeleteLicenseResponse dlr = new DeleteLicenseResponse(); dlr.setLicenseId(licenseId); if (i != 0) { dlr.setMessage("Success, user wont see license anymore, rows edited: " + i); dlr.setSuccess(1); } else { dlr.setMessage("failure, rows edited: " + i); dlr.setSuccess(0); } return dlr; } public boolean userOwnsLicenseId(int licenseId, String googleUserId) { final String sql = "SELECT * FROM licenses WHERE id = ? AND userId = (SELECT id FROM users WHERE googleUserId = ?)"; List<Licenses> results = this.getList(sql, Licenses.class, licenseId, googleUserId); if (results.size() > 0) return true; return false; } public File getLicenseImageForPhotoNameBucketId(String photoName, Integer bucketId) { Buckets bucket = this.getBucketForBucketId(bucketId); return this.getFileFromBucket(photoName, bucket.getName(), ".jpeg", this.randomAlphaNumericOfLength(15), Regions.US_WEST_2); } public LicensesListElement updateLicense(LicensesFromClient licenseFromClient, String googleUserId) { if (licenseFromClient.getId() == null || licenseFromClient.getId() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("id is either null or 0: " + licenseFromClient.toString()); // this.updateShowInUserListForLicenseId(licenseFromClient.getId(), licenseFromClient.getShowInUserList()); for (QuestionsAndAnswers qaa : licenseFromClient.getQaas()) { this.updateAnswerInDatabase(qaa.getAnswer()); } return this.getLicenseListElementForLicenseId(licenseFromClient.getId()); } public void addSubDataToLicensesListElement(Collection<LicensesListElement> list) { List<Questions> questions = this.getAllQuestions();// this makes it so getQuestionsAndAnswers doesnt have to poll the database for every question for (LicensesListElement element : list) { element.setQaas(this.getQuestionsAndAnswersForLicenseId(element.getId(), questions)); } } public List<QuestionsAndAnswers> getQuestionsAndAnswersForLicenseId(int licenseId, List<Questions> questions) { List<Answers> answers = this.getAnswersForLicenseId(licenseId); this.addDetailsToAnswers(answers); List<QuestionsAndAnswers> qas = new ArrayList<>(); for (Answers a : answers) { QuestionsAndAnswers qa = new QuestionsAndAnswers(); qa.setAnswer(a); // qa.setQuestion(this.getQuestionById(a.getQuestionId()));// dont get it from the db every time, many db calls qa.setQuestion(this.getQuestionFromListById(questions, a.getQuestionId()));// just get question from the pregotten questions qas.add(qa); } return qas; } private Questions getQuestionFromListById(List<Questions> questions, int id) { for (Questions q : questions) { if (q.getId() == id) return q; } return null; } private void addDetailsToAnswers(List<Answers> answers) { for (Answers a : answers) { if (a.getAnswerType() == JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.isImage) { a.setImageDetails(this.getImageDetailsForAnswerId(a.getId())); } } } private Integer updateAnswerInDatabase(Answers answer) { final String sql = "UPDATE answers SET answerBool = ?, answerType = ?, answerText = ?, licenseId = ?, questionId = ? WHERE id = ?"; int i = this.updateRow(sql, answer.getAnswerBool(), answer.getAnswerType(), answer.getAnswerText(), answer.getLicenseId(), answer.getQuestionId(), answer.getId()); if (i == 0) throw new RuntimeException("update answers failed for id: " + answer.getId()); if (answer.getAnswerType() == JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.isImage) this.updateImageDetailsInDatabase(answer.getImageDetails()); return i; } private Integer putAnswerInDatabase(Answers answer) { final String sql = "INSERT INTO answers (answerText, answerBool, licenseId, questionId, answerType) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; int i; try { i = this.insertRow(sql, "id", answer.getAnswerText(), answer.getAnswerBool(), answer.getLicenseId(), answer.getQuestionId(), answer.getAnswerType()); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to insert answer into database, " + answer.toString() + ", error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (answer.getAnswerType() == 1) { answer.getImageDetails().setAnswerId(i); if (this.putImageDetailsInDatabase(answer.getImageDetails()) == 0) throw new RuntimeException( "failed to insert image details into database, " + answer.getImageDetails().toString()); } return i; } public boolean userOwnsQuestionId(int questionId, String googleUserId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } public File getLicenseImageForAnswerId(int answerId) { ImageDetails imageDetails = this.getImageDetailsForAnswerId(answerId); return this.getLicenseImageForPhotoNameBucketId(imageDetails.getPhotoName(), imageDetails.getBucketId()); } public Questions putQuestion(Questions question) { this.putQuestionInDatabase(question); return this.getQuestionById(question.getId()); } public Questions updateQuestion(Questions question) { this.updateQuestionInDatabase(question); return this.getQuestionById(question.getId()); } public Users updateUserToType(String googleUserId, int type) { final String sql = "UPDATE users SET type = ? WHERE googleUserId = ?"; int i = this.updateRow(sql, type, googleUserId); if (i == 0) throw new RuntimeException("failed to update googleUserId: " + googleUserId); return this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); } public Users updateUserToDealershipCode(String googleUserId, String dealershipCode) { int dealershipId = this.getDealershipByDealershipCode(dealershipCode).getId(); final String sql = "UPDATE users SET dealershipId = ? WHERE googleUserId = ?"; int i = this.updateRow(sql, dealershipId, googleUserId); if (i == 0) throw new RuntimeException("failed to update googleUserId: " + googleUserId); return this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); } public Users updateUserToDealershipCodeType(String googleUserId, String dealershipCode, int type) { int dealershipId = this.getDealershipByDealershipCode(dealershipCode).getId(); final String sql = "UPDATE users SET dealershipId = ?, type = ? WHERE googleUserId = ?"; int i = this.updateRow(sql, dealershipId, type, googleUserId); if (i == 0) throw new RuntimeException("failed to update googleUserId: " + googleUserId); return this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); } public Dealerships newDealership(Dealerships dealership) { final String sql = "INSERT INTO dealerships (name, city, stateId, dealershipCode, notes) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; int i; try { i = this.insertRow(sql, "id", dealership.getName(), dealership.getCity(), dealership.getStateId(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), dealership.getNotes()); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "insert dealership failed: " + dealership.toString() + ", error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return this.getDealershipById(i); } public Dealerships updateDealership(Dealerships dealership) { final String sql = "UPDATE dealerships SET name = ?, city = ?, stateId = ?, notes = ? WHERE id = ?"; int i = this.updateRow(sql, dealership.getName(), dealership.getCity(), dealership.getStateId(), dealership.getNotes(), dealership.getId()); if (i == 0) throw new RuntimeException("failed to update dealership: " + dealership.toString()); return this.getDealershipById(dealership.getId()); } public GoogleRefreshTokenResponse codeForToken(String code, String redirectUri, String state) throws GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException { String webString = "code=" + code + "&client_id=" + GoogleClientIdWeb + "&client_secret=" + GoogleClientSecretWeb + "&redirect_uri=" + redirectUri + "&grant_type=authorization_code"; String responseBody = this.postRequest(webString, GoogleTokenEndpoint, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(responseBody); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } GoogleRefreshTokenResponse grtr = new GoogleRefreshTokenResponse(json); return grtr; } private String postRequest(String postData, String baseUrl, String contentType) { // Connect to URL url; StringBuilder responseSB = new StringBuilder(); try { url = new URL(baseUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", contentType); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(postData.length())); // connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); // Write data OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream(); os.write(postData.getBytes()); // Read response BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) responseSB.append(line); // Close streams br.close(); os.close(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (ProtocolException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return responseSB.toString(); } private GoogleToken getTokenForUserFromCache(Integer userId) { List<GoogleToken> tokens = this.getList("SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE userid = ? order by expiresAt DESC", GoogleToken.class, userId); if (tokens.size() == 0) return null; GoogleToken gt = tokens.get(0); DateTime expiresAt = new DateTime(gt.getExpiresAt()).minusMinutes(1); // DateTime expiresAt = new DateTime().plusSeconds((int)gt.getExpiresAt()).minusMinutes(1); DateTime now = new DateTime(); if (expiresAt.isAfter(now)) return gt; return null; } public GoogleToken getValidTokenForUser(String googleUserId, Users user) throws GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException { if (user == null) user = this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); GoogleToken gt = this.getTokenForUserFromCache(user.getId()); if (gt != null) return gt; String iosString = "client_secret=" + GoogleClientSecretiOS + "&grant_type=refresh_token" + "&refresh_token=" + user.getRefreshToken() + "&client_id=" + GoogleClientIdiOS; String webString = "refresh_token=" + user.getRefreshToken() + "&client_id=" + GoogleClientIdWeb + "&client_secret=" + GoogleClientSecretWeb + "&grant_type=refresh_token"; String androidString = "refresh_token=" + user.getRefreshToken() + "&client_id=" + GoogleClientIdAndroid + "&client_secret=" + GoogleClientSecretAndroid + "&grant_type=refresh_token"; /* * * client_secret={client_secret}& refresh_token=1/6BMfW9j53gdGImsiyUH5kU5RsR4zwI9lUVX-tqf8JXQ& grant_type=refresh_token url:, params:access_type=offline& */ byte[] body = null; if (user.getDeviceType() == 1) body = iosString.getBytes(); else if (user.getDeviceType() == 2) body = webString.getBytes(); else if (user.getDeviceType() == 3) body = androidString.getBytes(); else throw new RuntimeException("the user's device type doesnt conform to any known types, their type: " + user.getDeviceType()); URL url; JSONObject json = null; try { url = new URL(GoogleRefreshTokenEndpoint); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(body.length); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); conn.getOutputStream().write(body); body = IOUtils.toByteArray(conn.getInputStream()); json = new JSONObject(new String(body)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("malformedUrlException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO make this error handling more comprehensive, if refreshtoken is invalid we need to be able to handle it JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe("couldnt exchange refresh token for googleUserId: " + googleUserId + ", error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); String jsonString = ""; throw new RuntimeException("!IOException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ", deviceType:" + user.getDeviceType() + ", " + new String(body) + ", json: " + jsonString); } catch (JSONException jse) { throw new RuntimeException("JSONException: " + jse.getLocalizedMessage()); } GoogleRefreshTokenResponse grtr = new GoogleRefreshTokenResponse(json); // put token in database for caching this.saveGoogleTokenInCache(grtr, user); return this.getTokenForUserFromCache(user.getId()); } public UsersName getUsersName(String googleUserId) throws UserNameException { GoogleUserInfo gui; UsersName name = new UsersName(); try { gui = this.getGoogleUserInfoWithId(googleUserId); name.setName(gui.getName()); } catch (GoogleUserInfoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); name.setName("<Error getting name>"); return name; } catch (GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new UserNameException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return name; } public GoogleUserInfo getGoogleUserInfoWithId(String googleUserId) throws GoogleUserInfoException, GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException { GoogleToken gt = this.getValidTokenForUser(googleUserId, null); return this.getGoogleUserInfo(gt.getToken()); } public GoogleUserInfo getGoogleUserInfo(String token) throws GoogleUserInfoException { URL url; byte[] body = null; JSONObject json = null; String whatItHas = ""; try { url = new URL(GoogleUserEndpoint); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", token); whatItHas = conn.getRequestProperty("Authorization"); body = IOUtils.toByteArray(conn.getInputStream()); json = new JSONObject(new String(body)); } catch (ProtocolException pe) { throw new RuntimeException("protocolExceptions: " + pe.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("malformedUrlException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IOException: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ", token:" + token + ", auth:" + whatItHas + ", json: " + json + ", e: " + e); } catch (JSONException jse) { throw new RuntimeException("JSONException: " + jse.getLocalizedMessage()); } GoogleUserInfo gui = new GoogleUserInfo(json); return gui; } // Email sending stuff public String sendOnDemandReport(Integer reportType, Integer dealershipId, String replacementEmail) { String finalMessage = "Email Sent"; switch (reportType) { // generates one email object case DAILY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case DAILY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case DAILY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case WEEKLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case WEEKLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case WEEKLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case MONTHLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case MONTHLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case MONTHLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case DAILY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: case WEEKLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: case MONTHLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: String subject = "On-demand report from Salesman Buddy"; String body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, reportType); SBEmail email = SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, null, subject, body, true); email.replaceTo(replacementEmail); try { email.send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); finalMessage = new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealershipId: ") .append(dealershipId).append(", type: ").append(reportType).append(", to:") .append(replacementEmail).append(", on demand summary type, error:") .append(ex.getLocalizedMessage()).toString(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe(finalMessage); } break; // // generates multiple email objects case DAILY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case WEEKLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: case MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: List<SBEmail> emails = generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, reportType); for (SBEmail e : emails) { e.replaceTo(replacementEmail); try { e.send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); finalMessage = new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealershipId: ") .append(dealershipId).append(", type: ").append(reportType).append(", to:") .append(replacementEmail).append(", individual salesman on demand summary type, error:") .append(ex.getLocalizedMessage()).toString(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe(finalMessage); } } break; default: break; } return finalMessage; } private List<SBEmail> generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType(Integer dealershipId, Integer reportType) { DateTime to = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC); DateTime from = null; switch (reportType) { case DAILY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: from = to.minusDays(1).minusMinutes(10); break; case WEEKLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: from = to.minusWeeks(1).minusMinutes(10); break; case MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: from = to.minusMonths(1).minusMinutes(10); break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "report type invalid for generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType"); } List<UserTree> userTrees = this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, reportType); List<SBEmail> emails = new ArrayList<>(); for (UserTree ut : userTrees) { try { String subject = "Report about " + this.getUsersName(ut.getUserId()).getName() + " from Salesman Buddy"; String body = this.individualSalesmanSummaryReport(this.getUserByGoogleId(ut.getUserId()).getId(), from, to); SBEmail email = SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, null, subject, body, true); email.replaceTo(this.getEmailForGoogleId(ut.getSupervisorId())); emails.add(email); } catch (UserNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append( "Error in generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType for getting user's name for userTree: ") .append(ut.toString()).append(", error: ").append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } } return emails; } public void runReportsForType(Integer type) { if (type == DAILY_TYPE) { this.runDailyReports(); } else if (type == WEEKLY_TYPE) { this.runWeeklyReports(); } else if (type == MONTHLY_TYPE) { this.runMonthlyReports(); } else throw new RuntimeException("run reports type not found: " + type); } private void runDailyReports() { List<Dealerships> dealerships = this.getAllDealerships(); String subject = null; String body = null; List<String> toEmails = new ArrayList<>(); Integer type = 0; Integer dealershipId = 0; for (Dealerships d : dealerships) { dealershipId = d.getId(); type = DAILY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Daily Dealership Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Daily dealership summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = DAILY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Daily All Salesman Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Daily all salesman summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = DAILY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Daily Test Drive Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Daily test drive summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = DAILY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; List<SBEmail> emails = this .generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); try { EmailSender.sendEmails(emails); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Daily individual salesman summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } } } private void runWeeklyReports() { List<Dealerships> dealerships = this.getAllDealerships(); String subject = null; String body = null; List<String> toEmails = new ArrayList<>(); Integer type = 0; Integer dealershipId = 0; for (Dealerships d : dealerships) { dealershipId = d.getId(); type = WEEKLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Weekly Dealership Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Weekly dealership summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = WEEKLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Weekly All Salesman Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Weekly all salesmen summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = WEEKLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Weekly Test Drive Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Weekly test drive summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = WEEKLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; List<SBEmail> emails = this .generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); try { EmailSender.sendEmails(emails); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Weekly individual salesman summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } } } private void runMonthlyReports() { List<Dealerships> dealerships = this.getAllDealerships(); String subject = null; String body = null; List<String> toEmails = new ArrayList<>(); Integer type = 0; Integer dealershipId = 0; for (Dealerships d : dealerships) { dealershipId = d.getId(); type = MONTHLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Monthly Dealership Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", Monthly dealership summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = MONTHLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Monthly All Salesman Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", monthly all salesman summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = MONTHLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; subject = "Monthly Test Drive Summary from Salesman Buddy"; body = this.generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); toEmails = this.getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(this.getUserTreeForDealershipIdType(dealershipId, type)); try { SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(REPORTS_EMAIL, toEmails, subject, body, true).send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", monthly test drive summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } type = MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE; List<SBEmail> emails = this .generateIndividualSalesmanSummaryEmailsForDealershipIdReportType(dealershipId, type); try { EmailSender.sendEmails(emails); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder().append("Error sending email about dealership: ") .append(d.toString()).append(", montly individual salesmen summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } } } private List<String> getEmailsForUserFromUserTrees(List<UserTree> userTrees) { List<String> ids; try { ids = this.getUserTreeGoogleIdsForType(userTrees, USER_TREE_TYPE); } catch (InvalidUserTreeType e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return this.getEmailsForGoogleIds(ids); } private List<String> getEmailsForSupervisorFromUserTrees(List<UserTree> userTrees) { List<String> ids; try { ids = this.getUserTreeGoogleIdsForType(userTrees, SUPERVISOR_TREE_TYPE); } catch (InvalidUserTreeType e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return this.getEmailsForGoogleIds(ids); } private String individualSalesmanSummaryReport(Integer userId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { Users user = this.getUserById(userId); List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesForUserIdDateRange(userId, to, from); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { sb.append(this.getUsersName(user.getGoogleUserId()).getName()); } catch (UserNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb.append("<Uknown salesman name>"); } sb.append(" went on ").append(licenses.size()).append(" test drives."); if (licenses.size() > 0) { sb.append("They are:\n"); for (Licenses l : licenses) { String stockNumber = this.getStockNumberForLicenseId(l.getId()); sb.append("Stock Number: ").append(stockNumber); try { StockNumbers sn = this.getStockNumberByStockNumber(stockNumber); if (sn.getStatus() == STOCK_NUMBER_SOLD) sb.append("SOLD!"); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { // Fail silently } sb.append(", Customer: ").append(this.getCustomerNameForLicenseId(l.getId())); sb.append(", When: ") .append(this.printTimeDateForReports(this.getWhenForLicenseCreated(l.getCreated()))); sb.append("\n"); } } // TODO put number of sold here return sb.toString(); } private DateTime getWhenForLicenseCreated(Date created) { // TODO this needs to get checked for time zone problems return new DateTime(created); } private String allSalesmanSummaryReport(Integer dealershipId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { List<Users> salesmen = this.getUsersForDealershipId(dealershipId); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Users s : salesmen) { sb.append(this.individualSalesmanSummaryReport(s.getId(), from, to)); sb.append("\n\n"); } String finalMessage = this.wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(sb.toString(), ReportBeginEnd.AllSalesmen, ReportBeginEnd.AllSalesmen, dealershipId, from, to); return finalMessage; } private String dealershipSummaryReport(Integer dealershipId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { // TODO List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesForDealershipIdDateRange(dealershipId, from, to); List<Users> users = this.getUsersForDealershipId(dealershipId); Dealerships d = this.getDealershipById(dealershipId); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(d.getName()).append(" had ").append(licenses.size()).append(" test drives by ") .append(users.size()); sb.append(" salesmen during this time period. The dealership also sold "); List<StockNumbers> stockNumbers = this.getStockNumbersForDealershipFromTo(dealershipId, from, to); sb.append(stockNumbers.size()); if (stockNumbers.size() == 1) sb.append(" vehicle."); else sb.append(" vehicles."); String finalMessage = this.wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(sb.toString(), ReportBeginEnd.DealershipSummary, ReportBeginEnd.DealershipSummary, dealershipId, from, to); return finalMessage; } private String warningsReport(Integer dealershipId) { // TODO for reporting that scans arent getting stock numbers inputted or insurance questions answered return null; } private String testDriveSummaryReport(Integer dealershipId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesForDealershipIdDateRange(dealershipId, from, to); String licensesMessage = this.createLicensesSummaryForLicenses(licenses, from, to, dealershipId, DEALERSHIP_TYPE); String finalMessage = this.wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(licensesMessage, ReportBeginEnd.TestDriveSummary, ReportBeginEnd.TestDriveSummary, dealershipId, from, to); return finalMessage; } private String createLicensesSummaryForLicenses(List<Licenses> licenses, DateTime from, DateTime to, Integer dealershipId, Integer dealershipType) { // TODO StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (licenses.size() > 0) { sb.append("Test drives taken during this period:\n"); for (Licenses l : licenses) { sb.append("\t"); DateTime when = this.getWhenForLicenseCreated(l.getCreated()); sb.append(this.printTimeDateForReports(when)).append(", Stock Number: "); sb.append(this.getStockNumberForLicenseId(l.getId())).append(", Salesman: "); // TODO mark as stock number sold here try { sb.append(this.getUsersName(this.getUserById(l.getUserId()).getGoogleUserId()).getName()); } catch (UserNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb.append("<Unknown>"); } sb.append(", Customer: "); sb.append(this.getCustomerNameForLicenseId(l.getId())); // TODO mark as customer has been sold to here sb.append("\n"); } } else { sb.append("Your dealership had no test drives recorded during this time period."); } return sb.toString(); } private String getCustomerNameForLicenseId(Integer id) { final String sql = "SELECT q.tag tag, a.answerText answerText FROM answers a, questions q WHERE a.licenseId = ? AND (q.tag = ? OR q.tag = ?) AND a.questionId ="; String firstName = "<Unknown>"; String lastName = "<Unknown>"; try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql)) { statement.setInt(1, id); statement.setInt(2, QUESTION_FIRST_NAME_TAG); statement.setInt(3, QUESTION_LAST_NAME_TAG); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { if (resultSet.getInt("tag") == QUESTION_FIRST_NAME_TAG) firstName = resultSet.getString("answerText"); else if (resultSet.getInt("tag") == QUESTION_LAST_NAME_TAG) lastName = resultSet.getString("answerText"); } resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new RuntimeException(sqle); } if (firstName.equals("<Unknown>") && lastName.equals("<Unknown>")) return "<Unknown>";// so it isnt <Unknown> <Unknown> on the report, just one <Unknown> return new StringBuilder().append(firstName).append(" ").append(lastName).toString(); } private String getStockNumberForLicenseId(Integer licenseId) { final String sql = "SELECT a.answerText answerText FROM answers a, questions q WHERE a.licenseId = ? AND a.questionId = AND q.tag = ?"; String stockNumber = "<Unknown>"; try { stockNumber = this.getRowOneColumn(sql, String.class, "answerText", licenseId, QUESTION_STOCK_NUMBER); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { // Fail silently } return stockNumber; } private String stockNumberSummaryReport(Integer dealershipId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { List<String> stockNumbers = this.getUniqueStockNumbersForDealershipId(dealershipId); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String sn : stockNumbers) { sb.append(this.stockNumberReportForThisStockNumber(sn, from, to)); sb.append("\n"); } String finalMessage = this.wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(sb.toString(), ReportBeginEnd.StockNumberSummary, ReportBeginEnd.StockNumberSummary, dealershipId, from, to); return finalMessage; } private String stockNumberReportForThisStockNumber(String stockNumber, DateTime from, DateTime to) { List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesWithStockNumberFromTo(stockNumber, from, to); StockNumbers sn = null; try { sn = this.getStockNumberByStockNumber(stockNumber); } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { // Do nothing } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Stock Number '").append(stockNumber); if (sn != null) { sb.append(" has a status of "); if (sn.getStatus() == STOCK_NUMBER_SOLD) sb.append("SOLD!"); else if (sn.getStatus() == STOCK_NUMBER_NORMAL) sb.append("not sold"); sb.append(" and"); } sb.append("' has been on ").append(licenses.size()); if (licenses.size() == 1) sb.append(" test drive, "); else if (licenses.size() > 1) sb.append(" test drives, "); else { sb.append(" test drives. The last time was "); List<Licenses> allLicenses = this.getLicensesWithStockNumber(stockNumber); if (allLicenses.size() > 0) { Date date = allLicenses.get(allLicenses.size() - 1).getCreated(); String lastTime = this.printTimeDateForReports(new DateTime(date)); sb.append("on ").append(lastTime).append("."); } else sb.append("never."); return sb.toString(); } if (licenses.size() > 0) { sb.append("taken out by:\n"); for (Licenses l : licenses) { Users user = this.getUserById(l.getUserId()); try { sb.append(this.getUsersName(user.getGoogleUserId()).getName()); } catch (UserNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); sb.append("<Unknown salesman name>"); } sb.append(" with ").append(this.getCustomerNameForLicenseId(l.getId())).append(" on "); sb.append(this.printTimeDateForReports(this.getWhenForLicenseCreated(l.getCreated()))) .append(".\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } private String wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(String content, ReportBeginEnd beginning, ReportBeginEnd ending, Integer dealershipId, DateTime from, DateTime to) { boolean useDefaultEnding = false; String timePeriod = ""; if (to.isAfter(from.plusMonths(1))) timePeriod = "Monthly "; else if (to.isAfter(from.plusWeeks(1))) timePeriod = "Weekly "; else if (to.isAfter(from.plusDays(1))) timePeriod = "Daily "; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Dealerships dealership = this.getDealershipById(dealershipId); String fromTo = new StringBuilder().append(this.printTimeDateForReports(from)).append(" to ") .append(this.printTimeDateForReports(to)).toString(); switch (beginning) { case AllSalesmen: sb.append("All Salesmen ").append(timePeriod).append("summary report for ").append(dealership.getName()) .append(" from ").append(fromTo).append(".\n\n"); sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; case DealershipSummary: sb.append("Dealership-Wide ").append(timePeriod).append("summary report for ") .append(dealership.getName()).append(" from ").append(fromTo).append(".\n\n"); sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; case StockNumberSummary: sb.append("Stock Number ").append(timePeriod).append("summary report for ").append(dealership.getName()) .append(" from ").append(fromTo).append(".\n\n"); sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; case TestDriveNow: sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; case TestDriveSummary: sb.append("Test Drive ").append(timePeriod).append("summary report for ").append(dealership.getName()) .append(" from ").append(fromTo).append(".\n\n"); sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; case Warnings: sb.append("Warnings ").append(timePeriod).append("report for ").append(dealership.getName()) .append(" from ").append(fromTo).append(".\n\n"); sb.append(content); useDefaultEnding = true; break; default: break; } if (useDefaultEnding) sb.append("\n\nThank you for using Salesman Buddy. If you have any questions, contact us at ") .append(SUPPORT_EMAIL); return sb.toString(); } private String printTimeDateForReports(DateTime time) { DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEEE MMMM d, yyyy 'at' K a"); return time.toString(fmt); } private String generateEmailContentForDealershipIdReportType(Integer dealershipId, Integer type) { DateTime now = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("America/Denver")); final Integer BACK_MINUTES = 10; DateTime dayPrevious = now.minusDays(1).minusMinutes(BACK_MINUTES); DateTime weekPrevious = now.minusWeeks(1).minusMinutes(BACK_MINUTES); DateTime monthPrevious = now.minusMonths(1).minusMinutes(BACK_MINUTES); switch (type) { case DAILY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.testDriveSummaryReport(dealershipId, dayPrevious, now); case DAILY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.allSalesmanSummaryReport(dealershipId, dayPrevious, now); case DAILY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.dealershipSummaryReport(dealershipId, dayPrevious, now); case DAILY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.stockNumberSummaryReport(dealershipId, dayPrevious, now); case WEEKLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.testDriveSummaryReport(dealershipId, weekPrevious, now); case WEEKLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.allSalesmanSummaryReport(dealershipId, weekPrevious, now); case WEEKLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.dealershipSummaryReport(dealershipId, weekPrevious, now); case WEEKLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.stockNumberSummaryReport(dealershipId, weekPrevious, now); case MONTHLY_TEST_DRIVE_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.testDriveSummaryReport(dealershipId, monthPrevious, now); case MONTHLY_ALL_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.allSalesmanSummaryReport(dealershipId, monthPrevious, now); case MONTHLY_DEALERSHIP_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.dealershipSummaryReport(dealershipId, monthPrevious, now); case MONTHLY_STOCK_NUMBERS_EMAIL_TYPE: return this.stockNumberSummaryReport(dealershipId, monthPrevious, now); // case DAILY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: // // break; // // case WEEKLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: // // break; // // case MONTHLY_SALESMAN_SUMMARY_EMAIL_TYPE: // // break; default: return "Error, couldn't find correct report type"; } } private void sendEmailsAboutTestDriveForGoogleUserIdLicenseId(String googleUserId, Integer licenseId) { List<UserTree> userTrees = this.getUserTreesForGoogleUserId(googleUserId, ON_TEST_DRIVE_EMAIL_TYPE); List<String> supervisorEmails = this.getEmailsForSupervisorFromUserTrees(userTrees); String subject = "Test drive subject for licenseId: " + licenseId; String message = this.createNowTestDriveMessageForLicenseId(licenseId); SBEmail email = SBEmail.newPlainTextEmail(TEST_DRIVE_NOW_EMAIL, supervisorEmails, subject, message, true); try { email.send(); } catch (MalformedSBEmailException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe(new StringBuilder() .append("Error sending email about googleUserId: ").append(googleUserId).append(", licenseId: ") .append(licenseId).append(", Daily dealership summary type, error:") .append(e.getLocalizedMessage()).toString()); } } private String createNowTestDriveMessageForLicenseId(Integer licenseId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); LicensesListElement lle = this.getLicenseListElementForLicenseId(licenseId); Licenses license = this.getLicenseForLicenseId(licenseId); Users user = this.getUserById(license.getUserId()); String usersName = "<Error getting user's name>"; try { usersName = this.getUsersName(user.getGoogleUserId()).getName(); } catch (UserNameException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe("Error getting user's name: " + user.toString()); } String stockNumber = LicensesListElement.getStockNumberForLicensesListElement(lle); sb.append("A test drive just occurred with "); sb.append(usersName); sb.append(" on vehicle ").append(stockNumber).append(".\n"); sb.append(this.getStatsAboutStockNumber(stockNumber, user.getDealershipId())); sb.append(this.getStatsAboutUserId(user.getId())).append("\n"); String finalMessage = this.wrapReportContentWithBeginningEnd(sb.toString(), ReportBeginEnd.TestDriveNow, ReportBeginEnd.TestDriveNow, user.getDealershipId(), new DateTime(), new DateTime()); return finalMessage; } private String getStatsAboutUserId(Integer userId) { DateTime to = this.getNowTime(); DateTime from = to.minusWeeks(1); List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesForUserIdDateRange(userId, to, from); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("This salesman has had ").append(licenses.size()).append(" test drives in the last week.\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String getStatsAboutStockNumber(String stockNumber, Integer dealershipId) { List<Licenses> licenses = this.getLicensesWithStockNumber(stockNumber); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Stock Number ").append(stockNumber).append(" has been test driven ").append(licenses.size()); sb.append(" times in the last week.\n"); return sb.toString(); } private List<String> getUserTreeGoogleIdsForType(List<UserTree> userTrees, Integer type) throws InvalidUserTreeType { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); for (UserTree u : userTrees) { if (type == JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.SUPERVISOR_TREE_TYPE) ids.add(u.getSupervisorId()); else if (type == JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.USER_TREE_TYPE) ids.add(u.getUserId()); else throw new InvalidUserTreeType("Type " + type + " unknown"); } return ids; } private String getEmailForGoogleId(String supervisorId) { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); ids.add(supervisorId); List<String> emails = this.getEmailsForGoogleIds(ids); if (emails.size() > 0) return emails.get(0); return ERRORED_EMAIL; } public List<String> getEmailsForGoogleIds(List<String> googleIds) { Integer unverifiedEmails = 0; Set<String> recipients = new HashSet<>(); for (String id : googleIds) { GoogleUserInfo gui; try { gui = this.getGoogleUserInfoWithId(id); if (gui.isVerifiedEmail()) { recipients.add(gui.getEmail()); } else { unverifiedEmails++; } } catch (GoogleUserInfoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe("Error getting gui for getEmailsForGoogleIds, id: " + id + ", error" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (GoogleRefreshTokenResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO .sendErrorToMe("Error getting refresh token response for getEmailsForGoogleIds, id: " + id + ", error" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (unverifiedEmails != 0) JDBCSalesmanBuddyDAO.sendErrorToMe("found " + unverifiedEmails + " unverified emails"); return new ArrayList<String>(recipients); } public StockNumbers newStockNumber(StockNumbers stockNumber) { final String sql = "INSERT INTO stockNumbers (dealershipId, stockNumber, status, createdBy, soldBy) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; try { int i = this.insertRow(sql, "id", stockNumber.getDealershipId(), stockNumber.getStockNumber(), stockNumber.getStatus(), stockNumber.getCreatedBy(), stockNumber.getSoldBy()); return this.getStockNumberById(i);// we know this will work because of the above test } catch (NoSqlResultsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("insert stockNumbers failed, sql: " + sql + ", stockNumber: " + stockNumber.toString() + ", error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } // public StockNumbers updateStockNumberSoldOn(Integer id, DateTime at) { // // TODO make sure this works properly // final String sql = "UPDATE stockNumbers SET soldOn = ? WHERE id = ?"; // int i = 0; // try(Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql)){ // statement.setString(1, at.toString()); // statement.setInt(2, id); // i = statement.executeUpdate(); // // }catch(SQLException sqle){ // throw new RuntimeException("StockNumberId: " + id + ", dateTime: " + at.toString() + ", error: " + sqle.getLocalizedMessage()); // } // if(i == 0) // throw new RuntimeException("update stockNumber failed for stockNumberId: " + id + ", dateTime: " + at.toString()); // // try { // return this.getStockNumberById(id); // } catch (NoResultInResultSet e) { // // fail silently // } // return null;// will never happen because update was successful // } public boolean userHasRightsToStockNumberId(Integer stockNumberId, String googleUserId) { Users user = this.getUserByGoogleId(googleUserId); if (user.getType() > 2) return true; StockNumbers stockNumber = this.getStockNumberById(stockNumberId); if (user.getDealershipId() == stockNumber.getDealershipId()) return true; return false; } }